Arsenal Vanquish Conte’s Chelsea

Online Ed: 20th Anniversary triumph for Wenger

Arsenal Vanquish Conte’s Chelsea

Photo by Marcia Milnes

Arsène Wenger has had some unhappy landmarks where Chelsea are concerned, defeated at Stamford Bridge in his 500th and 1000th matches in charge of Arsenal, but this game, marking his 20th year at the club, will be more fondly remembered by himself and the fans.

Reminiscent of the victory over Manchester United last season, Arsenal were fast out of the traps, playing in the first half with the kind of intensity not seen often enough, but devastatingly effective. Harrying and hassling to win possession of the ball, and then using possession and territory effectively to create chances and dominate.

It helped a little that Chelsea were prepared to sit a little deeper than some, often isolating Costa. Generally, their attempts to counter attack were foiled with well timed tackles and interceptions, errors forced by pressure on the man with the ball or an intended target of a pass.

It was Premier League football at its best in terms of the pace and commitment, and all over the pitch there were excellent performances from Wenger’s players. It shows what they are capable of, and Mustafi apart, the starting eleven were all at the club last season. If they had played like this in all of their home fixtures, they would have walked the title. Where did this performance come from? Perhaps indignation with some of the injustices suffered at the hands of Chelsea in recent times, and the desire to prove a point. I cannot recall even someone like Mesut Ozil looking so motivated.

Antonio Conte will have been tearing his implanted hair out with the first goal. What can be said about Gary Cahill’s error? It was a shocker and Sanchez, playing at centre forward again, pounced. Arsenal’s finishing for the goals was faultless. Even Theo could not miss the tap-in for the second from Bellerin’s pass, but credit due to him for getting in the position to convert the chance. Whisper it quietly, but he is actually beginning to play with some kind of consistency, justifying the manager’s faith after a decade of waiting. Let us hope this isn’t a flash in the pan. From memory, what happens now is either he signs a new extension and his form goes to pot, or he gets injured. Iwobi’s role in the build up to Theo’s goal was top rate and he had an excellent match all round.

The third goal was a thing of beauty. Two players of quality combining on the break and a great finish from Ozil. Chelsea were simply caught cold by the pace of Arsenal’s attacking movement, pace and exploitation of space. There were several good chances after the interval and the margin could have been higher. Playing such an attacking game did provide the visitors with a few opportunities at the other end, but by and large Arsenal dealt with them, not allowing Chelsea to get any kind of foothold of any sort. Now Conte can see that Premier League football is a different beast to Serie A and it will be fascinating to see how he adapts. Being 3-0 down gave him the opportunity to play his favoured three at the back formation, although it wasn’t until later on that he put on a second forward. By then it was too late. As they chased the game, the extra space led to more chances for Wenger’s team.

Coquelin went off in the first half injured after a committed tackle on Kante, but Xhaka’s introduction certainly did not weaken the side. Many thought he would start the game after the form shown in his last two appearances. However, Coquelin did a fine job and it looks as if Xhaka might start the next couple of fixtures if the former’s injury needs time.

By far and away it was Arsenal’s best performance of the season. With other clubs demonstrating that they are capable of excellent performances, including Liverpool, Spurs, Manchester United (without Rooney) and quite obviously Manchester City, it promises to be a fascinating season. Everton are also in the mix and it is too early to write off Chelsea. Arsenal showed they can be part of a title race if they play to their potential. It is frustrating that they have demonstrated this kind of quality all too rarely in recent time, but at least reassuring to see that they are still capable of such football. Long may it continue.

A happy anniversary for Arsene Wenger. If this were to be his final season, I think everyone would want to see his team playing this way throughout.

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  1. mbg

    Sep 27, 2016, 16:50 #93446

    Bard, don't confuse them mate. wenger out.

  2. Bojangles

    Sep 27, 2016, 11:10 #93437

    Jamerson :- following on from comments suggesting you are the oldest sex worker in East Anglia or at least the most persistent. I did hear that your street name is "Jessica" I understand that this comes from your days in the Navy! What a busy life you lead.

  3. Bard

    Sep 27, 2016, 9:14 #93433

    bba; your posts dont really do many favours for the Wengs cause. No one has suggested that beating Chelsea wasnt a good result, What many including me are saying is that it needs to be put into context. Chelsea were and are p*** poor. Secondly we always put in a performance or two like that every season, so no surprises there. In the context of the last 10 years its exactly the same so far including another serious long term injury. If we put in a dozen or more performances like that against top sides then I will have a rethink but for now its same old same old.

  4. GoonerRon

    Sep 27, 2016, 8:44 #93431

    @ mbg - any views on our performance on Saturday yet? Notwithstanding that any comments made won't retrospectively airbrush the last 10 years away...

  5. Bojangles

    Sep 27, 2016, 7:40 #93430

    This is a final call for Mr Westlower, this is a final call for Mr Westlower. The 1967 overnight train from Inverness to London Kings Cross is about to arrive. Your tickets are at reception. Please can you pay the remaining balance of £7,594 and 72pence at the ticket booth please. Thank you.

  6. mbg

    Sep 26, 2016, 23:18 #93428

    Did you see bouldy when the 2nd or was it the third goal went in ? sitting there no expression, no smile, just looking forward into space (obviously as disillusioned as the rest of us) while TOF did his cross between the Salsa and an Irish Jig, bouldy obviously knew what the rest of us know, it means absolutely nothing, or was just still following orders to sit there and not speak just chew, i'd say it was the former, he'd better watch out or the AKB wengerites will be accusing him of not being positive and showing no passion next. wenger out.

  7. Wrinkly Voyeur

    Sep 26, 2016, 22:51 #93427

    well...errr...overall I belieeeeeeeeve my bumhole is leetle beet itchy....errrrrr... as well I belieeeeeeeeeeeve my finger is leetle beet stinky...errrr....why do you look at me?

  8. Paul Ward

    Sep 26, 2016, 18:19 #93420

    As usual with us , every silver lining has a great big cloud. News that Coq could be out for months is a massive blow to title hopes I'm afraid.At least we have Xhaka,El Neny and the Welsh Wizard (when fit) to slot in next to Santi, the squad in central midfield is far stronger than this time last year.

  9. mbg

    Sep 26, 2016, 18:16 #93419

    jw, spot on, two top bulls*****s and so it has been proved yet again, and as usual the sheep swallow it. wenger out.

  10. mbg

    Sep 26, 2016, 17:37 #93418

    Highbury Spy, providing your not a troll yourself, the editor gave us a list that we can all work out and did very quickly, i'm not on it, maybe even you can work that one out. wenger out.

  11. jeff wright

    Sep 26, 2016, 17:30 #93417

    bba,he appears from nowhere who is he really... anyway sunbeam come tell us about it in MAY ..I doubt though that you will ...says it all really .. a case of laugh when you are winning wot !

  12. GoonerRon

    Sep 26, 2016, 17:22 #93416

    @ Ron - believe me, I will leave it many more months operating at this level or higher before saying anything has changed for Theo. My point was, his form this season so far is much better than 'one decent game'.

  13. bba

    Sep 26, 2016, 17:07 #93413

    You lot make me laugh especially this Jeff guy. Admittedly, we are in and out at times but we blew Chelsea away on Saturday. But lo and behold, no credit from many on here with Chelsea being relegation fodder. You've got to think if some on here actually know where Arsenal is. They certainly know where the keyboard is though.

  14. Bojangles

    Sep 26, 2016, 16:38 #93411

    AKB Super Hero Top Trumps Walter Broekx: Super power rating 6 Skill: Remote viewing:- can view any Arsenal match from his home in Antwerp. through ESP paranormal activity. Does not need to attend matches due to Super powers. Tony Attwood: Super power rating 8 Skill: Lying:- can literally lie through his teeth. Bogus stats genius. Cult leader of the deluded ones. Jamerson: Super power rating 10 Skill: Omnipitent God Figure. This power remains until tranquillisers kick in. When he returns to his mortal form. Otherwise lives in caravan with collection of toe-nail clippings and bogey jar. Leekfc Super power rating 8 Skill: incredibly flexible rectum. Can insert any size or shape into orifice. Repeatedly chants Wenger must stay during. insertion of items. Westlower Super power rating 6 Skill: wins every bet as long as he bets on Arsenal losing. Considered Arsenals No.1# fan.

  15. Tony

    Sep 26, 2016, 16:17 #93410

    Just like United were woeful last season when we won the game in the first half so were Chelsea on Saturday.But take no notice according to the media and AKB's we will now will the title by 20 points and Wenger is a genius.When will they learn.Come February we will bottle it again.That what Wenger teams post 2004 do.As for Wally Walcott it must be time for his contract to be renewed and Wenger will give him £200k a week

  16. jeff wright

    Sep 26, 2016, 15:02 #93409

    Hi Bard, for me all of this, Wally has changed and the penny has finally dropped for him ( you couldn't make it up!) from Wengo is just more mealy mouthed hog-wash from the old fraud . As Ron pointed out Wally has these moments in most seasons when he can stay fit for a run of games . There is in reality nothing new about Wally's so called new found form. Wenger and Wally are both experienced bullshine artists who are never at a loss for a ready excuse after a poor result and there are always every season plenty of them - or for talking things up after a good one. None of this however can cover up for the obvious lack of any top trophies since 2004 - or the constant record busting defeats in Europe that we suffer under Wengo .Wally like the rest of the team lacks consistency and that is why the poor results outnumber the good ones EVERY season. Wengo is just doing the same things that he always does -now and then as experience tells us ,it works .Anyone though who believes that something new is happening really is living in la la Wengoland .

  17. Bard

    Sep 26, 2016, 13:54 #93407

    JW; I agree Jeff Chelsea were woeful. They look out of contention for sure. Conte probably cant believe how bad a team he has inherited. Good post Ron re Theo. he has purple patches but they dont last. He is no Robben or Ribery whatever Weng says. I would sell him in the jan window for a hefty sum and spend it on a better player. The fact that Weng says he has changed his attitude is an indictment of his coaching regime. How long has it taken for the penny to drop, he's been at the club 10 years.

  18. mbg

    Sep 26, 2016, 13:51 #93406

    Mad Monk, and apparently i've got the blame for being in Belgium telling all and sundry there was, and George Graham did exist, nasty me. wenger out tonight.

  19. mbg

    Sep 26, 2016, 13:30 #93405

    Bard, they're not really, as ArseneKnewBest says their all the one person trying to make it look good, they all know them selves what's just around the corner. wenger out.

  20. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Sep 26, 2016, 13:17 #93404

    Credit where it's due- the manager and players deserve some praise for the chelski game, about bloody time we gave that horrible loathsome club a good hiding. It does beg the question though, why can't they perform that way on a regular basis? They did it once last season against Man Ure with a similar outcome. What a difference it makes when you have talented players working hard. Like Kevin said, had we played like that consistently last season we would have walked the league. Must say it feels effing great beating them and not having the hump all weekend! I'll take what I can get these days cos I'm pretty sure it won't last!

  21. Tony Evans

    Sep 26, 2016, 13:08 #93403

    I am not going to say we have been here before - just going to enjoy the result, knowing it probably means very little in the great scheme of things, but hoping it might!

  22. jeff wright

    Sep 26, 2016, 11:20 #93400

    Let's be honest here Chelsea were awful and new boss Conte looks like he will be struggling to avoid an early P.45 off Rom .So 3 goals scored but then again we scored 3 against Liverpool at home as well but the problem was that Klopp's kop crew managed to score 4 against us . Have we suddenly become much better since then well only time and rewsults will tell but I doubt it .There was no chance of Chelsea on Saturday scoring 4 goals and Conte's suicidal tactics of taking us on in open play reminded me of LVG's ones last season when we produced a similar display and result against United - who looked well short of pace and all over the place in defence as well that day when left exposed like frightened rabbits caught in the glare of an oncoming articulated lorries headlights on a dark road. Anyway, no doubt it will not be long before Amos ,or some other AKB stalwart, appears to excitably inform us that we are 'challenging for the title' , even though it is only November! I will believe we are challenging for it if we are in a position to win the league on the last day of the season . If not then, oh hum, so much for sky diving then as the parachutist remarked when his parachute failed to open. We have been here before along with Wally -many many ( yawn) times...

  23. Ron

    Sep 26, 2016, 10:16 #93399

    G Ron - in fairness to Wally hes had a purple patch of good form every Season in his 10 at the Club. It generally lasts about 2 months or 7-9 games, then hes injured or he fizzles out. He wasnt great on Saturday, but he scored at least. While hes decent, the Club could do worse than cash in on him in January though by then he ll probably be in the treatment room or finished for the Season.

  24. Masterstroke

    Sep 26, 2016, 10:11 #93398

    jjetplane In fairness the one on the right (Walter) does get over a couple of times a season for selected matches. Don't think of him as the cuddly one though, they're both poison. A bit like Statler & Waldorf, but Arsenal related.

  25. jjetplane

    Sep 26, 2016, 9:51 #93397

    See all the people in the background probably smirking at the two of them though the one one on the right was photo shopped in as he has never been to England. The evidence is there and why would they not be jealous of Amy who is official gooner royalty. Newsflash Theo to bring out a new book about how he tamed Chelsea with foreword by Walter ....

  26. Masterstroke

    Sep 26, 2016, 7:57 #93396

    Mad Monk Actually Attwood is worse than that. Have you seen his photo on the headline banner? Well he writes like he looks........a really wretched person who feeds them large doses of BS which they lap up because he's done his PR job on them.It's what he does for a living...he has a PR business. As for his relentless putting down of Guardian Gooner can only be envy due to her connections with Arseblog.

  27. Website Editor

    Sep 26, 2016, 7:40 #93395

    Some of the names Jamerson (troll) has been posting comments under lately - Lee FC, Untold, Red & White, Chippy, Wiggy, Iron Fist and on once occasion Finsbury Joe (!) - I'll leave them online for a while for those who wish to nail down his style of trolling. The words 'get a life' come to mind for some reason.

  28. Mad Monk

    Sep 26, 2016, 5:41 #93394

    Untold worshippers calm down now and go and find Proud Kev while your adoring lord Tatty the Great makes up some more bed time stories for you to stroke off to. Just a few headlines for you to dream about: Mike Riley head of a British secret organisation was seen handing out banners with "Wenger out" written on them! Mike Dean seen driving around in a new Aston Martin with a sticker on the bumper saying "I love Jose" New evidence has emerged from a source in Belgium that there wasn't a football club called Arsenal before 1996 and that nasty useless man called Mr Graham never really existed. Mr Wenger loves all of the Untold gang and would like to invite you all to his house for a sleep over in your Gunnersaurus onesies. Join us next week for an exclusive interview with Proud Kev who was secretly undercover getting evidence that confirms Tatty the Great was correct in his analysis that Giroud is in fact a better player than Messi (trust me he has proof of this ).

  29. Highbury Spy

    Sep 26, 2016, 0:25 #93393

    mbg is a stirring troll known to everyone...except Gooner Editor Kevin Whitcher. Even Heavy D can work that one out...except Gooner Editor Kevin Whitcher.

  30. mbg

    Sep 26, 2016, 0:03 #93392

    GS, he'll never do that mate, (he'd ban having Sex after a game first)he probably just loves the selfies maybe even encourages them, you see it gives the impression to all the Gullible that we have actually won or achieved something (covering up his many failures) and they of course believe and think it, and start celebrating too and getting moist, forgetting his failures, that's why he has a sly smirk on his mug after a result. wenger out.

  31. GoonerRon

    Sep 25, 2016, 23:59 #93391

    @ mbg - 3 goals and 2 assists in 6 games is hardly symptomatic of 'one decent game' for Walcott is it? I know it kills your repetitive rhetoric but like it or not he's in really good form this season so far. And I know that doesn't airbrush away 10 years of history before you say it.

  32. Masterstroke

    Sep 25, 2016, 23:50 #93390

    Untold is written by a liar and read by acolytes & suck ups who worship at the altar of Tony Attwood. He's an ad man who job it is to sell product and he's sold them a dummy. One of their articles said that Arsenal were cheated out of 31 points last season and they all believed it.

  33. mbg

    Sep 25, 2016, 23:38 #93389

    jj, yes mate funny isn't it ? one decent win and one decent display from wally and suddenly we and him are the bees knees and come good after years of failure, TOF always comes up smelling of roses at the right time, he'll dine out on this result for the rest of the season, he and wally have probably had a freebie in their favourite eateries already. wenger out.

  34. KC

    Sep 25, 2016, 23:21 #93388

    Great win, tempo movement, players in the box, pressure, and at last two decent centre backs. We can enjoy it but appreciate we will have to show these kind of performances away in big matches. The league is a marathon and has loads of tests, Wenger has at least and at last got a proper squad! Interesting to watch how it unfolds. Do worry about the lack of protection for Monreal, Iwobi brilliant on the ball but shows his age off of it.

  35. mbg

    Sep 25, 2016, 23:20 #93387

    Torquay Gooner, un Chelsea like abysmal defence alright(especially when wally can breach it) but don't let the AKB's hear you say that. wenger out.

  36. Lee fc

    Sep 25, 2016, 23:10 #93386

    Arseneknewbest what an absolute plonker you are.Get back on your meds you todger headed orangutan.

  37. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 25, 2016, 22:50 #93385

    Leekie/Jamee/rent-a-deviant, Exactly how long do you want him to stay? Is his remaining tenure at the club completely at his own discretion in your view(s)? What more would it take for you to declare that the love affair with Mr Wenger is over? Talking of love affairs, well fisting actually, how's that psoriasis on your elbows jamee?

  38. Leek fc

    Sep 25, 2016, 22:39 #93384

    Heh jumpers. So Watford, Southampton, Hull, Notts Forest and now Chelsea is "one game, one good victory" including a PSG point away. Give it some positive spin at least. Negativity breeds negativity and you are certainly Negative. Wenger must stay.

  39. Nozzer

    Sep 25, 2016, 20:58 #93383

    Great win and good game management in the second half. I want a change at the top but Wenger got it right yesterday. The crowd was excellent yesterday and it definitely inspired the players. Whether you are AKB or AMG we are all gooners. Let's make the grove a horrible place for opposing teams.

  40. GoonerRon

    Sep 25, 2016, 20:55 #93382

    @ mbg - acknowledging a win doesn't airbrush anything from the past, based purely on yesterday what were your thoughts on our performance?

  41. mbg

    Sep 25, 2016, 20:47 #93381

    jumpers, spot on, like I've said TOF has suddenly become good and proven himself (as far as his followers are concerned anyway) but the rest know better, it changes nothing and never will. Go now wenger.

  42. mbg

    Sep 25, 2016, 20:33 #93380

    So everything is rosy in the garden of wenger again, does this mean everything's suddenly alright now ? You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  43. Ron

    Sep 25, 2016, 20:24 #93379

    A good win, but the 2nd half was tepid. Agree with Bard re Walcott. I d still sell him. His interview afterwards reminded me why i cant stand him - its not just his lack of footie nous shown again in the 2nd half when clean through, its his bulls h i t. Its a good job that Willians effort went wrong side of the post in the 1st half. Back to 2-1 and i think it would have been a different match as Chelsea were pulling us about a lot in that 10 minute spell. A nice feeling to beat them though for once, but like others say, its nothing to get too frothy about.

  44. Paulo75

    Sep 25, 2016, 19:20 #93378

    Brilliant win and performance despite Chelsea being absolutely woeful. Every game from now until North London derby is winnable, will be interesting to see where we are after that.

  45. Time for change

    Sep 25, 2016, 19:16 #93377

    Great result. Two things on the selfies 1) Arsenal players were talking them after winning the FA Cup (appreciate it's not the title) 2) Newsflash, youngsters take selfies, Wright and Ferdinand are just upset they're not young anymore.

  46. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2016, 19:01 #93376

    Untold do not care much for Wengo's first decade but are more attuned to the second one where Lord Wengo's saintliness and all round humility and refusal to win cheapening trophies when there is so much work to do building a temple for 60 thou disciples and er 600 apostles. To win a PL would be akin to entering the gates of hell and who cannot fail to be moved by St Leek's plainchant that his Lord museth remaineth in the garden of the Fen according to the book of right wing deviant Pontious Jamersene .... All hail this kingdom of big eye selfies taken in the sacred grounds of St Stan of Wigsville, Montana who is said to cure all of their wallets and so into the garden .......

  47. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 25, 2016, 18:45 #93375

    Chippy, Wiggy and Ravey (sic) davey gravy are all aliases (who knew?) for jamee son, who was this week voted southwold's foremost over 45 male sex worker by his peers who "hang out" in and around little Jamee's caravan (OK, Leekie rigged the vote by using his ejaculate to stick all the non-jamee votes together in a foul-smelling lump of home-made papier mache).

  48. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2016, 18:20 #93373

    Untold's official match reporter lives 100s of miles away and has a poor grasp on both English and real life football matches. They currently hate Wrighty and Amy Lawrence but they are hell bent on promoting a history of Arsenal in the 30s which their regular posters are ignoring as they only began following Cult Wengo in 2005.

  49. GS

    Sep 25, 2016, 18:09 #93372

    Untold : "who are ya" - "are you jamerson, leeky in disguise " - " you only post when your winning " ..... What your point???? Is it , that following our 3-0 win we will win CL & PL , get real, take a look at the last 10 seasons and validate your love of Wenger ??? Most of us have judged him I'm May for the last 10 seasons and he cannot deliver ....plonker.

  50. Bard

    Sep 25, 2016, 17:57 #93371

    Red member; did you see the referee report on that 1-0 ? We had 3 certain pens turned down and 8 of their players should have been sent off it. I also think the ref is related to the Weng, scandalous. Keep the post coming guys some real crackers today. All the AKBs out in force today. It great to read them. Leeky's was a terrifically thoughtful piece that had me struggling to understand its existential meaning. Me thinks the Weng will sign a new contract soon.

  51. Untold

    Sep 25, 2016, 17:51 #93370

    GS,Jumpers,Alsace,Robert Exley,mbg,jjetplane,what a collection of comedians you are.Untold 3 OG 0,HAHAHAHAHA...

  52. Ravey Davey Gravy

    Sep 25, 2016, 17:38 #93369

    Some of you do seem to get very peeved when we win! Why do you bother?

  53. mbg

    Sep 25, 2016, 17:24 #93368

    Nick, likewise good post, that's all it would have took from the chavs alright one goal, but as usual that has been forgot about. wenger out tonight.

  54. Red & White

    Sep 25, 2016, 17:23 #93367

    Those who are critical of the team I find Your participation is as irritating as a potted cactus in a monkey's pajamas.

  55. Mad Monk

    Sep 25, 2016, 16:44 #93366

    Tatty the Great and Walter Mitty over on Untold have got their congregation salivating and playing with their hard boners in downtown Kuala Lumpur or wherever they come from into thinking once again that we will be champions and again preaching them on the moral values of the media. They are now attempting to find a lost soul a brother a conspiracy theorist by the name of Proud Kev. His crime was to write an article that Tatty the Great hailed as the finest piece of investigative journalism he had ever read until late it was pointed out that all the facts were incorrect and it was a piece of ****e like everything else on that site ( I only read it to brighten my day up ). This is the same Proud Kev that stated the Cup Winners Cup triumph was of little value and was a crappie tournament because evidence states this as it is no longer contested ( when was Wengers last European trophy ) and we only had Smith Wrighty Rocastle Merson and the likes but Wenger upgraded them all. What a dick! So please if you know his whereabouts please inform Tatty the Great at Untold

  56. mbg

    Sep 25, 2016, 16:30 #93365

    Tony Tadley, good post, the carthorses performance against probably the worst Chelsea side in years tells you all you need to know about TOF and his nice boys, it's early days yet, we've all been here before and know the outcome so certainly no need to start getting all moist, although it never stops some. wenger out.

  57. GS

    Sep 25, 2016, 16:13 #93364

    If Wenger has anything about him, he would ban pointless selfies when nothing has been won, stop the selfies , win silverware etc, then start posting selfies , until then it's just embarrassing and makes us look rediculous , only managing to celebrate small victories, rather than significant ones.

  58. mbg

    Sep 25, 2016, 15:44 #93363

    A better result this time on his big day than the last one, but there again a different manager and team with players all over the place, when the likes of wally were getting the better of them and running riot it tells you all you need to know, if only they could do it all the time, a perfect time for a resignation. wenger out.

  59. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2016, 15:31 #93362

    So Mesut is posting smug selfies after the win which Wrighty and Ferdinand reckon will be posted in dressing rooms around the country when Wengo's smug lads visit with instructions to wipe these smug looks off. Smug FC. Used to be Arsenal.

  60. Chippy

    Sep 25, 2016, 15:04 #93361

    Those who criticise Wenger have brains the size of a weasels wedding tackle.

  61. Robert Exley

    Sep 25, 2016, 15:03 #93360

    It's a great result, but it's just one result. Remember, this time last year we beat United 3-0 at home too. We always do well this time of year, but it's after November when the pressures on. I hope we can do like this all season, but that's for Wenger to prove.

  62. Wiggy

    Sep 25, 2016, 14:52 #93359

    Finsbury Joe-Your mashed spuds will soon fall by the wayside as it take more than closing down teams and lumping balls up and down the park whilst giving pay rises to bang average players every two weeks to be champions.Have you been taking some of the AMG's mongoloid pills again.

  63. Red Member

    Sep 25, 2016, 14:50 #93358

    Interesting. Untold Arsenal 1 Online Gooner 0 ?

  64. 1971 Gooner

    Sep 25, 2016, 14:44 #93357

    A great day, especially when sat above the Chelsea fans in Block M. Best moment (of many) and I think the biggest cheer came when Bellerin got back to tackle Pedro. Impressed with Mustafi and Xhaka looked classy and composed. I clapped Cesc off by the way. Enjoy the win.

  65. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2016, 14:31 #93356

    And now Wenger is spinning how he is more hungrier than in 96 as he has not got another 20 years which means he thinks he has another 10 at least at Arsenal. He is also cynically knee jerking how Theo has now come good after 19 years of trying 'to grow a beard.' Let me just say that a 'near perfect' first half performance against a struggling top team does not make champions. It seems it only takes one good performance a season and a top 4 finish to keep the accountant/club nice and cosy. Ps very happy watching football and have learnt how to keep a perspective particularly when it comes to charlatans fleecing football fans with short life (one game) product.

  66. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2016, 14:08 #93355

    Great day yesterday where we had a free card in the FA Vase and came up trumps against a side three leagues above us. Loving football with my local 9th tier team as are many others who have deserted the PL circus. Great week for Arsenal but the tests are still to come. Beating an average Chelsea is a good thing but even better that JM was still not there. Would have ended in tears. Love Perez's goal in mid week but as with the whole Arsene 'inspired' set up - will it end with at least one major trophy? Accept now he will no doubt carry on 'for a few dollars more' and Olly to end up with Jack at Bournemouth come January ... Amazed how one decent win for the 20 ****ing year man! is all it takes to forget 12 years of sterile soccer marketing. Great report Kev but you missed out on the Eagles who will shock and awe in their own way.

  67. Brian Dawes

    Sep 25, 2016, 13:50 #93354

    A really great win and yet there are still loads of negative posts from negative fans. WTF is wrong with you people?

  68. Alsace

    Sep 25, 2016, 13:41 #93353

    In fact, the rarity of commitment and purpose illustrated by this game show why Wenger must go, and in disgrace. We should play like this every week and the fact that we can't or won't speaks volumes. Iwobi gives us something extra as does a rock solid ankle biting midfield. Theo was putting is spiteful nasty tackles. More of the same please. A fantastic evening.

  69. Torquay Gooner

    Sep 25, 2016, 13:17 #93352

    Convincing win against an unchelsea like abysmal defence. As Kevin has said very similar to the Manure performance last season. However, unfortunately we only seem capable of these performances once in a blue moon. Hope we can hold on to Bellerin, who was again immense.

  70. Mathew

    Sep 25, 2016, 12:57 #93351

    Good job Gunners,a mighty performance to show who is who of London. Theo's performance was anticipated since we recruited Lucas to play as a winger, I dont think Arsene would use a 4-4-2 ever with Giroud upfront. Even Coq springing forward is due to Xhaka coming into the team, all in all competition is bringing the best out of the team. I just hope Wenger doesnt get another deal in midst of all these good feelings.

  71. Bard

    Sep 25, 2016, 12:41 #93350

    Most enjoyable game since the City away victory. Thoroughly deserved and congratulations. Enjoying Iwobi's development but still have reservations about us up front. Wally had a better game but as been commented on,he made a mess of at least 2 assists and a couple of chances. He isnt clinical enough. Has he become a better player not in my book. Sanchez isnt clinical enough to play as the man up top. Also need to factor in how terrible Chelsea were. Poor old Conte will have got a proper view of how bad defending is in the prem.

  72. Finsbury Joe

    Sep 25, 2016, 12:28 #93349

    It seems AKB world is getting slightly carried away. Just three things they need to do today 1/ Google a quote about swallows and summer 2/ apply a critical view of results soon after a similar result at home to Utd around this time last year 3/ just take a quick glance at the league table

  73. Wear Your Colours

    Sep 25, 2016, 12:25 #93348

    It was a really good performance. We hustled them all over the pitch and capitalised on their mistakes. On the day everyone played well; I was impressed with Mustaffi he seems a very committed defender. It was nice to share in the unbriddled joy at Emirates yesterday. As you say Kev, long may it continue. COYG!

  74. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Sep 25, 2016, 12:21 #93347

    So - one game, one good victory and Wenger Must Stay says Lee KFC. It's funny how, according to AKB's, victories are always down to Wenger but defeats are never his fault. Three things are certain after this - 1) = We will be challenging for 3rd or 4th place yet again & 2) = The contract extension will be announced soon before 3) The inevitable bad run kicks in.

  75. Zeb

    Sep 25, 2016, 11:46 #93346

    Last year we beat City with a great performance and dealt with Man Utd inside half an hour. No one has ever doubted we can play like that. But can anyone really get excited? Seen it all before. I think that was Walcott's best ever game for Arsenal but as usual seeing him give all the positive stuff in his interview, it's same old same old. It just makes me think how indulgent this manager has been over the last 10 years and has not managed to motivate players. How will this year end differently???

  76. GS

    Sep 25, 2016, 11:32 #93345

    A good win, nothing more than that , does not mean we will win PL, but it's a start - 1st half excellent - 2nd half less so - agree some strange substitutions - 4 very winnable games in Oct so hopefully we can keep up with the pace by then . Win , lose or draw , Wenger not upto job anymore, lets judge him in May once again ?? Why wait till May, as it may all be over by Feb/March .

  77. GoonerRon

    Sep 25, 2016, 11:12 #93344

    Awesome performance and dominant in all aspects. Getting better with every game so far and winnable (on paper) fixtures coming up - need to keep winning to stay on the coat tails of Citeh.

  78. Kenny

    Sep 25, 2016, 11:02 #93343

    Kev if they play like they did yesterday we are stuck with Wenger for 4 more years.Its a two edged sword.Kroenke and Gazidis will need little encouragement to give hime another contract.As Wenger always says judge him in May not October.Praise though for Wenger for finally finding Giroud's best position on the bench.fKR96

  79. Nick

    Sep 25, 2016, 10:58 #93342

    Enjoyed the first half immensely but the second event at 3-0 up was still laced with nerves and worry (on my part) that a loose ball would see them claw one back and set up a possible collapse! Wengers substitutions did little to calm my angst ! The first enforced was fine andining obvious but GIBBONS for Iwobi ?then an out of form off the pace disinterested looking Giroud for the effervescent Sanchez? We wernt hanging on for grim death to a slender one goal advantage and we're hardly under the cosh bearing that in mind why not at least bring on our new striker who after bagging his first goals for us in midweek would have been bursting to open his premier league account! OK I accept Gibbs introduction was probably to help out Montreal and Gibbs himself played quite well but for crying out loud Giroud who is obviously not in the right frame of mind ? It was the ideal opportunity for Lucas to impress and Chel**** were there for the taking had we scored 5 or 6 they could not have complained but we have often lacked a killer instinct under Wenger and a glorious opportunity to gain sweet revenge and improve our goal difference was lost ! Still a win over that odious outfit was long overdue and very satisfying just a pity all our other nemesis teams won too !

  80. Leek fc

    Sep 25, 2016, 10:57 #93341

    And there you have it. Wenger must stay.

  81. Gunner Smith

    Sep 25, 2016, 9:31 #93340

    If Cahill had not gifted Sanchz,it could have been so much different.In the 2nd half.the gunners were caught when the ball was lost. A fast breakaway in the old days would have caught the gunners cold. Now if the gunners can maintain the consistency,it could be a wonderful season.We have to be realistic.The gunners have won 5/6 games on the trot. I expect the gunners to lose/draw in the next couple of games and start the winning sequence again.

  82. Tony Tadley

    Sep 25, 2016, 9:26 #93339

    Great performance. Only criticism would be in the second half when Theo given time and space he didn't know what to do with the ball. Would have been lovely to put a couple in after the break and really put them to bed. Though Girouds little cameo performance at the end was a disgrace, he didn't look interested whatsoever and had we had a final sub to make I would have took him off. If he can't accept that players around are better than him and deserved the game time then maybe it's time to put him and his inconstant goal scoring record in the bin. Although Iwobi had a great game, a few times Willian got free on the left as Monreal was left exposed. Great team performance though and it does ask the question if we could do it against Utd at home last year and Chelsea yesterday what happened in the 12 months inbewtween!

  83. Brian Dawes

    Sep 25, 2016, 9:18 #93338

    I think even if this isn't to be Wenger's final season all the real fans would want to see his (our) team playing this way throughout the season. Although to be fair a whole season full of games at that pace and commitment is probably impossible. What a wonderful game that was to watch.