Is Pogba going to tip Arsenal over the edge?

New level wage demands put club in a difficult position

Is Pogba going to tip Arsenal over the edge?

Pogba is on close to £300k per week

As this year’s title campaign fizzles out in dreary and predictable fashion with serious questions being asked about the manager’ s position, the really interesting contest is going on off the field. The outcome of the Sanchez and Ozil contract negotiations will determine the future direction of Arsenal football club, whether Wenger stays or goes and what’s more it’s all Paul Pogba’s fault. It wasn’t that long ago that dear old Ivan was waxing lyrical about Arsenal’s newly found financial clout after years of paying off debt. We are, he announced ‘just off the shoulder’ of the big clubs. And on he went, ‘we can now afford to buy any of the top players we want’. This was supposed signal a new era for Arsenal. No longer hampered by massive stadium debt we were now going to go head to head with the big boys. It hasn’t quite worked out but that’s another story.

I have written before that the De Bruyne and Sterling transfers to Man City were game changers. Both players were talented but hardly world class, they commanded massive transfer fees and equally massive wages. Their transfers changed the landscape. Along came Man Utd and effectively blew most of the other clubs out of the water by paying £86m for Pogba, plus jaw dropping wages of £290,000 per week. All this for a player who looks a very good prospect but what they were paying for essentially was potential. He is good, only 23 but he isn’t Messi.

This is where it gets interesting if you are an Arsenal fan. Our two top players Sanchez and Ozil have won plenty of trophies between them and by many people’s standards could arguably be classified as world class. However they are on pauper’s wages in the grand scheme of things, a piddling £140,000 per week and unfortunately for Arsenal their contracts are running down. I am sure Wenger must be fully aware that the situation is potentially catastrophic for the club. It led him recently to deliver a ridiculous sermon about ‘other factors’ being equally or more important than money when signing a contract. He has recently chipped in with another diatribe against Chinese money. What he knows but couldn’t say was that the desire for financial parity is an issue of player respect and has everything to do with money. I don’t suspect that either Ozil or Sanchez need the money but they sure as hell aren’t going to be paid substantially less than a player who they may feel is not their equal.

We aren’t privy to the details and shenanigans that surround salary and contract negotiation but from where I stand Arsenal are playing with a terrible hand. Over the last few seasons they have countered fan unrest and disillusionment by spinning a line that we are now ‘right in the mix’ without delivering any discernable improvement in results. The purchase of Sanchez and Ozil were supposed to be examples of the new found ambition. The current contract negotiations are going to put this to the test big time. In one way Arsenal are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Scenario one is they decide to pay up to keep these two players but more importantly convey the message to fans and investors that we are indeed mixing it with the big boys. The downside is that it will shatter the wage structure in the club, massively raise the wage bill and have all the other players banging on the door for a slice of the pie. Last but not least there won’t be so much in the pot for Stan to borrow against. Scenario two is that we sell them. Financially that may make sense in the short term but what message will this send to fans and investors. Does it mean we go back to the old days of selling our best players, unable to buy top players and realistically out of contention?

My view is that the club will fudge the issue in predictable fashion. They will sell one and keep the other. With top strikers costing a minimum of £60m it would make sense to sell Ozil especially after his awful recent performances and keep Sanchez. However Sanchez is more in demand, more ambitious and may have more takers. Watch this space!

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  1. mbg

    Feb 27, 2017, 18:19 #98769

    Mathews, look what happened with/to all our last saints buys, wally ? it doesn't matter who they are who we buy, it's the manager who's the problem, and the sooner fans realise this the better. wenger out

  2. Gunner Rob

    Feb 27, 2017, 10:43 #98729

    it is highly likely that we will finish sixth WITH both Sanchez and Ozil! The problems really start next year when they both depart, leaving clueless Wenger still in charge.

  3. TonyEvans

    Feb 27, 2017, 10:31 #98728

    Ron and mbg - any talk of transfers (either in or out) is academic really with Wenger in charge isn't it. A new broom is needed to sweep clean and the sooner the better.

  4. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2017, 10:09 #98727

    I wouldn't push the salary boat out for either Bard. New Coach needed. We need to pay top dollar to get the right man, not spending cash on players who've failed us. New squad needed by new Coach. I d allow sales of the entire squad for the right prices now. The Club needs a revolution and it needs handling by the right calibre Coach. He should be recruited and allowed to get on with it. Theres nobody in that squad who deserves a crock of gold and that includes Mr Sanchez as i see it.

  5. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 27, 2017, 8:39 #98726

    As good as Ward-Prowse and Bertrand might be, any talent they might have will be coached out of them should they ever arrive at Arsenal. Really liked Gabbiadini though; he's a poacher in the true tradition. He might be a better option long term.

  6. markymark

    Feb 27, 2017, 7:45 #98725

    Squeakey's Bell-end throbs when he dreams of Wenger. Though most recently when sticks his hand down his trousers up popped an image of Trump.

  7. Mathews

    Feb 27, 2017, 6:38 #98724

    Saints were the better team yesterday, unlike those superstars from United, although Zlatan did well as a lead man. Saints would've been a force, if they had the ambition to succeed in PL rather than being a selling club. We should consider buying James Ward-Prowse & Ryan Bertrand to replace our midfield and error prone left backs respectively.

  8. mbg

    Feb 26, 2017, 22:45 #98723

    So it's another trophy for the specialist in success, how many's that now over the last eleven seasons as TOF scraped two lucky cups, that he wasn't even interested in winning until they had the potential to, and did, save his skinny arse, Maureen well on the way to building another team, just like fergie, was it three he built ? while we have this well past his sell by date of a manager bumbling about like a fool since 07 still trying to build ONE. we want wenger out now.

  9. Leek fc

    Feb 26, 2017, 20:46 #98722

    I say you are nothing but a bell end jj. Simple really. Gooner. My arse.

  10. mbg

    Feb 26, 2017, 18:12 #98721

    Tony Evans, top post, we're just going through the same old same old tired wenger s***e scenario, it has the old wasters grubby fingerprints all over it, and we all can see it (except the AKB's of course) after all the spin and lies are drawn out and expended we'll eventually hear the immortal words from the waste of fresh air, (with his sly grin and sickening drone of course)we tried everyzing in our power (a lie straight away) to keep Sanchez but couldn't, so had to let him go, resolving himself from blame in the process (or more like trying to)and of course it's bought and fallen for, hook line and sinker from the AKB wengerites and then Sanchez will be the worst in the world for jumping ship, letting poor arsene down, and then of course the planning for the back turning protest from the wengerite clowns and devotees will get underway and be eagerly awaited for his return as it will be all his fault, what a fooking useless old fraud of a manager we have. wenger out now.

  11. jjetplane

    Feb 26, 2017, 16:33 #98720

    Just wondering how the kane and Walcott/Giroud/Sanchez/Perez comparisons are going? Now if dog loving Alex could hit 3 hatricks in 8 games we might be saying have some more money. Interesting to know what they pay Kane. What you say Leek?

  12. mbg

    Feb 26, 2017, 15:56 #98719

    Mathews, they all earn more than they deserve thanks to a past it manager, then when one comes along, or his contract starts to expire and he then does deserve it the old fraud won't fooking pay it, it's a lot different with his own contract though, no negotiations about money there I bet, what a hypocrite, we'd be far better off getting a proper manager to manage the club first before we start worrying or talking about players, maybe then we'd attract the proper players. we want wenger out.

  13. Graham71

    Feb 26, 2017, 14:58 #98718

    Sanchez is off.We cant pay him the wages and we cant win him titles and as Bayern showed we are still a million miles away from winning the CL.Do we really want Ozil a player who has failed to turn up for any big away game in his time at the club to stay?I dont.Arsenal problem is not only that we dont pay our best players enough but we pay the dross Walcott Ox Ramsey Gibbs Giroud Coquelin way too much.Its strange we say we cant give our best players big wages but we can give Mertersacker and Cazorla who are old and injured new deals just like Arteta.Funny that.We need a complete clearout from manager to players.But sadly that wont happen Walcott has been at the club 11 years Gibbs 13 Ramsey 9 Ox 6 at what other club would they get the money they are on at Arsenal?

  14. jjetplane

    Feb 26, 2017, 13:07 #98717

    Sanchez is as good as the rest are bad and neither he nor Ozil are worth tying down to big contracts. They have both shown little football ambition (have either shone in a big game?) but like like everyone else at AFC happy to get the dollar. The culture from top to bottom at AFC is simply what the PL has become though a handful of clubs still want a decent football coach in to push the club on. Looking at Koeman and Conte doing their stuff is a world away from a specifically static financial model. Sanchez and Ozil are expensive red herrings here and if AFC are to go anywhere a new regime would get tough by reviewing contracts and moving on the satisfied dross that permeates throughout. The article lets Wenger off the hook. AKB territory and believe me, Stirling and the like are proving themselves on the bigger stages and you will not find Pogba out of his depth in the CL (next season).

  15. TonyEvans

    Feb 26, 2017, 8:37 #98716

    Hi Bard - this is of course assuming Sanchez wants to stay at Arsenal and I seriously doubt that he does. He is one of the few, or maybe the only player, we have that needs a manager like Uncle Arsene like a hole in the head and he wouldn't be fazed at all by moving to a club with a more ambitious, ruthless manager that might actually have the balls to drop or off-load players that were not cutting the mustard. Compare and contrast to useless wasters like Walcott, Gibbs and Ramsey!

  16. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 26, 2017, 6:45 #98715

    What I wanna know is where's all this money going? In many transfers it's obvious but what exactly would you do with 12 million pounds a year? Answers on a postcard to Mr A Wenger, General Manager, Arsenal Football Club, Ashburton Grove N5.

  17. Mathews

    Feb 26, 2017, 5:27 #98714

    Rational wages are off and players are wise enough to see clubs are earning millions from TV, sponsors and ofcourse fans. I wont blame them for asking a big payday as money is dictating the terms these days. If Wilshere or Walcott can earn more than what they deserve, well Sanchez deserves a huge payrise, not sure about Ozil though. More than all these, the challenge for Arsenal would be to find players to play for this club, unless we do a Pogba by paying atrocious wages.

  18. mbg

    Feb 25, 2017, 20:11 #98711

    A quip from Paul Jiggins in the Sun worth mentioning, Jermaine Pennant is happy wally Walcott failed to remember to make the presentation to Sutton at Kick off, it means he is no longer the most forgotten Pennant in football.

  19. CT Gooner

    Feb 25, 2017, 19:08 #98710

    To me Sanchez is the only player worth build this squad around. He's not without flaw, holding the ball too long at times, misplaced passes, but when he gives it up, he's nipping at heels to get it back. Unfortunately his pressing high tempo style doesn't really fit our current squad. I've only seen a few performances from Ozil where his desires been to what I think is the Arsenal standard. So I'd like to see us sell Ozil, simply as he's a luxury we don't need, and pay Sanchez. The realist in me knows they'll sell Sanchez, pay Ozil & give Wenger an extension. Depressing....

  20. mbg

    Feb 25, 2017, 18:36 #98709

    At the end of the day it's not going to make any difference anyway as to who we keep or buy as long as we have this old past it waster masquerading as a manager, and that has been proved, lets hope we can keep him for the next man. wenger out now.

  21. mbg

    Feb 25, 2017, 18:17 #98708

    And we all know who's always at the centre of negotiation contracts, but never when his own deal is been negotiated, the old waster, so it won't be Sanchez or any one else who holds us back, but of course Pogma will undoubtly get the blame, handy that). Lets hope those questions about him continue right until HE'S tipped over the edge or pushed, and falls from his wall like the humptey dumptey he is, cracked, broken and unrepairable just like he's left us. wenger out now.

  22. Highbury Boy

    Feb 25, 2017, 17:44 #98707

    If we want to be regarded as a top club which is ambitious to win the answer is clear:pay Sanchez whatever it takes to keep him ,if necessary sell Ozil and certainly sell the many surplus average players in the squad including those out on loan. If the other players want more money too bad ,unless they deserve it. In practice what is likely to happen is that our only fighting player who has a real winning mentality will leave following paths of RvP,Fabregas and even the heroes Brady and Henry. Let's face it a footballer's career at the top is short and he would be a bit daft to stay at Arsenal under Wenger and Kronke.

  23. Paulward

    Feb 25, 2017, 15:42 #98705

    Fair article, but I don't think any of the other players are in a position to demand a huge pay rise because Sanchez gets one. If they did I'd gladly show them the door. Heaven knows where we'd be this season if we didn't have Sanchez, which is a massive worry if, as expected, he departs. Wouldn't be breaking the bank to keep Ozil.

  24. KC38

    Feb 25, 2017, 14:37 #98703

    Bard, it is Arsenal again fudging the problem. I agree in regard Sanchez, he could go to a Chelsea or the manc clubs and increase his salary, not sure he would get the rate anywhere else other than China although I would be surprised if he went there. As for Ozil I really don't believe he could demand the super wages, I for one hope we pay Sanchez, if Ozil wants to leave we should sell, he is a class footballer but does not deliver on to many occasions. As always in football, the team, squad and the way they play is dictated by the manager, this squad could deliver far more with or with out Ozil.