Establishing the Narrative of Wenger’s Departure

Could the two year contract story be a smokescreen?

Establishing the Narrative of Wenger’s Departure

If you like your Football Bets, there are four bookies offering odds on Arsenal’s next manager, with either Eddie Howe or Massimiliano Allegri as the current favourite. How long punters would have to wait to collect on any successful bet placed is another debate, but there are a growing number of Arsenal fans who are hoping it will not be too long before successful punters can collect their winnings.

Assessing the situation at the club, there are three possible versions of who will decide whether Arsene Wenger remains at Arsenal as manager beyond this summer.
1. Arsene will decide himself.
2. Stan Kroenke will decide.
3. The Arsenal board will decide.

The first option is only relevant if a contract is indeed on offer, but let’s take a flight of fancy here and just imagine that either Kroenke or the board will actually decide not to offer Arsene a new deal, rather than Arsene deciding to inform the board they have to offer him one, or he will… walk out? Yes, if you think about it, the only way Arsene decides his own future is if Kroenke or the board do actually want him to remain.

There is an understandable perception amongst supporters that the directors unanimously back the manager and wish him to continue. My own view is that Kroenke’s knowledge of the game is so minimal that he does actually listen to his fellow directors, and in the past, for example, has been persuaded not to raise the price of ordinary tickets by his fellow board members. So it is not necessarily a complete autocracy in the Highbury House boardroom. Hell, actually winning the title could mean that Kroenke could hike ticket prices with less protest, and the Premier League TV deal means that the club is on a very sound footing and could actually afford to try something different without suffering greatly financially. So the idea that the club cannot possibly prosper once Arsene departs might not be one that is held by the directors.

Of course publicly, the message to the wider world is always going to be that the board back the current manager 100%. Every boardroom puts this message out until they decide they could do better with somebody else. So let’s imagine for a moment that the directors had decided that it might be time for the club to try something different after continued failings to deliver either of the major trophies that Arsene prioritises every season. How would they go about the tricky issue of his departure?

Well, Wenger is feted all over the new stadium. There is no way he could leave with anything but his dignity totally intact without things looking very odd in terms of his presentation as a God-like figure in the fixtures and fittings all around the stadium and especially on club level. So how would the directors choose to relay the story of the end of his tenure as Arsenal manager? What is the best possible narrative that they could present if they had decided it was time for change?

I would suggest that it would be to say that they wanted him to continue, but that he decided he wanted a change himself, to let another coach have a go. So, they would put the word out that there is a new contract waiting for him to sign, even though in reality there isn’t. And of course, mindful of his own legacy, Arsene would comply with the narrative, hence his statement that he will make a decision on his own future in April. Certainly, if there was no new deal in reality, and the story is that he will decide when to depart rather than any notion that the board don’t want him to continue, then the only real choice he has to make is at what point he reveals that he has decided not to stay on. Critically, the board would leak information that there is a new deal waiting to be signed to cement the narrative. And people would believe it when trusted sources who have been told this leak it to the media, who would print it in good faith.

So, how fanciful is this idea that the board might be looking elsewhere for a manager to lead the team next season? They say there is no smoke without fire, and speculation about Allegri may or may not be true, but the quotes from Leipzig Red Bulls manager Ralph Hasenhuttl suggest that the board are at least exploring possibilities, even if Hasenhuttl’s indiscretion may prove fatal to his own chances of a highly paid number at the Emirates.

So in conclusion, all I am suggesting is that if the board had decided to move on after 20 years plus of Arsene, the story we would be hearing is exactly the one that is out there at the moment. There is a new deal on the table just waiting to be signed. And of course, that might also be the truth. Only a handful of individuals really know. Whether you want the manager to stay on or not, let us hope that if this really is the end, then he goes out in a blaze of glory by winning something at the end of the season, so that we can bid him farewell with less acrimony than exists right now.

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  1. UTU The Arsenal FC

    Feb 08, 2017, 22:41 #97940

    Wenger has a Job for life as long as the profits roll in. The only way serious change will happen over The Arsenal when the money stops rolling in.

  2. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 07, 2017, 21:36 #97903

    Cornish - Nice one, although I'm glad you're not my doctor...despite being french - where botty chocs are and always will be, de rigeur - wengo complained to his doctor about the suppositories that he'd been prescribed. He told his hard-pressed clinician that the torpedo-shaped parcels of preparation H were so ineffectual that he might as well have shoved them up his a-hole. Old jokes are the oldest...As for the parkinsons, if it makes him want to f*ck off to C4 to replace the chronically unfunny and inane modern chat show host graham norton or the execrable chatty man, then everyone'll be a winner. Imagine him on a couch, a la alan partridge, crapping on about mental spirit to david beckham while the latter calls him a c u next tuesday - it doesn't bear thinking about. He's a leech, steadily sucking the lifeblood and the uniqueness out of the club. Arse grapes indeed, maybe he should do the right thing and bugger off the chalfont st giles - I hear they need an unambitious new manager.

  3. mbg

    Feb 07, 2017, 17:32 #97894

    Obviously meant the top Four in my last Post. MAF, good shout, but I think the players have doubted him for a long time now, and know he isn't up to the job and not good enough, and not going to win them the title, he's lost the dressing room if you like, but are to scared to speak out, and/or do anything about it, or don't want to because they're sitting pretty and comfy on big contracts (that they know won't get anywhere else) and under no pressure themselves from management and FANS themselves to perform and win things. Sad.

  4. mbg

    Feb 07, 2017, 17:14 #97893

    Gooner Rob, lets hope it is, what a blow that would/will be to TOF's ego, finishing out side the top three and would most certainly put paid to him, unfortunately we all know how he has a habit of coming out smelling of roses and if he did manage to get one over on Mourinho and scraped fourth place again at Man yoos expense I bet Neville wouldn't have as much to say in wengers defence. wenger out.


    Feb 07, 2017, 16:42 #97892

    mbg - I reckon "poor health" could still be a realistic option for seeing the poor old chap out of the door - he probably has terrible piles from sitting on those cold benches during matches & I am positive that the incessant zip fiddling indicates the onset of early Parkinsons. A general moan to finish on - for those of us on here who remember L'Arse pre Le Frog, could younger posters mention some of the great players/battlers we had in past eras? I have a horrible feeling that the Be Careful What You Wish For brigade still believe that ze Mental Speerit was unknown before 1996 & was in fact invented by you know who.

  6. GoonerRon

    Feb 07, 2017, 16:09 #97890

    @ Yes it's Ron - I completely agree that a fresh outlook from someone outside of the club (perhaps with an ex-player on the coaching staff) would be the best solution. I'm just not convinced that the board will see it like that.

  7. Clash

    Feb 07, 2017, 14:17 #97886

    I just want Wenger gone. I couldnt care less if its in a blaze of glory or not. If his exit is acrimonious then he has brought it on himself. Wenger should have been hounded out by the fans years ago. It is a poor reflection on Arsenal fans (myself included) that he wasn't. It is all very well being patient - that is a good quality. Being gullible and taken for a mug however, is not. If Wenger does sign a new contract (and he will) then it will be ridiculous. But no more ridiculous than the last time he signed one after making hard work of Wigan and Hull at Wembley.

  8. Paulward

    Feb 07, 2017, 13:44 #97882

    How vital is CL participation in terms of prestige or finances now anyway?The idea that the club is reliant on CL qualification for anything is no longer true, given the huge TV deals.Besides, the champions elect and last years champions were both out of Europe altogether .7th place, FA cup, and Wenger sods off at last, my dream treble !

  9. MAF

    Feb 07, 2017, 12:32 #97880

    the Players are now starting to doubt the Manager. this is a key step. Kolshelny comments about the Team selection v chelsea. we all know what Ox really meant on Twitter. ''The Ox'' ??? why call him that ?? under wenger he is everything but. Id call him ''The Chambermaid'' as I dont see 1 ounce of agression. Social Media can Play a major role to bring about the Change we are all desperate for. Populism is currently in favour. The Club Needs to hear where its fans are at

  10. Yes its Ron

    Feb 07, 2017, 11:50 #97878

    GR - I so hope that yr wrong mate. Truly. Im sure Man U s decision not to allow Giggs to Coach there was to avoid his rampant cronyism for the sake of it. Giggs wanted his cronies as a comfort blanket in tough times. I think Bould would be the same. Hes about as inspiring as a wet lettuce sitting there gum chewing. As you say, it would be easy but 'easy' is rarely a recipe for success.

  11. GoonerRon

    Feb 07, 2017, 11:35 #97877

    @ Yes it's Ron - I'm not saying Bould would be my choice, but it is the easiest solution for the board to implement which is why, for me, it becomes a likely option. I can imagine if Bould was given the job he would want his own coaches and therefore surmise he may go to Winterburn / Keown etc for these roles.

  12. Bob Bayliss

    Feb 07, 2017, 11:33 #97876

    Let's not go for the knee-jerk suggestion that the next Arsenal manager needs to be an old boy such as Bould or even Bergkamp, legend of a player though he was. The greatest manager in our history was a mediocre ex-Spurs player by the name of Herbert Chapman. Even Wenger himself had no previous connection with the club before his initial success. In most cases, successful managerial appointments involve a completely "new broom" (Fergie at United was another example, as was Ranieri at Leicester and now Conte at Chelsea. Not previously club legends! There are occasional exceptions (George Graham) but in our situation we sorely need a completely new manager with completely new ideas for the club.

  13. Yes its Ron

    Feb 07, 2017, 11:18 #97875

    Im increasingly coming to the view that this David Wagner at Huddersfield might be our man. Love his style. Grab a last ditch winner and then go shoulder charge the oppo s Coach while celebrating!! Love it. AFC cd do with a bit of bite and passion around the place. Has the Emirates ever seen any?

  14. Herd

    Feb 07, 2017, 11:10 #97874

    For Kroenke Wenger is the Goose that laid the Golden Egg. The club maximises revenue by getting into the Champions League. Gazidis on the other hand cant wait for Wenger to leave as Wenger has managed to sideline the ambitious administrator who has lofty ambitions in a sort of Money Ball style ! Next manager for me should be Dennis Berkamp !

  15. Gunner Rob

    Feb 07, 2017, 11:10 #97873

    it could well come down to Arsenal v Man United (Wenger v Mourinho) for that top 4 spot. and guess which team rolls into town towards the end of the season. I just wonder whether it will be Mourinho who finally finishes Wenger off?

  16. Yes its Ron

    Feb 07, 2017, 10:33 #97872

    Gooner Ron - Bould? What credentials does he have to manange the Club? None in my view apart from his link to failure as Wengers yes man. Who are these old colleagues you mention? There are none with any viable claim to manage the Club. Its pure sentiment to suggest a cosy crew of hapless cronies to take it over. Thats what we ve got now for heavens sake. The Club has to get a grip, not drift and hope for the best. Thats what its been doing for a decade and more. Wenger and his entire crew need changing. They re long tarnished and conditioned to failure.

  17. TonyEvans

    Feb 07, 2017, 9:18 #97871

    Interesting theory, Kevin. I think we are all trying to convince ourselves one way or another that this must be his last season. Hope you are right.

  18. MAF

    Feb 07, 2017, 8:55 #97870

    Wenger has been left behind by the advance in Management Standards. You have the italian german spanish Clubs all using Drones (Overhead view) to correct and perfect the positions of their Players. the Level of sophistication as gone up 10 notches while Wenger was sleeping. it is way way past Wenger's sell-by date but he is drunk with power, influence and Money, courtesy of extreme weak Board and ownership. Everyone knows who rules the roost at chelsea. rightly so it is the owner. do a Job for him or get out. this is how it should be. Wenger has betwitched our Board and owners into making an annual return on their Investment and playing to 60,000 a week no matter what. The Sporting excellence has Long gone from our club

  19. markymark

    Feb 07, 2017, 8:17 #97869

    I'm not sure how easy a further 2 year contract will sit with the "40,000" silent choir (Sorry for bringing up Squeak again) a lot of people are silently hoping he toddles off like the over staying guest , where you really don't wish to make a scene but it's awfully inconvenient. It's all so stiff upper lipped at the Emirates with the Quail Egg eaters. Perhaps Wengo is sensing this as one or two reports are coming out that he will sense how the fans feel before making a decision. From our perspective it makes no sense at all to give a guy who won't have run a title in 13 years, two more years as a lame duck. He's hardly been matching Fergie. That's why I suspect our transition will be different an Allegri or equivalent could do massive things. Whereas poor old Moyes was on a hiding to nothing.

  20. Paulward

    Feb 07, 2017, 7:54 #97868

    Much of this speculation is based on the premise that we will finish in the top four again, that is a long way from being a given. At the moment only Liverpool look worse than us, and if we finish 5th or 6th which is fairly likely then he won't be staying surely . As things stand he is odds on to go in the summer.

  21. donaldo71

    Feb 07, 2017, 6:10 #97867

    Kev Wenger will never leave voluntary.Its the best job in football £8m a year with no requirement to win the Prem or the CL.Kroenke doesnt give two ****s what happens on the pitch if he did Wenger would have been gone long ago.The fan base is apathetic they turn up blindly even though nothing ever changes.Wenger will still be manager on the first day of next season

  22. mbg

    Feb 07, 2017, 2:07 #97866

    And look at that shirt he's wearing in the photo, it's two sizes to big, you could put a ferret down the space in it's neck, has he lost weight ? I suppose when you haven't a woman to dress you, you'd think old circular would tell him before he left the house in the mornings.

  23. mbg

    Feb 07, 2017, 1:56 #97865

    Gaz, hear what your saying, that's alright until he flukes another FA Cup or even the league ( I know don't laugh)it would certainly be a fluke with the help of others, then what would we hear from the AKB wengerites ? one more year one more year, or we want you to stay arsene wenger we want you to stay ( I can hear it now it makes me sick)and what would happen ? he'd be lapping it up with his Cheshire cat grin, enjoying getting his back slapped, and minds would be changed quicker than you could blink due to the demand of the fans (AKB wengerites of course) and another two years maybe even three would be forth coming and we'd be still at square one, and his flukes would give him even more lee way in his ways,thinking and philosophies, god help us we've suffered to much of it already, no mate lets hope and pray the old fraud pisses off at the end of the season or sooner. wenger out.

  24. David1

    Feb 06, 2017, 23:37 #97864

    @Gooner Ron - not convinced. I think that look of resignation will disappear if Arsenal finish as runners up, or get to the semis of the CL. There's a long way to go before AW bites the bullet. Fergie went on into his early 70s (I think?) - Wenger wants to be successful. And, in spite of all the guff he spouts about 4th place, he's still desperate to taste the success again. Even the remotest sniff and he will be signing up for another two years.

  25. NickT

    Feb 06, 2017, 23:36 #97863

    JohnF - absolutely agree about someone giving Wenger a tap on the shoulder....since Dein left I suspect he's surrounded exclusively by yes men with no one to give it to him straight

  26. mbg

    Feb 06, 2017, 23:32 #97862

    CORNISH, I can't see TOF going for the poor health one, especially if he is/was consulted his ego wouldn't allow it, it would be showing him in a bad light like he failed (which he has of course) or something and he was wrong and it all has been to much for him and got to him, no not great for his ego and reputation at all. Now the sectioned option that's more like it, get the white coats in whether he like it or not (proper order and payback for what he's done)dragged away to some private clinic and locked in a room and made to drink room temperature bottled water and white wine for about six months or a year while being completely brainwashed of anything Arsenal, and then released just in time to take over the spuds and we can all sing there's only one arsene wenger and we want you to stay. wenger out.

  27. John F

    Feb 06, 2017, 23:01 #97861

    Nick they maybe just covering bases.Wenger reminds of a once great boxer who fights on too long or comes out of retirement to try regain his past glories.The hangers-on/promoter's who encourage him along get rich while his once great reputation takes a battering.The board are the hangers-on in this case and what Wenger really needs is a friend to pull him to oneside and tell him for his own good it is time to go.My outside punt would be on Patrick Vieria but not Howe although his team did lose a 3 goal lead in one half and have six goals put past them recently so it might be a seamless move.

  28. mbg

    Feb 06, 2017, 22:46 #97860

    Good to see the proper gooner who held the banner at the bridge hit back at that p***k Neville saying the banner would have been produced regardless of the result, among other things about his failed management carrier, well said, lets hope the next ones are produced even before the game kicks off, do we want him out or not ? wenger out now

  29. GoonerRon

    Feb 06, 2017, 22:00 #97859

    I think Wenger will go at the end of the season, I just sensed a slight resignation in him after the Chelsea game. I wouldn't be half surprised if Steve Bould was given the job and he brought in one or two old colleagues as part of his staff.

  30. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 06, 2017, 21:53 #97858

    Gaz - Interesting idea but I doubt wengo's ego would allow him to settle for that. The term "lame duck" should only apply to presidents but you get all sorts of people hijacking it these days. I had a boss who drunkenly confided in me that he was concerned about being regarded as a lame duck commercial manager after his departure was prematurely announced! Ol' chihuahua head would be appalled to be called out on it and would be paranoid about time ticking away for fear that it got into his napper as a metaphor for this failed instalment of his life. Better to maintain the illusion of control and that he - and only he - is grinding the organ. Not much consolation for us monkeys, but we can be sure of one thing. The club will shroud his eventual de-throning in secrecy and they will be naming the tune while we have to dance. All a part of their odious business model and leitmotif. No wonder they're hated now.

  31. MAF

    Feb 06, 2017, 21:53 #97857

    its the manner in which we lose matches that is upsetting us all. no one likes to be a supporter of a bunch of lightweights + pushovers, especially when your history is supporting the likes of Wright, Adams, Keown, Cole, Campbell, Parlour, etc. Wenger's teams of the last several years have been and remain physically & mentally weak with absolutely no steel anywhere. It all began when he swapped Cole for baby Gallas ! we havent looked back since in terms of being the No 1 pansies in the division. we are not without some flair but that was never enough to win in England. to have to watch Monreal cry & whince 5 times each match is embarassing. he did it after 2 mins on saturday & thereby the tone was set. Walcott ? Wallflower more like. Ozill or is it ''All-wayz-ill'' ? what on earth was Kolsheiny doing on saturday..? leaves Bellerin to fight for 2 headers in front of his own goal + then lets Hazard turn him insideoutupsidedown. talk about embarassing. Coquelin ? do me a favour, he's weak as a kitten. It is a sad sad time for this great club to see it crumbling with weakness

  32. NickT

    Feb 06, 2017, 21:52 #97856

    Interesting angle Kevin and personally one I’ve never considered. No doubt Wenger, Kroenke and the Board are thick as thieves so if they had come to a mutual agreement to call it a day this summer I’d agree this is probably exactly how they’d try and do it - Wenger saves face and the story creates a perfect distraction enabling the club to get on with identifying his successor. The main reason there might be something in it for me though is this Ralph Hasenhuttl bloke……..I’d completely forgotten about him but the story raises several interesting questions. Firstly, why would anyone let alone a relative unknown from an obscure club in a foreign league respond with ‘it was a well-researched story’ & ‘there was a lot of truth to it’ unless a) its b*ll*cks and the man’s a complete fruitcake or b) it’s true!! If you go with option a) and assume he’s not mentally unstable I don’t see what RH possibly had to gain by his response or why, as far as I’m aware, the club have never responded and hung him out to dry. If you go with option b) then at the very least it must mean that the board are not as hell bent on retaining Wenger as most of us fear…...or more likely that he’s already told them that he’s leaving this summer regardless. The bit I’m struggling with is how you could keep a plan like this under wraps especially in this day and age...……but I love a bit of a conspiracy and the potential outcome so fingers crossed!!

  33. Gaz

    Feb 06, 2017, 20:51 #97855

    I still think there'll be a joint announcement from Wenger and the board announcing he's signed a new two year deal but it's going to be his last contract with the Club. They'll then hope it unites the fans by giving the AKB's another two years of their messiah but also gives the WOB's some light at the end of the tunnel.

  34. jjetplane

    Feb 06, 2017, 20:41 #97854

    Chris Sutton (total WOB) is hilarious on Wenger and must be a favourite over on Untold who are now writing a stream of articles on how little Hector got slapped out of the picture though the way Hazard got Coq tripping all over himself and then Kosc thinking I can go one better is just brilliant! All we need is the BFG back on the right wing when arsenal are two or three down and the picture is completed. Sutton lad says how can any manager dictate when he is going to leave a club. It just ain't right. Wenger is very wrong and has been ever since the move.

  35. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 06, 2017, 20:17 #97853

    The departing narrative ought to be: Look at what you could have won you intransigent, money grubbing clown, et maintenant swingez votre hook. History will condemn him in future years for laying waste to our club.

  36. Paulward

    Feb 06, 2017, 19:59 #97852

    Think we are slightly over complicating the question of whether Wenger goes or stays. He has stated his future is down to results this season, and unless there is a miracle in the CL I can't see how he can spin a distant 3rd or 4th as good enough to warrant him staying, even if the board want him too. He knows he had to leave at some point, I think this is it and I think he does too.

  37. GSPM

    Feb 06, 2017, 19:36 #97851

    It's all up in the air right now, will he go, will he stay ?? But while all this is going on, we have countless players who need contract talks , if he leaves , what does he leave behind , the new manager will need time to get players in, the board have a duty of care to ensure smooth transition happens , but with that shower I do wonder , only a strong no nonsense manager will do. Howe not ready yet, needs min 5yrs.


    Feb 06, 2017, 19:27 #97850

    An excuse for him to go? Outside of the Disney World that is Wengerland it would be simple - the BoD simply send out a Press Release stating that the great man is in poor health & has asked to be released from his contract. That's the Soft Brexit option. As for me I would go for a Hard Brexit & try & get the old dinosaur sectioned. The latest appalling rumour on Le Grove is that the grand signing of the new contract will be made during the next International break - a great time to bury crap news - oui?

  39. markymark

    Feb 06, 2017, 19:07 #97849

    Wengo is getting slated in the Evening Standard. Shame it's at least 8 years late.

  40. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 06, 2017, 17:41 #97847

    Some slightly convoluted reasoning going on here... which I hope of course is proved correct. I just don't think it's that sophisticated at AFC though. They have a safe little business model with AW at the helm... he has no other life, plus he loves money. They're perfectly in accord. And have the unconditional backing of those that attach themselves to the club but in reality support the man, along with all the flip-flopping, goldfish memory types. They'll just ride out the 'noise' that comes from his new contract and the Sanchez departure from those of us that see through it all and continue with the exact same script for as many more seasons as they possibly can. As Brexit and Trump proved, there's no shortage of people who want to be led and told what they're seeing, rather than actually examine it for themselves.

  41. mbg

    Feb 06, 2017, 17:36 #97846

    Maybe the Ox has started the mutiny, hints, opinions among the players in the dressing room in telling us what they think with his liking of a tweet which read, WENGER NEEDS TO GO, while sitting on the coach on the way to Chelsea no less, TOF will certainly not like that, it was deleted of course and put down as a mistake, or maybe it wasn't and intentional letting us all know what the players think also, so if the ox is dropped now we'll know why, well done anyway chamberlain all we need is more players to speak out, we've no doubt the players are as sick of him as the fans. wenger out.

  42. RobG

    Feb 06, 2017, 16:34 #97845

    Sorry ! But I just have the horrible feeling that there really is a two year deal on offing and he will take it for 18 million reasons - and the rest. The implications for this are two more years of the same, not least because Sanchez will leave and that will say as much as Fabregas's departure did - or van Persie's for that matter. And the ructions in the fan base which are bad now, will become gruesome. I do hope I'm wrong.

  43. Yes its Ron

    Feb 06, 2017, 16:24 #97844

    Go for Koeman. Yes, hes not long at Everton but his eye is set on a Barca return. Get him and give him the chance to resurrect AFC i say. 3 Yr Contract. Please not Eddie Howe. Lovely young chap but hes not ready for taking on Arsenals potentially poisoned chalice with its squad full of let down, never been lightweights. If we must have a Moyes, lets not have a Moyes, lets at least aim better than that.