Arsene Wenger: Forgotten Genius

Or how a one time genius forgot

Arsene Wenger: Forgotten Genius

Petit and Overmars - Power and pace

The stories of Arsene Wenger and Arsenal football club, in the Premier League era are perhaps the two most beautifully intertwined of all. In their heyday, under Wenger, Arsenal displayed a scintillating brand of expressive, quality football.

They had players with so many qualities, that if they were to be listed, the superlatives would simply go on too long to feature in a piece of writing.

It was in 1996 that Arsene Wenger replaced Bruce Rioch as Arsenal manager. He spoke of “the spirit of the club”, but it seemed that, under Wenger, the spirit and the philosophy of the club would change forever. At a club like Arsenal, the ultimate philosophy remains the same, to win. With the size of the fanbase, the stature of the club and the richness of their history, anything less than winning will never be accepted.

In Wenger’s first season, Arsenal missed out on the Champions League, to Newcastle United, but had still managed to achieve a third placed finish. Wenger had though, already begun to stamp his mark. He had discouraged the players from drinking as much, eating too much red meat and junk food and instead promoted healthier white meat, in order to help the players’ stamina on the pitch.

In the pre-season that followed, Wenger continued to stamp his mark. Taking the players to their now regular pre-season base in Austria. He signed a number of players; most importantly, French duo Nicolas Anelka and Emmanuel Petit, as well as Dutch winger, Marc Overmars, who Wenger thought would add pace and power to the side.

Despite this, the first half of the 1997-98 season was less than successful, with the club sitting sixth at Christmas. However, as the season went on, Arsenal began to close the gap on leaders Manchester United, to the extent that a clash between the two looked set to decide the title. Arsenal won the game 1-0, with a goal from Wenger’s man, Overmars.

This was followed by nine consecutive league victories and a victory in the F.A Cup final, against Newcastle, the team who had pipped them to a Champions League spot the previous year. With Wenger becoming the first foreign manager to win the double, the progression was obvious. The added pace and power had worked.

It took until the following January for the next obvious sign of progression to be seen. Wenger had sold Ian Wright, leaving only Anelka and Dennis Bergkamp to compete for the forward positions in the side. In the January however, reinforcements arrived and they arrived in the form of the Nigerian, Kanu.

Kanu gave Arsenal another option. He had skill and a great touch, common features in an Arsene Wenger signing, but he also had strength and his large frame made it awkward for defenders to play against. Kanu, however, could not do enough to win Arsenal the league. That season they finished second and were eliminated from the F.A Cup at the semi-final stage. It was Manchester United who would prove to be the better side, in both competitions.

Wenger and Arsenal then lost another striker in the summer, with Anelka joining Real Madrid. Anelka’s transfer would seem to be a negative, but it turned out to be a display of Arsene Wenger’s intelligence in the transfer market. Anelka, who was bought for a relatively small fee, would be sold for over £20 million.

With Anelka gone, the next step would naturally be, to replace him. Davor Suker joined from Real, while Thierry Henry would also come in from Juventus.

Wenger’s Arsenal would then go through a barren spell. Winning nothing until the 2001-02 season, when they would win the double. That is not to say, however, that the evolution of the team had stalled. If anything, it was quite the contrary. Wenger had re-shaped his side, with Henry improving every year, to become the catalyst to Arsenal’s further success.

Ashley Cole, Sol Campbell, Lauren, Robert Pires and Freddie Ljunberg had all now joined, or in the case of Cole, graduated from the academy and their influence would go on to be felt in the most iconic side the Premier League has ever seen.

After the double in 2001-02, club captain Tony Adams would retire from football. Wenger would replace him with the dynamic, powerful and tenacious midfielder, Patrick Vieira. The role would improve Vieira even more, he would truly become the real life personification of Captain Marvel.

However, Arsenal would be pipped to the title by Manchester United the following season but they would retain the F.A Cup. It spoke volumes for Wenger and his ever-evolving side, that this would be considered something of a disappointment. It was felt, by so many, that Arsenal were capable of so much more.

The following season, they would deliver what they had promised. They would win the league, without a single defeat. They were truly ‘invincible.’ Wenger had felt his side could do it and they did. They won the league with a brand of beautiful, one touch, quick football, coupled with amazing skill, moments of individual brilliance as well as a toughness and willingness to commit to any challenge. They were a complete team, with so many different qualities.

This is, however, one example, of where football, sadly, is no different to everyday life. What goes up must come down. They would win the FA Cup the following season, before a nine year wait for the next trophy, which was again the FA Cup.

What had gone wrong? Ultimately, this may never be fully known. However, a number of factors that had contributed so much to Wenger’s success, seemed also to contribute to his downward spiral. Where Wenger had once set the benchmark where transfer business was concerned, he now seemed to be more concerned with making a profit than he was with finding adequate replacements.

This only got worse as time went on, as did Wenger’s reliance on playing football in a beautiful way. This was something that he had always done, but he suddenly seemed to believe that he had always played ‘total football’, seemingly forgetting about the combative sides of the likes of Gilberto Silva and the great Vieira and replacing them with more and more playmakers.

It may be the case that too many cooks spoil the broth and Wenger simply had too many creative players in his squad, as time went on. There was no plan B, no second option and, in short, no way to change the game.

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  1. SteveArsenal

    Sep 13, 2016, 0:07 #93003

    And pigs may fly...

  2. AMG

    Sep 12, 2016, 12:33 #92983

    Not sure who's forgotten those years? Didn't need the reminder. It's important to remember as well that it was a completely different league when Wenger was being 'a genius'. We were only really competing with Man U in a league full of whipping boys. Money has since flooded the league and Arsenal's finishes have been more reflective of Wenger's managerial ability.

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 12, 2016, 7:36 #92971

    Jamerson- Your obviously getting angry so it's pleasing to know the critique is getting to you. Would you care to comment on my points 1 to 7, particularly points 6 and 7

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 11, 2016, 19:27 #92960

    Jamerson - You have stuck your scabby, shrivelled white supremacist Gregory above the parapet and predicted that Arsenal will win the title. The biggest laugh of the season so far. And you want to be taken seriously on here! Make another prediction and confirm that you'll finally shuffle off this site next May if it doesn't happen. At least you're braver that your hostage Leek who seems to have commitment issues (understandable given the calibre of Leek's current caravan bound life partner, i.e. you). The difference between me and a bawbag like you Jamee is that I don't mind in the slightest about your deviant lifestyle.

  5. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 11, 2016, 17:27 #92950

    David - well done for voicing your sensible and inclusive points. Jamerson is well known in these parts for his trolling and BS. Some points to note. 1: claimed to have a brother Pete who he was then forced to admit doesn't exist. 2: Claims to have a huge house in Barnsbury. Those with local knowledge will know that up to the 70's the area was very working class with smaller terraces much like Walworth both areas developed in the 1840's. Very expensive it is, big houses? Humm more likely around Highbury Fields, Drayton Park. 3: claims to have a holiday home in Southwold but farms in Norfolk. Again local knowledge would suggest this is geographically not practical. Why not have a 2nd home far closer to the farm around Wells etc. 4: has scant knowledge of anything pre Wenger, most of us suspect he is a recent convert to Wengerish ways. 5: often seems obsessed about the size of our genitalia. 6: continually obsessed about homosexuality. 7: has a messiah complex. My conclusion is he is a recent convert to Wenger who struggles with his sexuality ( as if we actually care what he is) he may also have some form of bi-polar due to the messiah issue.

  6. mbg

    Sep 11, 2016, 16:10 #92945

    No petition this week from the wenger apologists then, apart from the one to have yesterdays referee officiate all Arsenal games. wenger out now.

  7. mbg

    Sep 11, 2016, 15:59 #92943

    Moscow Gooner, your spot on there, unfortunately then he thought he was God, even five or six years ago he would have saved his reputation but way way to late now, his reputation and Legacy are in ruins, gone forever never to return no matter what happens, although if he were to piss off tonight or tomorrow morning he might get a little respect back not much mind but a little. wenger out.

  8. GS

    Sep 11, 2016, 13:36 #92942

    Arsenal win Jamerson appears , just as predictable as Wengers decline in the last 10 seasons- a wins a win, nothing more, nothing less . Come back to me when Wenger is in CL semis and one win away from PL title , but for now let's not get carried away . Well played the lads , as for zippy he is still clueless .

  9. Jamerson

    Sep 11, 2016, 13:22 #92941

    I can see us doing very well this season and with the new stricter referees,we should get a lot more penalties and less of the usual muggings off against the knuckle dragging teams like Stoke and West Ham who I think will both go down.Manure will also struggle with their close to the edge style and can also see the tiny totts fading again with their dour closing down game.It will be between Man City,Liverpool and us,with Arsenal winning through because of our overall squad size,pools defence being too dodgy and Man City having the worst keeper in the Premiership.More last minute pens against these crapster teams with their rubbish fans the better.

  10. David

    Sep 11, 2016, 13:21 #92940

    "gay gooner deviant society" - How is that relevant? Are only old white straight working class UKIP voters allowed to support Arsenal? This is the 21st century not the dark ages. (and that is from an old white straight working class man) Anyway a couple of things I noted yesterday (was on vacation for Liverpool game) was there were no burger vans, no scarf fan stalls or no Gooner sellers on my walk from Hignbury & Islington via Holloway Road. I only came across one Gooner seller on the bridge between Drayton Park and the stadium and even on that side there seemed to be far fewer vendors. Has there been a clean up? It gets less and less interesting around the ground used to be a real buzz before you arrived at Highbury, but nowadays you'd barely know a game was on.

  11. GoonerRon

    Sep 11, 2016, 13:21 #92939

    @ mbg - I loved the fact the ref booked an opposing keeper for time wasting before the 92nd minute for a change. Our pen was softish but in this seasons climate it was a pen, certainly more a foul then the dive leading to their first goal. Also lovely see karma bite Long on the ass for the foul in the build up to our winner after him hacking down Kos in the build up for his goal against us last season. I love it when Arsenal win!

  12. David

    Sep 11, 2016, 13:09 #92938

    "i'd hate to have to wait on wenger to build them/me a house if we had to we'd be a long time living in a caravan" - Did Petrocelli ever build his house? At least he won a few big cases on the way.

  13. jjetplane

    Sep 11, 2016, 12:53 #92937

    Untold in meltdown with the president now boycotting half time drinks as the underpaid workers are just too slow (see Asano build-up play over last decade), coupled with a blanket ban on away fans who are too happy. With Walter on a desert Island with their resident comedian who admits to occasionally watching highlights and one of their posters citing mental spirit of the Men of Asano this team look good for a 7th finish or thereabouts. Really does look like the Totts and Scousers will be in the 1 to 5 places but Arnold will doubt say 'yes the competition is great but we have men also in our team and of course Olivia and Theo ....'

  14. jjetplane

    Sep 11, 2016, 12:23 #92936

    Have you got yer red and white frock on/have yer got/have yer got/Have yer ...... Walking in a Bates Motel Wunderland .....

  15. Bonzo

    Sep 11, 2016, 11:58 #92935

    Jamerson are you Daffyd Thomas in disguise are you Daffyd in disguise..

  16. Gaz

    Sep 11, 2016, 10:24 #92934

    Sorry fella but the one thing Wenger isn't going to do at his age is 'evolve'. Only chance he has is to fill the side up with good players and hope they gel and sort things out for themselves. That's what happened twenty years ago and it was only after he tried to be smart that it all went tits up. Thankfully in Xhaka and Mustafi in particular he's signed a couple of very good players so maybe instead of evolving he simply realised what made him successful in the first place.

  17. Moscow Gooner

    Sep 11, 2016, 10:05 #92933

    Timing is everything: if AW had bowed out is say 2006 he would be up there in the Arsenal Pantheon, close to Chapman if not quite his equal, ahead of Mee/Graham etc. Bow out in 2025 and he could struggle to finish ahead of Billy Wright....

  18. Smithy

    Sep 11, 2016, 8:54 #92932

    Ref-MBG - I totally agree with you. And after watching MOTD this morning we according to the highlights were very poor, had nothing upfront and were very fortunate to get a win in the end.

  19. mbg

    Sep 11, 2016, 0:01 #92931

    Any word or reports from the wenger apologists on the referee today ? I don't suppose so. wenger out.

  20. mbg

    Sep 10, 2016, 23:47 #92930

    Smithy, I wasn't having a pop mate but just fed up to the teeth with this build build building crap we've been hearing about from others for years now, with always the same out come, and pointing it out in my own way, and if we do get a win, even a draw on Tuesday it'll be the same, until the inevitable.

  21. Sqeekey

    Sep 10, 2016, 23:40 #92929

    Arseneknewbest- my brother Leekey has not been kidnapped he goes to a nice caravan in Suffolk for his rest cures. I should point out that he is an enthusiastic follower of harsh cures and often returns back to the family home in Llandudno, in extreme pain. A very brave man indeed and a true believer in Mr Wenger.

  22. Smithy

    Sep 10, 2016, 20:49 #92928

    Ref - MBG - I agree with you that arsene is not the answer. But I am a gooner and I want to believe in the team. Arsenal football club is bigger than arsene. We have a rich history- I support the team not necessarily the manager! I don't like seeing Arsenal lose!

  23. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 10, 2016, 20:22 #92927

    Mbg - At all costs avoid the caravan hitherto occupied by the southwold strangler and his hostage cockie-leekie-man. Discarded dried andrex covering the sticky carpet and a septum-splitting tang of potato juice make it a no-go area for sane people. Listened to it half-arsedly on the radio and have not seen the spurious sounding pen - the chihuahua's erse must be temporarily bald given all the flying he's doing by the seat of his pants.

  24. mbg

    Sep 10, 2016, 19:54 #92926

    Smithy, yes, OGL is a great builder isn't he, (after all he built the Emirates single handily) it's a pity it's taken him ten years and counting to build a team and he still hasn't managed it and never will, (it's always building, building, building, with him while fergie and others built three, successfully)like some on here have said on numerous occasions i'd hate to have to wait on wenger to build them/me a house if we had to we'd be a long time living in a caravan. wenger out tonight.

  25. jjetplane

    Sep 10, 2016, 18:40 #92925

    On this ultra tepid showing they will certainly have a tough time at Stoke away - unlike Tottenham! Think I can hear PSG revving up from here! Need to get Jack back on the bench - as a coach silly! I know Wenger likes to throw a water bottle - will it be a lager tin from Jolly Jack? Crowd attendance officially dropping off 4 games in. Well bit of a wet day and then there's the dinner party ... lol!

  26. Smithy

    Sep 10, 2016, 18:03 #92924

    Well done we got there in the end . Something to build on for the difficult job on Tuesday!

  27. mbg

    Sep 10, 2016, 17:40 #92923

    David, good post, i'm surprised the wengerite luvvies haven't campaigned for Arsenal tube to be changed and renamed after him (expect a petition) wenger tube (or something like that) although i'd be all for that name. wenger out now.

  28. Peter Wain

    Sep 10, 2016, 17:39 #92922

    well on the evidence of one game the striker we bought id not up to it and the centre half is average at best. Complete waste of £50 million well done Wenger.

  29. mbg

    Sep 10, 2016, 17:21 #92921

    It's on.

  30. jjetplane

    Sep 10, 2016, 15:51 #92920

    Slow boring Asano Fc, plenty of empty seats as fatty Santi strolls to take a corner. This is the mark of a forgotten genius ..... Hope the food is interesting .....

  31. mbg

    Sep 10, 2016, 15:30 #92919

    So there you are then TOF has eventually lost it and went doolally (although some would say he has a long time ago) smoking Jack will make a good manager, maybe even at Arsenal, no matter how you dislike someone you eventually feel sorry for them when they get like that. Go now wenger.

  32. jjetplane

    Sep 10, 2016, 14:18 #92918

    So dopey says JW will not only come back to Asano but will one day be the manager. Will need to raise the chair and lower the desk a bit in the top top office and as long as the cameras do not catch the odd swig of a beer at the training ground the Asano reign (1996 -) could run forever. Maybe Arteta will come back and fill in until Jack is unveiled. They are buzzing on Untold over this though Walter is on holiday and will not file a poorly written two hundred page dossier this week as he is on holiday. Otherwise you just know he would be at the game along with their other notable posters. They love Asano Fc but not enough to actually go to a game ...... ps Citeh are well sick with Pep!

  33. Bard

    Sep 10, 2016, 11:52 #92917

    Jake a decent post although as other have said he hasnt ever been a genius. I would rank him in the second devision of managers at best. You are mistaken if you seriously believe he is going to reinvent himself. My beef with him is that he has willingly presided over a process where the club has sold its soul. While Stan is the owner we will never be a competitive force. Arsenal is now a business first and a football club second. The next manager whoever that is will have the same constraints.

  34. David

    Sep 10, 2016, 10:12 #92916

    to fix my last post... Had there been European football at the time more likely than not Arsenal would have been as dominant as Real Madrid. And had they initially failed, Chapman would have found a way of succeeding like he did when he introduced the stopper in the late 1920s.

  35. David

    Sep 10, 2016, 10:00 #92915

    Wenger cannot be considered Arsenal's greatest manager. He has had 20 years that Herbert Chapman was denied, yet Chapman's legacy was a club that won 5 league titles in the 1930s along with a couple post war won by his coach. Chapman's Arsenal were the dominant force of English football like Liverpool in 1973-1980 and Manchester United 1993-2010. Had there been European football at the time more likely than not Arsenal would have been as dominant as Real Madrid. ANd had they initially failed, Chapman would have Chapman's influence was far greater. Floodlights, white balls, numbers on shirts, hell even renaming the tube station. And he never succumbed to financial contraints. They built Highbury while he built team that were winning titles. Not even sure Wenger rates second compared to George Graham.

  36. Peter

    Sep 10, 2016, 7:59 #92914

    Yes we all agree that he was a great manager in his day but football has moved on and he hasn't. This was confirmed when he spoke about Jack saying "I think he is a much better player further forward. He plays too deep". Well it is obvious to say but isn't Wenger the manager and doesn't he tell players where to play and have the tactics to try and win games and play good football etc????? Or does he just let players play anywhere they like and think for themselves?????? Sorry but he has to go now not end of season if my second thought above is true.

  37. Roy

    Sep 10, 2016, 0:08 #92913

    He has carried on too long and has been badly exposed as last season proved when the odds were heavily stacked in his favour and he couldn't take advantage. Thanks Arsene for your great service and devotion, but the conclusion now is a simple one. Wenger out.

  38. mbg

    Sep 09, 2016, 23:35 #92912

    ArseneKnewBest, yes a team of what you call men, it's like all this great menteel strength and speeritt crap he used to spout (to those who listened) about the team for years (now changed to real men), the fact he feels he has to do, and needs to say this, tells us all and says everything we need to know about wenger himself (he's insecure) and nice boys, there was no need to go around spouting crap about mental speeritt and real men about a lot of the players pictured in the legends game tread, because they were real players with real mental strength and speeritt and what you call real men unlike this bunch of nice boys, and just like then as they still are with an old fraud of a manager who got lucky and landed on his feet. wenger out.

  39. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 09, 2016, 21:58 #92911

    "It's the first time for a long time that I've had a team of what you call men". He's quoted as saying this in the Guardian. The arrogance of Monsieur Le Tuatte is simply breathtaking. It's revealing because it's so deeply, yet so unwittingly, self-critical. Am I the only one thinking, "Then why didn't you fookin well sign some earlier you idiot?". He's now making comments like this safe in the knowledge that his job is not in jeopardy. That the team is currently packed with he-men also remains to be seen. Let's see them win at Stoke before we start thinking collective testosterone levels have risen. Quelle turd.

  40. Bonzo

    Sep 09, 2016, 21:56 #92910

    A song dedicated to Leekey! I am the music man, And I come from far away[1] and I can play!" Audience: "What can you play?" Leekey plays Jamee's piccolo Leekey plays Jamee's piccolo The purple piccolo I am the music man, and I come from far away and I can play!" Audience "What can you play?" Leekey plays Jamee's slide trombone, slide trombone Leekey plays Jamee's slide trombone He fiddles with his bone. I am the music man and I come from far away and I can play!" Audience "What can you play?" Leekey sits on Jamee's horn Leekey sits on Jamee's horn He sits on Jamerson's horn Please feel free to add other verses.

  41. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 09, 2016, 21:12 #92909

    Bored - My point is that the apogee of weng's football career was when he landed the job, rather than anything he achieved in the job itself. He evidently had success, based to a questionable extent on the ground that had already been laid for him by his predecessors, but this must have paled in comparison to the sensation of disbelief that he would have felt to have come from where he was to land a job managing the Arsenal. 20 years later he must still be pinching himself, not least because of a plethora of under achievements. Now is not the time for wenger's hagiography - I'll leave that to school of revisionism (of which you claim not to be a member). But the end of his diminishing career needs to come quickly, otherwise the fanbase will struggle to reunite for decades because when he does eventually go, numpties like biliard ball in the mouth jamee son will continue to kiss his skinny derriere. Chihuahua = division = utter hopelessness.

  42. Paul Ward

    Sep 09, 2016, 20:54 #92908

    Have to agree with most of the sentiments above, Wengers been a very good manager over the years, but in no sense whatsoever has he been a great one. To win 3 titles in his first 7/8 years most certainly laid the foundations for greatness , but defeat in the Cl final of 2006 and the subsequent 8 year trophy draught will tarnish his reputation for ever. Arsenal's greatest manager? Maybe( though personally I would argue Chapman), but an overall great ? Not by a long chalk

  43. mbg

    Sep 09, 2016, 20:40 #92907

    David, your spot on there, we've never been at the top of English football under TOF, whenever we/he threatened or we/he popped our/his head up above the parapet it was quickly smacked back down again by a better man and manager than himself, Fergie, who built two or three winning teams in that time when wenger was still bumbling about trying to build one (and still is to this day with no success) and then when he had him firmly in his pocket with the reputation of an also ran, having achieved his goal he retired, and TOF still couldn't push on and take advantage of that and take over Fergies mantle, instead with his continued bumbling about handing the reins to Mourninio, who then after doing the same as Fergie keeping TOF in his pocket for years retired (albeit from English football)and now come back again to carry on the humiliations, only now there's others who have came along with him, like Klopp, Ranieri, Koeman, and Pep all ready to smack him down as he still bumbles along. wenger the bumbler out now.

  44. GS

    Sep 09, 2016, 19:16 #92906

    Wenger , good manager back in the day , gave us some great times , but he was helped by players who needed very little coaching. For too long now, we have waited for his genius too come through season after season , but sadly he has been Shown to be clueless . No back to back PL titles, No euro silverware means he is not a great manager , just a good one ( for the invincibles). Wenger has nowhere left to take Afc, he could not even leave with dignity , blinded by £8m pa , has left him drinking in the last chance saloon too long . Zippy out.

  45. David

    Sep 09, 2016, 18:08 #92905

    "Arsenal would be pipped to the title by Manchester United the following season [2002-2003]" - I would say that Arsenal blew it and near enough handed Ferguson the title in the season after he "retired". Also consider 1998-1999 when they couldn't stop United claiming the treble, the 2000 UEFA Cup Final no show, and the 2001 Cup Final complacency. And in 2004 when Arsenal may have gone onto a treble before blowing it against Man U and Chelsea and very nearly Liverpool. I can't imagine Jose or Fergie specialising in that sort of failure.

  46. David

    Sep 09, 2016, 17:56 #92904

    "if Arsenal are to regain their place back at the very top of English football, " In truth, Arsenal haven't been at the top since the 1930s when they won five championsips. Take 1998-2004, the Wenger peak years, when Arsenal won three championships. Manchester United won 4, including 3 in a row and a European Cup to boot.

  47. mbg

    Sep 09, 2016, 17:47 #92903

    Ron, and wengers own wife would concur with that.

  48. The Mad Monk

    Sep 09, 2016, 16:12 #92899

    If you really think the "invincibles were that good how comes they only won the league once and then somehow the FA cup the following season? Wenger got done tactically by in the Champions league by Ranieri when we were by far the best team left in it and with a tactically astute manager would have won it and we would never of had to put up with Mourinho as we know he won it and the rest is history. I stopped caring because Wenger stopped me caring just sick to death of the same **** every season and the same excuses and after 45 years of support I don't think I have ever been this wound up ..........enough this person has got to go he has systematically destroyed everything

  49. Ron

    Sep 09, 2016, 16:04 #92898

    The lads are right. i cant see how some footie Coach can ever be labelled a genius to be honest. Its just post SKY hype in it s worst shape and its all that crap that f----d football up. Hes been an excellent Coach though, wherever the views on the man today are. Never a truly great Coach as hes no CL s or back to back titles but a good one nontheless in my view. Its just that his longevity there has made things stale and predictable. It happens. A bit like Wives when they've hung about too long!!

  50. Bored

    Sep 09, 2016, 15:28 #92897

    Arseneknewbest - I'd be as relieved as anyone when he retires, but I'm not a revisionist. To say Wenger 'never had his day' is just plain ludicrous and weather vane style punditry at it's worst.

  51. mbg

    Sep 09, 2016, 15:28 #92896

    Forgotten Genius ? you couldn't make it up, some great posts on here already told like it is, and of course it didn't take long for a wengerite fan boy to appear with a moniker that agree with us all. You couldn't make it up.

  52. mbg

    Sep 09, 2016, 15:05 #92895

    The spirit and philosophy of the club was there before wenger, with the players he inherited, he's changed the/it's spirit and stamped his mark alright with his own failed philosophy's. It's very clear what the future holds for wenger very clear indeed, he has none not in football management anyway. wenger out.

  53. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 09, 2016, 14:27 #92894

    Bored - "Show me a man who is bored by weng's utter and obvious hopelessnesss as a manager, and I'll show you man who is bored with life". Weng "had his day" when Dein called him in Japan and offered him the job. It's been done to death on here but I think we all agree that he inherited some pretty major building blocks that led to the success that the team enjoyed in his early days. And given the ridiculously long time he's had at the reins since then with absolutely no censure, it's hardly surprising he had some success - buggin's turn and all that. What's most relevant is that he is now completely washed up. You know that, I know that, and most depressingly, every other manager of the big clubs - you know, the type of set up that we used to aspire to be - know that too. 8-2, 6-1, 6-0 losses in the most pathetic fashion, along with p*ss poor leadership mean that weng has bid "au revoir" to any chance of a positive legacy. I assume you were as embarrassed/horrified as me by those setbacks. If not, then I question your credentials. He's done/fini/finito and has been for years.

  54. jeff wright

    Sep 09, 2016, 14:23 #92893

    Whatever Wengo is jj he is no genius and that is a fact. Personally I see him as being a copy-cat type picking others brains and then claiming the credit for any success that this achieves for himself. He introduced at the time new innovative ideas into football in this land when arriving from obscurity in Japan .However he copied these ideas from others abroad .His styles of play ,I'm reluctant to describe them as being tactics, are also copied from others ,it was like watching Brazil - or so it was claimed at one time... with the latest tippy-tappy one being an attempt at Barcelona style . We are not known as Barca-Lite for no good reason. Wengo never has though understood how tika-taka should be played and doesn't have the players anyway to play it even if he did. My own guess is that Wengo ,due to him not having won anything of note for ( yawn) donkeys years, will soon be forgotten, if a new man comes in and takes the club forward from the boring stagnation that it is presently in floating around like a turd in a cess - pit. C'est la vie!

  55. Bored

    Sep 09, 2016, 13:59 #92892

    So Wenger never had 'his day'? - because teams going a season unbeaten happens every year doesn't it? Maybe it was fluke? Perhaps if there was any substance to it he would have had another unbeaten run a couple of seasons earlier, like going unbeaten away from home for an entire season, something like that maybe? Perhaps it was all Pat Rice's doing? Maybe Bruce Rioch would have had the same success if they kept him on? He's just a nine season wonder when you think about it.

  56. jjetplane

    Sep 09, 2016, 13:51 #92891

    You misunderstand AKB marketing (aka Bored) Wenger has never had a day in football and the reason Asano FC are met with such scorn is because of the superficial tags of rubbish like invincibility. 'Clueless angry lynch mob' tells me we are light years away but carry on being upset that some do not bow down to 'the genius of Wengo' - Sapce waste since 2004 and counting ...

  57. Bored

    Sep 09, 2016, 13:24 #92890

    JJetPlane - I agree with you that Wenger has had his day, but you're selectiveness with the facts is pretty embarrassing. About 99% of Arsenal fans thought the sun shone out of Wenger's arse up until 2008, regardless of their position in the class system and how long they've followed the club. Arsenal weren't 'slapped out of every other trophy sharpish' either, they reached the Semis of both domestic cups and the Quarters of the Champions League (I suppose the 5-1 win in the San Siro was 'just plain dreadful' too?). I think it takes a bit more than accountancy skills to discover the like of Vieira, Petit and Anelka when no-one this side of the channel had ever heard of them. This kind of selectiveness with the argument if anything keeps him in a job by making those who argue against him look like a clueless angry lynch mob

  58. El Bodgeo

    Sep 09, 2016, 13:16 #92889

    Typo: 'if Arsenal are to regain their place back at the very top of English football, then Wenger must leave.

  59. jjetplane

    Sep 09, 2016, 12:09 #92888

    Nail on head JW with all this Wenger Genius sick bag mythology. Only fanz (sic) who bought into this **** were the middle class latelys who now have their own over sized foodie hall with exhibition soccer at Le Grove (sic). Arsenal were never invincible at any point and struggled through the PL to get those points playing pretty ugly footer with lots of draws. This says nothing that in that period there was little competition and Wenger was slapped out of every other trophy sharpish. Some utterly superb players with nowhere near the consistency of a Man Utd in the long haul and in Europe just plain dreadful. The above is a very naive look at Wenger as seen by a typical Asburtonite. Wenger was never a great manager but hit lucky with a great band of players who had to self manage as it is bloody obvious Wenger is good at accounting and rubbish at football. 'Wenger needs to evolve' is total lala bull****.

  60. jeff wright

    Sep 09, 2016, 11:19 #92887

    Wenger is not and never was 'a genius' .This was just another myth that Wengo himself with his bloated ego was happy to accept as being a fact along with the alleged top class coaching claims made about him and the financial shrewdness ones attributed to him. In fact for an accountant Wengo has often displayed poor and costly judgement in his financial dealings . His lack of tactical nous regarding football ones is of course legendary.Legend and genius are not one and the same THING . Although albeit some often confuse them. Wengo may well be regarded by some people as being a legend in time for various reasons with the 'Invincibles' being cited for this claim on his behalf.Obviously not ever having won anything in Europe over a 20 year ( yawn) stint at AFC will temper his status when comparing it to other real ones who have done . Such as Sir Ferguson.

  61. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 09, 2016, 11:01 #92886

    Jake: "Anything less than winning will never be accepted" that should read, anything less than trying to win will never be accepted. We have stop trying to win trophies for the last 7 - 8 years, the whole set up at Arsenal is rigged to finish in the top four. Like Sisyphus, Wenger rolls his boulder nearly to the top of the hill every season, only for the rock to roll back down to the bottom, usually in February. The real madness is that so many people think the next season will be different. This season will be different however because we have 3 or 4 very good teams with hungry managers who want trophies - funny enough finishing fourth this season would be an achievement, given that we have a proper competitive PL this year.

  62. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Sep 09, 2016, 10:05 #92885

    I forgot to cover this statement Jake ----- "if Arsenal are to regain their place back at the very top of English football, then Wenger must evolve". Are you serious mate?? Arsenal won't regain their place back at the top of anything until Wenger leaves!!

  63. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Sep 09, 2016, 9:49 #92884

    Jake - you could've saved yourself a lot of time and not bothered to write any of that. You say ------ "It is unclear what the future holds for Wenger". No it's not Jake - it is perfectly clear. The future under Wenger holds. More mismanagement; more gutless displays; capitulation in the Champions League; defeat to Mourinho, Guardiola, Klopp, Koeman; Pulis & others; more overpaid prima-donnas; more excuses; more money in Wenger's bulging bank account. You can quote the past as much as you like Jake but Wenger is yesterday's man and he has been for more than 10 years.