The Feelgood Factor Returns to Arsenal

Some thoughts on yesterday’s charity fundraiser

The Feelgood Factor Returns to Arsenal

Friends Reunited

The Arsenal Legends against Milan Glorie fundraiser was one of the most uplifting experiences I have had in the stadium for quite some time. There would be no Thierry Henry or Dennis Bergkamp, but there were plenty of old boys to watch play their game.

The game started with Kanu being immediately substituted as he had failed to understand who was playing. The old chap has lost it, we all thought. Wrong. The Romford Pele injured himself almost immediately but everyone else had a good game.

Of the extreme elderly, N. Winterburn plays twice a week and was pleasingly and almost inappropriately combative, smacking various well groomed Italians with deliberately ill timed tackles. A. Limpar enjoyed himself tormenting the defence and Marc Overmars did likewise. Older, chubbier but still fast. Justin Hoyte, Pascal Cygan and Kolo kept Milan attacks well policed. Our midfield was well, potent. There is no more reassuring sight than Manu Petit, Bob Pires, Freddie and Gilles Grimandi issuing a collective "NON" to the opposition.

They tormented the Milanese, who, as you would expect, defended brilliantly. They had their work cut out and cottoned on very quickly to the fact that they would have to watch Kanu very closely. It did them no good. He scored with two brilliant headers, one from a cross from Manu and the other from a well worked free kick by Luis Boa Morte. His team mates called him to complete his hat trick with a penalty won by Bob. The fourth goal was scored late as Freddie and Bob ripped Milan apart. Martin Keown finally replaced Nigel to a huge welcome.

This was a joyous occasion with many old friends invited to enjoy the fun. David Seaman and Jens kept goal very soundly both making exceptional saves. There was a point in the second half, 2-1 up when Gilles Grimandi stood with the ball in the centre of midfield and you just knew that there was no way back for the opposition. That is a feeling that I never thought I would enjoy again.

A very big thank you to whoever organised this game. It was what football should be - a bit of fun on a Saturday afternoon. The old players certainly had an excellent afternoon. Nigel Winterburn clearly wants to demolish Paolo di Canio every week, and I want to watch him do it.

Ed’s note – time for a bit of housekeeping and confirmation of our winners from the competition for those that completed the Gooner survey over the summer. The winners are as follows
Shirt: Alexandra Collisson
Box of Match Cards: Dean Purkiss
Ray Parlour Book: Kerry Smith
Miracle in Copenhagen Book: Jamie Bishop
Miracle in Copenhagen Book: Paul Skinner
Digital Subscription: Martin O’Shea
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  1. mbg

    Sep 09, 2016, 16:52 #92901

    Mark, maybe they should have played musical chairs for it, just the two of them, for the one seat, it wouldn't be hard to know who'd win with specialist in failure remaining firmly in the specialist in winning's pocket.

  2. mbg

    Sep 08, 2016, 20:31 #92881

    I see Flamini is still looking for a club after nobody wants him, expect TOF to resign him on a three year deal, with the ok of his bleeding heart brigade wengerites, it's the right thing to do you know, it's the Arsenal way. wenger out.

  3. mbg

    Sep 08, 2016, 14:58 #92878

    Mark from Aylesbury, i'm sure the AKB wengerites got all moist over that victory too, you can be sure if it had been some inferior manager that TOF has continuously rolled over (although there's not many) he'd have jumped up and offered it just to show his supposedly class, but not someone who continuously rolls over him and always has him in his pocket, just goes to show what a fraud he is and the jealousy he has, is it any wonder he has no friends. wenger out.

  4. Reg

    Sep 08, 2016, 7:56 #92872

    Maybe seat gate is why Bouldy never gets off his arse!

  5. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 08, 2016, 7:11 #92871

    I see Wengo scored a major victory over Maureen by not giving him a seat when he arrived late at a Managers meeting. Apparently some other managers giggled. Well good for you Wengo. I mean it's not like you're really going to show him by humiliating him on the pitch, oh no Sir that would be far to obvious. Wengo what a tosspot you are. Let's just not give him a seat and get thrashed as usual.

  6. CB

    Sep 08, 2016, 0:58 #92870

    Another Arsenal legend has just joined Forest - Bendtner!

  7. mbg

    Sep 07, 2016, 23:27 #92869

    Fair comment yourself Ron and you know something ? maybe Henry realised what was in store/planned for him and is smarter than we thought. wenger out.

  8. Ron

    Sep 07, 2016, 19:00 #92868

    Fair comments lads. The spin theory certainly shdt be dismissed. I think now that its almost certain that AW will stay too, so his snese of not wanting to be outshone qulckly by a new incumbent will have a say in things. It cd be another putting in a feckless defenceless dud with no CV like Ferguson did with Moyes so to sacrifice a new bloke on the alter of the old, so to sate Wengers enormous ego, just like Utd did for the odious Scots bluenosed one. Ive said for ages that the walking ego, Henry was the intended hapless victime, tho hes gone now and the bridges burned. Hes too busy f-----g up Belgium with his little cuddly toy Martinez sitting alongside him to find Wengers seat now. Money too will be the primary factor. Im sure a cheap, media kitten would appeal to Arsenals Board. The spin machine would soon dress up the sacrificial kitten, Howe or whoever as if its a lion. Root and branch analysis? Never will happen there, tho it certainly needs it. If we re not going to hire a tough Coach with a CV to wield that will make the Board quake and bow in homage, we may as well stick with AW or appoint Mick McCarthy and be done with it.

  9. mbg

    Sep 07, 2016, 18:56 #92867

    TOF who would never work under or with a director of football in a million years to become director of football, that would be right, just sums the past it egoistic old dictator up. wenger out.

  10. mbg

    Sep 07, 2016, 18:41 #92866

    Ron, I think you've probably answered your question yourself mate, nodding dog yes man, would be so grateful he'd do and say anything.

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 07, 2016, 18:25 #92865

    Putting Eddie Howe's name out there could be PR spin from the club, as if to say: "See, we're thinking of the future with a younger manager... but he's not ready yet... so a few more years of AW first."

  12. jeff wright

    Sep 07, 2016, 18:19 #92864

    Money well may play a big part in whom Syrupy decides to replace the ageing and well past it zip fiddler with .After all money is the main factor in everything that Syrupy does .He and the rest of his odious crew know nothing about football anyway and may buy into the path to plod down of 'it's a young mans game' school of thought . Bermuda Triangle Joe and Levy decided to go down it when rejecting 'arry in favor of a younger man.It seemed to work for awhile but all the old familiar spuds failings reappeared eventually and a couple of managers on are still there - or still were at the end of last term. With the set up at AFC under Syrupy being obviously money motivated and not trophies won and purse strings being plucked like an out of tune Harp the question is, why would any top manager worth his salt want to join us anyway .Same applies to players as well and we have seen some recently turning down moves to join us that at one time would have been nailed on once a bid was in the offering. Then we have old ( yawn) Wengo himself - who will certainly not want anyone to take over and to instantly show what many already know - that he has been underachieving in his 8m + a year role posing as a football manager . When in reality he is no more than a third rate accountant who should have been shown the door donkeys years ago. You couldn't make it up.

  13. GS

    Sep 07, 2016, 18:04 #92863

    Eddie Howe - no where near ready for a top job , still needs another 6 seasons min of PL football. Not sure what the answer is , but first Wenger needs to leave fully, not take a job "upstairs " then a root and branch review of all aspects , fitness, medical, tactics and if we want to be winners or also -runs , only then they should recruit a top manager, simeone or similar .to show they finally mean business .

  14. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 07, 2016, 18:02 #92862

    Eddie Howe's qualifications for the job: 1. He has the same surname as Don. 2. He's not AW.

  15. Ron

    Sep 07, 2016, 15:17 #92861

    Not sure what Eddie Howes qualifications are to make him such a popular prospect to take over from AW. Can anybody enlighten? Done well at Bournemouth with no pressure. Burnley was a bad choice for him it seems and he failed. Generally a nice articulate young chap, liked by the media who would doubtless look to chew him up and spit him out once hes at a bigger Club.Does this get a man the top jobs now? Wouldnt seem an obvious fit to me, tho im sure Wenger would be comfortable with a 'no threat to his Manor' Coach down the corridor. Perhaps thats the reason? The Emirates Social and relaxation Club wouldnt be disturbed? Given the time worn critiques of Wenger on here and elsewhere and all that AW doesnt provide, it seems lunacy to me to think that Eddie Howe somehow can bridge the gap.

  16. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 07, 2016, 12:57 #92860

    MBG - interesting as Howe however well he gets them playing may well be in a relegation dog fight whereas Simione who will probably growl at his technical director Wengo will definitely not be and could bring Griezman. It's such a simple choice yes it's Eddie Howe!!!

  17. mbg

    Sep 07, 2016, 12:41 #92859

    Well there you are then guys it looks like Dennis Bergkamp has been over looked and Eddie Howe is the hot favourite to take over from Bouldy at the end of the season, i'm sure he'll do a good job, remember where you heard it first.

  18. Mathew

    Sep 07, 2016, 10:54 #92858

    Xhaka got a red card yesterday....I just hope he will calm his nerves soon, its been 4 times since the start of last season

  19. Bonzo

    Sep 07, 2016, 10:42 #92857

    BBA you are Jamerson that has been confirmed. So please can you confirm the reasons for you not talking to Leekey? I understood that it was Leekey's Sext messages that your wife Maureen found. Is this true? On a different note Untold needs a new contribution after big Linda left. I'm sure they will welcome you.

  20. Bard

    Sep 07, 2016, 9:48 #92856

    Guys if you want a real insight into the old days listen to Dean Saunders account of being signed by Brian Clough hilarious Gooneron Would be very surprised if that post is the real mbg, not his style. pr0bably Jamerson having another identity crisis.

  21. GoonerRon

    Sep 07, 2016, 8:32 #92855

    @ mbg - part of your response didn't make much sense. For the bit I did understand - yes - responding to many different comments in one post really is a sign of a nervous breakdown. Or maybe just saving time writing 4 separate posts.

  22. Roy

    Sep 07, 2016, 5:11 #92854

    Interesting statement from Keith Vaz MP yesterday upon his resignation from the Commons Select Committee. "Those who hold others to account should themselves be accountable". Quite right too. Just not at Arsenal, it seems.

  23. mbg

    Sep 07, 2016, 0:19 #92853

    GoonerRon, it's good to see you pay such attention to my comments especially what's written after them, and as you say as long as the Onlinegooner remains an open church (and not the church of wenger) i'll still be writing those comments after them don't worry about that, even though I've already written one without, (and it'll be fantastic when I can cease doing it but I suppose then it'll be you and the rest of the wengerites doing it to the new man) that in your haste to reply with all these @'s to everybody you seem to have missed, a lot of @'s there alright are you alright ? are you feeling alright ? indeed a classic sign of a nervous breakdown and one needing a holiday if ever I seen one, so take the advice of another (long gone now) of your ilk (although apparently he's responding to treatment well)who used to advise, have a cup of tea, sit down for a while then have another cup, look out the window and reflect and you'll feel better. Lets hope bouldy can keep the lads on this good run.

  24. GoonerRon

    Sep 06, 2016, 22:32 #92852

    @ mbg - whilst the Gooner remains an open church I'll be here, don't worry about that. @ Arseneknewbest - taking the time to go out and buy a stats company seems a very long winded attempt at smoke and mirrors, maybe just maybe the club just want to try and find an edge using data? @ Exeter - Wenger deserves plenty of what he gets, I just find it laughable that he is accused of not moving with the times and then in the next breath ridiculed for us buying a sports data company to help push us on. And things like him being accused of taking centre stage by grinning on the touch line at the legends match highlight a really desperate attempt to find anything to abuse the manger with, however utterly nonsensical it is. The infamous AKB central command gets lots of ridicule and many on here belong to a very similar obsessive faction at the other end of the Wengerometer. @ Alsace - awesome idea, it will save mbg having to write one of his many 'Wenger out now' variations at the end of every single comment he writes.

  25. GS

    Sep 06, 2016, 21:45 #92851

    bba: untold discuss their football , no one else's , who cares about stats, refs, corners, possession , yellow cards when you lose 4-3 at home and the team is not ready , they don't allow any other view unless u agree , so untold is now a pointless site ....Alsace : good one , Wenger has been our ex manager for a number of seasons now, sitting there playing with his zip, might as well not be there for all the good he does .

  26. mbg

    Sep 06, 2016, 18:13 #92850

    Alsace, excellent idea, it makes it better/easier even just thinking it, yes bouldy is doing well at the minute and has the lads playing and defending well and apparently wants the job permanently even though it's going to take a long time to clear up the mess left by that other incumbent and put things right, but apparently going by Sky news Dennis Bergkamp has thrown his hat into the ring this evening along with a few others, I think bouldy deserves to keep the job to the end of the season though especially if he can keep the defence defending like they are, here's to another clean sheet to his name against Southampton this Saturday.

  27. bba

    Sep 06, 2016, 17:24 #92849

    At least on UNTOLD they discuss football. Sales of the goon fanzine waning. Rocky times ahead for O.G.

  28. jjetplane

    Sep 06, 2016, 17:14 #92848

    Ostrich in crate arrives from Japan with a philosophy on how to get Romford eating it's chicken boiled. That was the last bloody century! Lawrence Durrell once said 'preserve us from the ostrich' .... if only .....

  29. Bonzo

    Sep 06, 2016, 17:11 #92847

    Leekey - one of your Sext messages has come to light . Some of it is missing but the bit that remains mentions your index finger and Jamerson''s Arse. Further details to follow.

  30. Alsace

    Sep 06, 2016, 16:49 #92846

    Since last Saturday I have found it a calming procedure not to talk about our former Manager, Mr Wenger. If you think of him as being something in the past, and that we are currently "between managers" it makes life much easier to bear. We could talk about who we might get as manager, when the Board decide to appoint one. Our caretaker Manager, Mr Bould, could try for the role as Mike Phelan is doing, elsewhere. It's time to make the Un-Manager an Un-Person not only in our hearts, but in our minds and in our speech. Let us not refer to him other than in the past, for that is where he really lives.

  31. Bonzo

    Sep 06, 2016, 13:39 #92845

    Leekey: Arsene Wengo- first 10 years good, last 10 years ****ing ****e. Agree or disagree? If Wengo is going to stay forever do you want him embalmed? If so where should we stick him? Do you think Wengo is human or do you think he has the power to renew himself effectively living forever? Please answer these questions and thank you in advance

  32. mbg

    Sep 06, 2016, 13:24 #92844

    Word has it the statistical data arrives back in London at 11.30pm on the last day of the window rolled up in hollowed out chopsticks to the local Cambodian restaurant on upper street and quickly ferried to OGL waiting at the Emirates.

  33. mbg

    Sep 06, 2016, 13:13 #92843

    Exter yes it's terrible isn't it ? I have a tear in my eye typing this, especially how it's obviously annoying and getting to some, are we about to see another breakdown leading to another sabbatical to Walton's mountain from another AKB cheerleader ? where they can all worship, and sing glorious praise to their messiah from the same hymn and prayer book. Statistical fraud out now.

  34. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 06, 2016, 12:24 #92842

    Now mbg, you must stop being nasty about that nice Mr Wenger, you know how much it upsets GoonerRon. Wenger not having Arsenal ready for the season - that's fine, GR has nothing to say on that, but someone being 'unfair' to the man, now that does bother him.

  35. jeff wright

    Sep 06, 2016, 9:44 #92841

    GR, it's blindingly obvious that old Wengo does not move with the times ( he probably doesn't read it other than the biz news as well !)and that he is a dictator. His time ( yawn) is well past but he still hangs around at AFC like a bad smell .

  36. Bonzo

    Sep 06, 2016, 9:34 #92840

    Leekey - I understand that the reason Jamerson no longer speaks to you is because of a series of "Sexting" messages you sent him. Is this true?

  37. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 06, 2016, 8:42 #92839

    Goonerron - C'mon mate. The only stat weng is interested in is the price. Same goes for the merkin man and ivan the liar. He's happy for the number, or "stat" if you must, to be big when selling, but it has to be (very) low when buying. The other stuff is just smoke and mirrors - you know it as much as we do.

  38. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 06, 2016, 6:27 #92838

    Gooner Ron - I wonder if City , Chelsea , City and UTD use superstats for dummies version 1.2 as well, or whether it is just us? Interesting to see that Perez was initially rejected by us then bought did version 1.2 reject but phone call from board "just ****ing by someone!" Have the right effect? If you're into stats Japanese candle techniques can make you millions on currency trades, and then again sometimes not! There are lies, damned lies and statistics

  39. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 06, 2016, 6:10 #92837

    Leek - you are wrong we are right prove us otherwise

  40. GoonerRon

    Sep 06, 2016, 0:46 #92836

    @ mbg - you are so bitter it's quite amazing. Does our purchase of StatDNA annoy you because it shows Wenger is actually prepared to see and hear statistical analysis from other people, thereby crushing the notion he doesn't move with the times and is a dictator?

  41. Cyril

    Sep 05, 2016, 22:56 #92835

    Lots of fun reading, last 2 threads. Would pillocky have heard of Juan Maldonado jaimez junior . Left back also known as - ' there is only Juan Juan, there is only one one.'Or after getting bored of that at highbury we sang- one 57 , theres only one 57... 5 ft 5 left back - 2001 - 2004. Great songs however!!!!

  42. Leek fc

    Sep 05, 2016, 22:35 #92834

    Sorry Bard. You are entitled to your words and I'm entitled to my opinion. If you don't feel the necessity to agree with me then that's fine. Swerve me by all means but simply put, I'm right and most on here are woefully wrong. Prove me otherwise. Wenger must stay.

  43. mbg

    Sep 05, 2016, 20:42 #92833

    According to agent John Smith on GMS the reason TOF fooks about on transfers is because he relies on a warehouse in Cambodia (don't laugh)apparently Arsenal bought this company (I wonder who advised them to do that ?) StatDNA a couple of years ago for £2,million, it supposedly provides intricate statistical data, files, they crunch every conceivable stats on every relative player in the world (which world is anybody's guess)hot streail bias v confirmation bias, (don't be laughing) centrally stored in a warehouse in Cambodia and TOF waits for reports from there first, (how he receives his reports is anybody's guess) apparently TOF is very very secretive of it ( any wonder lol) always avoiding questions about it, we shouldn't laugh really it's not right. wenger out now.

  44. mbg

    Sep 05, 2016, 17:50 #92832

    ArseneKnewBest, excellent point, it would have been fitting to have an ex manager on the bench, but no, as I've already pointed out TOF had to hog the limelight in this one too, an ex manager would have been very bad for his ego indeed, he wouldn't have liked that one bit that's why it didn't happen, George Graham ? the perfect pick the proper ex manager/Legend to be in the seat (saying he made most of them)but that would never have been sanctioned by TOF never in a million years, his ego would have took a real hiding, especially when there's only one George Graham and we love you George we do rang out around the ground, smoke would have been coming out of his lugs like a chimney fire with jealousy in the directors box. wenger out.

  45. Bard

    Sep 05, 2016, 16:48 #92831

    Guys give Leekey the swerve. He's just winding you up. He never says anything vaguely interesting or worth comment. He's only on here because he's been banned from Untold for lack of evidence. Ron spot on mate re this legend bull. These days you only have to play a decent game and you're top class. 1 Season and you become a club legend. Ridiculous. Love the story about Costacurta. I hear we are still haggling over his transfer fee all these years later.

  46. Paul Ward

    Sep 05, 2016, 16:28 #92830

    Read on the website that AC Milan and Italy legend Costacurta is an Arsenal fan who once turned down a move to White Hart Lane for that reason,top defender, top man !

  47. Ron

    Sep 05, 2016, 15:13 #92829

    As has been mentioned the term 'legend' is in footie parlance is grossly over used. Its usually used in context of asking fans to put their hands in their pockets, some times for good purposes, often not. Its a nice little post this yet the allusion to Grimandi as some sort of an unbreachable wall is a mystery to me. I recall him as an average journeyman who could step up and do some sort of a job from time to time. He was adequate. Nothing more, yet here he is, now a 'legend'. Bit of a joke really. If the word has to be used and used befittingly of it, the truth is that such players who might qualify are very few in number and a good many of those still alive are either too old or too unfit to do justice to the term. Players become heroes for some in my view, best suited for those fans under 18, but footballers as legends? Do me a favour.

  48. Alsace

    Sep 05, 2016, 14:43 #92828

    Mr Dixon had a bad knee and Mr Wright has had a bone in his ankle fused, so we have seen the last of I.E. Wright ( Arsenal and England) inducing a material error in a defence with deadly consequences. We do however have our memories. Like many school reunions, some old boys returned bigger and better than their main time here. P Cygan and J Hoyte ensured that the Milanese did not pass, and Luis Boa Morte was chunky yet v effective. Top marks for everyone. Dennis was I believe unwell, and TH wasn't there because he was with the Belgians. We all know why. Frankly, if TH had been there he would have annihilated the opposition, and we would not have seen Kanu shine, which was simply glorious. The Italians had two men on him, if not three when in the "box".

  49. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 05, 2016, 13:27 #92827

    Andrew - Thanks. I watched the game and enjoyed reading your positive spin on it. I watched it with Arseneknewbest junior who was keen to know the backgrounds of our players - I obliged, even putting an upbeat gloss on the contributions made by Luis Boa Morte and Cygan to our history. I thought the di canio-nutty cameo where the former pushed the latter who then fell over pretending to be that ref in the sheff w game was priceless. Lehmann was also typically spikey when he came on so I was happy with that too. I've put something on the last thread about managers but given that the two teams consisted of former players and that one of them had a former manager, we should have rounded it off by having a former maanger of our own. Pat R, Rioch, T Neill or - my preference - GG - calling the shots would have been brilliant and fitting. Even better if our second greatest ever manager (GG, after Herbert of course) had been wearing a long puma anorak by way of parodying the hapless present incumbent. Wenger could have been off scouting or counting his dosh. An afternoon to lift the speereets - not a single petulant, stubborn, overpaid a-hole in sight - except for wengo of course!

  50. kdmgooner

    Sep 05, 2016, 12:54 #92826

    I did enjoy this game it certainly beat watching that pile of crap on view Sunday night but I did find it typical of the club these days that they brazenly use Dennis and Thierry to advertise this game and then both are a no show on the day. A now all too familiar con trick I'm afraid but hey-ho the money raised was for charity, I wonder how much the charity got from the club shop sales? When describing an Arsenal legend I would not have used the words Cygan, Hoyte, or Boa-Morte who were bit players at best and not even first team regulars. Others were also not legends but none the less fondly remembered such as Grimandi who I think was underrated back in the day. A good choice of players for the others though. Back to business this week PS Where was Ian Wright?

  51. GS

    Sep 05, 2016, 12:30 #92825

    Leeky : As its a slow news week and you are Mr Arsenal, what is your prediction for sat game v Southampton , give us your expect insight .

  52. GS

    Sep 05, 2016, 12:09 #92824

    Moscow : tv mentioned almost a sell out? Some spaces in top tiers , so poss 50 odd thousand .

  53. Alsace

    Sep 05, 2016, 11:25 #92823

    No, but it was pretty well attended. At a guess 30-40k

  54. Moscow Gooner

    Sep 05, 2016, 9:34 #92822

    Anybody know the attendance?

  55. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 05, 2016, 6:40 #92820

    Leekey please stop its getting creepy now I'm getting images of the Bates motel or possibly Jamerson's rust bucket caravan where you're welcome to check in but nobody checks out. Images of Mr Wenger adorn the walls as the poor residents realise they must stay forever! What is that clanking and sawing noise from the basement. Aaarggh!!!!!!

  56. GoonerRon

    Sep 05, 2016, 0:04 #92819

    The term "legend" is so subjective - in football terms for me it usually ties in with a period of prolonged trophy winning success which since 2006 we've not had (for reasons well exhausted on here) - but if we're talking about players who at their time were recognised as top 1-5 in their position and played for the club over a prolonged period (in 2006 but not in the legends match): Sol Campbell, Ashley Cole, Lauren, Bacary Sagna, Cesc Fabregas, Robin Van Persie.

  57. mbg

    Sep 04, 2016, 23:45 #92818

    Andrew it will be a long time before the feel good factor returns to Arsenal if ever, and all because of a past it dictator. wenger out.

  58. Leek fc

    Sep 04, 2016, 23:06 #92816

    Every legend who was part of the game yesterday was in compete agreement that one man has totally been part of the success of each players career. Many players were nowhere before Mr Wenger signed them. No other Arsenal manager in its history could gather together such a squad and fan turnout to witness the exceptional values that Mr Wenger has given this mighty club that is Arsenal FC..... Wenger must stay forever.

  59. GS

    Sep 04, 2016, 22:29 #92815

    Watching some of the legends reminded me of what a joy it was back in the day . Great occasion , just Dennis & Thierry missing . Freddie, Bobby, overmars, Kanu , Romford Pele and his cameo , brilliant.

  60. GS

    Sep 04, 2016, 22:12 #92814

    "Leeky , leeky reply to the thread , leeky reply to the thread" - " o , leeky boy is barmy, he wears a barmy hat, and when he saw the previous thread, he said I can't answer that " .... Come on leeky , legends from 2006 onwards . YKIMS

  61. mbg

    Sep 04, 2016, 18:51 #92813

    Managed by a Legend, I didn't see George Graham on the bench. wenger out now.

  62. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 04, 2016, 17:14 #92812

    Leekey stop running a away answer the questions on the other thread.

  63. Leek fc

    Sep 04, 2016, 16:13 #92811

    All managed by a LEGEND too eh Andrew.

  64. mbg

    Sep 04, 2016, 14:58 #92810

    Yes the ARSENAL legends, real men, real players, winners, (with real mental strength and speeritt) long long gone now. wenger out.