Arsenal Circular 153 – Arsene should not be judged on 2005 to 2013

Yet no other club faced with Arsenal financial restraints could have performed as well as the Gunners managed

Arsenal Circular 153 – Arsene should not be judged on 2005 to 2013

Arsene - Media are loving the civil war between fans

Fans still very split – some of us really want Wenger to succeed and hope that his summer purchases will bring us success. Some really want Wenger to fail and hope that the buys will trigger his departure.

The media are loving it. They want “fan fury” and discord and confrontation and protest. They fan the flames by provocative headlines intended to encourage protest and complaint. The media do well – financially – when there is crisis and brinkmanship – when parties and fans are at locked in combat.

We have a choice – we don’t have to play into the hands of the media. We can keep our commitment to the manager and the team and shout “Arsenal” from the roof tops. But it won’t happen. The differences run too deep – the animosity and the support for Wenger are there and the press want us at each other’s throats.

My position has always been clear. I rate him highly, want him to succeed. I accept that things have gone wrong in the sense that last year should have been our year but I read all the anti-articles whether by knee-jerk haters (of which there are many) or more refined columnists fingering the nails for Arsene’s crucifixion. Arsenal FC is different from other clubs. Arsene is different from other managers. We do not need histrionics on the touchline in the mistaken belief that it adds another 5% to the performance of the team. We do not want to be the record breakers when it comes to transfer fees. We want ability and character and commitment and AW can convey that to his players and bring success.

And to those who are queuing up to dance on Wenger’s grave I give a word of caution – what if this season goes well? What if the new players do make a difference? What if results go our way?

Have you over-committed to the anti-Wenger attacks that success has to be undermined, even ridiculed? What if Xhaka toughens us in midfield and Perez starts as well as Alexis and Santi did and Mustafi slots into central defence and creates competition for the two centre positions. Of course it might not happen but if it does you will have to think about how you respond. Some will show intellectual honesty and praise AW for being his own man and making purchases when he wanted to and not when critical fans demanded it – others will find ways to be so begrudging in their praise that it amounts to more moans. And remember the younger players with promise – Iwobi, Bielik, Adelaide and Willock – will be challenging for places.

I know I am on a hiding to nothing. Friends have urged me to be low key but I prefer to be out front and make the case for a man who I believe still has it within him to bring success back to AFC.

I think RVP left three years ago – his departure marked the end of AFC being a selling Club. AW had kept us in the top four while selling the Crown Jewels. No other club faced with our financial restraints had performed as well as AW. Always in the top four, sometimes even challenging for honours. So Arsene should be judged not from 2005 but from 2013.

I think we are set for an exciting season. I hope the main events are on the pitch and not in the crowd. It is the performance of the team and not the organised protests of the anti-AW brigade that matters. Trite phrase I now but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Good Luck Arsene – I hope you make it.

I am on twitter@arsenalcircular

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  1. tpm

    Sep 01, 2016, 17:46 #92726

    @ stephen, see my responses: -On the plus side he is incredibly dedicated to the club, I hear he is the first on the traing ground and last to leave every day. --- errm hes the manager i should hope he was dedicated and is the first in last out! -Whilst one can criticise a lack of plan B, he has players playing exciting football which has been good to watch. --- errm no it hasnt been good for over 5 years at least, its tippy tappy sideways broing rubbish constantly passing around the box with no end product, we have not played good football for an age so no idea what you are watching, yet another myth of the akb you spout. -Despite the endless criticism he has bought 6, repeat 6 outfield players, of whom Xhaka looks the most promising for years to become a midfield boss, Mustaphi is an experienced International and something we have craved, Kelechi an outstanding prospect, Holding maybe a gem??, and I know nothing about Perez or the Japanese player now loaned out.--- all unproven at the highest level, how experienced is mustafi? 12 german caps is all, he may be good but again its a stab in the dark, as for the younger players, who knows so many wasted talents in recent years. -He has also offloaded some such as Arteta, Flamini we don't need and possibly one or two more before Wednesday.---yes he has but 3 years too late! -The squad now looks competitive and I am beginning to feel hopeful again.---yet still no quality striker - As to buying late as the moaners lament, I think AW was right to say how difficult the market has been with the EPL being awash with money, causing silly prices. I think he has done well!!---just absolute rubbish. -The downside is the Board which has a majority of 70 and 80 year olds on it, and they won't change until new, younger blood joins them. Nothing we can do about it!---you know how old AW is right? and he sits on the board too... -Finding talent must be incredibly difficult with every club boosting their talent spotters, and Arsenal have to improve here if they can. --- geez....

  2. mbg

    Aug 31, 2016, 12:17 #92659


  3. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 31, 2016, 9:25 #92642

    Mediocre football club. Mediocre on the pitch. Mediocre owner. Mediocre chief executive. Mediocre owner. Too many fans accepting of mediocrity."Only the mediocre are always at their best..." - Jean Giraudoux. I'm past caring... WENGER OUT! GAZIDIS OUT! KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  4. Fact

    Aug 31, 2016, 8:11 #92640

    I'd rather be a woman than Oirish.

  5. Kate Mead

    Aug 30, 2016, 23:09 #92633

    Another nail in the Gooners coffin is allowing sexist comments like the one above. Please can this fanzine update itself?

  6. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 17:51 #92617

    Kate Mead accusing one man of doing something her messiah has been doing for years and is still doing, how ironic, shouldn't you be ironing or something. wenger out.

  7. Josh

    Aug 30, 2016, 9:47 #92583

    Would love to know what your definition of knee-jerk is? Fans are fed up with the same mistakes and lack of action from Wenger that have been going on for years. He doesn't have to break the bank or set record transfer fee's. But when it takes nearly 9 years to replace your goal keeper then its quite hard to defend the man...

  8. Kate Mead

    Aug 29, 2016, 22:34 #92579

    Website editor- I fear for your mental health. So, you allowed a semi-pro Wenger article on an Arsenal fan site? Well done you! But then you apply ad hominem to anyone who might agree with it by naming them as trolls. You even suggest I'm one. I read everything you write. You sound paranoid to me. You are also obsessed. Last year we beat Spurs at their place and you moaned about it! It's a shame that one man's obsession is bringing a good fanzine down. I think you reached a new low to threaten changing the whole comment policy to filter out 'trolls'. Isn't that the sort of behaviour of a dictator? It's certainly threatening.

  9. mbg

    Aug 29, 2016, 21:08 #92578

    OBG, and even IF TOF used to know is very debatable (and has been)he had men around him then that knew, and players on the pitch that knew, and needed no coaching, they were the men that knew and who's reputation he's living off now, they all left or were got rid off (a lot of them by him too)since then he's tried to go it alone and has failed miserably, a lot will tell you wenger never knew and still doesn't or never will. wenger out.

  10. mbg

    Aug 29, 2016, 17:00 #92572

    Tee hee hee.

  11. Stevo

    Aug 29, 2016, 14:20 #92564

    Watch Arsenal Fan TV for the real opinions on matches and Wenger.

  12. frank stroud

    Aug 29, 2016, 13:49 #92560

    My sentiments exactly.

  13. OBG

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:16 #92550

    Arsene Used to Know...Once Upon A Time...Not any more ....He is now Clueless. The World and the world of football has move don from when he arrived young(ish) with fresh a ideas and new interpretations of already established training methods and health regimes. All of those who bring (good) changes to their chosen field have their 'time in the sun', the secret is knowing when to step down and move into another area of that chosen field. Fergie did it brilliantly....and as much as he is a c**t he was the best manager English football has known. Wenger ran him close for 8 seasons...But now Wenger's time as a manager/coach is done, it has been for at least 8 season's and yet he clings on thinking he still ha what it takes to win the prem & the CL - He will NEVER EVER achieve that, so instead of clinging on desperately by his finger nails to the £8.3 million a year he really should do himself and THE Arsenal a favour and move aside...NOT go upstairs but perhaps become a major figure in FIFA or whatever...But, his time as a manager s over and done...He (and his methods - I won't say Tactics because he doesn't do them) are out-moded, there are new ways and new kids on the block to put them into practise, so please leave wenger you have become an embarrassment, and that is Sad, Truly Sad because you have given me some of the most joyous and best (football) times of my Life, I thank you for that, but time to move along and let the natural evolution begin and continue at our club. Anyone who thinks we can win the Prem Title or the CL under Wenger is as deluded as he is.

  14. Website Editor

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:49 #92546

    Kate Mead (97998) - "Website editors definition of a troll: Anyone who doesn't agree with him" - the same website editor that posted Graham Perry's article! Jamerson's use of different names to post his views, as well as it being obvious he is a WUM - means he gets special treatment. Whether or not Kate is just another Jamerson alias remains to be seen.

  15. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:15 #92540

    Fact - I do occasionally mix up the schedules. I stopped going 4 / 5 seasons back as I was no longer prepared to give my support for Grandma Wenger. I do keep 2 x Silvers memberships even though it puts money into the regime. On the basis that Wengo will go at some point and my son who is 3 will become a fan ( I hope ) Leekey should be happy with my protest as he always is looking for real action not whinging the joke of course is that further action will just undermine Wengo more so it's the last thing he wants. Leekey is also insane if he things this is our most successful period.

  16. Peter

    Aug 29, 2016, 8:41 #92539

    Lets get back to the football eh. It is so much better with Santi in midfield and also anyone can tell me if there is a better right back than Bellerin in the world now?

  17. Edmund

    Aug 29, 2016, 7:34 #92538

    Its a sad state of affairs when a fan site needs a few AKBs posing as many. Graham, as an Arsenal fan, I would love it if we won the EPL and CL this season and Wenger proves me wrong. But like many ex-supporter of AW, I fear GroundHog day again or worse, a slide into obscurity Aston Villa style.

  18. Fact

    Aug 29, 2016, 6:53 #92537

    Mark from A thought we were at home to Watford at the w/end.

  19. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 28, 2016, 23:50 #92536

    Leekie - Give it a rest. I've had more conversations on here with mbg and other real gooners about Arsenal than you will ever have. Many of us have a shared heritage that involves a pre-wenger Arsenal when the club meant something more than a money-making monolith. You and Jamee (unless you're still one person that is), on the other hand, are like empty shells: you show no recollection of big games; important players; turning points in our history; nor an understanding of what it means to support Arsenal rather than any other club. All you ever do is crap on about your beloved Mr Wenger and spout the most dreadful platitudes like "be careful what you wish for" or "eff orf down the lane". Many on here have accused you of being a Johnny-come-lately (fnarr fnarr), and I suspect they're probably right. But with people like MBG, SKG, Ron, Bard, Redsleeves..., Mark from A, Jjet, Exeter, Cyril and countless others on the correct side of this argument, you just know the club meant an enormous amount to them before weng started to dismantle it. You, on the other hand, sound like a consumer who's much more afraid of change than he is about the future of the club.

  20. Leek fc

    Aug 28, 2016, 22:40 #92535

    mbg.... It's not about having anyone in somebody's pocket, getting the better of someone. It's purely and simply supporting the Arsenal, for which you do not. Leave aside the anti Wenger.... In the last 2 years or so, I hear no praise from you in anything Arsenal that you have posted. It's boring boring boring maguire along with several of your dictators. Wenger will stay.

  21. mbg

    Aug 28, 2016, 22:17 #92534

    ArseneKnewBest, I tip my hat, you've had old leeky, jamerson, carl rawlings, Bridget the Midget, and all his other aliases in your pocket for days now, it's been hilarious, I remember jw used to love doing the same to two or three AKB's when he took the notion but he retired them a long time ago, you can let them out of your pocket now anytime.

  22. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 28, 2016, 21:23 #92533

    Leek - you are not Arsenal, really in the grand scheme of things you are nothing. You speak for no one and in reality you disappear when Arsenal lose.

  23. mbg

    Aug 28, 2016, 20:31 #92532

    jj, yes right on cue too, like one of his messiah's substitutions, and another judge him in may cry changed to reassess in mid April, you couldn't make it up, and I hear (only hear ?)he's the first on the training pitch and last off it, what the fook does he do then drive the lawn mower. We shouldn't laugh really. wenger out now.

  24. Leek fc

    Aug 28, 2016, 20:27 #92531

    What it will tell us mbg is that we are heading in the right direction. That is something you are very frightened of because you are so so negative and you are afraid of facts.

  25. mbg

    Aug 28, 2016, 19:57 #92530

    Is anyone surprised the Editor is holding off his report ? maybe he isn't even going to do one, and just right, after all what difference is it going to make, what's it going to tell us ? after all wenger will still be a fraud and like the last four years it's still time for him to go. wenger out tonight.

  26. Cyril

    Aug 28, 2016, 19:55 #92529

    GS- since the move to the Emirates, sadly it's been really embarrassing listening to the away fans out sing us. Theres a few reasons for that I know, and one of them is that in true Arsenal class, we have allowed them the best views right in front the corner to the goal. See Barca and Newcastle for bad view experience for the fans. I can see the Pyrenees mountain range when i take in trip to that stadium. There is a strong argument for safe standing and I know vic crescit who used to write on here, whom I know personally and have had more than a few scoops with, had great knowledge of this. Germany take the lead here. It would certainly improve the atmosphere.

  27. Leek fc

    Aug 28, 2016, 19:38 #92528

    Since 1886. Mr Wenger has given you the best Arsenal years of your life. Fact.

  28. GS

    Aug 28, 2016, 19:34 #92527

    Stephen : you make some reasonanle points, and we should all get behind the team , if the Emirates was quiet v liverpool, that because there is more disgruntled fans than we are lead to believe , good that we have bought some new players , can Wenger bring the best out of them , can Wenger motivate, inspire, and give the players belief, which in turn lifts the fans , 10 seasons tells us maybe not. I love Arsenal, I have no living sentiment for Wenger, as I've said before, the only constant in a football club are the fans , your asking us to give him another season, but as a fan , I can only expect what I've seen the last 10, I want arsenal to win everything, I just don't think Wenger has the know how to do it, Wenger would have my respect , if when he fails he holds his hands up and says , it's down to me , no else, but he always plays the blame game , refs, press, injuries , fans, along with funds etc, that is why after 10yrs he gas lost my respect . I always want arsenal to win, as for Wenger , no goodwill anymore .

  29. Leek fc

    Aug 28, 2016, 18:43 #92526

    But Mark. We are the Arsenal. If you want the best every year. Toddle off to Spain. History will explain that to you once you can get your head round it. Wenger must stay.

  30. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 28, 2016, 18:09 #92525

    It must upset you Leek that you've never been able to put half an argument for Wenger staying instead relying on others so you have a major cheek trying to slate others for lack of arguament. It's as simple as this if he wins the title much would be forgiven. If he doesn't why should we keep him. Last year he screwed up big time, this year he's already wasted 5 points. His record over the last 10 years has been mediocre and no other top 5 team in Europe would put up with it

  31. Leek fc

    Aug 28, 2016, 17:35 #92524

    Stephen. Arguably, the best post on this site for many, many years. The fools on here keep asking for a debate and once they have it, they (jj and crew) f..k it up with no defence other than a fickle comment about another Arsenal website Wenger will stay. Best manager this club has ever seen.

  32. KC

    Aug 28, 2016, 17:06 #92523

    Stephen some of your points are correct and some of the negativity on here is way over the top. The realism is the constant repeated mistakes. The point about off loading players is correct although it's two to three years to late. He is here this season lets just hope he is judged on performances and points and anything else than a proper title challenge results in him not being offered a new contract, I For one will support as normal in the mean time.

  33. jjetplane

    Aug 28, 2016, 17:03 #92522

    And there you have another Moaner who is telling us to get behind this insipid backward version of Arsenal. Why don't you just go to Untold and preach to the converted or is it that secretly you know they are a bore and Wenger should have left years ago. Not as though you sound that happy with yesterday's Convenient win ..... Better off at Brent Cross Shopping .....

  34. Stephen

    Aug 28, 2016, 16:52 #92521

    I sympathise with much of what Graham writes. Whilst most Gooner articles are good, there is a competition amongst a dozen or so readers to be as negative about the club in general and Arsene Wenger in particular. This is becoming predictable and boring and of little value. On the plus side he is incredibly dedicated to the club, I hear he is the first on the traing ground and last to leave every day. Whilst one can criticise a lack of plan B, he has players playing exciting football which has been good to watch. Despite the endless criticism he has bought 6, repeat 6 outfield players, of whom Xhaka looks the most promising for years to become a midfield boss, Mustaphi is an experienced International and something we have craved, Kelechi an outstanding prospect, Holding maybe a gem??, and I know nothing about Perez or the Japanese player now loaned out. He has also offloaded some such as Arteta, Flamini we don't need and possibly one or two more before Wednesday. The squad now looks competitive and I am beginning to feel hopeful again. As to buying late as the moaners lament, I think AW was right to say how difficult the market has been with the EPL being awash with money, causing silly prices. I think he has done well!! The downside is the Board which has a majority of 70 and 80 year olds on it, and they won't change until new, younger blood joins them. Nothing we can do about it! Finding talent must be incredibly difficult with every club boosting their talent spotters, and Arsenal have to improve here if they can. So, please accept. Wenger will be the manager this season. If we do badly I guess he will not be offered a new contract, if we do well, he will get an offer to extend and perhaps will deserve it. Lets try to get behind the team and make them, esp the new players feel that we want them to play for Arsenal. The crowd were so quiet against Liverpool, even in the first half. Lets have a moratorium on moaning till, say, mid-April, and then lets re-assess. In the meantime, stop telling us that you no longer go, but how you support the team. Not much else to do.

  35. OBG

    Aug 28, 2016, 16:13 #92520

    Yet more Panic Buys by Wenger the Clueless. The sooner he goes the better he gets £32k a DAY! For what!? For sitting on his arris during the summer getting paid even more for French Punditry has the man name shame. The fact that Vardy turned us down says all we need to know. Wenger is an embarrassment to the club and he is slowly taking us down with him. We were once the Bench Mark for "Class" Not any longer and not till wenger is gone and wiggy moved out can we begin to reclaim our honour and class. #WENGEROUT

  36. KC

    Aug 28, 2016, 15:49 #92519

    MBG - it's all a hypothetical because Wenger will not win the league. If we are wrong and he does you cannot have it both ways, we would have to give credit and enjoy the achievement. I am an Arsenal fan and as such want my team to be the best. I do not have your hate for the man I just believe his time is up and he really frustrates me. For all his faults I remember GG and the **** he put on the pitch, Selley, Hillier, Jensen, Kiyoma, Helder, selling Cole and keeping Campbell, the football was shocking therefore as frustrating as Wenger has been he has never gone to those lows. I dislike Wengers arrogance, power and disrespect for us fans but I still want us to win because that's what football is about. We cannot have the God argument in reverse where everything crap his his fault and everything good is to someone else's credit that would makes us no different to Untold, if he won the league he deserves credit, and for the record there is no God although DB came close.

  37. mbg

    Aug 28, 2016, 15:24 #92518

    ArseneKnewBest, spot on, the wenger Andrex man would rather those (like all the other humiliations and embarrassments from the last ten years)be air brushed out of his history along with the others to come, but no matter what happens this season or whatever TOF manages to fluke ( or doesn't)it will still be wenger out.

  38. Wilson

    Aug 28, 2016, 14:53 #92517

    I have never understood this argument. We were always a member of the traditional 'big 4'. And when Liverpool fell off the pace, it was David Moyes Everton, Harry Redknapp's Tottenham, and Martin Oniells Aston Villa who were our main rivals for 4th place. I dont see the brilliance in seeing of these clubs and managers.

  39. Rex Skeeter

    Aug 28, 2016, 14:45 #92516

    I'm one who is in Perry's camp. As long as Arsenal continue to be a club that must balance its books--and that is certainly to be Arsenal's future under Kroenke--there are no Pep Guardiolas in our future. In another 5 years, there will be at least 3 more EPL teams with owners like United, Chelsea, and City. Arsenal are in for a rough ride. Wenger is not really the issue. The next manager will not be able to compete with these clubs either.

  40. Bard

    Aug 28, 2016, 14:42 #92515

    R Meade; how do you drown yourself.? Hold your head underwater. So according to you this site will cease to exist in what a weeks time always assuming that Kev and Co can manage to drown themselves. Ridiculous post

  41. mbg

    Aug 28, 2016, 14:02 #92514

    GS, my thoughts exactly, and we're all pleased for for the players with a win (regardless of what some wengerites think)but we'll not haven gotton moist last night after it like them because we know what's just around the corner. wenger out today.

  42. Jumpers for goalposts

    Aug 28, 2016, 13:25 #92513

    Utterly pathetic article. So many inaccuracies as the author tries to absolve Wenger of blame. I, like so many Gooners make my own judgement on Wenger and mine is based on 10 years of bottling it whenever the pressure comes on. Ridiculous to suggest that we're influenced by the media as they are so pro Wenger. And trying to use young players that might come good ignores the huge list of failures like Merida, Aliadiere, Bendtner, Owusu-Abayie, Bentley, Gibbs, Lupoli and many others. Plus Graham tries to make out that Wenger was financially constrained but he chooses to omit the tens of millions wasted on huge contracts for rubbish like Eboue, Gervinho, Song, Bendtner, Almunia, Denilson, Gallas, Kallstrom, Szczesny, Walcott and so many others.

  43. Nick

    Aug 28, 2016, 13:17 #92512

    As an Arsenal supporter I of course ALWAYS want us to win regardless of who our manager is ! The trouble with Wengers allies is that they always refer to the latest failure ignoring all the others ! It isn't because of ONE season where we faimed miserably it's because of the last 11 seasons in the league ! Yes he had financial constraints but I refuse to believe they were as harsh as we are told ,we had a perfectly affordable mortgage on the stadium we were not paupers RVP left because of differences in the way the ambitions of the club were going not just for a payday he was nearing the end of his career and wanted success which knew he would NOT get with us ! The mistakes and blatant ignoring of troubled areas within the team are not all down to money we only have to look at last season's title winners to see that a well organised team fighting for each other can be as formidable as a team put together with millions and filled with star players ! No one that I know of has ever suggested that we pay ridiculous money for a Messi as Wenger has implied before we merely wanted deficiencies addressed in the squad and to use our resources to the best of our ability! I of course hope as I always have done for the past half century and before for my Arsenal to sweep all before them if Wenger should achieve success then I shall be happy for him and all Gooners but should we continue to see the same errors in tactics and the same lack of motivation within the team then at seasons end i shall along with many others be calling for time on Wengers tenure ,none of the asignin be careful what you wish for tripe all things come to an end and all of us find our powers waning with age the Frenchman is not immune to the passage and ravages of time ,whether next season or not the time for a younger man at the helm is fast approaching regardless of any achievements or lack of !

  44. RedPig

    Aug 28, 2016, 12:20 #92511

    The double standards this article displays is laughable. If Arsenal have a good season then us Wenger critics need to think how we will respond and show some intellectual honesty do we? What, like the way the Wenger supporters did last season? Unbelievable. If Arsenal had won the title last season then you know damn well the likes of Perry would have been incessant in their efforts to get people to acknowledge Wenger had proved them wrong, despite the previous 7-8 seasons of failure. As we all know though, Wenger failed yet again (and should have paid the price of losing his job like other managers did) but the likes of Graham Perry just dismiss this and carry on as though Wenger has an unlimited amount of attempts to get it right. And to them, he only needs to get it right just the one time to cancel out getting it wrong so many times.

  45. Guy in Jersey

    Aug 28, 2016, 12:04 #92510 we're no longer a selling club? I'm sure there are a lot of clubs who wouldn't mind getting their hands on Ozil and Sanchez, and I'm sure Bellerin will be off at some point, but unfortunately the reason we're not a selling club is that no-one wants to buy our players (and it doesn't help that so many of them are vastly overpaid). Our lack of transfers is also a indictment of Wenger's lack of ruthlessness and inability to admit when he's wrong, i.e. players going out on loan for season after season ('cos they're never going to make it at Arsenal) instead of being sold-off (at a loss if necessary) to make room in an over-bloated squad.

  46. Raphael Meade

    Aug 28, 2016, 11:09 #92509

    Online gooner is slowly drowning itself

  47. Kate Mead

    Aug 28, 2016, 11:01 #92508

    Website editors definition of a troll: Anyone who doesn't agree with him.

  48. Devils Desciple

    Aug 28, 2016, 9:11 #92507

    Oh Jamerson of many identities and chameleon of character. I write to you as your devoted servant to inform you of most wonderful news. I prepared a toilet roll tube and stuck course grain sandpaper in the inside of the tube as you instructed. Whilst we chanted the incantation I used this rigorously on Leekey. Apart from being our intellectual member of the coven. He surely is the bravest as even when screaming and groaning he cried Wenger must Stay! The result at Watford surely must be as a result of this powerful Magik. Though we failed to arouse the Spirit of Pan we did at least arouse Leekey. Lastly I realise that you are not happy with the state of the caravan so I have cleared things up a bit. I fear that if we hired a cleaner the fetish masks, studded whips and big boy dildos will lead to rumours all over the caravan site. I believe the bird watchers cover is still believed . We remain your faithful followers.

  49. Graham Perry

    Aug 27, 2016, 23:40 #92506

    Arseneknewbest-Get stuffed pork face.

  50. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 27, 2016, 21:37 #92505

    Leekie boy - seeing as you're trying to get all metaphysical...I have to say that I'm not sure you're you any more. I think you're spending so much time (literally and figuratively) inside Jamee - who may or may not be your alter ego - you've possibly reached a point where you no longer exist. I'd like to feel some empathy for you but you're so 'orrible that I can't. No disrespect Leekie (well, maybe just a little bit) - you've given me a lot of laughs with your caravan capers. Sadly though, I think you're about to expire. See you in hades with your friend with the scorched red buttocks. Oh and Mr Wenger too.

  51. GoonerRon

    Aug 27, 2016, 21:30 #92504

    We won away. I'm happy. And I'm so pleased I can appreciate a win and accept it for what it's worth, i.e. 3 points and 3 goals, without a 10 year context.

  52. Leek fc

    Aug 27, 2016, 21:06 #92503

    Arseknowsbest 23:20 25 August. Read it again. You must try harder. Wenger must stay.

  53. CT Gooner

    Aug 27, 2016, 20:56 #92502

    Again though, great first half, but what happened in the dressing room at the break?? We didn't even turn up in the second. Did Gomez even have to make a stop, I remember a couple of overhit chips?? Difficult to see Watford as anything but a bottom 5 team...

  54. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 27, 2016, 20:51 #92501

    The execrable Graham Perry might describe the season thus far as follows: "Mr Wenger cannot be at fault for the pre-season, and nor can he be blamed for the Liverpool and Filberts games. He was operating under self-imposed (nb: still not his fault) financial austerity and the ringworm on his scrotum that he caught in jamee son's caravan severely undermined his ability. But as of about 4.30 this afternoon, when we thrashed the mighty Watford, Wenger can of course be sycophantically praised for delivering the win. However, given that Asano's next game is against Southampton who have recently done rather well against us, I'm suspending a decision as to whether the result can be added to his illustrious history, pending the er, result". See Graham - explained this way, your theory looks absolutely stupid and your credibility completely shot. A return to losing ways will not only hasten weng's departure for the chihuahua ranch, it'll also keep you quiet, because you only tend to pop up when there's relatively good news. Here's a challenge - try writing a piece of b.s. like this after our next defeat (which won't be too far away given the the CL and COC are coming up). Jamee-Leekie - a little disappointed you didn't tell me where you were drinking today. I'd have loved to have joined you for an amontillado and a stream of abuse. I guess caravan love has to take precedence.

  55. Peter

    Aug 27, 2016, 20:17 #92500

    Spot on. Good by the Moaner to publish this. Perhaps return to sanity might arrive. Doubt it. Emotion is good, but not always a good judge.

  56. jjetplane

    Aug 27, 2016, 20:16 #92499

    No need for any referee report this week with such a resounding win from the championes elect. Last week Walt's (Disneyworld) router went down but this week his report was posted from Belgium via Dubai and Bangkok. St Tony is taking communion at St Wenger's but will be back to crow shortly. On a more serious note we beat Horsham and are level points with the league's leaders. Peacehaven here we come! My conclusion on Sanchez and Ozil is thus - they were not good enough for the big boys who win CLs and league titles for fun and are now happy to pick up the money and beat the likes of Watford ... they have found their niche and let us be happy for the little mites .... Liam Baitup is my hero and cannot stop scoring around the 90th minute to win games. He scored on the 90th again today and a tidy little crowd and a few dogs and gulls went crazy! Love football - bored with Wenger ....

  57. Bard

    Aug 27, 2016, 18:29 #92498

    I think we have turned a corner. Watford are a top side. I feel a champions league final round the corner. Stan has tweeted ' Can anyone tell me what the champions league is?' He also wrote yesterday is Watford a garden centre and if so what are we doing playing them?

  58. GS

    Aug 27, 2016, 18:25 #92497

    mbg: AKB's and Untold Anal will be in a winning I told you so meltdown , they believe that one swallow makes a summer , and will not recall the shambles of the last 10 yrs , the embarrassments we have to endure under Wenger .... Pleased for the fans & players , as for Wenger , he will wallow in his smugness .

  59. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 17:49 #92496

    GS, yes we're up and running again)and it's on (again). wenger out.

  60. Smithy

    Aug 27, 2016, 17:39 #92495

    Away win and 3 points. Well done lads. Something to build on.

  61. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 17:38 #92494

    Any wenger out chants today I wonder ? or does the fact we've steamrolled and belly tickled the mighty Watford make everything alright again ? wenger out regardless.

  62. GS

    Aug 27, 2016, 16:52 #92493

    3-1, There's only one arsene Wenger - we'r gonna win the league !! 3pts in the bag, PL winners here we come !!! ---- Err I don't think so , happy for the fans and the players - Wenger still clueless - Wenger out .

  63. GoonerRon

    Aug 27, 2016, 15:55 #92492

    @ mbg - I believe it's pretty common practice for transfer fees to be paid in instalments - not sure why you work yourself up into a frenzy about such things.

  64. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 15:31 #92491

    KC, admit you are wrong if TOF wins the league ??? (cough)why the fook should you ? what for ? or anyone else either, just because the old fraud happens to win the league (and if we do you can bet it wont be down to him and that's if he's even still here) once in eleven seasons after all the embarrassments and humiliations ? you must be f*****g joking mate, no it won't make one tiny bit of Difference, Nothing will Change, it will still be, we want wenger out.

  65. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 15:10 #92490

    Apparently the perez deal nearly hit a snag or has, Arsenal or should I say this useless old fraud of a manager we have wanted to pay the fee by instalments, what a useless old bumbler he just hates having to spend and others get one over on him. Like I said well done to the person who really spent the money and bought these players for all the good their going to be when wenger gets his grubby hands on them. We want wenger out.

  66. Alpha6bw

    Aug 27, 2016, 13:34 #92489

    you gotta be joking with this article, two new players signed and now magically we're set for a title challenge despite losing five points to teams we should of beaten liverpool if Mustafi and Leceister for Perez was bought before the season started. Points will be lost when we face both Manchester Clubs (Jose and Pep record against Arsene speaks for itself) and a resurgent Chelsea. Arsenal will get a 3 or 4th place finish as Spurs Choke(they will)letting Arsenal into Champions League Qualification again. A club of Arsenal stature should not be taken as a joke by other teams but feared, unfortunately Arsenal are fast becoming the Dallas Cowboys of the Premership who's only concern is making a profit out of anything associated with the club but no longer want to challenge for the Premiership and Champions League!

  67. RedPig

    Aug 27, 2016, 13:19 #92488

    Emess Post No. 97961 - Great post. I didnt see it before I posted so I apologise if it looks like I copied you by using the word bollocks in response to the above piece :) In fairness it is the most appropriate word.

  68. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 13:05 #92487

    Emess, good post, but someone with good writing skills ? ( he shouldn't give up the day job) i'm afraid you've had a knee jerk reaction. wenger out now.

  69. RedPig

    Aug 27, 2016, 13:02 #92486

    Hmmm I see there are some polite responses to this delusional cultist nonsense ... I have no interest in responding that way to such half-baked drivel. It is written by a tedious bore who clearly likes to see himself as some sort of voice of reason. A brave figure swimming against the tide in a sea of hysteria. Yes there he is, bold Graham Perry back again and still prepared to stand alone. Shining like a beacon of loyalty and common sense through a thick fog of ingratitude and ignorance. I realise my response will likely get removed, but until it is removed, I would just like to take the opportunity to point out that this article is a complete load of b0ll0cks!

  70. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 12:54 #92485

    The AKB's are certainly on the run (as if we didn't already know) having to resort to making up numerous monikers for themselves in order to make it look like they had support, Sad, wenger out now.

  71. jjetplane

    Aug 27, 2016, 12:29 #92484

    Odious listening to Wenger (eating leeedle croissant) talking about the two also rans he has just purchased as being overpriced. He starts off saying you are not worth the money but then look at Theo, Jack, Per, etc .... Then look at Wenger on 8m and even the press are passing the sick bag with every leeeeedle comment smirked out of the side of the Day Manager's dribbling gob. Why is GOONERon so worried about a handful of WOBS when his 60 thou brothers and sisters at the WOK are in tandem with him but probably not quite so interested with the detail as long as the menus change as much as the shirts. GS Untold Anal does it with the JOB! lol!

  72. jjetplane

    Aug 27, 2016, 12:07 #92483

    Thought JANET was Jamerson's most heartfelt yet so is Jamerson a cross dressing bingo bird with a Bates Motel thing going on out there on the rain swept Fens. Be careful where you stop off Leekie - mind you you have thing about starting conversations with strangers who I am assuming you wish to throw them in the car boot if they are of a WOB nature and drive them straight into the clutches of Janet with her make-up streaming in the rain. Might polish this up for a screewriting class - cheers 'lads' .....

  73. Website Editor

    Aug 27, 2016, 11:29 #92482

    "I'm checking out now no more posts from me" - Post No. 97964 - Translated: I will lie low for 2 or 3 days, change my IP address and begin trolling again under a different name. - As long as the pro-Wenger comments are reasonable, we won't spot you. But when they go OTT, or start to include Biblical passages it will be obvious Jamerson is trolling again. Like Arnie in the Terminator, he'll be back.

  74. GS

    Aug 27, 2016, 11:28 #92481

    Once Wenger leaves, hopefully he can take Untold with him, as that site will no longer have reason to exist , a completely pointless website, if ever there was one. Analysing, Analysing and re-Analysing, Only one word for it Anal. It brings Afc into disrepute every time it posts a story, with a totally myopic view and a disgrace to the good name of Arsenal.

  75. dan

    Aug 27, 2016, 10:52 #92480

    knee jerk, this clown said KNEE JERK!!! hahahahahahhahahahahahahahah, do us all a massive favour and never ever, ever let this idiot write another piece again, thank you.

  76. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 27, 2016, 10:44 #92479

    GoonerRon, personally I'm not dreaming of another top 4 finish and a new contract for Arsene. I'd take finishing lower down the table if it means he goes.

  77. Mark From Aylesbury

    Aug 27, 2016, 10:34 #92478

    Gooner Ron the problem is that a number of AKB's refuse to see beyond Arsene and do cannot separate at all

  78. GoonerRon

    Aug 27, 2016, 10:05 #92477

    @ Exeter - well actually it's not totally wrong as it's an opinion. If you care about Arsenal how can sustained hostility be good for the club in the here and now, for the game today and next week, the week after, for the rest of the season? I know it's Arsenal FC not Arsene FC but whether you like it or not Arsene is still a big part of Arsenal and it's impossible to compartmentalise them both from each other.

  79. GS

    Aug 27, 2016, 9:54 #92476

    Emess : Good Post, don't understand why other cant see Wenger for what he has become. Also the article states to disregard season's 2005 to 2012, Really, you couldn't make it up. As i've always said, I support Arsenal the football club, not Wenger or the regime, who's only view of the fans is in being their "Cash Cow"...wish the boys luck to day and every game, but with a numpty on the bench they will need it.

  80. Jamerson

    Aug 27, 2016, 9:49 #92475

    I'm checking out now no more posts from me.

  81. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 27, 2016, 9:37 #92474

    Far more sensible comment from Martin Keown. If Arsenal don't win the title it will be seen as failure (today's Mail) Now as we know UTD are going on all cylinders, City are starting to roll and Chelsea are doing their usual along with Spurs probably good for top 4. Martin is I guess privately thinking we don't stand a chance. My only conclusion is Martin is basically saying Wenger end of season you need to go.

  82. KC

    Aug 27, 2016, 8:03 #92473

    Graham, credit for trying to put a sensible pro Wenger post together. Yes IF all of the points become reality it would be fantastic, IF Wenger wins the league fantastic. I will certainly admit I was wrong I do want him to be successful, I want Arsenal to be Champions with or without Wenger. Sadly I do not have faith it's going to happen, why? Just watch the football on offer at Leicester it was the same predictable slow keep ball no penetration / end product as last season v Liverpool the same defensive niavety seen so many times in the past. These are not IF's they are right there in front of you, you just cannot compete at the top level without a strong foundation and I don't believe Wenger really gets that. As or judging, 8 years is a long time not to judge not sure you can get away with that, after all he has said so many times in that 8 years judge me in May, his words not mine.

  83. Emess

    Aug 27, 2016, 8:01 #92472

    Interesting how someone with good writing skills writes an articulate article and so many people give him credit for it being a fair article when actually it's a load of bollocks (apologies but my skills are numbers not words). What the writer and AW have in common is one is the most disingenuous blogger I have ever read and the other the most disingenuous manager I have ever followed - I will leave you to work out who is who. I love the reference to "knee jerk haters" what a wonderful piece of spin - I like many saw the writing on the wall after losing to Barcelona in the ECL final - hardly Knee Jerk 10 years !! Had Alex F, Mourinho, Pep managed the Arsenal invincible team we would have won the ECL 2 or 3 times what does that say about AW. To start blaming the press is really quite incredible a press that have for so many years been the rats to the Pied Piper Arsene and dared not challenge him for fear of being banned from Arsenal are at long last seeing through Arsene and daring to challenge him and he really doesn't like to be challenged which is probably why we are the only club in the country where the CEO reports to the manager. A manager who after glowing in the pre season defeat of man city and saying we are ready for the new season unashamedly states after the Liverpool game, one week later, we were not ready and quite incredibly, and as he does regularly, makes these comments in a way that suggests it has absolutely nothing to do with him. I have sadly given up my ticket this year after 50 years support as I cannot support a club whose only ambition is top 4 and whose main driver is making money they should rename it Arsenal Business Club - as simple as ABC !

  84. Mungo

    Aug 27, 2016, 7:21 #92471

    Good idea for Jamerson and Leekey to identify yourselves with a glass of Sherry. I'm quite partial to Fina, however I think you chaps buy the Bristol Cream bottles found next to the Buckie. Yucky stuff. I hear that Jamerson bears a close resemblance to Christopher Biggens and that Leekey looks a bit like Josph Goebels. So I shall keep an eye out. Leekey when you read out your prepared propaganda, sorry I mean speech, do you promise to refer to your great leader as Mr Wenger. It does make us giggle.

  85. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 27, 2016, 7:13 #92470

    Jamee son - How did you know about all those warrants? Are you a copper? A-ha that explains everything. Good to know your trolling days could be numbered - can't say I'll miss you and the dog-sh*t you so generously spout on here. You can then get on with full time caravan suspension and, er, emission testing activities with cockie leekie. I'd much prefer to talk about Arsenal on here than dealing with you and your racist nonsense. Mugging the muggers can get tiresome. You give Arsenal a bad name.

  86. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 27, 2016, 7:04 #92469

    Graham I think you should have been a historian I can imagine the title Germany a history of a nation 1932 then 1946 to the Present Day. People would be saying hang on what about the years 1933 , 1934, blah blah, hey how about 1940 and all the rest.. You'd say sorry don't judge them on those years not important move on please.

  87. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 1:18 #92468

    Yes of course he should be judged from 2005, writing he shouldn't, even thinking it, is the funniest, laughable, ridiculous, most pathetic thing I've ever seen, talk about air brushing his humiliations and embarrassments out of history ? this latest effort takes the biscuit, like I've said pathetic. wenger out now.

  88. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 0:50 #92467

    Hiccup, well said, it's always somebody else's fault, and this latest effort from TOF's toothpaste squeezer is just another form of that, jesus h if there's anyone/organisation that have given TOF an easy ride over the years it's the media and journos. Go now you old fraud and take aquafresh with you.

  89. Jamerson

    Aug 26, 2016, 23:50 #92465

    I wish the website editor would stop his trolling as we've all been having a great time today.It would be a shame to start registration as that would mean Arseneknewbest wouldn't be able to post because of his many outstanding warrants for sexual deviancy.

  90. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 26, 2016, 23:47 #92464

    GoonerRon - totally wrong. There's no chance of a wenger team doing anything this season. Surely a decade of evidence is enough. Only true sustained hostility is required from all true Arsenal fans to get him out. Who would disagree at this stage, apart from those that place the man above the club?

  91. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 26, 2016, 22:07 #92463

    Graham the troll is back from a spell under a tippety- tappety bridge in New Zealand where he's been stopping all sorts of cuddly little animals from crossing while boring them senseless with his agent provocateur nonsense about his idol Arsene. Graham - the world is not flat and nor is it made of green knob cheese. There is not a shred of truth in your writing and it's almost laughable. Just what is it about Wenger that turns your thought processes to jelly? How are you going to cope when he does eventually leave? Your idolatry for the has-been chihuahua is embarrassing. It's not unlike those weirdos who used to hang around outside neverland refusing to believe the truth about Michael Jackson (and no, I'm not equating your lord weng with jacko - they're two completely different oddballs). Jamee son - don't fall asleep tonight before leekie in the caravan. You could be woken up by me jerking my, ahem, knee all over your scabrous eyebrows. Oh, Leekie - tell me which pub you'll be in tomorrow and I'll see you there for a conversation...get the sherries in so I can recognise you (although you'll be unsurprised to know I've already got a rather unpleasant image of you and your consort Jamee in my mind).

  92. Cyril

    Aug 26, 2016, 21:33 #92462

    Graham, please lay out to me one season since 2006 that we have been in with a real chance of winning the league with 3 games to go. I will repeat the reality of my lot as a season ticket holder now. So here is the thing , I have seen my charge increase at least 300 % since the move to the Emirates and seen mediocrity throughout this time. I can't be ars*d to go on about how many top 4 game s we have won in this time. Are you for real???? I am a person who earns a standard wage. You plead poverty on behalf of this club. Are you having a bubble bath, a Turkish bath or any kind of bath??? I know people who go home and away for the last 25 years and haven't missed a game apart from the odd tour to South Africa. They are screaming for change!!! . I lose the will to go on......

  93. Website Editor

    Aug 26, 2016, 21:15 #92461

    Just to put this into the mix. To avoid trolling, we may consider registration to be able to post comments in the future. Don't really want to go down this road, but needs must. We'll see how we go in the short term leaving it as open house, but if possible, try to avoid feeding the trolls by simply not responding to them.

  94. Website Editor (actually Jamerson - real Website Editor)

    Aug 26, 2016, 21:05 #92460

    Also Arseneknewbest,Bonzo,Mark from Aylesbury are all the same people and can we please have less homophobic and casual racism..

  95. GoonerRon

    Aug 26, 2016, 20:30 #92459

    I really like the optimism but can also see why the doubters continue to doubt and remain sceptical. The one common denominator amongst all of us is wanting Arsenal to win games, and lots of negativity at games won't help the team achieve that, but a positive and supportive atmosphere really could be the difference at times. The fact is Wenger isn't going anywhere so maybe it's time for us to not look at every decision, every substitution, every result, every performance through the prism of the last 10 years and just unite behind the team and see where we get this season.

  96. Paul Ward

    Aug 26, 2016, 20:18 #92458

    There's a lot of what ifs in there Graham, but if these two signings propel us to a genuine challenge for PL or Cl then fair play, but "what if" they don't and the usual thing happens , will you finally admit the manager is past it and needs replacing ,or would you let him spend another 90mill next summer?

  97. Bob

    Aug 26, 2016, 20:18 #92457

    I disagree with the premise of the article. Arsene should be judged from 2005. Ok, so we moved stadium, but fans were promised that this would make us one of the biggest clubs in Europe. We were not told that our manager would settle for simply qualifying for Champions' League football as an end in itself and allowing the club to slowly but surely stangate in the process. Sorry, but this old dog cannot learn new tricks. He should have gone long ago.

  98. Website Editor

    Aug 26, 2016, 20:06 #92456

    Jamerson, Janet, Jackson Saunders, Dottie and Carl Rawlings are all Jamerson. And his hallmark is pretty obvious. Commenters - Ever heard of 'Do not feed the trolls'? Ignore his posts and he will get bored with the lack of reaction. I'll delete them when I have the time, but I generally have better things to do. Why do you keep falling for his wind ups? I mean, they are pretty obvious, aren't they?

  99. CT Gooner

    Aug 26, 2016, 20:03 #92455

    Mr Perry returns, with his usual "Untold" quality piece. Give him a break, we had no money, blah blah blah. What absolute tosh, he's had his chance, he even got a new 3 year deal, and guess what, he's still making the same mistakes. Does anyone believe he really wanted either of the new signings?? I don't as they both are very affordable and could have been bought in July. Now I'm not saying they won't be Arsenal greats, only that both could have been phased into the club during the summer and played in games already (maybe not the CB, he was playing for Germany in Euros). The reason I think Wenger should go is he's lost it. All this talk of Arsenal playing beautiful football is such nonsense. We play slow ponderous football, lacking in width , speed and killer passes. If he somehow fixes this, then perhaps we have a chance, but I won't hold my breath.


    Aug 26, 2016, 19:49 #92453

    Jeez 2 signings? Super qualidee? Oh, happy days are here again - happy days are here again, la la la la la la la la la, happy days are here again!! Trouble is The Emperor has no clothes - apart from a transparent but very effective coating of teflon. But has the Corporation done just enough to bring the faithful back on board?

  101. John F

    Aug 26, 2016, 19:34 #92452

    Back in the day when you went away to a northern outpost you ran the risk of being stopped and asked if you were a cockney .If you kept to a nod of the head and produced the fake ferret from underneath your trousers and a picture of a greyhound in a nightie you could get away without being discovered .We all knew the risk at away grounds but I never expected the day would come that when you are amongst your own supporters and talking about the manager would be about as dangerous as asking to use the bathroom at Oscar Pistorius house.I can not see it changing now as views are too entrenched unless there is a change in regime.

  102. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 19:33 #92451

    Jamerson : AKB - WOB , your best post yet - you did a survey after the villa game , asking what abbreviation is best ?? Really . You couldn't make it up. What about this one - JOB , might catch on .

  103. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 18:37 #92449

    Hi Exeter Gunner - I think you're being harsh on the OP here. I don't agree with everything he says but I appreciate his optimism. I think there's a place for that I really do. In my younger years there were lean, lean times and it was optimism (perhaps completely unfounded!) that kept me going.. and then GG came along and bang we were suddenly at the party! Where I disagree with the OP is in calling those of a negative mindset about Wenger knee jerk or haters. As the man himself might say... "Look, football is about opinions so you can think whatever you want and it's not necessarily right or wrong." I might not agree with the anti-Wenger sentiment but I'm not so blind I can't see where it comes from. I can see their point of view and I believe the majority of the WOBs (I actually hate that phrase it reduces them to a rabble or something when actually what they are is loyal gooners) mean what they say sincerely. And to a man none of them has ever insulted me for just thinking differently they're all respectful in a one to one which shows real character. We are all Arsenal fans so let's try and tone down the aggro towards eachother and direct it at far more deserving causes like Tottenham, Chelsea and *sickbag* Mourinho!

  104. jjetplane

    Aug 26, 2016, 18:35 #92448

    A few appear not aware this is Rev Perry's 153rd rehash of the original Gospel according to Lord Wengi and the OG in it's community care capacity (CCC) always lets superfan Graham have his little tantrum about vile knee-jerkers before he vanishes as the competitions fade away one by one until we have Perez saying 'the spirit is good and the mental strenght is why I came to the club who I supported as a child and my daddy's fishing boat was painted red and white and he and Mr Wenger are good friends and now we are out of the cups we must concentrate on getting into next season's CL and see if we can we win more than one game - this has been difficult and losing to Ludogorets and Basel is crazy when we get a draw with PSG but the boss knows we have the spirit ....... zzzzzzzzzzzzz' .......

  105. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 18:25 #92447

    mbg - yeah I hear you, I thought Ozil and then Sanchez would net us a title. And I do blame Wenger for not winning it last year when clearly it was our best chance for a decade. When Wenger gets criticism I always think - that's the one area I am in complete agreement with those you might call WOBs (or whatever)the guy should have won the title last year it's not in doubt. I personally don't think it deserved him the sack but I get that some do, it's not like I disagree with them on that more that I can accept it hasn't happened. And in fairness, on the Ozil point, we did win 2 FA cups in a row. Not the title or the CL - but no proper Gooner is going to sniff at an FA Cup win let alone two of them. He deserves some credit for getting in amongst the trophies in the last few years even if I agree he's underachieved, specifically last season.

  106. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 26, 2016, 18:14 #92446

    Dear God, I had thought we’d seen the last of these circulars, but I guess he’s been emboldened by the trolley dash. What if, what if, what if… What if none of that happens, what if what history and precedence tells us happens once again - that it’s just another non-challenge, another battle for a top 4 place, another round of 16 exit? Or worse? It won’t make any difference, will it, Graham? You’ll be behind Wenger no matter what. That’s because you’re another example of an older fan whose previous support for Aresnal has been hollowed out and replaced by support for Arsene. His day of reckoning will never come for you. I don't think you even believe he's bringing success back, it just doesn't even matter to you any more. 'Wenger conveys character and commitment to his players' - you've just proved you don't understand what you're watching. You just want him in charge to look up to, that’s it.

  107. Hiccup

    Aug 26, 2016, 18:11 #92445

    Get a grip. This obsession with what the media are saying about Wenger is out of control with you AKB's. Let's get one thing straight. The media were well behind the times with their criticism of Wenger. He had years of leeway with the media who used to criticise us wob's when Wenger was being criticised by the fans 6 years ago. Now they are on board with us, don't kid yourself that they're leading us astray. But if it makes you feel better that it's the media and Piers Morgan pulling the strings then that's up to you. In the meantime, you go stick your head back in the sand for another season or ten. Yes I agree we are in for a season of excitement, but it won't include Arsenal. But if excitement is out of the title race with ten games to go but above Spurs, then you'll be filling your boots again.

  108. Inspired.

    Aug 26, 2016, 18:04 #92444

    Good to see an alternative voice, but really...'some of us really want Wenger to succeed and hope that his 'summer purchases' will bring us success'.... I want ARSENAL to succeed, but i doubt it will happen this season, particularly because of those summer purchases, or rather the lack of any other purchases. I will support the team and cheer from the roof tops, post match i will join in with any voices that want change. As for character and commitment, the manager certainly can't convey that to the team as i have not seen that consistently (more than one match) for years. Do you watch any other football other than The Arsenal, try it, i see more commitment and character from most other teams that far exceeds our own. At present what players will make a difference this season? Not the ones i have watched so far. Will the potential two coming change my mind? It would have been nice if the team management had done their business earlier and be prepared for the season start, maybe then i would have an informed opinion. 08-13 there may not have been money, its not important to me anyway, i still saw a weak manager. Finally i think you are right, it will be an exciting season, unfortunately i can't see it being for the team i support.

  109. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 17:58 #92443

    rarlour, the same was suggested, asked, with the same optimism when Ozil was bought, look what happened it didn't last long and it's going to be the same this time, and we all know why because of an old past it manager. wenger out.

  110. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 17:41 #92442

    Oh gawd he's resurfaced, the heading says it all, you couldn't make it up, but TOF's chief bathroom attendant has spent all this time doing just that. we want wenger out.

  111. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 26, 2016, 17:38 #92441

    Jamerson - my knee is in full control barely a twitch

  112. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 17:09 #92439

    With the same sentiment that is keeping Wenger at the club, maybe we should have kept hold of Henry, Bergkamp,PV, TA etc, after all, they did a great job back in the day. I want Arsenal to succeed, but while Wenger is on the Bridge, you best man the lifeboats...

  113. Bashkim

    Aug 26, 2016, 17:01 #92437

    I hope he makes it, too! He is the main factor that makes Arsenal a different club!

  114. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:52 #92436

    Glad the Gooner (a most venerable Arsenal journal) has published something that is unashamedly pro-Wenger. Not that I think those who are anti deserve scorn particularly - they are allowed to have opinions and I'm sure they are sincere and well meant - but I am absolutely sure that we as a fanbase need some positivity now. The team needs it and so do we. It can help us to be positive starting now. Maybe these two (fingers crossed they actually happen!) signings can be a small catalyst to better times. I happen to think Wenger is still good for the club and deserves my respect - but I'm not prepared to delude myself and I'm not blind to his mistakes of which there have been too many in the last few years. If we had failed to make any more signings for this season then I have to say I would've have seriously questioned what he was up to given the obvious need for reinforcements and the lack of spending last summer. These two guys (they both look good) are what I saw as the minimum required to challenge. Maybe we still won't challenge but now I feel we at least have a chance and haven't gone into the season with our own self imposed handicap - although the wretched performance against Liverpool gave us that anyway, no doubt.. But yeah, again thanks to the Gooner for acknowledging there are shades of grey to this debate, good stuff.

  115. Padsaw

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:40 #92435

    Are you happy with these signing i only see them as bench warmers not the quality i was expecting. End of season 4th again because of the lack of transfer activitie for world class players

  116. CB

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:39 #92434

    Here we go again...

  117. Sparky

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:38 #92433

    God help us please .

  118. Bard

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:35 #92432

    ossie8; I know mate I feel the same way about Marks and Spencers. Nice and steady. Its a f****** football club. The point is to try to win things. I dont support the club because I want stability and a ton of money in the bank. They dont even play decent football these days so I dont know which club you are watching.

  119. Jamerson

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:30 #92431

    You cant win anything with knee-jerkers.I hope you're reading this Arseneknewbeasty,marcus narcus,Peter Weena and the rest of the groovy gang..

  120. jjetplane

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:15 #92430

    'Knee-jerk haters' KJHs hey hey hey! Love to see you on a rooftop shouting your love for your Lord! I mean - what if .... what if what! for 12 seasons and counting. But Perez and Mustafi - always liked them and they have supported Arsenal since they were kids! Again - what if? What if what! What if Arnold leaves at Xmas and takes you with him on his expensive raft - what if ..... what if your cheque does not arrive? ....

  121. Ron

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:11 #92429

    Of course he has to be judged. AW has himself often asked to be 'judged in May'. How can a career of an Executive central to a business have 8 years airbrushed out of it? Sheer silliness to suggest it. Even more sillier in that Arsene himself wouldnt agree with you! The media play sleight of hand with what they see as the divisions between the fans. They havent had to create them at all. The media have been and remain respectful to AW. The odd hack here and there tries to make a name for themselves by trying to rattle him and do so from time to time. Its as bad as it gets for him. There are in my view a lot of naive comments in this post Graham.

  122. Bergkamp is god

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:09 #92428

    A fair article but from the wrong angle. There is a split and we do have to judge him on the last 10 years. We all know he doesn't want to spend he says it often enough, he want value which is laudable but is not practicable as we are in the premiership where everyone is breaking club transfer records and we get a player that is 4 million more than we paid 12 years ago, 12 years in which we have sold our sole to just keep the proceeds in the bank. Arsene was great but is not the man to lead us "Forward" as the money men keep telling us is the direction to go. If this window is anything to go by we are going backwards. Top 10 is best we can do this year as we stand still and others move "Forward"

  123. Torbay gooner

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:08 #92427

    Fair play to you Graham for sticking to your guns despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. You state that 'I accept that things went wrong in the sense that last year should have been our year'. Just to remind you that we never actually challenged for the title last season. We ended up 10 points behind Leicester and only finished 2nd because Spurs yet again pushed the self-destruct button. Do you honestly believe that this season with Man City, Chelsea and Man United all having new managers that are proven winners(not to mention Klopp's first full season) we will actually make a title challenge? Do you think we will challenge for the Champions League as well? I agree with you that Arsene is different from other managers in that he has a job for life if he wants it. No-one else has that luxury, unless they continually win trophies a la Ferguson. As for being judged only from 2013 what nonsense! Our best season since 2005 was probably 2007/8 when we finished a mere four points off the champions. The reasons why a lot of fans are unhappy with Wenger have been done to death on here and I am not going to repeat them. I wished he had left with some dignity intact after the cup win in 2014, sadly things are going to even more difficult for him this season and two potential signings are not going to change that.

  124. Bryan

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:03 #92426

    I would like to see Wenger win a big prize again because I am an Arsenal supporter first & foremost but I will also be glad to see a new manager come in with fresh ideas too. I can not agree with your "Wenger can't be judged between 2005 & 2013" bit though & getting a champs league place every year doesn't even do it for me as I see no point of entering a competition that you know we have absolutely no chance of winning. Last year in my opinion he messed up a great chance of winning the league, if he had made a couple of decent signings other than just Cech for a bargain 10M, I think that could of made all the difference. But no he couldn't find the quality while every other big club managed too. He has made so many baffling decisions the last couple of seasons & his substitutions are even more confusing. I will not slag Wenger off after all he has done for us before but I do think he is holding us back now days & hope this is his final year. It will be sad to see him go but as long as we get a more modern/up with the times, big name manager in, I think we will be better of for it. but the bottom line is: I wan't Arsenal to compete/win things & don't care who the manager is if that is happening.

  125. chrispinus junior

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:01 #92424

    you talk sense but have also to consider other teams... Today's soccer is commercilised unlike in the past where passion was soccer.. He had just to spend for him to compete

  126. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:58 #92422

    Graham ; reasonable post, but missing the point, most of the WOB are not interested in Finance, the TV money makes sure there is more than enough for all ( £3m for SK consultancy anyone). what I take issue with is that Wenger is no longer up to the job for reasons that are well documented by myself and others. You could say your article is more spin, just like the spin and lies we have had over the last 10yrs. At the end of the day, results will show where we are going, cos we know where we have been for the last 10 season. . Wenger is no messiah, just a very naughty boy.

  127. Mark

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:55 #92421

    Can we get on a sell Theo now before sept 1st?

  128. ossiee8

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:52 #92420

    How many teams play the attractive football that Arsenal do?,how many teams would like a top 4 finnish for two seasons or more?,and how many teams would like the stability of the Arsenal setup?,all this due to AW, I know what my choice would be.

  129. Leek fc

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:48 #92419

    Well done Graham. Very good, honest opinion. Some of the tripe the anti Arsenal dreamers on here drum up is laughable. The greatest Arsenal manager in history simply must stay.

  130. Jamerson

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:46 #92418

    Excellent well thought out accurate article.I actually like the discord amongst the fans as it brings theater and comedy and some brilliant quips from both sides.If we were all AKBs or all WOBs it would be a lot less interesting.

  131. Bard

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:43 #92416

    Graham you make too much of all this media rubbish. There is no media conspiracy or anything of the sort. They write about the split because there is one. I dont see where you get the notion that they enjoy it. I have no problem you and others thinking we are going to have a successful season. The problem is how you define success. Andy mate you need a lesson. The post is an opinion and as such it cant be objective.

  132. Andy Moore

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:37 #92415

    Well done for speaking out objectively, unlike SO many on here.