The solution to our striking woes?

In praise of the current first choice centre forward

The solution to our striking woes?

Sanchez print available from

I have just cast my vote in the ‘Gooner Referendum’, predicting a 2nd place finish for the club this season. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I was still surprised by only 4% of Gooners agreeing with me. I want to be clear, at the start of the season a shambolic transfer market coupled with last year’s failings left me with a disillusioned pessimism I haven’t felt since the decision to sell RVP to United. I even turned down the chance to buy a season ticket after nine long years on the waiting list. What wound me up the most was our lack of a striker, the prospect of relying on Giroud for goals filled me with despair. However, the last three weeks have given me cause for encouragement in the form of our new winger turned superstar striker, Alexis. Having an on form talismanic striker can give everyone a lift, and I think his form is cause for optimism for Gooners everywhere.

It is a tired cliché, but to mount a credible title challenge you need a top class striker who will bag 20 plus goals. It is possible we have stumbled upon one of those dreaded ‘internal solutions’ in the form of Alexis. I love Giroud, I really do, but were he to have a statue erected outside the Emirates, it would surely be of him on his knees screaming, “pourqoui!?” in anguish at the sky after missing another sitter against Hull. For all his fantastic link up play and towering headers, he is unbearably profligate and I still contend that had we bought a world class striker we would have won the league last year. He went on a 14 game goalless run in the Premier League run in. This is simply not good enough for an elite team. Mesut Ozil must have been tearing his hair out as it slowly dawned on him he wasn’t going to break the assist record, despite a consistent chance creation rate throughout the season. All this is in stark contrast to the ruthless Sanchez.

Alexis is learning the role, and I had always thought that he wasn’t comfortable enough receiving the ball with his back to goal, but his recent performances have been encouraging. Wenger has said in the past that he believes he can be our Suarez, and his performance against Chelsea on the weekend lent credence to this idea. He terrorised Chelsea’s admittedly very average defensive pairing and his goal is a great example of using his speed and tenacity to carve out an opportunity for himself. It was Suarez-esque. He is a natural goalscorer, with 47 goals in 100 games, predominantly from the left wing. This season he has 5 in 7. These aren’t Oxlade-Chaimberlain goals when you’re 3-0 up against Forest in the League Cup either, these are important pressure goals. I’m talking Spurs away last year down to ten men, PSG away 1-0 down, and opening the scoring against Chelsea on the weekend. He is a world-class player with intelligence, explosive physical attributes and a cool finish. Besides, Arsene’s conversion of Thierry from left-winger to striker isn’t exactly a terrible precedent is it?

For all the clamouring for a world class striker over the summer from our exasperated fan base, me included, perhaps the internal solution has been here the entire time. Of course, it is important to not get ahead of ourselves as he is still adapting to the position, but I’d certainly pick him over Giroud for a big game. Even if Giroud had managed to rob Cahill near the halfway line, and somehow outpace him to a one on one situation with Courtois, the likely scenario is yet another head in hands dropping to the knees moment for Olivier. When Alexis was bearing down on the Chelsea goal, I almost felt relaxed, like I used to feel with Henry, I trusted him to score.

I am honestly not sure whether Wenger planned this when refusing to pay big money on a top striker, or whether it was forced upon him by Giroud’s lack of fitness. However, it looks like we may well have stumbled across a solution to our striking woes of recent years. Either way I am currently experiencing my annual re-realisation that maybe Arsène Wenger knows more about football than I do.

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  1. mbg

    Sep 30, 2016, 13:32 #93559

    Moscow, more likely to be standing in the stable with his hoof up getting reshod. wenger out.

  2. Moscow Gooner

    Sep 30, 2016, 11:16 #93557

    Were Giroud to have a statue outside Emirates, surely it would be him combing his hair in front of the dressing room mirror? (Why do we have statues anyway? Classless - Chapman deserves one and that should be it for the next 50 years.)

  3. mbg

    Sep 29, 2016, 15:09 #93530

    TOF back to his normal self, I've heard it all now. You couldn't make it up.

  4. Ron

    Sep 29, 2016, 12:01 #93516

    Good win last night. Im reserving judgment though until we ve seen this new work rate and intensity be applied and reap a few decent results in the bigger games to come. Basel looked well out of their comfort zone, though the team can only knock over whats in front of them.

  5. Jamerson

    Sep 29, 2016, 8:13 #93508

    Enough of this foolish banter,if jeff was paying attention at the start of the season,he would have noticed that I predicted Arsenal to be champions and that they would make at least the semi's in the CL.I didn't bother predicting the domestic cups as our Wenger out friends keep telling us that they don't count anymore,I also predicted Theo would not only give great interviews yet would have an amazing season..

  6. Peter

    Sep 29, 2016, 8:06 #93507

    After Wenger getting it all correct against Chelsea with correct team and correct subs and timing of subs we all thought Wenger would take Alexis off for a rest at half time and bring Lucos on for him to get use to Champions League football. As usual Wenger didn't do what is correct and changed midfielders left Lucos on the bench. The first half was great, the second half was awful. You may as well have turned off the television and the crowd may as well had left the ground. The fans paid a lot of money for the tickets and at 2-0 Wenger should have thought keep attacking and play like they did in first half with some great football and let the crowd enjoy their night. He left Alexis, Ozil and Santi Cazorla (the three major players) on for all 90 minutes. Luckily they did not get injured. Arsene back to his normal self.

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2016, 5:37 #93506

    Jamerson - fool me once as they say, you have said you did have a brother then you have confirmed you didn't have a brother so with these continual inconsistencies and no memory stretch beyond Wenger it's know wonder we are to say the least cynical. If you find me tiresome that's a good thing as it may finally allow you to leave. We are waiting apparently you're giving up supporting Arsenal, retiring to the coast? Come on nor be a good chap Btw - your family all supported Arsenal from their country seat in Hampshire??? Don't think so

  8. Jamerson

    Sep 28, 2016, 23:44 #93505

    Mark you are almost as tiresome as that baboon AKBest.I do have a brother he just isn't called pete,I also have forgotten more about Arsenal than you'll ever know.I used to live in Barnsbury yet now live in Suffolk,what's wrong with that?which if you look on the map will see that Norfolk is not far from Southwold.My family all support Arsenal and always have done and sadly most of them are unsaved.You and your ridiculous WOB mates need to all grow a pair and stop your intrigue towards myself and other AKBs as you seem to obsessed.

  9. Roy

    Sep 28, 2016, 23:30 #93504

    Good performance, straight up n at em, moving the ball decisively and quickly giving Basel no time to settle. Didn't think Basel were any great shakes and were also missing their main man up top, but even so we were pretty good overall though impossible to keep that first half pace up for 90 mins. Sanchez Wally and Ozil will get the headlines, but special mention to Iwobi and their keeper who I thought were both excellent. I still don't trust Wenger to get the tactics right in the bigger games where we won't see anywhere near that much possession as proved at PSG, but for now we're doing what we have to do. Here's hoping.

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 28, 2016, 23:20 #93503

    BBA - you got me there of course as you are in fact Jamerson as well. Please tell your alter ego to answer my questions .

  11. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 28, 2016, 23:03 #93502

    BBA - I think City will win the league as we won't have quite enough. Who do you think will do it? The reason I ask the question is Leekey mocks those who's predictions were wrong but bottles out of saying who he thinks will win. Everybody with an interest in football will have some view. He's just lacking in telling us. The questions to Jamerson are to determine how much of a fakir he is. Gooner Ron is pretty pro Wenger but is open and honest of opinion. Jamerson is pure fakery.

  12. GoonerRon

    Sep 28, 2016, 22:28 #93501

    Absolutely awesome first half. Continue to be cautiously optimistic that the Alexis / Theo link up can deliver plenty of goals. Hopefully we can find another edge to be even more clinical in front of goal. Kind of want us to be relentless for 90 minutes but I guess with games coming thick and fast it's inevitable we'd drop off a bit. That said, we still exerted control of the game and didn't over commit. Loving it right now.

  13. bba

    Sep 28, 2016, 22:08 #93500

    The old anti's don't like it up em. They do like to get personal when they sniff Arsenal are winning. Ha ha ha. Jeff gets on one, mug gets vocal and Mark from A just wants answers from all and sundry yets offers no reasonable voice other than ....... Who do you think is going to win the league.... Well if we knew then there would be no point in the premier league. Comedy gold is this online gooner.

  14. GS

    Sep 28, 2016, 21:49 #93499

    Good win tonight, pleased for the team & theo , keep it going.

  15. mbg

    Sep 28, 2016, 18:51 #93498

    So yet another super fan flies in in Paul Adams, i'm sure you and Ty get on well, (you better be looking over your shoulder old circular) so you attend all home games, thanks for the info i'm sure we'll all sleep better tonight.

  16. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 28, 2016, 17:55 #93497

    Jamerson please answer the following. 1: why did you make up a fake brother? 2: why do you appear to have very little knowledge of pre Wenger Arsenal. 3: when will you admit that you don't live in Barnsbury 4: which family come from Barnsbury who are well known 5; why do you have a house in Suffolk but a farm in Norfolk. This makes little sense in terms of logistics. Most Wealthy Anglians I know stick to one county. You don't do both. 6: who did you support before Arsenal? 7: if you are "saved" whatever you do, what about your family? Do they get a free pass as well? 8: don't be a wimp like Leekey, who do you predict to win the title? Lack of response confirms you are lying. Over and out!

  17. GS

    Sep 28, 2016, 17:20 #93496

    Paul adams : wrong , posts on here are mostly pro Arsenal , but anti Wenger as we have had enough of his spin/lies/promises etc- good for you if you enjoy going to the bowl and being served up a mix of cavier one week and gruel another . All genuine supporters have the right to voice opinion whether you live in Islington or ulan-bator.

  18. jeff wright

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:54 #93495

    Well bully for you Paul Adams - you do seem rather familiar though sunbeam - so who are you normally on here then>? All of this pretending to be new to the forum is not fooling anyone - they all say that !

  19. mbg

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:49 #93494

    It's a pity some of these journos couldn't pull one of these stings on TOF and get shot of him as handy as Fat Sam (although his arrogance and ego would probably have him hold on to the very last, as of course it would be someone else's fault) as just like all the rest of the pigs at the trough he has £ or euro signs in his eyes too, and again just like a lot of others God knows what skeletons the mightier than thou wenger has buried. wenger out now.

  20. jjetplane

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:45 #93493

    Jamerson That clumping you were expecting the pesky Totts to get never quite happened and your other hoof specialists (the current championes oh wey! ...) are a 100% in the CL with a canny coach. Note on Wenger - looked a bit ill on Saturday with Trump-like running nose/beak and checking his armpits? which is always a sign of 'have I really say here for 20 years taking the piss out of this lot? You got to laugh leedle Bouldie non?' ....

  21. Paul Adams

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:42 #93492

    @ Jeff Wright. Thank you Jeff for categorising me as a " Uber Fan"! To answer your question I expect Poundland to win Prem this season. Who am I you ask? I am one of thousands of supporters who attend most home matches, & horror of horrors, I & many others actually enjoy the live match experience.According to many Keyboard Warriors we should NEVER attend. I have been a supporter for many decades & it rankles me that this site is mainly anti Arsenal Football Club. COYG!

  22. GS

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:28 #93491

    Jamerson you trolling muppet , go away as you make no sense, and you don't know your Arsenal from your elbow .....your knowledge and vocabulary are limited, get back in touch with your councillor as you've had a relapse . Jamerson & Wenger out.

  23. Jamerson

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:22 #93490

    Peter Wain,I can't believe you're still dripping on about a top striker.We have Sanchez who is world class plus Giroud and Walcott who are both excellent.Having one player who scores the majority of the goals is not a good thing for team moral and spirit.Wenger has a far better understanding of everything football and how a team operates far more than the majority of fans who are far closer in reality to big Sam.Stop all this Talk sport cliche type thinking and look to the bigger picture.Even twerps like AKBest know it's true..Arsene Knows..

  24. David

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:15 #93489

    Wenger on a six year deal? Ha Ha. He will be 67 next month. A six year deal would mean he would be 73 and still managing. The England situation now gives Wenger an easy out at the end of the season if he fails to claim a top 4 trophy. In all likelihood, Jose will be joining him in the international fold if he fails in Manchester. Will be fun seeing Brazil (who could well change manager in mid 2017 before their final four qualifying games) and England square up with Jose and Arsene in charge. I can't see Wenger continuing in club football for much longer. I suppose he could sign another three year deal in February/March prior to the end of season slump, but I think at his age, international foootball will allow him to manage a bit longer. If he can get a top 4 trophy they will knight him!

  25. GS

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:06 #93488

    Jamerson 98991: great stuff , comedy gold, one of your best post yet - as a spuds fan I can see why you want Wenger to stay - constant underachievement is loved by other fans. Sadly Wenger is likely to turn down England as he would be expected to win matches / tournaments while possibly earning less than £8m pa ( fat Sam was on £3m + bonuses) at Arsenal he answers to no one and has complete control . Anyway Jamerson, still waiting for your pre-dick-tions this season - afc to win CL & PL perhaps ??

  26. Bard

    Sep 28, 2016, 16:01 #93487

    I think we will have to wait and see whether Sanchez is the real deal up front. My view is that he isnt because he's a bit of a lone wolf. He does his own thing which can either be great or rubblish. He isnt a focal point around which others can play and neither is he a fox in the box. As Jeff has said if he was that good Barca wouldnt have sold him. Still having said that I enjoy watching him when he's on it. Will he be here next season thats the question?

  27. Peter Wain

    Sep 28, 2016, 15:03 #93486

    still need a top top striker. wont get one because Wenger will not pay the money.

  28. mbg

    Sep 28, 2016, 14:31 #93485

    ArseneKnewBest, yes, yet another one who thinks after one decent result against the worst chav team/defence in years and TOF has suddenly changed, and we've suddenly become good (along with wally)and are the bees knees and going to win all round us, you have to laugh you really do. wenger out.

  29. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 28, 2016, 14:21 #93484

    Jamerson you're right England will come sniffing again it's great isn't that they recognise your messiah. So I think we should all wish him Bon voyage ! Ps on the previous thread either you or a fake Jamerson is singing Leekey love songs whilst offering to dress up in tranny gear. Thought you might wish to know in the spirit of comararderie and all that.

  30. mbg

    Sep 28, 2016, 14:21 #93483

    Bought a world class striker/player that would be admitting defeat by TOF and that he got it wrong and as we know we know his philosophies and massive ego just wouldn't allow that. wenger out tonight.

  31. Jamerson

    Sep 28, 2016, 14:07 #93482

    Arsenal need to get Wenger signed up on a long term deal preferably about six years before England or another giant club side come sniffing around.Managers with integrity are few and far between especially Englishmen who seem more interested in taking bungs and whore-mongering.

  32. Roy

    Sep 28, 2016, 13:37 #93481

    GS - Totally agree. It's when games don't pan out like it did on Saturday, when we're not given space to work in and a plan B is needed that Wengo's limitations that you listed are exposed. Lots of games will be tight in this way and in this situation Sanchez is probably not the one, he has more chance of affecting it from elsewhere. Also agree about Suarez - except I would have offered £50m plus Wally to start with.

  33. jeff wright

    Sep 28, 2016, 13:25 #93480

    Thanks for the advice AKB like poor old deluded Corbo though it all looks rather dated like the sound of the farties all of this right wing and lefty malarkey .Anyway I prefer to concentrate on what Wengo is doing and saying and let's not forget it was not the Daily Socialist Worker but The Telegraph that exposed the corruption in football with their little stitch up of Fat Sam and there is more to come .All we neede now is for uber fan Paul Adams - whoever he is - to tell us who he is predicting to win the league this season. Come on now mouthy don't be shy!

  34. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 28, 2016, 13:06 #93479

    Jeff - Obviously, the lady's not for turning. I fear you're going to go on and on and on and on and on with your prejudices about JC who offers a real change from the kind pro-market, anti-foreigner, anti-worker rhetoric that your non-domicile friends espouse. I've met many of your probable idols on the right because of my former job and never came to so many negative conclusions based just on (just) having met them. That you're so ready to judge someone based on your addiction to the right wing press rather undermines your opinions on wengo. Make amends Jeff - join your local labour party and start wearing one of those little black caps with a red star on it. Otherwise, it'll be the salt mines for you tovarisch.

  35. jeff wright

    Sep 28, 2016, 12:50 #93478

    AKB,I'm not scared of anyone least of all Corbo -I have met the imbecile and am amazed that you support someone like this. There you go though it takes all sorts!

  36. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 28, 2016, 12:14 #93477

    Jeff - You sound a little shrill, a bit like a daily mail editorial writer. I've got this image of you writing that last effort in a royal blue dress with a big blue rosette pinned to your lapel and a thatcher tinted wig on. Come to think of it, you and Ian Tanner sound perfectly happy in your tory bubbles happy to spout right wing propaganda and not giving a fook about people less privileged than yourselves. Tell the truth Jeff, you're running scared of socialism!

  37. Ron

    Sep 28, 2016, 12:11 #93476

    .... playing Sanchez centrally also takes away his best aspects of his game i.e going wide, dropping deep, going central when required and being availible to feed of a central striker. Sanchez is and shd be left to be a free spirit, not hamstrung by being made to play largely with his back to goal and holding it up.

  38. Ron

    Sep 28, 2016, 11:43 #93475

    Sanchez is a very good player and a great pro. I dont think hes a central striker though. Hes good enough to make a fist of it in certain games but permanently? Not for me. Hes far better than the Wally at playing central of course, but then most are. Its been so long since there has been a devastating central striker at Arsenal that we tend to clutch at straws that we ve found one after after some body makes a decent effort at it. It was the same with centre backs for years that reached its zenith when we convinced ourselves that Djourou was to be the new Adams. Thats how bad it got a few years ago.

  39. GS

    Sep 28, 2016, 11:24 #93474

    Sanchez, good player and if played in the right way he could find the net more often, backed up by goals from midfield, we could make a challenge this season. Only thing holding us back is Wenger, can he make the players believe , can he use tactics?? can he make a substitution to turn a game from a possible loss into a win ??...last 10 seasons tells us he cant. As for Suarez, if reports were true, (ref offer £40m +£1) Wenger should have broke the bank to buy him £50/£60m , he would have stayed for 2 seasons then left for around £80m, in that time we would have won the PL as least once....Wenger for England anyone.

  40. NickF

    Sep 28, 2016, 10:58 #93472

    You state "to mount a credible title challenge you need a top class striker who will bag 20 plus goals", I cannot see Alexis or any of our strikers doing this, so therefore top 4 is the best we can hope for again. I would love to be proved wrong though.

  41. jeff wright

    Sep 28, 2016, 9:52 #93471

    AKB, alright then you are obviously missing my views on loopy Corbo so here goes .I can't wait to see the brown stuff hit the fan with old comrade Corbo when his views are voted on by the electorate - Corbo by the way is no Islingtonian no he is just another middle class plastic anarchist from Chippenham Wiltshire who went to Uni and never grew up afterwards.he's been married 3 times so obviously not easy to live with either ! Interesting points about Ozil and Sanchez but I reckon big Olly being out injured is why Wengo played Sanchez up front.But hey as with comrade Corbo it's all about opinions right.Fortunately in this country we are still allowed to have them.Watson the Labour deputy obviousl along with many other Labourites do not share your own rather idealistic views on the bearded oaf ! You couldn't make it up

  42. Paul Adams

    Sep 28, 2016, 9:50 #93470

    @ Jeff Wright, Is there any chance that you will give credit to ANY Arsenal performance? Are you a pessimist , a realist or as I suspect not a real Arsenal fan? Prove me, & others wrong with your mate MBG & at least show some support especially as we are playing really well, or are you a Troll?

  43. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 28, 2016, 9:22 #93469

    Will - Your final sentence is a killer and a bit of a giveaway. Do you seriously have an annual epiphany when wenger proves your scepticism wrong? When exactly did you have it last year for example? Watford? Sheff Wednesday? Southampton away or home? My view about Alexis and Ozil is that although neither turn it on every game (and who does, let's face it), they are the two top class players in our team with a legacy of having have won big things in the game. I would not be surprised to discover that they have both had a word in wenger's chihuahua-shaped shell-like to say "Let us play our natural game and stop p*ssing about playing us in positions where we are not best suited. If you do, and if the cash is right, then we might extend our contracts". My point is that Alexis has probably chosen to play there in that role rather than it being a wengo/bouldo masterstroke. Jeff - You must be under the weather - your latest missive included no cheap shots about Jeremy Corbyn. I hope it didn't make you feel too uncomfortable to be in the same political company as wengo-sycophant Mr Tanner.

  44. jeff wright

    Sep 28, 2016, 8:43 #93468

    Silly old Barcelona selling us Sanchez and replacing him with Suarez! Oh dear you couldn't make it up another punter happy to finish second .It looked to me like Cahill made a big blunder that allowed the alert and quickish Sanchez to take advantage of it and well done to him. I was disappointed though in our second half display after Chelsea changed tactics and defended better .I suspect had they done so earlier that the game would have ended 0-0 .Sanchez ain't no world class striker - if he were then he would still be in Spain instead of chasing Wengo's elusive dreamd - end of.