The Bridge Over Troubled Waters... Or I’ll Get Me Coat?

Arsene is drinking in the last chance saloon (again)

The Bridge Over Troubled Waters... Or I’ll Get Me Coat?

In the unlikely event that we do end up winning the PL or CL this season, it will be despite Arsene Wenger rather because of him.

I have given up predicting how games will go over the last six or seven years because it’s all been about which Arsenal turn up. The rarely spotted mighty Gunners would win the lot.

We have ridden our luck this season to somehow be second. I recently speculated about whether we were back in the title race. We’re not… yet.

The bookies, who can always be counted on to put their money where their mouths are, certainly don’t fancy us, 8-1 at the time of writing. Meanwhile, Chelsea are odds on. But hope springs eternal.

I made reference to our 1998 title win in that recent article, citing the way we did not look like potential champions until Overmars scored at Old Trafford to steal a dramatic 1-0 to The Arsenal and put us back in the hunt. The momentum swung. Could that happen again? Could things click? I’m not putting any money on it but…

I know the comparison between the ’98 team and the current one is offensive to many. But we will learn a lot in the next few weeks.

We host Watford (if we can’t beat them then it’s banner time) tomorrow evening while we will hope Liverpool can do us a favour and beat Chelsea at Anfield. If both things happen, then the lunchtime visit to Stamford Bridge at lunchtime on Saturday February 4 takes on huge significance.

I am well aware this is all ifs and buts and maybes but if everything comes together then we’d only be two points behind our west London buddies.

The difficult thing to comprehend for followers of other teams is that many Gooners actually don’t want to win the PL or CL, such is the desperation to get rid of AW. I understand that, I truly do. But there is little this part of me that wants to be proved wrong. If that ever dies in me then I will no longer be a true fan of my beloved Arsenal.

Maybe Wenger would feel like some sort of legacy would be intact if he went out on a high - the prospect of even another year of him fills many of us with horror. I’m actually glad he’s got a touchline ban, it might mix things up a bit having a real man like Bouldy barking out the orders.

Anyway, will WOBs like me admit they were wrong if AWFC does actually bring home the bacon this season?

NO… not after 13 f***ing years. NO.

How many times have you thought the writing was on the wall for AWFC? Prematurely letting Vieira go? Allowing “ambitious” Van Persie to waltz off to help a domestic rival win the PL? Letting Flamini’s contract run down just as he was bringing out the best in Fabregas? For that matter, allowing Fabregas to go? Getting walloped 8-2 at Old Trafford? Signing a long, long list of flops? Tamely surrendering the title to Leicester last season? Being thrashed 6-0 at The Bridge as AW marked his 1,000th game in charge? The last one sums it up. Feel free to add to the list.

All the while, the Spuds are creeping ever upwards and I think they actually have a better team than us, even if we have better individuals.

But indulge those Gooners who actually want to win the league, with or without Wenger. Before we play these games (and probably fail), let us dream. I think if we can sufficiently narrow the gap, Chelsea might get a little rattled (and let’s hope Costa does get distracted after all).

I mean, everyone has been impressed by Conte but he got off to an indifferent start and there were even rumblings that his position was under threat. How fickle fans and the media are these days. Whatever happened to three years to build a team?

The flip side is that 12 years is too much…

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  1. Siddy

    Jan 31, 2017, 22:00 #97602

    Wenger out

  2. mbg

    Jan 31, 2017, 19:45 #97598

    Further to my last post, and then of course they'll all believe and think it's this world class strike force that he has them believing we have, that has let him down, and at fault again and not him. We can say what we like about TOF but he certainly knows how to use the spin machine to manipulate the gullible, and boy how they can be manipulated.

  3. mbg

    Jan 31, 2017, 17:00 #97597

    GSPN, the numpteys already believe it mate, they hang every lie and word of spin that comes out of his gob, such is their brain washing and devotion to him , but you can bet TOF doesn't believe it himself for one minute he's just covering his arse among all the gullible for when it all goes tits up again as we all know it will. wenger out.

  4. The Man From UNCLE

    Jan 31, 2017, 11:00 #97589

    Three away draws in a row! It's starting to look like 1971 all over again.

  5. GSPM

    Jan 31, 2017, 10:45 #97588

    Oh dear , its worst than we thought, Wenger now thinks the current strike force is better than Henry, RVP, Bergkamp etc. he really is losing the plot. Not sure what point he is trying to make, but I wish he would stop spinning tales that aren't true, as some numptys end up believing everything he says..... " Stevie Boulds Red & White army "

  6. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 31, 2017, 7:48 #97587

    In a peculiar way, the draw offers optimism to those on both sides of the wengo debate (although since the change to logging into this site took place, the AKBs - or was it just one AKB all along? - have been thin on the ground - huzzah!). 99 times out of a hundred, any asano team will beat sutton thus giving an easy passage to the quarter finals. But were asano to lose, then surely - SURELY!- that would mean a P45 and a mini cab for the chihuahua. It would also mean dancing in the streets in my manor.

  7. mbg

    Jan 30, 2017, 23:47 #97586

    If there's anyone who can fook this one up it's wenger, surely surely there'd be no way back then or any more chances, or forgiveness from his followers, although no doubt some would still have sympathy and excuses for TOF.

  8. John F

    Jan 30, 2017, 22:51 #97585

    I have been to Sutton utd to see Kingstonians play when I lived down there it is a tidy little ground.I hope Sutton play their first team and make a game of it.It has an artificial pitch,the last time I saw Arsenal play on a plastic pitch was the dreadful ones at Luton and QPR,I don't think we had a very good record on it.The QPR one was particularly hard as the seats that the Arsenal supporters threw on the pitch bounced all over the place.Bet every one apart from Leicester breathed a collective sigh of relief that they did not draw Millwall at home,they still talk about there visit up here to Hulls ground about 5 years ago.

  9. mbg

    Jan 30, 2017, 19:26 #97584

    Another handy one for TOF, Sutton UTD another drink in the last chance saloon for this past it old chancer will the last chances ever stop coming for this way past his sell by date old chancer.


    Jan 30, 2017, 19:14 #97583

    Yes Siddy it is ridiculous for any fan to hope for losses rather than wins isn't it? BUT we are talking about Wenger here & his complicity in turning a heavyweight football club with rich traditions into an American corporation. A club that extracts top dollar from it's "customers" wherever it can from it's profitable base in arguably the world's richest city. This allows it, thanks to Clouseau, to waste huge sums of money on failed players & projects. He is allowed to run Project Vanity without any fear of accountability. That is why so many of us are fed up with L'Arse, Wenger & the Premier League. Actually a major loss of mercenary footballers to, say, China or a bad Brexit might be a good thing in the long run (bloody hell - I'm in my seventies - so not TOO long). I can see why many posters on here are forming attachments to their local clubs - more honest & healthier!

  11. mbg

    Jan 30, 2017, 18:33 #97582

    Alsace, I too would like us to win the league, but unfortunately the AKB wengerites would think (and be screaming it from the rafters) and believe, it exonerated TOF from all his humiliations, embarrassments and failings over the last eleven years and counting, (just like spud fans think 1 win against/over us now and again makes up for all the humiliations and beatings we've given them over the years, and our rich history and theirs) well in answer to Siddys question it most certainly would not, it would certainly not make him right all along, not a fooking chance, it wouldn't matter if we won the double this season with him, there's been to many lies, spin, embarrassments, and all that went with them for forgiveness, it wouldn't make one iota of difference, the cry would still be wenger out, only louder.

  12. Alsace

    Jan 30, 2017, 17:26 #97581

    I'm afraid that I have no mixed feelings. I would like to win the Premier League if only as a reward for Alexis Sanchez effort. This is another eminently winnable season even given the Chelsea Manager's exceptional grasp of what it takes to win and our Manager's obsession with seeing the world as he would like it to be rather than as it is. So, much as I would like to win it, Arsene Wenger and the Premier League title are mutually exclusive. I agree that Lucas Perez looks good.

  13. Siddy

    Jan 30, 2017, 17:06 #97580

    GSPM - that's fair criticism. I do still think Ozil would thrive with a decent manager. But I don't really believe we will win the CL or PL this season or ever under W***ger. It is hard to find new things to say about AWFC that hasn't already been said. Wenger out.

  14. mbg

    Jan 30, 2017, 16:53 #97579

    His sleeping bag should have been thrown at him years ago with the words on yer bike, no manager in history has ever drunk in the last chance for so long as this old fraud of a manager he's been doing it for years now ten eleven and still standing or ridden his luck as much or has had as many chances, and none ever will again especially not with Arsenal FC, real weak men have seen to it and allowed it, as well, it has to be said, weak fans. wenger out.

  15. GSPM

    Jan 30, 2017, 16:00 #97578

    Siddy : With respect your articles lately are posting for posting sake, as they reflect on the last 10seasons and we all know nothing has changed. For now lets see what happens in Feb as this will dictate how long our season last. We may need to petition the FA to extend Wengers ban........ "Stevie Bould Red & White army"

  16. markymark

    Jan 30, 2017, 12:57 #97576

    WOB / AKB the hostilities end playing Chelsea all we can hope for is a top performance. Just to add top job from the editors they have liberally applied WD40 as can't here a Squeak anywhere!