Two Views on Arsenal’s opening win of the campaign

Online Ed: Reports from Watford v Arsenal

Two Views on Arsenal’s opening win of the campaign

So much for the no crowding the ref rule then!

Ed’s note – I am away with limited internet connection (although to my surprise managed to find a decent stream to catch Saturday’s match live). As I did not expect to even manage that, I asked a couple of regular Gooner writers to cover the piece on Watford v Arsenal for me. Due to a bit of confusion / uncertainty over who could actually provide one, I ended up with two, so am running both. Poor internet connection for most of Sunday means these are being posted on Monday morning, later than usual for which my apologies. First up, Charlie Ashmore’s views on the match, followed by those of David Oudot. Many thanks to both for doing the honours…

Having missed the first two games of the season on a family holiday this was my first taste of live football of the campaign. It is fair to say things have not gone well so far as we headed into our last game of the transfer window (which remains utterly preposterous in its outstaying of its welcome – surely it should close before the season starts). Well, after an excellent start to the summer with the early signing of Xhaka (who looked a terrific player in the Euros) and the early bid for Vardy (whatever your thoughts about him being the right player for us, that we made an early move was a really positive indicator), things had gone flat. That we started the season without having strengthened in the two positions we all knew all summer needed strengthening even without the pre-season injuries seemed like negligence of the first order and the performances and results prior to today did nothing to dispel that feeling.

However it is better to strengthen late than never at all so the news of the two imminent signings was undoubtedly positive even if it was hard to shake off the feeling that with the will to do so they could have been brought in weeks ago and given the chance to acclimatise with the rest of the squad prior to the real business beginning.

Now all we needed was to start the ball rolling on our Premier League season and if we wanted to choose an opponent, Watford would be high up the list given our 100% Premier League record against them.

You can imagine my shock at realising I had gone to the wrong ground as I watched Watford and what looked like Chelsea run out for the start of the game. Honestly, it is bad enough having a horrendous third kit but to wear it at Watford when there is not the slightest hint of a colour clash is ridiculous. We have now played three games and worn all three of our kits when we could and should have worn our 1st kit for every game. Are we really going to sell so many more of these Chelsea shirts for having worn them at Watford?? Trivial I know in the overall scheme of things but it is just another irritating example of just how removed from the traditional game the bloated money driven Premier League has become.

Having seen the impact he made on the game last week it was good news that Ozil was starting though it was a surprise to me at least that Giroud did not start. This meant we started the game again without a recognised striker – for all their pretensions neither Sanchez nor Walcott really convince in the position. I must also add that I am very surprised that I am still watching Walcott in an Arsenal shirt. After ten years of unfulfilled potential surely the time had come this summer to cash in even if it meant us continuing to pay some of his salary.

But no, there he was in the starting line up yet again. And OK, this may have been one of his better contributions but there was still plenty of the things that frustrate me about him on show to make me think we would not miss him if he left.

Following last week’s excellent performance Holding and Koscielny started again and were protected by Xhaka and Cazorla in midfield. While it is fair to say Xhaka was doing most of the protecting, Cazorla did his bit too with one particular tackle outstanding. Our weakness defensively seems so far this season to stem from the flanks where both Monreal and Bellerin are looking shadows of the players they were last year. The reason for this seems pretty clear and that is that with Walcott and Oxlade-Chamberlain playing wide midfield they are not getting the protection they got last season from the likes of Sanchez, Ramsey and Campbell leaving them exposed as they were repeatedly on Saturday.

Fortunately the centre back pairing was solid again and Xhaka’s covering was also very good – there was one moment in the first half when Koscielny was floored near the half way line as Watford began a break. By the time the ball was played into Koscielny’s now unmarked man, Xhaka had ghosted back to cover for him and nicked the ball away just in time. His poise throughout the game was notable and his passing ability is clearly of the highest order as well over short, medium and long range. I was also impressed with my first live sight of Holding who has enormous potential. His development must not be abused in the way Chambers’ was and hopefully the signing of Mustafi will ensure we do not have to overplay him in his first season as he adjusts to playing at this level.

Further forward the Sanchez experiment continues to be unconvincing and, with Giroud surely now ready to play and the Perez signing about to be confirmed, hopefully it can be confined to the history books. He is far more effective for us playing wide (as witnessed by his cross for Ozil’s header) and his work rate there ensures that his full back has decent cover.

Watford were poor in the first half such that the lack of a recognised striker did not hinder us. The movement from deep was enough to confuse the Watford back three and considering the disparity in size between their defence and our attack it was surprising that all three goals came from balls in from wide – the first a blatant penalty when Sanchez tried to head a cross, the second what looked like a miscued pull back by Sanchez from a Walcott ball across the six yard box and the third a rarity – an Ozil header after a perfectly timed run was rewarded by a perfectly placed cross from Sanchez.

It was of course typically Arsenal that the second half turned into a struggle and a better team than Watford might have made us pay. Playing Sanchez wide will help but, for the same reason that he makes a difference because of his work rate in that position, I am surprised we let Campbell go out on loan for the season.

However hard we made it for ourselves we held on for a badly needed three points (in no small part with thanks to Cech for a number of excellent saves including a stunner to prevent a Koscielny own goal in the first half) and with the new signings about to arrive our season may just have taken off.

The success or otherwise of the season will depend on:
- The ability of Perez/Giroud between them to increase our conversion rate of chances
- Finding the right balance in the centre of midfield – perm any two from Cazorla, Wilshere, Ramsey (though see below), Xhaka, Elneny, Coquelin
- Getting the balance right in the wide positions – Sanchez on one side – but who on the other? My guess is Ramsey will be asked to continue in that position when fit – certainly for the “big” games.
- And of course, avoiding long term injuries to key players

Get these right and we undoubtedly have the squad to challenge. The question is whether Wenger will or even can get it right. Every reader will have their view on that. I hope he does but recent experience (and in particular his failure to get the team sufficiently motivated and prepared at the crucial time last season when the title was reaching out to us and begging to be grasped) suggests otherwise. Time will tell but at least we are now up and running albeit just in time for it all to grind to a halt so that those who still care about the pitiful national side can watch Big Fat Sam become the latest in a long line of those who have tried and failed to turn swine into pearls.

I was not at Leicester to witness the discord amongst the away fans. That there was none evident at Vicarage Road is indicative of how willing the majority are to get behind a winning team and a club that is seen to be taking steps to improve, albeit belatedly (even if they ultimately believe as I know many reading this do that Wenger is no longer the man to take the club forward). I have said it before and I will say it again – it remains my view that the role of a supporter on match day is to get behind the team come what may. If we do our bit to help the team perform and prevail and they fail to deliver the required effort or performance level then we can criticise. If we do not, then we are surely contributing to the failure. I appreciate that is easy to say after a day which was relatively comfortable and there will be tougher days ahead. I suspect we will negotiate this season on a knife-edge, only ever being one bad performance or result away from unrest, and with that in mind the most crucial factor to be added to my list above will be the ability of our players to cope with the pressure that knife-edge brings with it – will they rise to and above it or will it smother them? The answer will become apparent in the coming weeks and months.

Charlie Ashmore


Well, I say that normal service has been resumed, but seeing Mesut Ozil make a 15 yard sprint to deliver a bullet header is beyond anyone’s normality!

However, a win is a win and we are getting back on track, and after the international break we will have the striker and centre half we have been pining for all summer. It’s just a shame that the break is coming right now rather than in a week or two. Yesterday saw our Arsenal performing well and the players performing to their highly-paid levels. We completely outplayed Watford in the first half and took ourselves into a healthy lead, but in conceding a goal straight after the break all Gooners spend 40+ minutes panicking. God, it really IS normal service…

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  1. jjetplane

    Aug 30, 2016, 12:28 #92595

    Joe S Remote is the perfect summation for the last ten years. The team carry the arrogant nochalance of their leader onto the pitch with no pressure to go an extra yard. This lack of involvement will see Asano out of the top 4 at last. They have been stinking the place up with their mediocrity for way too long. Gooneron is losing it in August. 8 nil may come back to bite you yet! .....

  2. Bonzo

    Aug 30, 2016, 7:14 #92581

    Jonny Gee is Leekeys Grandad , Leekey is Jamersons wife, Jamerson is Satan.

  3. Joe S.

    Aug 30, 2016, 2:11 #92580

    I wasn't planning to write anything, but the first post I saw was by some John Gee AKB somebody or other. Utter Drivel. Get a life. I totally agree with regarding the strips it was a frustrating game to watch colour wise. Arsenal seemed so remote. Also how can any true supporter not be concerned about the second half. Where were Walcott and Carzola? Also smoking Jack needs lots of playing time, or has he lost it and become driftwood. I do like the centre halves though and thought Holding was good even when he made mistakes.However outside of Granit and Ozil the midfield failed to finish off what was easy prey.

  4. jeff wright

    Aug 29, 2016, 20:37 #92577

    The new CB and Striker should have been signed TWO YEARS AGO! Wengo is yet again reacting to events rather than forcing them in his favor. His chance of finishing 4th may be improved - albeit we have to allow for the new guys to fit in .Piss poor management again form Wengo who admitted that the desperation gung-ho all out tactics against Watford could not be kept up for 90 minutes. A better side than Watford might have taken some of the chances that they had in the second half when we ran out of puff.So then, oh hu, Wengo's (yawn) lack of any tactical nous and inability to think on his big feet will once more be a hindrance during the rest of the campaign. A battle for 4th place with Liverpool and the spuds will be the sum total of it all . Ain't it exciting ! Cluck cluck cluck..u

  5. mbg

    Aug 29, 2016, 20:33 #92576

    I'm sure we all now know what the next cry from the AKB's in the defence of their messiah will be, goodness knows they haven't had a chance to use it for a while so expect it to be resurrected again, well it's going to take a full season for them to get used to their teammates, it's going to take a season to get used to our/wengers style (cough)and the favourite of all it's going to take a season (or two)to acclimatise, I wonder who'll be the first, wenger out now.

  6. GoonerRon

    Aug 29, 2016, 20:12 #92575

    @ jjetplane - IF Watford had have been in first gear all along it would have been 2-2? IF we had have remained in 3rd or 4th gear all along it could have been 8-0.

  7. Jimmy Gooner

    Aug 29, 2016, 18:46 #92574

    Always enjoy reading Charlie's pieces in the Gooner. He more than most would love to be writing match reports which are glowing tributes to the team and the manager and I'm sure he would if he genuinely felt everything was going well. The fact his piece and his comment are tinged with "if only" says it all. Thanks to Charlie and David for the reports.

  8. jjetplane

    Aug 29, 2016, 17:34 #92573

    Exactly HUNTER and an easy uninterrupted first half gave way to a very shaky second. If Watford had been in first gear all along the score would have read 2-2 or thereabouts. A Chelski, City or Utd would have trashed Arsenal and saying Granite is the answer to defensive cover is ridiculous. He is fine but he is no Kante and looking at how the Foxes broke away again they may have a top four shout too and great to see Mahrez and Vardy staying with a club who are I believe the reigning champions. Freak season my ****ing Arse nal ..... Down here in the 9th tier we are 4 games 4 wins and it feels like Leicester! We even have our own Vardy. Now when I was watching Joe Baker in my best monkey boots and Jacket ..... 'who's that team we Called the Arsenal/who's that team we all Adored/they were dressed in red and white/not is blue stripey ****e/and Stan K's la la la la laaaaaaaa! ....

  9. Hunter

    Aug 29, 2016, 16:38 #92571

    It was a very good performance but against a very average mid table team who were even having an off day to make it easier for us. Show me us taking on the big boys, the real big clubs, and going to the likes of stoke and Tottenham and fighting rather than being bullied, and I'll get a bit excited. I'm not expecting anything however unfortunately. Still hopefully this year will be the last one with our money grabbing manager at the helm, I'll settle for as low a finish as required for him to clear off. Nice articles too Charles and David, thank you.

  10. mbg

    Aug 29, 2016, 16:35 #92570

    John Gee, now you know how a lot of others feel every time we have to see or listen to your messiah, glad to hear you'll be finding that out too a lot sooner than later. Tick tock.

  11. mbg

    Aug 29, 2016, 16:25 #92569

    Appreciate there's two reports here but do they need to be as long ? remember this is wenger we're talking about here, a paragraph or two would suffice. wenger outnow.,

  12. Sparky

    Aug 29, 2016, 16:04 #92568

    Great comment john g , love the be careful what you wish for angle. I wish for the heart and soul of the club back , wenger, gazidis kroenke gone and a football club back. This club currently stinks & doesn't give a toss about the fans. We did not used to be like this.

  13. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 29, 2016, 15:43 #92567

    Red pig- you have said it all for me mate! As for that disgrace of a kit being used when there was no reason whatsoever not to wear red...I hate the way football has gone over the last 10 years or so and this is another reason why- what's 120 years of tradition when there is the potential to fleece a few more quid out of the supporters? Money grabbing b*******

  14. John F

    Aug 29, 2016, 15:19 #92566

    Good reports.I like the look of Granit and as time goes on you will see him start making his voice heard as he is quite vocal with his teammates.Hornsey Bill I don't know if you live in as your name suggests in East Yorkshire but if you go on the Hull Web site you should be able to pick up a ticket for the Arsenal game.You may have to keep quiet but there were a few Gooners in the West stand last time we played and my son and I are hoping to get one.

  15. mbg

    Aug 29, 2016, 14:22 #92565

    No need to apologise Ed i'm sure they'll not tell us we've suddenly become world beaters and going to win the prem (depending who they are of course) unless it's old circular again. wenger out now.

  16. Bard

    Aug 29, 2016, 14:15 #92563

    Good posts. Very much a game of two halves. The defensive balance isnt there yet. To my mind you cant play Ozil and Theo in the same side. They are both hopeless tacklers. I dont think Ox is solid defensively either. We will as likely as get away with it against the Watfords of this world but not good sides. Good riposte Charlie, all this who' s a supporter and who isnt is rubbish.

  17. Rob

    Aug 29, 2016, 13:56 #92562

    Charlie A - top post 98048 which nails all points raised. Good report too. Decent win but we won't meet too many defences as weak as Watfords in that opening half. Still, this Perez signing looks good. Let's hope he delivers.

  18. CT Gooner

    Aug 29, 2016, 13:54 #92561

    Sometimes we look so hard for positives, we fail to call a spade a spade. No offense to the match reviewers, but gents, you really ignored our second half performance. 1 st half, 8/10, excellent possession and build up play, very dynamic. 2nd half, 3/10, WTF happened. No possession, no flair, just a few half chances. The 3/10 for not totally collapsing. At 3-1 after 50 minutes, I bet I wasn't the only one thinking " not again!". I'll give you it was an improvement, but to me not having the squad sorted and team ready for Liverpool is just another sign af how our manager is not up for it anymore.

  19. Cyril

    Aug 29, 2016, 13:05 #92559

    Good reports. Agree about Granit. The others can thrive when a player does the job really well. We were top heavy with players rushing forward. Dare I say it but could Ramsey be a good impact sub when chips are down instead of starting. Greatly player but need balance.

  20. Charlie Ashmore

    Aug 29, 2016, 13:00 #92558

    How sad that the best some people can do rather than expressing their own view in a positive way is simply to attack others. John Gee, your opening comment whether aimed at me or David is laughable. What gives you the right to say who "deserves" to call themselves and Arsenal supporter. How absurd anyway to describe supporting a club as an entitlement. It is not a right to be earned, it is a choice, albeit one driven by a multitude of factors which may in the end mean it is an inevitability rather than a choice. You are as entitled to choose to be one as I, David or anyone else is. Having said that, if it were a right I would happily put up my credentials and history against yours or anybody else's who questions it. As to the Wenger issue, you are as entitled to your view as others are entitled to theirs. but to put last season's second place up as an argument in his favour seems to me to be stretching credibility. The league was ours to win at the turn of the year. In the end we finished a distant second and then only because Spurs did what only Spurs can do and capitulated in the most hysterical of fashions. I hope we win the League this year as I do every year. I hope we will win the Champions League as I do every year. But I don't think we will win either. That is realism, not failing to be a "good supporter". As I have always made clear on this site and on the pages of the Gooner, I support this team through thick and thin and hate the negativity expressed by many during matches (though cannot deny their right to express it). That does not stop me or anyone else having a view on the future of the Club. I can express it without abusing others. I only wish you and others of your ilk could as well.

  21. Paul Ward

    Aug 29, 2016, 13:00 #92557

    Agree with Rippy actually, even those of us who want Wenger out may aswell get behind the players. The delay in signing the two obviously available additions remains a mystery, and probably cost us a couple of vital early season points, but better late than never I suppose. The squad looks pretty strong and quite large now, so I would expect the manager to have a serious go at both domestic cups aswell as the big two trophies.If he can secure a cup and the top four again it would be a decent end to his tenure , handing the new man a very good group of players, just make sure this is your last season Arsene !

  22. RedPig

    Aug 29, 2016, 11:14 #92556

    A meaningless win in a meaningless season for a club whose very existence has become meaningless under the suffocating influence of Wenger. The signings he has made are not ones he would have made if he was trying to win the title and the CL. They are however, exactly the ones he would make trying to secure a top 4 place again. Thats what the club exists for now and I for one cannot see anything positive about getting 3 points when the ONLY thing that matters is getting Wenger out of this club!

  23. jjetplane

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:54 #92555

    Perhaps the plan is to eventually have a blue shirt period with red being the collector's item, then get rid of the name Arsenal for errr Ashburton Allstars and play exhibition games where The Ashies ('you know Major Tom's a junkie')are guaranteed a win with the opposition defence doing a big smiley non touch thing while food outlets are always as near to your seat as the super rats generally gorging on the game. 'Great to have Santi back and that street curry stall has to be the best thing that has happened to The Emirates - Friday night games would be the best with lots of crazy dog recipes and then you have the weekend to do the real stuff - anyone want my seat up to December - working in Dubai ....' Good old Ashburton Allstars and now we just need Converse on board. Skateboards in the Armoury! Love this anti-football **** and we can all thank the Accountant for this 'working vision' ....

  24. Wear Your Colours

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:35 #92554

    Good to get three-points under our belt. We dominated the first period but were a little bit too casual with our finishing in the second-half. Xhaka and Ozil were the stand-out performers; the scoreline could have been a little more emphatic but it's nice to go into the break with a win behind us. COYG!

  25. Hornsey Bill

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:34 #92553

    Two - or was it 3? Great reports - (with Charlie's doubled up) David' s thoughtful analysts a great read, covering the "whole pitch" as he did! Some very insightful and thought provoking commentary, especially the value of a quick start being less tiring in the long run than the slow patient game which could be behind player fatigue? - interesting though. Great analysis of new players , I can't get hold of away tickets so wonderful to read such reports from true fans, with long history who truly care about the club. That is clear for all to see. How sad that after taking so much care and time putting together such reports , that a mindless moron comes straight on here to slag them off! - how ironic.

  26. GS

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:31 #92552

    A wins a win, and 3pts, great for the players and the fans, Arsenal are already playing catch up , do the head to heads v Man U, city and Chelsea will be key in us closing the gap , Wenger saying we were ready v Liverpool really did not help his cause ( burnley/ spuds managed ok) I want to get behind Wenger but his constant blame game has warn me down. I love Arsenal and never want them to lose , but Wenger just does not have want it takes anymore, both in the transfer market ( panic buys) and on the pitch . I don't hate the bloke, but as the manager of my team I feel he has let me down big time with his less than honest views and always blames others for his shortcomings and treating most of us with contempt. I hope this is his last season, and hopefully it can be a winning one.

  27. Rippy

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:29 #92551

    Granit looks like a great player. And these two signings now make the squad look very good. Time to get behind the team now. Love or hate wenger his going to leave the next man a very decent side to work with. It's been so frustrating because his gone and done what we have been screaming for. But now it's time to move on. Come on arsenal !

  28. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:10 #92549

    John Gee - that'll be the Chelsea, Man U and Man C already 5 points ahead after 3 games. AFC aren't going to make up 5 points on all three of those teams this season, even at this early stage. It's still August and clearly there will be no title challenge. Also thought your 'dread the day he retires' comment very telling. Nothing about Wenger's tenure being contingent on performances or results. How AFC actually do under him not even worthy of mentioning, you simply dread him leaving, full stop. But that's what makes the AKBs what they are. And you tell others they are not 'Arsenal supporters' - the irony!

  29. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 29, 2016, 10:08 #92548

    John Gee - Jamerson alert , warning Jamerson alert , warning Jamerson Aler.... That's better just switched off my internet troll alarm

  30. GoonerRon

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:52 #92547

    3 points, quite clinical finishing. Two signings announced. A good day.

  31. Jumpers for goalposts

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:44 #92545

    John Gee - ludicrous post mate. Charlie & David are long term Arsenal fans and they can make their own judgements on 12 years of mismanagement and under achievement. And you claim we're better off than Man Utd Man City and Chelsea. Would that be Mourinho's Man Utd 5 league titles and 1 Champions League win since our last title? Or Guardiola's Man City 2 league titles since our last title? Or Conte's Chelsea 4 league titles 1 Champions League and 1 Europa League since our last title? Unlike profit obsessed, unambitious Arsenal these clubs don't try to dine out on something that happened over a decade ago - they all crave success and do all they can to move upwards. Sticking with outdated Wenger (and being careful what we wish for) will see us fall farther behind these clubs.

  32. KC

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:42 #92544

    Thank you for the reports. John Gee yes thankfully we are not supporting CFC, Man U, Man city and enjoying the title wins, champion league wins of the last 10 years! What world are you leaving in? I would take one bad season if it meant many other great seasons, what's 2nd 3rd or 4th mean if you cannot compete in the competition you enter from that position.

  33. Hi Berry

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:38 #92543

    Completely with you on the kit issue - another step down the road where commercialism is taking over from tradition. How ridiculous was it to change the kit against Watford from one that contained no yellow to one that did.

  34. Jumpers for goalposts

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:18 #92542

    A routine win against mighty Watford and so many people are trying to claim that this is a new start. How can anyone think that one win can undo all of the dross of the last 12 years? Funny how AKBs never think that one (or more) defeat is a problem.

  35. John Gee

    Aug 29, 2016, 9:18 #92541

    You have no right to call yourself an Arsenal supporter !! Just remember we finished second in the league last season. Of course we would have loved to come top. But, be glad, you were not supporting Man City, Man U, Chelsea, then you would have had something to moan about. As far as Arsene Wenger is concerned, unlike you, the vast majority may not shout the loudest, but, like me, dread the day he retires. However, rest assured, he will leave the Club in better shape than he found it. For all you whingers, be careful what you wish for.Myz