Gooners can unite once more under a new manager

The last two seasons haven’t been easy

Gooners can unite once more under a new manager

Bergkamp - Good memories are a useful fallback in recent times

This is my first blog since taking a Trappist vow of silence on the affairs at Arsenal Football Club oh so many months ago. I decided that if I couldn't write positively about the club it was better to write nothing at all. So now I want to ask the question of how do you as a Gooner deal with the constant negativity that pervades the Gunnersphere? I got sick of writing negative blogs, I got bored with recounting humiliations and predicting doom and gloom. I got angry seeing the lack of passion from three quarters of the team on the field, when what we needed were 10 clones of Alexis Sanchez. Even my twitter feed on Arsenal and the state of the club reminded me of an alcoholic still not able to give up that last drink with #Wengerout trending on my hashtags.

Let's face it, life goes on and to coin a phrase, we have no divine right to win the Premier League. Yet despite all the years in the Champions League without the trophy success, I still have memories. The 5-1 win against Inter Milan and the beating of Real Madrid at the Bernabeu. I remember being in Paris in 2006 as we faced the mighty Barcelona. With only 10 men and Titi Henry missing a chance that I would have bet my mortgage on, not to come away with that honour hurts. I dreamed of our being the first club in London to lift the trophy. Before the advent of Abromovich's billions, I recall when we used to beat Chelsea for fun. Recall the Jose Antonio Reyes FA Cup screamer at Highbury in 2004 and Kanu's stoppage time wonder goal at Stamford Bridge in 1999? Absolute quality.

Henry's classics include of course "that" goal against the scum at Highbury followed by the iconic knee slide immortalised by his statue. His goal against Man Utd in the closing seconds of the first game at the Emirates was very special, a rare Henry header, but the adrenaline of that goal sent me home deliriously happy. Dennis Bergkamp's classics also cause hairs to stand on end on my neck. His goals against Leicester and Newcastle rank among his very best of sublime touches and incredible finishing. Dennis had the ability to slow down real time and score for fun. Being an Arsenal fan is a privilege but you have to be able to endure a rollercoaster of emotions.

I realise that I have been lucky enough to be present at many glorious times with my fellow Gooners for instance at the Gate Pub in Cardiff where we almost booked annual attendance passes, the drinking and fun at the Rocket and in various pubs around Highbury singing with the Away boys. There have been miserable times too, perhaps the semi-final of the Champions League when within 10 minutes Man Utd destroyed our hopes of another final ranks amongst the most painful ones. So I cope by rewinding the many happy memories that George Graham, Bruce Rioch and Arsène Wenger have given me. The problem now is those memories are fading, and if it wasn't for Youtube, I might not be able to relive many of those moments.

I cannot put into words how I have coped over these last two seasons with dark thoughts, going from wishing failure on the team that I love, to hoping that Stan Kroenke would walk away. I am able to cope again now as I see that many Gooners can see what I saw so long ago. The lack of tactics, the inconsistency, the failure to win back to back League titles. The humiliation on and off the field. I cope now as hope springs eternal that finally the curtain is about to come down on Arsène's twenty year reign. The games against Liverpool, Man City, the scum and Bayern Munich should seal his fate. Gooner 'til I die, and that is why I have to believe that whatever comes next, at least it will be a fresh start, with Gooners being able to unite once more and move on.


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  1. Yes its Ron

    Feb 23, 2017, 10:48 #98601

    Im happy with the memories too. The days when Arsenal were a footie Club. Biggest downers in AWs time for me? FAC Final 2001 and FAC Semi at Villa Park v Utd 1999. Far, far worse than the many thrashings since that i also attended. By then, i was almost immune to Wenger and the teams propensity to disappoint and collapse.

  2. TonyEvans

    Feb 23, 2017, 10:10 #98598

    Man from Uncle - pretty much the same as you. Haven't been a regular for years as I got so disillusioned with how things were regressing under Wenger. Also, as you say, a great many of the new breed of football fans seem to be more interested in selfies than what's actually happening on the pitch and that doesn't go down well with me either.

  3. Bard

    Feb 23, 2017, 9:26 #98597

    Love the latest missive from the great one as he manipulates the club in time honoured fashion. He is not going to take the riches on offer in China because he might want to manage one of Europes top clubs. He must have been breaking bread with dear old Keown. Which club might that be one wonders Zenit St Petersberg. Who the hell will want to employ someone who has won diddly squat in over a decade the delusion is remarkable. But of course its all a calculated ruse to panic Arsenal into holding onto him.

  4. GSPM

    Feb 23, 2017, 9:23 #98596

    Leeky: you have ever right to express your pro Wenger views , the point is you never do . Most of us Wenger out brigade don't hate the bloke as a human being, it's how he has managed our team. He spins stories, he never takes the blame, we are never mentally prepared, 2nd best is acceptable , poor tactics & team selection, surely the fans have every right to expect better . If you are happy with how things have panned out over the last 10yrs, please post your argument without any insults as maybe the WOB are missing something . Over to you ....

  5. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 23, 2017, 8:53 #98595

    Leek - if you were capable of 'discussing' opinions you'd have shown it on here by now. Why don't you post up a cogent, evidence-based pro-Wenger argument? If you can manage it, that'll prove you're worthy of debating with and when I'm in North London next month I'll happily meet up with you to discuss further. Over to you...

  6. markymark

    Feb 23, 2017, 7:50 #98594

    Squeak - sadly I have re-read your latest post, it didn't get any better. What's all this I've got your number son, I'll have yer ears son, pish. This coming from the down trodden lick spittle, Mr Wengie lick, Mr Wengie slurp, comments you normally post. Now who's gong to win the title 2018-2019? is it going to be Wengie? Lick slurp.

  7. markymark

    Feb 23, 2017, 6:36 #98593

    Squeak - this new I'm there every game and I'm ready for it!!! Are you and BBA by any chance related? It would have more substance if 1: will you finally answer who you think will win the title. 2: I don't actually belief you attend it's basically can't be proved 3: You disappear when we lose 4: You're Squeak and nobody takes you seriously 5: No ones going to meet you because most on here will go again when Wengo's gone (next year we hope) that's when you start supporting PSG

  8. Pete on the beach

    Feb 22, 2017, 22:47 #98592

    Those who want change there is a protest being organised over on the forum for this very parish, outside the ground before the Bayern game , so a chance to at least put pressure on Wenger not signing any new contract if it has been offered Check out the thread on the forum, and hopefully as many as possible will take part

  9. Leek fc

    Feb 22, 2017, 22:26 #98591

    Thanks for all the comments fellas. It's clear that I have one over most of you lot. Firstly, I support Arsenal FC and do not wish for them to get beat EVER..... So that is half of you lot out of the equation. Lastly, as I have stated on many occasions previously. I'll meet up any home game to discuss your opinions. And that is the other half out. Bonzo, you don't have to explain yourself. I've got your number son. Full of hot air like most on here.

  10. markymark

    Feb 22, 2017, 19:29 #98587

    Squeak - so glad you mention me when I'm having logging in issues. As an aside and really a reprise of a conversation I had with Rev Brian before his descent into darkness, was that I spent some time living in Rotherhithe hanging around dingy boozers. On one occasion I was in a local with a drinking pal and got introduced to a chap. Seemed decent but I could tell immediately. Anyway we chatted football he mentioned he got taken to Arsenal as a kid if Millwall were away ( very common in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe). The locals tend to be ok with Arsenal, it's Spurs they hate. So everyone knew I was Arsenal and there were season ticket holders amongst the boozers. After he'd gone my pal can't stop giggling and tells me who I'd met. So basically we have choices in life. Mine is a mediocre corporate life supporting wife kid and following company and FCA guidelines. The man I met down the pub had beaten people with hammers, left calling cards on their unconscious bodies and was part of a guns for hire mob who were notorious in those parts. So we choose our paths. Now Mr Leek 1:) will you finally tell us who you think will win the title. 2:) will you go to the Emirates and protest when Wenger goes or even do it now. Wengie, Wengie, Wengie 10 more years. Anyway I've got to go now as I'll join the protest on the forum group.

  11. mbg

    Feb 22, 2017, 19:04 #98586

    ArseneKnewBest, good post and question, I doubt that very much, no I don't believe gooners (AKB's WOB's) can and will unite, the AKB's will certainly not be giving the new man eleven years to get it right we can be dammed sure of that, no mate they'll be the first ones making noises when mistakes are made, the exact same mistakes their messiah is making now, the first to call for his head after a year or two of no progress even though it's going to take the new man those couple of years to clean up their messiah's mess and put things right, they'll be the first ones booing and singing you don't know what your doing at the first embarrassment, they'll be the first to organise protests, and be the ones screaming and shouting the loudest at them, even though they were urging and telling the WOB's to get behind the manager when it was their messiah doing the same, and accusing fellow gooners of not being proper supporters if and when the didn't, and then tell them to f**k off down the lane or go and support the chavs. The best thing that could happen is that they all f**k off with their messiah to where ever he goes and continue their support for him there, and leave the rest of the true Arsenal fans to help get the club it's status and respect etc, etc, back. wenger out.

  12. jjetplane

    Feb 22, 2017, 18:55 #98585

    Love the twitter highlights of Wally they have gone viral with him being outfought, outplayed by the Sutton lads. Only taken him 10 years to get 100 goals. Candidate for Arsenal's worst ever player! Ozil has gone back to Germany because his back hurts! Aaaaaaah 4 assists this season - world class! lol!

  13. Up For Grabs Now

    Feb 22, 2017, 18:02 #98584

    Rocky, like you I want to believe we are finally seeing the end game of Wenger's tortuous last decade, but unfortunately I don't agree with you. I believe he will somehow once more get top 4, with even if lucky, a cup final appearance, which will be enough for our spineless board to get him signed up on a further contract. If those whom still attend somehow finally find their collective voices demanding his exit, then things that both of us want to transpire might happen. Unfortunately I have witnessed too many false dawns, when I thought that Wenger was history, which did not play out as I had hoped, as the calls for his dismissal never materialized, in fact the opposite happened, and I see no difference this time around. It wouldn't surprise me now if 'There's only one Arsene Wenger' was sung rather than calling for him to go do one. I desperately hope I am wrong, but I fear the curse of Wenger for us old timers will continue, probably until Wenger's ego is satisfied. This would involve beating Fergie's longevity record for managing a top flight club in the modern era.

  14. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 22, 2017, 15:59 #98583

    Leek - as has been stated over and over, many here protest by not putting any money into the club until Wenger goes. If enough did that, he'd be gone faster than you can say 'mental strength'. And as I've already pointed out, there is a protest being organised - click on the Forum tab above, then On The Terraces and you'll see it. When Wenger finally does go, one of the best things is people like you who support him and not the club will also disappear forever. Now shut up, you boring one trick pony.

  15. GSPM

    Feb 22, 2017, 15:42 #98582

    Arseneknew: leeky doesn't do direct questions . He only posts when Arsenal win & then only to slate any anti Wenger thoughts, the guy is as power puff as they come without ever posting a valid reason Wenger should stay .......leeky & Wenger out .....where is the Emirates again Leeky ??

  16. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 22, 2017, 14:51 #98580

    A direct question to Leekie-man (as the sole remaining AKB on here - even Gooner Ron seems to have almost imperceptibly shifted onto the fence these days). As Rocky suggests in his article "Gooners can unite once more under a new manager". What do you reckon Leekie? - think we'll all be back on the same page after the inevitable happens and wengo leaves? I'd like to think so but I'm sceptical given your unwavering devotion to OGL. Go on give it some thought and let us know what you think. I'm curious.

  17. mbg

    Feb 22, 2017, 14:50 #98579

    ArsenalMagna, as probably one of TOF's biggest critics on here i can assure you i have no respect for him whatsoever, that's completely gone now, and has for quite a while never to return even regardless of what were to happen between now and the end of his tenure. I have said on here on numerous occasions that the only way is protest inside the ground (and still believe that) these other protest marches outside then dispersing (unless then carried on inside)a waste of time, yes there's nothing the old farts hate as much (especially wenger) as dissent and protest inside the ground and sustained especially if it's aimed at them too, we want wenger out, we want Kroenke out, we want Gazidis out, sack the board, like i said sustained, really bad for business that, for sponsors, reputations and egos, as it's broadcast around the world, if kept up they'd start covering their own arses and egos and reputations and something would definitely have to give to keep the natives happy and shut them up, and we all know who the scape goat always is, only on this occasion would be thoroughly deserved. So i'll say it again no matter how well meant all the other protests are, protests inside the ground are the only way, if it had been done ages ago TOF would have been long gone by now. we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  18. jeff wright

    Feb 22, 2017, 14:38 #98578

    Whoops! TonyI just reread Robert's comments so have to agree with you! Wengo would agree with the claims made though though even if made in jest.

  19. TonyEvans

    Feb 22, 2017, 14:22 #98576

    Jeff - I think Robert's comment has gone straight over your head!

  20. jeff wright

    Feb 22, 2017, 13:49 #98575

    Robert Exley,no one is suggesting that we should be winning the league or European Cup every season .You have obviously been listening to Weger because he trotted that line out after the league title challenge never transpired and he went out of Europe yet again in very embarrassing fashion at the first fence. Previous managers though have won in Europe and avoided the embarrassing record busting defeats in the league and in Europe that Wenger with his weak tippy tappy players have suffered.So what is your take on why when everything was in place for Wengo to win the league last season with just 10 games to play ,he even said that he would win it himself remember but despite that the clown ended up 10 points behind Leicester in a remote second spot . A place admittedly that he once said that he would be happy to finish in for the next 20 years. Its the 'happy' bit that most normal supporters have an issue with. A bit more ambition would not go amiss instead Wenger has created a comfort zone that he survives in .If you are happy with that scenario then obviously you must live a very boring life. Most of us find Wenger rather yawn inducing.

  21. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 22, 2017, 13:40 #98574

    TonyEvans; pretty much spot on. I haven't been for years - firstly due to being priced out then lately out of personal choice. Our stadium for many years now has been filled with plastics who think standing on the concourse having a selfie is as important as the game. All part of the rebranding of football as "entertainment", don't worry too much about the result, hey, it's just a game, lets go and have some grotesquely overpriced meal on the way home too and put on Facebook what a great day out we had. To be fair to the club it isn't even them at fault but football in general. The other night I watched Wigan on Sky (don't ask!) and saw a few people in the crowd glued to their Iphones whilst the match was in progress! What was the point of going.

  22. GSPM

    Feb 22, 2017, 13:40 #98573

    The home game v Bayern gives the WOB a massive opportunity to send a message to the board that us enough is enough , by voting with their feet and not turn up. If only 20/30000 turned up it would send a v strong message, I know the players may suffer but something has too give if we want change. It sure it will happen but that's the only thing our board will understand .

  23. mbg

    Feb 22, 2017, 13:33 #98572

    How you can write anything positive about this club with this old past it fraud in charge only you know Rocky, i suppose memories, distant memories of proper players comes in handy. The last two seasons haven't been easy ? it's been a hell of a lot more than that, it's just that the whole thing is coming to a head now and not before time. But there will be plenty of positives to write about again and Glorious times also because they'll all return once we're rid of the biggest negative we've ever had at the club. wenger out now.

  24. Robert Exley

    Feb 22, 2017, 13:07 #98570

    I don't know why Arsenal fans think they've got a divine right to make a credible title challenge once a decade or finish above fourth in the table. It's not like we're one of the top three most successful sides in the country or the most supported and historically successful side in the most populated and richest part of the country. Anyone would have thought we'd won a title in seven of the last eight decades! oh wait....

  25. TonyEvans

    Feb 22, 2017, 12:43 #98568

    ArsenalMagna - Unfortunately Wenger gets off Scot free from our apathetic match day fans and pathetic non footballing board. A lot of the keyboard warriors on this site (me included) have stopped attending, given up season tickets and turned our backs on 40 or 50 years of support because we can't stomach the lightweight, pansified nature of Wenger's post 2008 teams. Not much we can do from our armchairs in the way of direct action - we have already done what we can by stopping attending - if only more would join the boycott that would help. We are seemingly stuck in this never ending cycle of repeated failures and mistakes, and Wenger gets away with it because our so called 'fans' that still attend either don't have it in them to protest, or are obviously happy with what they are seeing - God knows how. The board are more than happy to keep counting their money, with no interest, it would seem, in sacking Wenger and seeing Arsenal properly compete, as was promised to us when we lost our beloved Highbury.

  26. RobG

    Feb 22, 2017, 12:32 #98567

    I still think this contract offer is real and he is arrogant and delusional enough to sign it. And he will repeat the trick in two years time. Mugabe' s wife said he would run for the Presidency as a corpse if and when the time came. Substitute our 'Board' for the wife and Wenger for Mugabe, in that comment and you are looking in the Arsenal mirror.

  27. jjetplane

    Feb 22, 2017, 12:29 #98566

    Good post though not sure how the AKBs will react if their Lord and Master went. Good laugh if anything watching Untold redesign their site or perhaps carrying on with an 'Arsene til I die' cult religion whilst burning effigies of the Simeones of the world. Like your timegraph and I gave up completely more than 6 years ago though after the 'invincible' thing I felt this was it for that group and it has been downhill ever since. Watching Man City highlights against Monaco (who are much better than Arsenal!) and seeing Pep getting his players fighting tooth and nail is a joy missing from Arsenal for 12 years! or more. Funny too to hear the 'careful what you wish for' apostles spouting on about the very negative Simeone who goes away in the last 16 of the CL and scores four ****ing goals! CL looking lively now just as Arsenal are about to exit. Business as usual.

  28. Leek fc

    Feb 22, 2017, 12:22 #98565

    Arsenal magna. It's clear and simple. No one on here or other anti sites want to get there arses whooped again. Time for change was a disaster. Some folk on here do not even know where the emirates is. Some do not attend and some just aren't gooners. Prime opportunity would be a demo versus Bayern. It's all excuse, excuses, excuses. "I'm scared I might lose my job" says Bonzo Mark. That's why he supports Arsenal and not millwall. Put up or sit down shut up.

  29. Cyril

    Feb 22, 2017, 12:17 #98564

    RTK nice to read your stuff again. It's great that Kevin allows us all a go at articles. Keep it coming. Absolutely correct, it is a privilege to be an Arsenal man. What we all MUST remember is the way to apply the Wenger years in the correct order. It is this: Arsenal has given Wenger a job for twenty years, a healthy salary and an opportunity to lead one of the greatest sporting institutions in the world. WOW, WHAT AN EMPLOYER. Wenger has given Arsenal twenty of his time and has provided success, albeit in the past. It is in this order because after Wenger, Arsenal continues. We all know that the club will thank him for all his efforts and I would expect Wenger to respond likewise and realise how lucky a person he is to have been given the chance to manage THE ARSENAL.

  30. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 22, 2017, 12:12 #98563

    ArsenalMagna, check out the Forum on this site if you want to join a protest.

  31. MAF

    Feb 22, 2017, 12:11 #98562

    Arsene Wenger's failed for 13yrs & keeps his job. Wayne Shaw ate a pie & got instantly sacked.. Character ?? see Man City, see Athletico, see Paris SG

  32. ArsenalMagna

    Feb 22, 2017, 11:58 #98560

    I have wanted Wenger out since 2011 as have several others here. I enjoyed the FA Cup wins but decided last season to suspend my support until he leaves, because I finally accepted nothing will ever change all the while he's at the helm. In all honesty, even if he stayed for years I wouldn't mind such is my focus on other things now... The Premier League has been very weak the last 5-6 years as you can see by the Champions League performances of the 'top' English clubs, Leicester finishing top didn't surprise me. The United comparison is bogus, the team AF left Moyes was terrible - hence why they spent £450m on players in 3 years since then! Anyway, as I said the other day though no one picked up on it, the best way to oppose Wenger would be to get a petition started or organise a protest - bad press the club couldn't ignore. The thing is, even the most adamant critics on here rarely talk about what ACTION to take, and since even they seem to respect Wenger too much to openly dissent, it will be the board/Wenger himself who has the final call on when he leaves.

  33. bradyorbergkamp

    Feb 22, 2017, 11:52 #98559

    Chelski sell more shirts in london now.time for stan to make choices.sell now pocket the profit as club maxed out now.invest heavely in marquee players to win CL and EPL and increase value of club.the club is doing the one thing a "firm" cannot do-it is stagnating.stan as a money man should know this.i fear if AW is given a new deal and we have a poor start or bad november that things could get real ugly very quickly.surely stan et all will be aware of this also.

  34. jeff wright

    Feb 22, 2017, 11:45 #98558

    Leicester showed last season, due in part to 3 of the usual top 4 imploding for various reasons, that a manager and players can seize the chance even if at a financial disadvantage with those clubs to prevail over them. What was Wenger's excuse for finishing 2nd 10 points behind Leicester who were not financially doped as Wengo claims some clubs are. The fact is that Wenger was exposed as being a lightweight again tactically a poor judge of players a manager who indulges only those who praise him and who get well rewarded for doing so. This Wengo malarkey is not a winning one , a winning mentality is not required for a manager who is happy to finish second for 20 years and only wants players in his side who think likewise. Our wage bill is similar to Chelsea's we finished well ahead of them last season in the Prem but a change of manager has seen the same Chelsea players turn that around since then. The difference is that the Chelsea players have won top trophies and just needed to be got back on track.Our Fast track bullies have never won any league titles or Euro Cups .Wally, who apparently according to legend has great goal scoring stats with us ,has never won anything .Stats can be misleading according to Robbie Keane's ones with the Republic of Ireland international team he was world class .Wally's are of the same ilk just meaningless stats. What we need is a new manager new impetus to try and compete properly for trophies and not stats and lectures on how classy the club is and how we do things the right way. That is just more excuse making to justify Wengo staying on when he needs to go. That's putting it politely using Wengo's own approach fu*ck off would be more appropriate.

  35. Graham71

    Feb 22, 2017, 10:49 #98556

    The AKB's and the media keep saying "Be careful what you wish for" and sighting Man United after Fergie.I prefer to look at Chelsea after Mourinho twice.Here was a club who twice sacked their greatest ever manager yet did it stop the trophies rolling in at Stamford Bridge? Of course not another title is on its way to the Bridge the fifth since we last won it and they have a revolving door policy with managers.Abramovich is at the Bridge for every home game while our owner is back in Denver have new wigs fitted.Whether we like it or not Chelsea are now Londons top team only an AKB with his head buried in the sand would deny that.Who would have believed that 20 years ago?.But they have an owner who has no respect for reputation.If you fail you are sacked. At Arsenal its carry on failing and get another £8m contract.Wenger would have been sacked within 5 mins of 8-2 by Roman

  36. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 22, 2017, 10:37 #98555

    Bard - it'll take a manager whose own ambitions and expectations are higher than the board's. Wenger's expenditure is significant, enough to be competitive. The reason he isn't is he isn't good enough.

  37. Bard

    Feb 22, 2017, 10:15 #98554

    Rocky I think the problem at Arsenal is much deeper than just Wenger. Even if and when he goes the model and expectations will remain the same. The next manager will have the same lowish expectations. There will be no expectation of competing seriously and no significant expenditure. Nothing much will change unless Stan sells to a more ambitious owner and while Arsenal remain a solid earner he won't sell. The only way out as I see it is some kind of Liverpool like rebellion of the type that got rid of Hicks and co.

  38. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 22, 2017, 10:01 #98553

    GSPM: On that point, perhaps "September" by EW&F might be used also for CL (LMFAO assuming we qualify of course) with the immortal opening line "do you remember, the 21st night of September" which is usually round about the time of the first European spanking of the season. Great band EW&F were too.

  39. GSPM

    Feb 22, 2017, 9:38 #98551

    Good article rocky , sums up the feeling of a vast majority of Gooners. We are in for another groundhog season, with a massive game in fa semi ( If we beat Lincoln, not a given) that will once again define our season . My feeling is unless we have a massive meltdown and don't make top4 he will get another 2yrs while kroenke & Ivan are in charge, so the pain will continue for a while yet .......Any chance we can have "after the love has gone " by earth , wind & fire played when teams come out at the Emirates. It seems rather appropriate .

  40. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 22, 2017, 9:32 #98550

    Rocky: many of us on here have gone a lot more than the last two seasons with dark thoughts. Mine started after being beaten 0-1 by Fulham on 23 August 2008 - two games into a new season and obvious that there was trouble ahead.

  41. TonyEvans

    Feb 22, 2017, 9:28 #98549

    So many like you that are going through exactly the same feelings, with me obviously included. I have wanted Wenger out for years and I hope so much that this will his last season, but I still have grave doubts. What other club would allow their manager to choose when he wanted to leave - the board are as bad as Wenger but he remains the biggest cancer of the lot, and the day he goes I will party like it's 26/05/89!

  42. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Feb 22, 2017, 9:09 #98548

    Nice post Rocky, I and thousands of other Gooners share your pain! What keeps me clinging on to hope is this- with the right manager and someone on that board to push the football side of things along properly then we could really take off and become the superclub that we were promised we would evolve into after moving stadiums. Granted that isn't going to happen today, tomorrow or anytime soon under this regime. But let's not forget we are a massive club, maybe the 2nd biggest in England and way way bigger than chelski and the spuds. What it needs is for the club to stop being run as a money grabbing monster, where the main/only priority is revenue making and to start making on pitch success an equal priority. And that is the biggest frustration of all really- we could have everything but this regime is so short sighted that they only look at the short term profit, not realising a dynasty of success on the pitch would create a fortune for them in itself. I just hope we don't have to wait too long for change and endure this purgatory, where 4th place is the limit of our ambition, for too much longer.