Arsenal – an expensive habit

Non football events can change priorities and perspective

Arsenal – an expensive habit

Hampton & Richmond – Watch standing with beer in hand

Between January 2015 and March 2016 I attended 18 away games with Arsenal. 15 domestic games and three in Europe against Bayern Munich, Olympiacos and Barcelona. I don't earn a massive amount of money so spending money traveling over the country and Europe takes its toll on my finances. Blinded by passion I do it anyway.

The morning I got back from Barcelona my girlfriend was taken into hospital and the next day she was diagnosed with leukaemia. The following day I was due to go to Everton away but obviously didn't go. When you get news like that suddenly you realise what is really important in life.

She is the most tolerant person I know. Since we have been together I have been to Brussels, Munich, Athens, Barcelona and Paris twice without her. All football trips. We have been to Paris together once for her birthday and that's it.

She has responded very well to her treatment and hopefully by the start of December she will have finished treatment and can start to plan a normal life again. We are planning a trip of a lifetime next summer to Las Vegas. We have started saving money but still have a while to go. It's becoming blatantly obvious to me that to save up enough I'm going to have to give up Arsenal for the time being.

I will still go to some of the cheaper games but the amount of money I spend yearly is unbelievable when you add it all up. Factor in Oyster card, programme, beer money and food and it's even more. My biggest problem is that I can't not go to football. I don't want to be one of those guys who sits in front of Sky Sports News to get their football fix. I go and watch the Arsenal youth teams a fair bit, which I enjoy. It's free entry and the games are often very entertaining. However the crowds are small and mainly made up of players’ families, scouts and a few enthusiasts like myself. I don't want this to be my only source of live football.

I have started going to a lot of non league games around London and I love it. Hampton and Richmond are close to me and a club I now consider my "second team". I have visited other clubs and have started to become a bit of a ground hopper. Corinthian Casuals, Clapton FC and Carshalton Athletic are other clubs who have impressed me on my travels.

Cheap tickets, beer while you stand and a severe lack of selfie sticks makes non league a very enjoyable experience. It was on my fifth visit to Hampton and Richmond's Beveree Stadium where something strange happened. They won 4-1 and I cheered every goal. Previously I would clap and shout out ‘C’MON Hampton’ occasionally but this was different. It actually made me quite worried. I somehow thought I was cheating on Arsenal. However the more I thought about it the less bothered I became. I know that Arsenal are my team and always will be. Being happy about a non league team should not make you feel ashamed. Many people are now fed up with Premier League football and are getting their fix in the non league.

Arsenal has been in my family for many decades and rest assured that will continue, but for the foreseeable future I will not be spending huge sums of money on the club. To be honest I will miss Arsenal but I doubt Arsenal will miss me. My first ever game was at Highbury in 1994. I was 7 years old. I have dedicated enough time to them and I don't feel less of a fan if I attend less games. Football has always been a massive part of my life but some things really are more important.

After the year my girlfriend has had battling and beating cancer she deserves this trip and now my focus is on getting to Las Vegas with her.

It's supposed to be a lot nicer than Middlesbrough.

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  1. Milky

    Oct 11, 2016, 13:13 #93773

    Conor I wish your girlfriend a speedy recovery and under your supervision I am sure she will be fine. Do the helicopter trip to the Grand Canyon when in Vegas, it is spectacular. I have a season ticket and have had for a long time now but when I can I now take my son, aged 5, to see our nearest league team which is Stevenage at the Lamex Stadium in EFL 2.Twenty two minutes door to door by car, a family stand that is only 8 rows deep so you actually feel you are connected to the game when in the top row. We both jump up when we score and I now say 'we' when talking to anyone about Stevenage. We have even managed an away game without having to amass anything other than a few quid to get in. My objective has always been to get my boy used to going to football so the step up to Ashburton Grove is not a big one when an opportunity arises, but despite some poor results at the Lamex this season, I do wonder if my son will prefer the overall experience at the Arsenal. I guess time alone will tell.......

  2. mbg

    Oct 07, 2016, 20:34 #93732

    CGO, i'd imagine Ivan knows that too, after the way TOF's got rid of traditions and tried to airbrush history, and thinking the club is his and to mould it into such, with his outdated ways and philosophies. Don't know if it's a veiled warning or testing of the water or not myself either, but can't see it been said without Stan's permission, so lets hope it's a shot being (and it's one hell of a shot)fired across wengers bough, as their as fed up with him as the rest of us, as Mark from Aylesbury asked has Gazidis grown a pair, and as I've said and asked myself over the page well done Ivan do you know something we don't.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 07, 2016, 14:04 #93716

    CGO and MfromA - Good to see some literary discussion on here now and then. I'm a huge fan of Le Carre's "oeuvre". I'd suggest that almost everyone in T,T,S,S was a miserable git - Alleline, Esterhase, Bland, Smiley, Connie, Gwillam and Tarr. Something to do with the work they were doing and the time in which the story was set I reckon. Ironically, the only remotely jolly person was Haydon, the traitor. At least he was until he was topped by his former boyfriend Jim Prideaux while he was waiting for his Moscow transfer. Wenger out - Le Carre in!

  4. Charlie George Orwell

    Oct 07, 2016, 12:44 #93711

    Mark from A:can I be Smiley? 'Er indoors keeps saying I'm a miserable git...

  5. Bonzo

    Oct 07, 2016, 11:45 #93710

    Superfan and self-styled billionaire Jamerson has hired out a corporate box for the next 3 seasons. Lucky invitee's include BBA, Leek, Old Man Colesey, Amos, Pete or John or Fred whatever his name is and the Rev. Brian. Interestingly all of the above members are cross dressers who meet up on the Third Wednesday of each month to play the soggy biscuit game. Jamerson, I salute your generosity!

  6. aero192

    Oct 07, 2016, 11:27 #93709

    Yes, great article, best wishes to you and your girl friend. I've been watching AFC since 1975, had a season ticket at Highbury then a season ticket for the first 3 years of the Emirates, gave it up due to massive expense and fell back on to my silver membership card so I now pick and choose the games I want to go to, a ration if you will to feed a similar addiction. I never, ever pay the £64-90+ for the Cat "A" games as it makes me sick, they change the ko times at will and they're always on TV. The "community club to corporate cash cow" scenario is plain and clear and for those of us who remember the old days it's heart breaking.

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 07, 2016, 8:58 #93708

    Charlie George Orwell- don't actually disagree with anything you say, what Gazidis said though is for a reason , it's the reason why though isn't it! That's the mystery, the Arsene is not Arsenal is a Wobbite phrase, he will know that so it might be pointing to continuity post departure. This is a bit like the "China Section" of tinker tailor... Trying to ascertain change in the Comitern.

  8. Charlie George Orwell

    Oct 07, 2016, 8:06 #93707

    Conor: The very best of luck to you both. I sincerely hope your girlfriend makes a full, lasting recovery and you have a wonderful life together. Have a blast in Vegas and ignore comments from those who don’t appreciate that it is obviously a mutual decision for you both to go to a destination where you both want to go.

  9. Charlie George Orwell

    Oct 07, 2016, 7:52 #93706

    More waffle and substance without form from Mr Spin. 1: ‘ What Arsène has done is to capture and understand and embrace the values of the club and enhance them’. Sorry, but I don’t think Wenger has a Scooby about the historical values of the Arsenal – although I do think he understands his £1,000 an hour salary and contempt for anyone who has the temerity to disagree with him. 2: ‘From a value standpoint, we’ve been doing work in our local community for 30 years’. What on earth does that mean? Is he saying that before 30 years ago (only prior to 1986, of course) Arsenal had no ‘value’ to the local community? 3. And when it comes to work, Mr G: What exactly do YOU do? Not sure if his 'statement' is a veiled warning or not - particularly when for all intents and purposes Wenger is Gadizis' boss. If this was said without Wenger's blessing, that's encouraging, but what if it's merely a testing of the water? Are the board (and Wenger) looking to see what will be the reaction to such an announcement? If it's lukewarm, then negotiations for a dignified end of tenure can begin - but if there's panic in the streets and Wengerites storm the Bastille, then talks for even more cash being up for grabs will start. And continued non-competing for major honours, of course.

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 07, 2016, 7:36 #93705

    If anyone is familiar with the cartoonist David Squires he has an excellent 20 years of Arsene Wenger strip in today's online Guardian. Well worth a chuckle.

  11. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 07, 2016, 6:36 #93704

    Is Gazidis growing some balls? Quote below "“Arsenal is not Arsène Wenger. They’re not one in the same thing. What Arsène has done is to capture and understand and embrace the values of the club and enhance them. In a football sense, he has transformed the club. But I think from a value standpoint, we’ve been doing work in our local community for 30 years, before Arsène Wenger came to the club.” That's pretty telling, a warning shot I'd say.

  12. mbg

    Oct 07, 2016, 0:10 #93703

    Mad Monk, yes mate and all because the manager is wenger, their messiah, pathetic. wenger out.

  13. mbg

    Oct 06, 2016, 23:43 #93702

    bba, ah yes the proper fan, the one who drops to his knee every time wenger walks past, or hears his name, or those that scream shussss when he comes on the TV and hang on every word, and the biggest fan of the lot (the one he has the most respect for)the fan who never leaves his seat out of sight of the pitch in one of the fancy restaurants in the ground on match day and never puts his gold card away even though he's paid for every game. wenger out now.

  14. Mad Monk

    Oct 06, 2016, 21:17 #93701

    Just had a great laugh reading Tatty the Great and Walter Mitty over on Untold. They have both gone to great lengths to rubbish GG and any Gooner ( they really haven't a clue what that word means ) who would want that type of football ethics reciprocated, I mean hard graft putting in a real shift and having a real attachment with the club are the sort of values I appreciate not lazy sods like Ozil ! They can really put a spin on everything with their pathetic evidence based research if you never have had the pleasure please read some of their tripe.

  15. mbg

    Oct 06, 2016, 20:37 #93700

    You just have to read all the responses above to realise just how TOF has turned so many away from their beloved Arsenal (and no doubt thousands more)with his lies and spin and out of date philosophies. And on top of all that all the/this greed, because make no mistake about it wenger and the rest of his fraud department are up to their necks in it too, they have their snouts stuck in the trough also, TOF to the tune of £8,000,000 a season and that's only for starters, what we know about anyway, i'd say it's a lot more than that, look at fat sam, and supposedly eight more managers including a lot of them prem ones, look at FIFA and Blatter, Plattini, Blatters successor who wants to increase the amount of WC teams, why ? as if we didn't know, there was a photo in the Sun today of Wembley along with the headline house of corruption, yes it's wide spread alright the right noises will be made this time again regarding fat sam but that's it, their all in it alright money money money the whole fooking lot of them Arsenal included, right down to OGL and his wally's, and carthorses they've all got their snouts in the trough. wenger out.

  16. leek fc

    Oct 06, 2016, 19:57 #93699

    Funniest thing I have read for a while. You cannot be bothered with The Arsenal anymore and then you mention Las Vegas. you will get treated like royalty and then get robbed blind in Vegas.... sound similar....that won't happen in Middlesbrough

  17. mbg

    Oct 06, 2016, 19:32 #93698

    jj, yes no doubt wally will be rewarded for that alright, but more so for the way he waffled after it and is still at it, what a knob. wenger out.

  18. radfordkennedy

    Oct 06, 2016, 18:43 #93697

    Good luck to you both Conor and enjoy Vegas mate i hope red 27 comes in for you....Ive watched Caen and Vitesse play on a few occasions and i was amazed just how much i enjoyed watching a game without emotional ties....Incidently ive been working over in Holland for a while,a largely unremarkable country,but the best noodle restaurants in the world,if you're into Singapore/Malay food you'll love Holland.

  19. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 06, 2016, 18:40 #93696

    Great article. Only the dimmest of posters won't be able to comprehend the wish for a cheaper, more fun alternative.

  20. Alan

    Oct 06, 2016, 18:07 #93695

    Great insight mate. Proud of you and what you've done this past year.

  21. GS

    Oct 06, 2016, 17:52 #93694

    bba; Go away you troll.........

  22. Alsace

    Oct 06, 2016, 17:38 #93693

    Good and informative piece. Very best wishes to your significant other. Many people are finding that there is life after Arsenal. We won't get our club back until the TV money is sucked out of the game. I do hope that they will all be very happy with their money and that our club comes out the other end intact, when the money and the leeches that suck it up, have been flushed away.

  23. John F

    Oct 06, 2016, 17:12 #93692

    Good article Conor,A lot of prem supporters are filtering down to the lower leagues.I know AFc Wimbledon have a lot of supporters from other clubs following them now due to the cost of following their own team.It is less stressful watching teams you have no passion for and can be enjoyable but for me it is just not the same.jjetplane post sums it up really the greed in the game is driving people away and with clubs fleecing punters empty seats will soon become the norm at games and the bubble will burst.Good luck to your girlfriend and if you are going to follow non league football you need to come over from the dark side and follow Kingstonians your local rivals.Come on you k's.

  24. bba

    Oct 06, 2016, 17:08 #93691

    Yet another one out of the way so the proper fan can attend. Supporting two clubs is like having an affair with your wife or lying to yourself. Simply put, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

  25. jjetplane

    Oct 06, 2016, 16:50 #93690

    Great news that Sanchez and Ozil now want 250 thou a week to compensate for weak pound. Hopes that means Theo will be rewarded for his errr champion winning type performances of late. Iwobi to get 50 thou and he should be on performance the best paid at the club. That would put Ozil on a 10 thou a week. I just want to know who told Stan 'no pocket money' for you. Bet he will probably get more in a 'you ain't seen me right?' car park move. Good old Kentucky Fried Arsenal. Would not hurt to have the logo/badge up in neon outside the Emirates Emporium in a McDon stylee ... Drive by soccer (with fries - skins of course ...) anyone?

  26. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 06, 2016, 15:53 #93689

    Conor - You're doing exactly the right thing and concentrating on what matters. All the very best to you and your other half. I've had dalliances with other clubs - I was (and still am) a huge follower of a club that I watched play almost everywhere in Argentina when I lived there. But living in the far reaches of west Wales, now my kicks now come from watching and managing Arseneknewbest junior's under 12s team. And before anyone asks, I have a much worse win-loss record than the chihuahua, mitigated to a large extent by the lack of an £8 million fee! And if results don't improve, and the kids get cheesed off, I'll resign of course unlike wengo. I always enjoy hearing from Jjet about Eastbourne so keep us up to date with your trips to the wonderfully named Beveree stadium. And good luck in LV mate.

  27. jjetplane

    Oct 06, 2016, 14:51 #93688

    Lovely article mate and glad things are going OK. Having never been to the Emirates but watched Arsenal with some interruptions between the 60s and 2000s I have been watching and sometimes supporting a diversity of teams from college basketball to county football. Completely now behind my local team Eastbourne Utd and as an instance the other week we were in the FA Vase against a team three leagues above us. We beat them with some truly heroic defending as we were down to ten men for an hour. Funny how I look at teams in say the conference who are like the Man Utds and Chelskis of county Sussex. Arsenal has become no more than an amusement now and I have no problems telling people I USED to support a club called The Arsenal and it's great as I can appreciate so much more which was how it is when you are a kid. Am as indifferent to the Emirates experiment as I am of the Totts or Liverpool. In the case of those two latter I find them more interesting and that is primarily because Wenger is an excuse and an embarrasment and he has made the club a soft unidentifiable option in the current PL market. Just another club. Loving the real game and good luck Conor and I get your buzz when you find another club you begin to care about. Has to be better than this current Arsenal.

  28. mbg

    Oct 06, 2016, 14:36 #93687

    Glad to hear your girlfriend is responding well Conor, and hopes she makes a full recovery, fair play to you that you still have the passion for it (one can only wonder how)as this old fraud of a manager has drained and killed that for a lot of fans over and for years now, but don't worry you'll not miss it one little bit when you give it up, you might think you will but you won't, and indeed might never come back, not with the same passion anyway, and do you think wenger and Arsenal will miss you ? when your looking after your good lady ? will they fook.

  29. Torquay Gooner

    Oct 06, 2016, 14:24 #93686

    Hope it continues to go well for your girlfriend Conor. I have not been to watch Arsenal for two years now and part of that is to do with finances, but a large part of that is also apathy with the current regime. I thought that I would miss it more, but I don't. Glad you enjoy the non-league games, unfortunately though, they don't provide the necessary spark for me.

  30. JMascis666

    Oct 06, 2016, 13:13 #93684

    Come and watch Wingate & Finchley in the Ryman Premier , N12 0PD. Just catch the 263 from outside the Nags Head Shopping Centre on Holloway Road.

  31. Mathew

    Oct 06, 2016, 13:04 #93683

    All the best wishes to you and your girlfriend Conor, she will recover soon with all our prayers and well wishes. The footballing part is reality of todays world where everything is marketed and profited, sentiments and passion has taken a step back, sadly. Cheer up, life is much more than all these.

  32. shu

    Oct 06, 2016, 12:38 #93682

    All the best to the both of you Conor , top man. Glad you are enjoying the non league games.

  33. West Cork Frank

    Oct 06, 2016, 12:16 #93680

    I enjoyed your article article Conor, it was gently written and i wish your girlfriend and you all the very best. I have been thinking of posting for a couple of weeks since i went to the Southampton game. It was the first match i'd been to since i, years after i knew i should have done, gave up my season-ticket for the 2015/16 season.Suddenly it became clear to me just how little my club now resembles the one that i love. Ashburton Grove has never felt like home and i fear that it ever will. Whether this would have been different if we had been successful since we moved i doubt very much. A team of players who tried their hardest and did what they are paid to do might have helped. Not being mugged-off and lied to by our weak and incompetent manager and "owners" would certainly have made the transition better.Sure we can't turn the clock back but it will just be away games for the time being. I think we all know deep down that Wenger will get a new contract, afterall money is the most important thing to OUR club now. Red Army !

  34. Arron

    Oct 06, 2016, 11:23 #93679

    Great read, 100% aligned with you and felt the same when starting to watch Lewes in Ryman South.

  35. GS

    Oct 06, 2016, 11:10 #93678

    Conor : best of luck to you and your girlfriend , hope all goes well. As for arsenal, they can take or leave us, as they have thousands waiting to replace us, in football passion is a one way street , with clever marketeers selling us dreams, with the less well off funding the rich and privileged, we all jump to their tune and pay for the privilege . Best of luck & viva Las Vegas .

  36. maiso john kennedy

    Oct 06, 2016, 10:14 #93676

    Wow what a good mind of reasoning that is amid sport addiction that goes on these days where sports have become a god of some sort but one that robs of many hours and financial resources that would otherwise have benefited ones family. Passion is good when it doesn't leave your pockets with holes.