Wenger out, Ozil in

The case for our enigmatic playmaker

Wenger out, Ozil in

Ozil print available from goonershirts.com

Mesut Ozil first caught the eye of most at the 2010 World Cup. Busy, intuitive, incisive and a sublime first touch. It was no surprise when Real Madrid snapped him up from Werder Bremen that summer. The surprise was that they only paid £16.6million for him.

I thought signing him in 2013 for £42.5million (Real needed cash to finance the Bale deal) bought Wenger two years. That was nearly three and a half years ago…

My only reservation about signing him is a paradox: That he decided to come to us… because it showed a lack of ambition! It’s like if you have pulled a lovely, gorgeous girl and your only worry is: “What’s wrong with her to be with me?!”

Anyway, Gooners are divided on whether he has been a success. His stats are impeccable but he always gets it in the neck for not turning up for the big games. IMO, most of our team doesn’t turn up for those encounters and I feel it is unfair on him that he is always the scapegoat just because he is our record signing.

We lack the muscle and bottle to give him a bit of space against top teams.

His perceived lack of work rate is tied up with his particular type of game, he’s a ghoster. The way he slips under the radar and then pops up with a killer pass when defences switch off, well, he’s simply the best in the business at that (just ask “he knows all my moves” Cristiano Ronaldo).

Cast your mind back to Freddie Ljungberg. He was a different sort of midfielder, playing in a different position and he did his fair share of graft (mainly off the ball). But likewise, he wouldn’t have have got a sniff of being in the team if it wasn’t for the way he ghosted in, and converted so many chances.

So I’m quite disturbed by the “Wenger and Ozil out” trend among some hardcore WOBs. I believe the German World Cup winner is our best player, the brain of the team, a genius. How many better number tens are there on the planet?

I understand why Sanchez is more popular. If our all our players had his passion then we’d be ten points clear at the top of the table. But in my opinion, the Chilean’s efforts are merely highlighting the slack attitude of those around him. He is also world class but would be easier to satisfactorily replace than Nemo.

There were rumblings nearly a year ago that Ozil wanted out if Wenger signed another contract and I was heartily encouraged by those sentiments. But in recent weeks, he has spoken on the record to stay he wants AW to sign another contract before he does. Balls.

I accept that Ozil is regarded by many as a prima donna and some of that has been borne out by his media mind games. And I share others’ fears that he wants our mis-manager to stay because he gives him an easy ride. That’s modern football. Player power.

There have been a lot of comparisons between Ozil and Bergkamp and I can see that. But the Dutch impressionist was different class off the pitch compared to most of the today’s stars. No big ego, never running to the press with grumbles. And he could look after himself on the pitch as well, look but don’t touch!

I suspect Ozil is playing a complex game with his contract negotiations and I’m not even going to speculate about what’s going on there. But I desperately want him to stay… nearly as much as I want Wenger out. Nearly.

It’s a sickening dilemma.

My gut feeling is that Ozil and Sanchez would be a lot more willing to put pen to paper if we were moving forward with the real prospect of winning either the PL or CL. It is a mammoth understatement to say that many of us fans share those frustrations.

Our world class pair seem to have a genuine bond, personally and professionally, and my hope is that might tip the balance when it comes to committing their futures to us. But what Ozil needs more than anything (no, not more money) is a kick up the arse.

I vaguely recall a story about Tony Adams getting on the team bus after a disappointing result before we started hunting down Man Ure to secure the title in 1998. He went up to Bergkamp and said something like: “Isn’t about f***ing time you won something?”

Who do we have of such stature now to say that to Ozil?

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  1. Bonzo

    Jan 26, 2017, 9:34 #97498

    Jamersons gutted as Squeak won't play the soggy biscuit game any more. Now that Squeak and Mandy Dodd are an item... Mandy goes like a .... apparently!

  2. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2017, 7:49 #97494

    JJet - I agree about that DB goal against Argentina. Even better than the one against Leicester. To bring that long pass under control as he did and then dink it past the south American goal keeper was a thing of true beauty. I remember it fondly because I was in the middle of a three year spell living and working in Buenos Aires at the time. While I absolutely loved club football and followed Racing Club de Avellaneda everywhere, the national team attracted some really jingoistic a-holes and the players all became cheating diving mincers. The game was player mid-morning local time - there'd been tonnes of hubris in the run-up about winning the mondial, and it was one of those games where snooty types who'd never usually go near something as crude as football decided they were supporting the blanca-celeste. Well, Lord Denno put paid to that and as a Gooner I could not have been happier. No-one, but no-one, went out that day and it felt like I had the run of that wonderful city. Good memories.

  3. Siddy

    Jan 25, 2017, 22:57 #97493

    Boring, boring Arsenal.

  4. jjetplane

    Jan 25, 2017, 22:19 #97491

    Klopp to be sacked and AKBs to crow 'careful what you wish for' though going 12 years without a title is a tad silly but what of the Saints - can they do a double over the hardest manager in football, the scourge of 4th officials throughout the land - bet they are all sniggering behind his feathered back as we post.

  5. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 22:13 #97490

    jj, and the carthorses best, only, moment was dancing on ice.

  6. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 21:58 #97489

    TE, spot on it is all immaterial with him at the helm, now there's a thought, if he had the same invincibles team in the morning would he go on to win it ? or had them from the start of the season ? not them now but in their prime, bearing in mind his philosophy, ego, arrogance, and ways now.

  7. Ron

    Jan 25, 2017, 21:32 #97488

    Bob - exactly. In Arsenals budget range, hard grafter, technically good, tough player. Chelsea would pay him silly wages but for his type of player AFC should have pushed the boat out i thought. Main lad for Leics and hes arguably the key for Chelsea this time isnt he.

  8. Website editor

    Jan 25, 2017, 20:33 #97487

    Listens folks. Please feel free to contribute to this site because siddy is getting on my nerves with his boring articles. But it's all we have to offer at the minute. Maybe bonzohomo or testicle licker arsenobsballs can produce something. Please do not hold your breath as this site be will die on its Arse.

  9. jjetplane

    Jan 25, 2017, 19:58 #97486

    JW may start earlier if the Saints turn up at the weekend and stop Sanchez getting near another FA Cup which looks to be about his and Ozil's level of achievement. If Xhaka ever gets back on a pitch it will be fun watching him get wound up for the rest of his career. He will be a target for every club now and like the Ozil/DB10 bollox this Xhaka and Paddy one is even funnier. People in the game respect Paddy.

  10. Tony Evans

    Jan 25, 2017, 19:40 #97485

    Ron - Yes even with legends like you have mentioned, Wenger would no doubt find a way to screw things up!

  11. jeff wright

    Jan 25, 2017, 19:00 #97484

    jj,there is rather a lot of celebrating over very little going on under Wengo's misanthropic management that's for sure .It looks like Wengo is desperate to pretend that he is making a title challenge . The tete a tete next month at the Bridge should be interesting if he loses that then the game really will be up with only extreme optimists seeing Wengo beating Bayern Munich over two legs with the defence that he has cobbled together looking anything but secure enough to face the German club's forwards .

  12. jjetplane

    Jan 25, 2017, 18:40 #97483

    JW right on that Sanchez celebration which must go down as the Leics moment from last season with Danny Diaby Welbeck. Perhaps this is what Alexis Cruft meant when he said he would win the PL 'for the tourists if of course he is rewarded with a pay packet to match hard man Wengo. No one is coming in for dawg Alexis and the Chinese thing is a matter of waiting your turn. Could you imagine DB10 resorting to such cheap publicity as doggate. My bestest DB moment was against the Argies in one of the best games ever! Ozil's was against Ludograts and Sanchez's big moment is against Burnley which certainly wagged his tail. Both he and Ozil are of course b celebs and so shall remain. Over on Untold Walter the Belgium tv z celeb is devoting an article to the perscution of Arsenal as ex'd by Xhaka's latest card. Old Doddy is still on there and does she not like a conspiracy. Truth be told officials laugh at Arsenal and think they are fair game to take the piss out of lol!

  13. Siddy

    Jan 25, 2017, 16:58 #97482

    Bob - mind reader over Kante and Xhaka.

  14. Bob

    Jan 25, 2017, 16:36 #97481

    Ron, you are spot on. Kante would have been the ideal buy for us, and enabled us to indulge Ozil's lethargy especially in those tricky away games. Surely given a choice between us and Chelsea he would have been attracted by the prospect of European football. Instead, for 5 million more, he went for the liability that is Xhaxa.

  15. jeff wright

    Jan 25, 2017, 15:40 #97480

    If Glum was as good as it is claimed then he would still be with Ronaldo and co at Real Madrid winning top trophies instead of fannying around on Wengo's magic-roundabout 'winning' only fake top 4 place ones. Glum's best moments have obviously been with the big Deutschlanders ,even though he doesn't sing their national anthem , never mind though he knows how to dance on a table in nightclubs to celebrate winning with them. I suspect however that the winning part with them is over and little chance either of winning anything with Wengo. So then at his age ,along with Glummer and his dogs , money looks likely to be the main motivation for our pair of desperados . Glummer celebrated scoring that late dodgy penalty against Burnley as though it had won us the Prem ! He wishes. You couldn't make it up .

  16. Ron

    Jan 25, 2017, 15:29 #97479

    Tony - AW could have charge of Pele, Rivelinho, Jairzinho, Gerson and Brito and they would all become 'Wingers' or make do midfielders if he needed to fill a hole here and there. Put it like this, we wouldn't know their best positions under him.

  17. Tony Evans

    Jan 25, 2017, 14:58 #97478

    All immaterial really until Wenger leaves - he would need Invincibles mark 2 to win the Prem / CL again i.e a team full of players that know their stuff and ignore anything Wenger says!

  18. Tony Evans

    Jan 25, 2017, 13:31 #97476

    Siddy - Ozil has undoubted ability but rarely imposes himself on a game. Real don't usually let their best players go and that in itself is a good indicator of his worth(lack of). I also didn't like his 'I'm only going to stay if Wenger stays' comments. I wouldn't be too worried if he left the club. The worry would be that he was not adequately replaced and that's where your earlier article comes in to play with Wilshire being the obvious 'world class' replacement! Never mind Ozil though, Sanchez is the one that needs to sign on the dotted line and I have my doubts that he will.

  19. John F

    Jan 25, 2017, 13:26 #97475

    I was reading what Gallas was saying about the training at Arsenal and Chelsea.At Chelsea if you didn't give a 100% in training Maureen would pull you up and ask what's wrong.At Arsenal it was easy going and Wenger took a very laid back approach to it.Ozil strikes me as a player who likes a laid back approach and is why he would like Wenger to stay.

  20. Siddy

    Jan 25, 2017, 13:20 #97474

    Bergkamp is the best player I have seen in an Arsenal shirt. I'm not saying he's the best player of all time but I think there's an argument to suggest he was the most intelligent player of all time. The point about Adams's remark is, up to that point, Bergkamp wasn't really fulfilling his potential at Arsenal. Maybe, just maybe, that was a seminal moment. I think Ozil would reach the next level with the right manager (and captain), just like Bergkamp did with AW. Like Bergkamp, Ozil is a visionary. But our 4231 formation has become so easy to read for our opponents for years now and it's just not working in the big games. I'd like to see Ozil having a free role or play a 4411, the system Bergkamp flourished with.

  21. Ron

    Jan 25, 2017, 13:16 #97473

    Hi Bard - Kante would have been a good buy to provide the coverage that Ozil needs or Wanyama. Wenger is a conscientious objector to aggressive players though, unless its fake half arsed aggression, packaged as a nice boy as provided by the mighty liability that is Cocqelin

  22. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 13:13 #97472

    A lot of talk as to why the bug eyed one wasn't at this so called team bonding dinner or as GMS says maybe he was taking the photo, or maybe he just wasn't hungry, team bonding ? why ? if the little ballerinas haven't bonded by now they never f*****g will, another bullshyte news story and spin for the sheep. wenger out now.

  23. Bard

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:54 #97471

    Ron I agree you would probably get more from Ozil if you provided him with a minder. I have written a hundred times thats why you cant play Ozil and Wally in the same team because when you havent got the ball you are two light defensively as they both cant tackle their way out of a paper bag.

  24. DJ

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:52 #97470

    Sorry but comparisons with Bergkamp are just too wide of the mark. As Ron stated a better likeness is with Fabregas who had more drive and passion than Ozil. The trouble is DJ grew a pair and started questioning Wenger’s and clubs desire to compete for major honours so was never going to be welcomed back. Much better to tow the party line settle for Champions League qualification and checking the bank balance.

  25. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:34 #97469

    It's sad too, when it's a signing that buys a manager time not what he does or achieves or has achieved on the pitch, especially when the signing hasn't exactly warranted it, i'd say wasting/spending that kind of money merits it even more. wenger out.

  26. John F

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:30 #97467

    Ghost is the word Siddy,Ozil is invisible in some matches.He has talent but I think he is playing in the wrong country as the premiership is too physical for him.A good opposition manager would know all they have to do is pay close attention to him as Everton did to put him off his game.We need our top players to perform at places like Stoke,Utd,Chelsea,Spurs,City,Liverpool,Everton away otherwise what is the point in having them.

  27. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:27 #97466

    Your right Siddy Ozil is not the only one that doesn't turn up in big games. Far from it. However I wouldn't even have him in the conversation when talking about DB10. The difference between them two is night and day. Bergkamp had everything as a player plus the ability to look after himself and not go missing as soon as someone went near him. Ozil is clearly very easily intimidated and disappears up his own arse at the first sign of the going getting tough. The truly great players, like Bergkamp, are able to deal with the physical side of the game too. Bergkamp is the best player I've ever seen in an Arsenal shirt, what a pleasure it was watching him play

  28. jjetplane

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:25 #97465

    Interestingly sweet boy Mesut was frightened of dogs but now loves them and has one named Balboa (as in Rocky) and Bellerin is also a lover of bitches. Can someone explain why Ozil is German player of the year every year? Can anyone fathom why some obvious dog lovers keep comparing the Ludograts destroyer with DB10. Answers on the side of a kennel. Looking forward to the next audit which will hpoefully expand on the diets of Sanchez's dogs, Xhaka's racist case and Wenger's hoped for season ban followed by a see you later .....

  29. Cool Ruler

    Jan 25, 2017, 12:08 #97464

    Think that some on here need to start thinking beyond what the media tells them and support your club

  30. Ron

    Jan 25, 2017, 11:49 #97463

    Ozils a clever player. Youre right to say that the team as a unit seems scared to play big matches too. Ozil, like Fabregas before him, has never been provided with a strong and powerful partner in midfield. He needs an 'insurance man'. Wengers let him down as he did Fabregas. The difference is that Ozil doesn't set out to make up for it, by trying tackles and hard running as Cesc did. Ozil is more languid. I dont get the comparisons with Bergy though. He had fight, bottle, skill, scored goals and was a team player. Ozils moody, haughty and indifferent. I dont think him leaving would be a catastrophe and nor would Wenger going with him. Ozil would maybe thrive at Arsl under a more demanding and tactically astute Coach.

  31. mbg

    Jan 25, 2017, 11:49 #97462

    I'd Certainly go along with that Siddy, but would he stay if the only reason he's here and staying here in the first place goes. wenger out.

  32. Bard

    Jan 25, 2017, 11:40 #97461

    Siddy, i like him too. He has marvellous balance and vision. unfortunately he doesnt have the necessary 'dog' in him to be world class. He decorates games but disappears or is ineffective when the going gets tough. If one of them has to be sold I would rather it was Ozil. Comparisons with Bergkamp are well wide of the mark.

  33. Peter

    Jan 25, 2017, 11:17 #97460

    A good report buit justone thing you said "There have been a lot of comparisons between Ozil and Bergkamp and I can see that. But the Dutch impressionist was different class off the pitch" He was also differnet class on the pitch. One of the best players we have ever had.