Peaceful Protest Planned For Bayern game on Tuesday 7th March

East Stand of the old Highbury Stadium at 6pm is the place to gather

Peaceful Protest Planned For Bayern game on Tuesday 7th March

East Stand of the old stadium – Starting point for the planned march

Ed’s note – It should be remembered that The Gooner and exist to provide an open platform for views across the Arsenal spectrum. Individuals have their opinions, but the fact is that we don't get too many contributions in favour of the way things are at the club these days. When we do, we publish them. The sentiments that follow are more representative of what we receive for publication these days.

If you love Arsenal Football Club, but despair at our soft centre and the Groundhog Day culture of complacency at our great Club – put 7th March 2017 in your diary. Before the Bayern Munich match, Arsenal fans intend to hold a peaceful, respectful march and protest, to insist that Arsène Wenger does not sign a new contract and that he leaves at the end of this season.

It has become a standing joke in football, that any of Wenger’s teams will look good for a while before collapsing like a wet cardboard box as soon as they are put under pressure. Once again this season, Spring arrives and for the umpteenth time, we sit in 4th place (don’t we always?) and we have had to endure what has become an annual humbling at the hands of a top European team.

This isn’t what we were promised. In 2012, Ivan Gazidis said "As we look to the next two, three years we will have an outstanding platform on which to compete with any club in the world".

Hollow words Ivan, because for 7 years in a row, we have been eliminated in the Last 16 of the Champions League (i.e. as soon as we play a decent team). In addition, since we won the League in 2004, the points difference between us and the Champions has been: - 12, 24, 21, 4, 18, 11, 12, 19, 16, 7, 12, 10 and we are currently 13 points behind Chelsea.

For a very large number of Arsenal fans, the root cause of all these problems is quite simple – Arsène Wenger. He has far too much power at Arsenal; is incredibly arrogant; is answerable to nobody: employs totally outdated methods and has been left way behind by ruthless managers like Antonio Conte, Pep Guardiola, Diego Simeone, Massimiliano Allegri and others.

Wenger’s achievements at Arsenal are legendary. Arriving as an unknown, he built on George Graham’s immense foundations and created a team better than anything we had seen before. He was fresh, innovative, far sighted and successful and we loved him. Sadly that is all in the distant past and his achievements are now ancient history.

Since 2004, Wenger has shown time and time again that he is completely unable to replicate his previous successes. He has been a top manager (nobody could argue that he hasn’t) but football has moved on whilst Wenger has stood still. Other managers haven’t just caught up with him, they have overtaken him and left him floundering in their wake. It has become desperately sad to watch him berating yet another hapless 4th official whilst his teams are out-thought, out-fought and out-classed all over the pitch.

This season it was Bayern Munich’s turn to thrash us, following on from maulings by Barcelona, AC Milan, Monaco and others. Furthermore, after the debacle in Munich, only one player could be bothered to walk across to the away fans after the match. That might not seem important, but those most loyal of supporters had paid at least £400 and travelled for two days to be there. The culture at our great Club is now so complacent, so rotten, so detached from reality, that the supporters are routinely ignored.

In addition, hearing him say things like “If you offer me 2nd place for 20 years, I will sign for that” is beyond depressing. It sets the tone that Arsenal are content to be “also-rans” – happy to lose so long as the money keeps rolling in. And it is nauseating to hear his continual excuses and self justification, such as “Trophies are one way to judge a club”.

This won’t be the first occasion that Wenger has been asked politely to call time. Previously we have been called “Idiots” by Gary Neville; “Disgustingly Disrespectful” by Gary Lineker; told to be “Careful what we wish for” by the great Thierry Henry and told to be “Patient” by several people, including Ray Parlour. The trouble is – we have been very, very patient because Thierry Henry told us to be “Careful” in 2014 and Ray Parlour told us to be “Patient” in 2011.

Neville, Lineker, Henry and Parlour have all made (and continue to make) a fantastic living out of football. We don’t! Whilst they get paid handsomely every time they set foot inside a football stadium, we have to pay ever increasing amounts to watch our team.

Our perspective comes from shelling out thousands of pounds a season to watch our club. Perhaps they could try 13 seasons in our shoes and see just how demoralising this has become. I would love to ask Neville, “How long would Ferguson have put up with these continual collapses?”

And for those telling us to “Be careful what we wish for”. How pessimistic to think that we can’t improve on a manager that presides over a total collapse every season; that hasn’t won the League in 13 years and has never won a European trophy.

Chelsea were awful but they got in a new manager and now they sit 10 points clear at the top of the Premier League. The England Rugby team were awful but they brought in Eddie Jones, who has presided over 17 consecutive victories and now they seem capable of beating anybody.

We respect what Arsène Wenger has done for our Club but there are numerous managers out there that are more than capable of improving Arsenal, making us a force to be reckoned with again and perhaps more importantly, restoring our pride. We don’t expect to win silverware every season – we are just sick to death of seeing our team waving the white flag.

We are not part of any fans’ group; we are not giving ourselves a name; we are just Arsenal fans that have become fed up with paying stupid amounts of money to watch a limp-wristed stagnation under Arsène Wenger’s mismanagement.

If you feel the same way, please join us just after 6pm on 7th March 2017, outside Highbury’s old East Stand, from where we intend to walk together to the Armoury at the new stadium and make the point, as loudly as possible, that Arsène Wenger should not be offered a new contract and that he should leave at the end of this season.

That way, we can remember him as the visionary he was, not the also-ran that he has become.

There is further discussion of the march on the Gooner Forum and another article about the planned march by Mark King on Gunners Town

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  1. UTU The Arsenal FC

    Mar 04, 2017, 18:18 #98876

    The Protest is a Start but if fans still spend their hard earned cash on Tickets and merchandise. Wenger and Kroenke won't care. When the club's profit decline a real change will occur. Protests and a continued finacial boycott by the fans will see the end of Wenger, the current board and a change of ownership.

  2. Gunner Rob

    Mar 01, 2017, 14:35 #98811

    Graham 71 - spot on. I have been saying for years on here that the season ticket holders are Wenger's greatest supporters. They are the ones who keep him in a job

  3. Graham71

    Mar 01, 2017, 14:20 #98809

    The worst thing that can happen is those on the march then go into the stadium.That would totally defeat the object of the march.Thats what Wenger and Kroenke want.Nothing would be better than thousands of empty seats being shown on tv all around Europe.Lets get serious now you can do all the marches you want but if you continue to turn up to games and continue to renew season tickets you are playing right into the hands of Wenger and the board.

  4. markymark

    Mar 01, 2017, 12:56 #98806

    Bell-end worshiper Squeak AKA LeeAFC loves Wengo but not as much as Chelsea supporters.

  5. mbg

    Feb 28, 2017, 23:16 #98802

    Tony Evans, no wonder Klopp was smiling and laughing in his post match, he knew who was coming next.

  6. mbg

    Feb 28, 2017, 22:55 #98800

    jw, yes the old frauds spin department has been mobilised and put on overtime, that and the fact the Welsh Jesus has been wheeled out along with other luvvies are proof (not that proof is needed) that TOF is on the run and not before time, lets hope the last we see of him is running through the Channel tunnel wearing a sleeping bag. wenger out now.

  7. RobG

    Feb 28, 2017, 19:34 #98799

    Jeff W at post 104618. Spot on old Chap ! You've nailed it right there.

  8. jeff wright

    Feb 28, 2017, 15:22 #98797

    Yep the old gloom buster is on his way.He helped make it an happy xmas for Pep gave Conte's title challenge ( a proper one) a big boost and of course provided the Schnapps type quick shot well 5 of 'em that made the Deutschlanders happy again. The fact that they saw Glum meandering around in our midfield like a lost lamb looking for it's mum instead of in their midfield was another cause for celebration. Supporters of clubs like them and Chelsea just love Wengo and want himst stay forever with us. lee kfc aka squeaky agrees with them.

  9. TonyEvans

    Feb 28, 2017, 14:42 #98796

    It will be under fire Liverpool manager Klopps lucky weekend coming up - nothing like facing Arsenal to get the show back on the road!

  10. MAF

    Feb 28, 2017, 13:10 #98795

    Real Madrid would touch Whinger with a barge pole. Whinger's next Job (if anyone can afford him) is something like a Lyon or a Marseilles. These would be his best Options.

  11. mbg

    Feb 28, 2017, 13:06 #98794

    Real Madrid ? he he ho ho Ronaldo must be laughing his head off. wenger out.

  12. mbg

    Feb 28, 2017, 12:49 #98793

    Tony Evans, your right the little pansy are having it to cosy and handy under TOF,(and his AKB wengerites also) no pressure, no pressure to deliver, no chance of being dropped, no ear bashings and on nice big contracts (even though I believe even they've lost respect for him, well quite a few of them anyway) so why should they rock the nice calm boat, but just imagine the old dog learned a new trick ( I know don't laugh)and started being ruthless, dropping players, blaming them in public, holding them to account, not picking or playing them, showing the little nice boys their not flavour of the month, or favourites, etc, etc, etc, they'd soon change their tune and soon start making noises, and soon find a spokesman and leader, and just wait until the new man comes in who will have no favourites, and starts being ruthless, treating them the way they should be treated, and doing all the above, in between kicking their arses out the door it'll be the same they'll soon find their voices and a leader and spokesman the f*****g cowards. wenger and the whole fooking lot of them out.

  13. jeff wright

    Feb 28, 2017, 11:49 #98792

    The PR spin is well under way to save Wengo again at AFC .According to 'reports' a Chinese club,these clubs are the new god send to spinners and spammers like Ivano, want Wenger and have offered him a 30m deal ! You couldn't make it up. Wengo has of course turned it down would you Adam and Eve it.Rambo was on Sky Sports news last night talking up Wengo and saying that all the players were behind him .It's all looking rather ominous if a few results go Wengo's way such as last night's Leicester v Liverpool one .It looks like job done for the Deutschlanders and they may take it easy and I expect us to beat Lincoln at home in the Cup tie. Saturday's game at Anfield though is still a big one that could have repercussions for either side .If Wengo gets a good result the spin machine will go into overdrive ! We have been here before - many times.

  14. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 28, 2017, 11:10 #98791

    Strange that every time another contract is waiting to be signed, AW has had an "offer from Real Madrid". You'd think they'd be fed up of waiting for him by now. Wouldn't you. Wouldn't you?

  15. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Feb 28, 2017, 11:04 #98790

    I have just been offered the job as chairman of ICI but I have turned it down because I love my current job and as the wife said "money is not everything"

  16. CBee

    Feb 28, 2017, 8:52 #98789

    I see the propaganda articles to get the wavering AKBs on side has started. Matt Law in the Torygraph - Wenger turned down a 30 million pound move to China and if he does leave his preferred destination is Real Madrid! HoHoHoHoHo!! As if they would ever again entertain the idea of taking on this serial European loser.

  17. TonyEvans

    Feb 28, 2017, 8:49 #98788

    Redshirts - me too, most of them won't last five minutes under a proper manager.

  18. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Feb 28, 2017, 8:39 #98787

    Tony your dead right there- could you imagine this lot under George Graham, they wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes with the hard work he demanded of his players. The likes of wally, Ozil etc would be crying for their mummy's before the end of their first training session. They have got it so easy under this manager it's untrue. Cosy, comfortable, unchallenged, complacent, no wonder that haven't got a performance in them when it matters. Can't wait to see how these pampered pansies cope when a real manager walks through that door

  19. TonyEvans

    Feb 28, 2017, 8:37 #98786

    Man from Uncle - yes a good comparison that Liverpool side of the mid nineties; very similar in nature to our current crop of pretty boy lightweights. I'm sure a big part of Wenger's 'Project Youth' idea was to ensure he never had to worry about a mass player revolt, signing up players that would never have it them to rock the boat; and he has actively encouraged a culture of being like a big soft uncle to his squad ever since to keep the cossetted little darlings on side. Big personalities are not welcome and of course that extends right through to the coaching staff. It's all very nice and cosy at Arsenal isn't it and it's going to take a hell of lot of work to turn things around.

  20. The Man From UNCLE

    Feb 28, 2017, 8:09 #98785

    Tony; reminds me of Liverpool's team of pretty boys c. 1994-95 (Redknapp, McManaman etc) who said much the same thing about Roy Evans - because he was giving them a nice easy ride. Houllier took over and soon they were all gone. My old man played to a good standard and always told me "Players will get you the sack." Obviously not at Arsenal under good old AW's watch though.

  21. TonyEvans

    Feb 28, 2017, 7:21 #98784

    W'ell never know whether Leicester players helped to force Ranieri out but assuming they did it made me think of our overpaid pampered pansies who wouldn't have it in them to force a stick of rhubarb, never mind forcing their manager out. Instead we get the likes of Ozil saying he will only think about signing a new deal only of Wenger is the manager, when any player worth his salt that actually wants to win things should be saying the complete opposite. They are all perfectly happy in their comfort zone and are scared stiff at the thought of a proper manager coming in and sorting the lot of them out.

  22. markymark

    Feb 28, 2017, 5:27 #98783

    Squeak - the comments about my boy are a bit odd, I can only think you don't have children as otherwise you'd be aware of developmental awareness in children. I note you didn't personalise the walking past the protest. You mention others but not you ? It'd be too good an opportunity to miss for you surely? Yet you go to every home game? Or do you go at all? Previously the Editors called you out as a potential troll. I highly suspect that you never attend.

  23. Mathews

    Feb 28, 2017, 4:44 #98782

    Its worth to note that Arsene's achievements have been shrunken to a small paragraph in the above article. His history is being tarnished which clearly shows he is outdated. For once, he needs to sit back and analyze himself which he wouldnt as he gets 8 million for doing nothing. Sadly, Mark I am miles away to attend this protest but I wish you guys all the very best in showing our love towards the Club and anger towards the mismanagement. Well, even Hitler was overthrown after several assassination attempts, so lets be optimistic.

  24. ArsenalMagna

    Feb 28, 2017, 1:03 #98781

    Great to see this action taken - unfortunately there will always be enough sheep to fill the stadium so hitting them in the pockets can only go so far. Also, I understand some want to hold on to season tickets for when Wenger's gone (you're a slim majority of attendees now though!). If there isn't already then a facebook event should be set up for this - it needs to be disseminated as much as possible.

  25. RobG

    Feb 27, 2017, 23:02 #98780

    Good article. And good luck. You need a strong turnout. This two year contract extension is a real offer. Kronke just wants another two Groundhog years and probably two more after that. If even the first extension goes ahead Arsenal will be Zombie Club. Assuming it isn't already.

  26. mbg

    Feb 27, 2017, 22:28 #98779

    Just shows how a team can react/react to a new manager albeit the caretaker one, a breath of fresh air, while we still persevere for/after years with a tired old past it bungler, Sad. Go now wenger you tired past it old man.

  27. Leek fc

    Feb 27, 2017, 22:07 #98778

    Bell end bonzo "WILL TRY" to get there. I think this may well sum up the demo folks.

  28. markymark

    Feb 27, 2017, 21:03 #98777

    Well little Squeak you bell-end obsessive Boy is 3 so I'm not sure what he makes of a lot of things You've actually got one thing right I am at work but will try and cut some time out to pop down Now time for you bed with Mrs Squeak aged 72 tucking you in with your cocoa. Let's hope the 40,000 silent choir sing Wengies name like they did when we were 3-0 up against Chelsea.... oh sorry they didn't!

  29. Leek fc

    Feb 27, 2017, 20:35 #98776


  30. mbg

    Feb 27, 2017, 19:51 #98774

    First things first lads, one thing at a time, the most important one, getting wenger out, as the AKB wengerites are blaming Kroenke and co for all of this mess, and the WOB's happy enough to see the back of him too (even though a lot don't blame him as much as TOF) it shouldn't be hard for everybody to unite (for once) under the one cause/banner and get rid of him, no ? with everybody united for the one cause it shouldn't be to hard, until maybe the new manager starts winning and bringing success under Kroenke and then we'll know who the real problem was. wenger out.

  31. OneBardGooner

    Feb 27, 2017, 19:33 #98773

    "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" Absolutely Well Done Mark and to all those who will take part in this March/Protest - It has been too long a time in coming. Our last decent season was 2008 and we have had to suffer 8 years of humiliation from a regime lead by a despotic, narcissistic, delusional fool who not once has had the grace, humility or courtesy to apologise to the fans (those who pay his wages) a self-titled honourable man (Yeah! Right!) who no longer has the faintest clue on how to manage a team nor run a club. Someone who is more interested in Profit than Trophies. Someone who is utterly inept when it comes to game strategy and tactics. Someone who keeps handing out contracts to redundant, second rate players and giving contracts to is favourites so that they will not criticise him Someone who "Steals a Living For Failing Year In, Year Out!" And let's not forget Last year the numbnut AKB's were given cart blanche by the club and the stazi-stewards to abuse (Spitting, Physically Assaulting and Hurling Verbal Abuse) those that dared have such opinions as "#WENGER OUT!". I so wish I could be there, but I SHALL be there for the next one. I just hope the AKB's will be adult about it and not act like idiotic puerile cnuts - And if they dare then let the tear up begin. #WENGER OUT #WIGGY OUT! #GAZIDIS AND THE BOARD CAN ALL ****KOFF!

  32. mbg

    Feb 27, 2017, 19:09 #98772

    MAF, and fans who don't care if we win, wengerites and luvvies who are just happy to think we play lovely football regardless of the result, with fans like these it's no wonder we're in this mess, only for it all impacting on proper fans they f*****g deserve him. wenger out.

  33. Leek fc

    Feb 27, 2017, 19:05 #98771

    First of all bell end bonzo (mark) you won't be able to attend as your job is more precious to you than AFC. Wonder what you son makes of that !!! Secondly, if 45,000 turn up for the match for argument's sake. Does 200, 500 or maybe 1000 (which won't happen) gooners marching for the protest show the true supporter's feelings???? NO. Most people on match day will just step aside and let you boys get on with it, have a chuckle and go to the game to support Arsenal FC. Just saying.

  34. markymark

    Feb 27, 2017, 18:42 #98770

    Err Squeak, you bell-end rubbing obsessive. What's your take on this? Will you have your Mr Wengie 10 more years counter demo banner ready? Let's hope your 40,000 silent choir turn out for you. I know you'll try and count numbers to slate it off, despite the Anti Neil protest back in the early 80's being just a few hundred as well.

  35. TonyEvans

    Feb 27, 2017, 17:55 #98768

    Ron - As AKB says your take on Wenger and the board both having to go has plenty of merit but one step at a time is probably best. Still expecting Wenger to be in charge next season anyway so as not to be too disappointed when he signs on the dotted line. Hope I am wrong though obviously.

  36. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 27, 2017, 17:15 #98767

    Ron - Typical of you to post with such good grace and equanimity. I envy your calmness and ability to see compromises. I could probably learn a hell of a lot from your approach if I were able to "screw the nut" when faced with some of the ballb*gs that frequent this site. I think your view has mileage too but for me change begins with wengo. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I reckon you'd be a top geezer to have a pint with!

  37. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2017, 16:49 #98766

    in fact, 5 respected posters v me. Didn't see you and Paul Ward piping up there with well timed 'Websterisms' to dig me in the ribs CG! Sorry mate. All good stuff.

  38. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2017, 16:38 #98765

    3 well respected posters to my 1 then lads. 'Wengo centric' it is then. The ayes have it!!

  39. Paulward

    Feb 27, 2017, 16:37 #98764

    Sounds a very good idea, agree with Exeter in that the protest should be aimed at removing the manager at this stage . Do not want the waters mudied by going for Gazidis and Kroenke too, even though they need to go aswell.


    Feb 27, 2017, 16:09 #98762

    Excellent article - one thing at a time though chaps - Webster out first & then, secondly, the Board, especially if they make a pig's ear of his replacement. Does make you wonder how great a business guy is our Stan though - for giving Webster all that ridiculous power in the first place & then not at least maxing on the commercial revenues which must now be at future risk, given the ongoing lack of success.

  41. pedster8

    Feb 27, 2017, 15:55 #98761

    mad max Am no Wenger worshipper if you read my comments properly I can just think about the whole picture, recent seasons are ruining his legacy with the club but he's letting that happen as tactics easy to play against, we have soft players zero leaders...Again the point you're missing Chelsea's owner shows up, spends on quality and wants to win things hence getting new managers and wanting success. Mustafi was needed before Liverpool game that was bad planning and preparation. Also a lot seem to forget how much of a loss Dein is to the ambition of the club but also in transfers big players, look how poor we are at sealing big transfers.

  42. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 27, 2017, 15:42 #98760

    Mark - Thanks - very eloquently put and impossible to disagree with. Agree with you Exeter that there must be a single wengo-centric objective in this. Were he to topple, we can kick the other statues over later (imagine a fired-up Allegri getting frustrated with Kroenke if he chose not to untie the purse strings?). The best form of protest is evidently to withdraw custom/support as a means to achieving a swifter end, but as a halfway-house between that and flaccid resistance, what about choosing a minute of the game (to match the number of title-less years perhaps?) when all gooners in the stadium start singing "You don't know what you're doing" to our hapless former manager. I attended a protest last week about Trump's state visit (yes Jeff, thought you'd wet yourself if I told you that), but I live 250 miles from N7 these days in the heart of welsh darkness. I'm not going to lie and say I'll be there tied to the railings cos I don't have the time and I also have three kids. But I salute ALL gooners choosing to join the protest. Leekie - time for you to join the light side mate - you know it makes sense.

  43. jeff wright

    Feb 27, 2017, 15:34 #98759

    It may be stating the obvious but results ,our ones and others such as Liverpool's , will determine if Wengo goes or stays in the final analysis. No Chumps League next season,no Wengo. I can't see him surviving if he fails to win his 4th place trophy and that is what the clown and Syrupy are waiting on to see what the outcome is the contract on the table depends on Wengo siging it and he knows what he needs to achieve to do that. Liverpool's game tonight and the one v us next Saturday night look to be big ones for Wenger with some tough games in the league still to come after next weekend. The bookies go 100-1 on Chelsea finishing in the top 4 and favs to win the title with City second best for a top 4 spot at 1-5. The Spuds are 3/10 ,Liverpool 8/11 with us and United the only ones offered at odds against at 11/10 . So the bookies who in the past have always had Wengo odds on for a top 4 finish don't see him being any certainty this time around. I make them right on that although the odds should be a bit longer than 11/10 if Wengo loses next weekend at Anfield they will be.

  44. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 27, 2017, 15:14 #98758

    Ron - the one upside to Wenger's recent depressing comments about going on and on as a manager is he said if he left his current post it would be to carry on as a manager elsewhere. So it doesn't seem as any sort of Director of Football role appeals to him. His contract is about to end - that's the immediate target in front of us to focus on. You need to keep things very, very simple to get your message across to most people. 'Wenger Out', 'No new contract' does that. Kroenke comes later.

  45. mad max

    Feb 27, 2017, 15:05 #98757

    pedster 8 I stopped going 3 years ago, sick and tired of watching lightweight players who have a manager that is clearly unable to motivate them or even use tactics, I fear this march wont get enough support with people like yourself still worshipping wenger, of course the board are also to blame, he wins cups you say 2 in 13 years, chelski finished 10th last season, so they went and got a proper coach in conte and spent almost zero look where they are now, we spent 60 odd million on mustafi and zhaka who,s to blame for signing that crud not kroenke

  46. mbg

    Feb 27, 2017, 15:00 #98756

    mad max, well said, the real culprit, the real problem, at last, and not by one of these pussy groups with it dressed up as something else, will they be putting their names to it ? and joining in ? if so well done to them, as long as it remains a wenger out march/ protest and not hijacked by them for some less important cause, therefor taking away from the real intention. Remember we want wenger out.

  47. TonyEvans

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:48 #98755

    Hi Ron - the Scousers knew the score alright didn't they and I had nothing but admiration for them for the way they went straight for the jugular. I do agree with you that Arsenal need a huge shakeup at the very top - a new owner in the Abramovich mould to apply the sort of trophy winning pressure a manager earning north of £8M should be under. In the short term though I agree with EG that Wenger has to be the target in the first instance. Reading between the lines I think you agree with that but quite rightly have your doubts as to whether a new manager will bring any noticeable change if they have the same top four will do remit as Wenger.

  48. pedster8

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:44 #98754

    mad max, old school gooners if you've been going or even following us for years like me its naive to blame just AW, yes he does not learn from mistakes from games and past seasons but on the other hand these players are letting him down each week. Your statements quite contradictory as you put he is unanswerable, if this board/Gazidis/Kroenke wanted to win the league they would/should be angry with last season. in their eyes AW is doing fine and on paper for them he is - at his worst been 4th, wins cups at his best won the league unbeaten. Agree he's getting behind the times ideally gone after last cup win with Pep in charge or even gone after last season but gave away a poor league. Read Yes its Ron' comments.

  49. mbg

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:40 #98752

    Good Article Mark and well done to all involved, but it still needs taken into the ground to have more of an effect, tempted to break my strike and protest and attend, no matter the arm and leg it will cost at least i'll get to see a real world class team and of course TOF humiliated again, and it would great to be able to say I WAS THERE, when the old fraud resigned, it would/will be a pity to miss that. we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  50. jeff wright

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:36 #98751

    I'm not a great fan of protest marches and banner waving I don't believe that they actually achieve much and often attract people to join them who have other agendas than what the demo is supposed to be about. Only by not giving money to Syrupy Stan will have any real impact.Empty seats and unsold tickets can't be dismissed protests can just be ignored and will be if Wengo wins his 4th place trophy and th4e big bucks that this earns Syrupy and his gang.I stopped going to games home and away years ago and if more supporters did likewise then their would soon be a change but while many continue to pay up to watch Wengo's magic roundabout of boring repetitive failure dressed up as being a success he and Syrupy Stan and his gang will just carry on regardless. Wengo has turned more average Joes into millionaires than Chris Tarrant did and for the Rambo ,Wally and Keystone Kos types that is all it is about.So who is better Glum or Fab .Glum wants 300k a week and Wengo to stay,well he would do wouldn't he , while Fab is helping Chelsea to win another title and admitting that he has had to learn to graft a lot harder under Conte than he was used to doing under other managers . I never believed that the tippy tappy Wengo football would win titles and it never has done. It was hardly rocket science to work that out but hey some some struggled with it.

  51. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:28 #98750

    Mark i wish you and all the marchers the very best of luck. Great article neatly articulating everything that's wrong with our club. I agree with one or two others that have already said that Wenger alone isn't the only problem though, rather its kroenke, gazidis and the rest of the complacent, money obsessed board that need ousting too. However anything that's aimed at getting rid of this intolerable manager of ours gets my thumbs up every time

  52. MAF

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:28 #98749

    The penny has finally dropped on now almost all Arsenal fans. Yes your worst fears are correct - we are owned by People who dont care if we win. Their core Goal is to maintain the financial Status quo and have the Club grow in (financial) value. The sporting side is secondary and thats why they love Arsene Wenger who combines Accountancy with Management. Arsenal will now be overtaken by all of the Clubs who have a different Business model. The Clubs that want to be as competitive as possible and win as much as possible. There is nothing that we can do about it but mourn for the past.

  53. Gunner Rob

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:27 #98748

    I will be there, but this has to be just the beginning and not a one off. This needs to happen every home match between now and end of season or until he gets the message..

  54. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:23 #98747

    EG - a good argument, agreed. The Board though may well still want AW as a Director of football type figure though and his Coach's contract may well not be renewed, only to be replaced by a better one with even more hidden influence for him so to preside over some lackie type incoming Coach and thus carry out the Boards dictat from there free from the same pressure as now. For me, if the AKs and media want to protect Wenger by confusion, let them. Its time that the media realised that much of Wengers fallibility is down to SK and his insulated band of lackies. As much as we d like to think otherwise AW isnt solely at fault and never has been. Its wholesale change for me that the fans need to recognise now. Not doing so, just delays the inevitable and masks the root of the problem. We ve had nigh 10 years of that fudge already. It all needs flushing out. SK wont ever be seen for what he is otherwise. Hes a smart cookie who in all of these years hasnt been brought to account. Its time he was.

  55. Bob Bayliss

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:15 #98746

    If you agree that we need a change of manager come and support this. Of course there is no guarantee that a large turnout of fans protesting outside the ground will force Wenger out in the summer, and I take the point that even when he goes we are stuck with Kronke. But every great journey begins with a single step, and with strong media coverage of I think we might be surprised at the fall-out behind the scenes. We might manage to persuade some of those planning to go to the match to sell their tickets, or at least go in late so that the impact is felt inside as well as outside the stadium. If you believe that Arsene Wenger is still the right man to take Arsenal forward then I respect your view - though you need to respect the right of those who disagree to express that in no uncertain terms. If you believe we need a change of manager, don't use "what's the point" as an excuse not to get involved. Come along, join in, and see what happens.

  56. mbg

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:14 #98745

    The fact we don't get to many contributions for the way things are (any) says it all, they know and agree with the rest of us but haven't the balls to say or do anything about it, afraid to rock the boat, hurt poor arsenes feelings, to much respect blah blah, Pathetic. Go now you old fraud.

  57. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 27, 2017, 14:01 #98744

    Those suggesting to spread the protest out to the board and Kroenke are wrong - that lacks clarity which the AKBs will exploit and the media will muddle. It should be laser focused on one thing and one thing only - 'No new contract'. Once Wenger's gone we'll truly see Kroenke for what he is and the focus can turn to him next, if necessary. Well done to those organising, as the name suggests I'm far away these days but am forwarding this to North London friends in the hope they'll attend.

  58. jjetplane

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:57 #98743

    Well done to anyone who marches but leaving seats empty is the best way. Watched BM revving up by beating Hamburg 8 - 0! so who knows what score could happen this time if BM decide to rub it in. Remember watching the same teams at Highbury in the CL in more innocent times but from the start Wenger always looked out of his depth in the CL. Never been that convinced by the man and once he had lost GG's defence the decline on the pitch is for all to see. Now the club from top to bottom stinks in the same way major league sport has gone sterile over the decades as TV took over the game. From what I have seen of the Ems it looks a mighty lot like a Friday night in the mid west where a disintersted audience look forward to the entertainment between the actual games. Contrast the Ems and such with the Saints fans yesterday. Some clubs are fighting back ahgainst the sterility and it looks like Arsenal will be the toughest corporate nut to crack.

  59. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:51 #98742

    Right with you Tony, but i think when push comes to shove despite this Boards dedication to Wenger, if AW is eventually brought to the point of him leaving (they wont sack him) , the Board/SK will eventually use him as the sacrificial lamb. He ll leave by consent and they ll dress it up as the Club reacting to fan pressure, even though they may bring pressure to bear upon him. That way, theyre out of jail and free to carry on in their own sweet way. Its pie in the sky for me to think the Board will go with AW but i honestly think that they ll just seek another compliant, meek Coach who ll just agree to work under the present arrangements. It ll achieve nothing and later on more angst and discontent will follow. This is why i think that just ousting AW alone might not be the catalyst for change the Club needs. The Clubs deeply embedded culture needs changing as well as the guy in the changing roon. The latter without the former wont alter much. Its not dissimilar to the Hicks and Gillet situ as it was at Liverpool 8 or 9 years back. The scousers knew the score and went for the owners throats. I think our fan base needs to do the same, not just give them a convenient scapegoat.

  60. mad max

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:40 #98741

    pedster8 it was also wenger who said we,d compete before the move, as for gazidis and co it was wenger who interviewed him for his position you could,nt make it up, all of us old school gooners are sick and tired of wenger and his refusal to accept any blame, the man is answerable to no one there,s loads of managers who could get more out of squad than the senile old fool, as for the board they,ll happily settle for the current status quo, as the fans who attend the matches have,nt got the bottle to protest

  61. TonyEvans

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:32 #98740

    Ron - not often I disagree with you but getting Wenger out would be a great, and even with the present board still in place (would love to see them out too though) I reckon any new manager would have to be better than Wenger. That is how desperate I am to see the back of him.

  62. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:31 #98739

    equalizer - stopping buying the ridiculous 'memberships' and Season tickets is what counts i think. AFC plc only truly recognise or begin to understand things when cash flow is interfered with and not until.

  63. equalizer

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:17 #98737

    Arsene Wenger doesn't care about protest or a march outside the ground. Only empty seats in the stands will make a difference

  64. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:07 #98736

    As match going fans you should be campaigning for the the Board to step down and for Kroenke to sell up and leave. Hammering Wenger alone is pointless as hes not the Board despite what authority they've vested in him. Change him with no change at the top and you ll more or less be inviting a repeat of the last 8 years. Its nothing to do with me really as i never set foot in the place and have not done for 4 years, but if i did i d ask for a far wider remit for yr march and demo before i joined it.

  65. TonyEvans

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:03 #98735

    Mark - agree with everything you have said and if I didn't live so far away in the West Country now I would be there. Will be with you in spirit though and here's hoping for a good turnout to get the message across that most, if not all, genuine old school Gooners have had more than enough of Wenger to last a lifetime.

  66. Alsace

    Feb 27, 2017, 13:02 #98734

    Sadly I shall be outside the country. Beware however, to behave impeccably. Mr Wenger's regime is considerably more malign than most people suspect. It is also worth noting that his devotees are those most dangerous of creatures, the die hard.

  67. CBee

    Feb 27, 2017, 12:59 #98733

    Well said Mark. If I wasn´t 5000 miles away I would get my lazy arsenal of the sofa and join you. Good luck.

  68. pedster8

    Feb 27, 2017, 12:48 #98732

    mad max - the real culprit? AW has his flaws yes but think kroenke, gazidis, and the board have no blame they're as much to blame if not more. Wenger is hitting his job remit what you and lot of people like all the anri Wenger people miss is since Kroenke came in with Gazidis and no Dein its profits over trophies. Last season was a missed opportunity for the league mainly AW's fault but in general the board sold us an idea we'd compete leaving Highbury, we have not done that enough but also look how much City and now Unit are spending to get back in the top 4. A change of manager will not mean we will spend lots more and give massive wages.

  69. mad max

    Feb 27, 2017, 12:36 #98731

    at last we,re going to target the real culprit mr arsene wenger, instead of blaming kroenke, gazidis, and the board,lets hope enough of us turn up and let the arrogant old fool know he does,nt own the club and we,ll decide when he leaves, this constant groundhog day has to end this season, I think it will have more effect outside the bowl than inside, where the tourist and johnny come latelys would,nt dare to diss their messiah, vive the revolution, we want our arsenal back c.o.y.g

  70. Bard

    Feb 27, 2017, 12:34 #98730

    Mark I agree with the sentiments completely. The argument that we should be fearful of a change is ridiculous in the extreme. So what if we have to go through a couple of mangers before we get it right. Wenger didnt exactly come with a stellar CV. The truth is there are more than a handful of managers who could do a decent job with the money he has had to spend.