To be a fly on the wall…

What would Dr Ceri Evans make of the comfort bubble at London Colney?

To be a fly on the wall…

Dr Ceri Evans – No room for ‘Dickheads’

There has been a bit of press recently about the fact that Wenger has brought in Dr Ceri Evans, a psychiatrist and sport psychologist, to work with the team. He had previously been working with the All Blacks rugby team, a team who have been widely lauded as the most successful sports team of all time. On the evidence of the Everton and City games you suspect he has his work cut out.

James Kerr has written in detail about the culture underpinning the All Blacks success, a culture that was developed while Dr Evans worked for the All Blacks. This book is called ‘Legacy’.

It’s worth highlighting some of the key elements in the All Blacks culture then comparing them with Arsenal.

1. Allegedly there is a notice in the training room that says, ‘No dickheads allowed’. This effectively translates as follows; no one is allowed to be part of the group who doesn’t contribute fully to the team ethic. It doesn’t matter how talented you are if you don’t conform to all the requirements of the team you are out. Some seriously talented players have been jettisoned as a result of their failure to embrace the requirements.

2. 100% commitment is demanded at all times whether training or during games. Anyone showing less than that is discarded.

3. Humility is demanded from everyone. Senior players are regular seen cleaning out the changing rooms after practice.

4. Competition is fierce. They work on the theory of having three players for each position. If your performance level drops you get axed. Beauden Barratt (2016 world player of the year) was hooked before half time in a recent international when his game didn’t quite come up to the required standard

5. Winning is everything. Despite having won a world record 18 games on the trot plus a World Cup the loss to Ireland in one of the autumn internationals was greeting in New Zealand with calls for players to be dropped and the management sacked. So much for pressure.

In addition the All Blacks are not paid as much as many other international players and their Union is not the richest.

With these key elements in the back of your mind it is easy to see why Arsenal have had so little success in recent years. Of course rugby is a different game but team dynamics remain constant across all sports. It is patently obvious that not all players are putting in a 100% and there is an implicit acceptance of a culture of mediocrity. These two elements alone crucially undermine the team spirit and mental strength of the side. I would love to eavesdrop on the conversations between Dr Evans and Wenger.

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  1. exiled&dangerous

    Dec 25, 2016, 13:30 #96170

    Used to watch Ceri Evans playing for Christchurch United against my local side North Shore United back in the '80s. Whatever the opinions on sports psychology may be, it was much harder back then for a Kiwi footballer to get spotted and step up to play at a higher level, given the amateur status of the game and the small pool of talent to begin with in a rugby-obsessed country. So perhaps he in a good position to speak of determination and motivation - but if you were 20 years old with a couple of million quid in the bank already, would you be bothered to listen?

  2. Paul Ward

    Dec 24, 2016, 12:56 #96150

    Will need more than quackery to sort our lot out I'm afraid, nothing will change until we change our fundamentally flawed manager.

  3. Leek the Squeak

    Dec 23, 2016, 12:25 #96105

    The AKB Sleigh Ride, Jamee, Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing Ring ting tingle-ing too Come on, it's lovely weather For a sleigh ride together with you Outside the snow is falling And our friend Colesey is calling "You Hoo" Come on, it's lovely weather For a sleigh ride together with you Ring-a-ling-a-ling-ah-Ding-dong-ding [4x] Badarse's cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we We're snuggled up together like Arsene Wenger would be Let's take the road before us and sing another chorus or two Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho

  4. Danny

    Dec 23, 2016, 8:58 #96094

    If we win the title and Dr Evans is allowed to take some credit for it, then Wenger may step down and we can appoint him as the manager as that will have been the only change at the club since moving to the Emirates and the only thing that has worked out for us. Or maybe he'll just realise that we don't have to win anything as AFC is about money and not trophies and that he can just sit back and enjoy the ride. Not the same ride most fans are on as we've not enjoyed this ride for far too long now. Wenger out

  5. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 23, 2016, 8:48 #96093

    Merry Xmas everyone. Even to Finsbury Joe AKA Jamerson. Let's spank WBA and Palace and PNE and everything will be rosy in the garden again. Till next time.

  6. John F

    Dec 23, 2016, 8:22 #96092

    Rumours about PSG trying to sign Wenger may be spin put out by the club prior to an announcement of the two year contract.To end all arguements about Wenger it would be good if he did move just to see how he would get on at a new club.

  7. Bonzo

    Dec 23, 2016, 6:58 #96091

    Vinnie - someone in the club doesn't believe the mental speerit bullshine. Luckily for Wengo he still has the support of the freak brothers on this site plus of course the whacko Untold.

  8. Vinnie

    Dec 23, 2016, 0:40 #96090

    Would be interesting to know who appointed Ceri.. If it was not Arsene it might show the board have concerns. If it was Arsene that's also interesting. Good in the sense that he might have the humility to recognise he is struggling but hard to imagine some of the othe top managers resorting to this -would Ferguson or Mourinho? Would Graham have needed this? Either way I feel it shows an endemic problem which cannot be fixed until Wenger moves on Also agree Wenger is not the only problem but we need a new manager who is strong enough to drive change. But unclear if the owner does not want change if that can work That's a key problem for us we don't really know the ambitions and wants of our owner..

  9. Bonzo

    Dec 23, 2016, 0:10 #96089

    Squeak - oh dear posting stalker alert, not a good look Squeak. I'm still not sure where I have used the term "ignore Jamee" however moving on, no Christmas in Suffolk for me this year, however I'm sure you're making your way down to the caravan of hell with your 10 litres of slush puppy juice.

  10. mbg

    Dec 22, 2016, 23:39 #96088

    King Jeremy, your spot on, I doubt it will even get that far, remember the big spin hullaballoo into what's his name over the investigation into the injury crisis long forgotten about now, there's only one solution and we all know what it is, whether some like it or not, a new manager. wenger out now.

  11. Leek fc

    Dec 22, 2016, 23:31 #96087

    13.12 22/12/2016. Bell end bonzo and always will be. Southwold for new year's Eve maybe???? The vouyerist love affair seems to be blossoming.

  12. Bonzo

    Dec 22, 2016, 23:21 #96086

    the squeak has spoken! Come on now when have I said ignore Jamee? It's pointless he will post as he pleases and I have great fun in spoofing his idiocy. Ps. You've not got a little obsession about me building have you?

  13. mbg

    Dec 22, 2016, 23:16 #96085

    And when Sanchez and Ozil do do the same as the others, and leeave for a team and manager with ambition who wants to be successful and win things it will be just the same, good luck to you/them and hope you succeed, and then we can all listen (well those that will)to the spin and lies from TOF as he tells us how he done everything in his power to try and persuade them to stay, and look forward to the AKB's reopen central command to organise the back turning protest whenever they return with their medals.

  14. JOHN F

    Dec 22, 2016, 22:44 #96084

    I stayed in New Zealand in 2003 for 3 months I found the kiwi's are fanatical about the All Blacks and about sport in general.The players would not really need that much motivation because of the pride they would have in pulling on the shirt.The America's cup was on and a couple of Kiwi's had defected from the previous winning NZ team to the Swiss side who won it.All over New Zealand they were flying black flags with Loyal on and it was front page news ,all over a yacht race so you can imagine what is like for the All Blacks.At Arsenal the pressure to preform from the manager and to some extent the fans is nowhere near that level and I would imagine he has a really tough job motivating some of the players where money is the god not pride.NZ beautiful country by the way,highly recommend.

  15. Paul

    Dec 22, 2016, 22:10 #96083

    No Dickheads allowed that rules out Wenger Walcott Ox Ramsey Ozil Giroud then

  16. Snowbiggee

    Dec 22, 2016, 22:08 #96082

    Has Wenger bought this guy in or is it Gazidis trying to move the old fart into the 21st Century. Sounds like the latter to me.

  17. Mad Monk

    Dec 22, 2016, 22:00 #96081

    Silly me there was I thinking that Ozil dissappear's in the big games when it's all to do with us British moron's not understanding his body language, apparently when he's walking around looking disinterested it's us not understanding something? Not sure what but Tony over on Untold says so and he's never wrong. According to Tony we also can compete with the richer clubs even though they buy better player's than us but this dosent mean you can win the league by buying better player's and we were much better off selling Fabregas and RVP because we got lots of money to buy Ozil who is much better than them even though spending money like the 2 Manchester clubs and Chelsea don't guarantee anything as 2 of the 3 are not in the Champions League and Leicester still cheated their way to the title. All of this to deflect the fact Arsenal's last 2 games was an utterly embarrassment and Wenger has lost the plot ... ditto the last 12 year's. Had enough of for a beer!

  18. Leek fc

    Dec 22, 2016, 21:45 #96080

    Funniest thing on the site is bonzo telling all and sundry to ignore Jamerson and he covers the last 3 posts out of 5 on the last link. He goes on about Jamersons life style and the voyeur in him is very much curious. Go on bonzo, tell the world you so much would love to meet up in Southwold. The last 4 months or so you've been infatuated by him. Do you want to OUT yourself.. ... .. and people complain about UNTOLD ARSENAL. ha ha ha... Santa couldn't deliver this. Oooooo toooo beeee aaaaa goooooonnnnaaaa.

  19. King Jeremy

    Dec 22, 2016, 21:19 #96079

    all sounds fine and dandy but I suspect it will end up like the Keown situation in the run to the CL final. The moment Dr Ceri gains any plaudits he will be shown the door as only the glorious Arsene can save us

  20. Bonzo

    Dec 22, 2016, 21:04 #96078

    Interesting Bard, very interesting. The first chinks are now emerging. This is obviously an admission that things are wrong. Yes we have for years said we have bottlers. Wengo and his ridiculous mental speerit is a standing joke. Only Untold and the freak brothers on here believe him. My fear is they are still placating the old fraud when any other board would have sacked him. At some point you feel that they would finally run out of patience. Not sure if this makes me more hopeful or even more despairing of the supine board. You have to think that Shankley , Paisley, Ferguson, Graham would just scoff after all it was their job to rouse the troops.


    Dec 22, 2016, 19:40 #96077

    Bugger, he is going to stay forTWO MORE YEARS!!! How do I know? Because any media watcher knows the PSG story (again) is just a plant, will never happen. It's just to frighten the few remaining AKBs & the plentiful supply of tourists. Not enough true fans to get rid of the old fossil & far too many tourists. Cynical? Moi?

  22. mbg

    Dec 22, 2016, 19:24 #96076

    Danny, yes mate, RVP moved on (along with all the others)and remember the abuse he and they got from wengers little luvvies ? the protest when he returned, the back turning protest organised by the AKB wengerites, while looking over their shoulder, idiots, pathetic,(he's deserting him was the cry, they should have stayed and won something here etc, etc, etc) unlike them a lot of us knew better at the time i'm glad to say, (and so did RVP and the rest)and said good luck to him, and them, they had and showed ambition and they were right and have the medals to prove it, I wonder will his AKB luvvies think and do the same when Sanchez and Ozil show ambition and move on like all the rest, i'd very much doubt it as they now know and realise the truth. wenger out.

  23. Cyril

    Dec 22, 2016, 19:00 #96075

    Skg: indeed, I have an 8 and 2 in the pocket followed by a 6 and 1; you get the drift... It's not looking good!

  24. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 22, 2016, 18:18 #96074

    Cyril - The only hand you are holding when it comes to Arsenal is a busted flush!

  25. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 22, 2016, 18:10 #96073

    I doubt very much if Wenger had this guy appointed, he is clearly a strong voice who helps sportsmen become uncompromising winners, clearly the very last person a man like wenger would want on board. I would suggest this appointment is a desperate measure by the board to reach an increasingly unlikely top 4 spot, to give them an excuse to offer this loser of a manager a new contract....lets face it, they are too scared, and lacking in knowledge of the sport to appoint a new man Bet this new sports psychologist is gone within weeks, wenger is only happy with his yes men behind the scenes

  26. mbg

    Dec 22, 2016, 17:38 #96072

    Mark, good point, that has been beaten/put out of THEM too, under instructions to shut up and remain silent, (it's alright for TOF to rant and rave at officials though)they hardly even celebrate a goal, (I guess they think the same as the rest of us and couldn't be bothered) knowing they'll feel the wrath of wenger if they disobey, someone brought up on here yesterday how TOF has ruined the reputation of two good men, two good Arsenal men Arsenal legends, in Bouldy and Pat Rice, another sackable offence on it's own, thankfully he's also ruined his own in the process. wenger out.

  27. Danny

    Dec 22, 2016, 16:51 #96071

    Smithy,I know all that you have said is correct,it's a total lack of ambition from top to bottom.If Wenger wanted to be more successful trophy wise then he would have moved on which would have proved it's the club with no ambition. He didn't move on Which proves it's both Wenger and the club with no ambition as they are happy with mugging everyone off. As I said earlier RVP moved on to get one last chance at winning the PL which he done and to be honest when fit he was class . TH14 also went to win the CL as he also knew that AFC lacked ambition to get into the last eight of the competition. If Sanchez and Ozil sign new contracts nothing will change at AFC apart from the wage bill and if they don't stay we will still need a proper number 9 which we won't get as they all refuse to join us apart from Perez as they know we won't win anything. Wenger and the board out now.

  28. David

    Dec 22, 2016, 16:40 #96070

    "Tony Evans 12:08pm 22nd Dec 2016 Apparently PSG are touting for Wenger again..." Wenger is more of a Mourhinho than a Ferguson. He should have left Arsenal in 2007. He made a big impact early on (as he did at Monaco winning the title in his first full season and his time in Japan was successful), but since 2006 there has been little to shout about. He lasted 7 seasons at Monaco despite winning just one cup after the league win. I suspect that Wenger would be successful at PSG and given his age won't have to worry about the next job.

  29. Mark

    Dec 22, 2016, 15:53 #96069

    some other Points of evidence? Dont Arsenal have the least animated bench in the whole premier league ? why is that...? its like Passion has been ruled out ? Bould looks like a bored spectator most of time. crikey you should have been sitting behind George Graham's bench when things were not going right. Do you really think Tony Adams or Ian Wright would sit there like Bould does? what is wrong with this lot ?? where is the Passion ?

  30. mbg

    Dec 22, 2016, 15:48 #96068

    One thing is for dammed sure that notice has no place in the Arsenal dressing room, as the majority of them (including TOF of a manager) are, don't have it, don't give it, and are certainly not winners. wenger out.

  31. mbg

    Dec 22, 2016, 15:11 #96067

    It's a comfort bubble alright right through from the medical staff the coaches right through to the dressing room, all over seen by bubbles him self, This new doc (brought in as some sort of sop or spin to keep the fans at rest perhaps ?) has certainly has his work cut out (and it hasn't worked so far)with this bunch (that's if he's allowed to at all by TOF and his ego)they're so indoctrinated by wenger into his long out of date ways and failed philosophy's, it would take five o six good psychiatrists a year or two to sort them out, as for the mixed up old fraud himself ? it wouldn't matter how many he employs to sort his mind out he's a lost cause a white coat and padded cell job, and has been for years. wenger out.

  32. Smithy

    Dec 22, 2016, 14:22 #96066

    Reference- Danny . I said Arsene is part of the problem as there are other factors that are at play. The lack of interest or ambition of silent Stan and his grimer worm tongue minion Ivan gazidis. We have Steve marcel marceux bould and the sheer incompetence of our training coaches and medical departments. Long term recruitment and scouting systems also. Then there is the academy that has provided only a few over the years. Thus Arsene is not the only thing wrong with the club.

  33. anthony walters

    Dec 22, 2016, 14:04 #96065

    good in theory but multi millionaire footballers at a club are far less likely to tolerate such authoritarian methods.thw second being you can install a winning attitude in players but as people say if wenger is picking unbalanced teams to accomodate the best players at the cost of shape and leaving players on when underperforming what does that say to the players.look at andy murray every grand slam title won under ivan lendl .no excuses ,no indulging any murray histrionics or looks at umpires just a total focus on winning.

  34. West Cork Frank

    Dec 22, 2016, 13:03 #96063

    Good article as always Bard. I can't see the point of us having a sports psychologist, he/ she can only work with what they have at their disposal and what can anybody do with players that have no heart or fight ? Bellerin, Mustaffe and Sanchez are the only three that have the right mindset and talent that amounts to anything worthwhile. However,can you blame the rest of the players ? They are led ( sic ) by a weak, money/ power orientated hasbeen. Who challenges them, puts them on the spot, demands that they do all they can ? Same old same old.

  35. jeff wright

    Dec 22, 2016, 12:20 #96061

    Personally I have never bought into the using psychiatric theories in sport malarkey. Although some footballers, such as Gazza, obviously have mental problems but his and most others with mental problems are due to other aspects of their lives and have nothing to do with football.It seems to me that the All Blacks are just employing an old fasioned boot camp techniques to try and gee up the players by instilling a work ethic and are also using a humiliation regime by forcing players to perform menial tasks. I can't see Wally,Glum and Glummer cleaning out the bogs and mopping floors. I go along with the view though that Wengo needs psychiatric help and have thought so for donkeys years .

  36. jjetplane

    Dec 22, 2016, 12:17 #96060

    You only have to look at Conte and Chelski to see the team ethic in action. Note as Fabregas as a second choice is playing better than most of Wenger's no shows combined. If this bloke is at Asano maybe he is past it and looking for a Bouldie type situ while raking it in. Maybe he adds to the comfort. Love to know if there was an inveestigation re Ozil's no show at a recent corner which resulted in Arsenal losing. I imagine when you go to other grounds in the UK their dressing rooms will have Mesut and Theo up on the wall. That will galvanise any team to action.

  37. Tony Evans

    Dec 22, 2016, 12:08 #96059

    Apparently PSG are touting for Wenger again - they can have him tomorrow as far as I am concerned and he can take Dr Evans with him. No disrespect intended to the good doctor but I think our current problems go deeper than psycho analysis. Our pampered players already think they are better than they are in reality so I am not sure what Dr Evans is going to achieve.

  38. Cyril

    Dec 22, 2016, 11:33 #96058

    Interesting as he concentrates on improvement in decision making for elite sportsmen. This clearly means Wenger is convinced that his team are good enough. There lies the rub for me. I am not convinced that we are. Wenger to his credit really believes in his players. It just mirrors poker for me. The team are a reasonable full house hand of say nines over sixes. I'm convinced it's gonna win the pot but the longer the round goes on the less convinced I become. My opponent is betting heavy unusually as he doesn't bluff. I start to doubt my full house as I know deep down there are 5 trips that can nail me in a full house etc. Now if I'm holding 3 aces as trips, im super confident. Deep down im not sure that the players think they are the best. Back to Wenger, fix that with an addition or two and then get in the Dr.

  39. Danny

    Dec 22, 2016, 10:47 #96057

    Smithy , Wenger is the problem at the club , if he had ambition to want to go and win things he would have gone to Madrid when he had the chance to. Instead he chose to stay at a club with no ambition other than to finish forth and stay in the comfort zone. When RVP left I think the penny dropped with most of the fans that the club had no ambition, from that day on I lost respect for Wenger and the board. Not only that , when we lost to Birmingham in the LC final the writing was on the wall from that day onwards. It's been one thing after another and it's boring season in season out.

  40. Roy

    Dec 22, 2016, 10:26 #96056

    They say half of sport is played in the mind, don't they ? So I can see the point of any club bringing in someone like Dr Evans. However, all the different facets need to work in harmony, and when you have a Manager who's not fulfilling his side of the bargain I'd say it's largely a waste of time. The problem is that Wenger has become so ensconced and stuck in his ways, that we are entirely predictable and no longer innovative hence our poor record versus the other top sides. And as long as he remains, no amount of mind games with the players is going to change that. If only the Syrupy One wasn't purely cash driven, this purgatory would and should have ended long ago. Both of them are culpable. Both out.

  41. Smithy

    Dec 22, 2016, 10:09 #96055

    The leader needs to embrace those attitudes first and the rest must follow. Arsene is a huge part of the problem at our club.

  42. GS

    Dec 22, 2016, 8:58 #96053

    All of the above is a contradiction , Dr Evans needs to sort out Wenger first (that may take a while) then focus on the squad. Smoke & Mirrors as usual. Solution, keep Dr Evans, get rid of TOF.