The Late Show – Boxing Day edition

Online Ed: Eventual deserved victory against Tony Pulis’ West Brom

The Late Show – Boxing Day edition

Photo by Marcia Milnes

A game Arsenal had to win to get their season back on track after two defeats on the trot, and on paper, the first of six highly winnable Premier League fixtures before the visit to Stamford Bridge in early February. But as has been well established this season, Tony Pulis’ West Brom are a tough nut to crack. Defensively hard to break down, few would have been surprised by the game that we witnessed yesterday.

Giroud started, with Iwobi and Sanchez wide, with Walcott and the Ox both injured. There are some that will feel Theo’s absence might help the team, and I watched the game with the Highbury Spy, who is definitely one of them.

Gibbs started in place of Monreal, who did not cover himself in glory at the Etihad, but Monreal looks like he will get his place back for the foreseeable future after Gibbs picked up an injury in the second half.

Arsenal struggled before the interval. It was a cold afternoon, many fans had not been able to make it to the game, and things felt a bit flat generally. There were a few glimpses of goal, but little clear cut. West Brom rarely ventured forward in serious numbers. After the interval, the intensity was noticeably raised and the quality of the chances definitely improved. Ben Foster was in good form, and timewasted as long as he could before finally seeing a yellow card. Sanchez hit the post, and the time for more chances was running down.

The day was saved by a quality cross from Ozil and excellent front man play by Giroud to engineer a looping header over Foster. Four minutes of normal time remaining and relief for everyone. A draw would have been a further nail in the coffin of Arsenal’s title hopes, which are looking bleak enough as it is after Chelsea’s recent run.

The Spy insisted I mention his opinion that Arsenal looked creatively bankrupt after Iwobi’s removal on 71 minutes. It’s not one I share, although I certainly rate Iwobi. I also realize that the reason he is usually taken off is because Wenger generally takes his wide attackers off (except, sometimes, Sanchez), and because Iwobi is still young and the manager does not want to risk burning him out. However the Spy’s view of pretty much anything is all or nothing. I told him I would mention this in the piece on the game, do with it as you wish.

I watched Match of the Day last night and seeing Chelsea’s hunger, it reminded me how significant the manager’s role is in the performance of his players. Contrast Chelsea now and a year ago. The personnel are pretty much the same. One thing Antonio Conte has brought to his side is a real passion – you can see it when the players celebrate with him after goals and at full time. Even someone like Cesc Fabregas, who is not guaranteed a starting spot, is playing for him when he gets the chance.

Do the Arsenal players feel the same way about Arsene Wenger? Are they as motivated, as driven, as determined. Do they need to be to win more key matches? The performances at Goodison Park (outmuscled) and the Etihad (outplayed) have raised a lot of questions that have been asked before without a satisfactory answer. Chelsea – since Conte has decided to utilise his favoured formation – have mixed playing result football (the 1-0s so familiar from Juventus) and blowing away sides (such at Bournemouth yesterday). In fairness to Arsenal, Chelsea only managed to beat West Brom 1-0 at home as well. Then again, Chelsea beat Manchester City 3-1 at the Etihad, with both Aguero and Fernandinho in opposition.

So Arsenal’s aim must be to hang onto Chelsea’s coat-tails and wait for the run to end, although some will be more concerned with the improvement in form of Manchester United and Spurs. The Gunners need to make hay while the sun shines against Palace, Bournemouth, Swansea, Burnley, Watford. Do the flat track bully thing they are capable of and watch others drop points in more challenging fixtures. With some of the away trips still to come this season, the Gunners will need some points in the bank just to remain in the top four.

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  1. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 31, 2016, 22:54 #96284

    Bonzo......who knows, maybe your friend in the game, and Kevin were correct at a time, but events may have changed to the Myles version.....only speculation, but maybe they think it will add stability to the team, or encourage key players to sign contracts of Wenger stays....different people with different views can be correct at different times. But, unfortunately, really just cannot see him going this summer, but will hold my hands up if he does, maybe Myles Palmer will as well. Quite an image you create of him BTW....Paul and Shark!!

  2. Bonzo

    Dec 31, 2016, 20:13 #96274

    Finsbury - I'm more than happy to be disrespectful to Myles Palm job he's full of self importance (much like me) and a teller of bs tales. I'm still amused over his superstar friendship with Rod Stewart yeah right. It's very easy to get a rise out of the great Beatnik. Just mention his yuppie lifestyle a few times and hear him go on. I reckon his house is like a Ralph Lauren catalogue and he loafs around in Musto, Paul and Shark a proper member of the pink trouser brigade. Remember he doesn't support Arsenal! He just makes money from it. A bit like Westie then!

  3. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 31, 2016, 19:01 #96270

    Bonzo, very disrespectful to one of THE great Arsenal bloggers, but if that's your opinion, fair enough. As for supporting Arsenal, MP is at pains to state he is above tribal aspects of supporting any one club But why would Wengerleave this comfort zone, nobody else would give him what he has here, and he doesn't seem like a man ready for retirement. We all know Stan will move heaven and earth to keep him at Arsenal. Sadly, nothing about Wenger makes sense to anyone, except some of the fans. My money, he is staying, for two more years, at the very least

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 31, 2016, 18:13 #96266

    Oi Jamee son, you berk. Can you please make it one of your new year's resolutions to raise you side of the discourse on here? It ain't half easy pulling apart your arguments and your inane ranting. Leviticus 23:12 Beware the caravan dweller from suffolk because he's a racist homophobic cretin who supports chelski and is as soft as shi'ite.

  5. mbg

    Dec 31, 2016, 12:36 #96261

    As I stand upon Highbury Hill and saw a beast rise up out of the Emirates having seven big heads and one big horn, and upon his big heads seven crowns, and upon his heads the name of wenger the destroyer of Arsenal and everything he touches, with a mouth that dribbled, and the bald eagle gave him power and authority to destroy said club, and all the world ceased wondering and realised what a complete fraud he really was, but as the destroyer destroyed the AKB wengerites still worshiped the fraud anyway, saying there's only one arsene wenger. wenger out now.

  6. Bonzo

    Dec 31, 2016, 11:10 #96260

    Jamee - as a new year resolution can you promise to man up, grow a pair and stop bitching about referee decisions every time we lose. Your part of this "look at me" "snow flake" generation, Mollyoddled no doubt. You obviously can't accept set backs and then end up making a terrible scene in your local waitrose or similar. You're far to materialistic always on about how wealthy you are, on social media flaunting your tatty bling Rolex's. You really do need to take some lessons from the many contributors on this site such as ArseneKnewBest, MBG, Ron, Exeter, Cornish. So many others who enjoy the simple things in life and proper football. Ps I hope your fashionable Hermes scarf is keeping you warm. Now clear off for a few weeks, years, forever etc.

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 31, 2016, 11:09 #96259

    Jameeson - seven into ten doesn't go you biblical cretin. You spout any religious crap in the pub tonight mate and I'll sort you out you poultice.

  8. Bonzo

    Dec 31, 2016, 10:40 #96258

    Finsbury Joe- Myles PalmJob said contract already signed, now he's saying it will be announced after Palace. He's backtracking like he's done often before. Don't know where you get he's never been wrong before? He's been wrong plenty of times. The facts are that the Leipzig manager has been approached. He has gone on record. Wenger has also publicly said I will decide end of the season which is a neat way of deferring a decision to leave. Putting all your belief in the Dollis Hill Yuppie is a futile endeavour. He doesn't even support Arsenal. I rate Wengo's chances of staying at no more than 50% with my money on he's going. I've Also heard rumours from someone in the game that backs Kevin's view.

  9. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 31, 2016, 10:09 #96257

    Bonzo and mbg - "Hear, hear" to all of that. To imagine a period in the club's history post-wengo is almost like a dream. I, for one, would be conga'ing all over my manor with AKBjunior if it happened. We could also get back to talking about more appealing on-field topics, not least because it would spell the demise of Jamee son and his host of insane caravan dwelling alter egos. And I'll even change the tense of my moniker from "aknewb"to "managerxknowsbest" in order to give the new geezer (or woman...) a chance. Have a good one everybody - except Jamee por supuesto.

  10. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 31, 2016, 10:08 #96256

    Myles Palmer wrong.....that really would be a first. We can be quite sure they have offered Wenger a deal, and the other stories, could be a combination of spin, pressure on Wenger to sign, and due diligence should he not. Mr Palmer did say the deal was in place and they would like to announce it, not that Wenger had already signed it...subtle difference. But, I think we all know,what's going to happen

  11. mbg

    Dec 30, 2016, 20:57 #96255

    Bonzo, happy new year to yourself mate, and lets hope your right, yes it's been four years but it will have been bloody well worth it, who's to say it wasn't fans like myself, yourself, jw, jj, Ron, Bard, etc, etc, etc, and all the others on here, some still some not, (you's all know who you are) who spoke out and said what we thought (and weren't afraid to, and will continue to do so)who in helping others see the light helped hasten his departure, I'd bet if we'd have sat on our arses like the little AKB sheep and said nothing, applauding and agreeing with everything without a bleat it would have been a hell of a lot longer, another four years or more, we certainly wouldn't be at the stage where we're calling for his head, talking about his departure, and discussing and debating his successor, so all in all i'd say it's been a very fruitful four years. wenger out now.

  12. Bonzo

    Dec 30, 2016, 19:34 #96254

    Some closing thoughts on a year that lost some classic entertainers and on a more every day note went on repeat cycle for Arsenal. What we do know: The Leipzig manager confirms he has been approached, various sources are claiming Arsenal have drawn up a list and a story is now floating that the Juve coach is interested. Wenger says he will decide at the end of the season. I therefore think Myles Palmer is wrong and has already back tracked on his story. Therefore wishing you all a happy new year with the real prospect of Wengo finally leaving. A little note to BBA - yes MBG and others have saying the same message over and over again for the last 4 years and the reason for this is sadly it has taken this long to break the grip on PR and goodwill that Wenger enjoyed. With the hardwork of a number of contributors we have now marginalised him and helped in a small way to push James Olley (Evening Standard) into the out camp. Countless individuals have also via social media crushed his goodwill leaving Untold as the only supporting voice. If you still are putting one man above the goodwill and health of the club you are going to have a terrible 2017. For the rest of us I am hoping for real excitement.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 30, 2016, 18:13 #96253

    Jamee son - somehow you conspire to give the lie to that idea that a stopped clock is at least right twice a day. You talk so much shi'ite that the rest of us will soon need wings to stay above it. I bought a chelsea troll-spotting device from asano inc for christmas and it hasn't stopped bleeping today because of your spew. Get back to what you do best, i.e. felching the sorry burghers of southwold. Maybe if we left you and your ape-like demeanour in a room long enough with a typewriter, you'd eventually be able to produce wengo's resignation letter.

  14. Conte

    Dec 30, 2016, 17:39 #96252

    Jamerson being one of the elect awful in his dull broken world of drowning fish, stale sandwiches, soiled blazers, comic bibles, second hand medals, music cassettes & pictures of Wenger/Wenger oh Wenger ....

  15. mbg

    Dec 30, 2016, 15:39 #96251

    I'd say Arsenal and TOF would be all for four hour games, imagine how they could charge extra for tickets, even a rent on the seats, more for food and drink with extra sittings put on in the fancy restaurants for dinner punters would be there that long, and TOF himself ? he old have to get double his wages for being clueless double the time, an the payers ? the same would apply double time wally etc, would be on £350,000 a week, think how even more boring It would become then as the nice boys tippy tappeyed everyone to death going no where as they wasted time running down the clock for the overtime and extra dough, and all the time the AKB wengerites sitting there applauding in between naps. wenger out.

  16. Bonzo

    Dec 30, 2016, 13:38 #96250

    Whilst the thick as a mouse Jameeba considers my question and figures out the difference between a turret and Tourette's. I should add that Arsenal will probably look to a manager who has the pedigree to lift a Champions league trophy. Ultimately it has to be their prize goal. Wengo has failed and failed with cock-up heaped on incompetence in this regard a big organisation would be going down a disciplinary path on a competency route. Anyway he'll soon be gone. Any attempt to build a statue and I'll gather up the WOB's to piss on it.

  17. Bonzo

    Dec 30, 2016, 13:21 #96249

    Jameeba - answer my question half-whit. Are Arsenal a super club, two classes above of which you are a super fan. Or are they a ruined club and you're about to retire. It's pretty obvious with your hopping from one position to another that no one takes you seriously

  18. Mad Monk

    Dec 30, 2016, 12:24 #96248

    Deary me now I know who you are! School children so I will ignore you let me know when you become men and you're allowed to attend games. Thanks

  19. Bonzo

    Dec 30, 2016, 11:23 #96247

    Jamee - so you admit Arsenal is being ruined. Quite a departure I'd say from your super fan days of so long ago (18 months?) Weren't Arsenal and Arsene 2 classes above? You pick and choose don't you! We all know the truth the wrinkly old has been is finished. Is reputation shredded. A man who will be forgotten sooner than you think. Bring in new blood and if that is someone like the Juve Boss so much the better. You'd better retire super fan because the coming Arsenal of 2017 will leave you behind. BBA - all you do, you boring old fart is pick spats with your betters. Looks like you are now cyber stalking as well, that makes you and Squeak even more freakish.

  20. bba

    Dec 30, 2016, 10:53 #96246

    This coming from the pure as snow mad monk. Reference 23.33 23rd Dec 2016. Check it out. People who live in glass houses etc.

  21. Bard

    Dec 30, 2016, 9:13 #96245

    PW; I dont think my argument is solely about entertainment. I have seen plenty of 0-0 games that were breathtaking. I dont go every week these days, I tend to pick and choose my games. I havent bothered with the WBA type games for a long while so it was a bit of a shock to see such a shocker and the reaction to it in my section of the crowd. I take on board all the counter arguments put forward by others on here but for me the terms and conditions have changed. There is a longer term problem if you are going to charge a lot of money the product becomes important. I am effectively paying for a season ticket that I use for a maximum of 10 games. Judging by the crowd on Sat it looked like others are doing the same. How long thats sustainable I dont know.

  22. Jamee's tales of Southwold

    Dec 30, 2016, 8:49 #96244

    I should just say to you nice young men, that not enough of you wear pink. My friend Fabio can order you some lovely boots in men's sizes. Pink suede with fluffy fur. Ooh they are delightful. Bye bye, or as my handsome Fabio says, Ciao baby.

  23. Jamee's tales of Southwold

    Dec 30, 2016, 7:04 #96243

    "Ooh, when walking through Southwold I take my little Pug everywhere and give it cutesy kisses. He's called Bartholomew, Bertrand, Anthony, he's my cutest little BBA. Ooh, it is chilly this time of year so I wear my pretty Scarf, it's Hermes I'll thank you to know! It's soooo slippy that my pink Gucci suede boots get ever so slippy slidy . Still a nice young man is bound to help me. Ooh that'll be nice! Now I'll think I'll pop into the local and order my glass of sherry. It's got some rough types in there. Ooh how exciting." Bye bye for now.....

  24. Mad Monk

    Dec 30, 2016, 6:37 #96242

    Jamerson; Mad Mong? Are you illiterate? Can you not do anything other than insult people? Thank you because that's the case for the prosecution you have refused to answer and reacted exactly the way I expected . You are one of the people of whom I speak .

  25. mbg

    Dec 30, 2016, 1:05 #96241

    My God ninety minutes is bad enough but imagine having to sit through four hours of TOF and his little technicians trying to break teams down with their boring tippy tappy going nowhere, and TOF ranting and raving at the fourth official, if he looks clueless after seventy odd minutes think of what he'd look like after four fooking hours, he'd combust. His sleeping bag would certainly come in handy, he could set his subs alarm clock for just under four hours and when he woke there would be bouldy still asleep with his head on wengers shoulder and his little technicians crawling around the turf still trying to score, with the echo's of snoring ringing around the ground and the AKB's fast asleep in their comfy seats with some still awake waiting for that magic moment. wenger out now.

  26. Leekey squeaky

    Dec 29, 2016, 23:52 #96240

    I'm sure every coach in the world wants mr wengers job. After all, it's the most wanted throughout world football. Wenger must stay forever and a day.

  27. Mad Monk

    Dec 29, 2016, 20:53 #96239

    Always been a beleiver in respecting an opinion from another as long as it's non racist sexist etc and engaging in non offensive dialogue especially over a beer and with football being a universal language this has occurred in many a holiday resort. Sometimes it's impossible usually Man Utd fan's from anywhere but Manchester ( sorry to stereotype) and they only know about the Premier league year's but now I am finding arrogant so called Arsenal fan's who will not listen to any argument about Wenger and slagging off anyone who dare disagree. I have yet to find someone who will justify the 8 million a year wages Wenger gets, I was willing to give him 4-5 year's grace after the move but he sacrificed a trophy for 4th place by playing the first team at home against Stoke midweek before we played relegation fodder in the League cups final . Unforgivable!

  28. Ron

    Dec 29, 2016, 20:19 #96238

    Guys. can i just say as well that as a very young kid i recall those yrs 67 to 69 too. AFC and many many teams were all trying to to do their own Leeds imitation acts and we out of them all learned cynicism well from Leeds. We weren't the great 'entertainers' by any means, but we were on an upward gradient which differed markedly the yrs 60 to 66 during which time we d been Tottenhasm and Chelsea s bitches. They used to love turning up to f--k us royally and we used to bend over with glee in the main. The upwards trajectory though based on Billy Wrights youngsters lead to 1971. By that time teams didnt f--k with us anymore and we loved it. They feared us as we could mix it still yet had a few better players in from those of 2 to 3 yrs before. The real fans respected our own team. Wengers biggest crime for me is that hes produced a few teams now that our own fans dont respect, so its hardly surprising that other teams and their fans dont either.

  29. Bonzo

    Dec 29, 2016, 19:47 #96237

    Now BBA you little Pug like specimen, you want football? You want proper football? I'll give it to you in spades squirt. The one and only Max Allegri Juve coach has had his agent contact the mighty Arsenal. I know your bell end will shrivel with the news but he's on the shortlist. A proper coach. Yet more noises of the wrinkly old Prunes departure. Perhaps a Champagne lover might suggest a suitable bottle to have handy once the big news breaks mid 2017? For Jameeba and the Squeak I'd suggest a glass of brake fluid.

  30. bba

    Dec 29, 2016, 19:32 #96236

    Point taken mad monk but this site is no better. The sad man from Ireland keeps telling the world that Wenger must go but that is now 3 or 4 years old and he's still singing that tune. It's boring. The stale comments on Wenger are now so ridiculous that it must be sending people away in the droves. Time for change online Gooner.

  31. Bonzo

    Dec 29, 2016, 19:30 #96235

    BBA - the agressive little Pug of Jamee. Sob , Sob , you've quite upset me as I mention the wrinkly Wengo in virtually every comment. OMG you are right I've not mentioned proper football at all have I. down with Wengo and his failed regime.!!! Ps. I hope my little song didn't offend you.

  32. Paul Ward

    Dec 29, 2016, 19:29 #96234

    Never been a great believer in the notion that Football is part of the entertainment industry in the same way as the theatre or the pictures are. Most fans always attended to see their team win matches and be successful, many of us never even chose their team having Arsenal or whoever drummed into them from an early age by family or friends. It may be an outdated notion but I agree with the old Stoke manager back in the eighties who I think said" if you want entertainment go to the circus".Expansive football is a great bonus of course, but I'm happier winning ugly than losing pretty.

  33. Ron

    Dec 29, 2016, 19:28 #96233

    Thank you Nick. I respect Bards views a lot on here as i do yself but youve nailed it there. Bards view has merit buy playing Bayern and Madrid 4 times a season holds nothing for me as my first point. Mainly though Bard, fans of the lesser Clubs love to see a rear guard action that bears fruit v better teams/ In addition, such teams play some nice football when theyre matched with more or less equal opposition. A Club like WBA think 30 grans a week is massive salary and a big transfer fee is 14 Million. For me, if that means they can ruffle feathers of the privileged elite now and again, its fine by me. It a type of football. Nothing more or less. This 'entertainment' thing is with all due respect making you sound like old Westie. Football is a sport and as such calls on different methods, means and styles. Yr analogy is a poor one. An opera is a refined and sophisticated manner of artistic expression in tandem with music. There are good/ less good and quite poor operas out there too. It depends on the funding of the opera Co and the pedigree of the troupe etc, just like differing football teams. As ive diverged from Arsenal this last 6 yrs, i ve taken time to see a few different sides quite often and at times its good. i like to think its given me a more rounded appreciation of the game too. Many can disagree with that if they want to of course. For me mate, the day we give up our domestic game and sacrifice it totally to money just to re vamp that ludicrous 'Champions League' rip off, which is an extension of what Clubs like AFC are assiting with already , its the day ive seen my last match. Give me football with all its inequalities, warts and all every day of the week. Without the variants, youre stuck watching the likes of Arsenal and their like fannying about with it every week. Do you seriously think what we do is 'entertaining'? I personally dont and havent for yrs. I can say to you now with total honesty that i know of a few guys who have actually slept during games at the N7 dome of silence!Yr view is yrs to have my friend and for whats its worth i think you ll have yr wish one day not so far from now. I hope you enjoy it. For me, i hope its the straw that derails the vile gravy train and triggers football having to be returned to real and genuine footie supporters to breathe life and substance back into it. My view could well be misconceived or just plain wrong. I often am!

  34. Peter

    Dec 29, 2016, 18:26 #96232

    Well done Bard for your comments Post No. 101954 I remember going to a baseball game in Los Angeles and it lasted 4 hours because at the end of normal time it was 0-0 and they had to have more innings to make sure someone won. During that 4 hours all the crowd did was eat and talk like it was a picnic in the park. They did not look at the game. The Gooners are getting like that. Por Alexis he must be thinging the same as you but he cannot turn over because he is on the pitch trying his heart out.

  35. Mad Monk

    Dec 29, 2016, 18:17 #96231

    For the Untold lover; a comment on that site from a regular poster " you tell people what they want to hear, reflecting their own vision of the world back to them " he dosent realise how much that statement ring's true. Untold keep telling it's congregation how great Wenger is week after week and will never allow any slight criticism, very similar to the WPK , so in effect he has summed up the brain dead moron's who read that site.

  36. bba

    Dec 29, 2016, 17:42 #96230

    Has anyone actually read a football comment from bell end bonzo. I mean, seriously, the guy has a raving hard on thumping one out over his obsession with leek and Jamerson. Jj has admitted to being a chav. Bard has been to his one game this season. Sad, very sad but that is the nature of this site. It really does need an overhaul. Maybe take some tips from the one and only untold.

  37. jeff wright

    Dec 29, 2016, 17:31 #96229

    It's Wengo and his outdated tactics and lack of any tactical nous during games to change things ,fixed subs coming on at predetermined times not to try and influence the game but because Wengo has decided pre-match that this is the time they will trot out are just one example of this fact. The clown often - to the amusement of the away supporters and the bemusement of home ones - actually makes things worse by doing this nonsense . Come on now please, Wengo is a dinosaur, he should be placed in a glass box in the Natural History museum at South Ken with all the other ones. Wengo's only hope for his top 4 trophy this season is if the spuds implode . As I have said before that scenario wouldnt surprise me if they did do. However, I'm playing the Devil's advocate here, a case can be made also for Wengo having had more than his fair share of good fortune by finishing narrowly ahead of the spuds in the past .Not least when we beat West Brum away, last game of season a few years back when Wengo, not for the first time either, needed a win and Woy clueless stuttering Hodgepot helped him out by leaving out Foster and played a rookie GK who had no experience of Prem football and never has since - because he was dismissed from the West Brom club and disappeared into obscurity afterwards. Very strange affair that with Woy who at that time need Wengo's help with Jacko and Theo for his future England managerial job, Jacko was his fav player, looked happy to have lost his last game in charge at West Brum and he and Wengo were hugging each other at the end of the farce with the stand-in fall guy GK having gifted Wengo 2 goals that surely an even half fit Foster would have saved. As others have said teams parking the bus and playing for a draw are nothing new. Wengo's trouble is that for the last decade he has struggled to find ways of breaking teams down that's why we score so many late goals in matches at home .Unfortunately though there are odd ones when we fail to do so against lower sides every season and keeping clean sheets is also a problem with our defence being not very well organized so at least 2 or 3 goals are often required to win games.Wengo himself claims to be an idealist who abhors teams using defensive tactics but has in the past done so himself in the 2005 FA Cup final against United in Cardiff ,Ronaldo , Horsehead and co who had given us a beating in the league at Highbury being on parade and hot favs to do so again in the FA Cup final being a prime example .Wengo aditted afterwards that it was player power that had forced him to play this way and did so again on a couple of other occasions in recent times when asked about the negative way we had played by blaming it on the players.Even though we ad won ! Monsieur Wenger is one very complex character but has been forced by his own limitations to ry and dress up overall mediocrity by claiming it to be a success, Not least with the ludicrous claims that his teams play entertaining football .His appalling record in Europe though ,where this season with reasons known only to himself. he uses his second string GK, shows season after season that this is just a myth that only idiots believe in. You couldn't make it up.

  38. Bard

    Dec 29, 2016, 17:25 #96228

    Nick all good points mate and I agree but Im speculating about the bigger picture. Where I sit practically no-oone bothered to watch the game on Sat. Most had their heads buried in their phones, chatting to mates, joking arriving 10 minutes after second half had started. There was the occasional cheer and the odd shout and all for a £100+. I wont repeat myself but being there isnt like watching Sky where you can turn over when it gets boring.

  39. mbg

    Dec 29, 2016, 15:18 #96227

    Jamerson, I bet they had nice breasts too and matching knickers and bra, I wouldn't mind a couple of those, (be worth a few quid too) and neither would TOF either if the hair was brunette. wenger out.

  40. jjetplane

    Dec 29, 2016, 13:06 #96226

    Jamerson hilarious that you are watching the Spuds and calling me one. Haver never watched a single game this season from the PL. Have been to many actual games in lower divs and county football. Look on the PL as a branding process and Emirates FC presently have a soft identity whereas Utd and de Spuds are on the up. Get back to your spartan caravan and your silly book reading lol! Fabregas is a titan so I am a part time chav too! Must say I prefer any boss in the top 8 or any in the PL to that withereing old accountant with a very annoying voice.

  41. Bonzo

    Dec 29, 2016, 12:50 #96225

    What gives Leak the Squeak the horn? A:) Emily Ratajkowski (who unfortunately has just lost her skimpy bikini in the sea again, while her twig like arms struggle to cover her million $ makers!) B:) Jamee's xxl ex wife ( A Dawn French alike who walked out on Jamee when the family voted pro-Christmas) C:) Arsene Wengo ( The well known rapper loving wrinkly sex God) My money's on C!

  42. Mad Monk

    Dec 29, 2016, 12:41 #96224

    Bard good point but I always believe the onus should be on the home team and when we play these sort of side's we should change our shape, maybe a 3-4-3. The great H Chapman said that you can attack too long and even advocated giving the ball to the opposition to bring them into play. Seriously though I still remember away day's under GG and how we frustrated teams and won 1-0 not pretty but effective and here we are over 20 years later remembering the 2 title's,double cup in '93 and CWC '94 but nobody gives a **** how we played a bit like all of Liverpool's European succes( go 1-0 up and then keep passing the ball back to the 'keeper)

  43. jjetplane

    Dec 29, 2016, 12:28 #96223

    Compare Arsenal's inability to break down sides like WBA (who are having a good season) and the current Chelsea who can thread passes (important passer is in motion) for their first goal and then the game expands and voila! Arsenal are simply (have not been since 2004) that good at the threading game because there is nothing tenascious in the play. If you look at the coach who is benign, aging and really not pro active you can see where the players are directed. None have the qualities to take the opposition on (except Sanchez) and even Bellerin is beginning to believe the attention and now thinks of himself as a virtual 10 in the making. Now then I seem to remember Arsene getting taught a lesson by the Saints not long ago and now we have a Totts team tearing one off. The mood they and Utd are in is one of complete optimism and undefined capability. We already know the limitations at Arsenal as we have seen them year ****ing in and out. CLARKY blinding post and a must read for real Arsenal fans. Talking of Untold have produced reams of anaysis on Foster's time wasting despite the fact that Arsenal sneaked 3 pts. That site is a breeding ground for faraway wankers with screws missing and a ****ing disgrace! lol!

  44. Nick

    Dec 29, 2016, 11:34 #96222

    From about 68 onwards the trend for teams in the lower half of the league to come to Highbury or the Emirates and set up to defend with zero attacking ambition seemed to start i don't remember it much before then . I've seen 0-0 games versus West Ham Sunderland and Newcastle etc at our beloved old home when West Ham in particular had players like Moore ,Hurst , Peters , Redknapp and Sissons on show, I've seen keepers like Sunderlands Jim Montgomery almost single handedly frustrate us with a superb display of goal keeping skills the only real difference between then and now was that we actually bloody TRIED to score we rained shots in on goal and pumped crosses into the box sometimes even a FIRST time cross from our winger instead of his cutting back and passing either sideways or backwards while the opposition defence properly sets itself for the eventual ball into the box ! In short nothing changes in the attitude of so called lesser teams who visit us it's our OWN attitude to how we deal with these sides set solely on self preservation that has altered!

  45. Mark from Aylesbury

    Dec 29, 2016, 8:14 #96221

    Sorry going to pinch a quote from a German Journalist "Arsene Wenger is a philosophy away from winning the title" how very apt.

  46. Bard

    Dec 29, 2016, 7:45 #96220

    Ron MM, I disagree. My view has nothing to do with sour grapes. the difference between then and now is financial. Fans pay massive amounts of money and expect entertainment and quality. Its the same with any product. If you buy a season ticket for the Royal Opera you dont expect that in 50% of the productions the dancers cant even stand up let alone dance. I have no issue with how the likes of WBA set up but to me that sort of football has had its day at the highest level. Football is crying out for a euro super league. Games like Sat were almost unwatchable. How Arsenal perform in these games is irrelevant.

  47. mbg

    Dec 28, 2016, 23:46 #96219

    Mad Monk, spot on, the David Icke AKB's from untold aren't the only ones who think that either, the ordinary AKB's think the same as we know, but TOF is a big believer in it himself he thinks and believes that every team, not just the ones that play us, but every team in the world should look at his (failed) philosophy and be playing his way of playing, yes especially when they play us, and it kills him and frustrates the arse off him and pisses and annoys the hell out of him when they don't, and don't roll over and allow his little technicians to pass them to death, (how egoistic and arrogant can one get) and when they beat us or get a draw ? that really blows his mind, you can nearly see the steam coming out of his ears nose and every other crevis as he steams down the tunnel like Thomas the tank engine with a leak blaming all and sundry and then of course the moonies and AKB's follow suit. You couldn't make it up. wenger out now

  48. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 28, 2016, 21:32 #96218

    Inspiring stuff.....just hope Wenger is watching a team that actually knows how to beat Southampton. As a North Londoner, can only feel a surge of pride whenever our neighbours play, a proper, British style football team. Mental strength, ability, coaching, organisation, done at half the price of wengers moronic outfit. The beyond amazing Myles Palmer is now saying Wengers new deal will be announced after the Palace game......presumably the board, like everyone else now knows wengers flops will finish outside the top four, so have to get in before that becomes clear

  49. Ron

    Dec 28, 2016, 21:08 #96217

    Agree MM, the anti football expression is very much sour grapes and to be honest, i only ever hear it used by Arse fans to over up the teams lack of ability. It all goes back to the days when we used to deem Stoke Blackburn and Bolton and any other team that set about Arsenals weaklings as dirty teams. They never were in truth but it was sucessfully spun myth that Wenger played out oevr and over and us fans followed his bulls--t for some years didnt we. It was tirseme back then and its a tiresome accusation now. A Club plays to its strengths and WBA are a tightly knit, very well ran and well managed little Club that stays solid and mid table which is genuine success for them as opposed to the daft myth of staying top 4 which is spun as 'success' for AFC that clearly isnt. The reason we think the PL is generally crap and i agree with Bard there is simply because theres too much exposure of it. The matches are largely all the same. This year only Chelsea look different class. In half a Season Conte has took them to a level Mourinho never could. SKY are loving their restored Liverpool love in which is never far beneath the surface, I couldn't care less who wins it as long as they dont.

  50. Clarky

    Dec 28, 2016, 20:53 #96216

    Got to the game early on Boxing Day so took a walk down memory lane by getting off the tube at Finsbury Park instead of H&I. Started with a portion of chips and curry sauce from the Quality Fish Bar and walked to the ground past the old Plimsol, the North Bank entrance and Arsenal station. I never noticed before how much our fan base has changed. Loads of tourists taking selfies, old people, families with very young kids etc. Now completely understand why there is no atmosphere and no real protests in the ground. Finally realise that Arsenal as I knew it from the late 70s is dead and it ain't ever coming back. RIP Arsenal.

  51. Mad Monk

    Dec 28, 2016, 20:33 #96215

    Anti-football is an expression used frequently these day's some of it source grapes some very apt but come on did anyone expect WBA to come to our place with anything other than a plan to frustrate waste time and leave with a point. The moron's from Untold think team's should turn up play footie and let us win in a nicey nicey way, but in the real world for team's like them to survive they have to resort to this tactic and the only way to change their approach is to be at it from the whistle and score early. Never gonna happen with this Wenger team as they always look lethargic with the manager with ready made excuses

  52. Bonzo

    Dec 28, 2016, 20:16 #96214

    Didn't they have a lovely time when the AKB's went to Bangor; Leekey shot his load and BBA groaned; as they perved at pictures of Wenger. Tony Attwood drove the bus; And Rev Brian caused a fuss; Walter Broekx played with Colesey's Co£k. Didn't they all have a lovely time As Jamee licked the Windows; Singing some of their favourite tunes as the wheels went round;

  53. Ron

    Dec 28, 2016, 17:39 #96213

    The titles on. Beat Palace, a couple of Jan stellar signings and we re good to go.

  54. mbg

    Dec 28, 2016, 17:14 #96212

    I see TOF is at it again ranting and raving about he Xmas fixtures, it's only ben like that since he pitched up on these shores 20 years or so ago (another handy excuse and something/someone to blame when the time comes)he very conveniently forgets it's these deals and arrangements with Sky and other TV companies that pay his overinflated contract. whinger out.

  55. jeff wright

    Dec 28, 2016, 16:48 #96211

    Just another tedious win at home really against ordinary opposition. Watching wet varnish dry in the rain is more exciting. Only the inevitable late goal from Giro prevented the cat-calls and booing that surely would have come at the end. Giro's celebs were more about him being relieved to have scored than anything else. Wenger himself, surely the most boring manager in football today, looks ever more flustered and bewildered pale and stressed out. Is he regretting not having retired after the last FA Cup win because it is all looking like ending in tears for the money mad control freak. With our opponents having stepped up a gear or two and smelling blood - Wengo's, it is not going to be any certainty this season that Wengo will'win' the mythical 4th place trophy that he uses to justify his ever lengthening tedious tenure at AFC with. Glummer, who cuts a frustrated figure having failed miserably to master the center forward role with Wengo desperately having had to bring in Giro to do it looks glummer than ever and out of sorts .Perhaps the contract saga that Wengo says awaits him is also depressing him . It's not fair what was that West Brum GK doing making saves on all of his shots on goal! Although Glummer did beat the clown once but only to hit the post . We will need to do much better against Bayern Munich and in the away games in the Prem against the better sides. Results though this season and in recent past ones suggest that this is unlikely to happen .Everything under Wengo looks so pedantic and slow rather like Wengo himself .All very yawn inducing.

  56. Bonzo

    Dec 28, 2016, 16:39 #96210

    Myles palm job has now said Wengo will sign his contract after the Palace match. Interesting as Myles said it had been signed last week so looks like he is backtracking whilst trying to gloss over an incorrect story. Wengo says he will wait until end of the season. I don't think Wengo would actually tell a direct porkie so we will see. My money is on him leaving end of the season. This will also mean the loss of Jamie ( retirement ) and Squeak ( mental collapse )

  57. Torbay Gooner

    Dec 28, 2016, 12:41 #96209

    Great header by Giroud. The exciting battle for 4th continues!

  58. Ando

    Dec 28, 2016, 10:40 #96208

    Iwobi's inexperience shows in how often he gives the ball away. If he can change that he will look a much better player.

  59. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 28, 2016, 10:03 #96207

    I agree with some of the comments on here re Chelsea. You can hate them and their fans all you like, but the fact is they win things. And aren't afraid to change the manager when it doesn't work. How does the same squad which spent last season treading water now suddenly look like the team to beat? The (cough cough) change of (cough cough) manager.

  60. Bard

    Dec 28, 2016, 9:08 #96206

    PW you may be right mate but in my opinion it would raise the bar for all the top 6.I would rather watch a Bayern spank us than have to sit through Sat's anti football spectacle. Despite Sky's best efforts most of the prem is unmitigated dross.

  61. Bonzo

    Dec 28, 2016, 8:55 #96205

    Jamee alias Wobby Wooton is a deviant rubber fetishist - FACT

  62. Bonzo

    Dec 28, 2016, 7:48 #96204

    BBA - you may have not noticed our inability to close down matches 1-0 for the last ten years, or our capacity to wilt under pressure, or the hopeless collapses around November and December ( Radio 5 used this as an example of dejavu recently) I could go on but it won't sink into the pea like Jamee brain.

  63. mbg

    Dec 28, 2016, 0:25 #96203

    Kevin, you spot on about the Chavs, they're on fire at the moment (and their fans too they must be loving it)we can say what we like about them(and we have)they have a winner with ambition for a manager who knows what he's doing, and they respect, and an owner also with ambition who doesn't suffer fools period, what have we ? an ambitious less owner and an old past it bungler for a manager who doesn't know if he's coming or going (and hasn't for nine ten years now) who his own fans mock and is the butt of jokes, he or the fans wouldn't have suffered wenger for a fooking week, imagine where we'd be now with an owner like that, Roman sell up and make the yank an offer he can't refuse, and it wouldn't be hard to know what your first order of business would be.

  64. Jude

    Dec 27, 2016, 22:15 #96202

    Our Welsh muppet comes on, had two chances to put the game to bed, and fluffs his lines. He's pure class. There's no way we'll be able to fight off Madrid, Barcelona, PSG, et al. for his signature. What a shame.

  65. mbg

    Dec 27, 2016, 21:48 #96201

    Paul Ward, your spot on, he wouldn't know how to get a 1-0 win let alone keep one, unless they fall in his lap, i'll bet it wouldn't have been 1-0 today if they'd scored in the first half or 15 minutes left to go, would it have surprised many if they'd have equalised, I bet he hates 1-0's, when all this time they'd actually fit in more with his boring tippy tappy, and the chavs pump out 1-0's a hell of a lot more stylish that TOF's bunch too, and KNOW how to hold on to them too that's the difference some still can't comprehend. wenger out.

  66. jjetplane

    Dec 27, 2016, 19:03 #96200

    Classic untold where saddo Atwood asks a new poster 'you must not know who we are or what we do' - what a ****! Liverpool to push back Arsene's remarkably ordinary side back to the no longer comfortable 4th which will belong to Utd or Totts come May which leaves 6th as a new trophy of sorts. Thursday night dimmers. Love the old Arsenal, hate Untold Arsano ... Looks lie Ozil problem solved as he is to join Draxler at PSG but as he will never win anything in England notable does anyone really care. Arsene will make a loss of 12m on that one ...

  67. Paul Ward

    Dec 27, 2016, 18:57 #96199

    Don't think Wenger would get too much stick if we were pumping out one nil wins every week, but with one clean sheet in 9 games I won't be holding my breath.

  68. Mad Monk

    Dec 27, 2016, 18:46 #96198

    Can't please everyone will take 1 nils for the next 2 month's but Wenger would never allow this trend to continue if the opportunity arose. A certain site is slagging WBA for only having one attempt on target and obviously playing for a draw err excuse me but can someone remind me how many attempts on target the multi million pound Arsenal team had on target at Man City. I wish we could defend as good as WBA in tough away games and also 'cheat' by running down the clock ( has anyone noticed how the ballboys/girls disappear once Barcelona go 1-0 up . All successful team's do it!

  69. bba

    Dec 27, 2016, 18:26 #96197

    It's ok for Chelsea to pump out 1 Nils and according to some they are world beaters. We, yes we win 1 nil and get anialated by the small minority on here who call themselves arsenal fans. By the way it was noted the only person on here posting on Christmas day. The sad old git mbg. Say no more.

  70. mbg

    Dec 27, 2016, 18:17 #96196

    Paul Ward, 7.45pm, don't be taken in by the resident troll mate, what he has posted says it all. wenger out.

  71. mbg

    Dec 27, 2016, 17:55 #96195

    Here we go again TOF and his spin machine are in full flow, (for those who will lap it up anyway) apparently we're keeping tabs on yes tabs on (where have we heard that before) Atletico Madrids keeper Jan Oblak, (next we'll hear TOF has been after him for ages)but don't want to pay the huge fee, so tabs it is and will be then, note don't want to (so we must be able to if we wanted to then ?) what's new there, what do these people take us for ? they should know by now we're not all idiots, but I suppose those that are are enough for them. You couldn't make it up. The tab man out.

  72. Paul Ward

    Dec 27, 2016, 17:45 #96194

    Peter Steady on my friend . We are currently 4th in the table and 9 points behind, think are chances are a little less than even money to be honest, most bookmakers seem to agree too!

  73. Paul Ward

    Dec 27, 2016, 17:33 #96193

    Bard Don't agree we need a Euro Super league.There will be just as many non events as we get spanked by Barca, Bayern et al week in week out.Besides,watching the bread and butter games make the glamour ones more enjoyable, beating different styles of opponent is what makes winning the PL difficult, just ask Arsene!

  74. Bard

    Dec 27, 2016, 17:21 #96192

    Unconvincing but welcome win nevertheless. The trouble with these anti football games is they are a terrible advert for the game. WBA and the like come for a bore draw. Fans pay huge sums to watch sub standard entertainment. Its a massive con. I am in favour of ditching the Prem and having a euro super league. There are too many of these non events in the prem ( basically everyone outside the top 9/10 sides does the same thing.). That mean more or less 50% of games have the potential to turn out like yesterday. Of course I am pleased we won but it was 90 mins of my life wasted.

  75. gn23

    Dec 27, 2016, 15:17 #96190

    Jumpers for goalposts, my sentiments exactly.

  76. GS

    Dec 27, 2016, 14:40 #96189

    I'll take 3pts any time , but when you look at the PL the top teams have a margin of error of 6 games to drop points , Arsenal are at 5 ( 4 draws equal 2 losses) we can only get close to the Chavs if they drop points and on current form that looks unlikely ( chavs are on 2.5 ) so in reality we are chasing on the brink of failure to win PL title . Once again it looks like top4 only, so in reality no improvement over the last 12 seasons, as rather than playing on brink of winning we play on the brink of losing. Shame as we have ample resources , we just lack the vision & attitude .

  77. Ted

    Dec 27, 2016, 14:33 #96188

    Boring boring boring. Anyone still watching this rubbish? Not excited when we scored at all because it just prolongs the inevitable...Anyone else enjoy Ramsay doing a Cruyff turn with the keeper to beat and then putting in a little delicate cross into the box? And NO-ONE SEEMS TO MIND!! Can't think why we never win anything with this manager...

  78. mbg

    Dec 27, 2016, 14:17 #96187

    The late show Ed ? might not sound good in some quarter that, i'm sure we'll be told tremendous speeritt against another manager who has had me in his pocket now for years. It's another three points closer to our holy grail of fourth nothing more nothing less, or does it mean we're up and running again, and it's back on. wenger out.

  79. Brighton Gooner

    Dec 27, 2016, 13:54 #96186

    Another flat performance but at least we got the necessary 3 points. It all looks so tedious and predictable though, the title is gone already and I do fear top 4 may be beyond us this time. Perhaps failing to reach CL and falling behind the scum is what we need to force a change. We desperately need a new manager and cack room changes.

  80. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 27, 2016, 12:52 #96185

    3 points achieved but another unconvincing performance. We'll manage to beat enough teams to finish 3rd or 4th and then we can do it all again next season. I used to live and breathe Arsenal but it's just tedious now.