Wenger is football’s Tim Henman

Graham Perry's latest Arsenal Circular has failed to establish a consensus...

Wenger is football’s Tim Henman

Great coach?

Reading the recent article by Graham Perry, I was hoping that a Wenger supporter could put forward a convincing argument as to why he is the best man for the job. I have tried so many times to ask why some people ignore the evidence of the last 12 years but the response usually involves being told to, “Be careful what you wish for” or “Who could possibly replace him?” or my favourite, the pathetic “Piss off and support Chelsea / City / Man Utd”. Graham didn’t tell us to “Piss Off” but he may as well have done, as his article is so full of inaccuracies, wishful thinking and blindness to the facts.

It’s important to state at the outset that I, like every other Gooner, want Arsenal to be successful. I remember how I felt in 1989, 1991 1998, 2002 & 2004 and I want that feeling again. Sadly there is precious little evidence since 2004 (12 years and counting!) that Wenger will ever again win one of the big honours.

Graham starts by saying that “The media are loving it. They want fan fury and discord”. Sorry Graham but that is rubbish. The media report a split between Arsenal fans because there is a split between Arsenal fans. And that split is because thousands of long term fans like me have wanted Wenger out of our club for years due to his mismanagement, end of season collapses, chronic under achievement and wasteful spending on huge wages to rubbish players.

The British media are so in thrall to Wenger that he gets by far the easiest treatment of any top manager. Last Christmas, we were humiliated 4-0 by Southampton and on the same day Man Utd lost 2-0 to Stoke. All of the talk on Match of the Day, Sky and the printed media was how Van Gaal couldn’t possibly survive another defeat but the analysis of our match didn’t feature Wenger’s shortcomings at all.

It was “They lacked leadership” “The players let Arsene down” or “two or three more signings” - totally ignoring the fact that Wenger and Wenger alone is responsible for assembling the squad, picking and motivating the team, selecting the formation and managing each match as it progresses. In 95% of our media, it’s never Wenger’s fault. No other manager gets treated like this. It was exactly the same after the 8-2 at Old Trafford or the 6-0 at Chelsea or the regular thrashings in the Champions League Last 16.

Graham goes on to say that we should not judge Wenger on 2005 – 2013 and we should “shout Arsenal from the roof tops”. Why should I Graham? I’ve followed the team home, away and in Europe since the late 70s, spending thousands of pounds and thousands of hours. It was a huge part of my life and I sang myself hoarse in many a losing battle. But in late 2010 I gave up.

I sat through match after match, paying nearly £100 a time (well over £2,000 a year) to watch Eboue, Song, Squillaci, Bendtner, Denilson, Almunia, Gervinho, Walcott and many others poncing about, whilst collecting £50 or £60,000 a week. And all the while, Wenger sat on the bench fiddling with his zip. Wenger has had more money than most clubs – he just chose to spend it on too many sub standard players. Having paid thousands myself Graham, I have every right to judge the utter rubbish served up from 2005 onwards.

And that leads on to another glaring inaccuracy in Graham’s article – he tries to claim “No other club faced with our financial restraints had performed as well as AW”.

Sorry Graham but that is garbage. When Malcom Glazer took full control of Manchester United in May 2005, Man Utd were debt free. His takeover, however, was highly leveraged and in June 2010, Man Utd’s debts stood at £780million. That is far more debt than Arsenal ever had, and it should have been a huge barrier to success. But it wasn’t. Since 2005 Man Utd have won the League 5 times, the Champions League once, the FA Cup once and the League Cup 3 times. That shows what a ruthless manager can achieve. Furthermore, Man Utd seem to have addressed all of their weaknesses in just one transfer window, whilst Wenger once again swanned off to commentate on French TV.

Graham refers also to “knee-jerk haters”. Graham – my dislike of Wenger is built on seeing the same mistakes, hearing the same excuses, watching the same rubbish every year since 2005. It is anything but knee-jerk my old mate. I didn’t start out hating Wenger but I do now. One of many reasons why I hate him is because of the lies he tells. After the Man City friendly match on 7th August Wenger said “Physically we are ready for the new season” but after the Liverpool defeat 7 days later he said “We are not ready physically”.

When quizzed about why he is so far behind his rivals once again during this transfer window he snapped “Look at my face. Am I the face of somebody who does a panic buy?” (Oh no? What about Santos, Park, Benayoun and the permanently injured Arteta in 2011 ??)

And for years Wenger has claimed that nobody can compete with “Financially doped clubs” but this week he has stated “If you look at last season for example, it is not necessarily the club who bought the most that is in front”. The man is so arrogant and disingenuous that he will change his tune whenever it suits him and he has been doing it for years.

Graham tries also to claim that we have young players with promise. We’ve been sold that lie for years Graham or don’t you remember Merida / Lupoli / Owusu-Abayie / Vernazza / Grondin / Pennant / Emmanuel-Thomas / Aliadiere / Itonga / Randall / Bendtner / Vela / Bentley and many, many others. Wenger’s record at producing and managing young talent is woeful.

Just look at Wenger’s handling of Calum Chambers. Buys him for £16million, picks him, drops him, picks him, drops him, plays him out of position, drops him, sends him out on loan. And this is the man that Graham and co try to portray as a footballing genius.

I hesitate to get started on Graham’s “What ifs” but I can’t resist “What if results go our way?”. Everything went our way last season Graham – Chelsea were crap, City were inconsistent, United floundered, Spurs shot themselves in both feet, Liverpool played more like Blackpool but we still managed to have our usual meltdown in Spring and finish 10 points behind Leicester City. There is nothing to suggest that Wenger will ever recreate past triumphs. Even opposition fans sing “Arsene Wenger, we want you to stay”.

And then there is Wenger’s £8.3 million a year salary (whilst complaining about money in football) his defence of high ticket prices (the only Premier League manager to do so) and his dismal European record, given the funds available to him (3 European finals in 32 years of management – and all 3 ended in defeat). What is the point of finishing in the top 4 when Wenger doesn’t have what it takes to win in Europe?

To put Wenger’s European record in context - Brian Clough won the European Cup twice in four attempts, Bob Paisley three times in six, Ancelotti three times in twelve, Guardiola twice in five, Mourinho twice in eleven, Heynckes twice in five and Ferguson twice in twenty one. If Wenger was half as good as Graham wants us to believe, he wouldn’t have that glaring omission on his CV after all these years.

Wenger is football’s Tim Henman – good but there’s always someone better. He has had so much more time, money and leeway than any other top manager but still he finds a way to mess everything up, season after season. The problems at Arsenal are not the result of a media driven witch hunt. Nor are they a result of a shortage of cash. They are caused by a stubborn, arrogant, out of date manager that has too much power, is way behind his rivals and is more concerned with proving everyone wrong.

And that, Graham, is why I, and thousands of others, can’t wait until the day that Wenger finally departs our great Club.

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  1. OBG

    Sep 03, 2016, 13:47 #92785

    Well said Mark, we long time (48yrs) Gooners want Wenger gone. Yes, football has sold it's soul - It has changed forever - No longer are we fans referred to as Supporters but as customers - That is how Wenker and the board think of us - merely as cash cows - so they can make Profit - for indeed money is the new god and profit the the new religion....It is global and not just in football, BUT it is Football and specifically The Arsenal I am concerned and worried about. Wenker is a despot, an arrogant fool who is more of a politician than a Coach or Manager, he is an expert at 'spin' (ie: changing the rules and telling lies to suit his own ends) He is a disgrace to Arsenal football club and needs to be houded out asap. And take all the tourists/plastic fans with him...The one's who are unable to see that it is NOT arsene fc but ARSENAL FC. #WENGER OUT.

  2. Alpha6bw

    Sep 02, 2016, 20:27 #92776

    Brilliant Article Mr Halfpenny I salute you sir!

  3. Leek fc

    Sep 02, 2016, 17:03 #92766

    Yet another serious debate from JJ's dog..... Bonzo... Ruff.

  4. Bonzo

    Sep 02, 2016, 15:45 #92756

    Leekey - I've said it before and I'll say it again "**** off down to Palace"

  5. jjetplane

    Sep 02, 2016, 12:21 #92743

    LEEKY says 'move on, find a park, stop doing the twist, please meet me for a drink and I will be a WOB for you ....' ps LEEK misses being spoilt by his favourite uncle .... pps terrible news that President Attwat the dancing folk singer with a phd in deviance has closed the gates locking 'the last dianetical students alive' all alone with their uncleared engrams. The problem being is there is no laugh button ..... Bye bye Untold bye bye Walter on the Wing lol!

  6. James

    Sep 02, 2016, 12:16 #92742

    Couldn't agree with you more. You've said everything I would have said. Only I've wanted him to leave since 2007.

  7. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 02, 2016, 10:39 #92740

    Leek, if there's nothing more to say on Wenger in/out, why do so many of your posts end with 'Wenger must stay'? That being so, why don't you outline why? Surely you're capable of writing a longer piece expounding on the brief snippets you give us here, aren't you?

  8. GS

    Sep 02, 2016, 7:18 #92739

    Leek : for once your spot on . It's about Arsenal football club , NOT Arsene fc, our spin doctor just does not cut it any more, your asking us to get behind a liar, arrogant , incompetent , money grabbing accountant, good luck to you if your happy to do so, don't let your love for arsenal ? Blind you to follow a Jim jones type of messiah ( look it up) who is leading us to football oblivion, while on £8m pa, the latest panic buys don't fool us all .

  9. Leek fc

    Sep 02, 2016, 0:08 #92738

    Sorry jumpers. That episode concerning the anti or pro Wenger has been totally exhausted to its limit. The transfer window is now firmly closed. Move on, get over it. As I have stated before, time for change was a wet lettuce and many egos were shot down. Wenger had the majority backing him. It is time to move on and get behind the Arsenal. You've made your bed within this article and I respect that. It doesn't mean I agree with it. You WOB's are full of hatred, spin and ridicule. Show me where I stated "piss off to the park" show me where I admitted Wenger has failed the last 10 years, show me where I stated it has been hell the last 10 years. Too many people, too much time. Not enough support for the Arsenal. Get back to what you were good at Online Gooner...... Arsenal football club.

  10. jeff wright

    Sep 02, 2016, 0:05 #92737

    Tony Attwa, other clubs have actually won the Euro Cup so not finishing in a top 4 spot every season is no big deal to them .So why are you jumping up and down in glee about it then is the question.We know the answer to that though don't we now.

  11. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 23:59 #92736

    David, would anything surprise us with Arsenal at the moment ? and do you actually think it will be Kronke giving the new man the job ? no, providing he's still here (and I pray he's not)it will be TOF rubber stamping it, and nothing surprising us with that old has been, (personally I don't care who replaces him) in fact an appointment like that would/will suit wenger down to the ground.

  12. Jumpers for goalposts

    Sep 01, 2016, 23:18 #92735

    Lee KFC - rather than slagging everybody off that doesn't agree with you, why don't you write an article highlighting all of the reasons why you think Wenger is the best man to manage Arsenal?? Come on mate - money where your mouth is.

  13. Leek fc

    Sep 01, 2016, 22:50 #92734

    Read it again fellas before twisting it into your own agenda. I love this site for having it's head buried big time up its own egotistical Arse. Invincibles ???? Can't get any better than that so it's downhill eh. Doncha just love a fickle gooner.....

  14. Paul Ward

    Sep 01, 2016, 21:16 #92733

    Could be being a bit harsh on our British contingent for me. Gibbs is always solid and hasn't complained about losing his place, Walcott is below top level but appears to be a consumate professional .Jury is still out on the Ox, whilst Welbeck will quite possibly prove his worth when fit. This leaves Holding, who is too new to judge and the two major disappointments Wilshere and Chambers. As for Rambo I'm suprised he hasn't asked to move given that the manager refuses to play him in his best position . Personally , I prefer the squad to contain at least a few English / British players.

  15. Tony Attwat

    Sep 01, 2016, 21:08 #92732

    In defence of Mr Wenger, last summer the story was that Arsenal was the only club in the Premier League / Europe / the world not to buy an outfield player. And Arsenal went on to finish second, suggesting that in a simplistic cause and effect universe if only other clubs had stopped buying outfield players they would have come second too. Of course second then became the new relegation, just as the FA cup became not a trophy, and so on and becoming one of the only two clubs around who make it into the Champions year after year, became something to be derided rather than praised.

  16. David

    Sep 01, 2016, 20:04 #92731

    I don't seriously think Arsenal will have Eddie Howe as the manager next season. Bournemouth are likely to be scrapping for survival, and I don't imagine Kronke will give a young manager near the foot of the table the job of staying in the top four. More likely the ink is drying on Wenger's new three year contract as I type.

  17. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 01, 2016, 18:51 #92730

    Comrade Attwood has removed likes and dislikes from his website. The last and really only bit of fun one could have on Untold. The freaks would start wimpering as their inane comments got a dislike ratio of 20:1 Comrade No1# Attwood demands even more devotion and the male readers wife's!

  18. GS

    Sep 01, 2016, 18:46 #92729

    Nick : playing so many players out of position is criminal , the thing is wenger plays himself out of position as well , his natural position is as an accountant, but he insists on being a football manager. Clueless doesn't come close .

  19. Nick

    Sep 01, 2016, 18:10 #92728

    I'm not ready to give up on Wilshere yet I watched him many times as a youth team player he was a brilliant prospect as an attacking midfielder Wenger has ruined him by playing him either out wide or too deep going to Bournemouth a side that likes to pass the ball will be a good fit and hopefully he can prove the old fraud wrong! Wenger ruined Arshavin playing him out position he ruined Rees doing the same thing and destroyed his confidence he even aided Bendtners demise by playing an obvious center forward on the bloody wing he was no great shakes but Wenger certainly did the last no favours; he succeeded with transforming Henry from a winger to a striker and has thought ever since he could do it at will to the detriment of a lot of players !

  20. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 01, 2016, 18:09 #92727

    MBG - occasionally my rusty old brain cells collide and up pops a thought and that was I wonder if the Eddie Howe move has anything to do with this. So right on queue I read your comment. Today one of the younger crowd I work with said at least we only have one more year of it so any AKB loon reading yes it's old and young alike want him gone. Surprisingly the only guy who says you'd be mad to get rid of him supports....... yes Spurs!

  21. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 17:31 #92725

    Ron, yes big blown up pic's in a bank box of his indiscretions (I wonder what they are ? are certain AKB's involved ?)threatening to sell them to the press if he's not played or given new improved contracts every couple of years, I wonder if it's Barclays on Baker street, we could get Jason Streatham and his boys to break in for us, it wouldn't be hard to know what our first or one and only demand would be. wenger out.

  22. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 17:08 #92724

    One reason/theory doing the rounds as to why Wilshire choose/was advised/persuaded to join Bournmouth is because Eddie Howe is the nest Arsenal boss, roll on May, even better if it was tonight. wenger out.

  23. David

    Sep 01, 2016, 16:06 #92723

    May 2013 - Szczesny, Gibbs, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Walcott, Ramsey and Wilshere come off the pitch and celebrate scraping 4th at St. James Park. The peak of the English core.

  24. jeff wright

    Sep 01, 2016, 15:19 #92722

    Hi Ron ,I agree with your views that Wengo failed to coach Jack properly, along with others I must add, but stick with my view that Wenger overplayed the inexperienced and rather fragile youngster due to not having sufficient cover for the usual number of injured players that we have every season such as Diaby . He was always included in the squad as being fit for donkeys years at start of seasons but never stayed so for very long,deja vu Jacko and Rambo . It was always though just an excuse for Wengo not to sign anyone . Rosicky >? Well his name offers a clue there ! In fact Wenger himself has admitted to having overplayed Wilshere . I know his nose grows longer with ever passing season ,as does the amount of dosh in his banK accountant ( who says that crime doesn't pay !) but I believe he was being truthful about that. Jacko will more than likely do better at Bournemouth- if he can stay fit - however I wouldn't bet on that happening. So the last vestige of any claim for some success for Wengo's precious nut job - operation youth -has faded away like a little chocolate soldier melting in the midday sun .What a complete load of old tosh by Wengo that nonsense was . Any club with real ambition would have got shut of the fool after that embarrassing cock-up . In fact one club did - Monaco. It was no surprise either when the same club put Wengo out of Europe on his much vaunted return to their place a couple of seasons ago .They knew the fool only too well.

  25. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 15:15 #92721

    Mark, and if that were to happen mate, you can be dam sure TOF would be given the plaudits and hailed by the wengerites for making him one (and take them too with a grin and smirk as if he knew what he was doing) not the manager he was serving under, what a past it old fraud of a manager we have. wenger out.

  26. Ron

    Sep 01, 2016, 14:51 #92720

    David - all obsessed by the culture of 'celebrity' and only a peripheral interest in trying to attain excellence in their trade. Pretty much like the greater proportion of British, esp English footballers. As you say Bellerin puts the lot to shame. None of that English core would have lasted a yr under almost any other Coach whove managed a top 4 Club this last 10 years. The lot need shipping out smartish. Cant believe how Walcotts hung on. He must have some serious stuff on Wenger!

  27. David

    Sep 01, 2016, 14:40 #92719

    The English Core has been a cocked up plan in that if Arsenal got young English players that they would have a feeling for the club and be more loyal than mercenaries like Hleb & Nasri. The problem is they payed and praised them so much they never bothered to become top players. Gibbs, Walcott, Chambers, The Ox, Wilshere, Ramsey (OK, I know he is Welsh) all great at twiiter, taking selfies, and getting crocked but not exactly world beaters in football. I'd even add Szczęsny to that list as he was a youth player. I exclude Jenkinson as he was never meant to be much more than a reserve and also Welbeck who was further along in his career when joining. A lot of money spent yet precious little return. Bellerin in two seasons has shown more than almost all of them put together. Anyway onto Wenger's next plan, whatever that is.

  28. Mark

    Sep 01, 2016, 14:36 #92718

    It could pan out a number of ways ? Jack is brilliant for Bournmouth and everyone looks at Wenger as Coach and thinks WTF... could be he now disappears off into mediocrity as was his destiny because at the very top Level Jack just could not it regulary enough or stay fit Long enough. Im also for offloading Theoxgibbs i dont see any of them have what it takes at the top levels

  29. Tony Evans

    Sep 01, 2016, 13:42 #92717

    Christ knows, Ron, they must be watching a different player to me and you mate! So much for our English core - Wally, The Ox and Smoking Jack, one almost down two to go!

  30. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 13:26 #92716

    Jumpers 98181, spot on, it just wouldn't do to discard millionaire crocks it wouldn't be right, not fair on him or his family, inhuman, not the Arsenal way, we're a charity club) better to keep him and make him richer for doing f**k all, it looks much better, there was a die hard AKB on here way way back (until some of the boys on here retired him to stud) who used to defend Diaby to the hilt and if he'd had his way would still have him (and others) at the club.

  31. Peter Wain

    Sep 01, 2016, 13:24 #92715

    Cannot argue with that

  32. Ron

    Sep 01, 2016, 13:15 #92714

    Tony - ... and yet the media/pundits still portray him as a great English hope dont they! Staggering. What do they base it on? Hes hardly ever played football since 2008 and certainly never for any prolonged period. The level of pundit delusion over any english player is mindblowing isnt it. If he was foreign, they'd label him differently im sure.

  33. Tony Evans

    Sep 01, 2016, 12:56 #92713

    Re Wilshire - he is good mates with Afobe at Bournemouth which may have influenced his decision. Not that he had much of a choice did he! What a sad indictment for a player that promised so much but, to date, has delivered bugger all.

  34. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 12:43 #92712

    Redshirts, and no doubt on the advice of wenger too, why Wilshire would want to take advice of someone who has ruined him is beyond me, but it wouldn't look good for TOF if Wilshire was to go to a big club and better himself and become a better player. wenger out.

  35. David

    Sep 01, 2016, 12:33 #92711

    I think Wilshere has talent but going to Bournemouth on loan looks like a negative move. The only positive thing is he may get to play more games there, but it all depends on his fitness. I think he would have been better off going to a club on the continent and looking at how he could adapt his game and become a better footballer. Also regarding the earlier comment on Joe Cole, in his defence he played 12 consistently good seasons with West Ham and Chelsea before the disastrous move to Liverpool. Even when he was there he went to Lille and had a good season on loan. He has gone into decline in recent seasons, but has still kept playing lazy-washed-up-but-rich-so who cares anyway is very unfair. As for Bentley, he only ever had two good seasons at Blackburn, signed a fat contract at Spurs and gave up. Barely had a career in truth to have ended washed up.

  36. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 12:32 #92710

    Good heading on GMS with reference to the fee Bournmouth paid for smoking jack, I bet wenger was up all night counting every penny.wenger out.

  37. Bonzo

    Sep 01, 2016, 12:31 #92709

    Leekey - **** off to Palace you Eagle loving Holmesdale Ultra, 80's Casual throwback , Mark Bright superfan and we know you'd like a bit of Pardew oh yes, don't we just know it.

  38. GS

    Sep 01, 2016, 12:23 #92708

    No reason Jack W should not move, hasn't worked out for him at Afc, and if his speed/timings aren't up to scratch ,plus his countless injuries, best try somewhere else. I think Wenger/Arsenal blocked move to Roma, so probably Bournemouth best bet for him.

  39. CB

    Sep 01, 2016, 12:19 #92707

    Have to disagree with the put downs of Wilshire. He has/had talent but hasn't matured as a player. Partly down to his limited intelligence but mainly down to a manager who supposedly likes players to work it out for themselves. As for going to Bournemouth, they coughed up the most cash apparently and he should get plenty of game time ( if he isnt crocked!), so may turn out to be a good move.

  40. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 01, 2016, 11:48 #92706

    Thanks Ron - agree about yr thoughts on loan players. Even that f**k wit Merson realised that, when he was managing (I use the term loosely) Walsall. "they don't care, cos they just go back to their clubs".

  41. Ron

    Sep 01, 2016, 11:26 #92705

    WABATTB - True enough. Ive never got the Wilshere has talent mantra either. He once looked a prospect by virtue of his commitment but it soon went didn't it. Him going to Bournemouth sums him up. His ego will still make him feel like the big cheese there, as he stays on easy street while lying prone on his deck chair in between each mystery injury. Had he have had the balls to go abroad, he knows he d have been found out for the rather dim journeyman that he is. I suspect Bmouth will be glad to send him back this time next yr after his 15 appearances in a relegation yr, about which he wont give a f--k.

  42. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 01, 2016, 10:58 #92704

    So it's farewell to Smokin' Jack Wilshire, who only a couple of years ago was going to be Hengerlund's saviour but now looks to be heading down the David Bentley/Joe Cole lazy-washed-up-but-rich-so who cares anyway-route instead. For what it's worth, the all-seeing all-knowing WABATTD never got what all the fuss on Mr Wilshire was about. How's about taking some time off ripping into each other to enlighten me what I might have been missing.

  43. jjetplane

    Sep 01, 2016, 10:25 #92703

    Latest news! LEEK FC superfan has admitted the last decade has been hell under Mr Wengo and when asked to comment said 'if there was a park near me - I would go there instead ....' Other news Superfan Walter is hoping to attend the Emirates before climate change takes it's toll on the Holloway area. Tony Atwood just loves to boogie!

  44. Jumpers for goalposts

    Sep 01, 2016, 9:39 #92702

    Lee KFC - telling me to Piss off to the park! Wow that's a new one. Thanks mate. And as Mark has pointed out you've actually admitted (probably without realising) that Wenger has been serving up garbage for over a decade when you say that he spoilt us in his first years at The Arsenal. Shame you won't admit that he's been hopeless for the later years.

  45. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 01, 2016, 7:51 #92701

    Leekey "but Wenger spoiled you rotten in his younger days" the only logical conclusion and extension I can take from that is Leekey is admitting that more recent times have not been ones of spoiled pleasure. Ready to admit then Leek that Wengers last 10 years have been thoroughly mediocre.

  46. Listen with Mother "From AKB Central"

    Sep 01, 2016, 7:18 #92700

    "Now children settle down I know you've all been upset about how some very bad people have been nasty to poor Uncle Wenger. As a treat we have a visitor from overseas. Young Walter is from Belgium." Giggling is heard from the back row. "No Jamerson he's not a Frenchie as you put your it, and please do be kinder to foreigners. Shall we teach Walter some English words. Let's sing together. Jamerson put the kettle on Jamerson put the kettle on Jamerson put the kettle on It's time for tea Leakey take it off again Leakey take it off again Leakey take it off again They've all gone away Walter put the kettle on..... See little ones after your song none of you are weeping anymore."

  47. mbg

    Sep 01, 2016, 3:53 #92699

    David, yes indeed, and the ox too, ruined them both, criminal is the word obvious to any sane person/football fan (another in the long list of sack able offence's)but of course not the AKB wengerites they blame the players and think it's their fault, Sad. Ruination of our club out.

  48. Exiled gooner in portugal

    Sep 01, 2016, 0:23 #92698

    Nice to see Arsene Clough true to his word as always, offer Gnarby a new contract then sell him, tell the useless Theo his a striker not a right winger then play him on the wing!! Sad to say if JW had any ambition he would of been in Italy by now with an interest to improve his career rather than retire to the coast!! Sums up the mentality of the whole club under the current regime all happy to under achieve no desire to win. What a joke our club has become **** off Stan , Ivan and Arsene at least Cloughie was pissed!!

  49. Leek fc

    Aug 31, 2016, 23:08 #92697

    But, jumpers for goalposts. The Arsenal is no longer your worry. It is no longer YOUR MONEY as you have stated. Your family comes first and The Arsenal come second. You no longer invest in The Arsenal so stick to taking the children to the park on Saturday and leave it to the regulars and the gooners who can and will get behind Arsenal. Late 70's and early 80's were dour but Wenger spoiled you rotten in his early days.

  50. jjetplane

    Aug 31, 2016, 22:55 #92696

    And your counter argument is? ........ You need to have more faith in your convictions. Take a leaf out of Reverend Perry's The Wengo Testament. Repetition,Obsession and Compulsion are verily the ways of the good Lord Wengo. Ask Jamerson! .......

  51. GS

    Aug 31, 2016, 22:40 #92695

    GoonerRon : I think you have a right to voice your view, whether I or anyone else agrees , it is good for debate to have opposing views . Unlike untold , both views are allowed on here, it's just that the majority on this site are of the Wenger out opinion. Whatever the merits of both views , the fact remains Wenger has massively underachieved since 2004.

  52. GoonerRon

    Aug 31, 2016, 22:25 #92694

    @ jjetplane - my voice is wasted on here. After all, why let any counter-argument get in the way of sensationalist-suit-an-agenda nonsense.

  53. JackL

    Aug 31, 2016, 22:01 #92693

    I write a post every month or two and repeatedly state how AW is not good enough for our club-nothing will change until he goes (in 3 years!). This article sums everything up and encapsulates everyone's view. Been going to AFC since 1963 and obviously want us to win every match-but a tiny part of me fears that a good run will lead to a new contract...what a dilemma...

  54. jjetplane

    Aug 31, 2016, 22:01 #92692

    GoonerRon you really need to talk to Walter and Tony - your horsehair voice in the wilderness is really wasted on here. Horrible how Jack has betrayed you .....

  55. Jumpers for goalposts

    Aug 31, 2016, 21:56 #92691

    Gooner Ron. You're missing the point mate. We're not picking on injured players for the sake of it - we raise it to highlight how indulgent Wenger is WITH OUR MONEY. It's not his cash that he shovels at these players, it's the cash that we pay to watch these pampered little tossers. Wenger has held on to massively overpaid crocks for years (Diaby Wilshere Walcott Gibbs Rosicknote Bischoff Kallstrom etc.) and I'm sick of it. Wenger is light years behind Ferguson and his treatment of perma-crocks proves it.

  56. GoonerRon

    Aug 31, 2016, 21:29 #92690

    Just so I'm clear on how it works in here: any player who gets injured a lot, leaves our club on loan or is judged to have gone backwards = Wenger ruined them. Any player who joins our club or brought through the ranks and improves / performs well = Wenger was forced to buy them / or was a fluke. I've never heard such nonsense on here about Wenger ruining Wilshere blah blah blah - if it's true Wenger runs the club from top to bottom then a young Wilshere from Stevenage being at the club in the first place is down to Wenger, getting his first team debut at 16 and England debut at 18 - down to Wenger. Injuries happen and he's been really, really unlucky. People speculate that Wenger has never had a go at Wilshere for off field stuff, nor tried to dissuade him from tackling 'in his way' - based on what? None of you know **** (as don't I) about what goes on behind closed doors so it's bollocks to bash Wenger based on nothing other than the outcome suiting an agenda. If we hadn't have bought Elneny / Xhaka and kept playing Wilshere, Wenger would be vilified for indulging a sick note and not being ruthless enough.

  57. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 31, 2016, 21:17 #92689

    Why doesn't it surprise me that smoking jack is taking the easy option with a loan to Bournemouth. A proper player would want to challenge and improve themselves and would have gone abroad for a year. Mind you with his injury record he will be spending more time in a deckchair on the beach than on a football pitch. And whilst we are loaning out under achieving, overpaid, molley-coddled, spoilt, egotistical let downs... any chance of offing wally, ox, Gibbs et al for a year (or better still permanently). I would happily drive the lot of them to their desired destinations even though I haven't even worked half a day in the driving industry

  58. white sleeves

    Aug 31, 2016, 21:09 #92688

    Best article I've ever read on this fraud who is sucking the life out of Arsenal. He's like some Game of Thrones character holed up in his castle oblivious to the chaos surrounding him

  59. mbg

    Aug 31, 2016, 20:15 #92687

    Just got a txt from a mate, wilshire to go on loan favourites are Holby City and Casualty, well done wenger. Go now.

  60. CB

    Aug 31, 2016, 20:09 #92686

    Yes but whose fault is it he is paid so much and is for ever injured?? We all know the answer to that one

  61. Paul Ward

    Aug 31, 2016, 20:08 #92685

    Jacks had plenty of chances, the bottom line is the injuries have ruined him. Not sure his off the pitch antics would have done him any favours either to be honest. A loan move is best for all parties, if he's good enough it could be the making of him, besides ,the Abou Diaby debacle showed us that you shouldn't keep indulging injury prone players, no matter how talented.

  62. David

    Aug 31, 2016, 20:06 #92684

    "Its almost criminal what Wenger has done or should I say failed to do with Wilshire." It's criminal that he gets paid so much having done so little. 80 starts in the league over 5 seasons and just 6 goals, yet he is is one of the top earners at Arsenal. Just watching Sky Sports News and I agree with Alan McInally. He should go abroad and improve, not scuttle off to Bournemouth for the cosy life by the sea. Bit too young to retire, isnt he?

  63. JollyJumper

    Aug 31, 2016, 19:58 #92683

    Hello Mark, I am going to print your article, put it under the glass & frame, just next to my favorite item on the wall ... TOF Wanker's picture transformed into the darts board! Perfectly well said. Was saying the same things seven-eight years ago. Nothing have changed or getting worse. Good comments as well from your readers. Wanker out! Love Arsenal FC. Hate Arsène (Kroenke, Board, Gazidis) FC!!

  64. David

    Aug 31, 2016, 19:54 #92682

    I can't believe Walcott is still at Arsenal. And coining £110K/week to boot. Will Bournemouth be paying Wilshere £140K/week or will Arsenal still be paying? You would think they would have had to have done something to get paid that much rather than being on the treatment table. http://www.totalsportek.com/money/arsenal-player-salaries/

  65. CB

    Aug 31, 2016, 19:35 #92681

    Its almost criminal what Wenger has done or should I say failed to do with Wilshire. A proper coach would have ironed out the weaknesses in his game- as pointed out in Rons post and also taken him aside and given him a right b*****king over his off field shennaingans. But we all know wengers got no backbone for stuff like that. Another player he seems to have ruined is the Ox. When he first appeared he looked like he was going to be everything that Walcott isnt but now he is no better or worse than Walcott, and thats saying something.

  66. Gooner Daniel

    Aug 31, 2016, 18:43 #92680

    100% spot on. Some old crap this season.

  67. David

    Aug 31, 2016, 18:03 #92679

    I have to disagree with myself (too many David's!!!!) "to win the PL requires buying players for more than £60 million, plus bigger wages. " It doesn't. Leicester did it. I would say that many of Arsenal's best players in the last 20 years (Anelka, Vieria, Pires, Fabregas, van Persie) all cost relative peanuts, whereas many of the big buys (Reyes, Jeffers, Arshavin, Chambers [5th largest signing !!]) were next to useless. I would say the jury is still out on Ozil and Alexis. It's not about the money for me it's about the player, and even when Arsene spends he doesn't spend well.

  68. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 31, 2016, 17:57 #92678

    Ron, without patronizing you, Wenger being a board member and running the team, sums the situation up perfectly at Arsenal, you are spot on and boy, as you say, has he perfected it! As for winding up the fans, the little rumour that we may be in for Sturridge, is just that, a little bit of p*ss taking just to show who is running this outfit. To become the richest club in the world sounds like the perfect mission statement. The real truth as you have clearly stated though Ron, is that every board of a PL club secretly would love a Wenger handling the footballing affairs. Not for Arsenal the huge overpaid harem of coaches & fitness guru's or the new manager's shopping list, just a ordinary bunch of yes men who don't rock any boats or get ideas above their station, won't win trophies but it sure keeps everything financially smooth and shipshape. Thanks Ron, you have made everything so much clearer and I shall now only look upon Arsenal in terms of wealth creation not winning football matches.

  69. GS

    Aug 31, 2016, 17:37 #92677

    Here's one for you AKB's : what is the difference between A Mercedes Tourismo Euro VI and Wenger ? ... One is a top European Coach , the other is a Frenchman.

  70. mbg

    Aug 31, 2016, 17:28 #92676

    Mark, 98160, couldn't agree more, and as everyday goes by with everything he says and does I dislike him even more (unhealthy I know) but it's him (and no one else)that has fans this way (and we all know the reasons) I swear he says and does these things just to wind fans up and stick two fingers up at them, but then it's just that he's clueless, or maybe a mixture of both. wenger out now.

  71. GS

    Aug 31, 2016, 17:03 #92675

    bba : it don't take no courage to churn out Lies, Spin and the blame game , while earning £8m pa. Courage is something else in my book.... are you sure you are a Gooner ?? do you use the posh entrance at the Emirates, you know, the one with the Bust of Wenger ? Wenger & Bust is about right..

  72. mbg

    Aug 31, 2016, 16:59 #92674

    jw, yes mate him and a few others of this so called backbone of England for years that was much lauded and trumpeted about by him and his AKB wengerites at the time, where are they today I ask ? all ruined and broken by TOF. wenger the ruination out.

  73. GS

    Aug 31, 2016, 16:48 #92673

    Ron , post 98159 : Cant disagree with you, its just that Wenger is masquerading as a Football Coach/Manager , when really he is an accountant, so all he has to do is come clean and say so, rather than give us Lies & Spin, and say, look, I don't have a clue about football tactics/transfer etc , but I will make Arsenal one of the riches club in the world?? Instead, he makes out he knows what he is doing and keeps telling us to "Judge me in May", so based on that he is a fraud. Its his lack of honesty & credibility that has turn me against him, and like you say, you make your own choice, my choice is Arsenal, Wenger can do one...

  74. bba

    Aug 31, 2016, 16:44 #92672

    Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts......

  75. Torbay gooner

    Aug 31, 2016, 16:37 #92671

    Good post, disappointed to see Gnarby and Campbell leave, whilst we continue to play Wally and the Ox to no great effect. Nice one Arsene!

  76. Jumpers for goalposts AKA Mark Halfpenny

    Aug 31, 2016, 16:13 #92670

    Jack Wilshere - yet another example of how hopeless Wenger is at nurturing and developing young players. Should have been a key player for Club and country but at 24 he's scrabbling around for a loan club on deadline day. Superb planning!! (At least he's a millionaire many times over though which should cushion the blow). Disliking Wenger as much as I do gives me no pleasure but everything that man does convinces me more that he will never, ever bring success back to Arsenal.

  77. Ron

    Aug 31, 2016, 15:56 #92669

    David - yr quite right of course. The arguments and critiques we spout on here are only of any use when looked at the through a football fans prism. From a business perspective AFC are the Club id invest in if i had the cash. Theyre perfect and Kroenke and the Board are quite simply the best. So is AW at the helm. Hes a Board member running the team and has perfected it. There are so many Boards who would love to dispense with a Coach and do the job themselves but simply cant. AW is in many ways still a genius, just not a football genius. Make no mistake, hes highly talented and is a top 'politician' too. AW has morphed from a Coach to a hands on Director. It is quite impressive whether we like it or not. He learned yrs ago that being 1st got you nothing that 3rd gives a Club. Blame UEFA for that, not Wenger or Kroenke. I wdt want to buy yr Aguerros and Pogbas just to win a title if i was a Director either. I d have to pay them a Kings ransom and wdt want to. Its true, as a Board member i d want Arsene for life too and allow him to leave only when the business plan was looking jaded or rocky. The fans have to make their choices. Its this road or the High road.

  78. Ron

    Aug 31, 2016, 15:28 #92668

    I think that the Willys loan is the shop window to a sale for him. Not before time. Hes not going to make it now at the best level. His general health wont allow it. I dont think Wenger over used him though 5 - 6 yrs back. He looked a real prospect back then. His problem has been his insistence on his reckless tackling and holding the ball for too long, running endlessly into 'traffic' thus inevitably drawing the tackles back, hard ones as hes such a squirt and the bullies in the oppo s teams were never reluctant to welcome him to the game. Hes never had the coaching to tackle properly maybe nor advised when and when not to tackle. JW isnt the brightest knife in the draw ive always thought. He seems to think hes got to be the English centre mid all round 'hard man', but he was never going to pull that one off. Just too small and not near imposing enough. Wilshere wd do best going to France or Spain and perhaps thrive where the physicality isnt as robust and so cd still save his career. A season under Pardew doesnt sound right for him in my view. Best thing for AFC is that he gets at least 20 or so games under his belt and a few sub appearances so that he can be sold for some thing. As it is right now, id say hes almost worthless and a drain on the wage bill. AFC want to see him fit or thereabouts fit so to move him on. I think theyve decided already that he has no future at the Club.

  79. Mark

    Aug 31, 2016, 14:58 #92667

    Ref Jack the word is he is really struggling on proper Fitness Levels. his stats are worst in the squad on Stamina and Speed and they think he Needs to Play 30-40 games in a row to get back to best. he should go to Rome for a year the Club will have all Options covered on him

  80. Mark

    Aug 31, 2016, 14:43 #92666

    dont Forget the Austerity Programme that the Club went through (NO signings but higher ticket Prices), didnt extend to the Manager ! he always got his £8mpa ! Board Owners and Management are 2nd rate compared to City Utd Chelskie and make Daniel Levy look appealing. a win against Watford and suddenly Chaka is Manu Petit ???? beam me up scotty lets see how much of Chaka and Theo we see against chelsea/utd/City/spurs..... Wenger is a complete Joker and Stan and Ivan havnt got a clue how to deal with him....

  81. Avenell Road

    Aug 31, 2016, 13:45 #92665

    Real Gooner say Wenger Out - because we want what is best for the club. Up the Gunners!

  82. mbg

    Aug 31, 2016, 13:41 #92663

    Peter, it was Palace who were the favourites early doors, or Watford, I suppose it doesn't matter as long as he gets away from that clown he's with at the minute, and no doubt there's haggling going on with TOF as to who can pay the most dough for this or that that's very/more important than what club is best for Wilshire. wenger out.

  83. shaun

    Aug 31, 2016, 13:41 #92664

    That was a good read and I could not agree more.The record in Europe alone should tell the akb it's time for a change.The record against the perceived top clubs in the prem is also absolutely poor.Can't wait to see that idiot setup his zonal defense against the giants from manchester . You feel for KOS AND MUSTAFFI ALREADY

  84. jeff wright

    Aug 31, 2016, 13:31 #92662

    mbg ,Wengo certainly did ruin Jack by over-playing him when he was younger due to not having signed players to cover for injuries. Now Wengo has an abundance of midfield ones and poor little Jacko is surplus to requirements .C 'est la vie!

  85. Peter

    Aug 31, 2016, 13:21 #92661

    What is going on in our club? Just read that Jack will be going to Roma on loan. Jack, if he stays fit, is the future of The Gooners. He needs to play for us no-one else. Also he gives us a difference in usually going directly forward and not across the pitch.

  86. mbg

    Aug 31, 2016, 12:32 #92660

    So it's looks like smoking jack wanted out was pushing for a move, not to win something this time though, something far more important than that, to save his career after been ruined and broken by wenger, another on who has jumped ship on poor old wenger, I suppose like the rest it's only a matter of time until the ropes out for him to from the AKB's. we want wenger out.

  87. jjetplane

    Aug 31, 2016, 11:59 #92658

    'A bit evidence might help' says Walter on UA sounding uncannily like his master who never sees anything and Walter follows suite by simply never going to games. I ****ing love that site! Reams and reams of ref reports that would embarrass a veteran train spotter. Used to do bit (sic) spotting at Fins Pk in the early 60s so power to yer biros lads. ps wondering if teaken is Belgium for taken lol!

  88. Nostradamus

    Aug 31, 2016, 11:58 #92657

    Absolutely spot on! As a lifelong and fellow Gooner (40 years) i feel it my duty to try to prepare you and others, for what i foresee the next ten years or so will look like as regards Arsenal Football Club. Please sit comfortably with a plastic cup full of your favourite tipple and remove any ropes, sharp instruments or indeed firearms from your vicinity! This will not be Arsene Wengers last season in charge. Reading and listening to yours and other blogs and podcasts it seems to be apparent that Stan Kroenke regards Arsene as the very best man in world football to run 'his' club in the way he wants it to be run. This being the case Arsene Wenger will not be sacked, why would he be? Rather he will be given another 2 year contract in order that Stan can eek out as much as he possibly can out of this current set up before the fans finally find a way of making the situation untenable. Then, Arsene will simply be moved upstairs to the boardroom thereby satisfying the fans argument about there being no football knowledge or expertise on the board. Then, one of two things will happen. Either, the new manager that gets appointed will be nothing more than an Arsene Wenger puppet (Remi Garde?) Who will simply continue this nonsense under the continuing influence of Arsene, displaying a similar lack of ambition etc etc and blatant disregard for the fans. In the eyes of the club this will completely remove the fans' argument about the 'need for change', whilst also adding football expertise to the board, although of course, the reality is, nothing really will have changed except the fans will now have nothing left to complain about. OR, We'll go through a period of years of instability with new managers resigning because they won't be allowed to run the team and buy the players they want because of constant veto's and interference from ‘Le Professor’ above. Buckle up chaps and face it, We're screwed!

  89. David

    Aug 31, 2016, 11:56 #92656

    Agreed, agreed, agreed. Although it isn't Wenger's fault that he's still in the job - it is the board who have the authority to sack him. Consider their perspective: Arsenal turn a very healthy profit year on year finishing 3rd or 4th and qualifying for the CL. They must know (but don't say) as we all do, that to win the PL requires buying players for more than £60 million, plus bigger wages. This is a vast increase on the amount that Wenger is prepared to pay - not because he loves the board, but because those are his principles. Winning the PL wouldn't substantially improve finances; in fact sustaining that level of success is perceived to be a bottomless pit. The extra expenditure required to win the PL is the clubs profit margin. And this won't increase as a consequence of winning the PL. So it's better to stick with the guy making you money.

  90. jjetplane

    Aug 31, 2016, 11:36 #92655

    Sorry to say but Wengo the non-football accountant gets the 60 thou somewhat bemused non-football, pro Thai fusion quick eats fans that Asano (where he? Kyoto billboard/shirt fodder .... canny cultish move) FC deserve. It's a perfect thereabouts situation which presently looks irreversible ... Love curried pickles/laugh at Asano FC.

  91. David

    Aug 31, 2016, 11:23 #92654

    Ajax are a shadow of the club they were 20 years ago. Maybe they can have a revival like Benfica have had in recent years, but they and the other Dutch sides have declined a lot. Nowadays the Dutch rank 10th in Europe and are likely to lose at least one European place and possibly two in the next couple of years.

  92. Mathew

    Aug 31, 2016, 11:04 #92653

    @ David... But they do have a better academy than us and Frank is going to get the best out of them in coming years.

  93. Guy in Jersey

    Aug 31, 2016, 10:46 #92652

    Mustafi is a great signing, but Lucas Perez is not. I won't be the slightest bit surprised if Perez joins the long list of non-scoring forward players that Wenger has signed in recent years - the awesome Alexsis Sanchez notwithstanding. Perez has a goalscoring rate to rival that of legendary Arsenal strikers such as Chamakh, Gervinho, Bendtner, Chu-Young, Sanogo, Welbeck and Podolski (although, to be fair to Podolski, he wasn't helped by being played out of position). That's why, despite one good season out of the last seven, he's a waste of £17 million. Even the Deportivo fans don't rate him, and he certainly won't be helped by our style of play. P.S. Judge me in May.

  94. David

    Aug 31, 2016, 10:37 #92651

    "What was the point of moving?" - For the likes of me, there was no point. If the last 10 years have proven anything, it is that clubs with 40,000 attendances or less like Chelsea and Leicester can win the big trophies. However, there are probably about 20,000 or more who couldn't get hold of tickets at Old Arsenal Stadium who now have season tickets. There are probably countless others who via red membership can get tickets for the odd game. Arsenal are just like Ajax. They decided their old ground wasn't good enough for a side that had won four European Cups and that they had to get a new bigger ground to compete with the big boys in Europe. Sadly their expectations nowadays are doing no more than qualifying for the Europa League by finishing 3rd in their group.

  95. GS

    Aug 31, 2016, 10:32 #92650

    Squatter Wenger : Fair point, why don't you write something then ??

  96. David

    Aug 31, 2016, 10:22 #92649

    Not sure why attending the last two cup finals makes you a bigger fan because I know a few season ticket holders who didn't gat a ticket via the ballot. I haven't been to an Arsenal cup final since 2006. Was at them all from 1972-2003 (except Brussels cos I was too young to travel alone). Thing is since they went to 40,000 season ticket holders it is only possible to get them by paying a fortune, either for the season ticket itself or from a tout. In the seventies and eighties I collected the programme coupons. And in 1993, 1994, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003 I got a ticket on a silver membership because I attended so many games. Rarely had a season ticket (maybe for four or five seasons when they had standing ones) and given I can get tickets for pretty much any home game with a silver membership have no need of one. Also saves me having to book out whole weekends until Sky/BT Sport decide when Arsenal should play.

  97. Squatter Wenger

    Aug 31, 2016, 10:19 #92648

    So sick of every article on here being about Wenger. This site has become an anti Wenger wallow in misery wank-fest. How about some articles on the players and squad instead of Wenger ad nauseum.

  98. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Aug 31, 2016, 10:03 #92647

    Namath, what a dude. The George Best of the NFL. Coolest QB ever to win a Super Bowl, but his relationship with the sherry and the ladies meant he only ever got himself together enough to do it once! Anyway, I'm off to self - indulge on transfer day nonsense. I plan to coo, ooh and aah as Colchester secure the loan signing, with an option, of that versatile reserve full back from Crawley.

  99. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 31, 2016, 9:52 #92646

    "If you aren't going all the way, why go at all?" - Joe Namath. WENGER OUT! GAZIDIS OUT! KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  100. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Aug 31, 2016, 9:51 #92645

    Top article. I remember how chuffed I was when we knocked off Liverpool in the League (Milk?) Cup Final when my many Liverpool supporting school chums ten miles north of Luton told me repeatedly that we had no chance, Rush will skin Adams & O'Leary for fun etc., so the period from 1986 - 2004 was bliss compared to Terry Neill's end of era fumblings, and the subsequent brave but futile efforts of Dear Don. Even with those perspectives taken into account, the pickle that the executives at Arsenal PLC have made of The Emirates Years resonates with those that experienced plenty of the topsy - turvy times at Highbury. "What was the point of moving" is being asked twelve years on, and the lack of a league or European title continues to load that question with meaning.

  101. Gs

    Aug 31, 2016, 9:46 #92644

    MarkfromA :Good post - Arsenal means different things to different people, but just because you haven't seen Wenger's Bust your not a proper Gooner (bba post 98108, "for us rich & famous") whether you live in Islington or Timbuktu and never been to an Arsenal game, if the club is in your soul then no one has the right to take the moral high ground and claim "your not a proper fan". When losing would spoil your weekend, & cause misery , the you know what it means, thank god i'm over that now, it might return when Wenger leaves. Wenger's Bust has no place anywhere near Herbert Chapman's, one achieved great things with pennies, the other underachieved with millions.

  102. Guy in Jersey

    Aug 31, 2016, 9:32 #92643

    Great article Mark, you nailed it!

  103. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 31, 2016, 9:12 #92641

    Mark, this exactly sums up the ending of my 56 year affair with Arsenal Football club. My "last straw" was away to Stoke 2009 (the 2-1 defeat) The future England goalkeeper Almunia just got out of the way of some nasty Stoke forwards, for fear of being hurt! The whole team that day reflected the manager's insane transformation of a once proud club. That turning away from professional standards in coaching and player development is clear for all to see in our English quartet of Theo, Jack, Ox and Chambers, they will not make it at Arsenal. Chambers has a chance if he gets away now, however it is too late for Theo, and Jack, clearly has not had sufficient schooling from senior players, had he played under TA maybe he would have stood a chance. Many on this site, as long as three to four years ago warned about JW development and they were right, when you ignore basic footballing requirements you get failure, like an unruly class - no one learns anything! I did wonder if the real Wenger was kidnapped by a crazy jealous twin brother and had locked him away somewhere to prove he can run Arsenal better! Barmy, yes I know but has anyone else got a better explanation of the "pacifying" of my football team.

  104. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 31, 2016, 7:05 #92639

    Jumpers- it's a tough one isn't when you've got young nippers as well. I am hoping that Wengo has finally gone by the time my boy turns 6 (he's currently 3) . So that I can take him along when we I am more excited about things. My Grandad took my dad in 48, my Dad took me in 76 and so I want to take my boy in 2018/19 then I reckon it's nearly 100 years of continued support as it must have originated in the 20's from my family. I hope the management change will reignite the flame and kids only need to be taken once or twice a year to get the passion burning. Im very happy for someone to turn up and become an instant Arsenal supporter otherwise the club dies I get that length of support is not the be all. What is sadder is frightened Wengo fools claiming some moral high ground on support, step forward Mr BBA.

  105. Snowbiggee

    Aug 31, 2016, 6:55 #92638

    Probably one of the greatest headlines to appear in the Gooner. Damning.

  106. Petrovic

    Aug 30, 2016, 23:42 #92637

    Spot on mate! Dare I also suggest that Timmy at least had ambition and intentions of winning grad slams......

  107. Jumpers for goalposts AKA Mark Halfpenny

    Aug 30, 2016, 23:39 #92636

    bba - don't wish to sound snotty mate but the answer is in my article. I stopped going (after more than 30 years) in September 2010 when I paid nearly £100 to watch us get humiliated by West Brom. I'd recently become a father for the first time and something in me snapped. Why was I paying thousands a year to watch half-arsed performances from the likes of Eboue, Song, Diaby and Bendtner? All of whom were "earning" in a week what I struggled to earn in a year. The 2014 final was on the day of my daughter's Baptism and the 2015 final was my son's 7th birthday. So you could say that after decades of unwavering support - I had something more important to do on both days. And besides - I'd been to plenty of finals before so it was someone else's turn. I was there in 87. 88. In with the Millwall fans to watch us in 89. For every game home and away in the 91 season. For both 93 finals. 94. 95. In with the Spurs fans to watch us in 95. Every game including the final in 98. And so on. Which is probably why I dislike Wenger so much in 2016.

  108. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 23:30 #92635

    Baa, it's you that's not the/a proper gooner, supporting and old has been manager that has been bringing and taking the club backwards for years instead of the team and club, the sooner he goes and takes sheep like you with him the better.

  109. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 23:10 #92634

    Mark from Aylesbury, but don't be surprised if TOF hands him a new improved contract, with a nod of approval from the AKB's of course. You couldn't make it up.

  110. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 22:48 #92632

    wenger mound actually sounds better than hill for TOF's monument, but Andy murray is a winner unlike the losers Henman and wenger. wenger out.

  111. Cyril

    Aug 30, 2016, 22:15 #92631

    GS; in fact I think Clive Thomas et al were well before their time as I also seem to recall the refs association stating after Nelsons showed his column that 'we do not condone that kind of tackle from behind' . I think it made Jimmy Hill proud that day. Pure class !!

  112. GS

    Aug 30, 2016, 22:12 #92630

    Cyril: happy days indeed , 45000 +crowd to get stubs to complete collection for final tickets . Sammy scored the own goal for Cov, then scored for us , I think he was a bit overwhelmed in scoring 2 goals in a game, and celebrated in the only way he knew how - cost him 2wks wages !!

  113. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 30, 2016, 22:07 #92629

    Bba - why do you keep asking whether people attended the cup finals? Did you look fleetingly at someone, catch their eye and now spend time wondering if it's them? Did you attend the 1971 cup final, 78,79,80 did you attend the 1993 2nd replay? Random finals you may or may not have attended. As a lot of people on this site have taken a personal decision not to attend whilst Wengo remains in charge you may find the answer is no. Perhaps you should go onto Untold and ask Walter Broekx the last time he attended as he appears to write match reports from his armchair in Belguim.

  114. Cyril

    Aug 30, 2016, 21:55 #92628

    GS; great little reminder. My ninth birthday, that's why I remember it so well. 1 all draw with Coventry. Too young too go. I remember the sun picture. He had a proper pair of y fronts on if I recall. The parachute regiment would have been proud. I think it was in front of the North Bank. And I recall we had the semi of the cup on our minds. Could be wrong. Anyway ended working with his mrs at Brighton council briefly many many moons later. Happy days ....!

  115. GoonerRon

    Aug 30, 2016, 21:53 #92627

    Not trying to hide myself - Post 98115 is me with a typo!

  116. bba

    Aug 30, 2016, 21:51 #92626

    Please could the writer. (Mark) confirm if he attended the latest 2 no. FA cup wins. Please be honest.

  117. Gooneraron

    Aug 30, 2016, 21:13 #92625

    There's a lot in this piece that I agree with, but there are a couple of areas where I don't completely agree. Firstly, the bit about his record of bringing young players through. He's been here 20 years so it's very easy to reel off lots of at-the-time promising young players who didn't make it with us - the same can be said of every club in the land. I'd imagine though if you did a straw poll of the managers who give young players a chance he would be right up there. He gave some young players too long to make it, got rid of some too early who could have made it but overall an Arsenal education for a young player under his stewardship has largely stood them in very good stead. The other piece is in relation to his 'chronic underachievement' which is subjective and a matter of degree. If you consider the last 10 years through the prism of self-sustainability combined with funding a new stadium (i.e. we ultimately have to at least break even each season), he has done a really good job. The fact is without regular CL qualification and selling some key players we would have posted losses regularly and failed to achieve that strategic aim (whether you agree wth self-sustainability or not, that was/is clearly the remit of the board of the time). Additionally, when it comes to spend on wages (up until last season usually the barometer of where a team finishes) he has been par or better in every season. And that is without the consideration of spend on transfer fees (moan all you like but it is again a crucial barometer) which further accentuates the bang for his buck. I'm not particularly motivated by healthy balance sheets as it happens but for Wenger who has to report to a board of 'the business' this has clearly played a significant part in his role at a time when transfer spending happened to go crazy.

  118. GS

    Aug 30, 2016, 19:34 #92624

    bba : proper Gooner YES - been to last two fa cups NO - seen wengers bust NO- I won't bore you with supporting credentials , but while the old fraud is there i have no inclination to go, like I said before I once bought "3 bags of sweets for a £1" and a burger from the bloke who was outside the north bank " what a lovely bit of bacon" !!! Oh and did I tell you about the day Sammy Nelson pulled his shorts down in front of the north bank ....YKIMS .

  119. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 19:08 #92623

    Mathew, proves us all wrong with his new signings ?? where the fook did you get that out off mate ? he will have proved nobody wrong no matter what happens, it's been eleven years now far far far to long, and having a bit of success (if any)in eleven seasons proves nothing, it certainly doesn't prove anybody wrong, and especially TOF right, all it will prove (and we're wasting our time even talking about it anyway )is TOF got lucky and by the law of averages even he can do that. wenger out.

  120. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 18:49 #92622

    David, yes and to think we used to slag off and laugh at the spuds sick note Darren Anderton, now for years we've had three or four of them, but there again the wengerite JCL's we have now wouldn't even know about that let alone remember it.wenger out.

  121. Michael

    Aug 30, 2016, 18:25 #92621

    Best article I've ever read and is righton the money!!

  122. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 18:15 #92620

    So much for OGL's England saviours that he grinned and smirked about wally, smoking jack, etc, etc, and his followers crowed about, Englands backbone for years thanks to their messiah wenger, where are they today ? apart from prancing about in an Arsenal shirt doing fook all and being shyte or lying in the sick bay permanently, scratching their ball bags and been well paid or it (to bloody well) it didn't take fat Sam long to suss them did it ? something we've all known for years apart from this past it old fraud, and he's still sticking with them and awarding them new lucrative contracts (another sack able offence at any other club) hoping they'll come good some day, what an old past it fraud we have running our club. We want wenger out.

  123. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 30, 2016, 17:59 #92619

    Well done, Mark H, displaying the 'intellectual honesty' that Graham Perry claims he wants to see but displays absolutely none of. Wilshire going on loan - didn't Wenger say a couple of weeks ago that 'a great Arsenal season needs a great Wilshire'? Is there anyone left who would argue he has a plan rather than making it up as he goes along?

  124. bba

    Aug 30, 2016, 17:55 #92618

    GS. I'm of the feeling you ain't no gooner son. Pop along to the main entrance for us rich and famous people and there stands the Arsene Wenger monument/bust/statue (your words not mine). Nicely positioned near Herbert Chapman et all. Please could the writer kindly confirm if he attended the latest two FA Cup wins. It would help if I knew the answer to this. Many thanks.

  125. CT Gooner

    Aug 30, 2016, 17:33 #92616

    So now we're trying to shop out Wiltshire and Chalmbers, two days before the end of the window? What on earth is Wenger upto, the man's lost it!! thanks for the article Mark...

  126. GS

    Aug 30, 2016, 17:30 #92615

    mbg : In the unlikely event they put up a monument/bust/statue ( which I very much doubt) the only pose should be of Wenger playing with his coat Zip, that would be a fitting tribute for 2005 to 2017? - For 1996 to 2004, something more appropriate perhaps?

  127. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 16:58 #92614

    Sorry if someone has beaten me to it but we now know what kind of a monument to erect for TOF, wengers hill, preferably over the hill and far away. we want wenger out.

  128. GS

    Aug 30, 2016, 16:15 #92613

    When the AKB's kick off how great Wenger is/was , there is no longer any need to put our views across, Mark Halfpenny has said it all, we just refer to the article as it contains everything I and many have been saying for ages, and asking the AKB's for a counter argument ( as yet not forthcoming) ... Finally , strange how no posts in support of Wenger for this piece ?? - thank god there is only ONE Arsene Wenger.

  129. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 30, 2016, 15:54 #92612

    Mark - just reading your comment re smoking Jack when in walks a colleague who hobnobs with the rich and the powerful. His words Jacks been given 24 hours to find a new club. Sounds like your fitness comment might have ground. Unless of course it's the usual rumour mill

  130. jeff wright

    Aug 30, 2016, 15:37 #92611

    PerryG, spot on why would City ,Chelsea and United supporters want Wengo to leave .The chavs even sing songs about loving him! Euro clubs can't wait to play us . You couldn't make it up.

  131. Sparky

    Aug 30, 2016, 15:01 #92610

    Couldn't agree more , but don't forget kroenke and gazidis are complicit as well . I want a total clear out of these parasites.

  132. Emess

    Aug 30, 2016, 14:54 #92609

    Brilliant Article - well done and far more articulate than my response to GP's article of "Bollocks". I believe the key word not only for AW but GP too is disingenuous at least I got that one into my original response !!

  133. PerryG

    Aug 30, 2016, 14:45 #92608

    The media attitude bothers me, I feel wenger is given a hell of an easy ride as most journalists are happy with Arsenal being also rans, we were much more hated by them when our teams were serious and successful, great article by the way

  134. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 30, 2016, 14:44 #92607

    Good article Mark and one that sums up my own feelings very well. The problem is there are the best part of 60'000 mugs that keep lapping up the crap on offer and handing over their money, nothing much will change whilst that is still the case

  135. Mark

    Aug 30, 2016, 14:39 #92606

    apparently Jack is having trouble with Fitness. Not injured but literally cannot keep up with the Stamina and Speed work they have been doing.

  136. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 30, 2016, 14:29 #92605

    So come on Leekey where is your response? Write something up and get it published

  137. Tony Evans

    Aug 30, 2016, 14:05 #92604

    Rob - love the 'The Time Machine' analogy!

  138. Rob

    Aug 30, 2016, 13:46 #92603

    Cracking riposte Mark. It's particularly true that Wenger gets a preposterously easy ride from an otherwise febrile media. No other Manager gets that kind of leeway. The point about his mismanagement of players like Chambers was also telling. The myth that he has manufactured about 'nurturing young players' is also risible. Compare his record in this matter to Bertie Mee. You won't find in Wenger's favour. And of course the CL debacles leave even his cult following coughing and spluttering. These two recent signings set us up - again - for fourth place. No more. But he won't be gone next June. I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets setter. Our cretinous Board will offer him a contract extension, albeit a rolling annual one. It will come down to the fans at the Emirates. Do they care ? Or are they like the Eloi in H G Wells the Time Machine ? We'll see !

  139. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 13:27 #92602

    And another thing that has to be mentioned, and the AKB wengerites won't like either, is who caused the split among fans (another one in the long list of sack able offences)WENGER himself yes TOF and nobody else, with his pet projects, trying to turn second, third raters, into top players sticking with dross for years on end and paying them top dollar,(and still doing it) embarrassments humiliations etc, etc, etc, the list is literally endless going back years and plain for all to see except the AKB luvvies who supported HIM in it all (and still do) instead/regardless of the club. we want wenger out.

  140. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 13:10 #92601

    There is no argument whatsoever Mark (less a convincing one)that any AKB wengerite can put up, not even old circular and the other senior officers over at AKB central command on why wenger is the right man for the job because there just isn't one it just doesn't exist, but still they try with gobbledegook circulars (what ever they're supposed to be) and other ridiculous efforts that do nothing apart from give us a goo laugh. wenger out now.

  141. RedPig

    Aug 30, 2016, 13:07 #92600

    Brilliant Mark. Superb response to the nonsense Graham Perry wrote.

  142. Tony Evans

    Aug 30, 2016, 13:01 #92599

    Brilliant stuff - sums up perfectly why so many us long term supporters have lost our Arsenal mojo.

  143. Mathew

    Aug 30, 2016, 12:47 #92598

    Wow...thanks for your article Mark, everything an Arsenal fan wants to say these day. You should've added a note about the Board and Stan "The Kroenke" as well, would've made a perfect fit. I so wish Wenger proves us all wrong with his new signings but I feel the damage has been done already with 5 points below the leaders. Its going to be a long season ahead but proven winners like Pep, Mourinho, Klopp, Conte etc will easily outgun Prof. Wenger.

  144. cyril

    Aug 30, 2016, 12:39 #92597

    Very good, sums up the frustration in years past. So true, nobody started out hating Wenger. I don't hate him but he falls short now sadly. I scratched my head for years trying to understand how a team that went unbeaten was dismantled, when you would have expected we would of pushed on. The truth is that the FA cup win in 2005 was a smokescreen for this. Who would or could have predicted that we would not win the league again under Wenger after Invincibles? Take the FA cup win away in 2005 and it is laid bare. Now in 2016, I can make sense of this, he wasn't the greatest thing since sliced bread after all..

  145. mbg

    Aug 30, 2016, 12:35 #92596

    The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but old circular and all the other wengerites who stand at his bathroom and push toilet wipes underneath the door every time he flushes wont like that, they wont like it one bit, they'd rather, and do, try and air brush all that out of history with just a, well he's not perfect and has made a few mistakes (you couldn't make it up) but there's others like myself and gladly yourself too Mark who'll never forget, or let the wengerite luvvies forget just what their messiah is really like (a useless past it old fraud)regardless of this crap we're hearing them spout at the minute, like lets just get behind him till the end of the season, or lets just get behind him and the team until the end of the season blah blah (we always get behind the team and don't need any AKB wengerite to tell us to) well fook that I for one (and there's a lot like me)will never be getting behind wenger again (unless it's to push him onto the euro star for a permanent holiday in france)no matter what happens. we want wenger out. Good article Mark.

  146. David

    Aug 30, 2016, 12:11 #92594

    I wonder why Theo is so admired within football circles. I see a good sprinter who can finish well on occasions with a limited footballing brain and a questionable attitude when things go wrong, yet from Sven onwards every England manager picks him for the squad and he keeps getting more and more cash for doing less and less. Arguably he has only ever had one good game for England, yet somehow has 43 caps. Even for Arsenal, one good game in five or six is about all you can expect. And when he does play well, he is inevitably crocked in doing so. Over a third of his appearances are as a sub, and I suspect that he is probably substituted most of the time he does start.

  147. jjetplane

    Aug 30, 2016, 11:51 #92593

    Kept saying that it's the Harts and Wilsheres of the current game that are pure toxic and now we have Wengo following Pep in shifting the rot. Even just as funny is that nice boy Theo is given yet more time to prove what is anyone's guess. The indulgence and creative limitations in the PL when faced with endless sacks of money is just plain ****ing evil! Boring boring and utter betrayal led by the likes of Lord Wengo but maybe with the increased competition he will be gone sooner than later and as his so called football pedigree has taken a 12 year nose dive and can only be good for football to have one less accountant holding so much power. Got to say Conti is looking the ticket so can Terry lift it again? Still hoping to see Leicester in the top 4 come the end of the season .... Funny old game and I love it now as much as when it was a stroll down to Highbury in the 60s to watch the game at ground level from the schoolboys. Armstrong looked as though he was in another country ..... Anyway - county football is doing it for me and the passion is there!

  148. CB

    Aug 30, 2016, 11:11 #92592

    Excellent article. I wonder if Pompous Perry will respond. I won't be holding my breath.

  149. Ron

    Aug 30, 2016, 11:01 #92591

    I said last week that the Wenger in/out debate should be ended on the basis that there's nothing else to be said that hasnt already been said, but this is a good post Mark, so it just remains for me to quote Ken Wolstenholme - "They think its all over .... it is now".

  150. David

    Aug 30, 2016, 10:54 #92590

    I can accept Wenger's excuses from 2005-2010, but after that none hold up. They blew it in a cup final against Birmingham, couldn't get past the last 16 in the Champions League and subsequently scraped into 4th place most seasons, the low point being the post match celebrations in 2013 at St. James Park. Last season after beating Leicester and getting back into the title race they lost to United and Swansea and conceded the initiative. Would a Jose/Fergie team do that? Wenger can get close but often ends up with no cigar. And this was true back in 1998/1999. Given the positions Arsenal have been in in the last 20 years, they should have another two or three league titles and at least one European Cup. I see no chance of winning either now.

  151. GS

    Aug 30, 2016, 10:36 #92589

    Mark H : Thank you for putting together a reasonable & fair view of Life under Wenger. My views exactly, nothing more to say.

  152. Wardy

    Aug 30, 2016, 10:32 #92588

    I couldn't have said it any better ,,,,,, anyone who loves Arsenal and knows their football would be hard pushed to disagree with your article ,,,,, thanks Arsene but it's so obviously time for a change ,,,,, sadly it won't happen as this club is now just a commercially driven cash-cow for Messrs Kroenke and Co who don't give a 4x about the fans or achieving success on the pitch ,,,,, sad but that's the reality of the obscenely run premier league

  153. Be careful what you wish for

    Aug 30, 2016, 10:27 #92587

    Be careful what you wishhhhh... Arrrgghh it's got stuck in my throat I can't Bre, Bre .... AKB Crashes dead onto keyboard. That's why folks one should listen to Mr Halfpenny for helpful advice.

  154. Arsenal Fan

    Aug 30, 2016, 10:04 #92586

    You speak the truth, but right now we are satisfied with a win and two signings. No one will say anything until the season meltdown. Who is to say Perez will be our Aguerro? Can't trust wenger with his signings. Lastly, don't underestimate what effect an unambitious owner can have on a club, after all he didn't buy arsenal to win trophies so technically he has met his aims and wouldn't change a thing. (Stan kronke)

  155. Bard

    Aug 30, 2016, 10:03 #92585

    Mark I would say thats game set and match. Great article

  156. W

    Aug 30, 2016, 9:57 #92584

    Good article Mark. My thoughts exactly