Theo’s On Fire

Online Ed: Arsenal on Cruise Control v Basel

Theo’s On Fire

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I received a text from regular reader Pete Mountford at 27 minutes into yesterday evening’s game. “Whoever kidnapped the real Walcott please keep him”. Two goals up, both scored by the number 14, are we seeing the occasionally sighted flash in the pan Theo, or has there been a change in the player’s ability to deliver consistently after over ten years of waiting? Time will tell.

Two changes from the team that took Chelsea apart at the weekend. Coquelin’s injury meant Granit Xhaka was able to play against his brother for the second time in four months, whilst David Ospina looks set to continue getting his game time in the Champions League.

As against Chelsea, Wenger’s side began the game with real intensity and established the early lead. The passing and movement was a joy to behold, the belief running through the side palpable. One wonders if the absence of Giroud from the starting line up is the reason for the turnaround in the authority of the side that we have seen since the draw in Paris. Arsene Wenger is continuing with Sanchez as his main forward, and the Chilean should certainly have added to his recent goal tally last night as the opportunities flowed.

Because Sanchez moves at pace and with intelligence, central defenders find it harder to keep tracks on him, and his combinations with his team-mates are more difficult to prevent. Giroud does take up intelligent positions, and can play in a similar fashion in terms of his movement around the pitch (although he will not drop as deep as Sanchez), but he is obviously far less zippy, and thus easier to counter. Giroud has effectively become a plan B, the big man to throw on if defences are proving too hard to unlock and the percentage game of crossing balls into the danger area is required.

The other change is that, to these eyes, there seems to be more forward passing, as opposed to sideways. Players are making more sprints into the box whereas before they would seek to take up positions that ensured they were an option to retain possession. It all felt a bit more considered with Giroud in the side. Because Sanchez is more mobile and better at the intricate play that Giroud, moves to unlock stubborn defences seems to be coming off more and believing that they will receive the ball, colleagues are getting into danger areas to get on the end of passes with more frequency. The purchase of Lucas Perez, as opposed to a more traditional type on number 9, is further confirmation that Wenger has considered the problem of breaking down massed ranks, and settled on this solution. If so, fair play to the old dog for adapting his tactics.

Arsenal dominated a match with tons of chances. On another day, their profligacy might have cost, but last night was a game when they could afford to get away with the inability to increase the two goal lead they established early. Both goals were the result of excellent build up. In such an open game, Basel did carve out a few chances of their own, but nowhere near as many as the home team.

After the interval, the Gunners took their foot off the gas and played with less intensity, although chances were still created. Mohammed Elneny came on to face his former club and covered a lot of territory, playing in Ozil’s position as the German was moved wide.

There is no question that after a patchy start to the campaign, that Arsenal have started to find their groove. Maybe it just took time to get used to playing with Alexis as the central striker, but if so it’s certainly working now. Defensively, since the horrorshow against Liverpool, things have generally tightened up, albeit with a large slice of fortune in Paris. Mustafi has settled in and looks a good buy so far, quietly authoritative.

So things are looking promising, although we all know that’s not the first time we have felt optimistic at this stage of the season when the team is performing well. The real question is whether or not injuries can be avoided, and if they cannot how well the replacements slot in. It’s a long season, and the past has taught us that we really cannot predict with any confidence that the club will be in contention at the business end until chocolate eggs have been eaten in quantity.

Even so, the football played last weekend and last night has been hugely entertaining to watch, and devastatingly effective. Let’s hope for more of the same at the weekend against Burnley.

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  1. GS

    Oct 03, 2016, 9:13 #93591

    Always good to win when not playing well. Hopefully we can get our game back on track , with 3 winnable games to come in Oct. Don't really care how we win, as long as we do, my thoughts on Wenger put to one side, its the team I want to do well, Wenger is staying for this season at least, so very little to be done, except wish the team well, and hope Wenger can see where/what we need to do to make some progress this season ( his last ??) ...

  2. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 03, 2016, 9:10 #93590

    Goonerron - Fair enough. I agree with most of that. But I guess we can also agree that standards and sheer will to win are well short of what used to be regarded as the Arsenal's bottom line. Without wishing to sound like an unsold anusol reject, I cannot remember a sequence of games this long where it seems the referees have consistently been on our side. That isn't going to last forever.

  3. GoonerRon

    Oct 03, 2016, 8:38 #93589

    @ arseneknewbest - I'm not naive enough to think we're going to blow teams away with attacking verve each game. Even in the past we did win scruffy games 1-0 you know. We didn't play well yesterday but kept going and whether I/you think the goal was deserved or not is irrelevant. It went in and we won. I'm fully aware it doesn't airbrush history or vindicate Wenger's inadequacies, but I'm quietly encouraged by 5 wins on the spin, and you'd have to be pretty negative to look at that run in isolation and not be.

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 03, 2016, 8:17 #93588

    goonerron - for the VERY simple reason that you'll take a fluffed, undeserved goal against mediocre opposition and hold it up as some sort of wenger totem, lying to yourself that all is well in N7. Don't you get bored having to alter your attitude to the club every week as the team's performance varies. The just result of that game was 0-0 and you know it. Ten plus years ago, we'd have either won it much more easily with style, hard work and good management (as we often seemed to do at their near neighbours in blackburn), or we'd have gone down in a blaze of glory trying our very hardest. These days, we just see fleeting elements of those strengths (i.e. against chelski) before lapsing back into hubris and complacency (burnley). Why? Because the chihuahua is clueless of course! Jamee son - don't let all those nasty boys get to you - just because you blew your relationship with your own kids. It was bound to happen matey, given your personality...better to just accept it. My kids love the Arsenal but then again, you and I are different aren't we?

  5. Thought for the Day

    Oct 03, 2016, 8:08 #93587

    Jamerson:- we can go back to the original posting if you like but to sum up. You started slating a guy for saying he hoped his son would stay committed to supporting Arsenal. After you got a barrel load of attacks you confirmed that your children did not support Arsenal , you didn't care because it was just for your supposed pleasure . You also said you were going to be giving up your support and moving permanently to the coast. The underlying message appeared to be possible abandonment of your family as you seeked your pleasures elsewhere. I suspect due to your poor leadership and extreme egotistical selfishness your children abandoned you some time ago. Hence they turned their backs on fathers pastimes. So to sum up, a sad and lonely supporter, transient , shallow, self-centred. A man who put nothing in and will be soon forgotten from the Arsenal family.

  6. Bonzo

    Oct 03, 2016, 7:25 #93586

    Jamerson:- I was walking through Southwold on Sunday when a podgy little man in round glasses and a bow tie scuttled past me. "Lulu, Lulu, where's my Lulu he wailed" just then a tall Latin guy sobbing also ran past. What a commotion I thought. Anyway trying to help I discovered that Lulu was a missing Pug that had leaped out of the Podgy guys "Man-Bag". The friend called Sergio was now also inconsolable. Well there was not much I could do as I couldn't see the Dog, so off I walked. It was only later when I realised it must have been you Jamee! Despite our differences I do hope you find Lulu safe and well!

  7. Finsbury Joe

    Oct 03, 2016, 1:07 #93585

    Do agree, Wenger must stay

  8. jetplonker

    Oct 03, 2016, 0:26 #93584

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wot absolute trolling bollox.

  9. jjetplane

    Oct 02, 2016, 23:39 #93583

    GG made Arsenal unpopular because Arsenal were a gutsy club. Wenger the aged accountant has made tem the most disliked club in the PL and now he even has dodgy decisions. Man Utd look quite saintly in comparison. What an ugly little club Arsenal have become. Fakers to the core.

  10. GoonerRon

    Oct 02, 2016, 21:59 #93582

    @ Arseneknewbest - how is it a lack of ambition to want to win a crucial game on a weekend when two of our rivals dropped points?

  11. Leek fc

    Oct 02, 2016, 20:30 #93581

    Yet another 3 points. Haters may well dislike it but Le Boss has got this lot up and ready running. Wenger must stay.

  12. Thoughts for the Day

    Oct 02, 2016, 20:23 #93580

    Jamerson - it's a truism that a father can pass on his hopes and his passion to his sons. As the son when he is young, wants to be like his dad and sees him as central in his universe. In that regard I played a simple little trick on my young one and said "Arsenal is daddies team" my boy responded back quite angrily "no Arsenal is my team too!" Job done and third generation of support is now building in place. So this got me thinking to a previous post of yours, where yet again you were shown up for the poor fellow you are. Simply my question is Why do your kids hate Arsenal? There's something deeply wrong, divisive, shallow and cartoonish about your support. It's pretty obvious that your children found no leadership or honesty from you. How could they follow the Arsenal when set such a poor example from you.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 02, 2016, 20:09 #93579

    goonerron -talks about a lack of ambition, not to mention being too easily pleased. I bet your hopes and expectations were a little loftier during the invincibles season. You sound a bit like ayatollah pulis hoping to finish fourth from bottom every season. Seriously mate, what's happened to wenger lovers like you?

  14. GoonerRon

    Oct 02, 2016, 20:02 #93578

    @ mbg - if Theo's only contribution is an assist for a last minute winner in a crucial game, I'll take it.

  15. Paul Adams

    Oct 02, 2016, 19:37 #93577

    So MBG, you're happy that Arsenal won-right, as you support your team through thick & thin-right!??

  16. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 02, 2016, 19:11 #93576

    Finsbury - Far too early to be shooting your bolt - are you on hallucinogens at the moment? After 55 years of pain (including a relegation), you really ought to know better. Poch will be off this year, along with spuds players of promise. Levy will already have earmarked the moolah for a new stand in his name. As sure as night follows day, you ain't going to win the league my friend. Still, showing a bit of hubris beats reading jamee son's racist and homophobic nonsense. Meanwhile, in the real world, asano fc are rather riding their luck with the officials (for the fourth week on the trot?). Still, at least the swamp dwellers on unsold anusol will not be able to blame refs for everything at the moment. Would've been hilarious if Kos had actually saved Ox's scuffed attempt instead of helping to manipulate it into the goal. Hitting cows with train doors beats missing cow's arses with banjos I suppose.

  17. mbg

    Oct 02, 2016, 18:32 #93575

    wally's fire went out already ? he couldn't be a damp squib could he ? wenger out.

  18. GS

    Oct 02, 2016, 17:35 #93574

    FJ - very funny : shift in power !!!! Don't think so , come back to us when the spuds have won a few doubles, gone a season unbeaten , and been in CL for a while.... Until then always in our shadow ---- FJ , you are the weakest link - goodbye .

  19. Jamie

    Oct 02, 2016, 17:26 #93573

    FJ - Wasn't there a shift in power last season when Sours finally won the title after 55 years? Oh... At least Sours had the comfort of Sours finishing above Arsenal for the first time in over 20 years. Oh...

  20. Roy

    Oct 02, 2016, 16:03 #93572

    FJ - Zzzzzzzzzzzz

  21. Finsbury Joe

    Oct 02, 2016, 15:17 #93571! It pains me to say it, but not only have we now seen a shift in the balance of North London power, we are possibly looking at this years champions. A high pressing game against the decent teams that losers like Wenger and his team can only dream of.

  22. GS

    Oct 02, 2016, 12:41 #93570

    More comedy from jamerson : never has anything interesting to say , just states the obvious....... . Vardy not an Arsenal style player, let's see if he is a one season wonder?? Wenger tried to get Suarez on the cheap and had his bluff called, made Afc look a laughing stock, if we had Suarez instead of giroud we would have won the for today , think will be 3-1 arsenal.

  23. GoonerRon

    Oct 02, 2016, 7:36 #93569

    @ mbg - it's a shocking revelation that you choose to focus on Vardy's comments, really surprising for you. I could quite easily post quotes from 20 players saying how vital Wenger was in them joining but would hate to spoil your little moment of latest vitriol. Enjoying wallowing in your pool of Wenger hatred, it's good to see that some of the Wenger doubters on here can still give credit when it's due, despite their overriding thoughts on the manager.

  24. mbg

    Oct 01, 2016, 18:25 #93568

    So there you are then Vardy reveals he's not/wasn't a fan of TOF's tactics (lack off)style, to slow (tippy tappy) in other words wenger, so anyone would be privileged to play for wenger ? yeah right. wenger out.

  25. mbg

    Oct 01, 2016, 11:42 #93567

    BigGoonerDave, well bully for wenger, like I said that make everything alright then. wenger out.

  26. BigGoonerDave

    Oct 01, 2016, 9:29 #93566

    mbg,thats exactly the point i,m making,all those years of us suffering purely because he was so stubborn and ignorant of the fact that he was not addressing the problem.Now finallly he has to some extent addressed the problem things seemed to have clicked.Hopefully with the run of fixtures ahead we may make a bit of a gap between us and those below.Winning becomes a habit and the confidence should rise further,so by the time the dreaded November comes we should be ready for the Spuds and Maureens mob.

  27. Highbury Spy

    Sep 30, 2016, 23:46 #93565

    mgb is a clear and obvious troll and the reason why the Online Gooner has gone to shiit. Still, so long as the site receives money making clicks, the owners don't give a flying fuk.

  28. mbg

    Sep 30, 2016, 22:54 #93564

    Frank, good post, but as far as the AKB wengerites are concerned all those years and stats with wally don't matter (just like all those with TOF and his failures, humiliations and embarrassments)it's the last two games and stats that count. You really couldn't make it up, but they always find a way to do so. wenger out now.

  29. Frank

    Sep 30, 2016, 16:28 #93563

    Jameson-Wally has been at the club 10 years.Only in one season has he scored more than 10 league goals.And in 10 seasons he has scored a grand total of 58 league goals and as you know with your maths being so good is an average of 5.8 league goals a season.Watch out Lionel and Cristiano

  30. mbg

    Sep 30, 2016, 14:20 #93562

    jw, your dead right, like I've said before we can say what we like about TOF's spin department (and we have)but it's the best in the business. wenger out now.

  31. mbg

    Sep 30, 2016, 13:55 #93561

    BigGoonerDave, if that's the case (and it's still an if)it's only taken TOF ten years then, so that makes everything alright now of course, all the duds, pet projects,second and third raters didn't/never happened. wenger out now.

  32. Bonzo

    Sep 30, 2016, 13:54 #93560

    Jamerson - theirs only 1 fool jumping ship and that's you, as in your own words you deemed that you had given enough to Arsenal and are leaving for the coast at Clacton I believe. Having also failed to indoctrinate your kids into the joys of Arsenal you are no loss to the mighty Gunners. When Wenger goes you'll go as you know nothing beyond Wenger. You Sir are a prize failure of a supporter.

  33. Nick

    Sep 30, 2016, 11:45 #93558

    Spot on Peter my thoughts on the game exactly ! The first half was superb the second dire ! The old failing of profligacy was also on show ! I have no problem with controlling a game sensibly but did we really do that ? There were several occasions where loose passes cost us the ball and defensive scrambling ensued plus once where only a great save from Ospina saved us from a very nervy ending ! It's my opinion that attack allied with common sense is the best defense our slow up of playing style is not only as boring as watching the grass grow on the pitch it's tinged with danger too ! What was Wengers half time talk about "ze game is won we must conserve energy for ze weekend " If so why leave on Alexis for the whole game or Santi who had begun to struggle and was misplacing passes or Ozil who had reverted to a languid almost disinterested style ? Our new striker Perez must wonder why he was signed in the first place it was an obvious chance for him to show what he is about! This is now the third time I recall us performing in the second half of a game like this the first vs manure last year the Chelsea game at the weekend and now this one it is obviously a PLANNED easing off ,yes we don't want the team to go gung ho and let the opponent back into the game so controlling it is the idea but not at the expense of sending the spectator to sleep !

  34. GS

    Sep 30, 2016, 11:14 #93556

    After a couple of good results, the rumblings have started for a new contract for Wenger, have we not been here before?? we win a few games and all of a sudden everything is Rosy... Wenger, give us a good season and leave with some dignity, don't sign a new contract. Retire or take the England job, you cannot take Arsenal any further than you have in the last 12 seasons. Thank you and Goodbye...

  35. Lord Rodney

    Sep 30, 2016, 6:34 #93555

    Lord Abercrombie Leekey- what yer doing on ere? Told you to clean the bloody stables and look sharpish. What's with this bloody attitude! Next time you raise your snivelling little head I'll be hearing Mr Wenger and Mr Whitcher! Now get back to work, make haste boy!

  36. Mad Monk

    Sep 30, 2016, 0:05 #93554

    Try educating the muggy bunch on Untold? Impossible I guarantee. They put a spin on everything, will not post anything that questions Wenger. When I tried to post what Tony Adams said to Wenger about defending it was blocked as normal as they can't allow such stuff. Adams may not become a great manager but I trust his opinion on how to set up defensively something Wenger attempted to ignore and as soon as Adams left he has ignored ever since and unfortunately Bellerin will only become a world class defender when he leaves. When will people understand this!

  37. mbg

    Sep 29, 2016, 22:52 #93553

    BW, your right, and we are contary to what some might think, the only difference is some of us know how long it's going to last and what's round the corner. wenger out.

  38. John Gage

    Sep 29, 2016, 22:27 #93552

    I am of the opinion that this should be Wenger's last season but I have enjoyed the last two games immensely. Long may it continue.

  39. Leek fc

    Sep 29, 2016, 22:11 #93551

    Please Kevin. You must sit down and put your head between your legs. Deep breath. Please get air into your lungs. Calm down. If you require an ambulance please call 101 or 999 for an emergency. Please could you say you are ok. What is this comment about "fair play to the old dog" PRAISE FOR WENGER. This old git is not for turning, surely. Do I sense that you have a heart in there somewhere.

  40. jeff wright

    Sep 29, 2016, 21:17 #93550

    GR. As I said before Basel are a side we should be beating easily at home they are not exactly Barcelona -or dare I say ,erLiverpool either !

  41. jeff wright

    Sep 29, 2016, 21:02 #93549

    mbg,it will take something more than a couple of good results involving Wally to convince me that we are on the cusp of greatness .Looks like the same old to me and no one is mentioning that other clubs are posting similar results to us. It all looks like tunnel-vision at work. It seems to me more a case of RELIEF at us beating sides that we should be beating at home anyway.So all a much ado about very little really. The 1-1 away to PSG was a good result - shame about our performance though because in reality we were again exposed at top level as not being very good and you need a white stick and a guide dog if you can't see that.

  42. GoonerRon

    Sep 29, 2016, 20:54 #93548

    @ Jeff / mbg - taking aside everything else, what were your views on just our performance last night?

  43. mbg

    Sep 29, 2016, 20:26 #93547

    jw, 99024, good post, yeah as you say what do we know we've only been proven right for eleven seasons now, and/but of course that means nothing for the air brushers, two games/results has suddenly changed all that, just like it always does, you couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  44. jeff wright

    Sep 29, 2016, 20:06 #93546

    The fact that all the hullabaloo, after a couple of wins against modest opponents at home , is all about Wally says it all really.The new signings are no more than back up squaddies that Wengo had to over-pay for . Granit is playing because le coq is out and he ( coq )is only average anyway at best, he can't tackle properly so is always getting injured .The new striker ,I can't remember his name off-hand, can't get a game and er Wally himself is only playing because Giroud is injured ! Jesus wept you couldn't make it up. Are some people actually really getting excited about all this couldn't make it up ... I predict that it won't be long before another reality check arrives - because history under Wengo ( yawn ) shows that they are never long in coming. As regards Wally's 'horrific injury 'against the spuds as I recall he injured himself when running and this is usually the case .I recall both the Southampton super dupers ( Theo and Chambo ) both pulling up injured last season against Sheff Wednesday after failing to warm up properly before trotting on ! A double whammy of Wengo ineptness at work there ... but hey this is Wengo land we are in here and everything is not what it seems... title challenges take place in November and not IN May because by then they have long turned, like glass coaches into pumpkins at midnight, into a top 4 trophy.

  45. Paul Ward

    Sep 29, 2016, 19:56 #93545

    I've been one of Wengers critics but this idea that the cold weather and tough winter away games always undo Arsenal is nonsense. Our inability to unlock massed defences at home has been the real problem in the last year or two. Will anything change this season? Possibly, if we see less of Giroud and more of Sanchez and Theo in current form. My guess is it will largely come down to how many long term injuries we get, if we get fewer than usual then we have a chance.

  46. Mad Monk

    Sep 29, 2016, 19:33 #93544

    Over on Untold Tatty the Great is in meltdown over a bottle top and Walter Mitty is in denial over Walcott. Just to elaborate, I always want Arsenal to win regardless of how it might affect other things ( would not travel to Manchester and hope my team lose sad bastards ) This Walcott scenario has me confused has he not been here 10 years? Mitty says his bad form is because he had to get over a horrific injury suffered against the Totts ! That was 2014 and he had one reasonable season before that criss crossed with the occasional good game, so allowing him 3 years to settle 2 years of recovering from an horrific injury ( still confused as to why it was horrific ) that means he has been mugging us off for 5 years and 5 million in wages . So to all at Untold I am not an effing mug who knows f""k all about football I just care about my club not the manager nor the useless lightweight c""ts he has bought. Every year we get the same it's lovely and warm out and all the pretty boy's perform and then the dark cold nights away happen (remind me when was the last time a Wenger team won in cold dark Russia )

  47. Terry Enui

    Sep 29, 2016, 19:18 #93543

    By the time November is out - as usual so will Arsene FC - be out of contention!

  48. BigGoonerDave

    Sep 29, 2016, 19:08 #93542

    The last two petformances have been impressive,I think that is due to the fact that those players(there are too many to name)who were in the comfort zone and took everything for granted are now having to work to get a place in yhe team. I,m putting it down to Wenger actually buying players with quality amd experience. Its what the general consensus of supporters have been calling for now its actually happened we could be seeing the benefits. Like the team I am currently confident and hope this is the springboard to a season that promises so much,only time will tell but I for one am quietly optimistic.

  49. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2016, 18:33 #93541

    In my pinion we used to get such attacking displays week and out which would result in a PL or two. The difference then was that Wenger did not have such a strangle hold on the club when Dennis, Tony and a few others were running things. Ever since Wenger truly took over in 2005 the football side has been in decline. Does anyone think the guys then would have put up with the likes of the Ox, Wally and Giroud. Like **** would they have.

  50. Don

    Sep 29, 2016, 18:05 #93540

    All aboard the Arsenal bandwagon.The Liverpool game didnt happen.Walcott is the bookies favourite for the Ballon D'or.Arsenal are odds on favourites to win the CL.All the members of the WOB now worship at the temple of our glorious leader.What a manager.Oh wait a minute just checked the calendar its still September.Premier leagues and CL's are not won in September.This years collapse is going to be more spectacular than ever.Wenger Out

  51. GoonerRon

    Sep 29, 2016, 18:01 #93539

    In my opinion that was probably our most fluent attacking half of football in years, scintillating stuff for the most part. Largely controlled the second half and saw the game out with plenty to spare. I hope nobody presses the reset button on Theo 2.0.

  52. John F

    Sep 29, 2016, 17:38 #93538

    We do look very good at the moment but I can not trust Wenger not to start tinkering especially when Ramsey comes back.With the side on this current form the only change I would consider is to start Elneny ahead of Cazorla.I think his age might be a factor in tempting Wenger for the England job. Did anyone notice greedy Sam was developing pouches on his face like a hamster,I thought it was an age thing but apparently it was the only space left to stuff his money in.Million pound pay off for being found out and only managed one England game ,nice.

  53. Alsace

    Sep 29, 2016, 17:21 #93537

    M from A. Stand not upon the order or destination or timing of the going, or the arriving of the replacement. All that matters is the GOING.

  54. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2016, 17:16 #93536

    It's all over the news and it is so transparent that Wenger will NEVER leave Arsenal and now with the this latest mass spin he gets another contract upto 2021 and after that who knows. Meanwhile Theo is back out in the limelight telling everyone how all of a sudden everyone fears Arsenal!? AKBs love to talk about WOB knee jerks but this latest takes the biscuit from their end. The PL stinks and Arsenal are in the vanguard turning football to profit for the few. Good old Keano who is referred to over on Untold as a Pikey which just about sums current Arsenal fans up. I imagine plenty of dressing rooms will have a Wally grin selfie up and below written 'well are you afraid of him?' ....

  55. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2016, 17:16 #93535

    Moscow - apologies for stealing your words and adding Big Sam. I couldn't resist

  56. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2016, 16:43 #93534

    The ideal scenario - Wenger brings the league and European Cup home in his final season and then leaves to manage England to Workd Cup success in Moscow. AKBs and AMGs united again in their support for Arsenal - under a new BIG SAM ALADYCE - now we're talking! Bring on FAT Boy , I need a bung!

  57. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 29, 2016, 16:22 #93533

    Ron, you are so right about Arsene and the England job, he says just enough to tease both the Arsenal Board and the FA and then come about March will sign a three year extension to the delight and relief of our American owner (because only Arsene can ever manage Arsenal) who then can continue his quest to buy up the whole of Texas. As for last night - been here too many times to get excited.

  58. mbg

    Sep 29, 2016, 16:12 #93532

    Charles, don't be fooled like a lot of others have (yet again) if you think this old past it manager has learned anything think again. wenger out.

  59. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 29, 2016, 16:12 #93531

    Have to agree with Ron. Can see Wenger using the England situation to sign that extension soon, to 'end the uncertainty' and show his 'loyalty'. Those thinking he would seriously consider the England job show their lack of insight into the man. Why would he ever leave Arsenal - where he is left to run the UK arm of the owner's sports portfolio as he sees fit and has the unconditional, cult-like support of a good chunk of the fanbase - for the magnifying glass of the England job, where he'd be subject to relentless scrutiny and probable ridicule? Anyone would half a brain should be able to see he's using the England interest as leverage.

  60. Bard

    Sep 29, 2016, 14:57 #93529

    Terrific first half. Slightly worrying that we missed a stack of chances.I feel the lack of a proper striker will come back to bite us. Interesting debate about the striker issue Kev. I suspect that we couldnt/wouldnt find or pay for one and Wenger has decided to go without and try and make do elsewhere. I think thats why he's started with Wally. As far as I can see we are dependent on Sanchez and Wally with Perez and Olly as back up.

  61. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2016, 14:46 #93528

    Away from Untold is the super yuppie Miles Palmer. I was amused by his latest article where he describes Rod Stewart as being his old mate then next line admits he hasn't spoken to him since 1975. For Rod it would be a case of Myles who? Always amused to see his ego in full overdrive. Sometimes worth the odd read about Arsenal as well despite the fact he doesn't support them

  62. Mark

    Sep 29, 2016, 14:46 #93527

    As with saturday this game was won at half time so why didnt clueless give Lucas a half hour run out? Bringing on the likes of Ox and Gibbs FFS what was the point? As others have said i judge Arsenal in February and March when the bottle starts to go.I have been saying it for years we will not win a major trophy under Wenger ever ago.Its the Kings New Clothes.The man is a loser.

  63. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Sep 29, 2016, 14:45 #93526

    Wow I've actually remembered how good watching Arsenal can be over the last 2 games! Fair play to the manager and players, I have given them plenty of stick for the continual let downs so credit now where it's due. Like others have said though, I will take a lot more convincing before getting my hopes up too high. It could all be another flash in the pan but I've enjoyed having my team getting me out of my seat with some fantastic attacking football again. Long may it continue, though I have serious doubts based on the last 10 years!

  64. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2016, 14:29 #93525

    Ha ha! loved that Keano look when (calculating) Theo held forth on his decade of suffering. As Keano said in a month's time the gloves will be on and half the team will be shivering when the temperature drops one or two degrees. Can they do it (or Theo) for a season let alone more? Looking at Sanchez who cut a frustrated character last night as he missed sitter after sitter and maybe he has caught a touch of whatever Olly suffers from and having Sanchez run around like a inferior version of Wrighty is perhaps the reason Theo is currently lording it. On the other hand Celtic and their fans are what keep the game alive. Theo spouting how they took their foot off the pedal for the second half as part of the plan is a spin we have seen for a decade or more. Let's see if they can beat the Totts, Citeh or Liverpool this season to say nothing of the CL last 16 knock out when they finish second to PSG. Never was there a more cynically complacent club at the top end of football. Keano is spot on and over on Untold they were eating prawn sandwiches in Belgium on the day Chelsea did not turn up. Let's talk again in the new year but personally bigger fish to fry in the less corrupt 9th tier. Aaah for a game of football with people who feel it.

  65. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 29, 2016, 14:08 #93524

    This was a very interesting game as we had real penetration. What has changed? Effort ? Yes, but that will evaporate as it has in recent years. Speed? Yes, but collectively we seem to be unable to realise on a long term basis that speed kills. Dennis Bergkamp ? While it may be very hard to get the ball from Sanchez because of the effort he makes, or from Mezut Ozil because of his footballing brain, Alex Iwobi has that thing that Dennis had - a yard more space than anyone else. He was dispossessed only once last night and was the driving focus for most of our penetration. As soon as he went off the pitch our attack completely lost focus. He is an incredible find and the fact that OGL has recognised it and is playing him is a miracle. Let's hope that the Manager's last season (thank goodness) is a good one. Like Roy Keane, I remain to be convinced.

  66. mbg

    Sep 29, 2016, 14:00 #93523

    I think they should just give us the Prem and CL trophy's now and be done it, is that a petition I hear coming on from the AKB's ? wenger out.

  67. Kenny

    Sep 29, 2016, 13:19 #93522

    Its it a bird? is it a plane? No its another Feo Walnutt false dawn.Its as though some Gooners have had their brains removed for the last decade.Walnutt does it every season have a few good games and its he is the English Messi.Dont be fooled.The real star of the show is the magnificent Sanchez>Sadly with Wenger and Arsenal we have been there before and we have been let down time and time again

  68. BW

    Sep 29, 2016, 12:54 #93521

    Enjoy it I say. Whatever the results, there's some really good football being played.

  69. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2016, 12:21 #93520

    The quick decisive movement , speed pressing forward is so much more representative of Wengers pomp. Why oh why he ever got sucked into a Barca Lite style play we can perhaps never know. The increase in passing length (longer ball) allows pace. Those fools who blunder on about hoof ball (Jamerson) do not seem to get that pretty triangles slow the pace. Let's hope this new found 'retro' style remains so that all sides of the Arsenal family can be entertained in what I hope is his last year.

  70. Ron

    Sep 29, 2016, 12:19 #93519

    AWs responses to questions about the Eng job seem very carefully crafted this time so to keep him in the frame and to sow the seed in the FAs mind that hes now up for it - possibly. Obviously he ll use the situ to carve a few more million from AFC for a new contract if he can though. This much said, im not sure AW could hack the lousy press attacks and Eng fan barbs that go with that job? Whoever the FA get isnt going to make Eng much better after all. AW likes his comfort at our social club a bit too much i think to go for that poisoned chalice.

  71. Moscow Gooner

    Sep 29, 2016, 12:11 #93518

    The ideal scenario - Wenger brings the league and European Cup home in his final season and then leaves to manage England to Workd Cup success in Moscow. AKBs and AMGs united again in their support for Arsenal - under a new Howe (not the Don). OK, OK I know it's never going to happen but nice to dream a bit....

  72. GS

    Sep 29, 2016, 12:04 #93517

    So far , so good, some decent performances, with 4 winnable games in PL for Oct. Lets hope we can keep the run going & park the Wenger issue for now, Its all about the team....Wenger for England & COYG .

  73. jeff wright

    Sep 29, 2016, 11:51 #93515

    Similar scenario to the chavs game last nights fun and bore fest two for the price of one wot !A great first half followed by a yawn inducing tedious not so great second one .Not sure if this proves anything other than it's deja vu donkeys years past - but hey what do I know I have only been proven right about Wengo for the last TEN YEARS ! Same old comments early season from others as well about enjoying the great results but plenty of back covering going on ... etc... Anyway, Sanchez missing a sitter last night and Ospina panicking and flapping like a pigeon with a broken wing at a cross on a corner that he pawed away to an opposition player the Swisser should have scored from it but miskicked the ball to safety these incidents however once again shows that despite claims to the contrary that neither Sanchez or Ospina are world class. Wengo for England is back on though ! You couldn't make it up.

  74. Wear Your Colours

    Sep 29, 2016, 11:12 #93514

    Kev, I agree it was another excellent performance by the Gunners. I thought Xhaka was very disciplined in front our central defensive pair; he always offered them a passing option and kept the ball moving with simple passes. Nice to see Ospina keep a clean sheet too; he did well with their corners and made a good save when confronted with a one-on-one situation late-on. Let’s hope we can sustain this good form on our trip to Burnley on Sunday. COYG!

  75. Tony Evans

    Sep 29, 2016, 11:11 #93513

    Cautious optimism, as Gaz says, is the order of the day. We have been here far too many times before to get carried away, and scepticism where Wenger and new dawns are concerned is never far away from my thoughts. Encouraging signs none the less.

  76. G10

    Sep 29, 2016, 11:00 #93512

    We are in the traditional early season optimism stage of the Wenger seasonal boom and bust cycle. All this fanfare will lead to the dreaded contract extension locking us in for many more years of this Groundhog Day nightmare, right before the season bottoms out as Wenger's well known and traditional failings are exposed again.

  77. Charles

    Sep 29, 2016, 10:53 #93511

    Hopefully we have learned the lesson that attacking from the first whistle is much better than slowly passing the ball sideways for the entire first half and then going helter skelter in the last 20 minutes.

  78. Peter

    Sep 29, 2016, 10:34 #93510

    After Wenger getting it all correct against Chelsea with correct team and correct subs and timing of subs we all thought Wenger would take Alexis off for a rest at half time and bring Lucos on for him to get use to Champions League football. As usual Wenger didn't do what is correct and changed midfielders left Lucos on the bench. The first half was great, the second half was awful. You may as well have turned off the television and the crowd may as well had left the ground. The fans paid a lot of money for the tickets and at 2-0 Wenger should have thought keep attacking and play like they did in first half with some great football and let the crowd enjoy their night. He left Alexis, Ozil and Santi Cazorla (the three major players) on for all 90 minutes. Luckily they did not get injured. Arsene back to his normal self. -

  79. Gaz

    Sep 29, 2016, 10:19 #93509

    Great write up Kev. The signs are real promising but I'll need a lot more convincing before I even remotely start to believe in Wenger again. That said I've thoroughly enjoyed our last two performances and it would be extremely churlish of me not to recognise that the likes of Sanchez and in particular Walcott are putting in some damn fine performances of late. So for me its onwards and upwards but with a fair bit of caution thrown in for good measure!