20 years on, another away win in the north west

Online Ed: Arsenal leave it late to take the spoils at Burnley

20 years on, another away win in the north west

Who, me? Kos uncertain whether to claim the credit for winning goal

So, 20 years of Arsene Wenger managing Arsenal, a period that officially begain with an away win in Lancashire, although against Blackburn, not Burnley. And yesterday was a game that reminded me of many I have seen in that time, especially in more recent years. The Gunners come up against a defensive side and spend most of the game trying to knock down the door.

In the end persistence paid off. With no small slice of good fortune. Two minutes of injury time and the award of a late Arsenal corner. So late I thought that if they played it short the referee would actually blow his whistle to halt proceedings. It was played short, but remember, the rule is that “a minimum of X minutes will be added on” where the 4th official’s board is concerned. It is just that refs have got into the habit of blowing more or less right on the minute that time is up, although technically, if there are 2 minutes and 55 seconds to be played, the 4th official’s board will still show a 2.

Regardless, it was played short and the ref allowed the attack to continue, and from Theo Walcott’s flicked header, it later transpired that the Ox kicked Kos’s boot (if he had made contact with the ball, the goal would have been offside). Kos’s boot connected with the ball, which was in the process of flying over the bar… but as luck would have it, the ball collided with his arm and was redirected into the net. Definitely no intent, but I am no expert on the rules. Are you telling me that if that had been a defender’s arm blocking a shot on the goal-line the ref would not have awarded a penalty?

Still, Burnley can agonise over that. As Arsenal fans, we’ll take it, and on intent to take three points from the match, the visitors deserved their win, even if the quality seen in the games against Chelsea and Basel was lacking. That was no great surprise, as few could have expected three performances of that standard in the space of nine days. And of course, the opposition’s players did not have a match in the middle of the week. The other thing to remember is that Burnley’s tactical approach to the game was not altered by the inconvenience of a goal until it was too late.

Sean Dyche’s team could actually have won the match, as they had three excellent chances from headers, one of which hit the bar. Arsenal were generally foiled and clear cut chances were few and far between, especially in the first half, when they failed to stretch their opponents’ defence and found passes frequently blocked off.

Things improved after the interval, and Alexis carved out two good chances to score. Iwobi and Xhaka were subbed with the Ox and Elneny replacing them. Iwobi is generally removed from the fray regardless of how well he is playing, which is presumably to guard against injury from overplaying, given his age. The Plan B option of Giroud was unavailable, and whether or not Lucas Perez would have got any more joy than the options that were on the bench for Wenger is difficult to say. Walcott put a curler just wide after great persistence and combativeness from Alexis to set up the chance, and you got the feeling it just wasn’t going to be.

However, Arsenal kept pressing and contrived the late winner. With Manchester City being defeated at Tottenham, it’s become a lot tighter at the top, and once again, many will start to believe in the possibility of a genuine Arsenal title challenge. The manager was interviewed by Thierry Henry during the week for Sky Sports, and indicated that it was always the plan to try Alexis as the central striker this season. Certainly, Arsenal needed to try something else in attack after the goals dried up so badly for Giroud soon after the turn of the year, and the Gunners attack is a bit more pacy as a result, Alexis harrying of defenders more productive than the slower number 12’s. That though, is of less use when playing against a massed ranks defence as seen at Turf Moor, and in the end, it was persistence, pressure and fortune that won the day.

The team are in a good place going into the international break, although whisper it quietly, they have a run of three winnable Premier League games before the North London derby when they return. Next up is Swansea at home though, and we all know how that particular fixture normally turns out. Perhaps, 2016-17 will be different. It needs to be.

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  1. Mungo

    Oct 05, 2016, 8:26 #93658

    Leekey are you popping over to Jamerson's caravan this weekend? Remember to bring the fly-spray and some Air Threshner. He's not very good at cleaning up Lulu the Pug's droppings or cleaning the bins.

  2. Finsbury Joe

    Oct 04, 2016, 23:30 #93657

    Extreme good fortune only gets you so far, because in general, it doesn't last. Without it, the shambolic Arsenal performance at Burnley would have led to nil points This won't be a great season for Arsenal, but it will be good for fit and proper football , British style.

  3. Mugged by the mug

    Oct 04, 2016, 22:23 #93656

    They are called ARSENAL fans maguire/mug/mbg. Something you have never been and never will. Retire quietly please.

  4. Know Man

    Oct 04, 2016, 19:49 #93654

    Glad to see people are now recognising how ineffective Ozil is. Any other player would be castigated for those inept performances, yet Wenger continues to pick him. He's useless. Against Basel & Bury, 2 weak teams and he did nothing. Watch him closely. He gets away with murder.

  5. Bonzo

    Oct 04, 2016, 18:34 #93652

    MBG - I like your eye for detail, in fact it's super fan Jameson and his brother er Peter, or John or whoever he is this week.

  6. mbg

    Oct 04, 2016, 15:58 #93647

    Is that fat Sam and Elton john in the photo ?

  7. Bonzo

    Oct 04, 2016, 14:12 #93644

    Jamerson - our great prophet owned a fishing fleet, his descendants still do, that's why we eat Mackerel. The extreme dividian branch started of our group started protesting that our 10% tithes and huge orders for Mackerel kept our elders in untold wealth. A terrible division occurred which sadly developed into mud slinging and violence. The rift between both sets still runs deep and I fear will only reconcile when a new Elder emerges. I for my part, preach in Oxford Street with my Brother Mungo. Our dress of sandals, cloth sack , roughly chopped hair and dried mackerels for sale are very distinctive. We believe we are saved and that sadly you are not, if only you would join us singing, praying and selling dried fish.

  8. Bonzo

    Oct 04, 2016, 11:54 #93636

    Jamerson:- As you know I am a fellow man of God, it pains me to say it, but I do try and love all my fellow men. Now I've been having a little investigation into your belief system. It appears to be stuck on 16th C. Calvinistic Pre-destination belief systems. It's a bit like a 33 record stuck on a groove with a sticky needle. My church the Church of the Holy Mackerel (we eat Mackerel every Friday for tea) are a lot more modern having been formed in Whitby 1703 and we dumped all that tosh. Unfortunately we do have a little disagreement over scripture as we believe the "Elected Ones" I.e. you!, will roast in Hell with a pitchfork up your Arse. Oh well you say Tomato and I say Potato... Don't be a stranger as they say, look forward to hearing from you.

  9. jeff wright

    Oct 04, 2016, 11:22 #93634

    Any reasonable person watching us struggle against a moderate side like Burnley would have thought a draw a reasonable result and that is the problem ,with the 'hard-fought win claims.It was a fortunate win - there is a difference between a rut and a grave. Wenger somehow ,much to his own amazement, got out of the grave he had dug himself in. Of course Liverpool would have liked to have taken 3 points off Burnley but I would guess that if they could have chosen to take them off us away and lose at Burnley then they would have settled for that .3 points off a fellow 4th place competitor are always better because of the double whammy factor involved of depriving them of points while gaining them yourself.The spudo's beating City was an example of this and these games between the sides aimimg for the top 4 places will have a big impact on who wins them. I see 5 teams fighting for 4 places how many of them will be in a title challenge come April is a matter for conjecture . However,on past form, Wengo is unlikely to be one of the managers and Sunday's result did nothing to suggest otherwise .Luck is a transient thing and often a case of roundabouts and swings - some you win -some you lose. I can't wait to read and hear the squeals of out-rage that follow on the next dodgy ref's decision that costs us points ! I doubt though that we will be hearing anything about the opposition earning a hard fought win. You couldn't make it up.I see no real conviction in (yawn) Wengo that he can win the title. He looks stressed out nervy during games with the glum bald headed Buddha sat staring ahead silently chewing gum and doing the nodding dog part when Wengo's frustrated comments are aimed in his direction. Wengo himself is still berating 4th officials over trivial incidents rather than trying to inject some urgency into our players when they are having another one of those lethargic moments - not least Ozil who always looks as though he would rather be elsewhere.That's because he obviously rather would be.Spuds at home a midweek Euro tie and United away in November should be interesting . As for players coming back from injury this is just another red herring the reality is that what ever players Wengo has available they always produce similiar results and performances such as against Livepool at home - losing 4-3 - these results can happen despite whoever is playin for us -with Wengo himself being the main problem . I'ts not down to the slings and arrows of adversity thatold Wengo has not won a league title - or even put in a proper title challenge - since 2004. Tell us about in May .

  10. GS

    Oct 04, 2016, 10:26 #93633

    bba : like I said, come back when you have something of value to say. Just stating the obvious makes you look a plonker. Why don't you start with how Wenger's Arsenal will last out the whole season and not fold in Nov/March, don't just spout pointless one-liners, back up your views with something more meaningful ( if you can )...I wont hold my breath !!!

  11. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 04, 2016, 9:00 #93632

    Jamee son - you took a break from your potato juice caravan capers to type that? You'd be better off spending your time writing a mea culpa to your lost children. "Balls the size of peanuts with rubber spines".

  12. GoonerRon

    Oct 04, 2016, 7:45 #93631

    @ mbg - your negativity just doesn't know any bounds does it? Serious question, why do you bother coming on here and continue to devote any of your time to Arsenal? It seems you get nothing from it when we win matches and/or play well (pretty much the only regular 'upside currency' for most football supporters) yet find fault with everything to do with our players, manager, board, the club generally. When the only thing you can pick out after we destroyed Chelsea was Steve Bould's lack of reaction to our second goal it makes me think Arsenal renders you utterly joyless. If we were consistently staving off relegation from the football league and barely winning a game I could understand it but even on the back of a 5 game winning run (which the majority of clubs in this country won't do very often, if at all) you choose to look at everything through a prism of the last 10 years. I know all isn't perfect with our club but when you can't summon once single ounce of positivity about anything to do with Arsenal I just ask why bother?

  13. mbg

    Oct 03, 2016, 23:31 #93630

    What i'd like to know is what happened to that Vase that Sir Cod and chips presented to TOF, it looked like something that came from Tesco, I know as the wife has one identical, word has it wally and the players were drinking beer and champagne out of it celebrating that night, it'll probably end up beside his bust if they can get it back from wally who's been sleeping with it since, that's if it isn't broke.

  14. mbg

    Oct 03, 2016, 23:04 #93629

    jw, yes all annoyed with and shouting at the players for taking the short corner, if you believe that you'd believe anything lol, (and a lot do and will) when they were probably only following orders, you couldn't make it up, then he started raving on about the players legs and some stupid word (gobbledegook) i'd never heard off (most likely nobody else either handy that for an excuse)to try and explain tiredness and fatigue. You couldn't make it up.

  15. Jason B

    Oct 03, 2016, 22:48 #93628

    That Sam Vokes is very one dimensional.A battering ram at best.Kos and Mustafi played a blinder yesterday.Burnley were not very adventerous,in fact they had an 10 man defence yesterday.Whats the point of playing for a draw at home? I'm glad i don't have to watch that style of football each week...We had most of the possesion yesterday but didn't really create much.One of those days in which there was one piece of luck going our way and we took advantage of it......1-0 to The Arsenal.

  16. Leek fc

    Oct 03, 2016, 22:46 #93627

    A few results against mediocre opposition according to mbg. mmmmm. Never said anything that equates to a positive comment in the last three years so why change the habit now. Wenger must stay.

  17. Paul Ward

    Oct 03, 2016, 21:02 #93626

    Can look at yesterday two ways, a hard earned 3 points in a tricky away game, or a performance lacking intensity and penetration that was fortunate to be rewarded with 3 points. Either way, getting through the international break injury free and mopping up 9 more points pre Tottenham are going to be pivotal in our first half of the season. With Ramsey, Giroud, Coquelin and Perez due back after the break, aswell as Mertesacker and Welbeck post Christmas , the squad certainly has a stronger feel to it this season, only time will tell if it's strong enough to absorb the usual number of injuries we pick up

  18. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 03, 2016, 18:36 #93625

    Well 3 points where last year it would probably been 1pt. Don't see too much difference between the top 4/5 Man City - may buckle under high intensity teams Man U - too static and still don't know their best team Liverpool - capable of real highs but prone to dips Spurs - temperament may get to them again Chelsea - not title material on this performance capable top 4 Arsenal - capable of 2nd but capable of the title if they drop the pretty triangles and up the speed work rate . All to play for in what should be Wengo's last season

  19. mbg

    Oct 03, 2016, 18:19 #93624

    jj, yes wally has had his 15 minutes of fame, and the ox was sent out to replace him this time to talk a good game and tell us all how good they are. It never surprises does it, how fans forget, (some anyway)a few results (lucky)against mediocre opposition and we're the bees knees (again)and everything's alright (again) until the inevitable happens all over again. wenger out tonight.

  20. bba

    Oct 03, 2016, 18:17 #93623

    GS... Facts!!!!... Not clutching at straws.

  21. Wrinkly Voyeur

    Oct 03, 2016, 18:08 #93622

    well...errr...overall I belieeeeeeeve I know things about my bowels that you don't know...errrrr...as well I belieeeeeeeeve if you leetle beet sniff one of my top top qualitee bowel movements you will show great spiwit and mental strengz...errrr...why do you look at me?

  22. jeff wright

    Oct 03, 2016, 18:02 #93621

    GR, hand ball hitting a players arm if raised in an unatural or intended defensive /attacking position isor can be deemed to be a penalty .Those sort of hand balls are given all the time -why did Kos have his arem raised is the question if not then the ball would not have been diverted into the goal ! Anyway ,irelevant to the fact that we, or Wengo as I prefer nowdays to say, as I feel little empathy with his teams, got lucky with the added on time - yet again. Personally, I have not been impressed with Mustavarantattheref it was fortunate for him and Keystone that Burnley were unable to take advantage of the good chances that they were given. Some other teams will take them though and I don't have to make that up !

  23. mbg

    Oct 03, 2016, 17:51 #93620

    GS, tricks i would doubt very much, but excuses aplenty.

  24. GoonerRon

    Oct 03, 2016, 17:40 #93619

    @ Jeff - hand ball has to be intentional. Do you honestly believe Koscienly is good enough to volley the ball onto his own hand and into the net, and do so in about a millisecond? Fortunate, yes. According to the rules of the game, handball, no. And you thought Mustafi had a shocking game? Blimey, you really couldn't make it up.

  25. mbg

    Oct 03, 2016, 17:36 #93618

    Far and away fan, by hook and crook alright, but you can be sure that's great and fine as long as it's us. wenger out.

  26. GS

    Oct 03, 2016, 17:21 #93617

    bba; Clutching at straws me thinks...read my other posts and you will understand my view on the game. A good 3pts, but your comment ref Humble Pie, suggests all is well ( typical AKB view) when it is not, we have a long season, and have seen many, many times that Arsenal & Wenger cannot last the pace, so before you celebrate with your custard, have a reality check before posting pointless one-liners. Come back when you have something of value to say...

  27. jeff wright

    Oct 03, 2016, 17:15 #93616

    Wengo sat ashen faced twitchy and nervous fiddling with a piece of string instead of his coat zip completetly cluless, a hostage top fortune or an accident waiting to happen - but, as so often before , Wengo ( yawn) got lucky with the hand ball incident as Keystone Kos ( who had another shocking game along with his new German partner) had his arm raised in an unatural position for a defender in the goal area . So the goal should have been disallowed and the added on time was again not played properly by the ref. . My guess is that the ref will be demoted from the next Prem games played.Yet AGAIN another lucky result for bungling Arsene - who of course did not see the hand-ball goal as he was getting himself all in a lather over the short-corner being taken - or so he says - but his nose grows longer with every ( yawn inducing passing season... . As I said before I can't see him winning anything this season and the team is not really very good anyway so another embarrasing defeat or two is only a matter of time before arriving.As Westie would say,you can bet on that. He probably will !

  28. bba

    Oct 03, 2016, 17:13 #93615

    GS.... Liverpool would have loved a point against Burnley eh. Do you want custard with your pie ?????

  29. GS

    Oct 03, 2016, 16:41 #93614

    bba: ha-ha , very funny - "amble pie" , what about a Do-nut , you muppet... We played Burnley, who, more than gave us a game and showed how a well drilled defence should be schooled. We could barely muster a decent attack, and if they had better finishers , we would have lost... A good reality check for us, need to get it sorted into November when the big games come thick and fast... Get real you plonker.

  30. Don

    Oct 03, 2016, 16:40 #93613

    Is Ozil just going through the motions until his inevitable move next summer?Another game he was anonymous.Thank god for Sanchez.

  31. Ron

    Oct 03, 2016, 16:06 #93612

    The slow, one dimensional attacks? half paced passing? Its not rocket science. Cazorla - he of the tiresome 'oooh Santo Cazorla' refrain. Hi and Ozil in the same team is a non starter as i see it. AFCs middle of the park area still seriously lacks, power guile and invention. Wanyama was who we needed. Look who bought him though!

  32. bba

    Oct 03, 2016, 15:47 #93611

    Humble pie anyone??

  33. Shaun.p.

    Oct 03, 2016, 14:36 #93610

    Agree with Matthew, as a pair kos and mustafi are looking half decent. Like the way mustafi is happy to mix it against bigger physical opponents.

  34. mbg

    Oct 03, 2016, 13:56 #93609

    Another win this time against the mighty Burnley great speeritt shown, but can you just imagine the out cry from all the AKB wengerites and TOF himself if that had been given against us ?? you can hear it now, cheats, cheating refs, conspiracies, they're all against us blah blah, we'd never hear the fooking end of it. wenger out now.

  35. david mcphillips

    Oct 03, 2016, 13:47 #93608

    Horrible performance i feel and exactly why Arsenal wont win anything again this year. All too slow in the middle of the park, Santi not able to break through the lines and past the strikers, Ozil lacking any threat- we will again drop points against packed defences because of the lack of variation in our play. Ramsey has to come in for santi and we need Giroud as an alternative to go 4-4-2 to break teams down, Wenger wont sub Ozil though no matter what level he is performing- Wilshire would of been pulled at 60 with the same level as Ozil produced yesterday. I was starting to get optimistic but that faded to be replaced by frustration as the game proceeded.

  36. The Daily Knacker

    Oct 03, 2016, 13:11 #93607

    Exclusive.....Exclusive.....Exclusive. In hot news Stan Kroenke will rename Arsenal the London Red Coats... "Stan wants to push it big in the States" a close said to the Daily Knacker last night. Self styled Super Fan Jamerson told reporters "I speak for all fans when I say Mr Kroenke is the best owner ever! Imagine the Red Coats vs the New England Patriots! Those cousins of ours sure have good ideas! Zero hour contracts, open carry guns, Build a wall , Build a wall, hot diggity, Damn an' tarnation whoop yeah ! " At this point the Reporter put the phone down due to the unintelligible ranting from the Super supporter. Follow events closely with further exclusives!

  37. GoonerRon

    Oct 03, 2016, 13:01 #93606

    Lack of pace in our passing and not enough zip in our movement played into Burnley's hands, but just happy to get the three points and close the gap on Citeh. A good response to our sluggish start continues.

  38. Mathew

    Oct 03, 2016, 12:44 #93605

    Kevin, I wish you had a slight mention in your article of our defensive performance yesterday . Mustafi and Kos has formed a partnership with clean sheets in last 4 games. I think thats giving a lot of confidence to the players upfront to roam free, with Xhaka and Santi covering up well. Giroud would have made a difference yesterday with his physical abilities, but with luck favouring us I wouldnt mind anything else now.

  39. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Oct 03, 2016, 12:36 #93604

    I'm seeing a slight difference in overall attitude and effort of late, not enough to make me think we have turned a corner but there's something there nonetheless, I think it's what eventually led to the late albeit very fortunate winner. I just couldn't see the Arsenal of the last 6 or 7 years pulling that one out of the bag with their all to willingness to give up. Having said all that I am going to take a lot more convincing and need to see a prolonged spell of good football, effort and results before I start believing we have progressed to being genuine contenders and also thought Ozil looked completely disinterested and should have his wages stopped for complete lack of application. That guy needs to look at some videos of someone like Ray Parlour to see what working your socks off for the team is all about, there is no doubting his talent when the goings good but a complete liability when the team need everyone to stand up and be counted.

  40. David

    Oct 03, 2016, 12:26 #93603

    @Paulo75 - agreed. Not a fan of le Boss, but there is a difference with this lot so far. Whether it's enough, only time will tell. They will probably be top come the NLD.

  41. Paulo75

    Oct 03, 2016, 11:45 #93602

    I've been extremely critical of Arsenal in recent years and dont for one minute pretend all is sweetness and light at the Club but enjoy the moment FFS. The team are giving everything and we're on a roll, long may it continue.

  42. jjetplane

    Oct 03, 2016, 11:15 #93601

    What's the latest from Theo who said last week 'everyone will be frightened of us now' and yet if Burnley had not switched off while Arsenal did a Fergie (which Untold are well happy with) they would have got their reward of a point. Little bit (sic) more confidence and they would have nicked it. Arsenal have become dull and boring just like the coach. Meanwhile, county football is flying and I have 8 games lined up this month at three squid a throw. Can people now stop saying Arsenal are playing some kind of mythological game in a god realm. The way those Tiny Totts played Pep off the park though like Arsenal, I am indifferent to everything in the PL, tells me it may well be the Scousers or the Totts for the big one. Pep is the better coach but his squad are perhaps not ready or good enough for what he wants. The 20 year accountant is just an also ran who reached his peak when Pires was bossing the creation. Note how in lists of the accountants best teams from the last zzzzz 20 years none of the current lot get a look in. I mean - Bellerin or Dixon - do da math mo fo ....

  43. Alsace

    Oct 03, 2016, 11:00 #93600

    It is fairly clear from Tottenham's game that the only way in which to beat City's high tempo, high passing game, is to meet it with maximum effort. We are not seriously going to be able to manage that and Wenger will not be mentally ready to do that in each and every game for fear of tiring the poor dears out. If we want to stand a chance of winning the league then we have to abandon the Champions League, FA Cup and League Cup now. With any other manager this could be a significant and vital away three points. From what Walcott says, the number 20 who has arrived from Germany is kicking some butt internally and that is probably why we are getting somewhere. We may have some fun as a result. Thank goodness for that.

  44. Mad Monk

    Oct 03, 2016, 10:48 #93599

    Great tactical substitution's from Wenger and I loved the way he changed the shape of the team which totally confused the Burnley manager, team and fan's. It was this switch which lead directly to the goal and proves we didn't have to buy a world class striker. What a manager we owe him so much! ( recorded conversation in downtown Mombasa by 2 fan's wearing 'we luv Wenger' t-shirt's stroking themselves off and reading Untold )

  45. Bard

    Oct 03, 2016, 10:37 #93598

    We got lucky but thats fine. A lot of huffing and puffing. What it showed to me was that Sanchez cant play as a central striker. We looked far too lightweight up front and suspect we will rue another season where we dont have a proper striker. Believing that Theo has suddenly morphed into an Robben is wishful thinking in the extreme.

  46. Fozzy

    Oct 03, 2016, 10:36 #93597

    Still can't believe how we ended up with three points, but there yer go. We were let down by the usual two suspects, Ozil (who didn't seem to care) and Walnutt (who hasn't got the ability), and their lack of effort is rubbing off on to Iwobi who is turning into a latter day Barry Bender.

  47. Nick

    Oct 03, 2016, 10:26 #93596

    Tiredness once again used as an excuse for a poor showing ! Not buying it our vile neighbours had a day more to rest than us but that on the back of an away trip to Russia plus playing the leaders who had been to Scotland in their clients fixture and had a very stern test by Celtic ! We on the other hand played at home and only really exerted ourselves in the first half of our match! Besides having to actually work 3 days out of 9 is a luxury many folk would love! Burnleys played exactly as we would have expected byou parking the bus and playing for a draw while hoping to steal a win we simply did NOT play with any real urgency or with any intelligence, Ozil was languid and lazy Walcott buzzed as did Sanchez but their final all and decision making was off as was Iwobi who lost possession and misplaced more passes than in all of his previews three games ! It was blindinglying obvious from the twentieth odd minutemail onwards that we were out of sorts and things needed changing but as usual no subs or tactical switches were made untill the usual allotted time of 65 or 75 minute's! Why Perez was not available or Giroud is odd is Olivier really injured or just out of favour ? I have no idea why our new forward was missing or why Akpom was not included given the latter's absence! Surely given Renee Adelaids penchant for close control and drifting past defenders he would have been worth bringing on at some point? He would have been a possible x factor Burnley were not prepared for ,but we did NOTHING and got the win through luck and poor officiating! I doubt we will ever see a more fortunate Arsenal victory which while welcome should also be scrutinised by the players and manager and used as a blueprint of how NOT to play away from home or indeed anywhere !

  48. Wear Your Colours

    Oct 03, 2016, 9:39 #93595

    Burnley proved to be quite obdurate opponents and we struggled to break them down. Ultimately our patience and persistence was rewarded with Koscielny’s late, late winner; it was great to see the travelling Gooners gleefully cavorting behind the goal. Three more points in the bank. COYG!

  49. GS

    Oct 03, 2016, 9:36 #93594

    Dis-jointed performance, with no real drive, often lacked numbers in the box, when ball on the wings. But, its all about the 3pts, so more than happy that we won. Thought Burnley were good defensively, and we were very lucky, but that's football, had many go against us in previous years. 3 more winnable games in Oct, so lets see where we are before the dreaded November kicks in. Has Wenger got any new tricks to deal with our annual Nov collapse??...we live in hope.

  50. Far far away fan

    Oct 03, 2016, 9:35 #93593

    The match summed up Wenger's 20 years- a lot of pretentiousness with no result, but by some hook or crook, we bungle into a position that isn't too embarrassing. We have a chance of getting rid of Wenger at the end of the year, but how do we get rid of that lazy dolt, Mesut Ozil? I really like Alexis. He is true class. I don't know why more fans haven't warmed up to him. Even if he leaves now, I think he has had a significant impact- 47 goals in 100 games. I for one will remember Alexis as a classy player who was at Arsenal at the wrong time.

  51. Time for change

    Oct 03, 2016, 9:19 #93592

    Lucky win. For a penalty to be given handball has to be intentional so I assume that Koscielny's accidental handball is legal.