Arsene Wenger has actually changed me as a person

A case of sofa… so bad

Arsene Wenger has actually changed me as a person

I have to come clean from the start and admit that I haven’t been to a game in a few years, for financial and ideological reasons. But that is the point of this article, representing all the armchair Gooners who are in pain. I apologise for the lack of originality in this but really, it should be Wenger apologising.

I am 44 and I went to my first game aged seven in 1979. I was a season ticket holder and North Bank regular on and off over the years, including at the Emirates, until I'd finally had enough.

But I still love Arsenal and I hate what is happening.

I used to love Wenger. I read several books about him and I thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to the club. But now I find myself missing the George Graham era. He didn’t bring great football but Wenger benefitted so much from his legacy. Forget Millwall, we were Arsenal and no one liked us. When the going got tough, we won.

Now everybody loves us because we try and play good (voyeur) football but there is a civil war going on amongst our fans because of Wenger…

He has actually changed me as a person! I used to be so much more dogmatic but seeing that in him has made me rail against that particular character trait in myself.

He is yesterday’s man. We never change formation or tactics and that is plain arrogant. You can only do that when you have the best eleven, like Barcelona, but otherwise it’s about savvy, strength and sweat, which we seem to always be short of.

I’m writing this after our victory over Palace. Frankly, Giroud’s wonder goal masked the fact that we didn’t create many clear cut chances against a relegation contender.

I actually think we have a squad to compete with anyone in the Premier League and for that I have to admit Wenger has achieved something. But it will all fall apart soon as the likes of Ozil and Sanchez get sick of representing also rans. If we lose either of them then something very unsavoury is going to hit the fan.

We are already a sleeping giant and it’s going to get harder and harder to attract world class players the longer we go without winning the Premier League or Champions League.

Wenger puts his own interests ahead of the club. He has changed so much as a person over the years. He was known as The Professor when he arrived. A bit of a nerd but a happy nerd. He revolutionised football in this country and I think we were actually the best team in the world for periods of the early to mid noughties. And he remained humble throughout.

These days he cuts a grumpy and prickly figure. Arrogant and stubborn. His post-match interviews really grate. If we lose, he is tetchy and irritable, blaming the refs and the opponents' tactics. If we win then he is like the cat who got the cream. I get the sense that he really doesn't know what he's doing, like he's a punter in a bookies, hoping his luck will change.

He is the only one who can change things and I don't think he has it in him.

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  1. Clarky

    Jan 07, 2017, 14:18 #96661

    Just to add to the 80s versus current day debate, being at WHL in the league semi in 1987 is probably my greatest Arsenal memory. You wil never, ever, ever, be able to experience a game like that again. Modern day football and footballers? Pah, you can stick them where the sun don't shine.

  2. Bonzo

    Jan 07, 2017, 10:12 #96649

    How have we failed? Ill health, death , money from China, money from PSG or a recognition in his head that he's lost credibility will see him off. None of us expect a Kenny Dalgleish style walk out. He'll remain till end of season then be off. You put the man above the club, terrible mistake and in that you are a failed supporter. You will go through a crisis of confidence once he's gone and then like Squeak you'll be off. Jamee's even retiring apparently . We only have to be lucky once! Then we the WOBS have got our wish. No praying on his every word from us. We just keep turning the screw. BTW most WOB's like myself hold Silvers or Season tickets but won't go. Till he's gone as it undermines our efforts. Maybe Untold is better for you?

  3. bba

    Jan 07, 2017, 7:16 #96645

    Admit it bell end. You've failed. Pick a game. I'm waiting.

  4. Bonzo

    Jan 06, 2017, 23:42 #96643

    BBA - please admit to being an angry little keyboard warrior who cannot prove his super tough guy persona. it pains to say it as we have had previous episodes of Colesey who called everyone a mug , so we called him a mug back, after continuingly calling him a mug he cleared off. Then we had the Quisling hunter Badarsio ( I often find myself using / pinching Arseneknewbest's best ones) he disappeared. Then we had the strange case of Leek or Lee. All float off after 6 months or so. Sorry I'm being too wordy. Are you really hard BBA? Are you really keyboard hard or just hard after viewing more pictures of old wrinkly. Sorry BBA but I find your failure to mount a Wenger for 10 more years campaign both cowardly and typical of a snowflake. Judging by the continual linking of genitalia size and support for Wengo by the AZkB mob I can only assume you poor individuals will go through a mass Koro epidemic when he goes. Please can we send in the anthropologists, they'll have a field day.

  5. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 06, 2017, 21:41 #96640

    As a consistently neutral and impartial observer on this site, let me help by stating that you're brainless ponce jameebba who is never right. You're also a coward and worshipper of false idols (wengo and badarsio). Go, in the name of beelzebub, go!

  6. bba

    Jan 06, 2017, 21:12 #96638

    Bell end. Lots of words but please, please admit you are a weak, gutless person who can post on the OG website and in reality you have shown your frail side. Jibbering idiot and you are proving it nicely. Time for change anyone. I'm waiting.

  7. Bonzo

    Jan 06, 2017, 20:22 #96636

    BBA - I'm even more confused , don't protest, do protest,then we can only follow your rules of protest? Whilst you get hilariously angry, it must be like herding cats as no-one is bothered with your attempt to restore order to your flaky world🙉. Do you think I'm a mute unable to say to any Arsenal supporters I want Wenger out? I have the conversation every other day. Shall I parade on a horse down the Holloway Road perhaps to add some spectacle? As we keep on trying to tell you we are winning, Wenger is going. We've down a fair amount of work towards this end. I also say again when the Web administrators outed you and Jamerson as being one and the same neither of you protested. It suggests something. I've got an image of you. Definitely Albert Steptoe.

  8. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 06, 2017, 20:03 #96635

    Jameebba -even if you were two cnuts instead of just the one, caravan-based cnut, I could still batter both of you senseless. How's that for metaphysical metaphors? How can you tell when brave jameebba is lying? - When his stumpy digits are banging away on his amstrad of course.

  9. bba

    Jan 06, 2017, 19:36 #96633

    Bottled it bonzo. Put under pressure and the bell end has shrivelled up like a walnut whip. For the record, I'm not Jamerson but the guy can put you lot in your place with one post. I'm waiting.

  10. Jamee's Southwold Diary

    Jan 06, 2017, 18:02 #96629

    Cooee everyone, hope everyone is having a really special time. My little Pug Bartholomew, Bertrand, Anthony (BBA for short) got me in terrible trouble. Ooh he did a terrible whoopsies all over the mobile home park's feature fountain. Bless him I think the Turkey didn't agree with him. Meanwhile my lovely young friend Fabio is off to Milan again to source me some fur lined muffs and a special diamanté collar for little BBA. You might wonder where all the money comes from, well my dears my father may have been a bit of a one with his BBC showbiz parties ( I'll say no more thank you very much) but he was a sharp one with the cash. So my dears I've got packets to spend and a lovely young man and Pug to spend it on. I have to say I'm glad I've kissed London goodbye with Me having to put on a macho act (even went to football matches!) Now I can saunter around large as life and wear my favourite colour pink whilst eyeing the handsome Suffolk boys. Love and kisses for now. Speak soon!

  11. Bonzo

    Jan 06, 2017, 17:32 #96626

    JameeBBA - gutless keyboard warrriors - oh the irony! If your not one and the same how comes you were outed on this site and you didn't then deny it?

  12. Alsace

    Jan 06, 2017, 17:15 #96625

    I'm fascinated. Let's see what we could do within the bounds of the law? Protest - not really effective because he doesn't listen and neither do the club. Not go- tried that for two seasons because I couldn't stand his dithering nonsense. Others happily sat in my seats. Try and get shareholders to present an unfair prejudice petition against the majority shareholder - not really, frying pan into the fire. Boycott "Wig City" in Denver to annoy Stan - not really. Write to the Club - done that. Turn up at the AGM and ask awkward questions - no, that's stage managed. Press releases of an anti Wenger campaigning group - no its only football and I already have a life. That's it, I'm exhausted. This, right here, arguing the toss with those who cannot see and will not listen, through the application of sense and logic, should be winning the argument. It is, painfully slowly, but it is. Hopefully this will be the last Groundhog season that we endure. Just because Wenger has nothing else to keep him amused is not a reason to continue to employ him. I enjoyed the 26th May 1989 tape. It had all the adverts cut out of it. Have a nice weekend everyone.

  13. bba

    Jan 06, 2017, 16:53 #96622

    Gutless, internet warriors, the lot of you. Since when have I asked you to commit violence or an illegal act, since when did I say Wenger has got to stay for the next ten years. I've simply put it to you to organise another time for change demo or something that will oust the man in charge. Put up or shut up. I'm waiting.

  14. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 06, 2017, 15:31 #96611

    Jameebba - You're taking a bigger pasting on here than a heavy anaglypta. I suspect you're one of those people who is so ashamed at the thought of losing an argument (or anything else for that matter) that you'll dig yourself further and further into a hole of your own obstinacy. Over the past 12 months, you have seen an already small base of fellow minded akb apologists dwindle to just one, i.e. you and your sp*nky alter egos (even goonerron seems to have shunned you as well). Do the decent thing and quietly admit you're wrong. Every single one of us has had varying amounts of respect for wengo in the past but too much sh*t has flowed under the bridge. We all know that. C'mon you horrible old bigot, it's time to admit you're flogging a dead horse and come oner to the light side. Not even someone who practices masochism as often as you do can keep this creepy chihuahua love affair going for ever. 'Fess up and change your mind - "what doesn't kill you" and all that...

  15. Bonzo

    Jan 06, 2017, 13:01 #96600

    BBA - but what do you want me to do I'm confused ? An illegal act? I' carry out small protests every day via social media and I feel they are having an effect. You have first accused me of glorying violence then effectively asked me to take part in violence? Weird. When I ask you to host a rival campaign Wenger 10 more years ! You refuse so you don't appear to have "the stomach either " you continually say we must protest, but when we do it's either the wrong protest, or we shouldn't protest. Ps is it ok if I refer to you as Jamerson?

  16. bba

    Jan 06, 2017, 12:51 #96598

    Bell end. Reference, post 102330. You've clearly not got the stomach for it. RIP time for change. Why?? Because it fell flat on it's arse last time.

  17. Bonzo

    Jan 06, 2017, 12:26 #96594

    BBA - you may not have noticed but we I.e not you have completely changed social media to an anti stance as well as writing to journos / discussing with figures in the media so that Wenger has completely ebbing support. So of course as we are reasonable people we cannot physically force him out. However as he becomes less and less relevant the process is happening anyway. There's less need for us to " Do anything " his time is running out. Think you may need to "Do Something" to keep him.

  18. Alsace

    Jan 06, 2017, 12:14 #96593

    Do something about it? I have offered to chair the man's disciplinary hearing for free, to supervise his airbrushing out of the club's history and planned his exile on St Helena or preferably Kergulen. Since I don't work or act for the club, and since I don't wish to add any practical element to the horrendous intentions that I have developed towards the man I have to talk about it and spread the word of resistance. He is quite simply unprofessional, and the Arsenal Football Club is a professional football club. It remains so despite the mewings, whining's and whingeing's of his devoted disciples. Those who shout against him at matches have been physically attacked by his more strident acolytes.

  19. bba

    Jan 06, 2017, 11:52 #96592

    Ron. I do have to chuckle when someone assumes that, because my comments do not match yours and others, that I've supported the Arsenal for a few years. Highbury was my home too and I've witnessed first hand the boo boys, the scuffles, the soaked through to the skin in the clock end. I've also witnessed the pathetic efforts by us in the early 80's. Cyril now has his comfy, padded seat as opposed to the north bank hustle and bustle. My point yesterday was simple. Wenger won't be here forever but, personally, as a club, we are in a better place than the early 80's. If you want Wenger out. Do something about it.

  20. Bonzo

    Jan 06, 2017, 11:40 #96590

    RW - very savvy summing up of the situation. It was very noticeable that when we were 3-0 up against Chelsea and supporters would singing the praises not "There's only one Arsene Wenger" was heard, not a peep. Hence my 40,000 silent choir jibe at Leekey. It's noticeable that the AKB mob demand action from us, then start moaning when we do. In general indifference will kill him off. He's also becoming less and less revelant in football 21 attempts no Champions League is failure. His cozying up to the PSG Emirate group will secure him one last pay day. Ps BBA I'm confused? You love Wenger, so why don't you want 10 more years of him ? You argue bitterly against anyone who wants him gone . Fear of ridicule i suspect.

  21. Ron

    Jan 06, 2017, 10:31 #96584

    In fairness to bba i rather suspect he s a decent supporter but like most these days hes only experienced football in its PL league guise and has not supported the Club under any other Coach. Its the only explanation for his disregard and lack of understanding about what AFC once was, irrespective of results on the pitch.

  22. RW

    Jan 06, 2017, 9:03 #96580

    bba - "Get half the stadium to protest" Comments like that show how little you know about this club so a little history lesson for you. 1983 Terry Neill - The first protest against the manager was planned for the Sunderland home game (1-0 defeat Adams making his debut)which amounted to a few chants of "Neill Out" in the second half. In your book it would have been a failure! Certainly last years Time for Change effort achieved much more than the 83 effort. Within 6 weeks or so Neill was gone, not as a result of protest but the dross he served up and indifference from the fans. Uncle Bertie - no protests as I remember but we all knew it was up for him. Indifference won the day again not protest. Wright - 3 years before my entrance but check the attendances, indifference again. The club is a different beast now and the bowl is filled with tourists that have propped up the old has been for years. You can't escape it forever though and 5 results will tip him over. Chelsea, Liverpool, Bayern x2 will put him on the brink by early March. The 5th match will be the next inevitable cock up be it City, Utd, Spurs etc and Clouseau will go. Like before him the **** served up and indifference will get him not 30,000 protesting! Face it every day the noose tightens around his scrawny neck and the end, it can't come a day too soon.

  23. bba

    Jan 06, 2017, 7:29 #96579

    Bell end. Show me where I've stated I want Wenger for 10 more years. You are full of hot air and gutless to the fact you and your ilk clearly know that the time for change effort was a failure. You've skirted around my comments. Pick a game. Get half the stadium to protest !!!!. Quite simple eh.

  24. Fast. Hare

    Jan 06, 2017, 2:41 #96577

    Kudos to u Siddy. U put it in writing everything l feel about Ars..Wenger. Liverpool has a dynamic young manager full of fresh ideas. Man City has Pep whose name says it all. Chelsea has Conte who saw things were not working and was decisive in changing tactics and was able to storm up the table. Spurs also has a young manager who I personally think(shudder) will push us out of 4th place. Man U has a specialist in success. And what do we have? A doddering overpaid specialist in failure and one dimensional predictable has seen. I have been a supporter since the days of Tom Whittaker and have seen my fair share of poor managers. Jack Crayston and Billy Wright had the decency to resign. Yet our present oaf continues to carry on year after year of underachievement. He is so past his time that even Ian Hebert'sa respected newsman of the Independent first wish for 2017 was to see the last of Wenger. So please AW grant us our New Year wish GO GO Go

  25. Cyril

    Jan 06, 2017, 0:15 #96575

    bba - I used to go as a child in the eighties and it was electric. I go now and sit in my comfortable seat and it's not that great. It's not because I prefer standing to sitting or the lovely padded seat I have, it's because the fans don't connect anymore in truth. By the same token, I have witnessed the thud of mass rucks which sounded like a beating drum in the North Bank in the 80's and I don't want that either. However, working class diaspora, and well loads of reasons is why we have so much change. I sent a letter to Wenger not because I know what I'm talking about but to find out if there is any connection left between us, You clearly have been told off on here and there are many reasons why. I pointed out a while back that in the last 50 years or so back to and including the 71 double year, we had only finished out of the top 7 on a handful of occasions. The club were the original Liverpool or Man U in the thirties. We had a film about us and were considered the 'bank of England' club. We are known as 'THE ARSENAL' . Bba , with respect have some respect for our history...,

  26. Bonzo

    Jan 05, 2017, 23:21 #96574

    BBA - The aways are doing it for us, social media is doing it for us, radio 5 pundits are doing it for us, journalists are doing it for us and lastly it looks like the board has come to the realisation as well. Your desperate hope that Myles Palmers story regarding contract is signed, merely hot air. He's going and you will to when all your faith directed towards the man not the club crumbles to dust. I'll do a demo if you like and you can do one too. Yours can be a demand for 10 more years of Wenger. I think you may get a nasty surprise at the response.

  27. Ebor Gooner

    Jan 05, 2017, 23:19 #96573

    I love Arsenal, I was born in 1960, and they have always been my club. My weekends used to be dictated by how Arsenal had performed. Recently, whilst I'm still interested in our results, it doesn't matter to me quite so much. Well done Mr Wenger. You've changed a fully committed Arsenal supporter into an Arsenal follower. Is that my fault? Or yours? And, frankly, do you care?

  28. We need a Manager who thinks only coming 1st is acceptable

    Jan 05, 2017, 22:48 #96571

    dont we?

  29. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 22:46 #96570

    Bonzo, well said mate, spanked is the term, hence turning to name calling, it always happens. You couldn't make it up.

  30. bba

    Jan 05, 2017, 22:42 #96569

    Bell end. Do yourself a favour. If you think no one cares for Mr Wenger then you and your clan arrange/organise another time for change demo. You want the manager out???? Do something about it as opposed to posting on this site giving it the large whilst hiding behind the mouth that is bell end Bonzo and several other mouthpieces. Pick any game. Put up or shut up. I'm waiting to hear.

  31. Joe S.

    Jan 05, 2017, 22:27 #96568

    Bonzo, Amen to that.

  32. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 22:26 #96567

    I see the Bournemouth lads and manager have woke up to the realisation what they threw away, how easy it was, dominating, running the show for seventy odd minutes, 3pts there for the taking, some of the players saying they couldn't believe how easy it was, they can't believe they let it slip and only came away with a point, one said we will certainly learn from this and you can bet they and their manager will, unlike our little ballerina's and their arrogant old fraud of a manager. Any resignation yet ?

  33. Mad Monk

    Jan 05, 2017, 22:14 #96566

    For every pre-Wenger discrepancies posted by Attwood on Untold I will post one for the Wenger era. His latest one is Swindon turning us over at Wembley ( on a churned up pitch which was not fit for purpose) I will now mention Birmingham!

  34. Bonzo

    Jan 05, 2017, 21:57 #96565

    BBA - you came on here all cocky and landed up spanked. Your not getting it are you? Nobody really cares for Wenger anymore it's 13 years and counting. It's over, move on and get your money ready for a PSG season ticket. Btw I really don't think you can handle yourself, you gob off and disappear, very much like super mug Colesey and the Rev Brian Badarse did.

  35. bba

    Jan 05, 2017, 21:45 #96564

    Bell end. Don't feel sorry son. I can handle myself in exchanges and in life. Remember winning the league at Manchester and the Lane????????? If your life is remembering a brawl in 1990 then it says all it has to about yourself.

  36. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 21:43 #96563

    RW, good post, only i'd say not only in living history of this club but in living history of any club in Europe, if not the world football, and THAT will be his Legacy and it will never be forgotten. wenger out.

  37. GS

    Jan 05, 2017, 21:42 #96562

    bba : for me , it's not just 12yrs of not winning PL or CL, it's the BS spouted by Wenger & the club. The constant lies, excuses, spin, money, richer clubs, moving from Highbury, refs decisions , fans being a virus , constant injures, no game plan , predictable subs etc, etc ....that is why I no longer have faith in anything Wenger says or does . If by a big slice of luck we win the PL it won't really change anything , 12yrs of BS just can't be washed away.

  38. bba

    Jan 05, 2017, 21:17 #96561

    Exeter. Live on the 80's agenda then you must be able to comprehend Mr Wenger has at least served you and Arsenal well. You can't have it both ways but clearly some will try.

  39. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 21:09 #96560

    Paul Ward, talk about getting his excuse in early, what a fraud.

  40. Mad Monk

    Jan 05, 2017, 20:52 #96559

    David you're probably the same age as me judging by the memories and even the bad memories ie Stevie William's diving in at York , the ball going through Pat's shovels at Oxford, and freezing my bollox of at Oldham to name a few were easily countered by Zico Talbot against Liverpool Big Raphael and Chas destroying the Spuds and of course ' it's up for grabs now' Micky T . Going to Highbury meant something , meeting in the Holloway popping into the George onward to the Favourite then standing on the clockend eating monkey nuts. Yes society has changed and so has the 'football experience' but I would take the fun and teams5 from the 80's in a heartbeat.

  41. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2017, 20:42 #96558

    Is bba Leekey/Jamerson et al & just loves the attention. Would be lost on Untold as they all speak the same mon uncle BS ad nauseum 'it was the ref mum!' lol! Get over there and you can go jiving with Atwood or laugh at Brickfield's jokes which are only bettered by nutjob Giroud's post celebration of a goal already consigned to the dustbin of 12 years without a decent trophy.

  42. RW

    Jan 05, 2017, 20:33 #96557

    Bba - the 80's were honest something Clouseau would never get. He has been the architect of the most divided fan base in living history of the club with all the spin and bull**** put out over the last decade. A sackable offence in any sane persons book and any decent club. For your education Graham won 2 titles with limited resources but set about doing it with an "Arsenal" attitude not making ****ing excuses for failure like this twat does!

  43. Bonzo

    Jan 05, 2017, 19:40 #96556

    BBA - you're being anhilated sunshine. If it weren't so funny I'd almost feel sorry for you. I know it's humiliating ( don't pretend it isn't ) but it's not as humiliating as see the fraud cling onto his job after losing 8-2. Anybody remember the 3-2 FA cup over United when Nige goaded Brian Mclair to miss the penalty? Those were the days.

  44. Allen

    Jan 05, 2017, 19:40 #96555

    BBA, you are indeed the archetypal brainwashed, unthinking Parroter of Murdoch/Wenger era spin. Wenger gave us the best days of our lives. Of course he did. It said so on Sky. If you supported Arsenal in the early eighties you would be in a position to make judgment. Otherwise I'd advise you to speak with those who lived through that era rather than lapping up the self ingratiating spin of Murdoch or Wenger. Off the top of my head I think Terry Neill was fired after s poor start to the season having finished 4th, 3rd and 5th the previous three. Those are the standards and expectations Arsenal have set since Chapman though to the demise of Highbury. Three seasons of top 4 without winning was enough. Terry Neill, by the way was hounded out by the fans yet never had the financial advantages the current incumbent has been granted. In he 80s the club still retained the highest of standards and slipping below those standards wasn't tolerated.Even when it was good Arsenal men like Don Howe. 3 years of what Wenger dresses up as success was rewarded with a managerial P-45 in the 80's. nowadays 12 seasons of what we once regarded as mind numbing mediocrity is sold to us as the times of our lives. By Wenger. By Sky. And you actually believe it. The P*ss down your back, tell you it's raining and you believe it. Then again a Creationist believes what he believes in the face of all logic. Since Chapman the second longest period any manager has managed to hold onto his job without winning the league was 5 years-Bertie Mee 1972-1976. The longest?. That's Arsene Wengers current eye watering run of 12 and counting.Which I assume you wish him to be allowed continue so he could reach such milestones 13, 15 or 20? The time of our lives indeed.

  45. David

    Jan 05, 2017, 19:29 #96554

    "Do you want to swap the early 80's for what we have now. Nah, thought not" It used to be fun following Arsenal in the early 1980s, heading up to Hillsbrough and Villa Park for the Liverpool semis, the Juventus semi at Highbury (sadly too young to go to Turin and Brussels), the 6-2 win at Villa, Charlie Nicholas finally scoring at Highbury with a penalty, the trips to Villa Park and Old Toliet for semis against United in 1983. Only really got bad in 1985 seeing them getting done in Oxford, surviving being pelted with coins at Hereford before heading off to York and geting dumped out the FA Cup. I would swap the 80s for now, sure there were some lows but it was a lot more exciting.

  46. Exiled gooner in Portugal

    Jan 05, 2017, 19:28 #96553

    Just to remind the AKB's after the glory of 89 came the glorious 90/91 season 24 games won 13 drawn 1 lost , 74 goals scored and 18 conceded by the back 5 Wenger built his successful teams on!! Real gooners will remember that season for some fantastic attacking and skilful football and also a group of players that would stand and fight for the club all managed by Arsenal's number 2 best manager after the great Herbert Chapman !! The zip fiddler should of gone in 2006 when he could of left with a legacy intact!

  47. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 19:11 #96552

    Alsace, great post, as Exeter alluded to it reminded me of that programme on Sky TV, Destroyed in Seconds. wenger out.

  48. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2017, 19:08 #96551

    Someone please tell me why Arsenal is being run by a ****ing ostrich!? Nothing personal mind ... ****ing 80s were boss I was DJ ing then in some crazy clubs before the Ibiza scene and GG was a god. Great player too - lovely chip, volley, stroll, header on the man. Pure ****ing class. Old Bird in a duvet Hahahahahaha Loving how Pep does a lovely swipe at the has been saying he is not going to coach when he is a fumbling old dod Knowwwwaraamean ...

  49. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jan 05, 2017, 18:37 #96550

    bba- speak for yourself pal, Wenger certainly hasn't bought me ''the best years of my life' thank you. In a footballing sense nothing will top 26 May 1989 for me. look it up in the history books if your not familiar with it mate,

  50. John F

    Jan 05, 2017, 18:31 #96549

    It was interesting reading a West Ham forum after our game against them ,they were complaining of the same issues that are posted on here about the bowl and the Spuds will no doubt be posting similar in a couple of years time.The gentrification of football at Arsenal is I suspect the role model that many greedy directors and owners are going to follow.

  51. Paul Ward

    Jan 05, 2017, 18:26 #96548

    See we've got about 10 players injured/ unavailable to play up at Preston, sounds like Wengers review of the clubs medical department was a rip roaring success then! Meanwhile as soon as Wilshere leaves the war zone that is N5 he is miraculously fit for months on end. Do Wengers apologists really put our perpetual injury crisis down to bad luck or coincidence? Blimey, there's deluded and then there's downright stupid. As soon as Wenger leaves the injuries will stop , simple .

  52. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 05, 2017, 18:14 #96547

    That's not it at all, bba. You thought you'd made some unarguable point with "Do you want to swap the early 80's for what we have now. Nah, thought not" Then lots of people told you they would, and why. Which destroyed your argument. It's as simple as that.

  53. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 17:47 #96546

    DJ, it's all spin, one things for sure mate, we'll never hear or be told the truth, wenger takes great delight in that, with holding information and all that from everybody, especially fans, the sly grin only he knows he just loves it, but it would surprise no one if he actually didn't know himself. Any resignation yet ?

  54. Bonzo

    Jan 05, 2017, 17:45 #96545

    Jamerson - once again we hear your whinging about refs and refusal to accept that other teams such as our arch nemesis Spuds can raise their game and take advantage of our weak knock kneed Wenger mediocrity. You really do need to grow a pair, your testicles have shrivelled whilst your moobs have grown. Barely a man you bitch and moan. Your wife right now is seeing a real man (the so called plumber) Wenger will be gone 2017, Jamerson will be retired to a care home and wearing Tena packs. A fading memory to your children.

  55. Alsace

    Jan 05, 2017, 17:28 #96544

    Interesting point BBA. I bought a second hand VCR at Christmas and am currently enjoying my own tape of the 1989 League Final between jolly Scousers Lorra Lorra Liverpule, and our competent and skilful Arsenal side. They defended resolutely, getting rid of the ball decisively from defensive positions, whilst at the same time committing Dixon and Winterburn in attack. The crosses were strong, competent and well aimed. Skill on the ball was well in evidence where needed, and hard tackles made where necessary. Possession changed hands much more frequently than it does nowadays. What a joy and a relief to see 11 competent professionals doing their job on the way to ruthlessly winning the league. Do you know what ANY Wenger team of the last 10 years would have done. Complained about a full fixture list and bottled it. The 80's may not have been a great era, but at least we had our self respect. Wenger would have won nothing of consequence without George Graham's hard work. He stands on the shoulders not of a giant, but of someone who knew the Arsenal way and followed it.

  56. bba

    Jan 05, 2017, 17:25 #96543

    So there you have it. The older folks on here would rather go back to the early 80's where we averaged 6 position in the league and in 83 a spectacular 10th spot finish and on average losing 11 games a season. The heady days of the 80's eh. It also appears to be the managers fault that they can no longer stand on a terrace. Football has moved on fellas, get over it. It's clearly Wenger bashing at its lowest. He's brought us the best years of our lives yet some clearly cannot admit it

  57. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 17:11 #96542

    Good Article in The Sun today from Charlie Wyett where he tells us the atmosphere in the away end was Toxic, and the WOB's were in full voice (we didn't hear that from the AKB's or his luvvies I wonder why) with chants of this is f*****g embarrassing, it would have been better if it had been Your f*****g embarrassing aimed at TOF, but it amounts to the same thing, he goes on to say, many of them will be hoping PSG flex their finical muscle and persuade him to go home, many ? and/there's a hell of a lot more than many. Go now old man.

  58. Ron

    Jan 05, 2017, 16:50 #96541

    Yes, the 80s were better than this stagnancy. It wasnt a rip off and the failure years were honest failure years, played out by players who we could relate to and respect. Todays failure is failure dressed up as success. Its a p--s take at barmy unjustifiable exorbitant prices. Have any of the post PL title wins matched the 1989 win for sheer enjoyment and atmosphere? No, most certainly not. There was once a football Club over there! AFC died in 2006. We just didnt want to recognise the corpse. Our blinkers wouldn't allow it. Arsenal PLC was born and now we do recognise all of its sterile manifestations. Tough times for a football Club are not in themselves reasons to turn away from a Club. Lies, spin, bulls--t and remote players, Board and management are and thats whats happened. Do the Club care? Of course not. Do i? Not at all. Is it a recipe for some sadness? Of course it is.

  59. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 05, 2017, 16:45 #96540

    It's a bit different now with Sanchez making it clear that the "king is stark b*ll*ck naked" and the players around him are not good enough. Remember Sanchez has worked a half a day in football and clearly after being rejected by one of the best clubs in the world wants to prove a point - he has proved a very big point and one I and many others have known for pushing on 10 years. He is a fine player with his own mind and that most certainly will not suit our current management style. Something might just give in the next few months - please god.

  60. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jan 05, 2017, 16:22 #96539

    Exeter gunner- I'm with you mate, I'll take the 80's at Highbury over this horrible regime every day of the week!

  61. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2017, 16:19 #96538

    Poor old Mesut must have chewed his thumb off over the glummer than glum holidays - did he not do the same last year but then came back and played out of his skin (joke!!!) while he worked towards his moment against Ludograts. That goal is as memorable as Del Boy falling through the bar (zzzz) which brings me to Giroud who must have thought when he scored the greatest goal ever in the history of the game how he was too modest in his original celebration and thought bound to score against Bournemouth so I will remind everyone who is the daddy scorpion. Wot a ****ing carthorse! Looks like the new signing is to be promoted 7 classes/divisions above his natural station which should make Jamerson (angry bible student) full of errr parables ...... Anyway about Alli - just get me coat ....

  62. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 05, 2017, 16:13 #96536

    "Do you want to swap the early 80's for what we have now. Nah, thought not" says bba. Do you mean the days when you could roll up to Highbury, pay a few pence, stand where you like on the North Bank in a proper atmosphere and for that watch the team reach cup finals and finish 3rd? I'll swap right now!

  63. Time for Change

    Jan 05, 2017, 15:57 #96535

    To be fair Wenger has changed tactics this season by playing Alexis as the lone forward. Still, Mancini in, Wenger out.

  64. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 14:51 #96533

    Peter, no doubt another Steptoe then. wenger out.

  65. Croker

    Jan 05, 2017, 14:28 #96531

    Can anyone shed any light on what's going on with Ozil? 2 weeks in bed with a cold - really??

  66. mbg

    Jan 05, 2017, 14:15 #96530

    Siddy, no need to come clean, this arrogant old excuse for a manager has drove many of us proper fans away, and changed many of us also especially the way we feel about our beloved Arsenal, but the end is near and getting nearer as every day and embarrassment goes by. Any resignation yet ? Good Article.

  67. CT Gooner

    Jan 05, 2017, 14:05 #96529

    My frustration is I see what we've become, the football press have finally cottoned on, but for some reason AKB's are still clinging tooth and nail to this regime. Why?? It's like they want to win, but are happy to apologize when we don't. They don't analyse why, just roll on to the next day. They meet the true definition of idiots.

  68. jeff wright

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:55 #96528

    Glummer, who is becoming even more glummer by every passing week, obviously did not do his home work on Wengo if trophies are what he wanted to win when he signed for the clown. Obviously he preferred London to Liverpool regarding his play-boy lifestyle deja vu along with the out having a winter break Glum . Glummer would have replaced Suarez though at the bin- dippers and comparisons would have been made between the two bringing on added pressure .Also Brendan Rodgers would hardly have filled him with any great enthusiasm either. Things though are different now with Klopp running the show at Anfield and it seems to me that Sancho would fit better into Klopps side than he does in Wengo's let's celebrate getting a draw at Bournemouth one. So with hindsight he relizes that he made a big mistake joining Wengo's tippy-tappy Barca light when he had failed anyway to cut the mustard at the real Barca .I have pointed out all season that Sancho looks frustrated despite scoring a lot of goals and there is obviously no love lost between him and the effete useless over-hyped Rambo .I doubt that the scorpion king getting all the praise and eulogies after his freak goal against mighty Fatso's Palace would have done much for Sancho's ego either .The sight of the big French oaf doing that silly celeb after he had scored the equalizer, as though it were a winner and the whole gang of selfie-takers carrying on with the party afterwards in the changing room was just too much for Sancho .Tbh any footballer with ambition would have been annoyed with the nonsense but as we saw after the fortuitous win at home last season against Leicester Wengo's bottlers always get carried away about very little.They have to do so because they never win league titles or Euro cups. With Wengo now out of the top 4 and everything far from being happy families at AFC it looks like it will be a long hard second half of the season .An unmotivated want away Sancho will not help things either. Bayern Munich await to provide the coup de grace in the usual first KO round in Europe for clueless Wengo there will be other Bournemouth type results against lower sides and we still have to play some tough games away to Chelsea ,Liverpool , spuds and Old Sparkies Stoke .The two Manc clubs at home could also prove tricky with Pep and Wengo's nemesis Mourinho providing problems for under pressure Wengo whose record against both is rather appalling.If Wengo does manage to get a 4th place finish then this will of course be claimed as being a success and used to justify him being awarded a new contract. Such is the lack of any real ambition at AFC these days under Syrupy and Wengo . You couldnt make it up.

  69. Deighty

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:52 #96527

    Agree with this article completely, especially where we have a strong enough squad that should be strong enough to seriously challenge. The old fart will never adapt. We will finish 6th this year because Spuds manager will have learnt and tweaked things to be better this season, and Manure, well Mourinho will get one over Wenger as usual.

  70. David

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:42 #96526

    "I haven’t been to a game in a few years... and North Bank regular on and off over the years..." Do you actually support Arsenal? I go to Orient more than that.

  71. Moscow Gooner

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:11 #96525

    ´Best team in the world´??!! Hubris. We were between about 1933 and 1939. Never since.

  72. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:09 #96524

    Siddy- enjoyable article, I am roughly same age as you and likewise my first game at Highbury was 1979 and I have also stopped going in recent years as have most of my gunners supporting pals. What else can be said that hasn't already been repeated a million times? Nothing will change under this current regime, all we can do is dream of the day (if it ever comes) that we get something resembling our dearly beloved old football club back

  73. bba

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:09 #96523

    You've got it bad if one person has changed you into a snivelling, negative bore. Negativity breeds negativity. Have we just been relegated or something.??? You are going through a mid life crisis and can only blame the Arsenal. Do you want to swap the early 80's for what we have now. Nah, thought not.

  74. N4

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:04 #96522

    Arsene, 20 years at Arsenal with only 3 PL as major throphies, so what other club will put up with that?? A change is needed as until no mention of a new manager talk...

  75. Bob

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:03 #96521

    "I was the future once" were the self-deprecating last words which David Cameron uttered in the Commons. He had the good grace not just to resign from being Prime Minister, but to leave the political stage entirely. I wish Wenger would follow suit but his vanity and lack of self-awareness knows no bounds. Time for WEXIT!

  76. Nick T

    Jan 05, 2017, 13:00 #96520

    Is us signing Cohen Bramall from non-league Hednesford Town for £40k the biggest sign yet that AWs days are NOT numbered???

  77. CB

    Jan 05, 2017, 12:54 #96519

    The phrase "he revolutionized football in this country" is often bandied about, but what in fact did he do? He stopped players going on the piss and brought in a diet plan. Hardly revolutionary.

  78. N4

    Jan 05, 2017, 12:49 #96518

    ...he really doesn't know what he's doing, like he's a punter in a bookies, hoping his luck will change. Spot on!

  79. DJ

    Jan 05, 2017, 12:48 #96517

    He is coming in today, and will be assessed by the doctor but he has been in bed for two weeks so I cannot imagine I will involve him on Saturday. It is flu, a throat infection - I don’t know exactly. Arsene's on on Ozil's fitness. Surely it is his job to know about the fitness of our star player?

  80. RW

    Jan 05, 2017, 12:40 #96516

    Jumbo come up with a coherent argument in defence of Wenger.

  81. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2017, 12:30 #96515

    Jamerson Dele Alli's performance of two game winning headers against the best team in the PL reminded me of Zidane in the world cup. In this age of football brands whichever team takes your fancy on the day be it Chelski, Man Utd, Southampton is the name of the game now. Loads of new fans are either neutral or distant supporting and those you go are looking mainly for a soccer/sports type experience similar to rolling up at the local multi plex. The Emirates actually looks like cinema/food space more than a football ground. It has Wenger stamped all over it and the reason he is so ratty these days is most people realise he is a charlatan and a money raker. I am indifferent to the likes of the Totts and Chelski but I would rather catch the highlights of Alli and Costa over the ****ery of a Giroud anyday of the week. I started watching Arsenal in the 60s through to the end of Highbury. Sensed the game was up there and have not been proved wrong. Mark puts it well that Arsenal are no longer a football club but simply a corporate entity dealing in measured product for a lazy audience. Anyway - some twat on Untold sayd why did not Arsenal pick up on Alli. If they had he would be out on loan and doing lots of clubbing. Wenger is a waste of words and the indulgence shown the git as though he was football royalty is laughable. You have been conned. Arsenal for 6th and a quiet sacking for 'health reasons' .... COYRds ...... or blues/blacks/greys or whatever is on the McEmirates menu.

  82. DJ

    Jan 05, 2017, 12:25 #96514

    From the outside the club looks in disarray. Sanchez losing faith after Giroud’s ridiculous celebrations when there was still time to win the game and Ozil being given a winter break, throat infection my Arsenal! The club should come out and say his is Wenger’s last season so we can forget all the snipping and get behind the team for the push for the second/third/fourth place trophy………

  83. GS

    Jan 05, 2017, 11:44 #96513

    The Wenger issue has been done to death. Arsenal will tread water until major change happen ( manager , regime, philosophy ) . For now we just have to accept where we are , support the team in anyway we can and let things sort themselves out, while SK/Wenger accepts 2/3/4th is good enough, only massive failure will force change, that day may be coming sooner than we thought . And we may have to accept the spuds finishing above us for once, but I'm willing to accept that for 1 season if it means change and a chance of greater glory in the future .

  84. Mad Monk

    Jan 05, 2017, 11:40 #96512

    I hope no one mentions David Dean's departure as the catalyst for Wengers obvious demise ( he filled his pockets with gold and buggered off and wanted us to permanently rent Wembley stadium for home games) or the move to the super bowl nor the rise of rich foreign investors at other club's. If you listen to the spin doctor's they will attempt to bamboozle you with rubbish such as GG was not very good , his back 5 which Wenger inherited weren't that special, we can't compete against the likes of Chelsea , we can't compete against the likes of Man City, buying a world class striker dosent guarantee success, we qualify every year for the CL Something not even Man Utd, Liverpool or Chelsea can guarantee whilst failing to mention all the above have won it during his tenure, we play the best football (no we don't) spending money dosent work , changing manager is going down the rocky road , we have a fantastic youth system with player's coming through every year , we don't get that many injuries ( Diaby Rosicky Wilshire Welbeck Carzola Van Persie Debuchy etc etc etc all lightweight long term injured ) and Wenger has the highest percentage win record but failing to quote trophy percentage. Yes he was fantastic when he arrived but he has become a totally egotistical arrogant embarrassment and I personally will now not bother venting anger at games, it's pointless now anyway.

  85. Mark

    Jan 05, 2017, 11:19 #96511

    Wenger is a whinger and a loser - hes totally philosophical about Football which is quite the opposite of ''winners''. We all saw how stressed Jose M was first 10 matches. This is the behaviour of winners. theyre not nice to the media when they are seething inside. Fergy example. Good I like this it Shows the fans they care !! Wenger has his daily routines, his Money, his Lifestyle and is quite laid back in a Sport that actually demands the very opposite ! what a complete disaster for a great Club like Arsenal