Spurs’ ‘Tunnel Club’

It’s innovative, expensive, and slightly ridiculous

Spurs’ ‘Tunnel Club’

No-one would deny football has changed, although the debate as to whether or not this has been for the better is one for another day. However, one thing that never ceases to amaze me is the amount of money people are willing to pay for football tickets, as sites like Football Ticketpad confirm.

And the PR campaign to prepare Spurs fans for expensive seats in Tottenham’s new stadium has recently begun. I was intrigued to learn about one particular type of ticket on offer – which is a first as far as I am aware.

The so-called “tunnel club” seats don’t come cheap. No sir. Spurs will have their equivalent of the Arsenal’s Diamond Club (the 'H club', with season tickets at £15,000 a pop), but they have worked out there is another angle they can use to charge premium prices. So these ‘tunnel club’ seats, which will be situated in the lower tier behind the dugout (where Arsenal are currently charging somewhere around £1,200 a season – they missed a trick there) will cost £9,500 each (although interested parties will have to buy a pair), plus the payment of a one-off compulsory membership fee of £30,000 to be eligible to buy the two seats. I had to check the date on the newspapers carrying this news wasn’t April 1st, but it seems they are actually going to do this.

So what does the £49,000 up front buy you, apart from a close up view of Mauricio Pochettino? Well, you get a car parking space (although I am fairly sure you can park in a local school or similar for £20 or less), a heated seat and a USB charging point. Great. But what really fascinates me is the prospect that “tunnel club members will have access to a glass-walled restaurant adjacent to where the players’ line up to walk out.” Classic modern football fan? Tucking into food while the match is about to start? What will Harry Kane make of someone devouring a Banoffee Pavlova as he prepares to take the field? Will the tunnel club season ticket holders be able to rush into the restaurant to remonstrate with Arsene Wenger should he be sent from the dugout for assaulting the fourth official at the first North London derby hosted at the stadium, or is entrance strictly controlled be the maitre’d?

Questions, questions, but you know what – this glass divide between the restaurant and the tunnel – it’s going to be like one of those mirrors in police interview rooms, with the Hugo Lloris in the role of ‘Fingers Freddie’. So the diners will be able to see in, but the players (and also the TV cameras filming them as they prepare to come out before the game) won’t be able to see the well-heeled supporters gawping at them. So when the fights on the way to the dressing room break out, the players won’t know who’s watching, but you can be certain mobile phones will capture it all. I can’t wait.

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  1. mbg

    Jan 29, 2017, 1:25 #97551

    Cornish, couldn't agree more about restoring this club to it's former greatness, but that will never happen with this past it manager, so the only way is for us all to do our bit to/and concentrate on getting him out. wenger out.

  2. Alsace

    Jan 28, 2017, 21:23 #97550

    Marvellous results already from the touch line ban.


    Jan 28, 2017, 20:11 #97549

    Many thanks Website Editor. When everything settles down, I think the "new" site will be an improvement. Le Grove has it's moments but the Online Gooner is still numero uno in my book but it was being ruined by idiotic trolling. Right decision by Management - let's have proper exchange of opinions & ze concentrate on doing our bit to restore the Club to it's former greatness.

  4. Paulward

    Jan 28, 2017, 20:00 #97548

    Today's cup action tells us something, our squad is far deeper than Tottenhams or Liverpools, and we have a chance to outlast both of them in the PL. Catching Chelsea looks like mission improbable, but we live in hope and we certainly have goals all around the squad now.

  5. mbg

    Jan 28, 2017, 17:37 #97547

    jj, don't worry i'm back. LOL

  6. mbg

    Jan 28, 2017, 17:15 #97546

    Think of the potential it has for the spuds to vent their anger at the players even if all they can do is bang the glass, although the clientele in there will hardly do that, just like our Armani brigade in Diamond club, i'd imagine if we'd have had something similar over the last eleven years the local glaziers would have been kept very busy indeed.

  7. mbg

    Jan 28, 2017, 16:41 #97545

    Hello lads a problem on my side kept me quiet for a while but my computer wizard young gun has sorted it, thanks to Rob the web master for his help, I don't know what i'd have done if wenger would have resigned in the middle of it, not being able to post my delight, but he can carry on and do it now, it'll take me a while to catch up, yes it's a pity it's came to this but I certainly don't see any less traffic as a consequence.

  8. jjetplane

    Jan 28, 2017, 14:33 #97544

    AKBs proved right with the Klopp implode following JM last season. Note the stability at the Ems with disgraced manager, midfielder facing racist charges and forward's dogs found wandering on Holloway road wrapped only in half and half scarves. Humdrum.

  9. markymark

    Jan 28, 2017, 13:30 #97543

    JJetplane - my little skits regarding Squeak praising 2-2 wins for Wengo (or Mr Wengie, as the one-toothed Slush slurper would call him) has unexpectedly taking a surreal twist with Maureen claiming a 1-1 draw against Hull when they actually lost 2-1. Something oddly North Korea about it all.

  10. jeff wright

    Jan 28, 2017, 13:10 #97542

    I concur with your view Cornish that Wengo uses finishing above the spuds for an excuse to claim he is being successful. However it does no harm to point out the weaknesses in many claims made by the N17 gang regarding what their own claims to being successful .They failed to qualify from their CL group despite having home crowds at Wembley of 80+ thousand when posting some bottle job under pressure displays and are now once again plodding around in the endless yawn inducing Thursday night on TV Ropey Cup show. This won't do their top 4 place finish much good but at least they have United also doing the same .Who will blink first is the question. As for the spuds winning the Prem,I will believe that when I see it.

  11. gooner.ed

    Jan 28, 2017, 12:36 #97541

    (aka website editor)... Cornish - it was a tech error. Should not happen again. Here is what you posted approx 7.30pm yesterday for the record... Comment: Well done Monsieur Website Ed. To business - I just wish as true supporters that we would stop sniping & ridiculing Spurs. I understand the WHY of all this but eventually they WILL finish above us & maybe win the League. I am old enough to remember watching Dave McKay & co completely stuffing us back in the dark ages. What goes around eventually comes around etc. etc... All this anti-Spurs stuff gives The Clueless One all the opportunity he needs to show what a wonderful team of "fighters" he as assembled (yet again) before signing the very lucrative 2 year extension that the world & his wife know is already on the table. It's a diversion from the real issues at Arsene-al. The only question for me being when our "football" club announce the staging on an NFL game for it's "customers".

  12. jjetplane

    Jan 28, 2017, 12:20 #97540

    All a bit weird on here CORNISH so who can liven it up? Squeak will feel his work is done and will be telling assorted pub mirrors the whole epic of how he beat the WOBs ...

  13. CBee

    Jan 28, 2017, 11:16 #97539

    cornish - yes you did and I noticed it gone this morning. Don't understand why it is missing


    Jan 28, 2017, 11:10 #97538

    Did I post something yesterday evening or was I just dreaming? I am in my seventies but not yet doolally & manage to stay awake until quite late. Post was, as usual, a negative/sarcastic Wobbie one - so have I been deleted for the first time? Has the Trumpster been in touch to ensure the Brits toe the line in everything connected to the US of A?

  15. CBee

    Jan 28, 2017, 9:42 #97537

    Love to see a player do a "Sammy Nelson" in that tunnel

  16. markymark

    Jan 27, 2017, 23:36 #97536

    Not that it matters one iota but years back I must have registered as Markymark - clue in the name. I may as well stay as this now but I was "Bonzo" and "mark from Aylesbury" so now I guess I stay as Markymark . I wonder how we will get on in the closed forum. I give it two months!

  17. Paulward

    Jan 27, 2017, 19:25 #97535

    Tunnel club looks and sounds incredibly naff, much like THFC really. Let's hope the financial investment required along with the unsettling relocation to Wembley completely messes them up on the pitch, and that the same happens to Chelsea when they do the bridge up.Wondering what Wenger will do in midfield tomorrow, has only Ramsey and Coq available, and will surely have to protect one of them for Tuesday, may have to try Chamberlain in there, or chance a youngster, Xhakas stupidity was very badly timed.

  18. jeff wright

    Jan 27, 2017, 19:05 #97534

    That picture of what the tunnel vision club at the lane of pain will look like is rather bizarre .It looks like a cocktail bar full of well dressed non-football crowd like posers in to which some men wearing football kit have somehow strayed into after a kick about on the local park Personally I think that the spuds have missed the boat with their new stadium . By at least 10 years . Along with WHU there could be trouble ahead in the future if the football bubble bursts there are a lot of clubs chasing the same sponsors .The gambling aspects abroad are one of the main interests for many who watch games gamblers though are very fickle and in time could become bored with betting on football and switch to watching Camel racing or some other sport . Wengo escapes with a 4 match touchline ban,the refs and 4th officials will be relieved. Our players won't notice the difference Bould can send on the fixed subs on 70 minutes without needing Wengo sitting along side fiddling with something or other. You couldn't make it up.

  19. Bard

    Jan 27, 2017, 17:20 #97533

    John F good shout mate. Completely agree. They are after a whole different clientele. The big markets to exploit are abroad. Frankly couldnt give a rats arse what happens down the lane.

  20. jjetplane

    Jan 27, 2017, 14:48 #97531

    Quite a balanced piece and let's be honest most of the top six are fast losing identity with an odd smattering of players standing out. Acoustically new spudland sounds impressive (sic) and I guess will we see in the next or so who are leading in North London. Just to be really silly I think I enjoy some of the spud players more than the Wenger equivs. Totts have a younger coach and team have appear to have a better team mentality and of course a decade or so ago we were still laughing at them but the tide is turning and the Wengerwall needs serious repointing (duh).

  21. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Jan 27, 2017, 14:14 #97530

    Pathetic, horrible club, completely obsessed with us, making their stadium fractionally bigger than ours as if that erodes their mediocre history and puts them on the same footing as us. A case of keeping up with the Jones's if ever there was one. What a joke they are. Their new ground won't feel like a proper home to them until we have won the title a couple of times there. As bad as we have become at least we will never be a small-minded, no-mark of a club like that lot

  22. John F

    Jan 27, 2017, 14:12 #97529

    Clubs are turning their backs on the type of people that created them and are aiming for a Wimbledon tennis type crowd to attend matches.Always annoys me when Scudamore crows on about how good the premier league is but forgetting of course that it has excluded so many supporters who cannot afford to go. Although I fully understand the reason for registration to post on here but I think it will put a lot of casual posters off especially from other clubs,I enjoyed the time the Stoke fans came on here.Shame one man has been able to ruin it for others and I am sure he will be thinking he has had some sort of victory.

  23. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 27, 2017, 14:10 #97528

    Ivan will be taking notes. Modern football really is going to disappear up its own fundament, isn't it.

  24. TonyEvans

    Jan 27, 2017, 11:01 #97527

    Christ almighty and I thought the Clock End 'glass boxes' at dear old Highbury back in the day was a step too far down the road from footballs working class roots.

  25. gooner.ed

    Jan 27, 2017, 10:18 #97525

    Ok, so gooner.ed aka website editor here. Just to repeat this in case you did not see it at the bottom of yesterday’s comments. To post in the comments going forward you will have to be registered on the gooner forum (see link at the end of the tube line at the top of this page). Some of the regulars may already well be. If you have any technical issues, then email the gooner webmaster at the address listed when you click on ‘contact’ at the bottom of this page. I can’t help you there. Sadly, we've had to go down this road because there aren't enough hours in the day to delete the posts of our favourite troll Jamerson and the large number of other aliases he uses - including imitating myself and posting as 'website editor' more than I do lately. So sure, there won't be so many comments, but there will also be less trolling. Jamerson - There are plenty of other websites on which you can type your offensive diatribes and wind ups to get a reaction. See you in church, or under the bridge in the magical forest in Suffolk...