What’s Going On?

Mixed messages from club indicate that not everyone is reading from the same script

What’s Going On?

The BBC sports reporter David Ornstein, one of the channels by which the club choose to leak information that they do not want to make via official statements (journalists like Jeremy Wilson and ex-player pundits like Martin Keown are others) tweeted yesterday, “Arsene Wenger's future will be decided at end of season. New deal offered earlier still on table but will be mutual decision in summer”.

In the press conference today, the manager was asked whether he had said to anyone this week that he would decide his future in March or April. He visibly gulped as he admitted he had (which he did in an interview with German television station ZDF).

Yet later on, in response to another question, he did not want to comment on the view that Stan Kroenke or Ivan Gazidis have on his future. Why not if it is going to be his decision to make in March or April as to whether he will sign the two year deal apparently on the table? Surely the appropriate response in that case would be something along the lines of him having their full backing.

But the manager was a bit like a rabbit in the headlights. Defensively, he made a point that when he arrived at the club, he had notched up more Champions League games than Arsenal had managed in their history, and reminded us that the club had taken part in 19 successive years of the competition since his arrival. This conveniently ignores the fact that if he were operating under the qualification rules as they were before his arrival, the club would have only taken part in 1998-99, 2002-03 and 2004-05. An interesting presentation of the facts right up there with association football beginning in 1992 with the formation of the Premier League.

Ornstein was also tweeted yesterday that “Contract was offered, won't be withdrawn now, but told it'll be decision between both sides on whether it's signed”.

The club are getting this so wrong if they want the manager to have the dignified exit they were presumably trying to engineer. Here’s some advice for head of the club’s PR Mark Gonella, as what came out via Ornstein (presumably briefed by Gonella) yesterday looked like panic – a finger in the dam as the tide of fan and media opinion is about to flood over the top of the barrier. Say nothing to Ornstein. Stick with the original version of events. Arsene has a two year contract waiting to be signed (even if he doesn’t, which might be the reality). Allow the manager to say he has decided to move onto a fresh challenge and give someone else a go next year, and the sooner the better.

This would create a feeling of relief amongst a fanbase that wishes for change, many of whom do not want to see any more personal criticism of the manager and are fearful of things getting even uglier. Most of the fans that have remained supportive of the manager do so because they do not want to see him humiliated. But the repeated humiliations of his Arsenal team (and worryingly, they might not be over) have made them realize that the time for change is this summer, they just want to see it handled the best way.

Such clarification of the future would also mean that those who are openly critical of the manager can focus their energies on backing the team, instead of fretting about the long term future of the club in terms of its ability to challenge for the big prizes. Everyone would get behind the team for Wenger’s final matches, and he would be able to leave with a lot more support than if the decision on his future was left hanging until the summer (with the terrifying prospect of his hanging on for two more years and more embarrassing disappointments like Wednesday night in Munich).

As it is, a bit of me wonders, if it has been decided to make the change (remember the club have been actively sounding out candidates for the job), whether Arsene will be too proud to effectively admit he can take the club no further. And that he will disappear off on his holidays in June and the club release a statement to the effect that the manager has decided not to renew, thanking him for his efforts, with an accompanying statement from the man himself. This way, he won’t have to face the media to tell them it’s over.

This might suit the manager’s sense of ego best, but if it is Arsenal’s best interests he has at heart, he would be better stating he is moving on now (and state that it is his decision if need be). Because I can’t see things getting any better with the situation as it is now, and with matches against Liverpool (away), Manchester City, Spurs (away), Manchester United, Southampton (away) and Stoke (away) for the Gunners in their Premier League run-in, they need all the support they can get. The current state of affairs leads to divisiveness, not unity. Wouldn’t it be good to see a banner simply saying “Arsène - Thanks for the Memories” at the season’s end… with no further words needed?

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  1. davidmendes94

    Feb 22, 2017, 9:39 #98552

    Nice article Arsenal FC History

  2. KC38

    Feb 21, 2017, 21:58 #98540

    The man from uncle your joking right the 78 team yeah sure. I give you the 91 team but never a patch on the invincibles. I knew Arsenal before Wenger, I remember Wrexham, York, 2 6 against Utd, I remember the chapman, carter, Jensen, hillier, I remember selling cole to keep Campbell. I remember the north bank fighting over terry Neil. Wenger is no god and it is time way overdue for him to go but he gave us so much more than I have ever seen at Arsenal, a title winning team with class and style it's great players.

  3. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 20, 2017, 19:31 #98486

    Come on Sutton! Only you can save us...

  4. mbg

    Feb 20, 2017, 17:31 #98480

    Siddy, hear you loud and clear, dislike, sick off, are the words alright, along with some a lot stronger, did you hear the waster today ? babbling on about focus, we have to move on, focus on the next game, show tremendous focus, keep focusing, focus, focus, jesus H i don't know how many times he mentioned focus, and has done about every game we played over the years, and he or they never do, he really does take fans for idiots, of course some hang on his every word. How I hate the sight and sound of that man. wenger out.

  5. Yes its Ron

    Feb 20, 2017, 10:20 #98453

    Its fair to say that AW has only said that he thinks he can manage for another 4 years. Hes not demanded those yrs from Arsenal. Lets have it right.

  6. markymark

    Feb 20, 2017, 5:30 #98445

    Leek the Squeak - indeed the mighty Wengo is taking the piss out of us and no doubt sending other messages that only you can see. Does the tinfoil on your head help receive his commands. Mr Wengo " mental speerit, mental speerit, my boys are mentally prepared" Squeak " yes Mr Wengo, I am your obedient Servant Mr Wengo"

  7. Siddy

    Feb 20, 2017, 2:12 #98444

    I texted a fellow Gooner who I haven't seen for a while after the Bayern defeat the other day to ask if he was still a staunch AKB and he said no. Above and beyond that, he said he has grown to dislike the man on a personal level. How he's created this toxic situation. Like DT said on Arsenal Fan TV, I hope the AKBs f*** off when he does. Then they can use his personal fortune to found a new AWFC. I have really grown to be sick of the sight of him, offering his pseudo philosophical words of wisdom and hope in the absence of results and performances. Someone posted something along the lines of him not being a true football man, he's not exactly a man of the people. That was fine when he was winning things but I don't relate to him at all anymore. I think he's an arrogant t***er. W***er out NOW. BTW, I don't know how other WOBs feel but there is a part of me that wants Sutton to turn us over just to put the old fart out of our misery.

  8. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 23:51 #98443

    Four more years ? even more egoistic arrogance from the c**t, more look at all I've done for you self centred shyte. No more years wenger out now.

  9. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 23:19 #98442

    markymark, lets hope he does, isn't karma a bitch, and Berdkamp too, and others he f****d off to early because of his pet project youth, Bergkamp would have been gone too with no extensions if it weren't for the fans intervention, remember the one more year and sign him up chant we sang at Highbury forcing his hand, (that must have pissed him off at the time)I bet we haven't been or won't be hearing any of the like around the Emirates of late for him. No more years, we want wenger out.

  10. Paulward

    Feb 19, 2017, 23:14 #98441

    Cyril Don't forget we spent 90 in the summer, Mustafi and Xhaka. At the moment you'd have to say we overpaid there. It's about time some of the players( not including Sanchez) pulled their finger out.

  11. Cyril

    Feb 19, 2017, 21:47 #98440

    I tuned in to one of the radio stations and never heard so much 'rat like poisoned drivel' . A Palace fan stating that she can't wait for us to plummet down the league when AW leaves as we can't accept being in the top 4 when he leaves etc ... My God, get a Hereford fan on and tell us how lucky we are. We have, REPEAT never competed for the title since we moved. We are a blue chip football team in the heart of LONDON. There is no more perverse a description of capitalism than my old club. It therefore means that we can only expect to be at the highest table. I will take the moral ground and declare 'jolly hockey sticks' when Chelski, Man U, Man C do. I nearly bit and called in but it's a while since I have done that - you know!! Good grief!

  12. Paulward

    Feb 19, 2017, 20:17 #98439

    Looks like we're back at Wembley then, but likely to face a fellow top six team in the semi. Buys Wenger a bit of time I suppose, and he should be thanking his lucky stars tonight. Up to the players to keep him in a job I suppose, but I'm not holding my breath.

  13. GSPM

    Feb 19, 2017, 20:07 #98438

    Leeky , Birmingham 2008 ( not Wembley final 2011) for all AKBs to believe Wenger will succeed in winning PL or CL is folly , I don't believe he had the know how . For the good of Arsenal it's time for change . If he believes he still got what it takes , prove us wrong , move on and win something .

  14. Paulo75

    Feb 19, 2017, 20:04 #98437

    Agree with what seems like the groundswell of opinion that a change is required after around a decade of underachievement. However as much as the fans, written and social media debate things it is our beloved hierarchy who must enforce change. It would seem from Wenger's comments over the weekend that he is in no rush to up sticks, going on the defensive about his record and stating he wants another 4 years in management. Kroenke and Gazidis are only interested in protecting the shareprice despite any of Gazidis' soundbites in recent years. However, despite their non existent leadership of the Club or communication with the support, these are two extremely intelligent individuals. Its plainly obvious to most that we are now going backwards under the Wenger regime. Just depends if the moneymen have the bottle to gamble on pushing the club forward in a new direction or playing safe with the status quo and hoping we somehow continue the ennui of 4th place and Champions League knockout stages cannon fodder.


    Feb 19, 2017, 19:47 #98436

    I see today that Sutton are being warned against complacency tomorrow night - OK a funny joke but, jeez, how did it come to this? Even John Cross now saying The Man needs to go but there he is, in front of the press, more or less saying PLEASE let me stay - PLEASE love me again! So sad that even my wife, who hates footie with a passion, now indulges me in my L'Arsenal rants & today added her valued comment "he looks a sad old man" RESULT!!

  16. Leek fc

    Feb 19, 2017, 19:32 #98435

    So according to GS. Wenger has never hit the heights of greatness but then stuttered that maybe this greatness finished in 2011. TH14 as the next manager does seem rather a sensible option eh fellas. Mr Wenger is taking the p1ss out of you negative Gooners but you just can't see it

  17. TonyEvans

    Feb 19, 2017, 19:04 #98434

    Here we go again, the FA Cup comes to Wenger's rescue. Should be pleased that we got a plumb draw I suppose but the Wenger factor, as usual, muddies the water for me. Mind you I wouldn't put it past our lot to screw it up somehow tomorrow - but I bet we see a stronger line up than Wenger would normally go for as he eyes the get out of jail card on the table.

  18. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2017, 18:46 #98433

    Mark,It looks like Wengo is having another bout of good fortune oer is it warm and cold balls at work .He will milk the FA Cup now for all it's worth to divert attention away from Europe and the league.It sure seems that there is a lot of plotting going on behind the scenes at AFC with no one saying anything for or against Wengo at the moment.

  19. Cyril

    Feb 19, 2017, 18:41 #98432

    Appy days- London derby in semi against MILL WALL

  20. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 19, 2017, 18:34 #98431

    kc38; Perhaps you are one of those who believe there was no Arsenal before Wenger; we had plenty of great footballing sides before he turned up. Or did you just start supporting AFC when the PL was created. 1971,1978, 1991 for examples of magnificent Arsenal sides - look it up on Youtube if you weren't there to see it.

  21. jjetplane

    Feb 19, 2017, 18:26 #98430

    Hartson talking about Gooner Kane being the top England striker as he went through a list of other candidates. He got througha list of 300 and no Theo!!! Theo who himself hath told us in no uncertain terms he be the best and even henry has submitted to Theo. Hartson - you are a traitor! and then the English spine of Welbecksie, gibbseeeee, Oxy (moron), Jackie (movie out) and the list is endless. Wenger must stay is officially the most popular football chant in the history of the game. Bring tears to Leek's eyes that .... Also 'careful what you wish for' coven citing the Mancs is hilarious. They are back and will finish above Arsene, Europa, FA ..... Glory glory Tott Utd/confusion abounds.

  22. markymark

    Feb 19, 2017, 18:23 #98429

    Jeff - interesting point you make, one of the rumour sites has suggested that Wenger is not interested in a 2 year contract. Who knows maybe Wengo dropped a hint when he was feeling at his most powerful that he would like to finish his career at Arsenal. Then he finds a 2 year deal being offered. In that regard now he knows what Pires must have felt like. Anyway I have the feeling that there is nuance to this. According to some stories Usmanov is having some form of conversation (perhaps through Josh Kronke) both have views. The Henry option really does worry me. What we now have is black and white and slap in the face of the arrogant old fraud. Those with more than 5 minutes of football are saying Wenger out! Frank take a bow!

  23. Bard

    Feb 19, 2017, 18:14 #98428

    KC38. I would divide his career into two. He was successful when we only had Man U for competition and failed once Chelsea and latterly City upped their game and joined the contest. I agree with other posters that what has done for him is his current record in the transfer market. Only Sanchez has been a success over the last few years. He has spend millions on very average players. It is inconceivable that he stays on and I dont hold with the idea that it will all go tits up if he leaves. Its perfectly possible that we might start competing properly.

  24. GSPM

    Feb 19, 2017, 18:12 #98427

    Leeky : thanks for the kind words . Most on here including you have a lifelong love of Arsenal fc , where we differ is on Wenger . I fully respect everything he has done , but Arsenal has done a hell of a lot for him too . Where Wenger has now lost my respect is in his constant blame game & spin . Tell me leeky when did you last hear Wenger accept blame and say He did something wrong , despite the hammering we have had he never accepts his responsiblity , always it's the refs , players mentality etc , etc , when most of us can see it's his team selection, his favouritism of certain players , his lack of game plan or tactics, his lack of subs at the right time . It's all a mess , we have been waiting for jam tomorrow for a long time , I believe he lost his way from when we drew at Birmingham.

  25. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 17:04 #98426

    KC38, good post, but i'd query if wenger gave us all that, the players of the time had a hell of a lot to do with it, the players George Graham left him and the others who learned of them, the ones he couldn't have went wrong with, who were real top top qualittee and knew what what they were doing and what it was all about and hardly needed much coaching, i'd imagine any manager at the time who would have had those players at his disposal would have done just as much if not more.

  26. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2017, 16:48 #98425

    A game of two halves for Wengo a good first one at Highbury on the domestic scene . Not so good in Europe though so even then when at his peak the weaknessess overall in his management were being cruelly exposed. The second half at the cathedral of capitalism the stadium with corporate instead of football names has been by any criteria used sh*te. Wengo's appalling Euro record that he attempts to portray as being a success,you couldnt make it up, continues on and on and yawn on... the domestic scene has also been a shocker under Wengo with record busting defeats unprecedented in AFC history to go with the same in European games.A well past it manager dining out on his success donkeys years ago an old fraud in a young man's game stubbornly hanging-on to his freak control job because pathetically despite having a bankfull of cash but no wife she blew him out long ago he admits to not knowing what else he can do in life. Pathetic really that Wengo the sad loner the odd-fella the screwball in the crowd .

  27. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 16:46 #98424

    John F, apparently Arsenal have four on the shortlist to replace him, my Sunday is starting to look up again. wenger out.

  28. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 19, 2017, 16:20 #98423

    Jjet - Nice one - Wengo and his dead poulets society. Mini maestros hanging on his every word, threatening to leave if he does, and fellow colleagues in football and the meedja scared to tell the truth about his pecadillos. Not to mention the likes of Leekie-man, who must be front and centre in a lot of revealing photos, the negatives of which are in wengo's huge and full to bursting safe...Boy, is this club screwed. To think that Sutton could be the only chance of dislodging the old bloodsucker from his highly paid sinecure.

  29. Leek fc

    Feb 19, 2017, 16:13 #98422

    Half decent post by KC38 followed by JJ. Sums up nicely the typical Gooner today.

  30. jjetplane

    Feb 19, 2017, 16:10 #98421

    Sir Sir! Mr Wenger Sir! Goodbye Mr Chips! Please Stay Mr Wenger Sir! You revised our curriculum Sir! You built the academy Sir! Our pupils (see Theo) are the best behaved Sir! Sir! Mr Wenger Sir! .... Invincibles etc Sir! Permission to buy an over-priced pizza slice Sir! Leek aged 12 .....

  31. KC38

    Feb 19, 2017, 15:59 #98420

    Kevin - Good article and totally agree a banner that says thanks for the memories. The man gave us the greatest football, the greatest teams we have witnessed at Highbury, we won with style, skill and enjoyed watching great players, that can never be taken away or the fact that he turned us from a bore fest to a sublime football team. Newcastle at Wembley to win the double, beating the Chavs in Wales, just before winning the title at OT, winning it at WHL, memories that any true Arsenal fan will never forget. Sadly all that success gave him total power, and a job with no one to answer to, he has used the club as a play thing, sold himself to Kronke's money and failed to appreciate football at the top level requires steel as well as skill. He has become arrogant, he quite simply thinks he is Arsenal, a team that concedes goals for fun is no joy to watch. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  32. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 15:32 #98419

    Further to my post last night 104235, why the fook should we or anybody feel sorry for a failure of a manager and want him to go with dignity not only after all the humiliations and embarrassments mentioned last night, but when he has/will have earned (and I use that term very lightly indeed, more like embezzled) upwards of £100,000,000 when he does piss off, so we should feel sorry for him when he has all that dough sitting in the bank for failure, yeah right. wenger out now.

  33. Leek fc

    Feb 19, 2017, 15:28 #98418

    GS. Hatred is one thing. Ignorance is another. What a pathetic comment on Mr Wengers input into this club. Whilst I can see that a few fans are unhappy. Don't push aside league titles, doubles, invincibles etc as it never happened. Those comments are for the club down the road. Not AFC. "Idiot"

  34. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2017, 15:21 #98417

    Mark, it's all down to Wenger either taking what's on offer or retiring. I think that this sudden 4 year contract demands from him because ,that is what his comments imply, is a way of him using that as not being long enough so he can turn down the 2 year offer if things get a bit too hot for him to handle .He is waiting on seeing how results turn out. A poss nightmare stay scenario is that he beats Bayern so he wins the home leg but loses the tie just another of his Pyrrhic victories in Europe that scenario that we have seen many times before but much will then be made of it. He has a good FA Cup run ,with him being under pressure for the 4th place trophy though he will prioritize that .He wins the 4th place trophy, his main target and then claims as usual that this means that he has had a successful season and the European and Prem underachievements are just accidents. He then claims that he is confident that next season he will prevail because his squad has great speeeeerit . Wally and Rambo back him up and Keystone Kos says that Wengo is the greatest manager in the game and he wouldn't want to play for anyone else. Not that there is a queue of other managers fighting over signing him. Wengo then signs the 2 year contract with an option to extend it at the end . The best scenario is that he misses out on his 4th place trophy and rather than have to cope with playing in the Ropey Cup every Thursday night for ever he then turns down the 2 year deal and goes off to Paris St Germain .That, if it ever happens, would produce more fun than a Chimps Tea Party .Wengo is deluded enough to actually believe that he could be successful with a club that has ambitions to win trophies rather than make money and is probably unaware due to his well known infamous lack of self awareness that he is living in a comfort zone at AFC, unprecedented in the history of football, down to for Wengo a set of very fortuitous circumstances ,the change in the rules for the European Cup that other previous managers did not enjoy,being the main one that he has been able to exploit by good fortune at times it must be added.It looks like being a very strange end of season for Wengo the specialist in failure.

  35. Paulward

    Feb 19, 2017, 15:20 #98416

    More chance of hell freezing over than Wenger going another four years at The Home of Football. Wait till a refreshed Klopp Liverpool press the living daylights out us on Saturday week, and another Munich mauling a few days later! Closer to four weeks than four years. out out out !

  36. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 14:55 #98415

    John F, i'm just getting in, and my Sunday was going so well, lets hope and pray your wrong mate. wenger out now.

  37. markymark

    Feb 19, 2017, 14:50 #98414

    Wengers latest comments are him at his trickiest . The contract offered is 2 years so that's rubbish him saying he'll be at Arsenal for 4 years. He's lining up his options. Now the ex-players are coming out against him as well. On a vox pop on the news every fan they interviewed said time to go. The momentum is now on him leaving Gazidis is going to look extremely weak not managing a replacement. I suspect an element of the board now want rid as well.

  38. jjetplane

    Feb 19, 2017, 13:48 #98413

    Captain Frank on 5 live was just saying Wenger runs the whole show and does what he wants and Frank also picked up the last few expensive signings as poor ones. Millions spent on dross. Claridge chipped in nicely saying Someone new could hardly do any worst with the trophy haul of last decade. If he stays for 4 years the stink will be akin to the Trump one across the waters but as Stan is eternally grateful for all (what?) the old ostrich is doing there is a pattern of sorts and with the sterile Ems you have the whole empty package. Seriously would like the job/s to go to the Lincoln management who would do a better job than the useless, odious Wenger. He himself has little dignity and if it is 4 years it will have all to do with the personal financial portfolio and little tlo do with a football club. Total wankjob.

  39. GSPM

    Feb 19, 2017, 12:16 #98412

    I believe Wengers football career has been one full of smoke & mirrors and ready made excuses. When push come to shove he has been found wanting , in France he blamed corruption , in England he blamed new stadium & finances , along with poor mental strength , he has carved out a career of just doing enough without hitting the heights of greatness . What he should do next if he still feels he has 4/5 yrs left in him is move somewhere else & prove us all wrong by winning silverware with another top team. But as I believe he does not have it in him, he will stay calmly collecting £8m pa with no pressure to achieve anything in particular bar top 4.....what a sorry state of affairs for our great club .

  40. John F

    Feb 19, 2017, 7:53 #98411

    Mgb I don't think there is going to be any type of departure judging by his latest statement.He said he wants to manage for four more years and his preference is Arsenal.It could be his reluctance to sign has nothing to do with pressure but the length of contract offered.I hope I'm wrong.

  41. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 2:04 #98410

    PaulWard, yes, even more proof (not that any more is needed)that it's the manager who is the big problem, yes the weaklings don't come out of it well either they're as useless as he is, although the majority of them will still need gutting when TOF goes but just watch them up their game big time when the new man arrives, but he'll soon see through them once a cart horse always a carthorse.

  42. mbg

    Feb 19, 2017, 1:38 #98409

    RobG, f**k the dignified departure, and thank him for f*****g what exactly ? if you or he wants a dignified departure he should have left in 06/7 it's too late now, have you forgot the lies and spin ? have you forgot the shyte he signed over the last eleven years on big contracts ? have you forgot all the humiliations and embarrassments over he last eleven seasons ? (it sounds like you were one of these types who have, and used to brush them all under the carpet) and another one just a couple of days ago ? did you hear what he said today about us been a nobody until he arrived and built us ? and made us ?( a sackable offence at any other club on it's own and their fans would be in up roar, we're no further on) and all the other shyte he's coming out that we should be grateful for that he's trying to defend himself with, no sorry if you want him to go with dignity that's your prerogative but not mine and a hell of a lot of others I know, like I said it's too late for that now, he deserves to go embarrassed and humiliated just like the embarrassments and humiliations he caused us on the pitch and everything else that went with them over the years all sackable offences, and the sooner the f*****g better. wenger out now.

  43. UTU The Arsenal FC

    Feb 18, 2017, 23:38 #98408

    The Board want him to stay but more and more fans are seeing the reality of situation. Its a complete fiasco over The Arsenal. Only empty seats over the Spacebowl and profits down will see the end of Wenger's reign.

  44. Wengerballs

    Feb 18, 2017, 21:17 #98407

    I've always said it: he won't go unless we drop out of the top 4. Getting top 4 is Wengers sole measure of success and I think he has personally decided he will leave if he fails to achieve that. The stadium is always sold out, $$$ rolling in, and the fans are hardly up in arms and chanting for change. Results like the 5-1 the other day are quickly forgotten. The Board clearly love him and want him to stay.

  45. John F

    Feb 18, 2017, 21:16 #98406

    I don't think Usnamov gets on with the current board and is not allowed a say in how things are run.He seems to be turning his attention to Everton where his company sponsors the training ground.The big worry is that he sells his shares in Arsenal and invests in Everton leaving Wiggy with even more shares which i think he can then do what the Glazier's did at Utd and put the club in debt by getting a loan which they secured using the clubs assets.The way I see it is Usnamov is the only one stopping Wiggys plans and if he does have enough you can blame the board for what would be an even worse situation then now.

  46. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2017, 20:56 #98405

    If ever proof were needed that it pays sometimes to freshen things up ,well 20 years of Wengo is rather a long time, then Rom firing Mourinho and bringing in Conte at Chelsea proves that a change is as good as a rest.Albeit we desperately need a rest from Wengo who soon bounced arrogantly back from yet another humiliation that would have seen any normal manager fired for ,after once again blowing his clubs title hopes . How many times have we heard the clown say it's the next game that is important ad not what has happened in the last one. Using that for a yardstick no manager would ever be fired no matter how bad his results were. Wengo must be the most arrogant stupid irritating manager in the history of football.I hope that he does go to PSG and fu+cks things up there big-time.He won't get 20 years to carry on doing it though.I give him one season and then it will au revoir from them and a load of old bullshine excuses from him.

  47. Paulward

    Feb 18, 2017, 19:22 #98404

    So Bayern Munich today cannot beat the mighty Hertha Berlin, a few days after completely annihilating us in our biggest game of the season. Wolves of the lower championship echelon can meanwhile make Chelsea work their socks off for a victory that was never in doubt against a woeful Arsenal " performance " the other week. How much evidence do people need that Wenger is a spent force? It's not that every other top team is brilliant, it's Wenger and his band of weaklings that are useless . Out Out Out !

  48. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 18, 2017, 19:05 #98403

    There Jeff. Wasn't so bad was it little man. Small things and all that but it's an unalloyed delight to prove you wrong again. 66 and 30 ain't nearly the same after all.

  49. mbg

    Feb 18, 2017, 19:01 #98402

    Yes lads Usmanov hasn't made his move yet (to quote the AKB's with their favourite defence of their messiah lol)keeping his powder dry) he's remaining very quiet and dignified through all this it has to be said, I guess keeping TOF's wengerites and his luvvies on side and giving them no excuse/excuses when the time comes, just wait until he does, and does get on the board or full control, i'd imagine things will change big time, and just watch all TOF's wengerite luvvies who were slagging him and his mate Roman off and not wanting him near the place, (you know the ones who thought and said he was a gangster and would rather have had the current cowboy and his Indians) and all the other Keowns of this world jumping on the band wagon and welcoming him with open arms as we start to get our Arsenal back with from someone with ambition and a real war chest. wenger out now.

  50. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2017, 18:42 #98401

    If it makes you happy AKB I was wrong about the shares that Usmanov owns ,I have not taken that much interest in what the situation with his shares but rather in his lack of providing some opposition to Kroenke publicly.See it's not hard to admit that you made a mistake .You try doing it yourself sometime .Or go and have some anger management psychiatric treatment you will feel much better unless that is you are an hopeless case and they section you .

  51. Bard

    Feb 18, 2017, 18:36 #98400

    Good article kev. My take is that they will keep Wenger if they possibly can. The problem is results and the fans. if he gets a 4th place then its business as usual. I find it hard to believe they have a plan B or have seriously tapped up someone else. The fixtures we have left and the current form of the side suggest he has his work cut out to stay in the top 8 never mind top 4

  52. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 18, 2017, 18:35 #98399

    Go on Jeff, you wannabe Alf Garnett. Admit you were wrong you sad old tosser. Dont bottle this as well. Ha ha ha.

  53. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2017, 18:25 #98398

    Give it rest AKB you just go on and yann on ... and yet again show how dense you are .. go and get your Doc Martin's cleaned and your banner made ready for Trump's visit so you can join all the other nutters on the demo.

  54. mbg

    Feb 18, 2017, 18:06 #98397

    Did you hear what the waste of fresh air was saying today in trying to defend himself(and failing miserably)it's not like they had already won the EC four or five times before I arrived they never won it, (in other words they weren't a big club, he made us, etc,)well you arrogant egoistic, b*****d you forgot to say you've been here 21 years and we still haven't won it, in fact we've an even less chance of winning it now WITH you, f**k would I love one smack at his face with an out of date rotten bream, or worse. Go now you complete waste of space.

  55. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 18, 2017, 17:14 #98396

    Jeff (aka Alf Gooner Garnett) - wrong wrong wrong. Merkin man Stan owns 66% of the shares; Usmanov only 30%. Therein lies a serious problem. So to suggest that they hold almost the same amount is a whopping lie even by your dishonest standards. Get it right Jeff or go back to that "Corbo drinks baby's blood and is the antichrist" narrative (yawn) that we all love so much. Along with political analysis, maths is evidently not your strong-point. You couldn't make it up...although you like to try.

  56. CT Gooner

    Feb 18, 2017, 16:39 #98394

    Jeff, I think that's where Leek FC has a point. I can only be called a fan. While I watch almost every game (missed maybe 10 in the last couple of seasons), I only make it to a couple a year in person. I can come onto this site and make my feelings known, but who gives two hoots?? The powers that be will only take notice when supporters show discontent, impacting the bottom line or harming the corporate reputation. Most of can accept that last years mass boycott was a busted flush, so until all of our supports organization come together with a common voice, coupled by some supporter based demonstrations, we can only expect Wenger at his thrown come August. My key assumption here is that all these groups have a common goal of seeing managerial change (with perhaps less focus on board for now).

  57. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2017, 16:13 #98393

    CT Gooner ,I put the like of not winning things squarely at Wengo's door .He should have won the league last season but blew it big time and there was no excuses for him other than incompetence at work on his own part.It's a strange one this Syrupy Stan's happy to meander along in mediocrity policy that he runs with his outfits of which we unfortunately are one. When as you say he would make more money if his clubs actually won trophies instead of just making profits.The strangest thing however about it all is why so many supporters put up with the boring malarkey and also sponsors.

  58. CT Gooner

    Feb 18, 2017, 15:14 #98392

    I hear you Jeff, Usmanov has really not forcably shown his intentions. I believe he hold ~half the shares of Kronke, but your point is true. My sense is that he's waiting on the side lines. In the case of Arsenal though, we have to understand that Kronke is not support Arsenal, strange thing to say I know. To him it's just another investment, and with all investments, he wants maximum return with minimum investment. I think he needs to talk to other accountants though. Look at the Glazers, they borrowed shed loads, but has that truly negatively impacted Man U? I'd say no, and the key point I'm making is Arsenals commercial value would be so much higher if we actually won things....

  59. mbg

    Feb 18, 2017, 14:31 #98391

    JohnF, yes just wait it's only a matter of time now for the tired old (yawn) war chest statement/spin to be regurgitated yet again, especially if they announce the walking dead zombie is staying, and just watch the AKB wengerite sheep buying it hook line and sinker, again. wenger out.

  60. mbg

    Feb 18, 2017, 14:16 #98390

    Don't forget the Madness song, (very appropriate for TOF)Your an Embarrassment. wenger out now.

  61. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2017, 11:18 #98388

    CT Goone, if Syrupy Stan is the silent man then Usmanov is the invisible one. The Uzbek holds near the same amount of shares in AFC that the odious creep Kroenke does yet we hear nothing from him.DD has gone quiet as well for awhile. Possibly a waiting on events scenario with Red and White it does look though as share values plays a very large part in the goings on at AFC these days tather than winning trophies or even competing properly for them.There used to be a football club called Arsenal Chapman must be turning in his grave and one who thinks that Wengo is a greater manager than he was is to paraphrase Gary Neville an idiot.

  62. Cyril

    Feb 18, 2017, 11:08 #98387

    This all has an uncanny feel of Brexit about it. Will he trigger article 50. Will the House of Kroenke put amendments to the bill. Will it take a full two toyears happen? Will he ever leave or will a former Manager get involved and try to reverse the decision. Will we still be able to trade in Europe at the top table or are downgraded to the Ropey cup?

  63. N-4

    Feb 18, 2017, 10:38 #98386

    How could people asking respect for the manager when he never showed anything towards the fans...!!!

  64. RobG

    Feb 18, 2017, 9:39 #98385

    Agree entirely. But if they can mishandle this, they will. I would like - really like - a dignified departure not least because it allows the fan base to unite, for the first time in years, and actually thank Wenger and wish him well. Instead we are looking at a hokey cloakey departure, where him may and and then he might not. My ultimate fear is that he and the Club as so deluded, that he does sign on for two more years. Cue civil war in the fan base. I truly fear this will happen.

  65. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Feb 18, 2017, 9:35 #98384

    The one small chance Wenger has is that Sutton might just underestimate us.

  66. John F

    Feb 18, 2017, 9:01 #98383

    That's my view Nick the board will see it as a compromise.The only way I can see it not happening is if he got offered the French national job.I am waiting for the Arsenal pr machine to start leaking stories linking us with superstar players,giant warchests and top clubs after Wenger.

  67. markymark

    Feb 18, 2017, 8:01 #98382

    MBG - the key one is Keown , apparently according to some he is given unofficial info from the club a leaking source if you like to spread the message where the club doesn't necessarily wish to put out a statement. Something has definitely changed as last week it was "Arsene Wenger is not leaving next season" now even Keown is saying he needs to go at season end. Unless Keown has gone completely off message one suspects that the messsge in his ear has changed. Maybe some on the board were waiting for the Bayern result and the hammering has forced the hand. Whatever we think of the board no one can wake up on a Monday enjoying a hammering.

  68. Paulward

    Feb 18, 2017, 6:20 #98381

    Leek Fc Fancy Foxrock for the National, 25/1 with Ladbroke

  69. mbg

    Feb 18, 2017, 1:11 #98380

    jj, Wrighty is even down at their training ground taking them in coaching sessions and giving them tips and advice on how to beat us (not that they need much) love it, well done wrighty, imagine how that's going down at AKB central command and the stick he'll get from the AKB moonies if they succeed. wenger out.

  70. mbg

    Feb 18, 2017, 0:57 #98379

    The kings castle is crumbling round him, the rats are deserting too and can be seen swimming across the moat, every where he turns it's all going wrong and turning sour, more revelations and stories are breaking and been leaked by the day, long long may it last it's been a long time coming, the end is nigh. wenger out now.

  71. markymark

    Feb 17, 2017, 23:08 #98378

    Squeak you are failing miserably the Internet is alive with Wenger out. This is causing a breakout into the mass media . He's gone and it's going to be excellent. So yes the internet is doing my dirty work brilliantly. It is true by the way, can't be seen jumping on political band wagons, can't do or say anything in public that could identify me in potentially aggressive action. Chap I worked with no longer works for the company. Said some dubious things and was gone. My Facebook usage, twitter, LinkedIn is very low profile same for all of us who do the job. Don't actually care what you do, you could wash dishes or run a business empire like Jamerson:) I know your going to be very sad soon, whilst we are cracking open the champagne.

  72. NickT

    Feb 17, 2017, 21:24 #98377

    My guess is we'll end up with a soft Wexit - 1 year contract to give the board time to plan (and perhaps Stan time to sell) whilst allowing AW one last chance to end in a blaze of glory

  73. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2017, 20:43 #98376

    Just listening to the Lincoln coach talking football and he really puts Wenger into perspective. Wenger has said nothing for 20, ****ing years but er look the speeeeret mental strenght is good with a smug little smile and the Lincoln guy (Dave from Essex) talks about defensive culture, possession, shape and all the right concise things. Dave would do a better job than the prospective employee for Aldi or some hedge fund ... Wenger - the biggest non-event in modern football after Belgium Walter.

  74. Leek fc

    Feb 17, 2017, 20:34 #98375

    Paul Ward. Give us the winner of the grand national as you can clearly see into the future. Yet another negative, knee jerk comment. Very very cynical.

  75. Paulward

    Feb 17, 2017, 20:10 #98374

    Should get hammered again at Anfield 2 weeks tomorrow then beaten at home by Bayern on the Wednesday. Could he survive an FA cup quarter final drubbing by Chelsea, City or Utd the weekend after? Quite a likely scenario and it would surely finish him.

  76. Leek fc

    Feb 17, 2017, 20:01 #98373

    Bell end... how about rather than relying on others to do your dirty work. Do this yourself. Blaming your high profile job that you "can not protest" is very weak. For the record on your last comment to me. Please, by all means ask your friend, the web editor, as to which my employment status is. Assumptions are for fools and unfortunately you are one. Kevin has my email address and I'm sure he will enlighten you on this. Google doesn't lie.

  77. BigDaveTheGooner

    Feb 17, 2017, 19:53 #98372

    To quote Wenger "it's not like Arsenal have won the European cup 5 times",we clearly know that you fool we,ve never had 5 attempts at winning it but he has had 20 and apart from 2006 has been nowhere near it,even then in my opinion he norsed it up by taking off a match winner in Bobby Pires and leaving on the ineffective Hleb,but that's another debate. He clearly does think he is untouchable such is his arrogance,as was touched upon earlier what or who gives him the right at this particular time to decide when to go. Does he really think that if he stays he will have the full backing of the fans because if he does he is more deluded than I thought. The clubs in England found him out years ago and he simply does not know how to win in Europe he's record proves that and it's not like he came to us as European cup winner!!! He took a champions league side with the likes of Bergkamp,Henry ,Seaman,Viera,Petit and Suker into the lesser Eufa cup and got beaten by a very poor Galatasary side, now that really does take some doing,so Mr Wenger you can take your arrogant ,ignorant ways and never come back as far as I,m concerned,"Thankyou,but enough is enough".

  78. TonyEvans

    Feb 17, 2017, 19:48 #98371

    I definitely think he will try to ride out the storm and am certainly not building my hopes up that we might finally see the back of the arrogant tyrant. How we fare between now and the end of the season will be critical - any sniff of a chance and Wenger will be signing a new contract. Therefore I am reaching the point where I can gladly accept a complete car crash of a season to keep the pressure on him to quit at boiling point. Short term pain to end this lingering misery of Wenger's death by a thousand cuts.

  79. markymark

    Feb 17, 2017, 19:35 #98370

    Gooner Site Web Editors / Owners, With apologies to a contributor who already suggested this. Isn't the time that yourselves, Le Grove and Arsenal TV, others, got together to put out a joint statement requesting that Wenger confirms he will not renew his contract. It would send a powerful message into the media and BTW a lot of journos are now sympathetic to this.


    Feb 17, 2017, 19:29 #98369

    Just finished a Companies House search & found, to my astonishment, that M. Clouseau is an employee & not the owner. As far as his options are concerned I can confirm from my neck of the woods that Plymouth Argyle are definitely not interested in a Wengo revolution however Truro City have made tentative enquiries. STOP PRESS: Fans from Manchester & Liverpool are planning to hold marches this weekend in support of Wengo staying for as long as he likes - which will add to the support he has today received from Conte. Final note: could someone provide a translation in plain english for any further press conferences as I am buggered if I can understand any of the current stuff which just sounds like gibberish to me - must be my age.

  81. GSPM

    Feb 17, 2017, 19:18 #98368

    To me , Wengers statement today is a "sack me or back me" kind of approach. He goes onto say that he will still be managing somewhere next season . Best thing he can do to prove us all wrong is leave, go to another club and win trophies. ....can you see that pig flying ???

  82. Paulward

    Feb 17, 2017, 18:20 #98366

    Do not like today's turn of events one bit. Sounds to me like Wenger is happy to continue if he can turn the season around and keep the fans onside. So it really comes down to this, unless the team completely falls in a hole between now and May, which doesn't usually happen, only fan unrest can persuade him to go. Getting close to the stage when I want Arsenal to lose.

  83. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 17, 2017, 18:18 #98365

    ArseneKnowsBest; on a Smiths tip, let's not forget that popular crooner Morrissey named his 1992 long player "Your Arsenal". Which featured the ditties You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side and, perhaps to cut to the chase, I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday. We ask, when, exactly.

  84. Cyril

    Feb 17, 2017, 18:16 #98364

    Wenger staying also clears Stan. However, he would then potentially be in the firing line. How much do we really know about whether he has been guarding the money or refusing to spend. Does anybody really know this answer? . Prethaps that should be a write up. I've got splinters on this as I think it's both. What we do know is that Stan loves his lolly!

  85. CT Gooner

    Feb 17, 2017, 18:00 #98363

    Thanks Ed. - based on that, Wenger has been our only manager during the expanded CL format. I shouldn't take away from finishing top 4 each year, it is a measure of consistency, it's the way in which we've been doing it I have a problem with. The mandate has been qualify, not to win, so it's maximize profits, not silverware. Many supporters of other clubs see us as whiners, especially those jealous of CL participation. But I'd say to them what good has it done Arsenal FC??? We have one of the worst American owners, we have left our home of around 100 years for this sole less bowl named for the highest bidder, and have a sorely decided fan base. No it's time for the whole deck to fall I think, those at boardroom level who are against Usmanov need to walk away...

  86. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2017, 17:30 #98361

    Lawro on 5 live commenting on Arsene manager possibly elsewhere next season dropped the Aldi name into the equation. With the Guardian also talking of Wenger in his black suit looking like a bank manager who has just wandered into the wrong work environment, the theory that Wenger is non-football material gathers pace. Wonder if he could get Tesco back up in the top four? Questions questions and all very exciting ... Islington Gazzette running story of Ems looking mightily empty against Hull and puppet for Trump Arsenal saying Fake news and there is no talk with the Russians .... Sutton are Sun sponsored so **** them too!

  87. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 17, 2017, 17:22 #98360

    Kev - Thanks. I see you've moved seamlessly from Morrissey to Marvin. Seems apposite when we're all wondering if what we're hearing on the grapevine about wengo's future is true or not. The rise of the inner city blues is making us think we've got to give it up. I'm certainly becoming a more and more distant lover of this awful regime. Thinking of Marvin, is Wengo's father alive by any chance (only joking)? The abject lack of transparency and decency is another reminder - were it needed - of the utter contempt in which the club holds the fans. I wonder if there's time for C4 to commission a Graham Taylor type touchline warts-n-all documentary of wengo and Bould on Monday night. "Do I not like that" as Sutton score their fourth.

  88. mbg

    Feb 17, 2017, 17:06 #98358

    David1, about to burst mate.

  89. RegW

    Feb 17, 2017, 16:38 #98357

    Someone should tell the arrogant piece of **** that if you stay around long enough you get all kinds of records. He'll also have the most European defeats, the most top division defeats, the most F A Cup defeats, he certainly has the most embarrassing thumpings record. Looking on the bright side at least he's not moving upstairs. If he takes over somewhere else and keeps his "spread out and see you at half time" tactics he'll last 5 minutes

  90. John F

    Feb 17, 2017, 16:37 #98356

    It seems we are not alone in our observations,there is a protest planned in Chile to get Sanchez to leave Arsenal.The organisers said"Chileans are tired of watching one of our stars work alone so that their team can move forward.The truth is we don't give a dam what team he plays for,we just want to see him fight along with ten others to get results,no more alone"! They should be careful what they wish for.

  91. mbg

    Feb 17, 2017, 16:17 #98354

    I (and a lot of others I suspect) would much prefer the old bluffer to piss off now, but would certainly be happy with that scenario also Kev, but what happens after that announcement when everybody gets behind the team, with cheering, screaming support and fortunes change ? we scrape another FA Cup, the prem ? (I know don't laugh)with all this support TOF imagines it for him too and does a bit of mind changing, and it wouldn't take much all that would be needed is some renditions of there's only one arsene wenger (groan) we want you to stay (sick bag)and that would be it, TOF would be running around with his Cheshire cat smile, the announcement would be made, due to the support of the fans he's decided to stay on blah blah, maybe even a three year contract the smile would change to a grin and he'd have an even more power to do what he likes with an even bigger ego, and it would be spun as it's what the fans wanted, yes all the fans, and we'd be back to square one, and we'd have been lied to again, oh how they'd laugh.

  92. Yes its Ron

    Feb 17, 2017, 16:08 #98353

    Cyril - youve got it. I d happily settle for 15th if i could again see a team with character, scrapping and fighting and genuinely going into league and Cup matches with heart courage and desire. They can keep their CL for me. Tedious and boring tournie. A money grubbing closed shop for 4 teams to win it every year. While theyre at it, they keep their World Cup too!

  93. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Feb 17, 2017, 16:02 #98352

    If it's down to the board to decide then that decision will primarily be based on what's financially best for them, not on what's best for the football side of things. That t***** with the syrup is only interested in money, none of his other sporting concerns are set up for on field glory. Let's hope Wenger does the right thing and walks away. I really fear that kroenke and gazidis will do whatever they can to keep him unless he decides to go of his own free will. After all he would have been sacked years ago at any other club

  94. Aylesbury Gooner

    Feb 17, 2017, 15:41 #98351

    He will make a decision on his future in March/April,hoping he meant in this year. What other club lets the manager decide when he goes? We have become a laughing stock. Surely a defeat to Sutton on Monday night would end this madness? Wenger OUT,OUT,OUT

  95. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 17, 2017, 15:37 #98350

    Carrying on with The Smiths theme yesterday: The AW Top Five; I Know It's Over; I Want The One (CL) I Can't Have; Nowhere Fast; Miserable Lie; Accept Yourself. Bubbling under: William (Gallas) It Was Really Nothing; This Night (In Munich) Has Opened My Eyes. Wenger out now

  96. Cyril

    Feb 17, 2017, 15:36 #98349

    Yes Ron. - "I won't be here , I promise when you finish 15th". That's another classic!

  97. mbg

    Feb 17, 2017, 15:12 #98345

    Yes when TOF is in a tight corner and under pressure he (along with the AKB's)likes to come out with these meaningless stats, are they supposed to mean something ? what good has it done ? Sweet fook all that's what, we're no better, no further on than we were ten seasons ago, actually regressed. It does tell us one thing though the wrinkly old embarrassment is under pressure, big pressure and HE and his wengerites know it. We want wenger out.

  98. Deighty

    Feb 17, 2017, 14:50 #98344

    So what descent manager that has a pedigree and would have offers from a multitude of clubs will wait until April for our arrogant manager to make his decision. Planning for next season needs to start now and not April when other clubs will have already got in before us. Total shambles.

  99. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2017, 14:50 #98343

    The answer to the question is that nothing is going on because as usual everything is being left to hapless lost the plot donkeys years ago Wengo.He will decide if he stays or if he goes . Syrupy and the suits want him to stay.They fear a United type scenario where the club falls out of the top 4 and becomes a middle of the table Ropey Cup side. Even though Wengo never wins anything he does perpetuate the illusion, that some still believe ,that we are a top club fighting for top trophies. This is based on Wengo's constant qualification for the Champ's or in our case Chumps league with the lucrative TV cash being the real reason why Syrupy and his suits at AFC are happy with Wengo .Wengo is waiting to see how things transpire in the top 4 trophy race if he thinks he is going to miss out he is a goner of his own accord -if he wins it he stays. Ain't it exciting ! The FA Cup is just a side-show he knows he can't pull that stunt again by claiming that winning it will kick-start a new era. It sure did not do that for Portsmouth and Wigan.Nor for Wengo either.A bit late in the day for all this building for the future malarkey by him.

  100. mbg

    Feb 17, 2017, 14:48 #98342

    Look at the face on him in the photo ? it must be really really pissing him off with all this speculation about his future, and a real blow to his ego, good, but handy for the useless waste of space for diverting attention from his latest embarrassment and humiliation, another one he can add to his collection that he can enjoy watching on his own when he puts us out of our misery. We want wenger out.

  101. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2017, 14:39 #98341

    Without being disrespectful to caretakers everywhere the fuss made of this particular one who has occupied a de luxe model shed at the expense of AFC for twenty ****ing years is bordering on the numbingly ****ing awful! Give him his ****ing timepiece and tell him to shag off back to surburbia .... and take the angry Ox (sic) with him. Anyone know how Umber is doing at this new owners?

  102. John F

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:56 #98337

    My interpretation was he feels he is doing a good job and if he doesn't get the backing he thinks he deserves then he would accept one of the many offers from other clubs and Arsenal would regret letting him go because in his mind he is still a top manager.I think it is still in the balance whether he goes or not and it just shows how unhealthy it is to have a manager who has so much control at the club and should never be allowed to happen again.He still brings up all the other offers he has had forgetting of course that he would never have the same power or such a long tenure as he has had at Arsenal.If he had taken the Real Madrid job he was supposedly offered I am fairly sure he wouldn't be their manager now.

  103. Yes its Ron

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:46 #98336

    Hi Cyril - its just arrogance mate. Hes often down the years chose to be selective about his interpretation of Arsenals past before he arrived and done it in a quite demeaning manner. I d love to know what GG REALLY thinks about the Club now and Arsenes tenure with us, really would like the no holds barred view that he has. I think it wouldnt make for safe AKB reading! AW is so very much culturally hidebound by his Alsace/ French roots ( many German traits imbued in them vis the regions history, coupled with even more French ones) and it affects the whole of his attitudes to everything. In England we find the whole snakey sinister-ism of those attitudes distasteful, but in fairness to him , Wenger cant help it.

  104. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:43 #98335

    That stuff about playing in Europe more than in pre-Wenger AFC history shows Wenger up for the type of man he is. He's only had so many games in Europe due to the change in format shortly before he took over. He knows what he's doing here and is prepared to stomp over the history of the club to big himself up, knowing there are so many muppets out there that won't look beyond his words. Just a slimy politician really.

  105. MAF

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:35 #98334

    The Club + owners are meant to be in control. not the Manager. I see more pro-active style from Swansea owners than I do from Arsenals. as per Toby in the Guardian yesterday, is anyone at Arsenal actually qualified to find the new Manager ?? there is no David Dein anymore. The owner is passive and distant. compared to Roman A who goes to every home match and some away. The issue with this Club is no longer just Wenger, the Club itself has lost the plot and is leaderless

  106. Yes its Ron

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:31 #98333

    For what its worth given there was little to extract from Arsenes comments today, i think the telling bit was that he will 'manage next Season somewhere' etc etc. Doesn't that have to imply hes got offers that are waiting and conditional on his decision? He maybe has until May to inform any chosen Club that he ll join them. I think hes going to leave but rightly or wrongly thinks that big decisions made public now will upset the applecart. I cant see why they might think that, as i think to give certainty now would be better, but we dont know what goes on behind the scenes at all. I deduce that by keeping it vague right now, he ll avoid the Fergie effect of 2002 when he had to change his mind about retirement and looked daft when he did. AW wants to keep his options open and the Club are clearly letting him do that, while probably being open with him that theyre looking elsewhere which AW has to accept in return. The Ckub are quite happy with the poor results. Thew cash is in from the usual visit to the CL. The annual thrashing is out of the way. They ll get 4th at least. Sutton will be hammered. Its all set up for AW to stay if he wants, subject to what the atmospheres like vis fans and the Club come mid April time.

  107. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:31 #98332

    Cyril; none of us have ever worked a day in football so what do we know.

  108. Alsace

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:30 #98331

    Kev. Your excellent editorial is essentially about termination of employment. I and I suspect you would hand him his disciplinary proceedings letter returnable next week on Friday with a DVD of several thrashings as the only evidence against him necessary. One would at least then have the pleasure of actually dismissing him on capability grounds, giving him his notice money by cheque and telling him to get lost. The more civilised alternative is a compromise agreement in the same terms and it is to be hoped that that is what is being thrashed out between Wenger's lawyers and the club. Had Dennis Hill Wood still been alive, he would have sacked the clown 10-12 years ago. Ken Friar is the only Arsenal supporter left in the boardroom. What a shame he doesn't have the power to do what is needed. No one in the sane universe thinks that Wenger should stay a moment longer and if he had a scintilla of human decency or honour he would resign. He hasn't and he won't. Alan Smith has called for his head and so in effect has Wrighty. Please let our other old players come out in the press and ask for it too. Well done Henry Winter in the Times also.

  109. Cyril

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:07 #98329

    Very clever accounting from him. GG could not take us into the EC IN 1989 and so we won in 1991 and got 4 games out of it. Gutted that night against Benfica, should have wrapped it up in normal time. Anyway, collectively Wenger gets 12 games in this period and potentially 4 more when qualified. This, to the 4 GG had. Never mind the new format. That distortion can't be good. It's revisionist and disrespectful.

  110. gooner.ed

    Feb 17, 2017, 13:06 #98328

    CT Gooner - The European Cup was rebranded as the Champions League in 1992. The season before (I believe) was the first time they had a group stage (for last 8 teams). Runners up from the top countries were only allowed to compete from 1997-98 onwards. So it really depends how you define the start of the modern format of the Champions League. Arsenal won the title 3 times between 1971 and 1991 - but could only take part in the European Cup twice (due to Heysel ban on English teams). AW has won title three times in his 21 seasons at the club - assuming he doesn't win it this season that is.

  111. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2017, 12:52 #98327

    He has certainly wasted Arsenal's time over the last decade or so and I am totally unconvinced with this BS that football is his life snorefest. 8.3 m is his life and to earn that without actually achieving much is what sticks with me. Whenever he mentions the old line my club I feel sick. He is the worst thing that has ever happened to Arsenal along with the badge, bad statues, **** food outlet and apparently now the Ox apparently having a dig at other players which Wenger will love and he may give the Ox extra game time if he really wants some. As you say Rioch was doing fine and may have done better than Wenger but certainly indulging this oppprtunist for twenty ****ing years is a nightmare without comparison. Bored with Boring ****ing Arsenal.

  112. CT Gooner

    Feb 17, 2017, 12:39 #98325

    I just want to clarify one point, which Kev also eluded to, Wenger has the record for number of Champions League appearances. This is very different from European Cup appearances. I'm old enough to know only champions got into the EC, not all the pretenders that get into the CL. The CL is more like the old EC at the knockout stages, and we all know how well that's been working out for us. Additionally, have we even had a different manager in the CL era??

  113. gooner.ed

    Feb 17, 2017, 12:25 #98324

    The Man From UNCLE - The Leipzig Red Bulls manager went public about Arsenal sounding him out earlier this season. Other candidates will be more discreet. It is my belief that after last season's failure to beat Leicester to the title, the decision was made that this is Wenger's final season. Time will tell.

  114. RegW

    Feb 17, 2017, 12:04 #98323

    Exeter - Clouseau has never and never will acknowledge his failures. Instead he trumpets that he's managed more European cup games than anyone else. Of course he has thanks to the ludicrous format of the competition. If he'd concentrate on his piss poor record in the knock out stages he'd realise why we are the plum draw for sides in the last 16 but that would take some form of reality. Complete and utter tosser

  115. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 17, 2017, 12:03 #98322

    Kev, you say the club have been actively sounding out prospective candidates - any more information on the sources for that? Whatever happens, please don't let him be interfering in team affairs from the boardroom.

  116. David1

    Feb 17, 2017, 11:53 #98320

    So what remains for the rest of the season? Arsenal scrape through the last 13 games and finish 4th; or they go on an 8-10 game winning run and cruise to 2nd; or they look awful for a few games but somehow get 4th on the final day of the season; or they maintain current form - steady, with odd moments of brilliant football, and finish fourth/third. There are many scenarios in which Arsenal finish fourth or better this season, but the least likely scenario is Arsenal finishing outside the top 4. Therefore, once the dust has settled on the Munich disaster, in all probability, Arsene will achieve all that he, and the board, require of him to stay on for another two years. 'Didn't win it again this year, Arsene?', followed by a playful tut and a ruffle of his hair, 'Don't worry; you can have a go next year. Now here's £8 mil'; go and buy yourself a lolly.' I dread to think how that pulsing vein in MBGs temple will respond.

  117. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 17, 2017, 11:50 #98319

    My heart ran cold when I read the BBC headline this morning, was a relief to realise that didn't mean he was definitely staying on, but what a fudge. Wenger's arrogance is boundless. You'd think he could at least acknowledge there's been a repetitive nature to the failures, but no. So this messy uncertainty is how it's going to be the rest of the season. Personally hoping for defeat upon defeat now to make his position untenable.

  118. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Feb 17, 2017, 11:50 #98318

    Glad Kev is on top of what is going on with the press because their influence in the coming weeks will shape how this all ends up. However for me the feeling that the yearly Munich debacle was some kind of a watershed is wrong. Monday's game with Sutton could well be the real watershed, the club is in no fit state to prepare for this game properly and with the whole football world watching there will be no place to hid - it could all end next week.

  119. GSPM

    Feb 17, 2017, 11:31 #98317

    Wenger/Regime have one last chance to create some calm & normality in the situation by announcing his/their intentions, instead they are dilly dallying on this fundamental issue once again. Are they waiting for us to turn around a 5-1, win the FA cup, or the PL before they make a decision. It really is a shambles, what hope do we have of them getting it right for the future good of Arsenal Football Club ??

  120. GTG

    Feb 17, 2017, 11:22 #98316

    Spot on Reg. Does anyone really believe there is anything going on "behind the scenes" at the club. The main man at this club wants Wenger to stay and will still want him to stay even if we miss out on top 4 this year which I think we will.

  121. Gloster Gooner

    Feb 17, 2017, 11:16 #98315

    In 2012 Arsenal got torn apart 4 -0 in the San Siro by a declining AC Milan team in the first leg of the last 16 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/16940618; A humiliating defeat that was hard to stomach due to the pathetic mental and physical ineptitude of the players and a lack of tactical awareness from Wenger who himself described the defeat as 'a disaster. Anyone who has watched European football knockout competitions knows that loosing the first leg badly is a tactical sin. What has changed since? Answer - Nothing, like the management structure and the team but apparently according to our board we have never had it so good!!! (so I must have been dreaming back in the George Graham and early Wenger eras)

  122. Highbury Boy

    Feb 17, 2017, 11:09 #98314

    It is clear that Arsene cares about Arsene. No one else.He doesn't know what else he would do after managing so he wants to carry on managing,preferably at Arsenal where he can do exactly what he likes at £8m pa plus bonuses. The rest is just b***s***t.

  123. RegW

    Feb 17, 2017, 10:51 #98313

    I'm afraid Clouseau is going to hang on like the tinpot dictator he is. It's going to get very ugly over the next few months. All avoidable but he hasn't had the best interests of the club at heart for many years so I have no sympathy left