Let’s have some clarity

The issues preventing the club winning the biggest prizes are easily identifiable

Let’s have some clarity

Where do we want to go?

Most of us I suppose would like our team to win the league. Most of us have the ambition of seeing Arsenal win the Champions League before we die. We all enjoy a day out at Wembley so I assume that we would all like to have a serious stab at the F.A. Cup. We probably aren’t married to the latter if it means making a reasonable attempt on the two main competitions.

How do we get there?

We need a reasonable amount of dosh

The current Premier League TV rights deal means that our clubs have more wedge than all but the petrodollar / state sponsored clubs which infest the major European leagues. Do we have enough money to get a good enough side to win either of these competitions? The League - certainly. The Champions League - probably.

We need the refs to be straight

Again, ok in the League, but there is more than a whiff in the Champions League of matters being arranged to the satisfaction of the bigger clubs in crucial games. Having said that, this is nothing more than we faced when putting all conquering Liverpool and Manchester United up against the wall and executing them in 1989 and 1998. It’s as straight as we could reasonably wish for.

We need the players

There are two parts to this.

The first is having the right type of player. We now have three dedicated midfield destroyers where we used to have the Flanimal, and only that because (thank goodness) he blagged his way back in. We have the minimum number of competent central defenders, whereas Koscielny used to be effectively on his own. We have a decent keeper. We don’t have a fast poacher / finisher. We need one. We have three creative central midfield players. Iwobi, Sanchez and Ozil. Only one dominates play with physical presence as Vieira used to do. He is 19 years old. It’s better but there are essential and obvious pieces missing.

The second part is effort.

Someone said the other day that if every one of our players fought as hard as Sanchez that we would walk the league. Why don’t they?

We need a plan

We don’t have one. You can’t just turn up hoping for the best and that is what we do, year after year. People fight better with a plan. It gives them confidence.

We need a manager

We need one who will buy the players of the type we need, get rid of those who aren’t up to it, inspire confidence in the team and most importantly, have an established and disciplined game plan.

That’s how I see it. Which bits of what I say, in your view, are misconceived?

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  1. BBA

    Jan 08, 2017, 9:52 #96689

    My name Baba, my name Baba Gubba , me get mad , me get angry , me smash , me destroy . Baba get mad! Baba smash WOB , Jamee programme me, me obey Jamee.

  2. Roy

    Jan 08, 2017, 5:25 #96681

    I was at work last night and although I was rather busy, I did catch some snippets of the game though hardly enough to form a considered opinion. I did however, receive 9 text messages from different acquaintances over the duration. 3 of them were from fellow Gooners saying that Wenger must go, the other 6 were from those who support other clubs all stating that Wenger must stay. I wonder why that might be ? I think we all know the answer.

  3. mbg

    Jan 08, 2017, 1:30 #96680

    jj, nice one, enjoyed that after coming in after a long evening on the razzle and listening to all the other fans laughing at our old past it manager. I'm sure all our little bearded nice boys and ballerinas will soon pick the jiving up with Len telling us all their showing great menteell speerritt and awarding them 10/10 with his paddle, and only a matter of time until we see a goal by a jive bunny. wenger out.

  4. KC

    Jan 07, 2017, 21:23 #96678

    At DW Thomas, agree re Ramsey, but in all honesty the biggest passenger is Chamberlain, mentally weak, will go missing, lack of end product. Very sad as he has all the attributes to be a good player but never will be. Gladly sell him, Ramsey, Xhaka (35 mill!!!). They are products of holiday camp Wenger. The team lacks pace and power in the midfield and defence nous but Wenger cannot see it even though it's obvious season after season.

  5. jjetplane

    Jan 07, 2017, 21:20 #96677

    Niles-Maitland has assets valued at 15m and though new to the stock market he has shown a canny eye for an offshore venture or two. He has employed Flimflam as a consultant and with the guidance and financial speeeerit of Professor Arsene Wengo he is sure to be a resounding sucess. He loves his mum and has bought her a house for a song in St John's Wood where she has a personal trainer who has worked with both Diaby and Santa Santi. Meanwhile Oliver G (Scorpion Man) has turned down offers from both Barca and Real as he sees his career ending with more tussles with sporty chaps from the lower divisions. Oliver's beard trimmers are supplied by Simon Rose. There is talk that Arsene wants to bring on board a jive dance specialist as a new venture in training. A little pug-nosed **** was seen at the food emporium just this week so looks like goal celebrations may involve jiving with music supplied by said pug-nosed .....

  6. DW Thomas

    Jan 07, 2017, 20:58 #96676

    We have had the same type of weak willed players and coach for too long now. Ramsey kills the game for me. Overrated. This club has rot throughout, top down. Money is the most important thing. Not football. Players like Ramsey continue to let the down our ambitions to be better. Yet, I can't help but think even Ox, Wally, Rambo, and dare I say it, Denilson, could have all been decent under a better leader in another club. Even Sanchez realizes now this club isn't good enough for a player with his talent and work ethic. Wenger is such a bore, zero touch line personality. Compare him to Conte, or Mourinho, or Pep. Look what Conte has done in half a season with Chelsea. David Luiz in a back three? We have the players, they just don't care enough, are not coached well enough. Poorer talented teams always look more motivated. Shame. Who does Wenger take off vs. Bournemouth? Not Ramsey, Iwobi. Ramsey is the new Denilson for me. Arsenal fans deserve better.

  7. Mad Monk

    Jan 07, 2017, 20:56 #96675

    Giroud is better than Messi,the referee's are all against Arsenal, Wenger is a gentleman who is always respectful of the opposition, Wenger is always right and apart from Attwood everyone else is a moron and according to Walter PNE should of had 2 player's sent off for violent conduct. Good result garbage performance and whoever we get in the next round will know to lump high ball's into the area.

  8. Paul Ward

    Jan 07, 2017, 20:23 #96674

    Utter crap in the first half, we managed to turn it round due to a combination of us playing better and them tiring in the second.Why we keep starting games this poorly is a mystery really, and clearly one the manager is unable to solve, given that it's happened so often in recent seasons. The over riding feeling is one of cracks being temporarily papered over, before the inevitable reckoning come February/March, when teams like Bayern, Chelsea and Liverpool will crush our injury ravaged team and shove Wenger through the exit door.

  9. mbg

    Jan 07, 2017, 20:14 #96673

    Bonzo, KC, it's called complacency lads, the little premadonnas think they just have to turn up, especially against teams like this they got of with it by the skin of their teeth again thanks to the ballerina, they'll never fooking learn it's beyond them and their past it manager. wenger out tonight.

  10. Smithy

    Jan 07, 2017, 19:42 #96672

    Not great but job done. Move on to the next game.

  11. KC

    Jan 07, 2017, 19:39 #96671

    Giroud surprised by their commitment explain why? Our away performances up north are non existant we just don't play. How any manager allows that to happen game after game is criminal.

  12. Bonzo

    Jan 07, 2017, 19:28 #96670

    Late winner - Giroud of course.... why the drop off for large periods of time? They could have been two up.

  13. KC

    Jan 07, 2017, 18:37 #96669

    How do our away fans put up with this crap. There is something very wrong in this club. Only Iwobi is putting it in. Chamberlain and Ramsey are pathetic, attitude within the club is so wrong. Defending a joke after Tuesday you would think we get a response but no. It all comes from the manager no discipline flaky one big holiday camp. They may well recover but it can't disguise the first half, Bournemouth Everton, Man Utd Man City performances away from home we are weak flaky and lack drive and desire

  14. Shu

    Jan 07, 2017, 18:15 #96668

    We need a owner who isnt happy with just top 4 !!!

  15. Royal Maudsley Sectioning Unit

    Jan 07, 2017, 18:01 #96667

    AKB - (Cult Group): Summary Psychiatric Unit: Patient: A Leekey :- The least belligerent of the group though suffering intense delusional behaviour. Describes himself as a mouse and continually says Squeak. Believes Arsene Wenger is Jesus reincarnated and that he is here to bear the suffering of man. Verdict: Temporary section order. Patient: B BBA:- We questioned the patient on his name. The patient would then stand up, wave his arms in the air and say "my name is Baba" this behaviour was repeated continually and in a more aggressive manner each time. I decided to treat patient BBA with a chemical cosh to calm and restrain. When the patient was sedated I questioned his belief systems. He shares the group belief that Wenger is a reincarnated Diety but interestingly appeared to show signs of Koro as he relates his testicular size to his belief in Wenger. He also held a belief that he was a conjoined twin of Jamerson and was controlled by Jamerson's brain. Verdict: Immediate sectioning prone to violent urges. Patient: C Jamerson:- Potential Folie A Deux as also suffers BBA testicular belief system and may have convinced BBA. Of this. Patient C was appalled to hear that BBA thought he was his twin and used violent insults and profane language to describe BBA such as knuckle dragger and Cretin. Jamerson appears to believe that he is an "Elected God Figure" He appears to fill a leader role within the group. Verdict: Temporary section medicate with lithium. Summary: The belief system re Wenger appears ingrained and will need close monitoring upon his demise. It will be interesting to determine if they feel their testicles have shriveled upon his departure as this will suggest a Koro syndrome is present. Suggest maintain use of section orders.

  16. mbg

    Jan 07, 2017, 17:47 #96666

    Paul Ward, of course there's not, but there's those who think there is, and all that comes in very handy to try and cover up their messiah's failings. wenger out tonight.

  17. GS

    Jan 07, 2017, 17:02 #96665

    Wenger has left a lot of players wind down there contracts , a numbers of them are in their last year and some in last 18mths( Alexis/Ozil ) and with Wenger in limbo as well , it does not bode well for our future , he really has lost the plot, he is also planning a 1 yr extension for the BFG . The new manager , whenever/whoever that may be will have a massive job on his hands.......lets hope no banana skin tonight.

  18. mbg

    Jan 07, 2017, 16:51 #96664

    jw, yes indeed what a complete fraud he is, doesn't even know the rules, thinking loans in the prem are season long and can't be recalled with a clause, what an idiot, that says it all he's definitely lost the plot, done, gone, age and cluelessness has finished him. Go now old man.

  19. Paul Ward

    Jan 07, 2017, 16:10 #96663

    Not sure about the reference to needing straight refs, don't believe there's a conspiracy among officials against us to be honest . Also surprised to see no mention of our lamentable injury record, plays a significant part in our failure to compete for the big two trophies. Basically our season was over as soon as Cazorla picked up his injury back in October, a similar thing happened last year when Santi and Sanchez were crocked up at Norwich. Of course it is the manager who takes ultimate responsibility for our failings,and as such he should be long gone by now.

  20. Reality Cech

    Jan 07, 2017, 15:45 #96662

    Well we certainly don't need a corporate jet as we've just bought one for our pampered little darlings. There goes any chance of a decent Jan signing, weve spunked the dosh on a frickin plane. Can't have them getting tired sitting in the executive lounge at the airport waiting for a scheduled flight can we. Bless em. Shame they will only get to use once before the end of the season.

  21. mbg

    Jan 07, 2017, 14:18 #96660

    Scottishclive, well said, and our second rate softie indulged them. Any Resignation yet?

  22. mbg

    Jan 07, 2017, 14:07 #96659

    Glad you left the most important one to last I thought that that one wasn't going to be mentioned at all(and that's needed rectified now for seven/ eight years) get it right and the others will look after themselves as we already have (and had)the dosh. We may indeed do man yoo for a few seasons but so what, at least we'll know where we stand, and just think if we'd have got rid of this old SIF some seasons ago we'd have that all behind us now. wenger out now.

  23. jeff wright

    Jan 07, 2017, 13:28 #96658

    Wengo has certainly lost the plot his ignorance of the fact that he did not have to agree to loaning out Jack to Bournemouth for an entire season yet again shows this. With the usual injuries kicking in the clown is now down to having just two central midfield players and where is Wally.Wengo has despite claims to him being totally focused on the day job at AFC many other various financial interests to look after . As far as I can see his interest at AFC is just like Syrupy Stan's also just a financial one. As others have pointed getting shut of Wenger would be a start in the right direction but the new man would have to work with-in Syrupy's financially motivated business plan regime. It is not beyond theb realms of possibility that some other manager with more energy and ambition could do so and be more successful. The chance to win the Prem was there last season and surely someone out there could have made a better fist of challenging Leicester with all the other big clubs out of sorts for one reason or another but Monsieur Wenger was cruelly exposed ,yet again, as being le emperor with no clothes on.Also this blaming bad results on match officials for an excuse to cover for Wenger's shortcomings needs to be ditched every team gets bad calls or at times good ones - sh*t happens !

  24. Bonzo

    Jan 07, 2017, 12:47 #96657

    I'm not sure how much easier I can try and explain this. 1: your on the wrong thread I'm replying on the existing thread

  25. bba

    Jan 07, 2017, 12:24 #96655

    Still waiting bell end !!!!!

  26. jjetplane

    Jan 07, 2017, 12:20 #96654

    Listening to Arsene on the radio this morning tells me we need to check his pulse for life. The richest, most boring man in football. NEXT .... ps Everton in for 3 players from le bowl - watch that space and you know why ....

  27. Nick

    Jan 07, 2017, 11:51 #96653

    What our team needs is ORGANIZATION ! Every player needs to know his job and what is expected of him even the so called "luxury" players must have discipline and know when to play a simple pass and when to help out their defence ! We need a well drilled team that defends and attacks as a UNIT ! The time for the Holywood passes and flicks and tricks should be when we are in total command of a game and the points are in the bag ! They should ALL know that a lack of effort and work ethic will not be tolerated and will see them benched WHOEVER they are ! We must also have proper in game management from our manager who should be able to recognise danger signs from the opposition and rectify them by either a change of tactics or personel and not wait untill the proverbial horse has bolted before locking the stable door ! I believe with perhaps two or three exceptions we have a very good squad of players good enough if ORGANIZIED properly to make a real fist of a title challenge and with perhaps an addition of a couple of players a proper tilt at the Champions league too !WE have seen how good we can be on occasions good enough to beat the very best at times but these occasions are far too few and far between ! Leicester showed last term how far a team of journeymen with the odd bit of real class can go, our squad is much stronger than that and I'm convinced with real ethos drilled into them they could do big things I am NOT at all convinced that our present manager is the man to accomplish that , so what we really need is a manager that CAN do these things !

  28. A M Barber

    Jan 07, 2017, 11:46 #96652

    I think you are pretty well spot on, agree there are players who need to go, but Wenger will keep them for ever. He has lost the plot so time to go, I would love to see Eddie Howe take over

  29. Scottishclive

    Jan 07, 2017, 10:18 #96651

    We need a manager the players are scared off. Fergie and Mou both were c**ts, but invoked loyalty. We have a nice guy who does not critise the players enough and is constantly been taken for a ride. Just think if Veiria or Henry had been at Man U, at the first sign of wanting away they would of been ditched.

  30. Gaz

    Jan 07, 2017, 10:14 #96650

    With all due respect fella you could have saved yourself a lot of bother and simply skipped to the manager.

  31. John Gage

    Jan 07, 2017, 10:00 #96648

    A top medical department that could keep injuries at a minimum would be also be essential in my opinion. If Wilshere can go thru a whole season without injury maybe we could just sign the Bournemouth medical team? Or Leicester's?