
Some resistance to the idea of Atletico’s coach at Arsenal


Cover of the new issue on sale today

2017. New year, fresh impetus. This website relies a little too heavily on external contributions to have a fresh post every day. Three or four years ago, this wasn’t such a problem. People had more to say. However, a feeling that nothing much is changing at the club has meant a decrease in submissions, because a lot of the time, the Groundhog Day feeling means it’s all been said before. There doesn’t tend to be too much change in the good and bad of Arsenal. Some enjoyable wins, some good football, some disappointing defeats. Getting close, but never quite close enough. Being tactically outdone. Key injuries meaning the squad is never quite good enough to challenge credibly for anything but the FA Cup.

So I am going to try and write more often myself just to see how it goes. Sometimes the entries may be fairly short, time being the enemy and all that.

Anyway, today, there is a new issue of The Gooner on sale. Due to Christmas, we went to press after the two defeats at Goodison Park and Eastlands, when question marks about the team’s motivation were foremost on the minds of many fans. It was a struggle to put anything Arsenal related on the cover at the time that didn’t feel like doom and gloom, and we eventually settled with the idea of the pipe dream of an Arsenal side managed by Diego Simeone, because his team represents something that seemed very lacking in the performances at Everton and Manchester City.

Of course, it’s not going to happen. We completely get that. He has himself expressed that his next move will be to the other European country where he has played, Italy. He doesn’t speak any English (although that wasn't a barrier when Southampton employed Mauricio Pochettino), and he is unproven in Europe outside the league he is currently working in (Antonio Conte?). Anyway, first and foremost is the man’s own desire to work elsewhere.

However, it is interesting to see some of the resistance to the idea. When we tweeted the front cover on Twitter, a couple of the responses were: “So we mock Mourinho and Pulis for their style of football and you want Simeone as our next manager? #deluded” and “He'd stink the place out, not wanted thanks”.

I don’t know the age of the tweeters, but I wonder, assuming they were old enough, what they made of Arsenal’s 1993-94 European Cup Winners’ Cup campaign, or even the run to the 2006 Champions League final. Sure, the aesthetic of the football wasn’t Barcelona under Pep Guardiola, or Wenger’s Invincibles, but some of those narrow wins and low scoring draws are looked back upon as some of the greatest nights in the club’s history. Because football is about glory above all. Manchester United ‘stunk the place out’ in the Nou Camp winning the 1999 European Cup. Do you ever hear any United fans complaining about it. Did any Gooners not celebrate the 2005 FA Cup Final win against United because of how poor the entertainment offered up by Wenger’s side that day was?

In fact, as well as having a spirit and a defensive nous (I’d love Godin to come to Arsenal and lead the team for a season), Atletico are actually playing more expansive football this season. But that’s a side point. The reason we posited the idea of Simeone as a manager at Arsenal was simply because he embodies elements that seems to be lacking at the moment – namely spirit and resilience. Hate to say this, but to me these things can currently be seen in spades across town at Stamford Bridge. Interesting to see what (more or less) the same group of players can achieve with a change of manager. Contrast Chelsea on New Year’s Day 2017 with this time last year.

The other thing about a figure like Simeone (and Klopp and Conte) is that their sheer passion motivates the crowd. I used to love it when George Graham would stick up for us. Arsene Wenger, I am afraid, resembles a bit of a wet fish these days, and in too many games, that sometimes seems to transmit to the team.

So agreed, Simeone isn’t going to come to Arsenal, but putting forward the idea of him is just an expression that, to older fans, who remember a time before Arsene, too often, this does not feel like the football club we knew and loved when we were growing up.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and fanzines are not written from the same place as the club programme.

A housekeeping point to finish. The more submissions we get, the less of my ramblings you will have to suffer. So if you do have something you want to say – pro or anti whatever – and can knock out 500 words, the Gooner (as the printed issue and this website demonstrates) is an open church. Email any contributions to us at the email address [email protected]. If you write regular stuff of quality, you will get a profile and it can lead to other things.

And don’t forget, there is a free 2017 ‘12 Arsenal Legends from the Arsene Wenger Era’ calendar with the new issue, which costs £3 from our sellers on your approach to the stadium. Help your fanzine survive by buying a copy!

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  1. mbg

    Jan 03, 2017, 18:42 #96392

    Time for change, good shout, AKB's very quiet on that front too, I suppose they'll wait until he's snapped up and becomes unavailable. wenger out tonight.

  2. Time for Change

    Jan 02, 2017, 22:58 #96363

    Speaking of Italy, Mancini's not doing anything these days and he's won the Premier League in the last 13 years.

  3. CT Gooner

    Jan 02, 2017, 3:10 #96316

    I think Finsbury Joe's onto something. We're paying Wenger stupid money then saying to Sanchez, we won't pay you the going rate for your quality. Unfortunately that won't work on Sanchez, he knows he's worth it. Also, what will we do with Bellerin when he asks for top right back money?? And what's Wenger's excuse going to be, your not as good as Theo??

  4. mbg

    Jan 01, 2017, 21:50 #96314

    Bonzo, more like twelve weeks mate. wenger out.

  5. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 01, 2017, 20:15 #96312

    Hi Kevin,happy new year. I think the problem on this site is we get a good thread going with many good points raised and then we get a few idiots join in and destroy the debate. I enjoy reading the views of many of the contributors and have been in favour on a change of manager since Stoke away in 2009. I welcome the editor contributing more as I tend to agree with most of his contributions.

  6. Bonzo

    Jan 01, 2017, 18:44 #96311

    Jameewoobybobbyba- Arsenal definitely couple of ballet classes above. Chris Sutton quote of the year so far "For Arsenal to win the title Wenger needs to go". You're crazy if you think Bayern will give Wengo a go, they want to win things. Wengo's been up the Emirates bum holes (like you've been up Leekey's) for the last few years. He's probably after a hotel chain or some other piffling prize. PSG will give him a year then promote him to executive director of some department on 18m euro a year. They are welcome to him. The failure will be forgotten by Arsenal fans within 12 months of his leaving.

  7. Augustus Flair

    Jan 01, 2017, 15:53 #96310

    I note Herr Ozil is mysteriously out of it (the game) today. This is nothing to do with this afternoon's heavy rain. Absolutely nothing to do with it at all. OK? Just so we're clear on that. Cheers.

  8. mbg

    Jan 01, 2017, 15:16 #96309

    Bards right would Simone even want to come here in the first place ? he's showing no signs of it as you say, I wonder why, according to some every top manager in the world would crawl over hot coals to manage Arsenal, maybe he sees and realises the gigantic job he would have cleaning the place out and putting right everything caused and left by the real stink in the place, and what top manager would want that. wenger out tonight.

  9. mbg

    Jan 01, 2017, 14:36 #96308

    #deluded, he'd stink the place out, not wanted, so what the f**k do those half wits think what's happening at the minute, and has been stinking the place out for nine seasons now, AKB wengrites no doubt. The real stink out tonight.

  10. Nick

    Jan 01, 2017, 14:33 #96307

    First off happy new to one and all ,let's hope OUR team can win today for no other reason than we should always want the Arsenal to win ! I havnt heard that the board has openly said it won't pay up to keep Sanchez and Ozilch has anyone else ? As for a new manager I still think it's going to be Eddie Howe if it is i hope he has the same impact another of that last name had in 71 ! I'm not saying he SHOULD be the next manager I just have a feeling he WILL be ! Personally I'd like to see Koeman given the job,I fear however that Wenger will have a big say in who our next man is I also fear he may be given a job as director of football which in my opinion would be a disaster!

  11. Paulo75

    Jan 01, 2017, 13:45 #96306

    Simeone would be an excellent appointment. From removing the comfort zone in the playing squad to improving the tactical approach of the team and giving the support a fresh impetus - what's not to like? What's for sure is if we don't at least try and tempt him to Arsenal then it will never happen. Our spineless Hierarchy should be all over this at the end of the season.

  12. GS

    Jan 01, 2017, 12:56 #96305

    The way it's looking we may need to appoint a relative unknown , as while the current regime is there I can't see a strong manager accepting what SK&IG dictate to him, and I'd Wenger moves upstairs it will make the whole situation very difficult indeed. The saga will continue, most of the top managers have moved already . Wenger & regime are doing a massive disservice to loyal fans and the current predicament will run & run . .... Let's hope we smash fat Sam today .

  13. jjetplane

    Jan 01, 2017, 12:51 #96304

    Better a monkey than an aging ostrich in a designer fake duvet. Is this why there has been so many zip problems over the years because Arsenal have had their merchandise made by slaves in somewhere like Southwold where gangmaster Jamerson roams the wetlands in waders and a gimp mask with bible quotes tattooed all over. Anyway - Simeone would not piss in the Emirates bogs and Ath play a far more interesting game than the current brand Emirates. How can a streaky old bird really know about football ....

  14. Finsbury Joe

    Jan 01, 2017, 12:25 #96303

    Neither Simeone nor any top manager will come to this club when Wenger eventually departs. The refusal of both the manager and board to sanction the required wage increase for the two best players will have ramifications for the club for years to come. Both will be sold to rivals this summer, despite Wenger and Ivan saying those days are over.......what would,that say to a potential new manager? The poisonous lack of ambition, lack of structure, and lack of able people that permeates the club will not only stop top managers arriving, it will have the same effect on top players. Still, at least Theo,will renew when this contract runs out

  15. John F

    Jan 01, 2017, 12:19 #96302

    I agree with Bard About Wenger staying but if by a minor miracle I am right about Jonker I would like to claim copyright on "it's bonkers it's Jonkers" headline. If in the future results go the wrong way I would like to be the first member of the Job's and with me putting on a bit of weight recently I could be referred to as a big job.

  16. Torbay Gooner

    Jan 01, 2017, 12:06 #96301

    It will probably never happen, but the club desperately needs a Simeone/Conte/Klopp type figure. Passion seems to be lacking all the way through the club and that sorry state of affairs will continue until we have that regime change.

  17. Ron

    Jan 01, 2017, 11:57 #96300

    The Board at the N5 gents Club would never cope with either Simeone or in fact any man with that type of feisty disposition, so he and others of his ilk can all be discounted. You cant have disquiet in the Diamond Club disturbing the tranquility and the cigar smoke. Modern Super Club? Arsenal are still culturally rooted in the mid 1950s.

  18. John F

    Jan 01, 2017, 11:35 #96299

    Happy New Year to all on this excellent site.I fear Wenger will have a major influence on the appointment of a successor and I still think Arsenal will go for an internal solution in Jonker.It does seem odd that a man who has been manager of BM is now in charge of our academy.He would continue the style of play and above all would be cheap and could be viewed as a Bruce Rioch type stop gap to appease Wenger.He has even released a video on how to train the Arsenal way that lasts for 1m22s which is about right,it involves a lot of passing and not a goal in sight. If it was a choice between a more disciplined tactical team v an undisciplined endless sideways passing one with occasional moments of good play, then I would take Simeone's approach.

  19. Trend style

    Jan 01, 2017, 11:05 #96298

    We need someone like simioni

  20. Lee

    Jan 01, 2017, 11:04 #96297

    Jamerson, didnt that strategically shaved monkey reach TWO champions league finals in 2-3 years, whereas saintly arsene only once in NINETEEN years? Also a Europq league win, super cup, La Liga title, a Supercopa de España AND a Copa del rey? Granted, AW delivered in his first 8 yrs but just saying

  21. Bonzo

    Jan 01, 2017, 10:55 #96296

    Jameewobbyba -better a monkey than a decaying fish head. Wenger is shot his last desperate clinging onto to life was the affair with the French Rapper. Pacing his house on his own he will no his capacity to perform in any dynamic mobility test is falling away. I suspect the need to steady himself as he walks the terrible problems co-ordinating the zipper. Whether he has 6 months in him or 20 years. He has entered his winter and it is to our discontent. Outfoxed by nimble younger managers he ruminates and issues bitter complaints. You are blind to this as you have entered the same cycle. Doomed to a potential death in less years than you have digits on your hand. You cry and weep. You are unable to grow a pair as they have shrivelled.

  22. Bard

    Jan 01, 2017, 10:32 #96295

    Kev a good shout. I would be more than happy. I dont think style of play is a problem. The good coaches adapt to what they have in the squad. His passion, tactical nous and success are evidence enough that he is well qualified to manage us. Whether we are a big enough or ambitious enough club for him is another matter. I have said before that I think Wenger is a certainty to extend his contract for two simple reasons. He has nothing else in his life and no one in their right mind turns down £8m+ a year for having to produce bang average results. Its the footballing equivalent of winning the lottery.

  23. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jan 01, 2017, 10:24 #96294

    Shane are you one of those people who believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden? "The best" is a long long way away from our shores. Prem has been on a slow steady decline for several years now - it's a rest home for once-good pros and those deemed not good enough for Barca or Real.

  24. Shane

    Jan 01, 2017, 9:23 #96292

    Interesting that Simeone says he will go to Italy next when all the action is here. If you want to beat the best, it's here. As for the likelihood, a club that needs an out and out winning mentality restoring needs to 'dream out loud' because I want the opposition to fear us again. Happy New Year to all and while Arsene is here, let's keep the faith.