The times they are a changin’

Arsenal’s genuine sense of ambition is about to be tested

The times they are a changin’

Might this be the final season together?

Whilst we seem to be in reasonable form on the field the elephant in the room is the contract situation regarding our two top players, Ozil and Sanchez. The critical question is not so much can we afford to play them but more what would be the fallout if we don’t pay them? We are led to believe, they are asking for £250,000+ per week. This will put them on a par with other players of similar ability. The figure being bandied about in the media is Pogba’s jaw dropping £290,000 per week. It has been clear for a while that £200,000 per week is the minimum going rate for a top player.

Arsene Wenger delivered a bizarre take on this subject in the week suggesting that money wasn’t or shouldn’t be the only criteria for signing. Other factors like loyalty, the ambition of the club etc. should be taken into account. Laudable though the argument is it might have had more weight had it not come from a club like Arsenal that has sold its soul for the dollar and from a manager who hasn’t been shy of exploiting his earning potential. He speaks a lot about seeing out his contract as some kind of selfless act but it also strategically puts him in the driving seat to negotiate a pay rise should he decides to sign another deal. Incidentally it’s my view that he will sign if we make 4th spot and have a decent CL run. He just needs to wait and make sure he delivers his usual runners up slot bolstered by a CL run. I say this not from any sense of injustice or anger with either the players concerned or Wenger. After all you can’t criticize someone for wanting to maximize their earnings.

I wrote last season that the transfer fees and wages paid by City for Sterling and De Bruyne signaled a seismic shift in the amounts of money paid for and to players and would result in Arsenal being well and truly stuffed in the new transfer world. The fallout from this was felt this summer when we couldn’t buy a decent striker and had to make do with a lesser signing, Perez. There was a lot of guff about the difficulty of finding ‘top quality’ but this was no more than the usual Arsenal smoke and mirrors. We filled the gap by ‘bigging up’ Theo, nothing more than a PR exercise if we are honest and making Sanchez our main striker. To some extent this placated the believers but to my mind it was only ever a makeshift option. The truth is we weren’t willing or able to spend £60m plus wages on a striker.

To rub salt into the wound midseason our two star players are asking for huge pay rises. If Arsenal accede to their demands it will blow Arsenal’s wage structure clean out of the water. I read reports that Wenger has insisted that no player be paid more than him, although this may be no more than media mischief. One presumes the player’s agents know that someone is willing to fork out these sorts of wages. When that legendary managerial hard man Fergie was presented with similar demands from Rooney’s agent, he capitulated immediately rather than risk losing him. He was quick to recognize that the top players hold the aces these days. Arsenal being Arsenal one can only assume that the opposite is more likely to happen in which case Sanchez and Ozil might well be offski at the end of the season. How they sell this to disgruntled fans along with a vision of mixing it with the big boys remains to be seen.

But what it also means is that Arsenal won’t be buying a top class striker or any other top class player any time soon, which I am sure is a blessed relief for Stan and the board but not so good if you want Arsenal to be competing at the top level. It adds further ballast to the argument that last season was a huge missed opportunity.

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  1. Bonzo

    Dec 10, 2016, 16:41 #95485

    Further to Mr Arsenenewbest comments, I can't help thinking your (Jamee) meetings with Leekey are very similar to Henry and Otis in "Henry Portrait of a Serial Killler". I'd be wary of looking in any trunks that you happen to own. On other topics Up the Gunners down with Jamee!

  2. Bonzo

    Dec 10, 2016, 10:29 #95483

    Wobbly - Jamee your alter ego has admitted keeping images of Wenger in his garage. It started there and developed when he saw David Gandy in his underwear. A simple job of Bostik and scissors. Eeek.

  3. Torbay Gooner

    Dec 10, 2016, 9:48 #95482

    Sell Ozil and Walcott and keep Sanchez. Not only is Sanchez class but he looks as though he gives a s**t, unlike the other two. Like your posts Ron, but have to disagree about selling Henry earlier. He played a massive part in dragging the club to the Champs League Final in 06. Only injury prone in his final season as well after years of hardly missing a game(Wenger 'rests' excluded).

  4. Alsace

    Dec 10, 2016, 8:21 #95481

    You can only control wages in England through tax. 500k take home and everything else taxed at 5000 per cent. That would drive many of the foreign players away, and give us our game back. It could be done as a package with abolishing the football association. Gutted that Shawcross isn't playing today. I wanted him to meet Granit.

  5. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 10, 2016, 7:13 #95480

    This what really happened: Leekie and Jamee went out last night in their sp*nk encrusted morris marina looking to pester/molest any young women they could find. They had agreed by teatime that they were getting a little tired with interfering with each other, and so after eating a preparatory meal of mashed turnip and rancid oysters, they hit the road. Brylcream, brut 33 and fake cod-pieces all round. After getting pre-loaded with some obscure, mind-bending elixir that Jamee bought home from his recent holiday in Rhyl, they started abusing any women that they could find in the suffolk swamps. Jamee was eventually arrested after making some typically foul sexist comments to a female police officer and for racially abusing the staff of an Indian restaurant. All this while claiming a divine right to be a deviant because he's a committed christian Leekie, head in his hands, ended up kicking Jamee in the b*lls while they were both seated in the back of a meat wagon. Both are expected to be sentenced to 300 hours of community service test-tasting the products in a local animal reproductive genetics installation.

  6. Paul Ward

    Dec 09, 2016, 22:34 #95477

    No way the bean counters will allow both to run their contracts down and leave for nothing, they wouldn't let Van Persie do it so can't see it happening with this pair. Will have to sign at least one of them up, or even the pretence of being competitive will disappear.Hoping for 3 points tomorrow, setting us up for two tricky looking away trips .

  7. mbg

    Dec 09, 2016, 21:38 #95475

    GoonerRon, No, if they leave it will be because (like the rest before them) their Ambitious. wenger out.

  8. Wobby Wotten

    Dec 09, 2016, 19:29 #95474

    Bell end bonzo brings so much quality to this site. I think he should be sectioned under the "I'm so jealous of Jamerson" act.

  9. Bonzo

    Dec 09, 2016, 18:29 #95472

    Jamee - I know that you have collected pictures of male underwear models and used Bostik to glue Wengers head on them. You are a nailed on pervert (Fact!)

  10. mbg

    Dec 09, 2016, 18:19 #95471

    But rest assured wally's and the carthorses negotiations are going well, I bet they are, where else would they get it.

  11. GoonerRon

    Dec 09, 2016, 18:14 #95470

    @ mbg - if they stay it will be in spite of Wenger and if they leave it will be because of Wenger. Either way, your agenda will get an airing, don't worry.

  12. mbg

    Dec 09, 2016, 18:05 #95469

    CT Gooner, because TOF allows it to happen, instead of tying them down quicker and then announcing they've signed new contracts,(he ties himself down to what he wants pretty quick) he then allows it to drag on and on and on with the same old bullshyt flowing from his gob that I've already mentioned thinking the players are going to show loyalty to him and the club, (i'd imagine they have more ambition than that) that's if, like all the rest, he hasn't already decided to flog them, What a fraud, wenger out.

  13. mbg

    Dec 09, 2016, 17:43 #95468

    Did you hear TOF with his usual slabbering spin ? they have 18 months left on their contract, where have we heard that before ? we are in no hurry, where have we heard that before ? we are confident of keeping them, where have we heard that before ? and last but not least, we will do everything in our power to keep them, all sound familiar ? You couldn't f*****g make it up, what a fraud. wenger out.

  14. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 09, 2016, 16:52 #95467

    Ron, Tony, GTG, Mark, Jettplane & Redshirts some great comments regarding our two stars and their wages (or their agents) demands. It is probably why AW is playing Sanchez every game at the moment, his thinking will be, if you are going lets get some use out of you and if he gets injured then buyers will be more cautious. As for Ozil I think if Santi was fit he might have off loaded him in January if the price was right. One thing for sure, Wenger suggesting they can both run down their contracts is just not going to happen, I bet Stan and Ivan spluttered a bit when they read that particular news feed. However I do agree that Wenger tends to handle these situations very well considering everything is stacked against him, some of the figures thrown about as possible salary demands are light years away from the figures thought of when the maximum wage was first abolished.

  15. Ron

    Dec 09, 2016, 14:41 #95466

    GTG - I think AW is basically a snob really. He d maybe be that way whether he was in football or not. He doesn't like being challenged.

  16. Tony Evans

    Dec 09, 2016, 14:12 #95465

    GTG - good point re AWs attitude towards us supporters. It does appear that he sees us as no more than a nuisance to be barely tolerated. Purely in football terms though I think he does have principles and values (whether we like them or not)it's just his coaching methods that leave me scratching my head most of the time!

  17. GTG

    Dec 09, 2016, 13:22 #95464

    If that were the case Tony.... how do you explain the way he treats the fans with such distain? I totally agree with all of your other points and i've been going to Arsenal for a lot less years than yourself and Ron. Players aren't interested in having affinity with fans anymore and they're not taught about those principles by the people in charge of the club either. There are a few exceptions still about and its usually Youngsters like Harry Kane as much as it pains me to say it, or older pro's that are literally the last left from a better era.

  18. Mark from Aylesbury

    Dec 09, 2016, 13:18 #95463

    Sanchez would probably make and keep his spot in any Premier team along with most of Europe. Ozil though I think he has footballing beauty at times would probably struggle under Mourinho, along with very tactically led coaches (that's quite a few) throughout Europe. His comments about being open to Real Madrid are probably best to be taken with pinch of salt. Looks like Arsenal are calling bluff on Ozil and may well offer big bucks if necessary to keep Sanchez. Think therefore they will not end up on parity and maybe sale of Ozil. Personally would like to keep the pair of them.

  19. Tony Evans

    Dec 09, 2016, 12:57 #95462

    All good stuff lads - it is us older fellers that really struggle with todays excesses, and the move from our spiritual home of Highbury doesn't help either. Re Ron's comments on Wenger, I do tend to agree. Even though AW has annoyed the hell out of me for longer than I care to remember he does have his principles and values, and probably loathes the way the game is going as much as we do.

  20. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Dec 09, 2016, 12:24 #95461

    Your dead right lads, most of us who have supported Arsenal a long time don't seem to have much of an affiliation with today's players and their multi-million pound, pampered, spoilt life styles. I remember being distraught when players like Brady and Rocky left, genuinely gutted in fact, but then players of their ilk had a connection with the fans that today's prima donnas could only dream about. I know in 10,20 years time I will still recall fondly the likes of GG's team of the late 80's/early 90's and wengers sides up to say 2005. I'm hoping by then I will have long forgotten all about the likes of wally, senderos, eboue, alumnus, bendtner et al who have stained us with their presence in recent times!

  21. Ron

    Dec 09, 2016, 12:19 #95460

    AKB - i think NA could have been a true Club great, but his brothers and his immaturity made it impossible to hang onto him didnt it. He was such a good value sale too that by all accounts improved the infrastructure of the Club so again, AW did well to find and sell as he did. I personally think one of the selling errors AW made was not selling Henry early enough. He went for 13 Mill approx and he could have sold him for 35 Mill, 18 mths sooner. AW kept him due to his misplaced loyalty to him, bad back, giant ego, poor Captain and all for far too long. Tony , yr right to mention teams of those other periods and wrong for me to have not done so. Its this last 10 yrs that has much to answer for. AW is as much a product of how the games changed now as he is an orchestrator of the change. Im sure that deep down,Arsene Wenger with all of his principles and values has a pretty dim view of football today, despite the riches he makes from it! I dont see the two as incompatible in fairness to him. Its his values and principles that have stopped him maintaining his eminence as the Coach he once was in my view. His recent comments about these contract issues of Sanchez etc show how he still tries to marry morals and values to a morally bankrupt game. I do still admire him really, despite my views on his Coaching prowess these days.

  22. jjetplane

    Dec 09, 2016, 12:00 #95459

    Nice piece in Guardian about Iwobi who you just know is a good lad and did not know his uncle was Jay Jay Okocha. Talking about playing in Nigeria in a 30 thou capacity ground that had a crowd of 60 thou! Seems a well grounded kid and I hope he has a good career. he talks of how kids in nigeria ask for money and not autographs so who knows what goes through his head when he sees a fellow street kid Sanchez wanting a million a month. reminds me of Rashford spending a million on a place for his Mum while looking around for a gaff for himself. Unreal times and see the players moving to another planet from the fans. Looking forward to seeing my local team tomorrow who are all guys working as well as playing. Hard for me to think too much on Ozil and Sanchez who are now in a global product zone. I really only support who I see in the flesh. As someone who went to Highbury for 50 years the Emirates may as well be on the moon. Funny how my first local was just down the road .....

  23. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 09, 2016, 11:48 #95458

    Ron and Tony - Good points, expressed much more eloquently than mine yesterday (which were more focussed on agents). Just being a devil's advocate, but might Anelka have been a player worth hanging onto given his age and what he achieved afterwards? Can't say I ever liked the guy though and £20 plus million felt like good business at the time. Fabregas might also squeeze in, but otherwise spot on. And for that he deserves some credit.

  24. Tony Evans

    Dec 09, 2016, 11:47 #95457

    You are so right, Ron. I know you go back a few more years than me, in to the mid 60s, but the affinity I felt for the 70-73 and 77-81 sides bares no resemblance to how I feel about today's lot. Of course you can also add the 87-93 and the 98-2005 teams as well. They all had players that we could relate to as supporters, and players that we knew would give their all for the Arsenal cause in every game. It's not just Wenger that has made us lose our Arsenal mojo, but also the complete lack of empathy with the current players. We were the lucky ones, mate, and it's a shame those days are gone forever now.

  25. Ron

    Dec 09, 2016, 11:30 #95456

    Tony - a good many no longer care who leaves these days. SAs you say, the obsene money stops having any meaning at a certain level. As a result of the wages today and due to there being very few local or even British players, theres no emotional attachment by the fans to these players is there. Its all part of the sad modern day detachment of fans and player. You ll recall how we used to feel when Charlie George and Liam Brady et al left. As fans it was depressing wasnt it. They were part of the fabric of AFC. Todays players are just names on shirts. De humanized commodities really. I feel sorry for the youngsters today. They have no true 'heroes' to follow or commit loyalty too as we did to such as Raddy, Geordie, Willow etc and in my case, a few before them in the mid to late 60s as a very young lad.

  26. Tony Evans

    Dec 09, 2016, 11:03 #95455

    As usual I find myself in agreement with Ron. As supporters we want to see our squad brim-full of players that play for Arsenal because of their affinity for the club, not a bunch of financial mercenaries whose only motivation is money (no matter how good they are). I know that is never going to happen in the real world, but when we are talking salaries in excess of £100/£150K per week does another £20 to £50 grand a week really make much of a difference - they are never going to be poor are they! As Ron says the greedy beggars can f right off as far as I am concerned.

  27. Ron

    Dec 09, 2016, 10:29 #95454

    I always find it quite tiresome really whenever we start to fret over players leaving. None are worth being held to ransom over. Not one of these, either now or in the past are worth it. If they dont like what AFC offer, Sanchez, Ozil or whoever can fook right off for me. The Clubs always bigger than the players. They just pass by on their journey. AW is a master at knowing who and when to sell. His weakness has always been in buying the available right replacements at the right time. I cant think of one player who hes sold where there was a cast iron case not to sell.

  28. John F

    Dec 09, 2016, 9:26 #95453

    Had to laugh when I heard Wenger yesterday claiming that Sanchez and Ozil will see out their contracts.If Arsenal cannot agree a deal will Arsene ignore the 100mil plus offers for them both and keep two disgruntled players on the books next summer.We have heard it all before and I really cannot believe anyone believe s it.With that statement he was speaking as if he will still be in charge next season.

  29. "zip it up & start again"

    Dec 09, 2016, 8:34 #95452

    Ozil's heart has never really been in it and we will have to start winning things to keep Sanchez! Do top clubs allow their top players to run into the last 2 years of their contracts like we do?

  30. Mark from Aylesbury

    Dec 09, 2016, 7:53 #95451

    Tozer - always thought that Eriksen is class, Dele Alli is very good and we could really do things with Kane.

  31. CT Gooner

    Dec 09, 2016, 3:53 #95450

    I just don't get why we would highlight that our two best players contracts are running down and they still haven't signed new ones. Why even bring it up?? Sanchez and Ozil know they can get over 200k/week anywhere in Europe, or China, so we pay or we don't, but in public view isn't like Wenger...

  32. jjetplane

    Dec 08, 2016, 23:51 #95449

    & living in a trophyless comfort zone for the rest of their football lives while earning trophy wages .... nice.

  33. GoonerRon

    Dec 08, 2016, 23:42 #95448

    I don't buy it that they will leave to a club that 'shows ambition'. If that's judged by transfer spend well including their transfers we've spent nearly £200m net since they joined, and have bought 4 players whose fee obliterated our transfer record before 2013. I actually think both will stay as I think they're unlikely to enjoy main-men status at a bigger club whilst earning money towards the very top bracket.

  34. Paul Ward

    Dec 08, 2016, 23:11 #95447

    Think we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves here, Wengers right in a sense when he says it's not all about the money , winning things is important too. Both are more likely to stay if we win the league so its better to focus on that rather than what might happen in the summer, my guess is that the club will keep at least one of them, because they simply will not be able to sugar coat both departing at once.

  35. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 08, 2016, 22:50 #95446

    Seems only one team in North London can hang onto their best players

  36. Big Andy

    Dec 08, 2016, 21:56 #95444

    As Arsenal are no longer a football club but just a business, I fully expect to see both Ozil and Sanchez disappear this summer. Wenger knows that he can achieve a top-four finish next season without them, so why pay stupid money to do anything better? And remember: Wenger needs to find money to pay for his own pay increase when he signs that new contract. I suspect that both our superstars want out now, anyway: they probably want to play for a club which actually wants to win silverware.

  37. Leek fc

    Dec 08, 2016, 20:45 #95443

    Thanks for that GS. Not sure if you can pay that kind of money for potential. We paid 42 mil knowing that Ozil was the deal that he is. Not a potential. Same as Sanchez. Price paid was for the complete package. It's Jose's problem and not ours.

  38. mbg

    Dec 08, 2016, 20:15 #95442

    Diogene, top post, like a lot of us you have TOF and his rotten (spin)regime worked out to a T, the thought of it/him with his smug grin on show f*****g depressing. wenger out.

  39. GS

    Dec 08, 2016, 19:50 #95441

    Leeky , good point about pogba, Maureen paid way over the odds for an average player with potential, what that does is raise the demands of better players . If Wenger pays to keep alexis & ozil he will need to offload a couple to balance the books, after all , that is what he does best. More balance sheet than team management ....COYG

  40. Leek fc

    Dec 08, 2016, 18:48 #95440

    The greatest Arsenal manager signed ozil, Sanchez and Perez for less than the most overrated player in premier league history... Pogba. Be appreciative that these players wear the red and white as opposed to wishing them out of our club.

  41. block 007 row 18

    Dec 08, 2016, 17:36 #95438

    we will have to give Theo a pay rise now its only fair...

  42. Diogene

    Dec 08, 2016, 16:56 #95437

    The scene is already set up: I heard a rumour saying that Ozil and Sanchez contract extensions depend on money and on whether Wenger signs a new contract... Expect the new Wenger contract to come soon and be presented as a way to keep our top players!

  43. jeff wright

    Dec 08, 2016, 16:23 #95435

    I make you right Bard top 4 for Wenger is job done and for Syrupy as well. 3 years and another pay rise for Arsene on the way once that is achieved . If the clown was happy to finish second last season with the title there for the taking then he will be again if he only makes 4th spot. Also selling Ozil and Sancho will be a bonus for Syrupy. They can be replaced by players who will settle for less money.Syrupy is not known in the good ol' U.S of A for paying big bucks to try and win trophies when his clubs can just meander along in mediocrity and make profits for him without all that nasty having to spend money that he can keep in the bank. Profits are what it is all about with supporters just customers watching 'ball games' to Syrupy. He has no interest in the sporting side of affairs. Wengo (yawn) is just an accountant really posing as being a football manager. His latest comments on the wage demands made by Glum and Glummer (yet again ) prove that.

  44. mbg

    Dec 08, 2016, 15:39 #95433

    There's a bigger elephant in the room mate, with a big hooter too, he doesn't exactly use it to feed himself but pointy enough, wenger himself, the question here is just as critical, we certainly can't afford to pay/keep him if we want to be ambitious and win things. Nellie the elephant out, and pack your bags and make your way back to the circus.

  45. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 08, 2016, 15:27 #95432

    Thanks Bard - Other than making a player feel like the big swinging dick in a club because they're the highest paid player, it's actually pretty philosophically difficult to see the difference between 70K a week rather than £210K a week. HMRC are doing well out of the PL and are set to do even better if the tories actually start going after clubs. Ultimately it's the agents, filling little Mesut's napper with tales of untold riches, that are the stain. Don't get me wrong - I've loathed every minute of the talent exodus we've been subjected to over the past 10 years, but someone really needs to draw a line on this. I would suggest that Stan, wengo and Ivan admire these players for being so avaricious - greed is good right?. I hate to sound like an antediluvian version of George Graham but I'd offer them a sum above what they're getting and well below what they're asking for and after blowing a bit of smoke up their asses, tell them to fook off if they don''t like it. That's not going to bring success I know, but greedy agents are appalling human beings.

  46. Tony Evans

    Dec 08, 2016, 13:42 #95427

    Hi Bard - Premiership salaries have been in the 'obscene' bracket for ages, and even when you think the football world can't become any more greedy, it does! I would love to see a 'collective cap', agreed by all clubs, imposed to limit the greed, but there's more chance of us winning the CL than that ever happening! What I object to even more than the greed though is my team trying to act as the moral football compass, and using that as an excuse for their business first / trophies second philosophy. For me Arsenal should stick to the old adage if you can't beat 'em join 'em, and until football comes together as one to restore some sanity that's what I want to see from my club. Not holding my breath though!