Too late in the season for some work on tactics?

11 days between matches has given Arsene Wenger time to prepare for Liverpool

Too late in the season for some work on tactics?

Klopp and Wenger - Which one will be smiling at 7.30?

One upshot of Chelsea’s failure to qualify for Europe last season is that, having lost two of their opening five Premier League matches, Antonio Conte switched to a three at the back formation. With the right personnel (preferring Matic to Cesc Fabregas, dropping John Terry and re-intoducing Victor Moses to the side) the team was transformed into odds on favourites for the Premier League, with an impressive sequence of victories.

Critically, Conte was able to work on the formation in training, while four of the other five sides competing for the title were committed to a number of midweek European fixtures that prevented such focus on honing their tactical approach and formation.

Granted, there is no way that an 11 day break equates to what Chelsea were able to achieve with their gaps between matches, but one wonders whether or not Arsene Wenger has looked at the recent demoralizing away defeats at Chelsea and Bayern Munich in his preparation for the Liverpool fixture at 5.30 this evening.

The Gunners’ tactics in certain away games have been bold to say the least, with their preference to take on the opposition with their possession football, and less focus on preventing their hosts creating their own opportunities to score.

There seems a lack of solidity. Yet, we know they are capable of changing their approach. One example is the memorable 2-0 away victory at Manchester City in the January 2015. Very little possession, but solidity and counter attack. Then, compare the 5-1 defeat at Liverpool little under a year previously, a key fixture in the derailment of another promising title challenge. Arsenal had far more of the ball than Brendan Rodgers’ side that day, but left themselves badly exposed.

It’s well documented that in the 1997-98 double season, the players held a meeting to determine how the side would play after a home defeat by Blackburn. The defensive players effectively ordered Vieira and Petit to focus harder on preventing the opposition coming through. The change, which brought about success, had nothing to do with Wenger. A similar story exists about the players deciding to change their approach for the aforementioned victory against Manchester City in 2015, the start of a run that saw them only lose two of the remaining 16 Premier League matches, and retain the FA Cup.

Wenger trusts his players to do the right thing on the pitch, without, it seems, a great deal of intervention as far as tactical set-up is concerned. So, perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that, instead of extra sessions in training, we are seeing photos of Alexis Sanchez and Mustafi enjoying sunshine breaks due to the opportunity afforded to them by the postponement of last weekend’s game with Southampton.

Of course, time spent on the training ground honing tactics and formation does not guarantee success. Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool enjoyed a similar autumn to that of Chelsea, and Klopp was more familiar with his players. What seems to have resulted is that Liverpool, in contrast to Arsenal, generally do well against the other top sides, but slip up more than they should against, in theory, less challenging opposition. Who knows whether or not Klopp is such a nice guy behind the scenes with his players, and if this leads to an element of complacency.

With a view to the visit of Arsenal, that does not augur well, and after a string of disappointing results, the law of averages suggests Klopp’s side are due a win. It’s a match that could prove hugely influential for both sides in their chase to secure a top four spot, and defeat for the Gunners would heap even more pressure on Arsene Wenger to step down this summer. Let’s hope he has prepared his team so that a similar humiliation to that seen at Anfield in 2014 (and indeed not so long ago in Munich) can be avoided. Or maybe the players have found time to have another meeting…

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  1. jeff wright

    Mar 05, 2017, 11:51 #98906

    It's no easy task trying to double guess what reasons inspire Wengo 's often bizarre decisions. I'm guessing though that the confused clown was more concerned about the midweek lost cause against the Deutschlanders than he was last night's farce against the Scousers who in his arrogant way he expected to beat with any side that he fielded he took his eye off the ball so to speak. Glum the wizard of Oz was left back in London and Glummer sat looking even more confused and glummer on the bench .Wengo wanted to have the intrepid duo a bit fresher to try and beat Bayern Munich and that in Wengo's world equates to success - even though he lost the tie. We have seen this scenario before and all of the hype that follows. I was trying to fathom out what plan Wengo had thought up when watching last night's first half until it dawned on me that there was no plan! You couldn't make it up. At least we were only 2-0 down at half time so we were spared the sight of Keystone Kos limping off with another 'leg injury'. Obviously the players had more idea of what was required after the break and Wenger was forced to send out Glummer so a bit of a fight back was put up but it always looked like a lost cause even at 2-1 and Wengo looked a broken man when the inevitable 3rd Klopp gang goal flew in with our crappy disorganized defence all over the gaff. Kloppo had done his home work and those defence splitting diagonal passes opened up Wengo's pushing forward to support the tippy tappy pass the parcel play the Scousers opened up our defence time and again like a can opener does with a can of Sardines .We all know why the Seagulls follow the trawler the problem is that Wengo has falen off the boat and is drowning in a sea of his own incompetent apathy. He needs putting out of his misery.

  2. markymark

    Mar 05, 2017, 7:18 #98893

    There's quite a bit of chatter about the board needing to know a decision by end of March. Looks like end game is happening.

  3. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 05, 2017, 7:09 #98892

    Worst Arsenal team for 30 years - another gutless performance. Go now Wenger we are sick of you.

  4. markymark

    Mar 05, 2017, 6:56 #98891

    Keown has lost contact with his mind control implant and in his confusion called the Sanchez decision stunning. I think he meant stupid. It must be confusing being his spokesman one minute then hoping from foot to foot. What we do know is again Arsenal are not putting in a 90 minute performance. The players are signalling contempt with Wengo it's so obvious. Even Keown is seeing it....... or maybe not.

  5. mbg

    Mar 05, 2017, 1:41 #98890

    Not many AKB's about this evening/tonight, ( i wonder why )maybe their saving their input for the Editors match report, although it doesn't usually take that long to make up an Excuse/Excuses. Go wenger your not wanted here.

  6. CT Gooner

    Mar 04, 2017, 22:26 #98889

    Surely leaving Sanchez on the bench for the first half had to be seen by the AKBs as a cardinal sin. Inspector Clueless at his best. Oh and guess what, Barca want him, my a$$

  7. RegW

    Mar 04, 2017, 22:22 #98888

    Just watched Clouseau and it was lack of recent competition that we were not at the races in the 1st half! Funny we've been tired for 21 years with too much competition. You could only make this up in wengerworld, but a new excuse so bravo. You really do wish you couldn't make it up

  8. mbg

    Mar 04, 2017, 21:59 #98887

    markymark, good point, and the AKB wengerites can't do that (Sad) and it's all of their own doing too, they've let it happen (such is they're devotion to him) and can't lose face now, even though they know they're wrong and have been for years, and it's time for their messiah to go (and has been for five seasons now)but they'll still not and never admit it (even though it is doing the club harm) but a lot are waking up now, heads are coming out of the sand big time, and his arse with a big pop. It's just a pity they couldn't have seen what was in front of them years ago like a lot of us did. Go now wenger you old embarrassment.

  9. Paulward

    Mar 04, 2017, 21:39 #98886

    Another demoralising defeat , and fully expect a repeat on Tuesday night. Not much fun watching Arsenal these days, and Wengers reign is on life support now, abandoned by the majority of fans and let down by the players he continually talks up, he just has to go and he surely knows it too.

  10. GSPM

    Mar 04, 2017, 21:19 #98885

    anyone who gets mad is deluded , to get mad is to expect better. What a great shame that his once great legacy is diluted with anger , he should have let go 3yrs ago but his ego would not let him do that ....for us fans , all we can do is enjoy alexis for a few more games and remember he once played for us ..... Very sad state of affairs .

  11. markymark

    Mar 04, 2017, 21:16 #98884

    The one good thing about being a WOB is that we can separate the Arsenal from Arsene. This was another piss-poor Wengo bodge. This year crucially the players are seeing through him as well. He's costing the club now all for his selfish ego. A better man would have treated the club better by planning his departure. Not carrying out some ego driven will he won't he rubbish.

  12. mbg

    Mar 04, 2017, 20:50 #98883

    I bet the serial loser hadn't the same sly grin on him tonight as he had in the accompanying photo. Any resignation yet ?

  13. RegW

    Mar 04, 2017, 20:28 #98882

    Nearly there. Wenger out

  14. mbg

    Mar 04, 2017, 19:43 #98881

    So much for preparation, and obviously there was no time for another meeting, but we all knew this anyway didn't we ? didn't we ?? surely you didn't think it was going to be different Aaron. Go now wenger your an embarrassing old man.

  15. TonyEvans

    Mar 04, 2017, 19:39 #98880

    Great thinking Wenger - leave our best player on the bench until the second half! When did he come up with that gem of an idea I wonder. Let's look on the bright side though - another nail in his coffin.

  16. markymark

    Mar 04, 2017, 19:33 #98879

    Pressure on Wengo further proof he can't cut the mustard against the top 6 Are true level now is 5th or 6th. Wengo's preference might be staying at Arsenal so would mine if I was on 8m a year. Every result drip by drip Wengers being shown up as yesterday's man.

  17. mbg

    Mar 04, 2017, 19:30 #98878

    No where to run nowhere to hide, go now you f*****g embarrassment, we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  18. CBee

    Mar 04, 2017, 19:24 #98877

    Same old same old utter cr@p

  19. Paulo75

    Mar 04, 2017, 18:14 #98875

    Another utterly clueless performance. Can't even perform the basics, embarrassing. Yet more confirmation if it was needed that we need a clear out and a fresh start. And it's not even half time FFS

  20. mbg

    Mar 04, 2017, 17:13 #98874

    Paulward, not a chance, when he's under fire to do something like that, or a player is under fire, or he's under fire to change something he won't, it just makes him more determent not to, such is his arrogance and ego, remember he will not be told what to do and takes no advice, arrogance of the highest level. wenger out tonight.

  21. Paulward

    Mar 04, 2017, 16:02 #98873

    Surely he'll try and tighten things up today. Should drop Ozil and play Perez and Welbeck on either flank, with Iwobi or Ox in behind Sanchez. Even he must realise he cannot afford another thrashing today, particularly as Liverpool are in poor form.Its last chance saloon,and he knows it.

  22. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 04, 2017, 15:27 #98872

    The only thing Wenger's been working on in the last 11 days is his accounts. BTW well played Bournemouth today - a side going to OT and putting in a serious shift.

  23. Deighty

    Mar 04, 2017, 14:11 #98871

    Tactics, nah. Get the team up for the game, nah. Continue playing Walnut on his great form, yep. Tell us he won't take the Barca job, cos they really wanted him, yeah right. The deluded fool is ruining us.

  24. mbg

    Mar 04, 2017, 12:47 #98870

    There is absolutely no way wenger took advantage of that break to work on anything (introduce a few more cones maybe)TOF couldn't/wouldn't achieve what Chelsea have achieved in eleven years, hoping wenger is honing tactics and preparing his team on the training ground ? where have you been living for the last ten years, they'd be better off on the beach they'd learn more. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  25. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Mar 04, 2017, 12:33 #98869

    It's hard to see anything other than yet another defeat today. On the plus side though I hear Ozil will be missing through 'illness'. At least that's one pussy out the way. Hope Walcott follows suit, we might have half a chance without those two passengers