Are Arsenal a Franchise?

A defence of the changes at Arsenal FC

Are Arsenal a Franchise?

We’ve all heard the tired, recycled rebuttals from Spurs fans and sometimes other rival supporters alike. We’re a franchise club. Of course, that is defined as a club that abandons its historical principles and its home community to make a new home for itself in search of more economically opulent enterprises. It’s something you’re used to as a Gooner, and something that once you’ve heard it one hundred times doesn’t bother you at all. A bit like hearing “We’ve got more English players than you”, or perhaps (and yes, I’ve actually heard this before) Arsenal copy everything Spurs do”. Yeah Ok…

But once you start to dissect what it actually means to be a “franchise”, you start to realise that it is an accusation that could be levelled at many clubs. Of course MK Dons will receive the brunt of this, having inherited a lot of goodwill when they were able to take Wimbledon’s place in the Football League. A “franchise” is deemed to be a soulless, vacuous company designed to leech onto a market, then move on when the supply is run dry, at least, that is what I gather it means when I hear it spewed from your average Tottenham fan. Then again, to them being a big club means having numerous successes in the “Norwich Hospital Charity Cup”, so we’ll have to take that with a pinch of salt.

We were formed by workers in the munitions factory in Woolwich one December day in 1886. Despite doing a little jump across the Thames and dropping “Woolwich” from our name, we still carry much of the identity of our old, historic club. The name “Arsenal” is synonymous with London, for me it is the most unique name in English Football.

But if we cast our minds back to other English clubs from years gone by, history tells us of “Newton Heath”, and “Thames Ironworks”, clubs which relocated within their current conurbations and assumed new identities, being Manchester United and West Ham respectively. Across London “Millwall Rovers” moved from the Isle of Dogs down to South London, looking for a more virtuous existence. Another club in Manchester once went by the name of “St Marks” (based in West Gorton), before becoming Ardwick AFC (in, you guessed it, Ardwick) before finally settling on Manchester City and making the moves to Maine Road in Moss Side and later to Eastlands. These could be considered similar changes of identity, why no accusations of franchising? Even Leyton Orient once dropped “Leyton” from their name when Leyton was absorbed into the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

What's funny is when it comes to a nomadic existence, we're superbly outdone by QPR. If you ever find yourself near a large green expanse in West London, you're most probably standing on a former Queens Park Rangers football pitch. Just take a look at the number of places they've called home, moving around like a travelling circus. The moves haven't stopped yet, with plans to move to Old Oak Common being planned. Would keeping our name "Woolwich Arsenal" for all these years despite playing some 11 miles northwest in Islington mean we might have escaped being labelled a "franchise"? It's certainly something several other clubs have been lucky to escape. But then again it's easy to forget just how much opposition there was to our move in 1913. Of course our shadow dwelling neighbours had a right to p*ssed off, as I suppose did Orient, and even West Ham who made their objections clear. Even those cheeky upstarts in Fulham, who go by the name of Chelsea had the audacity to whinge, despite being just eight years old and enjoying relatively large crowds at the time at the other end of London. To put it simply, our early years were struggle after struggle, just to survive. If you think our problems eased off when the move did go ahead you'd be well wide of the mark.

How much of an affinity do we as modern fans need to feel towards our club's early years? Would modern day Tottenham fans feel a shared identity between themselves and the grammar-school boys from the Bible class at All Hallows Church, who established their club? Has Millwall's identity really changed since leaving Dockland territory and becoming a South London club? I don't think so, and I don't think it really matters. Woolwich Arsenal were there for the community they represented when they played at the Manor Ground, they didn't needlessly turn their back. Not any more than Thames Ironworks, Newton Heath or Millwall Rovers.

These are clubs with colourful histories, what makes our club so fascinating is the trials and tribulations that took place in Woolwich in our formative years, the unyielding leadership of Henry Norris and the exciting, trend setting years of Chapman. In these years we changed name three times, adopted white sleeves and shirt numbers, renamed our local tube station and moved to Highbury. These were the most important years in our club’s history, and surely it is and forever will be our history. The re-development of the Holloway area that Arsenal have been responsible for, the businesses that have thrived on the Holloway Road and the fact that we did our upmost to stay in Islington when we left Highbury suggests we have made ourselves hugely important to North London. No franchise can lay claim to such a deep rooted connection to the community as we can.

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  1. Ron

    Oct 06, 2016, 13:36 #93685

    C.G.O - Spot on and well said.

  2. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 06, 2016, 12:27 #93681

    BBA aka Jamerson Please state your age, What team do you support? First game attended at Highbury, sorry I mean the Emirates What do you think of Wengers signing of Berkhamp? Answers please.

  3. GS

    Oct 06, 2016, 11:00 #93677

    bba: another pointless post - do ever have anything interesting to add, or do you just state the obvious . bba - jamerson - leeky , all one and the same.

  4. bba

    Oct 06, 2016, 8:54 #93675

    "during the war" ....... move on fellas. embrace the times. look forward. the last dozen comments sound like a pensioners party.

  5. Peter Wain

    Oct 06, 2016, 8:32 #93674

    why should we be concerned about what the scum think. they are an insignificant club with two meagre championships won before colour tv who flatter to deceive on a regular basis.

  6. Charlie George Orwell

    Oct 06, 2016, 8:00 #93673

    Tony Evans: Agree absolutely with your comments about what's happened not just to the Arsenal, but with modern football at the top level. It's all turned into an obscene selfish charge to get one's snout in the trough of TV money where jettisoning any morals or decency is viewed as necessary to get you a decent spot. Those of us (mostly of a certain age I reckon) who don't lick up all this nauseating greedfest under the name of progress (or worse - the match day experience) have undergone a sad disconnect.

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 06, 2016, 7:42 #93672

    Daily Telegraph - good article about Theo Walcott. Worthwhile reading particularly for the one dimensional IQ challenged Leekey "Wenger must stay Walcott must leave tosh".

  8. GoonerRon

    Oct 05, 2016, 23:44 #93671

    @ mbg - can you explain how Wenger has got 'rid of all the history, traditions, other managers history and traditions'?

  9. Paul Ward

    Oct 05, 2016, 18:33 #93670

    Comparing our move to the Emirates to the West Ham situation, one gets the definite feeling of there but for the grace of God. Wow, have our East London neighbours been royally shafted. At least our stadium is a) ours and b) a football stadium, they are now tenants in a cathedral of nothingness, their future in the hands of two decidedly shifty looking individuals who will surely sell as soon as the time is right. Shame it didn't happen to Tottenham really.

  10. David

    Oct 05, 2016, 15:00 #93669

    So you say that modern fans don't need an affinity with the club's past, Henry Norris 1913? Interesting. Wasn't he Sir Henry Norris, may be rest in peace?

  11. Bard

    Oct 05, 2016, 14:48 #93668

    Arsenal have lost their way whether its a brand or a franchise. They need to reconnect with the proper fans. I read that Stan has given up his £3m a year freebie for 'services to the club' after a fuss from the Arsenal supporters club who raised issues about its legality. The reasons given for the move from the old ground have been shown to be palpably untrue. It was dash for cash and not an attempt to compete.

  12. mbg

    Oct 05, 2016, 14:27 #93667

    TOF knew only two well he'd never have got away with all this at Highbury, so the new stadium idea (that he built himself)along with all the lies and spin gave him the perfect chance/opportunity, the perfect chance and opportunity to get rid of all the history, traditions, other managers history and traditions that he loathed and was jealous off (and still is) etc, etc. He knew he'd be attracting 23,000 plus knew fans, knew age, new kind, new type (JCL's Yuppies, etc,)easily manipulated, (sheep)and at the same time getting rid of a lot of the old hands, diehards, most vocal, locals, not afraid to speak out/their mind type, and if not get rid completely then through time, and split up, so TOF set about his work thinking he was God, along with his arrogance and ego turning the club into an image of himself with his philosophies, pet projects, trying to copy other teams, trying to turn turds into a bars of gold etc, etc, etc, and failing miserably, while at the same time airbrushing and dismantling all our famed history, and has been allowed to do, do you think he'd have been allowed to do that and got away with it if we'd stayed at Highbury ?

  13. Tony Evans

    Oct 05, 2016, 13:54 #93666

    SKG - A great shame that the Boleyn Ground has gone the same way as Highbury. I have never stopped missing the old ground where all my Arsenal memories were made, and I am sure the older Westham fans will feel exactly the same, faced with their new situation. As you say they have certainly realised what the move was all about in double quick time.

  14. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 05, 2016, 13:10 #93665

    JJetplane, Tony Evans, talking to some West Ham fans re the "London Bowl" many of them hate the place already. What took many of us 8 odd years to grasp about what Arsenal's move was really about has taken Hammer fans 8 weeks! Then being from West Ham land myself we could always spot a con from a hundred miles away!

  15. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 05, 2016, 12:53 #93664

    An interesting point from another site. When Arsenal were 3 nil up on Chelsea there was no cry of "there's only one Arsene Wenger" suggests that though open dissent is still disapproved , there's no great love left. Effectively the crowd has gone neutral on Wenger, probably hoping he will go in 2017. No one reports Leekey screaming Wenger must stay either so one presumes he missed the game.

  16. Tony Evans

    Oct 05, 2016, 12:41 #93663

    SKG - It seems to be a common thread on here that most long term Arsenal fans (probably not just Arsenal fans either) have been completely turned off by the money grabbing and over hyped Sky driven Premier League. I know I have and my former devotion to Arsenal has been replaced by a lukewarm interest driven by habit more than anything else.

  17. jjetplane

    Oct 05, 2016, 12:21 #93662

    SKG I was watching Div 2 then conference but now at county league level at 3 quid a game I am enjoying the game as much as in the 60s when it was a shilling a go. Watching these lads now is an honour and the technical skill displayed makes it all very watchable. Arsenal FC have been subsumed and are now the epitome of the well run sporting franchise with players to match and a perfectly odious, smarmy accountant to front them. Watching Ozil go through the motions while Wally spins sums this sterile company/club up. It needs taking down and humbled which will happen soon enough. Listening to Wenger patronize Burnley for their efforts makes sickening viewing. The football is also slow, boring but apt for a large catering establishment such as the Emirates. Perhaps they should have a cooking channel on with each of the players making their own dishes to an Untold audience. Slow cook is the new Red. Wankers!

  18. Professor Yaffle

    Oct 05, 2016, 12:12 #93661

    Now then Mr Leek, what do you associate the following words and their meaning to you, please relax and take your time as I read them out. Felch, Squirt, Lick, Caravan, Answer: ??

  19. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 05, 2016, 10:58 #93660

    Arsenal are not a franchise but they are also not the club I first supported and fell in love with over 55 years ago. The Premier League hype & bullsh*t has driven me away to watch Div 1 & Div 2 football. However if the FA bandwagon starts to tumbledown down to the lower leagues I shall then watch non league or just not bother. I think the latest laughable episode with our former England manager just sums up the whole sorry picture of the Sky driven gravy train.

  20. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 05, 2016, 9:54 #93659

    It's not just the clubs that are Franchises. Now it's all about the brand, be it EFL, SPL, NFL, WWF, SPFL, EPL, T20, F1, ODI, MI5, CIA, KGB, uncle tom cobley and all. Branding is the bas**rd son of globalisation, a plague on all our houses.

  21. mbg

    Oct 04, 2016, 21:51 #93655

    Mark, it's what he gets paid to do, it's certainly not for playing football, he has one decent game every now and then (and mostly against relegation fodder) and he's wheeled out by TOF's spin department and he's off and running talking shyte he's been talking it that long now he actually believes it himself, if there was a premiership trophy for talking a good game him and that other fraud would win it every season.

  22. jeff wright

    Oct 04, 2016, 19:13 #93653

    The move from Highbury to a multi-million named sponsored stadium was all about making money, for shareholders ,such as Diamond Danny .It was dressed up however as being to make money to buy top players with, so as Wengo( yawn) would be able to compete for the Prem title and European Cup .You couldn't make it up.The only mention of FA Cups back then was, according to the old Etonian banker - the chain-smoking Port swilling oaf Hill-Wood - that the FA Cup was not worth the trouble of winning! With a top 4 place in the league being more important - because hey it earned more money! Cat out the bag and all that, but by then the brain washing of the Emirates Experience theatre goers had impacted on events. Eventually though, after donkeys years of failure to win any top trophies, even these morons became restless and Wengo was forced to take the FA Cup more seriously. The old fraud celebrated winning the FA Cup - rather fortuitously against mighty Brucie managed Hull - as though it were the European one that he had claimed was his main target! There was even VICTORY PARADES after both wins - whereas back in 2005 after beating Manchester United in a FA final having a parade to celebrate was considered to be below Arsene who had won the Prem the season before with The Invincibles . For donkeys years after it was still claimed that the FA Cup was not worth bothering with. At least the FA Cup celebs were for a real trophy and not like those cringeworthy embarrassing ones at Newcastle after the clown had 'won' a 4th place trophy. So basically it's all about making money at AFC these days. That's what happens when you have shareholders owning clubs. Because they invest money in them to make money - for themselves.For us to win top trophies we need a manager who can bring something to the table other than idealism run on a shoe-string . We need someone who can turn water into wine. The last person to do that was JC ( no not that lefty nob head!) the one who walked on water .Wengo drinks water rather than wine - which is just as well - because he is no miracle man.

  23. Paul Ward

    Oct 04, 2016, 18:22 #93651

    Not sure we're any more of a franchise than the other big clubs to be honest, especially as many of them follow our lead and either relocate or rebuild existing stadiums, the discord at West Ham being the obvious indicator. The bottom line is that modern football is one great big money making operation , if it could dispense with fans altogether I'm sure it would, without us though the game is ****e, who wants to watch a game on TV in an empty stadium ? Besides, the over paid prima donnas on the pitch require our adulation to massage huge egos .

  24. jjetplane

    Oct 04, 2016, 18:21 #93650

    It has also given us Untold who are off their heads with clinical delusion. Their leader is now saying it was he who supplied the statues while Wengo built the stadium and I reckon they are handsomely paid as part of Asano's global marketing strategy and as the posters are all hailing from abroad it is all quite evident of the corruption the club has become. MGB you are very correct and it is obvious that what has happened to Arsenal is nothing short of a plan consisting of spite and greed which certainly puts this club at the vanguard of the oh so sterile PL.

  25. GS

    Oct 04, 2016, 17:27 #93649

    mbg: too right- The current set-up at Arsenal may not be a Franchise, but a business nevertheless. Did the move come about to win trophies , maybe in the future??. For now, the move has given us - In no particular order : 1. An untouchable manager 2. Sky high ticket prices 3. Minimal match day atmosphere 4. Fans treated with contempt 5. Broken the spirit of most Arsenal fans 6. Overzealous stewards 7. Overpriced food 8. Fans treated as Customers 9. Empty promises 10. Change of Badge 11. 2 FA cup wins 12. Add your own thoughts .......... The could have moved and kept the fans at the heart of everything they do, rather than chase the ££££$$$$ .

  26. mbg

    Oct 04, 2016, 16:36 #93648

    We carry absolutely Nothing of the identity of our old club anymore only the name, (and that would surprise no one if it were to go, and it would be allowed to, to without a fooking squeak) it's all been slowly erased over the years by an old arrogant egoistic French man who hated it and was and is jealous of it, and who now thinks HE owns the club and has tried to mould it into his own failed ways and image aided and abetted by those who think the same, and that he's God and has a right to, and also by those who should know better who have helped air brush all his failures humiliations and embarrassments out of history along with all the traditions built up before TOF landed on these shores. Norris, Mee, Chapman are turning in their graves. wenger out.

  27. Ron

    Oct 04, 2016, 14:33 #93646

    We are called a franchise by thick opposing fans because of the owners nationality only. Having said this, we are now just a 'brand'. A great big wide line was drawn by the Club at full time v Wigan back in 06 hiving off the Clubs history. From that date a Pol Pot type 'year 0' commenced and since then nobody with a feel for Arsenal as an english football Club has been very enamoured by what has followed.

  28. GS

    Oct 04, 2016, 14:13 #93645

    WABATTD : Your right, load of 3rd party upstarts SK, IG, AW have taken over the good name of Arsenal and are raking it in, while delivering inferior fare to the masses.

  29. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 04, 2016, 14:06 #93643

    I believe the real meaning of a franchise is a licence to operate commercially using a third party's name and product. ie McDonald's, Burger King. But oh, the Spuds and their hilarious "woolwich nomads" schtick. They should be on stage.

  30. Eric Clapton

    Oct 04, 2016, 12:51 #93642

    Derek Domino - your life must be ****ter, after all you don't have to read it

  31. woolwich

    Oct 04, 2016, 12:47 #93641

    stupid deluded gooner

  32. GS

    Oct 04, 2016, 12:47 #93640

    Nice to hear that Ivan G has pocketed £1m bonus ( for doing sweet FA) . Absolute shambles the lot of them, SK due his consultancy fee soon too .....Franchise, too bloody right.

  33. goon

    Oct 04, 2016, 12:08 #93639

    stupid gooner

  34. Mark

    Oct 04, 2016, 12:05 #93638

    for pete's sake why cant Theo stop talking to the press ! im with roy keane on this one; the guy owes Arsenal big time so shut up and get on with it please

  35. Masterstroke

    Oct 04, 2016, 12:02 #93637

    What would Spurs attitude had been had they successfully won the bid to move to The Olympic Stadium funded by Haringey council to the tune of £27 million?

  36. Derek Domino

    Oct 04, 2016, 11:45 #93635

    Get a life.