Gone to the Dogs?

Banner at Burnley game highlights perennial split in football fanbase that never goes away

Gone to the Dogs?

Cue Twitter sh**storm. Photo: Marcia Milnes

There has been a lot of sound and fury this weekend regarding the Red Action Dog Banners, stoked up considerably after REDAction’s statement after what I imagine was some quite strong Twitter barracking - “If you hate the new Cannon, Emirates Stadium, the fact that GG is no longer the manager and the fact that its not 1989 anymore, today’s banner was not for you. Adapt and change, or maybe Arsenal 2017 is not what you want it to be, and you should just retire gracefully and let those of us still here have a bit of a laugh, and not take it all so seriously?”

Well, that was like pouring petrol on a bonfire! It does however touch on something that has always been there for all clubs, and has got worse at Arsenal since the move to the Emirates stadium and with the whole AKB, WOB debates that have raged on. What is a “true” fan? What is the “right” way to support your team? So, what should we do? Should we all lighten up, look to the future, embrace what is in the now rather than turn our eyes to a rose-tinted past? Or should we fight against the commercialisation and greed, and resist all attempts to turn a day at the football into “the match day experience”?

Being born in 1980, and therefore standing age-wise on the bridge between the pre/post Sky and Premier League change, I do understand both sides of the argument. As with all things, some things were worth preserving and some things are probably best left in the past. For me, the mid-90s were a fantastic time to watch football, as it seemed to combine the best bits of the (then) new era of money, foreign talent and surge in football interest, along with the passion, tribalism and intensity of the 80s. But then equally I was in my late teens, so why wouldn’t I look back on it fondly?

But nostalgia is a fickle beast. Having followed with interest and generally been sympathetic with the AMF (Against Modern Football) strand of support, I would urge people who identify with that side of the coin to not indulge too much in nostalgia. It definitely runs through quite a lot of posts and blogs around this topic, and while there is absolutely nothing wrong in remembering great days of the past, and clothes and music of the time etc, it’s wrong to then conclude from that that it was somehow better or superior, and that anyone who wore Adidas sambas and Fila track tops, and ran up and down the North Bank in the 80s was somehow a better fan than those who weren’t even born then, and have come of age in the modern era.

I recently took my young son to a live screening of the Swansea away game at the stadium, and it was in the dreaded Club level, with the Gunnersaurus, overpriced hotdogs, EA sports consoles, families, young kids and merchandise wearing fans everywhere, and you know what? It was lots of fun and my boy loved it. It wasn’t standing on a cold crumbling terrace while a p*ssed bloke in a Stone Island jumper shouts obscenities in your ear for 90 minutes and then pushes you over when Arsenal score a goal, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The comfort and accessibility that exists today is something to be lauded. We all want comfort and ease in all aspects of our lives, and football shouldn’t be much different.

However, the second half of the Red Action statement is way off beam. Where the AMF/Nostalgic movement has achieved great things is in terms of contributing with others to the reduction of away ticket prices, pushing the living wage for club employees, as well as successful protests elsewhere by Everton fans and Hull fans to attempted changes to their badges (relevant to the “New Cannon” comment) and names. This has shown that just because it is 2017 it doesn’t mean that everything that is going on in football has to be blindly accepted because it’s “new” or “modern”. Currently all the talk around safe standing is gathering pace, and that would definitely be something that many feel was at heart a positive aspect of football come back from the past and be applied in a way that is relevant for the 21st century.

The suggestion that unless you find a banner seemingly put together after a student night out on the Snakebite by an organisation professing to represent Arsenal fans in general, who can get their banners in the stadium because they seem to have the ear of the club while anyone with a home-made banner which may or may not be favourable to the manager/owner/team can’t show anything without stewards grabbing it is a bit rich. It seems that “adapt and change” is really a euphemism for “agree with what I think or you can do one” (something I think the world has had a bit too much of in 2016) – and given this is not a banner held up in the stand by a couple of fans having a laugh, but an officially sanctioned message going permanently around the stadium that many thousands attend, I think it should of been a bit more thought through given the level of vitriol being directed from the get go.

Maybe the best position to take in all this lies with that of an even older generation – At the game I pointed out the banner to my dad and a friend of a similar vintage, and they squinted at it, smiled ruefully and then turned to watch the kick off, never looking at or referring to it again. And when Sanchez scored that penalty every young, old, AKB, WOB, casual, new fan, selfie stick carrying person there hugged and jumped for joy. Perhaps those who made the banners and vigorously promoted and defended them and those who attacked and mocked them should both take a step back, turn down the dial and focus much more as some Arsenal fan groups are indeed doing this week on ticket prices, safe standing and other issues that will make a material difference to the match going atmosphere and well being of fans. As was alluded to in one of the banners, Arsenal should really be all about Victoria Concordia Crescit. Perhaps that should be the next message we send out at 3pm on a Saturday.

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  1. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 25, 2017, 14:17 #97477

    Bonzo - A liar,that's who. Jamee's getting flushed - quelle domage. Trust an elitist to be so thick that he calls himself an "electist". Jjet - Nice one. Ride, Xhaka ride.

  2. Bonzo

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:34 #97468

    JameeBBA - What sort of numbnutcnut owns 4 houses in East Anglia? Even the most devoted and wealthy country retreat type guy I knew kept it to two. Oh wait a minute do you include garages as houses? If you've got wifi going on then at least you can remain online to Grindr, Untold, Family Circle and Aryan Nation. As a tip try not to mix up the first and the last in the list as it might cause all sorts of issues. You won't be missed bye!

  3. jjetplane

    Jan 25, 2017, 11:11 #97459

    So there is the Sanchez banners up with his bleeding dogs and he wants out unless he gets a quarter mill a week. What an embarrassment. If Arsenal are to hold major dog shows which has already begun with Stan putting on rodeos in the States with plans to ship Giroud and mustang Xhaka over for the cowboys to ride, Sanchez may finally get his hands on a trophy with lots of dog selfies and red action (dickheads) walking the players dogs on matchdays. Apparently Ozil also has a couple of bitches who he ..... ps Xhaka to face season ban for psychotic petulance with a dab of racism.

  4. Bonzo

    Jan 25, 2017, 10:54 #97458

    ArseneKnewBest - just read up on old Marge. Must be Jamee's great Aunt. I do understand though that Jamee actually supported the Chicago Bears up to 2000 when he found salvation(previously Satan worshiper) and Wengo all in one afternoon.

  5. CB

    Jan 25, 2017, 10:37 #97457

    He will probably just register as several different users so dont see that will stop the problem. Cant you block his IP address or use cookies

  6. Website Editor (Actual)

    Jan 25, 2017, 10:12 #97456

    Jamerson posting as website editor, arseneknewbest, badarse and ray lately. It's actually becoming too much of a chore to delete these, and sometimes it becomes time consuming for reasons I won't bore you with here. So we are sadly going to have to go down the road of registering to comment. I'll get the webmaster onto it, but it won't happen overnight, so Jamerson can enjoy himself for a few days - make the most of your trolling while it lasts.

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 25, 2017, 10:07 #97455

    Just had a read of Marge Schott's wiki page to reminisce. 'Kin 'Ell - turns out she has even more in common with Jamee than I realised. A n*zi sympathiser, all round racist and anti-semite. There are some truly terrible people in the US of A, although in this case she's thankfully now brown bread. Check her out if you want to read something to make you feel good about yourself today (i.e. at least you're not her) There are also some telling images of her and the St Bernards. Big dogs, big and long cables...

  8. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 25, 2017, 9:55 #97454

    Stop press: Asano FC is to host this year's crufts. Upside: more money for merkin-man stan plus a promise that any loose hair will be collected and weaved into a trump-sized toupee for the avaricious owner. Downside? even more sh*t on the pitch. Reminds me that I once went to see the old cincinnati reds play the SF giants in their old cookie-cutter stadium in Ohio in the early 90s. The team had a kroenke-like money-grubbing owner called Marge Schott who was loathed more than Jamee son and owned two massive St Bernards that had the run of the place. She loved them more than any humans, esp the fans who were thoroughly sick of her. Anyhow, I'm watching the teams warm up and both animals decide to lay massive dog eggs/cables in the infield. They were picked up by one of her lackies (natch) but it was tragi/comic watching the short stop and pitcher from both teams do their very best to avoid the patches of astroturf with the brown stains on them. Better to do what Benfica do and have a massive eagle fly down just before kick off (and sh*t everywhere of course! - it's all relative). It'd be interesting to know if our diminutive chilean picks up after atom and humber (comment: stooooopid names for dogs). He's a humble-ish lad so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

  9. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 9:48 #97453

    The AKB wengerites now have the perfect excuse and scapegoat for their messiah and his little dwarfs failings and fooking it all up as usual this time, Bouldy, we'd have won it if OGL hadn't been banned, it was all because of the ban, etc, etc.

  10. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 9:31 #97452

    ArseneKnewBest, there's no doubt about that mate, TOF will still be calling the shots and pulling baldies puppet strings alright, his arrogance and ego will see to that, and like I said well dare bould deviate from his instructions or there'll be hell to pay, we might even see him doing a Pat rice if the phones or earpiece stop working, TOF will make it known he's still calling the shots too you can be sure of that also it just wouldn't do at all for Bould to receive any kind of praise or recognition, but like you say if it all goes tits up it won't be TOF's fault, Bouldy will get recognition for that alright. Any resignation yet ?.

  11. Bonzo

    Jan 25, 2017, 6:59 #97451

    The Suffolk Chainsaw Massacre! He used to feast on Dog, now he's got the taste for tourists!! Starring:-Jameson as Leatherface, Humphrey Leek:- as "young Leatherface" Colesey:- Jamee's Pa Brian Badarse:- Jamee's Ma BBA:- The Banjo Player He's coming to get you! At a Cinema near you.....

  12. Bonzo

    Jan 25, 2017, 6:07 #97450

    Er boss what do we do boss, we're 2-0 nil down boss, shall I take off Mezut boss, he's done f£&k-all! Boss. What's that? " mental speeerit , mental speerit, mental speerit, mental speeerit" Aarrrggh I can't get these implants out of my head, it's going to explode...... heeeelp . I must get a knife and cut it out from behind my ear. Aaaaarrrgh! Dark Mirror Season 4 : Mental Speerit now available on Netflix

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 25, 2017, 0:07 #97449

    mbg - Interesting thought of yours about bouldo but my hunch is that organ grinder wengo will still be controlling that particular monkey during his all-too-short spell in the wilderness. There'll be an earpiece into which the former football manager will be offering witticisms such as,"Keep it tight - no, not the team, the fookin zip" "Don't shout at our players, they don't like it up 'em" and "That linesman spilt your pint, you should go over and shout at him and gently push him around like a twazzer". I reckon the whole thing will be predictably underwhelming - bouldo will look a bit moody but will speak and gesticulate even less often than is currently the case. Like Brian Clough crossed with chain-smoking Cesar Menotti. And afterwards, loyal colleague wengo will blame him for the inevitable loss to chelski. Hey, maybe he picked up the red for exactly that reason...conspiracy theory #666

  14. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 0:06 #97448

    I suppose we can expect a banner with eleven poodles on next.

  15. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 24, 2017, 23:49 #97447

    Jamee poodle randy - Call me gay if you like but don't ever call me "dude" again. If you do, I'll be on your doorstep with my rusty chainsaw (and no, that's not a euphemism for my jamee sized genitalia). I lurve the not so subtly coded message about keeping it up and how I crack you up. Phwoar, I'm getting all tumescent thinking about you typing this alone in your 'van, soft cell playing in the background and a batch of freshly "irrigated" digestives warming up on your log (geddit?) burner. Tainted love? - yes please Jamee! Send me your address; I'll get a special back, sack and crack and will be right round to sprinkle a bit of magic all over the patchy velour upholstery in your mobile home. Make sure you turn those photos of your kids round to wall: it made me a little - just a little - melancholic last time.

  16. mbg

    Jan 24, 2017, 23:03 #97446

    Ray, would that be one of Sanchez's dogs then.

  17. bba

    Jan 24, 2017, 23:01 #97445

    Mad monk, mad monk, mad monk. It sounds like Harry Munk. Where were you, where were you.............. Give it large but you look like Nige Farage. Harry Munk, Harry Munk....... Are you Bonzo in disguise?????

  18. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 24, 2017, 22:59 #97444

    I think that the photo could have been more entertaining. Maybe a shot of 'lexis mopping his marble floor after catching the dogs in flagrante delicto. Jamee hates to see spilled seed, not least because of the damage it does to his caravan's corroding chassis and because he likes every drop for himself (sluuuuurp!), but hey let's have a bit of regular hard core amorous canine action at the wok. It'd make a change from being f*cked by the management...

  19. Jamee's Southwold Diary

    Jan 24, 2017, 20:56 #97442

    Cooeee everyone thought I'd drop a line. Well first of all let me say poor little BBA is still cowering under his doggy blanket. Bless him he thought he could handle himself but when that Rottweiler chased him around the Caravan Park. Well he's never recovered. But anyway what a frustrating week because the Rev Brian came to visit and I'll tell you this, once we were alone our hands were everywhere! I'll tell you the Rev likes his fun. But would you believe it, I'd just got the Rev in position and we were both sweating and panting, he's shouting "give it all you've got!" Then what happens? Knock knock.. "Hello ish Squeaksh" yes bloody Squeak with only one tooth slurping his bloody Slush Puppy! I'll tell you this if it weren't for all the Soggy Digestive challenges he took part in, he'd be long gone! So my little hot encounter ends up as a bloody game of Whist and filling in Squeaks Wenger album. Bloody hell let's hope next weeks better! Bye bye for now.

  20. Bob

    Jan 24, 2017, 20:35 #97441

    I assume "you cannot racially abuse a white person" is meant either sarcastically or it is missing the words "if you are white yourself". Otherwise I give up on today's view of the world as well as Wenger's Arsenal.....

  21. mbg

    Jan 24, 2017, 19:36 #97440

    Ron, nice one, very appropriate indeed, I wonder how long it would last ? and like the Stamford bridge one would approval be given for a permanent one.

  22. Cyril

    Jan 24, 2017, 19:28 #97439

    Ron, you took the words from me. I think Adams has been quoted as saying 'remember the name on the front of the shirts and the fans will remember the name on the back of the shirt' . He's just LEGEND. Ron you would appreciate this, I have stood at Highbury and had a ST in the clock. I have an ST at the Ems. The difference was at Highbury we sat , we stood, we chanted in unison and laughed with the stewards. At the EM's , i have an elderly bloke who is really lively and screams at everyone to 'SI DAWN' . We all do for fear of doing anything wrong even when we are getting excited. That said, we have another elderly gentleman who must be in his Eighties with a walking stick who leaves about 8 mins before the end understandably who I tap on the shoulder as a form of good luck charm. It's those people that keep it real for me. Spontaneity is frowned upon. What happened to the working class opera. Sad!

  23. mbg

    Jan 24, 2017, 19:16 #97438

    SKG, good post, some are saying a lengthy ban from the touchline for wenger is just what we need, and it could/will do us the world of good, and maybe a chance to see what Bouldy can actually do, I found myself thinking the same, then you realise what TOF is like, domineering, egoistic he won't allow him to, TOF will still be running the show (his massive ego wouldn't allow anything else)bouldy will still have follow strict orders/instructions given to him before the games in the dressing room to the letter, he'll have no say whatsoever (and god help him if he disobeys and does things his way)remember dear old Postman Pat ? who's only function was to deliver the cones and bibs, and join in with a bit of light stretching, standing on the touchline looking up to the stands to wenger (during another one of his bans) making a complete p***k of himself (or as some said at the time wenger making a p***k of him )looking and waiting for instructions that never arrived, daring not to think for himself. wenger out.

  24. Bonzo

    Jan 24, 2017, 19:03 #97437

    Looks like Granit has been to the same racial tolerance courses as our very own web toed Jameewoobba.

  25. Website editor

    Jan 24, 2017, 18:12 #97436

    Ok. Ok. Next month we are going to trial a login with an email address and password. Clearly this will confuse bonzohomo as he will need a large notepad to remember all of his entries (ahem). Apparently his young nipper (ahem) is currently confused as to his father's name.

  26. Ron

    Jan 24, 2017, 17:30 #97435

    Bard - I might go to a home game yet and take with me a banner that reads ' Adams, Captain, Leader, legend'. A p--s take of Wengers leaderless squad and a swipe at the same banner thats been up at the Bridge this last 10 yrs re the man whos name i cant bring myself to type!

  27. Bob

    Jan 24, 2017, 16:49 #97434

    It's simple for me. I love Sanchez, and while the dogs banner was dreadfully cheesy and twee I have no issue with it being designed or displayed. But, but, but.....the club should not veto impromptu banners designed by ordinary Arsenal fans who are not part of the officially approved "Red Action" unit simply because they are "off message" as far as the club's hierarchy is concerned. I hope that the increasing number of fans who want a change of manager will have the courage to put this to the test and resist all attempts to confiscate.

  28. Bard

    Jan 24, 2017, 16:43 #97433

    Im not sure about the relevance of banners or their effect. The really telling issue is the club's attitude towards negative ones. You pay your money but you can't protest or offer a criticism. Not a healthy way forward in my view.

  29. jjetplane

    Jan 24, 2017, 16:39 #97432

    Timmy Charlesworth over on Untold slagging WOB and no doubt back on here squirming about soon enough. New, typical breed of anti-Arsenal pro-Wenger trash. Reckons we are all like Piers Morgan (cnut) for wanting Wenger out. Simple analysis for simple careerist who has more in common with Piss Moron than he thinks.

  30. jjetplane

    Jan 24, 2017, 16:13 #97431

    Xhaka (AKB favourite) taken in for questioning after calling a woman a '****ing white bitch'. Wenger certainly did his homework on this psycho twat. 35m and the guy is sinking fast. You have to blame the dodder of a coach when you look at how Conte and Howes school naughty boys. Arsenal losing all sense of class. Bring in the Swansea man and ship the old yob out!

  31. Alsace

    Jan 24, 2017, 16:07 #97430

    I have no problem with the poster. It's artwork and quite amusing. I do have a problem with those who are happy for us to abandon standards that our forefathers taught us and which , as embraced by Chelsea, will see them to the Championship this season. A strong defence, a fighting spirit and plenty of self respect, win lose or draw. The people who wrote that tweet laugh with Ramsey when he screws up in front of goal or back passes to the opposition and think that Arsene Wenger is fit to be Arsenal Manager. Their values are not Arsenal values. They are not fit to support any club with ambition, let alone our club. I'm 56, I hate the new water cannon and the reasons for the change. George Graham had to go because he was a failing manager, and lastly, the values which won us the league in 1989 are the values that we lack today. Get them and we will win.

  32. Siddy

    Jan 24, 2017, 16:00 #97429

    chris dee - bang on about consistently challenging for trophies. We were sold the idea that the move to the Emirates would mean we compete at the very highest level and that means the PL and the CL. We haven't and we won't, because of W***ger. The problem is not even our squad, the way I see it. The problem is the weak-minded mentality of the players that has been installed into them by the mis-manager. "Solidarity" my Arsene. W***er out.

  33. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 24, 2017, 15:42 #97427

    Bonzo - I'd have wengo, ivan the liar and merkin-man stan in a row behind them giving then all biblical reach-arounds or rusty trombones

  34. Aylesbury Gooner

    Jan 24, 2017, 15:35 #97426

    Ron your post hits the nail on the head Ashburton Grove is no Highbury.I always remember standing in the north bank when the new badge was beng displayed by girls walking around the pitch holding it aloft and the fans if memory serves me right singing "what a load of rubbish"or similar.As posters have already said on here the start of erasing our great past and traditions like the band going around the pitch before the game started,as a youngster at the time didn't think much about it but as im older and wiser now think it was unique as back then hooliganism was at its peak everywhere and don't think any other club had something like that.Think i will stop there.Im sure others have fond memories too.

  35. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 24, 2017, 15:31 #97425

    Fans should boycott the club financially: the sooner it goes bankrupt, the sooner we can call in the retrievers...Jamee that's a pun - don't re-read it you cretin, you still won't get the joke.

  36. Croker

    Jan 24, 2017, 15:23 #97424

    I loved our wonderful club crest and regard the new era cannon as a badge. I would miss Highbury slightly less if all the cash generated by the new Arsenal Bowl was translated into trophies and sides which regularly compete with the best 5 clubs in the Prem League and Europe. There is nothing wrong surely with feeling nostalgic about the first ground where I attended a football match and all that class and history which that marvellous former (pre-court case)club crest was steeped in

  37. mbg

    Jan 24, 2017, 15:04 #97423

    Paul, nice one, and organising, and carrying out a turn of backs on him protest when he returns. You couldn't make it up. The old Dog out.

  38. GS

    Jan 24, 2017, 14:51 #97422

    One more thing ........ Our motto is ; victoria concordia crescit. So maybe when we have Harmony amongst the fan base we may win some silverware and get the motto reinstated.....Victory Through Harmony anyone ?


    Jan 24, 2017, 14:41 #97421

    Bugger the banners. It's a good day today - Bernie E has gone with ill grace as you would expect from the greedy 86 year old. Tomorrow, just maybe, his thug of a younger brother (well he looks around 80 these days) might just sod off as well. A lengthy touchline ban would be a good alternative though, just to find out if there is any point to Steve Bould.

  40. GS

    Jan 24, 2017, 14:23 #97420

    Surely this is not a debate about a couple of banners ?? It has no relevance with Wenger,the club, or the current issues , the banners are a light hearted gesture to our top player end of - it is not intended to make him stay or Wenger In/out , its just banter by way of a banner, anyone who reads it beyond that must have nothing more important in life to worry about....I have No affiliation with RedAction.....COYG

  41. mbg

    Jan 24, 2017, 14:17 #97419

    jw, your spot on it's not as much Arsenal these other teams fans, players, and especially managers want to beat it's wenger, they just love sticking it to him as they know he's such a bad loser and if it's controversial all the better it makes him even worse, it was Hughes, Fat Sam, Pulis, Fergie, Maureen, Pardew etc, etc, it still is of course but there's a new generation now, who know and learned very quickly what he's like, arrogant and egoistic, a bad loser (and shows it) with no dignity in defeat, with a manager like that in the opposite dugout ranting and raving what better incentive do these managers need.

  42. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jan 24, 2017, 14:04 #97418

    Ron you made me laugh out loud at your Pol Pot quip and about 2006 being year zero! As for these red action muppets- you can eff orf and take your pathetic dog banners with you. I doubt they were even born when a lot of us on here were supporting Arsenal donkeys years ago. I happen to think we should have a badge with a cannon pointing the right way and the words Victoria Concordia Crescit on it, instead of the awful cartoon logo we had foistered on us with no consultation. Just one in a long line of traditions that have been thrust by the wayside, each one stripping another layer away of the classy club we used to be. No wonder the club is virtually unrecognisable from the one we grew up loving so much. Feel sad in a way for these johnny come lately types who will never know Highbury and how majestic that place was and what a truly wonderful club we once were. They can have their soulless new ground and their dog banners, they are welcome to them as far as I'm concerned

  43. Bonzo

    Jan 24, 2017, 14:03 #97417

    What Red Action need to do is create an image of our greatest supporters. You'd have Squeak with one tooth in his head and blue tongue from slurping slush puppies, Brian the Vicar bending over pants round his ankles and the dog shooter Jamerson standing behind him bellowing "squeal like a pig boy". Perhaps an image of BBA playing banjo in the background. That would scare the visitors, actually it'd scare everyone!

  44. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:52 #97415

    As yes, but you lot wait until Steve Bould gets a few weeks in our "red hot" technical area, on his own! Here is my advice for you Steve, although I have never worked "half a day" in football I am telling you this - don't try to follow the fervour and passion of your boss over the 90 plus minutes. Stay calm, look in control, if your not sure what to do, fiddle with your zipper. I know you cannot possibly match the lightning analysis of a game like Mr W so went it comes to important tactical changes I'd go with the first change at about 70 minutes and at 10 minutes intervals thereafter, if that fails and we are still behind or level, smack the fourth official , it works every time for Arsene.

  45. jjetplane

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:48 #97414

    Love all this AKB BS about the uptight WOB. The most uptight thing at Arsenal is the manager and his fans just follow him. If you want to see AKB comedy go to Untold where their resident 'funny man' will having you running to your nearest Stewart Lee DVD for solace. Atwood is so in the past he is milking the 30s while denigrating GG's era. Figure that twat out! The giveaway in the above article is the denigrating youth culture as the Ems is now just full of middle aged men like the idiots who run Untold. **** 'red action'! and a stadium full of wannabee chefs talking real lol!

  46. jeff wright

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:41 #97413

    jason b ( ?) you are obviously easily amused ... just think though someone spent their time making that banner oh well... ... if it had been a Wenger Out one though it would never have been seen .You couldn't make it up

  47. Leggo

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:28 #97412

    DJ- Can't understand why anyone would think he's not going to sign a new deal. With every passing season more and more long-standing fans like me simply give up and stop going and are quickly replaced in the soulless bowl by more and more of Le Fraud's cringeworthy disciples with their embarrassing flags, leaving the general public with the impression that there's little real dissent and everything is fine and dandy. The club's owner doesn't care as long we make top 4 and with Utd and City in transition and Liverpool's defence still dodgy there's no way that's not to happen this season.

  48. Ron

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:20 #97411

    jj and Robert - seconded for both of you! This post stadium regime certainly dispensed with 1989. Theyre like fooking Pol Pot s regime. 2006 was yr 0 for them. Anything before has been airbrushed away. Its pathetic. They shd drop all of those date references around the ground too. Cant have pre Wenger records being brought to the attention of the compliant sheep there can we?

  49. mbg

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:20 #97410

    Who are you to urge and tell us not to indulge in to much nostalgia ? we'll just brush it under the carpet then, air brush it all out of history, like the two dates in the photo ? ( I bet there's some who'd love that) Victoria Concordia Crescit ? with an old fraud like wenger at the helm ? the two cant be spoken in the same breath, the only way those three words can be spoken (or ever will) is Nostalgically, without wenger, or him in mind, so I can see why some would like it to cease. There's only one person who should retire, gracefully or not, preferably not, an old out of date manager, not fans who remember things fondly (and always will) before he landed here at just the right time, and if these groups would have concentrated on that with their many banners over the years to disappear as quick as they went up, instead of bottling it time and time again we might now be able to use/look up to and respect Victoria Concordia Crescit again. Adapt and change alright to a new manager. wenger out.

  50. jason b

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:17 #97409

    I found the banner quite amusing myself.Can't see what people are getting uptight about!

  51. Robert Exley

    Jan 24, 2017, 13:00 #97408

    I'm personally not that interested in what Alexis Sanchez's dogs are called. I'm not a Hello magazine kind of person. As for Red Action's statement in response, I have to say I find a lot of these new Arsenal fan groups that have sprung up over the past few years a lot like that Neighbourhood Watch character out of Steve Coogan's sitcom 'Saxondale'. Start off patronising you, before subtlety talking down to you. 'It's not 1989 anymore'. Anyone who quotes what year it is to rebut their stance usually hides the lack of substance in their argument, I generally find.

  52. jjetplane

    Jan 24, 2017, 12:58 #97407

    Going on about that cock of a match on Sunday like the Leicester one last season. For Welbeck see Sanchez and his dogs (embarrasment). The atmosphere was dead like it has been for years until extra time when even the smug, arrogant excuse for a coach got involved. Nothing to do with passion for the game but just anti-football arrogance from a base loser. Makes me laugh when these writers state when they started going and bang on about nasty working class blokies spoiling the game for the lovely new fans. Then there is the staring into the past. I ****ed Wenger's Arsenal off years ago and I was ging in the 60s but because I look to the future Arsenal now are one of many faceless (the most) brands in the PL. Do not care who wins the title but do want Wenger to fall out of thecomfort zone and be shipped out sooner than later. It's the AKBs and their corporate careful what you wish for BS that is in the past. Progressive Arsenal fans want change and lots of ****ing noise and you only have to look at the excuse for a coach to see why everything is so flat and ****ing boring at the Ems. Thank **** for the Toffees.

  53. Paul

    Jan 24, 2017, 12:39 #97405

    The same idiots who put up the two dogs banner are the same fans who will call Sanchez a greedy bastard when he leaves in the summer.

  54. DJ

    Jan 24, 2017, 12:38 #97404

    The Red Action Group is now part of establishment and very much under the club’s umbrella so never going to rock the boat and bite the hand that feeds. Frankly they could put a picture of Sanchez with his collection of antique thimbles as long as he keeps scoring last minute winners. The real elephant is the room is the manager’s new contract which, despite our esteemed editors inside info, we all know he is going to sign………….

  55. Ron

    Jan 24, 2017, 12:06 #97402

    That banner is a reflection of the gentrified taste and ambience at that stadium. Its poor really. I wonder what oppo fans think of it? Adapt and change is quite right though. Its the kind of 'nice' banner that makes me glad i choose never to go to the place. Theres more atmosphere any where than there. Highbury was rarely a cauldron of fervour but Ashburton Grove? Its aweful. Good job the away fans visit to at least generate some passion in the place. Henry Norris's objective of reaching the well heeled, cosmopolitan type fan in moving close to the City centre has reached its zenith a century on. Im sure he would squirm too if he could see the end result.

  56. chris dee

    Jan 24, 2017, 11:22 #97400

    Interesting article. But as someone who has seen a change to an all red home kit (1966) the demolition of the old North Bank and move to the Emirates and many other things fans disaproved, off there is one thing that overcomes all protests and grievances.A consistent trophy winning team,it works every time.

  57. jeff wright

    Jan 24, 2017, 11:18 #97399

    I find anyone who has an obsession with the very odd loner Monsieur Wenger and feels the need to wave banners about at football games or post incessantly on AFC forums in support of oddball Arsene to be ,well, a bit odd. I'm still trying to work out what it was that got stressed out Arsene so worked up on Sunday - surely he should have been ranting at our players who were doing their best to toss away a winning lead yet again . So two offside decisions in favour of Keystone Kos won the points in both games against lowly Burnley and Wengo is still not happy ! The old cretin should know by now that it's best to wait until the game is done before celebrating or ranting in anger at match officials. Silly old **** . Wengo has lost it big time and the ever minor top 4 place changing that is going on like a game of musical chairs is irrelevant to that fact.The big problem for Wengo ,who is the most detested manager in the game ,is that every other manager and his players want to stick it to Wengo big time.There will be no complacency at Anfield or anywhere else either when Wengo arrives looking for points to take away with him. He lacks the bottle to lead a title tilt and so do the players that live in Wengo's comfy zone .Where is Wally ...surely not injured again is he >? He was flavour of the moment not long ago and Giro looks like he has played his part as well and is resting on his laurels. You couldn't make it up