The 48 Team World Cup

Thoughts on the expanded format planned for 2026 finals

The 48 Team World Cup

Gianni Infantino – New FIFA president, new finals format

With not a great deal of Arsenal news at present, what with the extended break due to the postponed away game v Southampton, I thought I’d have a look at FIFA’s announcement that beginning with the 2026 World Cup Finals, there will be 48 competing teams. The main reason for this seems to be not so much the ability to add a further 16 countries to the 32 in the existing format, but the estimated extra income it will generate for FIFA – reckoned to be £521 million extra.

Anyway, I actually don’t think it’s the worst idea FIFA have ever had. There will be an extra knockout round - so 32 sides qualify from the 16 groups and we will see an increase from the current tournament total of 16 knockout games to 32 of them. So the first round of matches after the group stage will be the equivalent of the FA Cup 4th Round. The group phase matches will effectively be jostling for position, with, I suspect, the majority of the teams going home early being those from outside the two traditional football powerbases of Europe and South America.

It’s certainly a bloated format, a long way from the last ‘pure’ finals of Mexico 70 with four groups of four producing eight quarter finalists. Then, there were 32 matches in total. Strange to think that in those days, when TV was not so influential, a lot more of the games actually kicked off at the same time, so it was not possible to watch as many (nor catch up with them later, these being the days before video recording). I am too young to remember, but my assumption is that if two games were being played concurrently, BBC would have showed one and ITV the other. Take your pick.

Since then we have had the introduction, and subsequent abandonment, of second round group stages, the re-introduction of knock out games before the final, staggered kick off times to ensure the maximum number of games can be watched live, and increases in the number of teams to 24, then 32. By France 98, the format was tidy once more. Eight groups of four produced 16 sides in the knockout rounds and with 64 matches in total, the tournament had doubled in size in 28 years.

So, another 28 years on, for 2026 we will have an extra 16 matches – 80 in total. However, the introduction of three team groups has a couple of interesting consequences. First up, sixteen of the competing nations will only play a maximum of two games instead of three. You’d have to go a long way back to find the last time that happened (I am guessing pre World War II). But more significantly, with only three matches per group, a potential situation arises for the final fixture. Let’s say we have a group with Germany, Colombia and Australia. So Germany beat Australia 1-0 in the opening match. Then Australia and Colombia draw. Germany have safely qualified irrespective of the result of their final group match against Colombia. They might then play a weakened side, allowing Colombia victory, or simply play safe and go for a draw that gives them first place in the group and allows Colombia to qualify ahead of Australia. In other words, by not having one of the teams involved in the final and decisive group match, all kinds of shenanigans are possible. If there are two 1-1 draws in the first two matches, the two sides playing the third game could conspire to play out a 2-2 draw to ensure they both go through on number of goals scored.

Then again, this is a FIFA tournament, an organization riddled with corruption. So that's the downside. The upside is that with more knockout games, there should, in theory, be greater excitement and certainly less room a bad performance. And with only two group matches for each country, there should be more drama there too. The stakes per game are certainly higher. One defeat could prove terminal. An extra sixteen matches in the same number of days (32) also means couch potato loving football fans can overdose even more than they currently do.

There is a downside. There is little tension in the qualifying stages these days, given the number of places available. After the 2022 finals, there will be even less with the expansion of the tournament. But let’s face it. No-one gives a stuff about international football until the major finals come round every other summer. So that doesn’t really change anything. I have minimal interest in watching England (or pretty much any international) matches until they are in the World Cup Finals or the European Championship Finals.

Anyhow, once the World Cup Finals come round and I get into the tournament, then it’s all good as far as this particular couch potato is concerned. Bring on 2026.

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  1. John F

    Mar 04, 2017, 8:52 #98868

    Ron you have made me remember my very first football heartbreak the dreaded Q/F against Germany 1970.I was a devastated seven year old and probably wrongly blamed Peter Bonetti for years afterwards.I loved those Esso coins too and what is amusing to me now is my youngest school friends are collecting the football cards similar to the ones I used to collect in the seventies.As for today never dismiss the devils luck that Wenger has.The players will now be playing for their future because if Wenger goes half of them could be shipped out with him and may not find another easy overpaid job as they have got now.An inconsistent Liverpool side v a money motivated Arsenal team playing for their jobs,I am going for a draw.

  2. mbg

    Mar 03, 2017, 23:10 #98867

    And his Holy orders and Priest like status certainly didn't stop him taking and enjoying all his other little pleasures with his brunette.

  3. mbg

    Mar 03, 2017, 22:16 #98863

    CORNISH, yes did you ever hear such s***e, he for got to add a priest doesn't earn £8,000,000 a year, and it certainly hasn't helped or brought the useless waste of space to another level or develop his strengths and reinvent himself and made TOF great, you couldn't make it up, what f*****g fraud go now and put us all out of our misery.

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 03, 2017, 21:18 #98861

    Cornish and Ron - I've still got a collection of those aluminium coins produced by Esso for the 70 WC with all of the squad's heads on them. It could have all been different if Bobby Moore hadn't've been arrested on trumped up robbery charges when they played in Bogota before the tournament...


    Mar 03, 2017, 19:13 #98860

    Yes it's Ron: pleased to see your comment on the England 1970 team which I have always thought were a great deal better than our winning team in'66 - just their bad luck & Alf's to come up against a side with some all time greats in it.

  6. Paulward

    Mar 03, 2017, 18:07 #98859

    According to James Olley in tonight's Evening Standard Wenger has had a "revolutionary effect " on AFC. But we won 10 league titles in 64 years before he arrived, and 3 in 21 years since, so not a massive difference there. In Europe our impact has been limited, both before and since he arrived. Yes we moved to a bigger stadium, but soon every other big club in London will have followed suit, and already the Emirates looks dated and too small for us.I wish the press would look at the facts sometimes, seems to suit both them and Wenger to peddle the myth that we were a small club prior to 1996.

  7. Yes its Ron

    Mar 03, 2017, 17:24 #98858

    big diff from 1970 is that the teams were actually decent, with one brilliant one! Hell, even England had a good side! Better than 66. Best way to improve the WC now would be say this next one is the last one and that FIFA is being disbanded.


    Mar 03, 2017, 15:55 #98857

    Personally I am losing the will to live with all this World Cup garbage. What! Not a great deal of Arsenal news at the moment?! Jeez, quite an important match coming up this weekend I would have thought & extremely bad news for the losing Manager - I admit my earlier mistake & Der Kloppmeister is starting to look like a younger, jollier, Webster to me. And the Webster situation is fast becoming beyond ridiculous & makes me wonder about him finally losing both his marbles at the same time making a laughing stock of OUR club. Webster "I am a football priest & a specialist in masochism (weak joke for the Press? - I prefer "failure")" & "younger managers not have the dedication (substitute your own favourite word here "greed", "brass neck", delusion" etc.) necessary for years of service". Down here we call such people "twats" or "money grabbing bastards" - maybe it's different in the Capital? Just do one Webster.

  9. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 03, 2017, 14:47 #98855

    All that will happen is the sides that would have been knocked out in the Playoff stages of their respective qualifying groups will now qualify for the World Cup finals. It probably won't dilute the standard, as the standard of world football in general is p**s poor at present and has been for some time. More TV money, more sponsorship, more merchandising. Money money money, as some obscure Swedish beat combo once sang.

  10. mbg

    Mar 03, 2017, 13:40 #98852

    ArseneKnewBest, yes long runs the arrogant egoistic fox, Blatter, Platini, rich of course, but their reps and Legacy ruined, just like wenger, super rich on our and the clubs money, with reputation and Legacy ruined.

  11. mbg

    Mar 03, 2017, 13:15 #98851

    I'm sure TOF would be all for something similar in the Prem league (especially this season)an extra two teams 5th 6th qualifying for the CL, yes he'd love that, it would really help to keep his (and his AKB's)precious qualifying record in tact, although no doubt then TOF and his nice boy bottlers would probably do just enough and scrape in 5th or 6th anyway and it certainly wouldn't help or give them a better chance of winning it. we want wenger out.

  12. Robert Exley

    Mar 03, 2017, 13:04 #98850

    Just a point with regard to TV not influencing football in 1970. Not strictly true as the ill advised kick off times in the searing Mexico midday heat were entirely down to TV audiences in Europe. As for BBC and ITV showing games at the same time, I'm not sure if that is strictly true as TV was sensitive to saturation coverage being the limited number of channels they had and not being entirely swayed by audience figures back then. I think as late as 1982, there were a few games not broadcast. I think after Mexico '86 is when TV wanted to broadcast every game apart from the final group fixtures live

  13. Bob Bayliss

    Mar 03, 2017, 11:57 #98847

    I am not a lover of three-team groups: it is the worst of all worlds with a bloated tournament and the risk of teams who are in pole position playing negatively in their final group match. I would prefer fewer, not more, teams in the final. The 1966 and 1970 formats had it about right - 16 teams, groups of four with the top two qualifying then straight into quarter finals.

  14. Gunner Rob

    Mar 03, 2017, 11:23 #98846

    stupid idea - the qualifying competitions are now irrelevant and this just makes the finals even more boring

  15. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 03, 2017, 11:03 #98845

    Thank you Mr Frank Lee (just to keep last week's smiths theme going a little longer). Anything that will help get the Tartan Army to a major football final has to be good news in my book. They made the 70s finals watchable with their underachievement against crap teams - Peru and Iran - and wild overachievement against giants such as Holland and Brazil (David Narey and wee Errchie Gemmill) . Plus the fans really know how to par-tay like it's 1999 (unless they're up against in-ger-land in which case they tend to sink to the opposition's level). And their WC songs are a laugh. The bigger problem is the two upcoming venues chosen by the corrupt and worthless fifa. Homophobic, violent and racist old Russia and the footballing cradle that isn't oil-rich Qatar (where I fear players and fans will be dessicated in the heat. It's debatable who will leave a sorrier legacy - Blatter or the wengo/kroenke nexus of doom. Money-grubbing b*stards of a slightly different nature from our own but nonetheless equally as terrible.

  16. Hi Berry

    Mar 03, 2017, 10:53 #98844

    The end of your first paragraph sums it all up really. All higher echelon football worships at feet of the TV and money men and has thereby distanced itself from the traditional supporter of years ago. So many games in a tournament is a real turn-off for lots of people and reeks havoc with family life. It's a shame all this money doesn't seem to be filtering down to the junior game in any meaningful way for both boys and girls.