It’s Getting Better

Online Ed: Arsenal win comfortably at Swansea

It’s Getting Better

70 minutes before Arsenal started playing at Bournemouth. 45 against Preston. And 35 minutes at Swansea. Things are slowly improving in this respect, and once Arsene Wenger’s side did hit their stride fully after the interval, there was only going to be one winner.

The first half was tortuous for a long period though. Swansea did a good job of nullifying Arsenal and it was difficult to see where a goal might come from. Alexis had one decent effort, but aside from that there was little creativity. Giroud’s contribution was marginal, but lo and behold, up he pops, right man in the right place to smash home Ozil’s header when the Gunners finally put a cohesive attacking move together.

At the other end, the referee booked Swansea’s Korean striker Sung-Yong for diving when it was feared he had blown for a penalty kick. It was a key moment in the game and replays showed the forward was already going down before there was any contact with the defender. I’ve certainly seen spot kicks awarded before in these situations, so well played to referee Mike Jones for calling the simulation correctly.

It meant the home side did not build up a head of steam as Everton did in the game at Goodison Park before Christmas. Olivier Giroud indicated he wanted to come off, but remained until his team had doubled their lead in the second half. Alex Iwobi twice shot in a period of Arsenal dominance with the resulting blocks / deflections ending up in the back of the net. Swansea’s luck just wasn’t in, although it was good attacking pressure that forced the misfortune.

Sanchez scored the fourth when an interception fell to him and the home side’s misery was complete. One thing that needs pointing out. For all of Arsenal’s goals, there were plenty of attacking players in the box. Twice it meant they were able to take advantage of loose balls. For the own goals, it was because mistakes were forced by numbers. This does seem to be a solution to the kind of defending that proved so frustrating in the first 35 minutes.

Of course, it requires concentration and accuracy in possession. In defence, there were a couple of lapses that the team got away with, a poor header by Koscielny in the first half and a terrible ball across the back line from Gabriel that went to a Swansea forward. Paul Clement’s team were not helped by some poor finishing. They certainly had opportunities before the game was out of sight.

Ozil and Alexis were withdrawn for the final 12 minutes – a surprise as normally Iwobi is one of the first to be hooked. Alexis, probably smelling more goals against a disheartened defence, went into what appeared to be a sulk. The bottom line is that the game was won. Why risk injury to either of the star turns? The Chilean needs to be more professional. He wears his heart on his sleeve on the pitch, fair enough. But protesting about being removed from the fray in this way doesn’t really help anybody. Was he never subbed at Barcelona?

Anyway, a far more encouraging display from Arsenal. Sure, the opposition were there for the taking, but in games like this, the Gunners should be asserting their dominance as they did. More of this against Burnley and Watford will at least give them something to play for when they visit Stamford Bridge. Arsenal sit third at the end of Saturday, but it’s certainly very tight amongst the top six. And other teams seem to be winning the games like this with ease as well. What happened to West Brom at Tottenham? Things are certainly getting interesting, and for now, the Gunners are in the mix.

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  1. GoonerRon

    Jan 16, 2017, 21:28 #97075

    @ Arseneknewbest - perhaps "previously-not-interested is unfair, but I suspect (although having not seen any stats) that Swansea ran harder and further in the first half than in most games this season. I don't know specifically what my reaction will be if we don't get 3 points against Burnley, I guess I just try to assess every result and performance as it comes. Chelsea might not be must win - there could be a 6 point swing by then (got to be hopeful, right). But again, I'll assess as and when. BTW, good luck finding my "oft-declared love" for Wenger on here - I think you're confusing it with daring to say something positive about the team, God forbid.

  2. Ron

    Jan 16, 2017, 10:00 #97040

    I thought it was just more flat track bullying to be honest. ASL are good at that once they can find the effort to be bothered. Even then it needed 2 own goals. Its good to win 4 away from home of course but it was nothing to go overboard about. Iwobi put a good effort in though it has to be said.

  3. Bonzo

    Jan 16, 2017, 9:16 #97039

    Jameewoobbaaa- you nailed on Wengosexual , voyeuristic deviant. How would you rate the following managers. Klopp, Koeman, Mourinho, Guardiola, Wengo

  4. Tony Evans

    Jan 16, 2017, 8:55 #97038

    The sad thing is we can't get excited about any decent results because past history, over the last 10 years or so, tells us that they count for nothing. Likewise there is no need to fret over losses because again so what - it's not as if we will be plunged in to a relegation battle. The top four trophy tedium goes on; and the day I start believing a 4-0 away victory is a springboard to a sustained and meaningful title challenge probably will not dawn until Wenger has disappeared over the horizon.

  5. Joe S.

    Jan 16, 2017, 0:42 #97035

    I liked Iwobis contribution at Swansea.If he can eliminate more of the stupid passes and get more shots on target,he should become a player for the long term.He deserved to stay on,while the Ox also looks like a player who can taunt a defense once he knows exactly what is expected of him. Iwobi's two own goal assists may have been flukes but the lad may also have come up with a counter strategy against teams who set up a straight line defense and park the bus. Whipping the ball across the defenders legs while they are flat footed creates panic and anything can happen off a ricochet.

  6. mbg

    Jan 15, 2017, 23:58 #97033

    TJ, bug eyes would have been given a torrent of abuse at any other club for saying what he did, and would probably have had to apologise to fans for it and disrespecting it, (and even made to, by other players who love the club and who only have it at heart, remember them ?) or even hounded out by fans, but here ? not a fooking chance, we have a bunch of wengerite pussies who were probably singing Ozils name and think just like him and agree with him. Pathetic. wenger and Ozil out.

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 15, 2017, 22:31 #97032

    Gooneron - I'd hardly describe Swansea as "previously-not-interested". They're fighting for their future - the last time we were anywhere near that was 73/74 if memory serves me right. Interestingly, you also say "only three points against Burnley will do". Given your oft-declared love on these pages for Arsene Wenger what, pray tell, will your reaction be if they don't manage to win? And if they don't do it at the bridge in a few week's time, when it could equally be argued that only three points will do, then what seismic event will occur in gooneron world? You and Jamee son give the team so much width, that you might as well say only a point will do because you're never going to see wengo for what he is: a specialist in failure.

  8. mbg

    Jan 15, 2017, 21:20 #97030

    Exeter, good post, yes there's just enough there to keep TOF in a job, there always is, and that's the way it's been and the way he's managed to have it for nine seasons now, they just manage to do just enough to keep him afloat he sees to that, no matter what he treads or falls in TOF always manages to come up smelling of roses, and always just the right time too and he's always happy and delighted with that along with his fanboys, what an ambitiousless bunch of wasters, some manager that to have, and some legacy to leave. Go now you old past it fraud.

  9. GoonerRon

    Jan 15, 2017, 20:54 #97029

    Weathered an early storm from previously-not-interested-opponents who put in super-human effort for a new manager (randomly, this seems to happens to us all the time!). So long as they didn't score I always felt we could take control and glad we did. Job done and move on to the next one, only 3 points will do against Burnley.

  10. mbg

    Jan 15, 2017, 20:34 #97028

    GS, you could be right mate that's the vibes anyway, but we all know what wenger and his spin machine are like and how TOF likes to keep everyone guessing until the last minute, with his sly grin such is his arrogance, but we don't know for sure yet, and those that want him to stay and will be delighted if he does will f*****g deserve him, but i'll tell you this, no matter, if he just manages to scrape through as always and as always do just enough to keep his job on a vulgar salary the fight to get him out by real fans will certainly not stop, it will continue, it will be stepped up with even more vengeance and vigour until we eventually get rid. We want wenger out.

  11. TJ

    Jan 15, 2017, 19:25 #97027

    I'm pretty indifferent to matters Arsenal as I've more or less decided to suspend active interest until Wenger leaves because he and therefore the club's prospects under his leadership never change. Ozil coming out and saying he will stay only if Wenger does is a reflection on the dire position Wenger has put us in. Who is he to put his personal preferences over the greater good of the club? He has been woeful in just about every big match he's played in - we can never win the EPL with him. There's such psychological fear about being seen as a 'selling club' (even though we haven't sold a big first time player for nearly five years) that we try and tie down all the players, especially ones with big price tags, with contract extensions. Let's be honest, our internal playmaker options are as good as Ozil against big teams and although Sanchez is great, the fact is that he can't carry a club if Wenger's moronic philosophy rules supreme.

  12. Wear Your Colours

    Jan 15, 2017, 18:58 #97026

    We took a little time to get going but in the end we put in a good performance and won with an emphatic scoreline. I thought the midfield trio of Ozil, Ramsey and Xhaka all played well. Ten-points from the last twelve is keeping us in the chasing pack. Let's hope we can accquire three more in our next home game. COYG!

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 15, 2017, 18:56 #97025

    I think conte will be ticking manure and citeh off his list of potential contenders tonight. It won't be long before we, spudz and les bin dippeurs join them I reckon. Today's results make a top 4 finish for wengo more likely - anyone excited about that? nah, thought not. Weng is getting ready to bring the viagra-munching groundhog out of the shoe box again. " Genial- votre hibernation est presque finie, mon ami".

  14. Wardy

    Jan 15, 2017, 18:49 #97024

    that 4th placed trophy is still on ....... happy days

  15. Paul Ward

    Jan 15, 2017, 18:33 #97022

    Was always on the cards that we'd recover from Everton and City defeats, will need to beat Burnley, Watford and then win at Stamford bridge to convince anybody that this season can be different, recent history suggests it isn't gonna happen.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 15, 2017, 18:10 #97021

    I think the Wenger extension will be announced before the end of the season. There's a 2 in 5 chance of missing out on top 4 this season, plus Sanchez will be off at the end of it. A much harder sell to announce it then. Instead, even with those twin disasters, it'll be already signed and everyone will be saying "We've got to get behind Wenger now he's signed"... etc etc and on it'll go. Personally I hope it goes so disastrously from here it's untenable for him to stay on, but even without any decent coaching or team cohesion there's enough individual talent there to stay in the mix for that top 4 spot.

  17. jjetplane

    Jan 15, 2017, 17:48 #97020

    Everton beat Arsenal and City while City swat Arsenal away. Conclusion - Toffees to finish above Wenger next season ....

  18. David

    Jan 15, 2017, 17:18 #97019

    Can see Arsenal finishing as runners up again; will be all that's required for a 2 year extension.

  19. GS

    Jan 15, 2017, 16:55 #97018

    mbg: you best take a sabatical as it looks like Wenger will be signing for another 2 seasons. Nothing is changing any day soon. The same old saga will continue for another couple of years yet . At least half of fan base happy with mediocre . Feb will define this season for us .

  20. mbg

    Jan 15, 2017, 15:17 #97015

    If only results like this (and all the others) mattered, and were going to make a difference, sad that their not, and we all know why. wenger out.

  21. mbg

    Jan 15, 2017, 14:57 #97014

    35 minutes to get going a couple of own goals certainly helps too, another tickle job by the tippy tappy brigade this time with Swans weathers are we up and running again ? is it on ? Any resignation yet ?

  22. jeff wright

    Jan 15, 2017, 13:04 #97012

    The spuds and Chelsea results against lower case sides show yet again that all the top teams will generally beat the lower ones. So the results against one another for top 4 sides this season will be important with 5 teams contesting 4 places. Our games starting after the defeat away to City all looked winnable so how did we get on against Bournemouth...Oh! Anyway, back here on planet Earth we are still 8 points behind Chelsea with half the season gone and a tough run of away games to play plus the two Manc sides at home .So I can't see us playing for anything other than a Wengo top 4 trophy and unless we improve against the top teams that looks unlikely to be won. Personally I think that Glummer's attitude regarding getting subbed is rather drama queenesque .He looks like an hombre who wants away from Wengo's magic round -about. Ozil made a lot of nice passes and one touches flitting about here there and everywhere pulling strings trying to coax the carthorses around him to perform like show ponies. It must be depressing for him though when he looks up and sees Gertrude plodding about instead of Ronaldo. No goals however from Ozil , so Wengo's jibe , that looked like a narky response to Ozil having dared to suggest that our French genius should be doing better than just playing for a top 4 spot every season ,about Glum not scoring enough goals did not induce any difference. I judge the pair of them though in Europe and against the top Prem sides and in doing so find them both coming up short. Every team looks good against Swansea, apart from fellow strugglers like Fat Sam's side.Even the 'appy 'ammers and big Andy looked world class against Palace.

  23. charles

    Jan 15, 2017, 12:49 #97011

    The game in the first minute was even almost slightly in Swans favour,but that is what you expect of a team with anew manager playing before the home fans.Two positives though.First Wenger or his players did their homework well and knew that Swansea will try to nullify any meaningful threat and force Arsenal into side passing.But the quality of Arsenal vs that of Swans meant that eventually they will wear out.Indeed after the 50th minute,one could sense that Clement and his brigade had given everything while Arsenal was just warming up and slowly finding tempo and penetration to their passing.They couldn't cope.Ranieri on the other hand underestimated Chelsea's charges.Indeed what we saw yesterday was not the champions that we have come to know.Timid and clueless sums their effort.On the downside,Alexis has to decide quickly whether he wants to be a player, a media pundit or a coach.He can't be all.A good team respects each player and only plays according to the coach's instructioms.Perio.

  24. jjetplane

    Jan 15, 2017, 12:48 #97010

    Sanchez probably found it impossible to get a game at Trophy mad Barca never mind getting subbed. Arsenal is probably about his level and like Ozil no one will be offering crazy money for either barring the Chinese who are in the early process of changing world football fron a club perspective. That is why he now hides his head in his coat. All the pudits were saying how much more impressive the Totts were and they are looking like the team who may win the PL. Indifferent to them but do opt for realism and Kane and Alii coming into form is a big indicator. They really are better than Arsenal presently and that is down to having a good coach who knows and loves football. Wenger is a disinterested character with no stomach for the game. Cannot see a top four finish and that should see him off hopefully. ps Swansea are bottom of the league and West Brom are having a great season.

  25. Nick

    Jan 15, 2017, 12:13 #97009

    I wish ALL our players had the same desire to play a Sanchez personally I'd rather see a player obviously and genuinely upset at being subbed than the meek effeminate hand clap close to the side of the head as they trudge off acceptingly after an uninspiring perfromance! Sanchez loves to play and more importantly he loves to WIN not enough of our squad have that mentality! Taking him off was probably the right decision though he looked fit and up for the fray the more ridiculous decision was to start Giroud in the second half especially when you have TWO other players who can play as a main striker on the bench personally I would have swapped him for Perez at oranges and moved Sanchez to center forward as with a goal lead our opponents could not employ park the bus tactics and the freerer movement Sanchez gives us when he plays as our main striker would not have been nullified indeed we did prosper when that eventually happened, now I suspect the HFB will be sidelined for a game against an obdurate Burnley side where his ariel threat and strength will be sorely missed ! Wenger once more showing his absolute lack of in game management! Great result and scoreline pretty average performance reports reads "can do much better "

  26. Wenger Out

    Jan 15, 2017, 12:12 #97007

    I watches the Arsenal game followed by the the Chelsea game The difference was chalk and cheese.We were bang average against a poor team for 40 mins.Still making mastakes at the back still giving the ball away in midfield and toothless up front.We are playing for 4th dont get carried away Kev