It’s deja-vu all over again

Online Ed: A fortunate point at Old Trafford after disappointing Gunners display

It’s deja-vu all over again

Ed’s note – My thanks to Charlie Ashmore for covering for me and writing up the editorial on yesterday’s game at Manchester United

If a week is a long time in politics, you could be forgiven for thinking 9 months in football is no time at all. On a superficial analysis, then as now we went to Old Trafford in better health than our hosts. Then, as now, we simply failed to impose our game on them and came away without the long-awaited victory we had all hoped for.

When the editor asked me to fill in for this one my response was that I hoped we would not be feeling as depressed as I was when after last February’s game I wrote an open letter to Arsene Wenger suggesting his tenure had run its course. And to be fair, as I left Old Trafford yesterday I wasn’t. So that in itself is surely a plus? The problem is that as the 89th minute ticked around, my feeling to utter dejection was indeed in place. Should I let a last minute equaliser override that underlying feeling is I suppose the real question for me coming out of the game.

Let’s start with team selection. There were three issues for me and arguably they are interlinked. Selection is not easy and many factors go into it. The absence of Cazorla, the oil that makes our engine purr is the biggest challenge. If I were Wenger, my absolute priority would be to scour the world to find the next Cazorla because without him we struggle to build with our preferred tactical option which is to play through the middle from the back, Cazorla unique skills enabling him both to carry the ball with confidence and to unload it with skill and crucially in a way that tends to instigate attacks. Without him our play from the back is immeasurably more passive which inevitably has an impact on what happens when the ball reaches the crucial final third. In midfield Elneny was selected ahead of Xhaka, which effectively meant that we were going for solidity and reliability rather than bringing in the passing ability of Xhaka who, much as I like Elneny as a player, has a range and vision which brings another dimension to the midfield play. But, he currently brings with him a significant risk and Wenger clearly did not want that exposed to a team managed by Mourinho which would inevitably have preyed on Xhaka’s tendency for a wild tackle or two.

The next selection issue was what to do with Sanchez, with his strapped thigh and late return from his endeavours with Chile. Play him up front, rest him or bring in Giroud and push him wide. He went for the former option which given his form this season was a perfectly legitimate choice though in my view (and I say this only with the benefit of hindsight) it proved to be central to our undoing. That meant we needed someone on the flanks opposite Walcott. Iwobi? The Ox? Ramsey? All are flawed but Wenger went with the safe option of Ramsey. This I did take issue with ahead of the game. Ramsey is a problem for us. He is a fabulous footballer as he showed for Wales in the summer. But we simply do not make the best of him and since Ozil’s arrival his form for Arsenal has been underwhelming. But that is because he is a square peg in a round hole. My own view is better to play round pegs in round holes and the choice of either of the other options would have amounted to a statement of intent – it would have shown United that we believed ourselves to be in better form and capable of taking the game to them which with their defence was something we really had to do if we were to end the tales of misery that Old Trafford and Jose Mourinho (together for the first time) had been for us.

And so to kick off – and straight away we were on the back foot and had to stem the tide that was flooding towards us. And although there were moments when it felt we had succeeded the reality was this match was largely one way traffic. We were lethargic, we lacked purpose, our passing was poor and on too many occasions we were guilty of overplaying with too many close passes in areas where we really should have been unloading the ball. But part of the problem was that we simply had no outball. Sanchez, having missed a gilt-edged chance early on heading wide when he was found 6 yards out with only the keeper to beat spent most of the game in midfield foraging for the ball which meant we had no outlet up front. Walcott, of whom I have not been the biggest fan in recent times (that’s called understatement for effect!), but who in fairness has seemed a different player this year, was ineffectual in a game where he could have been one of our outlets had he stayed wide and been prepared to use his pace to good effect. Ramsey is simply not a wide player and wasted. And so we kept disappearing in to the midfield area where we were frankly overrun.

Yes there was some questionable refereeing not least the failure to give Darmian what unquestionably should have been a second yellow. But then United could have had a penalty – it would have been soft in my view but I have seen them given. The balance of the decision making felt as if it was favouring the home team but I was watching through yellow tinted glasses and in any event I cannot pretend it was a major factor.

The real frustration was that despite the fact that we were going nowhere fast there was no sign of a willingness to make a change. The game was crying out for Giroud long before we came on if nothing else to give us a striker to play the game towards, Sanchexz having retreated so much that at one point he was going backwards as Coquelin came running forward towards the box. Ramsey was as ineffective as he often is out wide and when Xhaka came on for Elneny, the obvious question was why we were simply doing like for like with a modest enhancement rather than making a more dynamic change.

The period leading up to their goal was chaotic – shortly before they won the throw in that was to lead to their goal I commented that we appeared collectively to have switched off. As the fateful throw in was awarded, it was painfully obvious that we were hopelessly out of shape. We had 5 men marking 2, which it does not take a mathematical genius to note means that there is too much space for at least three other players elsewhere. And so it proved us they carved us open. That Mata was allowed a completely free run into the box to slide it home was frankly pathetic and repeat viewing confirms that both Coquelin and Walcott were in ideal positions to go with him but didn’t.

At last the changes came and the Ox and Giroud came on and in the 89th minute, our second penetrating attack of the game (the first in about the 5th minute leading to Sanchez’ miss) saw the Ox take on and beat his man and deliver a perfect cross for Giroud timing his run and leap to perfection to bullet home an unstoppable header.

Late equalisers feel like wins and knowing how upset Mourinho was can only bring a smile to the face.

But the overwhelming feeling is one of frustration. Yet again we had gone into a big game in good form and on papers at least arguably favourites and yet again we had simply failed to deliver. Yes, the team selection may have been flawed but equally the performance of pretty much every player were also flawed. I should of course say every outfield player because without Cech who made two excellent saves in the first half, we would have sunk without trace.

Yes you could say we showed character to get that late goal. But it was character of a familiar sort – responding well to self-created adversity. The sort of character I want to see is one that imposes its will on big games and I am afraid that quality of character remains largely elusive for us.

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  1. chris dee

    Nov 22, 2016, 9:33 #94876

    Blimey! We get a point at Old Trafford and everyone sticks the boot in. Well lets's see how Liverpool,Tottenham and Chelsea get on at Old Trafford. Disappointing display?Clucking bell!Perhaps we should have gone out all guns blazing played great football,have 75% of possession and lost 2-0 like we have done in most of the games against a Mourinho managed team. And as for Gary Neville calling our performance 'abysmal'.He should know after the most inept,abysmal,laughable and embarrassing spell of management at Valencia.

  2. mbg

    Nov 22, 2016, 0:36 #94874

    And the overall feeling is yet again having gone into a big game with a manager in a coma.

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Nov 21, 2016, 21:05 #94873

    I see over on Untold Brickfields is outing himself as a member of the Alt Right with a nice joke including HIV and Child Abuse. Will Tony Attwood pull the joke? Not a chance after all it's only the Anti Anti whatever he calls them (WOB's to us) who can be guilty of unpleasant thuggery. What a nasty piece of work are both Tony and his stinking site.

  4. GS

    Nov 21, 2016, 20:19 #94872

    Can't knock Bellerin signing new contract, we may get another 1 or 2 seasons out of him and if his good form continues he will leave for a good price ( £35m+) ..don't forget Arsenal is a business after all , what's winning silverware got to do with anything.

  5. jjetplane

    Nov 21, 2016, 19:54 #94871

    Hector is like the boss. All the big clubs apparently want him but the comforts of an easy life are too much to pass up on. I mean - he cannot think Arsenal will win anything of note in the future lol! Nice and easy does it ....

  6. Paul Ward

    Nov 21, 2016, 19:35 #94870

    Some genuine good news I think we can all agree, Hector has signed a new contract. Be hard to put a negative spin on that, though I'm sure someone on here will try! Now for the two home victories that would make this a very good week indeed.

  7. CT Gooner

    Nov 21, 2016, 19:31 #94869

    I hear you Gooner Ron, MGB is over reacting. But we all know where most of his frustration is coming from, including you. You've stated in your response that we are where we are, and it's the same as almost every November, but as you also point out the wheels appear to be falling off the bus - as they all to commonly do. MBG has made his bed, and if I'm being honest, I'd be happier with Wenger sacked tomorrow too....

  8. mbg

    Nov 21, 2016, 19:19 #94868

    Lads don't worry we'll do the mighty Bournemouth next up, after they roll over for us, and all will be forgotten and rosy again, TOF will be the greatest and they'll all be back to tell us so, Jesus H how sad this club has become, and how these fans deserve wenger.

  9. GoonerRon

    Nov 21, 2016, 18:52 #94867

    @ mbg - if us being in serious trouble is 3 points off the top of the league (and closer to the team's who after 3 games were apparently going to be out of sight by Xmas), top of CL group and already qualified after 4 games, in the QF of the league cup, unbeaten in 17 and 1 defeat in 28, then it's not quite so bad is it? All is not rosy, our recent form is a concern, many aspects of our game aren't on song right now, but perhaps a bit of perspective is needed on occasion.

  10. mbg

    Nov 21, 2016, 18:22 #94866

    PerryG, your dead right about George Graham he'd wouldn't stand for any pussy footing about from some of these pussies, he might even make some of them into real men and better players, and i'll tell you this mate we'd have won the prem with him at the helm last season, or once or twice during the last eight before that, get rid of TOF tomorrow morning and bring George in tomorrow afternoon and we'll win it this season, i'd put money on it, and although they'd never admit it so would the wengerite fan boys. wenger out, George in.

  11. Alsace

    Nov 21, 2016, 17:48 #94865

    I enjoyed this review and in particular it's discussion of why we simply aren't at the races for this sort of game. There simply isn't enough nous and anger in the squad. Except sometimes at home when we find some sort of aggression, there is a timidness or lack of faith in our abilities. In any event, we didn't get beaten and have so far advanced into November without getting our bottoms handed to us several times. It's a bit better, but not better enough to win us the league. Frankly I'm grateful for a bit better. My friend Paul will accuse me of being very easily pleased, but then I didn't go the Mancodrome to watch Arsenal not turn up, so he probably has a point.

  12. Bonzo

    Nov 21, 2016, 17:27 #94864

    Err sorry I meant Slush Puppies! If he was chewing on Hush Puppies that could play havoc. Ps Mr Leek, would you like to be known as Leekie, Leeky or Leekey? I'm looking forward to a response. As a helpful tip If you wish to set up "Wenger must stay" on your footer you could save a lot of typing.

  13. Lee armitt

    Nov 21, 2016, 16:11 #94863


  14. GS

    Nov 21, 2016, 15:50 #94862

    Bonzo : Somehow Leeky will return when we next win ... Watch out for "Wenger must stay ".....coming to a website near you soon - written/directed & screenplay by Leeky. ..... Did you buy a programme while at OT , leeky ? .

  15. jjetplane

    Nov 21, 2016, 15:35 #94861

    Leekie - don't go near Untold. They have thrown the towel in. Attie is off 'jiving' in Spain. Walter is on Belgium TV doing the weather while Sam is beginning to question Wenger! How did it come to this and does Arsene give a flying one while the 8m rolls in. Ozil now asking for a million a game but does not want to play against top top opponents as they cramp his style. Meanwhile Santi has a fawlty (he he) ankle but should be back in time to move back to Spain permnently. Love this club and it's global online support that just keep posting ......

  16. Bonzo

    Nov 21, 2016, 15:28 #94860

    GS - I'm afraid Leekey overdosed on bubble gum flavour Hush Puppies and has been kept of 6th form college as he is rather poorly. Once the crazy sugar juice leaves his system I suspect posting will resume.

  17. Bard

    Nov 21, 2016, 15:03 #94859

    Some interesting posts. Funny how disappointed and angry many are ( including me). Somehow we still hold onto a deluded belief that things might change and we would give the mancs a proper spanking. Its the paradox of Arsenal, I want Arsenal to do well but I want Wenger to leave, they are two irreconcilable positions. I notice that Untold have completely ignored the result moreorless as have all the AKBs on here. What more is there is there to say. This is the weakest Untd team I can remember and we still cant turn them over. Please if anyone posts that Ozil is in DB10s class again can they be banned from the site for heresy.

  18. GS

    Nov 21, 2016, 14:56 #94858

    Leeky : have you made it back from OT yet? would be good to hear your first hand review of the game, did Wenger pick the best starting 11, was the formation expected, did he leave it late to make substitutions ?? Come on, post something that does not start and end with "Wenger Must Stay", might improve your standing if you actually post about Football.... YKIMS

  19. Inspector Clueless

    Nov 21, 2016, 14:48 #94857

    really getting fed up with our Performances at OT. time and again we fail to turn up in this match. it Shows something very very wrong with the current set up. Any other truly ambitious Manager would have gone for the jugular on this one. but again Wenger hedges his bets, doesnt go for it and bores to ars off of his own fans....

  20. mbg

    Nov 21, 2016, 14:21 #94856

    Not many AKB wengerites (apart from the one or two part timers who still believe) spouting off and crowing on here since it was posted, ( I wonder why) surely yesterday tells them all something, something others have known for years, surely they can all see for themselves now, if they cant see what the problem is this club is in more serious trouble than it already is. wenger out.

  21. GS

    Nov 21, 2016, 12:40 #94854

    Blame Game, was it Ozil, Sanchez, Jenkinson, Walcott, Uncle Tom Cobley.... the only one to blame after 12 seasons of the same old garbage is Wenger. Players have come and gone over the last 12yrs, if our mentality is not strong, if our will to win is not there, Its all down to One Man, Wenger, he goes, Arsenal will change. lets get ready for another Groundhog season as its clear to see which way its going. Taxi for Wenger. ( no dif even if we had won at OT)

  22. anthony walters

    Nov 21, 2016, 12:33 #94853

    united only really had a 20 minute spell they created very little too.we have the quality to win the league in terms od personell but do we have the qualities of organisation ,focus and determination .the usual culprits get the stick walcott ,ramsey,ozil and jenkinson(in europe and saturday he did reasonably well in my opinion and monreal was not better) yet for me the biggest problem saturday was sanchez .instead of working their defenders he spent too much time in midfield.on it's own this performance and isn't that bad but after a stirring first half v spurs we took the lead then ambled about sloppily start of second half instead of being focused and tuned in.strongest squad in years and we do seem better in defence but improvement enough to win the title?i don't see any great evidence of that.

  23. Peter

    Nov 21, 2016, 12:21 #94852

    A very good report Charlie but you missed one major query. Why was Ozil on the pitch??? He did nothing most of the game and he went missing in the second half so Sanchez had to come into midfield to try and get us moving forward. I thought earlier this season Ozil started playing like he should but was he scared or just did not fancy getting involved??? Also Charlie you are right Wenger did not change things early enough to bring on The Ox at least but also Giroud to test their average centre backs.

  24. Know Man

    Nov 21, 2016, 9:59 #94851

    Why you banging on about Santi. We have Ozil. World Cup winner, record signing, our talisman. Our ghost, goes missing, awol, hardly gets involved, a fraud, holding out for an improved contract, no other club wants him. Nobody is stupid enough to pay his ridiculous wages. We have a ready made replacement, Jack Wilshere is creating chances and playing well in a average team. Ramsey is not a right or left winger. I've seen other managers change formations, vary style, Wenger persists with one dimensional football, plays Ozil even when he's rubbish, we're so predictable. It's painful. Don't kid yourself, we are not going to win league this season despite new managers at all of our rivals, Wenger has spent big & has had time and still can't get it right! This Utd team were there for the taking, he got it wrong again. Failure in big matches, not the first time is it.

  25. Rob

    Nov 21, 2016, 9:04 #94850

    The last paragraph nails it. There's a mental block with this team/squad, when it comes to finishing first. It becomes too much for them and they don't. And that comes down to getting the mind set right, which Wenger doesn't and hasn't for twelve years.

  26. Wear Your Colours

    Nov 21, 2016, 8:02 #94849

    Charlie, excellent analysis. The game made for really frustrating watching. The late equaliser felt like a get out of jail card!

  27. Wardy

    Nov 21, 2016, 8:00 #94848

    Shock, injuries ,,,, shock, square pegs in round holes (feeling sorry for Ramsey),,,, shock, players disappear in big games (Walcott, Ozil) ,,,, shock, another inept performance when it matters, mainly because the manager is unable to get the best out of them and mainly because we are so predictable ,,,, 4th place here we come ,,,,,, and why no Xhaka ?

  28. Bonzo

    Nov 21, 2016, 6:32 #94847

    Jamee - I know Suzie is really you and that you typed this post in your favourite dress. Don't worry the secret is safe with us.

  29. mbg

    Nov 20, 2016, 22:01 #94844

    Jude, and you'd think someone linked to a move to Real could or would be able to motivate themselves, yes laughable, typical spin and hype from the wenger spin department, such is his bullshyte he has them all thinking they've arrived, wally, smoking jack, just two of many examples he has/had thinking they're world class and of course they've all believed him and the hype (just like the wengerites) when in truth their just like himself second raters and always were and always will be. wenger out.

  30. mbg

    Nov 20, 2016, 21:47 #94843

    Mark, good point ref Ramsay, wenger must fooking hate it every time one of our players goes off with their national team and plays well and has a good game and is lauded for it while playing in his favourite and preferred position, instead of the one TOF has tried to shoe horn him/them into and make him a harlem globe trotter, and then arrive back here to him and it's back to his out of date thinking and imaginary world of shoe horning, you know I zink you could be good defender, will try you there tomorrow, I zink will try you on right wing, steve where my is zee shoe horn ? here boss. wenger out.

  31. Mad Monk

    Nov 20, 2016, 21:29 #94842

    Diving Rooney 2 points Maureen never played a wrong line-up against Wenger didn't have to just like GG he knows how to kill a game it's not pretty but results matter against your rival's and point 2 is going and read the moron on Untold he is again deflecting a rubbish performance by slagging of GG (as per) and Bertie Mee who both won in Europe but are ****e trophies to win (his interpretation not mine) so you either support the club or join the moron's and support the manager this is basically what it's about now and I support the club first always do you?

  32. DW Thomas

    Nov 20, 2016, 21:04 #94841

    Been 10 years since we won at OT. Wonder why. This is another mediocre result in a long line of them. Title wannabes it looks like. Watch Cechs save on Matas shot. Top class. We still need a couple players that are leaders. But Mustafi looks tough. Don't think Kos had a good game either. Real champions want to win every game. Consistent effort. Too many coasters on this team.

  33. Paul Ward

    Nov 20, 2016, 20:02 #94840

    Really poor display with very few players emerging with any credit, and the manager barely celebrated the equaliser, rightly wearing a slightly embarrassed look. Yes we badly miss Santi as I knew we would, yes Sanchez was not fully fit and shouldn't have been playing, yes it was a bad draw playing up there at 1230 Saturday after a break of two weeks, but even so this made for hgrim viewing. We need to start winning games again, starting on Wednesday, or else this season is very quickly gonna go down the plug hole, Over to you Arsene.


    Nov 20, 2016, 19:52 #94839

    An awful watch - wish Eddie Jones would transfer his supreme management & motivational skills to football & the Colney Creche in particular. And for Mr Leekey, I suspect your name is a nom de plume for a plumber - my gas boiler has been down for 2 weeks, any chance you could help? Wenger must stay???

  35. mbg

    Nov 20, 2016, 19:30 #94838

    So much for TOF's great (imaginary) management and/or man management, is it any wonder we always have an injury crisis, sanchez the perfect example yesterday, TOF got lucky with him yesterday also, although don't be surprised to hear tomorrow he has a twinge or a slight tweek that will keep him out for a month (not because of being picked though oh no, but because he was used by his country and travelling) proof if any was needed that TOF hasn't (and never has had) the players welfare and what's best for the team at heart only his own and himself.

  36. Gaz

    Nov 20, 2016, 19:06 #94837

    So Wenger still can't beat a Mourinho led side even when he's managing the worst Utd side I've seen since the last time we lost to them at Old Trafford. Our record against Utd since Ferguson left is simply appalling and once again a statement was made but not the one we were hoping for. As for Özil a complete non appearance and whilst I rate the guy those who bracket him alongside DB10 and RP7 are ****ing mad. Despite a promising start the seasons going exactly the same way as some of us feared.

  37. Joe S.

    Nov 20, 2016, 19:01 #94836

    In the end it was not a bad day. We saw how crappy Aaron Ramsey can be as well as all the usual mismanagement issues from Wegner. Also to see Maureen and Rooney so pissed off was a joy.

  38. mbg

    Nov 20, 2016, 18:47 #94835

    Charlie you should certainly not let a last minute equaliser override your/that underlying feeling it will always be there no matter what, it means nothing, an even later winner would have been the same, it changes/would have changed absolutely nothing, the only difference would have been TOF got lucky and man yoo didn't, it could have gone anyway, or man yoo were worse than us, we'll always be the same soft underbelly lightweight tippy tappers until wenger goes, and until he does that depression will always be there. wenger out.

  39. Tony Evans

    Nov 20, 2016, 18:43 #94834

    Didn't find out the score until fairly late in the day yesterday, and having read everyone's comments I am certainly glad I wasted zero percentage of my day bothering keeping up to date with yet another big game Arsenal non performance. It just ain't going to change folks until Wenger buggers off.

  40. Ron

    Nov 20, 2016, 18:41 #94833

    Putrid performance. S--t game. i traveled 245 ms round trip for that crap. Seeing the line up told us damage limiation was the message for the day against a poor Utd outfit. Great header by Giroud. The rest was forgotten by the time we reached the M6 Southbound. We expected to see the Wally still on his way Northbound as nobody saw that wimp all afternoon.

  41. Roy

    Nov 20, 2016, 18:36 #94832

    When you have questionable team selections coupled with almost non - existent in - game management at crucial periods, this is what you get. But this is not exactly a new phenomenon, is it ? Please go at the end of the season Wenger, you are clearly past it.

  42. Bard

    Nov 20, 2016, 18:33 #94831

    Great stuff Charlie. P*** poor performance and great point. We looked toothless which is saying something, usually we create chances and fail to finish them off. Anyway nothing to worry about we are 4th and thats all that matters sadly. This is AFC. Where's Wally ???

  43. mbg

    Nov 20, 2016, 15:25 #94829

    do we ever impose our game on anyone ? except when we're allowed to by inferior second rate opposition who roll over and allow us to ponce about with tippy tappy, even then we can make hard work of it, but it's different when we're not allowed to by better and more astute managers, that game was there for the taking (yet again) yesterday but as usual wengers wenger bred little dwarfs bottled it preferring instead to (along with his wengerites of course) celebrate a bore draw. wenger out.

  44. divingrooney

    Nov 20, 2016, 15:23 #94828

    Mad Monk - Moaninho made a legend of himself, by choosing the wrong team and then getting it right with subs. The trick is to have really expensive subs, and for the first time Wenger has them...

  45. PerryG

    Nov 20, 2016, 15:22 #94827

    Yet another meek, timid performance at the home of our hated rivals, more repulsive now with Mourinho in charge. Gone are the days when you could count on us going up there and slugging it out with them, can you imagine if GG was manager and that rabble came in at half time? He'd have put a rocket up them and changed tactics and a different Arsenal would emerge for the second half, it happened numerous times during his tenure. With Wenger nothing changes, they always looked the most likely to score and Wenger done absolutely nothing to change it. The usual 70+mins substitutions were sent on and we somehow managed to get a goal in a game we deserved nothing from, I'm sure Wenger and his deluded fanboys will say mental strength but pot luck is all it was. They were there for the taking but our gutless wonders never threatened their suspect defence until the 89th minute. I really hope its Wengers last season but I fear it wont be

  46. DW Thomas

    Nov 20, 2016, 15:08 #94826

    Comments on Ramsey spot on. Been busy coaching this year, so have commented regularly in a while. Feeling the desire to mix it up again. Iwobi is a real talent and should be playing. Ramsey can't play wide and is not a starter for me just because he can run forever. The too late subs barely got us a point. Ox another underdeveloped top talent. If he were give Theo's minutes he would for sure do at least as well I'd not much better. He is strong and direct, could be a dominant winger. At least he has some moves to beat defenders. People are a little harsh on Ozil. I for one am now convinced he is a brilliant player with rare vision that needs to be pushed and motivated. He has shown signs of playing both ways in games, but yesterday he looked like he was deflated by the team play. Ramsey's give away right near our box is typical. Ended with a good chance for Martial. Rambo gives the effort going forward, not always on defense. Bellerin too is a big miss. Agains some are harsh on Jenks. With Theo helping you you know it's gonna be a long day!

  47. Deighty

    Nov 20, 2016, 15:02 #94825

    Typical Wenger in November game. Why can't he lift them for these games ? Why can't the players get themselves up for these games ? Such a timid performance and for me, mind boggling team selection. Another also ran season ahead but will struggle for CL spot this time. Nothing will change while he's still in charge

  48. GS

    Nov 20, 2016, 14:56 #94824

    Not sure why, when have Ozil, that we miss santi?? That tells me Ozil vastly overrated and always goes missing in big games - MO11 compared to DB10 - no chance . As for the game , same old stuff, different season. only plus to come out of game is not giving them all 3pts, and Maureen crying about the penalty they did not get . They are a shambles and so are we , can Wenger do anything about it ?? Err , don't think so, 3rd or 4th is the black - happy groundhog season to all .

  49. GoonerRon

    Nov 20, 2016, 14:22 #94823

    Based on the shocker of a performance (especially second half) I'm absolutely delighted with a point. First half was fairly even I thought and whilst Man U will say they deserved a win I won't spare them any pity having been on their side of the coin dozens of times in the past. Fact is they didn't create that much and certainly not any clear cut chances to go two up, and when it's 1-0 there's always a chance to create something. I can see why we picked a slightly conservative line up in that Mourinho's MO has previously been to sit deep and counter, but we just didn't accelerate our performance in the second half. Bar the one time he went to ground I thought Mustafi was very solid, and Coquelin made two brilliantly clean tackles in key positions for us. Ramsey continues to be a conundrum, in my opinion he just doesn't fit into our system particularly well.

  50. KC

    Nov 20, 2016, 14:09 #94822

    As a little side issue does anyone else notice the difference in Martin Tyler's voice when Utd score and Arsenal score, for a seasoned experienced commentator it's so blatant. You can almost hear him say I'm gutted Arsenal have equalised.

  51. jjetplane

    Nov 20, 2016, 14:00 #94821

    Still laughing at this Santi being the maestro of this dull, frightened squad of players whose legend gathers greater mysticism the more absent he is. File under Diaby 2 - boring. Do think Ramsay would be a good fit at RM and I like the lad when he is away from the aging ostrich and as for Mesut who will probably be on as much as Rooney and yet could still be playing together under JM and maybe even clubbing together as both players get a national downgrading. Still - he did score that goal wot made him heir to God's throne with hopefully a statue in the future outside one major food outlet celebrating said goal. Other matters include Olly making it as a part time pro but not fit for purpose for the 90 mins which brings us to Wally who recently spoke of how he was now a fearsome man that defenders across the country were now frightened to play against. What a salesman and little else.

  52. KC

    Nov 20, 2016, 13:44 #94820

    Great report Charlie. My anger at the performance arises from knowing that's how we will perform before we have left the coach. It's so predictable. How any manager at any level of football can sit and watch that is utterly beyond me. Agree re Ramsey out of position but he can still deliver something better, the guy is sloppy in possession but his allowed to give the ball away just outside his own penalty area with out any of the players hammering home to him it's unacceptable. This is the issue, we are to nice and it's because of Wengers softly softly approach. Oziil and Walcott were invisible, we need a new left back urgently and Jenkinson just not good enough. Sadly nothing has changed, we don't have the right mentality in the club, how can any team with our players not turn up or allowed to not turn up. It was an absolute shocking non performance that we have seen so many times in the past. Other than our keeper how can the player that has travelled around the world have more get up and go and show more desire than all the others?

  53. Fozzy

    Nov 20, 2016, 13:42 #94819

    Charlie, Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. Yet again, how we ended up getting anything out if this game was a complete mystery. Ozil was abject, ineffective and anonymous. Ramsey was useless, and yet again Walnutt produced another hopeless performance. Sanchez was obviously struggling with his injury. The game was crying out for Giroud as the obvious outlet, but we were forced to wait until the predictable 70th minute before any changes were made. It's all far too predictable and I was amazed that Moaninho didn't make Wenger suffer for his dithering.

  54. Fast hare

    Nov 20, 2016, 13:32 #94818

    The moment l saw our lineup I knew we were in trouble. OGL was playing not one but three Denilsons in midfield one French one and Egyptian one and a Welsh one. All three do nothing all day except pass back and sideways with a complete lack of ambition . Couple this with Jenkinson who must be the worst right back to don an Arsenal shirt since Eboue.It is no wonder we allowed a very average MU team to dominate the game and inevitably would score. Everyone could see it coming. The team was in dire need of someone who would drive forward and Attack Manure's Defence and yet our OGL with his 1000 games of experience continued to sit like a block of wood doing nothing until Mata scored. The midfield is a shambles and if OGL fields the same team against PSG we are doomed.Elneny is only Championship standard and Jenkinson is not even that! And Ramsey is the worse of the lot a player of talent but is so pissed that he just drifts around the game with disinterest. Arsenal will win anything this season? Hahaha

  55. Mad Monk

    Nov 20, 2016, 13:15 #94817

    If we're title challengers then I'm off to put money on MU! They are hailing Wenger a tactical genius over on Untold for his excellent substitution's not realising his original line up was totally flawed unbelievable

  56. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:56 #94816

    Mark 100436- thanks mate you have said it all for me, perfect summary

  57. Hunter

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:51 #94815

    Very good article Charlie, thank you. Your comments about Cazorla and the need to find the next one are spot on, but I can't help thinking that we passed up the chance to sign the next one when a certain former captain of ours went to Chelsea. Knowing how Arsenal love a cheap deal, would it not be worth us trying our luck to abstract him from the Chelsea bench to see if he can rekindle the magic of his first spell?

  58. John F

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:45 #94814

    Very good report Charlie it reflected my own views.Ramsey is another victim of Wenger's crazy notion that no matter what evidence is put in front of him that a player is a central midfield player he gets pushed out wide and destroys his confidence.

  59. Nick

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:39 #94813

    There are some games where you can just tell the opposition are going to score you can FEEL it about to happen mainly because there are areas in your team which are struggling as was the case with Monreal and Ramsey on our left yesterday we were also struggling to make any positive impact on our opponents going forward! This was obvious from virtually the first 5 minutes of the game ! The changes needed in my humble opinion were Gibbs for Ramsey to help out Monreal and Giroud for Sanchez who was clearly not at his best with the option of bringing on Chamberlain or perhaps Iwobi later on but this needed doing at the latest at half time but as usual our tactically limited mangers sat on his hands untill we had actually gone a goal down the goal originating from the problem left side ! He is the master of locking the stable door after the horse has bolted !! Wenger obviously FEARS OT and Maureen this quite blatantly transferred to the players who looked scared throughout! Yes we got a point with a very well crafted and taken goal but we got this DESPITE Wenger it certainly wasn't an inspired substitution it was clearly a last throw of the dice more in hope than expectation !!!

  60. Jude

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:36 #94812

    Ramsey was abject, Charlie. Let's be honest. Surely a player linked with a move to Real Madrid -- which is altogether laughable -- has enough quality to have some influence on the game over 90 minutes. On paper, he's on the wing, but clearly he's given license to go wherever he pleases. Yet our so-called box-to-box midfielder -- an aspiring and soon-to-be Galactico -- still offered nothing yesterday. Time to sell this player whose self-regard has for quite some time far outweighed his impact.

  61. Mark

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:26 #94811

    The same old same old.A game against a big team away from home and we freeze the moment we walk on the pitch.We pay Wenger £8m a year and he just cant motivate them.Can someone explain why we bought Xhaka? £35m and he cant get in the team in front of Coquelin.Walcott has had his 5 good games of the season now get back in your box,Ramsey is a good player we saw that in the Euro's but he is not and never will be a winger(and i havent managed for 30 years).Now on to Ozil a few weeks back some deluded fans were comparing him with Bergkamp.The guy just doesnt turn up in big away games.Alan Shearer said last night Ozil looked tired.Has he been doing a Rooney for the last fortnight because he wasnt called up by Germany.Compare his attitude with that of Sanchez.Will we win the title?Not a prayer not with this manager and this team.So the race for 4th begins

  62. Augustus Flair

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:22 #94810

    Spot on, Charlie. The most depressing thing for me was the typical absence of a proper plan tailored to exploiting United's weaknesses, and the delay (again!) in changing things when it was obvious nothing was working. I literally forgot Ozil was playing, the man who shines against the small fry but who'd be better off left at home for the big games. Dreadful stuff, but well-played Ox and Olivier for a superb goal.

  63. Torbay Gooner

    Nov 20, 2016, 12:07 #94809

    Good analysis of the game. However, I would not describe Ramsay as fabulous, or anywhere near that. He runs around a lot to very little effect for most games he plays. Walcott and Ozil were their usual ineffective selves when they play these 'big' matches. Let's face it how often do they perform in these type of matches? Sanchez should not have started full stop. Two pieces of quality near the end got the team out of jail and it's always welcome to see Mourinho moan on about the 'unluckiest team in the world'!

  64. TJ

    Nov 20, 2016, 11:54 #94808

    Haven't commented for a while as my support for Arsenal is now pretty much suspended until Wenger leaves, but I had a few points I wanted to make. Ramsey is great as a playmaker (like for Wales) but terrible on the wing, we all know that but Wenger insists on using him which ruined our chance of high tempo attacking. So too did Sanchez's inclusion - obviously he was too tired before the game to play. As for Ozil - what can I say? Technically he's brilliant but he is never going to be world-class. He didn't even train for Germany in the international break as they were experimenting and yet despite having had a rest he was no better than his usual disappointing standard in big games. Final point I wanted to make - I really think there's a psychological fear at Arsenal of losing ANY big players, given the exodus that occurred a few years ago. We have tonnes of players who can do better than Ozil in the 10 slot, and Walcott's staying was hardly essential. It's a shame because how we do this year will affect Sanchez's future but also Wenger's. Hopefully I'll have more to be passionate about next season.

  65. Nozzer

    Nov 20, 2016, 11:39 #94807

    Accurate assessment and yesterdays game was a microcosm of what is wrong. We freeze in the big games, Ozil hides and the manager does not make adjustments early enough. It was great to see Jose so sick yesterday though. I am also concerned about our home form, we are struggling to break teams down, I think we need to switch to a 4 4 2 play Giroud up top with Sanchez at home and see what happens. On the plus side we have not lost yet in November.

  66. Paul

    Nov 20, 2016, 11:28 #94806

    When we play Man City just before christmas i wouldnt play Ozil.Whats the point?.Since he joined us he has never turned up for a big game away from home.Its like playing with 10 men.