AWFC's False Economy

Mathieu Flamini and my 'Sliding Doors' moment

AWFC's False Economy

The Flamster & Cesc – What might have been?

Even the most ardent of AKBs must surely concede that The Messiah has made mistakes. We all make mistakes. But for me, there is one which is a metaphor for where we’ve been going wrong for nearly a decade.

Letting Flamini go (the first time).

I think it’s fair to say that the only time we have sustained a credible title challenge since The Invincibles was the 2007-08 season. Where did it all go wrong?


The in-form Eduardo’s horror injury, a dodgy penalty for the Brummies in injury time and Gallas’s sit down protest sulk after the final whistle. We didn’t win another PL game for over a month. Despite that, we still finished just four points adrift of the eventual champions, Man Ure. What could have been…

But during that PL dry patch from late February to late March was a remarkable 2-0 away CL win against AC Milan in the San Siro (after a goalless draw at home).

Fabregas put us ahead in the 84th minute during a masterclass team performance. Adebayor (boo!) added one in the last minute to rub salt into the holders’ wounds.

I believed at the time that it was marking the emergence of another great AW team, capable of sweeping all before them at home and abroad.

Milan, of course, had the much-heralded central midfield partnership of Pirlo the playmaker and Gattuso the enforcer. But our own emerging partnership of Young Turks, Fabregas the playmaker and Flamini the enforcer, outplayed them at their own game and on their own patch.

Funnily enough, the rabid Frenchman had already been compared to the Italian terrier at the beginning of that season and said: “I play a physical game and that is why they call me 'Gattuso’, because he plays exactly the same role.”

Fabregas garnered most of the attention for his creativity back then. But I feel that in many ways, Flamini was our player of the season (and let’s not forget his adaptability filling in manfully at left back during the run to the 2006 CL final).

As for 2007-08, the way he would hunt down the ball, well, he was peerless in the PL. The modern day equivalent would be N’Golo Kante.

Flamini was like a metronome. You could tell how well we were doing at any point in a game by simply pinpointing his position on the pitch. If it was backs to the wall, he was defending as if his life depended on it. If we were attacking, he was driving us forward. Captain material.

Despite his lack of bulk, we had finally found someone who could mix it in midfield after the void left by the premature departure of the magnificent Patrick Vieira.

Flamini left us the first time nearly nine years ago, just as he was reaching his peak, and let’s remind ourselves that football does evolve. With clubs now prepared to splash the cash for his ilk, he’d be pretty in vogue these days if he was still in his prime (although his legs have clearly gone at the tender age of 32 having played fetch for so long).

Back then, defensive midfielders were underrated and undervalued. But we have never adequately replaced him. Denilson (and they called Ray Wilkins a crab), Song (who would have been good if he didn’t think he was Liam Brady), Arteta (out of position) and right up to Xhaka (jury still out but I didn’t recall a clutch of big clubs vying for his signature in the summer).

Worse still, we let the more than promising Lassana Diarra go to Portsmouth for £5.5million in 2008. He was then snapped up by the mighty Real Madrid for nearly £19million soon after and went on to make 117 appearances for the Spanish giants. Ironically, he would have actually been a pretty good replacement and only left because Flamini was ahead of him in the pecking order.

Anyway, our ‘Gattuso’ injected enthusiasm and steel into that 2007-08 team (and I think he imbued a bit of that fighting spirit when he returned BTW). But why did we miss out on his peak years?

False economy.

He (apparently) wanted around £70k per week to sign a new contract and the club was quibbling over £5k-£10k per week (echoes of Cashley Cole). Why didn’t we give it to him? He deserved it. The rest is history… he ended up at AC Milan no less, who jumped at the chance to get him on a free transfer and pay him what he wanted following his performance at the San Siro a few months earlier.

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  1. Ron

    Jan 17, 2017, 14:02 #97107

    Nick - Yes, 6 -8 months of sulking followed game 49 and arguably longer. Wengers a disdainful sulker. Having worked there for 2 yrs i can confidently say its a trait that his countrymen seem to revel in, though they pass it off as body language that foreigners misinterpret and should just be put under the 'umbrella' of Fr sang froid. Thats might be true, but its what comes from their mouths that betrays them. Almost to a man, not so much the girls they've got giant sized chips on the shoulder. All hunky dory folk in fair weather i always found.

  2. Tony Evans

    Jan 17, 2017, 12:12 #97097

    Nick - I could not have put it better myself.

  3. Nick

    Jan 17, 2017, 10:38 #97088

    Someone mentioned not replacing PV4 as a defensive midfielder again ! Patrick was NOT a midfield destroyer he was always far more than that a box to box center mid whose creativity was as big an aspect of his game as his snarling tenacioness he also scored some memorable goals ! The player we did not replace as a holding dm was Gilberto !I too lay the blame for our collapse in 2007/8 at Wengers door the adversity suffered that season especially the horror injury to Eduardo should have been USED to light a fire under our team and in their bellies so that they fought tooth and claw to win the title as revenge and solace for our sorely injured striker but as after the injustice of our unbeaten record ending at OT to a cheating Rooney and a poor referees Wenger ALLOWED the team to wallow in self pity which is a character defect in HIM which all too often reflects itself on our team ! A George Graham would have roared us on after such setbacks with a backs to the wall let's show the bastards attitude ! In my view Wenger should have been fired after the 2007/8 season for gross negligence in motivating the side ! Since then we have suffered some of the worst and most embarrassing defeats and come backs against us that I can remember in over 58 years of supporting the club !The battle cru of "Remember who you are and who you represent " has meant nothing in that time and continues to mean nothing to the current crop under Wenger this is an attitude HE has fostered and I for one will never forgive him for it !

  4. Bonzo

    Jan 17, 2017, 9:20 #97085

    Wenger fan club: Attendees: Jamee - racist homophobe Squeak - Slush puppy slurping lobotomised Wengerphile BBA - toothless Fleabitten Pug. Rev Brian - Sermonising holier than thou facist convert

  5. Stuart

    Jan 17, 2017, 9:04 #97084

    That 2007-8 season was the last one where we could and really should have won it. The injury to Eduardo was terrible but it was weak leadership from Wenger after that game which let the title slip away. He should have galvanised the squad and roused them, but instead let them wallow in pity and feel sorry for themselves. I don't doubt that the players were affected by the injury but a manager like George Graham or Bertie Mee would have lifted them up and driven them on. Letting Diarra leave that January and refusing to strengthen the squad left the it light in a key area. Add to that, the weak management and the title challenge was left to slip away. That season, like so many others under Wenger petered out to nothing. Instead of investing in that squad financially and mentally, Wenger allowed it to break apart so that he could bring in his doomed, vainglorious youth project. Funnily enough, he had no trouble paying those players way too much money and extending their contracts.

  6. mbg

    Jan 16, 2017, 23:18 #97080

    Paulo 75, yes the greedy old money grabber didn't settle for any one year extensions himself, we all remember Bergkamp and his extensions, how we had to demand he got them, one more year one more year, sign him up sign him and all the rest, at every game at Highbury, how he must have fooking hated that even then such was his ego at the time, having to give in to the fans demands and being told what to do, I bet he'd have let Dennis go too only for us, he certainly wouldn't listen to us now the egoistic old fraud. wenger and Ozil out.

  7. Nozzer

    Jan 16, 2017, 22:56 #97079

    Good article and some valid points. Flaming was great that season prior to that was a squad player. Edu again was top drawer and we should have kept him. I remember pre season in 2003 when yaya toure played on trial against Barnet. We had Vieira, edu, Gilberto and the Romford Pele vying for the centre of midfield then. That's when we were an ambitious football club.

  8. mbg

    Jan 16, 2017, 22:32 #97078

    John F, maybe wing weng will be heading there himself, although he's robbed enough of Arsenal over the years to pay any fine or arrears.

  9. Cyril

    Jan 16, 2017, 22:28 #97077

    Nice article. I must point out that although it was our best effort for the title that year and the heartbreak of Eduardo, the truth is after that event we fell apart and we were not effectively in the race for the title. After the Brim game, Man U and Chelsea went on a 8-1-0 run that put paid to us and included victories against us. We put a run in at the end when it was over in truth. The sad cold facts are that we have never been in a position in the run in with a chance to win it since our move. As painful as it is to write this. You neatly dovetail us finishing 4 points behind but it was over. In other words with 3 games to go, it was done. A certain Mr Anelka put us to the sword after his January move to the bridge. A challenge to me is being right in the mix with 3 games to go. I have a lot of respect for Wenger and always will but I'm logical and a realist. Whatever AKB means and whatever it represents, most of us pragmatic types will be able to produce information to explain that it is mediocre at best these days and has been whilst we have been at the Emirates. That said, if he pulls it off this year with a title, I will be so proud for him.

  10. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 16, 2017, 21:45 #97076

    Jamee - only someone as incurably thick as you could post prolifically on here under various guises and at the same time call for a boycott. You are to irony what wengo is to team organisation and selflessness. What the f*ck did you do at school you dunce? "F.A.C.T." is an-easily-seen-through acronym for your other caravan chums on here (felching anal cavities tirelessly). Why don't you be the first to boycott this site and get back to repairing all the rust damage in your 'van?

  11. Paulo75

    Jan 16, 2017, 21:02 #97074

    Project youth and the inexplicable refusal to hand out more than 1 year contract extensions to the over 30's (despite their class - Pires, Gilberto, Bergkamp etc). That's when the wheels began to come off and still we have the same regime 10 years down the line. It wouldn't happen at any other club in the world where relative failure is rewarded so handsomely. The murmurings of a 2 year extension to Wengers contract just makes me feel even more detached from the club in its current state.

  12. Boycott O G.

    Jan 16, 2017, 20:51 #97073

    Every Gooner and AKB needs to boycott this snivelling, low life, faltering, senseless, so called website and its fanzine. They are lost without US. The love in will be the downfall of OG. F.A.C.T.

  13. GS

    Jan 16, 2017, 19:59 #97072

    Dissect players all you like, but at the end of the day the buck stops with the manager , he broke up the Invincibles far to early with his crazy over 30 policy , (shame it did not translate to his own contract when he reached 60) he bought poor quality players, he never gave goalkeeping much thought ( almunia) also with defending, he kept poor/injuries players on to long ( denilson/ diaby) he bought stepanovs , so on and so forth...the saga continues , with a 2 yr sequel coming soon . zzzzzzzz

  14. John F

    Jan 16, 2017, 19:47 #97071

    Just read Sanchez has admitted tax fraud when he played for Barca (Arsenalnewsnow various reports).Could be the reason for asking more money to pay off the expected 1 million pound fine.A few other players probably getting nervous as tax dodging becomes more of an issue.The rush to China begins.

  15. mbg

    Jan 16, 2017, 18:48 #97069

    DWT, he's a former shadow of himself now alright and/so he'd be cheap so a good chance TOF will resign him again. wenger and Ozil out.

  16. Ron

    Jan 16, 2017, 17:47 #97067

    In that midfield of 2007/08, though certainly no tough guy, Alex Hleb produced a lot that Season along with Cesc and Flamini. In that respect Hleb gave that trickery and creativity that made the midfield tick. His stock fell rapidly after that Season of course when other teams caught on to the fact that we wilted in the face of muscular approaches. As that occurred, Hleb faded instantly. Its since then that we ve needed a couple of hard classy physically powerful players in midfield. Hleb was very good and shouldn't be forgotten if we re discussing how that midfield was back then guys.

  17. Jamee's Southwold Diary

    Jan 16, 2017, 17:44 #97066

    Well hello everybody I hope you've been having a lovely time. Did yer miss me? Now I've been having all sorts of things going on. First of all my naughty dog BBA, he does get aggressive and starts all manner but the poor little Puggy Wuggy got into a fight with a Doberman and is now shivering in a corner, shaking he is, hasn't come out for days. Ooh bless. Then wouldn't you know my old friend the Reverend starts writing to me again what a surprise. Now we might be very different people but when I confided in Brian about my time in the Navy. They used to call me Gloria by the way, I tell yer this I knew a trick or two! Anyways I told Brian everything , confessed to all manner. Do yer know what he did? With a little twinkle in his eye. He grabbed my fruits and said , we all should have a bit of fun now and again. Ooh he's a cheeky one. I'm going to invite him down to the caravan, least we can have fun whilst that Slush Puppy drinking weirdo Squeaky collects his Pokemon. Bye bye for now, Ciao kisses

  18. mbg

    Jan 16, 2017, 16:56 #97065

    I see the media have got hold of another spat between TOF and Sanchez after he was subbed, (another example of TOF flexing his skinny muscle letting the player and fans know who's boss) as his ego has taken a battering because Sanchez is getting all the praise and plaudits at the moment and he's not, what an arrogant egoistic old fraud he is. wenger out.

  19. David

    Jan 16, 2017, 16:47 #97064

    I think you're using your rose-tinted spex. Agreed that not giving Flamini and Cole the money was a big mistake, but Arsenal were outclassed by Man Ure in the FA Cup, and bottled it against Liverpool in the Quarter finals of the CL that year. No doubt, it's the most convincing they've looked since 2004, but it was astonishing that Wenger didn't bolster a potentially very good squad with at least one big signing - he had the money - when it was clear that 'project youth' needed that extra stability. It's been groundhog day ever since.

  20. DW Thomas

    Jan 16, 2017, 16:44 #97063

    Spot on article, even though Flam now looks a shadow of his former self. That was the last season I truly enjoyed fully. We should have won the title. Like Sanchez now, Gallas couldn't stomach the weakness in the manager and some in the team. Flamini and Cesc ran the show. Each was the perfect opposite to the other. And friends, you could see easily. They protected each other. That season's end was the start of a horrible series of groundhog seasons that continues into this year. Denilson? He was like Ozil but without the vision and passing skill. Diaby could have been incredible, but his injury ruined him. Cesc left, Robin left. Almunia started. We had talent sure, but are and were always missing that one or two players to complete the squad. Wenger hasn't gotten it right in now 11 seasons. Sanchez looks frustrated as our best players always do. Jack too may be gone at season's end. For me, and I know some love him, Ramsey is the new Denilson. Jack was always better than him. Even Iwobi is looking a more dynamic player. But he does run a lot, Rambo. We are supposedly on e of the best attacking teams on the planet, Wenger prides himself on it. Yet, when have we ever bought an Aguero type player to push us over the line? With Mustafi, our back line looks solid. Even the Brazilian is playing well filling in. Oh what could have been. I remember looking forward to games each week and the CL with such hope, joy, optimism. Then the season would end with a whimper, EVERY TIME! That is why I now am halfheartedly following now, hoping we turn that corner, but knowing we won't.

  21. Siddy

    Jan 16, 2017, 15:40 #97062

    I loved Edu. He never got a proper run in the team but I couldn't believe it when we let him go. A brilliant passer and hard as nails. Better than Flamini on all scores but we were on a different level when he left, there was a lot more competition for places.

  22. Ron

    Jan 16, 2017, 15:33 #97061

    I do agree with yr message Siddy. Edu s been mentioned. He knew when to leave his foot in. Gilberto did too in a very quiet and calculated manner. Both had that wonderful gift of being able to hurt an opponent and look totally innocent!! Genuinely think Matty F could have made a really good LB as you say. He was right footed so his crossing wasnt great but he could both over lap and defend. When could we last say that about or LB ? The worst Centre mid we had has to be Song. What a loafer he was with his high 5 s, pulled up shorts etc prancing about doing not a lot in the middle. Had the impression at the time that Diarra was more trouble than he was worth hence he was let go in fairness to AW. I think it was why Chelsea let him go too.

  23. Alsace

    Jan 16, 2017, 15:18 #97060

    Pretty much ancient history but the answer to your proposition is I agree and Yes. I think the point is that there have been so many things wrong, not least of them the refusal to hire a midfield destroyer that as the lacunae get addressed (not the least of which is hiring Coquelin Xhaka and Elneny in the destroyer role), we see the central problem at the heart of an Arsene Wenger team. The manager doesn't have a plan and cannot motivate the team to go and win when it counts. Go to Chelsea, United and Spurs and win and we will be in with a chance. Bottle it thrice as usual and it's groundhog day.

  24. mbg

    Jan 16, 2017, 15:15 #97059

    THE messiah Siddy ? surely you mean Their ? because he's certainly not mine, and quite sure a hell of a lot of others. Some of them might concede or admit that alright even then very reluctantly and if they're backed into a corner (and that's very easy to do nowadays) but even then it would be a trip to church straight after. But there's others who just see no wrong in the past it old fraud, or no wrong whatsoever in anything their messiah does. Pathetic. wenger and Ozil out.

  25. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jan 16, 2017, 15:09 #97058

    Siddy, I agree as far as letting Gilberto, Diarra and flamini all leave and not replacing them was absolute madness. In stepped Denilson and Wengers doomed project youth exercise in vanity kicked in and we all know what happened with that. I have to agree with those who say Flamini has been overrated though. Never much cop in my view. Gilberto on the other hand I thought was fantastic and very underrated. A real team player and one of those that you didn't realise quite how good he was until he wasn't in the side. Then you appreciated just how much his presence gave to the team. Fantastic attitude too, you couldn't imagine him going on strike and showing off for more money or a move somewhere else. Edu was another player that I really rated and was another one that I couldn't believe we would let go

  26. Siddy

    Jan 16, 2017, 15:05 #97057

    Ron, I agree with you to great extent. The premise of my article was all about what could have been. We'll never know. But that was our last credible title challenge and he did all the water carrying for Fabregas. He made Fabregas a better player. I'm just saying that we challenged for the title with Flamini as the DM in a 442 and haven't really challenged since. The proof is is the pudding. Yes, I am a big Flamini fan, well, I was for the 2007-08 season as our DM (and 2006 at left back). Tbh there was a time that I didn't rate him at all (in his early years at Arsenal). But the chemistry with Fabregas...

  27. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 16, 2017, 15:03 #97056

    Siddy, I never fell for that shouting and fist shaking, Flamini was OK but a huge drop from Gilberto and Vieira. As Ron suggested, I too thought he was a better left back than a midfield player. Remember Wenger allowed the cornerstone of our invincible team to just leave so he could show everyone that it was not the players but his "brilliant management" that made Arsenal great. That heralded so much nonsense (Almunia can play for England anyone)then the nonsense turned into weakness and cowardice so I gave up. In my opinion Flamini was never more than a squad player and would have remained one had Arsene not sold off the family silver, or, as he should have done, bought suitable replacements.

  28. Ron

    Jan 16, 2017, 14:55 #97055

    Hi Siddy - he was all of those things but the quality of his game didnt get near to matching his arm waving and shouting capacity. Flamini lacked physical presence and it was a big disadvantage, esp in those yrs where we used to buckle under to Bolton and Stoke. He wasnt an imposing player and would never have given opposition midfielders sleepless nights. AFC have had no players who create fear in teams for donkeys years. Those years 2008 to about 2011 which was the time when teams thought Arsenal could be booted off the park and intimidated we re as a result of having not one player who wouldnt allow it to happen without a proportionate reply. Wenger can have all of his philosophies and for as long as he wants them, but its a fact that in football, esp in the PL, a teams needs at least one hard f----r and preferably 2. The inventors of the soft underbelly - Spurs dont now get kicked about. Thats because Wanyama and Dembele plus the German Centre Back (cant spell his name) wont allow it and can dish it out. The very best of Utds teams were that way because teams were s--t scared of Keane, Stam and Co. AFC have been powder puff for years and still are. Its not about fouling, its about using yr power to brush off players and hurt them in the physical exchanges plus knowing when to foul at the right times and taking Yellow for the team from time to time. Aggressive play is an art that Wenger doesn't countenanace. Hes pathetic in ignoring it. Im sorry, i can see yr a Matty Flamini fan but he was a lightweight like the rest have been for a decade or more.

  29. Siddy

    Jan 16, 2017, 13:58 #97053

    Seven Kings Gooner, I can understand what you are saying about Flamini and Vieira. But I think Flamini was seriously underrated by Gooners. And Jesus, Diarra was, technically, a better player than Flamini (and won far more France caps). But Flamini had something we were short of at that time right up to now: Passion, leadership and bottle. He was also a talker, a shouter, another thing we have been short of, right up to now.

  30. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 16, 2017, 13:39 #97052

    The idea that Flamini and Vieira get mentioned in the same sentence is seriously stretching the credibility of this piece. Ron, make you right about Cesc being worn out. Had Gilberto stayed on I think we might have kept some of that pre 2006 resilience but unfortunately it was "operation youth" that prevailed and that was the catalyst for the growth of our soft underbelly and horrific injuries to players devoid of any real on field protection.

  31. Tony Evans

    Jan 16, 2017, 13:29 #97051

    Top of the injuries league as usual I see, with Wally and Gibbo doing their utmost to keep us there! You can always rely on those two in that respect if for nothing else!

  32. Jesus Saidpaddy

    Jan 16, 2017, 13:28 #97050

    Siddy - IMO you are spot on pinpointing where the start of the ongoing Wenger/Club decline commenced. Diarra was as good, if not better, than Flamini and proved it when he played in the League Cup games that season but Wenger would not drop Flamini under any circumstances. Diarra grew frustrated and insisted on being sold in that January window as the World Cup was coming up and Wenger stupidly relented leaving no DM cover. A huge mistake selling Diarra as we would defo have won the league that year with him playing and . . . we've never got near since. The rot set in and the following season at Stoke(away)was the first time I remember hearing some disgruntled fans chanting 'Wenger Out'.

  33. Tony Evans

    Jan 16, 2017, 12:53 #97049

    Exeter Gunner - couldn't agree more. That was when the doubts about Wenger started to creep in to my thinking; and all the crap we have endured since then has confirmed my early suspicions that Wenger had lost the plot big-time.

  34. Charles

    Jan 16, 2017, 12:48 #97048

    This was a complete shambles of mismanagement by Wenger. It was obvious that Flamini was letting his contract expire and was going to leave in the summer, instead of putting Diarra in the team or sending him out on loan for 6 months he sold him. He then let Gilberto leave in the summer so we were left only with stupid Song as our defensive midfielder. Wenger has a degree in false economy, Xavi Alonso was available to buy for £10 million but he decided to waste the money on high wages for Denilson. Terrible decisions that set us back years.

  35. Siddy

    Jan 16, 2017, 12:45 #97047

    I have to admit that Gilberto slipped my mind. He was very effective but in my opinion, lacked mobility. We should definitely have kept him for at least a couple more seasons though. He had leadership qualities and experience which we missed desperately missed after The Messiah moved him on. Wenger out.

  36. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 16, 2017, 12:28 #97046

    Letting all 3 DMs in Diarra, Flamini and Gilberto leave in the space of 6 months in 2008 and replacing none of them because he wanted to indulge himself with project youth and Diaby, Denilson and Song was Wenger at his most hubristic. AFC have had a soft centre since and 9 years on, haven't been able to sustain performance over a season.

  37. Croker

    Jan 16, 2017, 11:43 #97043

    Flamini is a very bright and astute guy. I believe he is a qualified lawyer and knows his way around contracts and it is he who has engineered his tramsfers between his various clubs rather than an agent or the clubs being in the driving seat so fair play to him. From his transfer to Milan arose the opportunity to develop GF Biochemicals which he seized with both hands and he is now extremely wealthy independently of football so fair play to him. I loved his partnership with Cesc and Flamini was also pivotal in getting Arsenal to the Champions League final. I don't think there was much Le Boss could have done to make Flamini stay but the one who slipped away for reasons I'd love someone to write about was Gilberto. He could and should have anchored our midfield for several years and he was a great skipper prior to Gallas and Cesc. PS. I write this as someone who let circa £millions slip through my fingers when I turned down a job years ago to keep up my season ticket so I know something about sliding door moments.

  38. Ron

    Jan 16, 2017, 11:17 #97041

    Its all about opinion isnt it but i think yr recall of Flamini is done wearing yr red tinted specs. He was an OK squad player and a willing harrier. Nothing more than that. Fabregas badly needed a top quality, powerful middle man as his protector and enforcer. He wasn't given one and thus Wenger wore him down. I think Flaminis best games for us were at left back. He could and should have nailed that position for his own but his ambitions to play centre mid got in the way. He thus didnt master either position. Regrettably, he was in my view every much a headless chicken. He did have a few good games though, but rarely in the big matches.