10 things that haven’t happened at Arsenal so far this season

Well what do you know? A list article of our own!

10 things that haven’t happened at Arsenal so far this season

Bellerin: Beware the Red Zone?

Football journalism is a funny old thing. It’s wonderfully easy these days for people to set up their own blogs and broadcast their opinions to the world. This creates some true gems, but it also creates a lot of click-baiting and crap writing. One of the most annoying features of rubbish football writing is the fashion for: ‘5 things Arsenal can do to win the league’, or ’10 things we learnt from the game on Saturday’. Such things are a sure sign of lazy journalism and have remarkably infiltrated the mainstream newspapers. Of course you would never find such tosh in The Gooner. So here’s ten things that haven’t happened this season:

1. Granit Xhaka has not been sent off
This will happen.

2. Arsene Wenger has not seriously rotated the team
This worries me. The performance against Burnley was flat and, refereeing errors aside, that flatness really should have cost us two points. It was the performance of a team that had played three tough matches in 8 days. The effects of a failure to rotate will increase as the season proceeds. Wenger attempted a bit of rotation and it very nearly backfired against Southampton (selecting Perez instead of Sanchez at CF) After a poor start, perhaps Wenger has been reluctant to sacrifice current performance for future gain?

3. Arsenal haven’t learnt how to prepare for a football season
Not so many years ago, we tended to fly out of the blocks at the start of the season. A 6-1 opening-day win at Everton in 2009 sticks in my mind, but times have changed. Wenger used to take his players on idyllic pre-season tours of the Austrian hills, away from the media glare, and this appeared to set them up well. He was reluctant to accept that these tours should be sacrificed at the altar of the commercial global pre-season tour, and it seems he was right to object. Ever since he conceded defeat, our preparations for the start of the season have suffered. Our last tour of Austria was in 2010, and we have won only one opening day fixture in the following six seasons, including gut-wrenching home defeats in three of the last four.

Wenger’s admission that ‘We are not ready physically’ after the Liverpool game was startling (although the evidence of our eyes suggested that he was right). Some fans found this unforgivable from a professional sports club, although we should point out that Wenger was really making a point about the proximity of the game to the end of Euro 16. Our lack of preparation contrasted with Man City, who really hit the ground running. However, City were forced to take this approach as they had to play a Champions League qualifier in the first weeks of the season. This is a match with enormous financial consequences, that no club can afford to be underprepared for, so City had to get their players ready earlier, whereas Wenger seemed keen to ensure that his international players got a proper break from football. I wonder whether these different approaches will have an effect later in the season. Is it possible that Man City will fade sooner than Arsenal, who effectively started the season later?

4. Giroud hasn’t started a match
This has been a genuine surprise to most. The Alexis as No 9 experiment seems to be a success, and he has displaced Giroud as first choice, for the time being at least. Giroud is not a man to whinge to the media, so we are not really sure what is going on. There are suspicions in some circles that his ‘toe injury’ is more diplomatic than real.

This emergence of Alexis, rather supports the theory that Wenger has been looking to replace Giroud since the day he bought him as back up to RVP. Failed attempts to sign Saurez were followed, last season, by an attempt to convert Theo, and later in the season to drop Giroud for Welbeck. Alexis is the latest in a long line of alternatives to Giroud. So far, he looks the pick of the bunch.

Sanchez clearly lacks the physical presence of Giroud in leading the line, but excels in the role of ‘lead presser’. Modern centre forwards must act as the ‘playmaker’ when it comes to pressing opposition defenders in possession. Sanchez is blessed with speed, agility and aggression, and he is light years ahead of Giroud as the advanced co-ordinator of pressing moves. Centre Halves up and down the land will have noted the error that Sanchez harried Cahill into for the opening goal against Chelsea. As a result, they will all be more cautious in possession and this will make it harder for their teams to retain possession and to build moves from the back

5. Mustafi hasn’t had a bad game
I am really over-excited about this. Like all true Arsenal fans, I adore a good centre half. It is way too early to judge, but there are real signs here that Mustafi is going to be a good player and that he can form a partnership with Koscielny. If so, wow. Really good centre-half partnerships are like gold dust. We see a genuinely good new one at Arsenal twice in a decade, if we’re lucky. This may not be the most glamorous or headline-catching development of the season, but it could end up being the most important.

6. Bellerin hasn’t had a rest
I am worried about this guy. He is still young, and the pace that he runs at puts a lot of strain on his body. If he picks up a serious injury, we will miss him, not only because he is a fabulous player, but because his potential replacements are of a considerably lower quality (Maitland-Niles, Debuchy, Jenkinson, Holding?, [Mustafi?]). Wenger finds it (understandably) hard to tinker with a winning team, but this can result in overplaying and injuries. Wilshere is the most obvious potential victim of this problem, but others have suffered too, and young players who are too keen for their own good, are particularly vulnerable.

Other players that are overdue a rest are Ozil, Sanchez and Cazorla (who will not join Spain in the interlull and will therefore get a rest). Does Wenger have the courage to rotate Ozil and Sanchez? If he does not, what are the consequences in terms of performances and injuries?

7. Mike Dean hasn’t refereed us
This is a bit of a relief to everyone (possibly including Mike Dean). I am not one for conspiracy theories, so I have to accept that by some enormous co-incidence, this guy repeatedly has off-days when refereeing Arsenal and that co-incidentally his mistakes all happen to work against Arsenal.

8. Our captain hasn’t played for us yet
The position of the Arsenal captain is becoming somewhat akin to the cursed ‘Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher’ in the Harry Potter books. For donkey’s years (excuse pun), Tony Adams was our captain, and we became used to a captain being a spiritual leader, as well as a leading performer on the pitch. The next four captains (Vieira, Gallas, Fabregas, RVP) appear to have been given the honour as a kind of wage substitute, in an attempt to keep them at the club (all four left). Under Vieira and Henry, we continued to thrive, but Gallas, Fabregas and RVP were progressively more and more disappointing. Wenger seems to have over-reacted to this problem by appointing captains that he knows will not be coveted by other clubs because they can’t get in the Arsenal team.

The new era kicked-off with Vermaelen, but Wenger’s policy backfired. In their general voracity to acquire as many Arsenal players as possible, Barcelona failed to notice that Thomas couldn’t get into the Arsenal team and bought him anyway, making him the third Captain to leave for Barcelona in 8 years. This was getting a bit silly, so Wenger hit upon a new idea. He was fairly confident that Barcelona wouldn’t try to buy Arteta because they had already got rid of him once, so Arteta became captain. He hardly played at all last season, and was probably the worst performer in the entire squad (Debuchy gave him a run for his money). Wenger’s next idea was to appoint a club captain who, not only won’t play regularly, but will not play at all. The BFG will miss at least half the season with a knee injury and will then have to get past 4 very able competitors for his position (Koscielny, Mustafi, Gabriel and Holding). If Arsene offered me the captaincy (admittedly an improbable event), I know which direction I would run in.

9. Theo Walcott’s form hasn’t deserted him
Many of us had written Theo off after last season. In fact, he was a revelation in the early months of 2015/16, looking like he had finally cracked the ‘striker’s code’. He completely failed to maintain his level as the season wore on and couldn’t even keep his place in the team. This season, he has started on fire again, and once more looks like a ‘new player’ with improved battling, goals and positional qualities. If he can keep it up this time our squad will be much the stronger.

10. St Totteringham hasn’t come (or even booked his ticket)
Look, I’m really sorry about this, but the fact is that Tottenham are really good at football, in a way that they haven’t been in my living memory. I would not be that surprised if Spurs and Arsenal finished first and second this season, for the first time ever. If so, St Totteringham’s 22nd consecutive arrival would have more meaning that all those that went before it. There is still some hope that their squad will struggle with the rigours of the Champions League, but even so, I expect them to do well. Whisper it, but last season the team who had the longest unbeaten run at the start of the season was… Leicester. On a happy note, that run came to an end when we smashed them 5-2 away (Theo was excellent), after which no-one took them seriously for a couple of months…

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  1. Jamerson junior

    Oct 13, 2016, 6:58 #93795

    Shut up dad. You're stupid and embarassing. I'll never talk to you again.

  2. mbg

    Oct 12, 2016, 16:03 #93788

    Was TOF's Arsenal and England saviour playing last night ? Another bunch of little nice boy dwarfs could be right out of wengers stable, bullied and harassed all night. wenger out.

  3. Bonzo

    Oct 12, 2016, 10:43 #93781

    Arseneknewbest- the caravan was rocking........ By jingo I think you have a hit! "The mobile home was rocking all night long; BBA was dancing with his great strap-on; Leekey was blowing on Jamee's pink trombone; 'And Brian filmed it on his mobile phone; Rocking Robin , cheep , cheep,cheep, rocking robin, cheep, cheep, cheep, We're really going to rock that caravan tonight! Let's go mama lets go!

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 12, 2016, 9:23 #93780

    M from A - there are three reasons why jamee will not be replying to your latest post: 1, he knows "nada" about Arsenal and is only a wenger acolyte - he thinks the term "George Graham" is a sugary American breakfast cereal upon which he and his chum leekie must liberally deposit their, erm, dna 2, he's completely fick and 3, a fresh consignment of golden grahams have arrived chez lui this morning so the caravan'll be rockin again 'til the end of the weekend. No wonder his kids find him distasteful...

  5. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 12, 2016, 7:11 #93779

    Jamee- if you know the answer to everything please tell me why.... Georges Title winning rate was approx 25% I believe 2 in 8 Arsenals as a club from 45-75 a period of very mixed fortunes is still 1 in 10. Considering Arsenal were seen to be a fading force from the mid 50's until late 1960's I'm afraid Wengers 3 in 20 doesn't cut it . Why then do you and your little Spaniel Leekey still think he's the best?

  6. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 12, 2016, 5:41 #93778

    "your whole life built around vanity" - it is true Jameee that each morning I look myself in the mirror and tell myself that I am a handsome chap!

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 11, 2016, 18:19 #93777

    GS - if you follow the ramblings of Jamerson you'll notice patterns emerging. I suspect it's based around medication. If Jamerson takes Lithium or some other based Phyc drug. He tend to ramble about Wenger, WOB's usual stuff and very, very occasionally makes the odd remark which can be a debating point. Coming off the meds we get the Messianic God complex, racism and general lunacy. He's a bit more than a troll. I'd argue a medicated individual who goes through a pattern of behaviour.

  8. mbg

    Oct 11, 2016, 16:48 #93776

    Mad Monk, and that's exactly why these David Ickes try and tell us this and things like that, they really hate anything and everything Arsenal before their messiah weng appeared, expect the end of the world announced for the day after he leaves. wenger out.

  9. GS

    Oct 11, 2016, 15:51 #93775

    Jamerson, in case you missed it the first time (you may have been sedated ) , here it is again : ..........Would be good to keep the posts to football related matters. Jamerson and his like , the fact that you quote biblical verse etc, shows that you know sweet FA about the matters in hand, and just want to post for the sake of it...Come back when you have something interesting (football related) to add, as that is unlikely....Thank you & goodbye, go and troll somewhere else.

  10. jjetplane

    Oct 11, 2016, 14:44 #93774

    Ha ha Timbo (Lord Charlesworth) is also on Untold writing the old 'careful what you wish for' in defense of Lord Wengo of Montana and spends an incredible amount of time slagging off Corbyn. Also mentions numerously he is a true blue tory - who would have thought that with a name like Charlesworth ..... laughable and the book promo is all you need to read. No wonder this club is dead in the water.

  11. Ron

    Oct 11, 2016, 12:18 #93772

    I only have to see the yawn provoking words 'needing a rest' and 'Walcott' in the same article and it makes me so glad ive switched off from Prem lge football and in the main,from the Arsenal. Have to say, i dont miss either.

  12. jeff wright

    Oct 11, 2016, 11:29 #93771

    It's not just Wally who is not looking a "super-super player " in the yawn inducing WC qualifiers - some of our so called 'stars' can't even get a game.Keystone Kos was providing some comedy moments again last night though with 'les bleus' who were leading 1-0 away to the worst Dutch side I have ever seen. However Keystone managed to clumsily put the French lead in jeopardy by writhing around in their goal area on the ground and using his arm to knock away the ball. He got away with it though ,which where he is concerned, is often the case. Anyway, old Arsene( who is not Arsenal says Ivan ) loves Kos and fondly no doubt recalls how he used signing him in a protracted saga to indulge in some extra-curricular activities in Paris with a younger women .Old Wengo wouldn't get away with that now though. Ivan ,the Arsene basher ,looks under orders to try and break up this Wengo - AKB nonsensical one sided love affair - well one sided on Wengo's part because he only loves two things- himself and money. Ivan , Hank ,Chuck, Josh and the rest of the yankee-doodle posse know ,even with their limited football know how, that Wengo is a busted flush ,last seasons failure to win the Prem when it was laid on a plate for him left the old fraudster exposed. Even the suits at AFC can see he is indeed, as many have said for donkeys years , le emperor with no clothes.Have a nice day ya all.

  13. Bonzo

    Oct 11, 2016, 11:22 #93770

    Argh Leekey and Jambie next to each other . Reminds me of that song "Lets play master and servant" Now Jamee, considering you fornicate, drink too much, and sleep with Leekey as well behind your wife's back. What are we to make of you? Was your latest contribution a confession?

  14. Mad Monk

    Oct 11, 2016, 5:10 #93769

    Did you know in 1993 Arsenal were the worst team in the Premier League, we had rubbish forwards and rubbish defender's we had a clueless manager who done nothing during his 9 year reign for him to be afforded any respect! How do I know this? Because the loonies over at Untold have told me and the loony who wrote this article is one of them ( Walcott my arse ) Perhaps someone can remind me did we achieve anything in 1993 and 1994 maybe we done things that the Emperor Wenger hasn't achieved.

  15. mbg

    Oct 11, 2016, 1:00 #93768

    And the most important thing of all that hasn't happened at Arsenal over the last eleven years (and certainly the most needed and long overdue) a change of manager. And that's certainly not lazy journalism.

  16. Leek fc

    Oct 10, 2016, 21:51 #93767

    I'll add one more.......... The manager hasn't been given the credit he deserves..... Wenger must stay.

  17. jeff wright

    Oct 10, 2016, 18:55 #93766

    Wally trudged disconsolately off after being subbed Saturday night at Wembley. Having failed to make any impression against mighty Malta - with the claims of the penny having finally dropped for him after 10 years of ineptitude having been exposed for the sham that it always was. A couple of wins against mediocre opposition got some folk ,not least Wengo ( yawn), a bit carried away. In reality it's still the same old Wally who talks a good fight as they say in the pugilistic game but never delivers one.Rating against Malta for his efforts out of a poss 10, 5! You couldn't make it up.

  18. Alsace

    Oct 10, 2016, 17:16 #93765

    I enjoyed your piece. Factual and without some sort of point to prove.

  19. mbg

    Oct 10, 2016, 16:36 #93763

    One thing if for certain we'll learn nothing from any Arsenal games any Saturday or any other day that we don't already know and have known for the last ten years, and nothing will change on that score whatsoever with TOF bumbling about, and another thing is for damm certain TOF and his little Dwarfs will learn absolutely nothing from any games either, no matter how many times OGL and his mouth pieces wally and the ox tell us they will, do, and have done, TOF doesn't do learning his lesson that has been proved over the years (and a couple of routine wins against relegation candidates doesn't change that) although no doubt some think it does. So no nothings happened at Arsenal now or changed for ten eleven years, and won't with this clown bumbling about. wenger out.

  20. Paul

    Oct 10, 2016, 15:24 #93762

    On the Theo point he was back to his worst against the mighty Maltesers on saturday

  21. Bard

    Oct 10, 2016, 15:00 #93761

    Tim congratulations. You have managed to get articles posted on Untold and here. That takes some doing. Most of us on here have been banned by Untold for heresy.

  22. jopro

    Oct 10, 2016, 14:02 #93759

    just stumbled in here, and like the cut of your jib. Thanks

  23. HowardL

    Oct 10, 2016, 13:58 #93758

    One thing that has happened: Tony Adams is 50 today. Can you believe it? Happy birthday, old fella!