Arsenal Circular 155 – Help the Ox

No repeat of the Jon Sammels saga please

Arsenal Circular 155 – Help the Ox

The Ox – New boo boy in the making?

For many of us old’ uns the win against Anderlecht in April 1970 ranks as the Highbury Highlight – the greatest moment at the stadium of many memories. Cast your mind back to that night and you will recall that the third goal in our 3-0 win was scored by Jon Sammels. He smashed the loose ball into the back of the net and joyously celebrated what we all knew was victory.

There is a link between that night, that goal and that player and events at Arsenal today. Sammels was home grown – an Arsenal loyalist, a red shirt man through and through. He always tried his best. He made it to the England Under 23 level but fell short of a full cap. His trademark was a long shot and all of us who remember that pre-Double period will recall games against Liverpool and Man U when a Sammels long shot became a goal.

Things went wrong for Sammels – a drop in form and he became the focus of the boo-boys. His confidence fell away and with the arrival of Charlie George opportunities to shine were limited. He played in 15 matches in the 1970-71 Double season, scoring just one goal. He loved Arsenal but he and manager Bertie Mee recognised that his future lay away from Highbury. He moved to Leicester City and on retirement became a driving instructor. I believe he still watches the League Champions.

A few years back in 2002 I chanced to meet Sammels. With a good friend, Roger Winfield, I attended the funeral of Bertie Mee. We saw Sammels and approached him after the ceremony. He had heard of Bertie’s death only the night before and drove down from Leicester that morning to attend the funeral. We talked about his time at Highbury and recalled the highs – the goals and the celebrations. He smiled and in turn, sadly, recalled the lows and in particular the boos. It was a warm exchange. We were pleased to meet him and he was pleased to be remembered. It was clear Arsenal FC remained his home and his first love. A good man – Jon Sammels.

But the boo boys got to him. Chortled at his mistakes, mocked at his misses. He fell away. He had to leave.

We have a parallel today – the Ox. Similarly hard-working – committed to Arsenal – a team player but a player struggling with a loss of form. Some of the crowd are beginning to focus on him and we are a step away from boos and derision and humiliation. Supposing it was one of our children who was falling short – failing at school, getting into scrapes. You know he/she is a good kid but one who is struggling to get things right. You don’t laugh at them or mock them or humiliate them. You contain your frustration because you know a good shout rarely works. You put an arm around the shoulder, give them a hug and support them until they come out the other side.

So with the Ox we have two choices – join the boo boys and help to destroy his frail self-confidence or give him full support and help him and the team and AFC.

How to do it – shout his name – applaud him if he comes on as a substitute – sing his praise. Let him know we care – we support him and we love him because we love AFC and he in a red shirt is AFC.

Helping someone when they are down is the mark of maturity and our outlook on life and helping an Arsenal player is an expression of our love for Arsenal.

So let’s resolve to help the Ox. Adopt him, support him, encourage him, embrace him. The alternative is too ugly to contemplate.

Come on the Ox – you can do it. Dig deep. Use your goal last night as the springboard for future success. We are shouting for you.

I tweet daily @arsenalcircular – join me, follow me, argue with me.

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  1. mbg

    Sep 24, 2016, 1:35 #93312

    Cyril, your dead right there, built up by TOF (who hadn't a fooking clue himself) as top top qualittee, greet potential, greet menteel strength, greet vision, you name it TOF has said it about them, (to try and cover his own failings) and of course the old waste of space had the hoards believing it (and we all know who the hoards are after all as far as they are concerned their messiah knows) and as always they were as big as duds as himself. wenger out now.

  2. Cyril

    Sep 23, 2016, 20:21 #93308

    The Ox as like Walcott a player built up as great by Wenger and our deluded fans before he had achieved anything in the game.You can count the Ox's good games for Arsenal on one hand.Has he really improved since we signed him? I would do a BOGOF offer for Ox and Walcott.Ox has 24 England caps the great Rocky Rocastle got 14.Explain?

  3. Moscow Gooner

    Sep 23, 2016, 17:42 #93302

    Why just the Ox? It seems to me that in recent years in a reverse form of xenophobia the crowd have got on the back of too many 'home' players. Post Brexit we won't have any more imports from Ligue 2 to cheer on so I suggest we get behind the home contingent, regardless of our feelings about AW, and draw the best from them.

  4. Stuart

    Sep 23, 2016, 14:10 #93299

    I think the difference today is that the Ox is paid a ****ing fortune and seems to think it's perfectly fine to mess about, have a laugh and take everything lightly. There is no connection to the players as far as the fans are concerned and with the money players are paid, the public expect good things from them. There is less patience and no sympathy these days.

  5. mbg

    Sep 22, 2016, 15:59 #93290

    CB, yes mate a coach who likes the players to work it out for themselves (and something always spouted by the AKB's who take great pride in) did you ever hear anything like it in your life ? Jesus H, what the fook is he a coach for then ? how is he supposed to teach these players (especially the young ones ?) what have we got a manager for then ? what does TOF do for his £8,000,000 per season then ? maybe it's just because TOF doesn't fooking know how to do it, or work it out himself, what a fraud. Go now wenger.

  6. mbg

    Sep 22, 2016, 15:40 #93289

    GS, good post yes indeed he/the rest of the pampered nice boys are old enough and wise enough now to know why their always injured and playing shyte and not getting any better, they should fooking man up and go somewhere else and/or start earning the money that has made them overpaid millionaires instead of having apologists making excuses and asking for them to be left alone given a break (boo boo) to cover the failings for their over paid dud of a manager. wenger out.

  7. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 22, 2016, 15:39 #93288

    These players already have Wenger 'helping' them by telling them they've great character and spirit after another collapse when the pressure cranked up. All it does is perpetuate the cycle. And in what sense is AOC an Arsenal man? He's not Tony Adams or Frank McLintock. He's just a young player bought from Soton who hasn't done it for AFC. And it isn't 1970 anymore. He won't be a driving instructor in 20 years bemoaning the boo boys - he'll be set up for life thanks to wages he wouldn't get anywhere near anywhere else and never will again once he finally leaves Arsenal. Completely fatuous parallel. Just adds to the feeling from these Circulars that Graham Perry lives in his own little world.

  8. Shu

    Sep 22, 2016, 14:05 #93287

    Graham, i just get that little feeling that just maybe you are a big wenger fan ,although you don't mention him. I hope you wore your Arsenal tie and red scarf to the funeral ,not forgetting your flask of coffee in case the church was cold.

  9. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 22, 2016, 13:18 #93285

    Ron : I did read that piece by MS and you tend to get the feeling that something with EUFA is going to break soon. If the CL went back to Champions only it would save European football because other European competitions would be so much stronger and more worthy of winning. When we won the Fairs Cup it was my first Arsenal trophy and it was a wonderful feeling, I knew it was not the EC but it was the next best thing. I missed the 71 final also, sent the corners of my programmes off to Arsenal but as I did not have the full set I had to watch it on TV - still I got to WHL so I was happy.

  10. Ron

    Sep 22, 2016, 11:31 #93284

    SKG - We did. Its used to make the FAC the drama that it was though didnt it. Replays were tense and numerous and the FAC used to more or less take over the Season didnt it. None of us minded though did we if the League form faltered as a result if we ended up heading down Wembley way, though i never managed to get to the 71 Final. The FAC has become so diluted now hasnt it, sacrificed on the alter of that bloody ridiculous CL thats rigged only for the favoured cartel to win. Not sure if you read that article by Martin Samuel on the Mail on line the other day when he dressed down Guardiola for having a go at Cits fans for booing the UEFA CL anthem? It was very good and showed the CL/UEFA inherent bias in all its awful aspects.

  11. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 22, 2016, 11:17 #93283

    Ron: defining game the City match, my father's best mate, who really knew his football, stated "if we beat City we will win the cup" - Mind you did n't we have some replays to win it!

  12. Ron

    Sep 22, 2016, 10:20 #93282

    SKG - Fond memories of the City away Cup tie. I went to that. Absolute bog of a pitch. Charlie was brilliant that night. Good side City were then. Bell Lee Summerbee Towers Donachie Pardoe Oakes Corrigan and Co.

  13. GS

    Sep 22, 2016, 9:52 #93281

    Boo - hoo, millionaires like ox & theo don't give a monkeys if they play good or bad, don't think it bothers them that much . If they had real ambition they would have moved on, but will in the comfort zone under Wenger and getting paid thousands for very little why leave ? They both reflect the club, treading water, while collecting the dosh.

  14. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 22, 2016, 9:17 #93280

    Graham, the crucial point you are missing from your piece is Jon Sammels's leg was in plaster at the start of the 70 - 71 season and he missed games through injury not by being dropped. He came back in Nov/Dec and stayed in the team over the next few months, however defeats away to Liverpool and Huddersfield with both Sammels and Graham in the team together, caused Don Howe to think again. The only player Jon could realistically compete with in midfield was George Graham and as the team hardened during the final run in, when we secured many 1-0 victories, Don Howe went with George Graham, who despite the nickname "stroller" had a fine end of season run, plus he could also look after himself, which was such a crucial factor in that season. GG was also voted MOM in the final and was superb at WHL on May 3rd, which again justified Don's decision making. Don't forget JS also played in many of the cup games, including our fine 2-1 away to Man city in the 5th round which I believe was the point most Arsenal fans knew this could be our year. Jon was never going to compete with Charlie George, if CG was fit he was in, he was our game changer. Ray Kennedy's arrival in the side made certain that CG & GG had to compete for the midfield positions, so in a trio of Charlie, Jon and George Graham it was Jon who lost out. (If Arsene had been our manager then Jon would have been in and it would probably been Peter Storey who would have asked for a transfer) I never heard Jon booed in that double year, I heard booed a few seasons before but at that time you could have booed any one of 4 or 5 players. Comparisons with the Ox are so wide of the mark, Jon Sammels scored in a European Final and won Cup and league winners medals, the poor Ox hasn't even got a position yet!

  15. Tony Evans

    Sep 22, 2016, 9:01 #93279

    Sammels was virtually on his way out when I first pitched up at Highbury so I can't comment on the stick he got or didn't get, but over the years I have witnessed quite a few players on the end of some crowd verbal. I occasionally joined in, and why shouldn't fans make their feelings known? As Redpig says perhaps if today's match day home support had more about them we wouldn't have had to suffer such long spells with the likes of Denilson, Eboue, Cygan et al. in the side. As for the Ox I'm afraid he has flattered to deceive for far too long now and deserves nothing from the Arsenal crowd - for the amount they cough up these days they deserve better players than Oxlade-Chamberlain.

  16. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 22, 2016, 7:44 #93278

    Jamerson it will be bye bye again with your latest comment, not very Christian either but then I hear you're a devil worshiper so it all makes sense.

  17. Charlie George Orwell

    Sep 22, 2016, 7:34 #93277

    Feel a bit sorry for the Ox – who knows how good he’ll be or could have been, under a manager other than Wenger (but then I guess you could say that about a number of players). Was also there that night v Anderlecht. As I wasn’t quite 10, I can’t honestly remember much about the match except the tension, euphoria at the final whistle and bizarrely, the Arsenal booing their number 4 (dirty player maybe?). I used to go to the Clockend with my cub scout mates those days. It was a time – you young whippersnappers – when the adults let the kids through to the front and we used to lean on the small metal fence within touching distance of our heroes. Ooh to be a Gooner. Time for a nap…

  18. Mathew

    Sep 22, 2016, 5:02 #93276

    Not sure it has to do with the talent, or the required coaching to nurture them are missing. Walcott and Ox, both are being moulded into a similar pattern & career graph. Does it have anything to do with the methods of the manager and his philosophies, playing style etc. Asking a player to use his right foot more than his left foot is the latest example. Wilshere would have been a yardstick of Wenger's coaching standards and methods, if he had gone to a better manager. I dont think Eddie Howe can turn it around for Jack unless he redeems his game and fitness. I am glad he took up the risk of going out of his comfort zone but playing abroad and a better manager would have been something. Similarly, Ox and Walcott both needs an oppurtunity elsewhere to explore their talents and shortcomings. Lucas will take up the roles from them soon as he can run and shoot (unless Wenger dissuades him to do so), and they will be considered for squad depths & cup games. Wenger is not among those who are willing to take risks and our players are equally cushioned. With the packages they are under and the club they play for, motivation should be within, not from the crowd. Football is money these days, hence memories are really short, Graham you better remind them both about it.

  19. mbg

    Sep 22, 2016, 0:57 #93275

    RedPig, post of the week.

  20. mbg

    Sep 21, 2016, 22:51 #93274

    Mark, of course we are mate you can bet on it, that's wengers forte, he'll keep handing out contracts no matter for how long, no matter who suffers or how detrimental it is to the team and club, there's no way on Gods green earth he'd admit he got it/anything wrong, not until he really really has to anyway (five, ten) years time, he'll just keep handing out the contracts in the hope he the ox/and others come good. no new contract for wenger.

  21. mbg

    Sep 21, 2016, 22:25 #93273

    And just wait for TOF to get his teeth firmly into Xhaka and start schooling him in the ways of wengball, he'll soon coach that shooting and shooting on sight lark out of him, i'm sure he was fuming that it happened again last night, he'll have him conforming and playing tippy tappy round the box in no time at all, and that'll be another one ruined, then we'll have a wenger apologist on making excuse for the both of them again. wenger out now.

  22. Goonie

    Sep 21, 2016, 22:14 #93272

    Mark.... You are such a prick.

  23. mbg

    Sep 21, 2016, 22:06 #93271

    jw, your dead right lets place the blame here where it firmly belongs with an old past it out of date stuck in his ways manager, if he was coached right from the start and trained right, and handled right, he, and others, might not be struggling now and no need for chief wenger apologists to make excuses for him and blame others and everything else for his messiah's failings, but what's new. wenger out.

  24. Bard

    Sep 21, 2016, 21:33 #93270

    Graham; your posts reveal a touching naivety. I agree the booing of the Ox or anyone else for that matter is difficult to hear but top class sport is brutal ( unless its Arsenal of course). The painful truth is that Sammels who I liked couldnt cut it and neither can the Ox. The Ox suffers because positionally he is neither fish nor fowl and his efficiency level is poor. He makes too many mistakes when he is under no pressure. As other have said he simply isnt good enough. The issue of the coaching at the club has been raised before by others. Is he any better than when he arrived from Soton, I dont think so ? Booing is a symptom not a cause. Getting behind him wont make him a better player. You can either rise to the challenge or you cant. Its only sad relatively speaking, by the end of his contract at Arsenal he probably wont have to do a days work for the rest of his life.

  25. jjetplane

    Sep 21, 2016, 21:12 #93269

    Totally with you LEGGSY and I was there that night and Sammels was always a big favourite for having a shot on him that every little Arsenal mod wante/skin wanted to emulate. Total cult status and he also had the best mod cut in the league. Now the dancing Ox (see tunnel antics) is in no position to warrant some sort of adoration and as Mark says earlier - thought you AKBs were singing from the roofs every match so surely you could spread the love so the Dancing Ox does not feel left out. A fairly silly article that smacks of attention seeking. We live in Brand PL world now and it is becoming hard to seperate the teams as they line up in the same manner as River Island, Next and Top Top Man (sic) in the local mall. The stadia are like malls now and it is not that the fans are fickle but more the case that most feel no great attachment to their clubs and why should they? ps Watching Messi against Celtic the other night and he is still beyond the football grain - genius! Oh - and the Totts are two up and JM is breathing again ..... Brand PL ****ing on!

  26. John F

    Sep 21, 2016, 20:36 #93268

    I have a feeling that he will end up at Stoke like his dad.He will certainly be welcome there and Mark Hughes will probably get more out of him then Wenger does.

  27. CB

    Sep 21, 2016, 20:07 #93267

    I don't see the OX being the same as Walcott. Put Walcott at any club and he will never be any better, his technical ability is so poor. Whereas the OX has better technique and showed good potential but it seems to have been knocked out of him. He certainly needs to leave Arsenal because he isn't going to improve under a manager who likes his players "to work it out for themselves"

  28. Ray

    Sep 21, 2016, 19:08 #93266

    Lets face facts Ox is Walcott mark 2.Like Walcott an unproven player at Southampton bought after a dozen games for way too much.If the Ox is unable to seal a first team spot now after 5 years why will he ever do it now.Like Walcott picked for England when you can count the good games they have a season on one finger.The reason Ox and Walcott are still at the club of course is the English quota of players every team needs. So even though the Ox is a mile away from being a first team regular he picks up his massive wages to keep the bench warm.The bottom line the Ox is not good enough to be an Arsenal player the same goes for Walcott they have been at the club for a combined total of 15 years and are still not established first teamers

  29. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 21, 2016, 17:33 #93264

    Arsenal playing reasonably well, getting in scoring practice . Do we hear from Leekey and Jamerson? No think not. Arsenal play poorly under perform all we get is Arsene must stay and buffonary off Jamerson. Think it's about time those two revealed their true allegiance as I don't think it has much to do with Arsenal. It's almost like a Westlower the number Arsenal superfan who somehow always bet against us winning,

  30. Ron

    Sep 21, 2016, 17:21 #93263

    Red Pig - Good post. It must be the easiest place to reach cult hero status. Eboue, the BFG, even Bendtner got there for a short spell. He was a cult hero because of his misses, particularly the open goal ones! Vela was held in deep affection. Djourou for heavens sake became a player for who the crowd would gasp if he fell over at one stage, we so lacked decent defenders at the time. Its more a measure of the fans at Arsenal being so desperate and desirous of having a player, any player, who they can seriously identify with rather than the said player being any good. In fairness to Wenger, hes tried to give the fans that in the form of yr Wallys Willys Wellys Gibbys and Ox s but the flaw in the plan is that none are either top quality performers and nor do they win over the crowd for their efforts, tackles, drive and sheer desire to best serve the Club. The team and the whole set up there has no soul or recognisable facets that the longer standing supporters amongst us can identify with. Detest them as we do, but those fans who routinely slated Fat Frank, Terry, Cole, Scholes, Giggs Keane and Co only did it out of jealousy knowing full well that Arsenal couldnt cope with the solid foundations that such players offered a team at the time. They were cult figures because they bled for their Clubs and could actually play the game. AFC have offered nothing close in a dozen yrs and arguably longer than that.

  31. Mark

    Sep 21, 2016, 16:53 #93262

    Sometimes you have to realise a player just isnt good enough.Are we going to give the Ox another 5 years like we did Walcott to prove they will never be top class players?.If the Ox and Wally were not English they would have been out the door years ago.We have a weak manager who keeps giving players who keep failing long and lucrative contracts.The Ox needs to be playing football like Wilshere but not at Arsenal he has had his chance enough is enough.Sell him

  32. RedPig

    Sep 21, 2016, 16:42 #93261

    Arsenal have one of the less demanding supports around. At the Emirates in particular (not away from home so much) it borders on pathetic at times. Even when the crowd turns the do-gooders and bleeing hearts brigade soon get involved. Its what turned that useless imbecile Eboue into a cult hero. Maybe if Ox was as focused on his football as his dance moves in the tunnel he might have produced something that would justify fans getting behind him more. People need to remember that its the manager and the players job to perform. Thats why they are highly paid. I cannot stand this tiresome onus on fans paying extortionate prices to get behind the team all the time. If the Ox cannot perform in the relative pressure free environment of the bubble Wenger has created for himself and his players, then I dont think he'd survive long elsewhere. Not with the sub-standard offerings he regularly serves up.

  33. Leggsy

    Sep 21, 2016, 15:52 #93259

    I dont think their is a parralel here . Sammels was an established player ,I was there in the 51,612 crowd V Anderlecht Kelly Sammels and Radfords names are tattoed on my heart . I never booed him and frankly I dont remember him getting much stick either although I knows that goes against the grain of the myth . I remember him getting injured and losing his place which he never got back which isnt surprising because the double team were on a roll and the squad of 13 with 1 sub meant he didnt get much of a look in ! He then asked for a transfer and went ! The OX has been around for a while and has had his share of injuries but his attitude and play last year stank the place out . I hope he makes it but he needs to shape up,nice article but a little misplaced !

  34. mbg

    Sep 21, 2016, 15:33 #93258

    Far far away fan, or gets injured and still retires young and wealthy, just ask diaby, maybe he didn't get enough support and luvvvv.

  35. mbg

    Sep 21, 2016, 15:17 #93257

    Our children aren't been paid £60, £70, £80,000 plus grand a week to get it right the ox is, so should be fooking doing so, no excuses, but I tell you what lets all give him ten years to come good and then you can tell us your messiah was right all along. wenger out now.

  36. Torquay Gooner

    Sep 21, 2016, 14:46 #93254

    The Ox has averaged around 20 appearances and 3 goals a season, since his debut in 2012. A massively overrated player, who unless he can turn around this season should be sold off with Walcott.

  37. Far far away fan

    Sep 21, 2016, 13:48 #93253

    What a saccharine article! I barely made it to the end. I need some bitter to wash away the sweet. Worst case scenario for the Ox- get booed, career fizzles away, retires young and wealthy.

  38. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 21, 2016, 13:46 #93252

    Oh for God sake if he had decent performances he wouldn't get the stick. Anyway I thought the Emirates crowd is 100% behind Wenger and all his players or so according to your last article. So there can't be a problem can there?

  39. honeybunch

    Sep 21, 2016, 13:38 #93251

    Too right, not enough fans behind the Ox

  40. jeff wright

    Sep 21, 2016, 13:37 #93250

    I doubt that cheering and singing AOC's name in some sort of mock contrived support will make the slightest difference to how he performs in games.The impact that crowds have on events on field is in my view well overrated. Noisy supporters have not helped clubs such as Portsmouth , Palace and others . Also it may not be a 'confidence factor' with AOC but other ones such as poor coaching and probably an inconsistent lack of ability to perform at top level. AOC to me looks like another flatter to deceive type of young player of which the history of football is littered with . Personally I think that along with others, such as Wally and Jack, that AOC joined up with the wrong manager in hapless Arsene whose record in developing young talent is akin to that of winning trophies in Europe - appalling ! Anyway, the latest wins over modest oppo should at least give some confidence to our players as Wengo ( yawn) tries to improve his shockingly poor record against Chelsea . The Blues have had problems again this season but was that not the case last term as well >? So then how did Wengo fare against them - oh ! For me a watching brief is advised and if things go pear-shaped I suggest that the real culprit gets the bird instead of fall guys like AOC and we all know who the real villain of the pantomime is don't we now - well some of us do !

  41. Tam Ogotchi

    Sep 21, 2016, 13:31 #93249

    Loss of form? He's never had form. He has 2 or 3 good games a season and those games in which he is good, he starts well then dissapears the longer a game goes on.

  42. danluvsafc

    Sep 21, 2016, 13:06 #93247

    ox booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Ron

    Sep 21, 2016, 12:47 #93244

    Its a good principle to espouse Graham not too pick on players. All Clubs have them though. To be brutally honest though, crowds today are pretty lame and lack a lot of passion. I recall the stick that Jon had (he was one of my fave players as a lad). Young Ox hasn't had anything near what Jon had and hopefully he wont. Its pertinent to say as well that JS had his loyalty abused. It wont happen with Ox as there is none in football today. Lets not forget the obscene wages too. OK, money isnt really related to stick a player gets but it certainly softens the blow. Fans, rightly or wrongly feel more entitled to complain these days at the prices they play to see football. Lest be honest too, some of the Ox s performances have been pretty dire for a long time. I dont think he ll be at Arsenal for much longer. He lacks some thing and is better suited to less pressured footie environs.