New Issue of The Gooner on sale this evening and online

Issue 264 hits the streets for the Bayern game

New Issue of The Gooner on sale this evening and online

Front and back cover of the new issue

Ok, self-promotion time.

The new issue of the Gooner (264) goes on sale this evening at the game v Bayern Munich. We have a limited supply of free postcards courtesy of Twitter designer @MrHChapman to give away to buyers whilst stocks last. Ask your seller if you are buying at a busy time when they do not have time to offer them to you.

As for the issue itself, aside from regulars including Talking Reds, The Spy, Mickey Cannon, Anger Management Inbox, the North Bank Times and the 91st Minute, there is a good blend of writing on current and nostalgic topics.

Here’s a list of some of the other subject matter…
• Kieran Gibbs Interview
• Granit Xhaka – Has Arsene been sold a pup?
• Injury problems of Welbeck and Cazorla
• What’s the reality of this infamous ‘Mental Strength’?
• ‘In the Away End’ - Sutton United chatroom
• Trip report from Bayern Munich
• The notion that Alexis Sanchez “deserves better” than Arsenal
• What might have happened if Arsene Wenger had left the club in 2004
• The George Graham Years - 1994-95
• The FA Cup replay at Luton in 1986
• Changes in the game since The Gooner came into existence 30 years ago
• The notion that yellow is a lucky colour for Arsenal’s away kit
• The benefits for fans of disliking opposition players

The issue costs £3 from our sellers on your approach to the stadium. Help your fanzine survive by buying a copy! For those that can’t make it to the game (or those against Lincoln, Manchester City and West Ham), then you can buy a copy online for £3.60 including postage

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Eight issue subscriptions are available for £24 (UK), £34 (Europe) and £44 (Rest of the World) and can also be bought through the Gooner Shop section of this website.

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  1. Yes its Ron

    Mar 08, 2017, 11:35 #99081

    these pundits make me smile. They go almost to the point of stating that AW should go, but just hold off from the use of those words then at the end they add the rider ..... but he 'should be allowed to go on his own terms'. Its a bit pathetic. I know that they and the TV companies dont want to saddled with the allegation theyve forced a man to lose his job, but the kid gloves all of the pundits wear for Wenger are far more easily worn than for other Coaches. Surely they know by now that Wenger defines his own terms and the balance of probabilities suggests that his terms means he ll opt to stay. It doesnt appear that leaving even enters his head as a possibility? Perhaps, hes doing his usual 'lets judge me in May' routine ina far more literal manner than normal. I think deep down he s enjoying it. Hes loving the suspense and the tightrope mentality it all engenders, but is cherishing and loving the torment hes inflicting on the fans (customers) the most. Its a break from the usual March to May tedium after all for him too dont forget. Hes probably as bored with that as we are. His recent body language suggests to me that hes actually growing into the role of the unwanted despot now.

  2. markymark

    Mar 08, 2017, 11:16 #99078

    Ron you could well be right on that one. Cbee I have wondered this myself. Puma live in the shadow of Addidas ( I think there was a family split and one brother left Addidas to create Puma ) Social media is turning Arsenal into a standing joke I wonder if a risk factor for Kronke could come from this angle. It's starting to look even for an ultra conservative percentage guy like Kronke that the less risky position is to dump Wenger. Wright has also alluded to trouble in the dressing room. When power hungry narcissists lose control things unravel pretty quickly, his wait and see to the end of season is falling apart as he's lost the dressing room.

  3. Yes its Ron

    Mar 08, 2017, 10:58 #99076

    Marky - Gazadis is so inextricably linked to Wenger (like a Siamese twin) he could well be sacked once Kroenke accepts Wengers demise. SK will need a scapegoat and a sacrificial lamb.It wont be Wenger. IG s head could certainly roll and he knows it too. If nothing else Arsenal are a brand and a Co and heads have to be severed to sate the customers. Like night follows day. Its why IG has always stood four square with Wenger.

  4. jeff wright

    Mar 08, 2017, 10:54 #99075

    lee k fc ..cluck cluck cluck.. is missing the point there was no demo in the stadium for Wenger to stay. One sad AKB was shown at the end sitting in his seat holding up a piece of tatty brown cardboard that he must of torn off a box with 'Supporters Not Saboteurs scrawled on it in black ink. He looked like one of the joined in the 90s AKB brigade who believe that AFC history started with Wengo ( yawn) and will end when he leaves. Hopefully the last decade of mediocrity mutton dressed up as lamb will and a new manager can take the club forward instead of backwards. Of course Syrupy back on the ranch in the good 'ol U.S of A and his gang of pickpockets will still be hanging around like a bad smell and some serious clearing out of the deadwood that Wengo has accumulated will be required. If it happens though is another matter and Wengo could still be with us unbelievably next season .The club is run by him and many who work there owe their generous wages and jobs to his patronage.For this they have to show Wengo loyalty. Deja vu the likes of Rambo and co. Also not least the bald one who sits stoically chewing his gum watching the constant misery unfolding before him. Surely he can't be happy watching this Keystone Kops type defending that even Cech and Sancho found hilarious. Sancho laughed when the 10th BM goal flew in past the little responsible for the second one with a hapless goal kick Ospina and that is the only time I can recall the Chilean not looking glummer than Jeremy Corbyn reading his latest popularity rating.Was he on the demo ,no ,thought not ! It can't be fun at AFC but the cash keeps on pouring in and this keeps Syrupy happy and it is this scenario that Wengo alluded to in his claims that the club is in great shape. The same can't be said of the team's defence but hey this is la la Wengo land where the main thing is to forget the last game and concentrate on the next one,you never know with the law of averages in his favour Wengo must eventually win one . You couldn't make it up

  5. CBee

    Mar 08, 2017, 10:47 #99074

    I wonder what Puma are thinking. They are a second tier outfit behind the likes of Nike & Adidas trying to improve their image, they cant like having their gear associated with such a lily livered shower. Next sponser Primark.

  6. markymark

    Mar 08, 2017, 10:39 #99073

    Tony Attwoods latest piece is interesting , he appears completely at odds with the comments section. Indeed apart from ****fields and deluded Pat it's more or less turned Gooner. Wengers fan club is crumbling the difficulty for any AKB is squaring the circle of Wengo managing his own exit ( he's an employee ) when the foundations are collapsing. A crazy turn of events making the club look weak and incompetent . I wonder if Gazidis has ever been tempted to throw in his cards as it cannot be a good advert for future employment prospects.

  7. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Mar 08, 2017, 10:26 #99072

    Reg W Cheers mate, I did not know that - not having worked a day in football! Well at least it will be over this Saturday.

  8. Yes its Ron

    Mar 08, 2017, 10:15 #99071

    Cant see what all the fuss is about. it was only 1-5. Its not as if its a scoreline that we re unfamiliar with. Good consistency, focus and mental strength to get such a fine result v a team in the top 3 in Europe. Arsene looked rightly pleased. Pride of London!

  9. Paulward

    Mar 08, 2017, 9:32 #99070

    Should have waited for Saturday to march, loads more would have shown and plenty of time to have a good drink before hand. Is still making the news though, well done the organisers. Wenger Out

  10. markymark

    Mar 08, 2017, 9:24 #99069

    Squeak a very very quiet 40,000 with zero support for Weng. How do you think that Demo's occur? Are you seriously expecting that you need 40,000 on a demo to prove something? The poll tax demo and riot probably had around 40k and that was a universally detested Thatcher Gov Bill that ultimately led to her demise. A group of a 1000 will probably need Police involvement to plan a March. Question to you have you ever been on a protest march? Very few have, so I'd suggest that a March of 500 would be very significant. After the Bayern Tonking that might not be so difficult to achieve. Now Squeak you must be getting very lonely indeed as even John Cross has deserted you .

  11. RegW

    Mar 08, 2017, 9:24 #99068

    No replays in this years quarter finals. Extra time and penalties. Pressure will pile up if Lincoln hang in there

  12. MAF

    Mar 08, 2017, 9:21 #99067

    hahahahahhahahahahahha. laughing stock of a Club so may as well laugh because so many of us knew this was coming. Alexis best of luck where you go next - sorry that Arsenal let you down. Ozil, you can join Arsene @ Lyon if they will have you. Dear Arsenal fans we have no choice now but to rise up, our Club is imploding very quickly

  13. CBee

    Mar 08, 2017, 9:11 #99066

    He´s taken us to the next level alright. The next level of humiliation!

  14. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Mar 08, 2017, 9:10 #99065

    Yes Lincoln could well kick the team bus over the cliff on Saturday. The weekend game would be a tough one for any Premier League side but the state Arsenal are in it will not be a surprise if Lincoln get a result, I think it may be a replay, thus dragging on the drama. Things are unraveling at speed now, there is an inertia that will have it's own momentum regarding Arsenal and last night was just a taster of what is going to happen in the next few months, more hammerings, more crazy team selections and throughout it all Theo will be there as the image and embodiment of Wenger's crazy last 10 years - as Kev called them "The Walcott years" Seeing Cech and Sanchez laughing in their seats was not good but Cech will have his honours with Chelsea to keep him content and Sanchez will be relieved that he is getting as far away as possible from "Arsene Wenger's Flying Circus"

  15. Paulward

    Mar 08, 2017, 9:08 #99064

    Sad thing is we played well for 90 minutes of this tie yet still managed to lose 10-2. Scary.

  16. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Mar 08, 2017, 8:53 #99063

    Can't believe he hasn't resigned after last nights utter humiliation. What's that I can hear? It's Sir Henry Norris and Herbert Chapman spinning in their graves. Wenger, gazidis, kroenke you are a disgrace. I detest you all. F*** off out of our club

  17. TonyEvans

    Mar 08, 2017, 8:47 #99062

    If only Wenger would do the decent and honourable thing and announce this was his final season before the Lincoln match. Then we could all unite behind the team and hope for an unlikely FA Cup final victory. As it stands I want Lincoln to win to pile even more pressure on Wenger and make the situation untenable, even for an arrogant dictator like him. Sad times indeed.

  18. TonyEvans

    Mar 08, 2017, 8:26 #99061

    It was all the refs fault and we're in 'great shape' according to the deluded dictator in this mornings football news. Excuse me while I choke on my cereals! Come on Lincoln, one more push and surely he would have to go.

  19. RegW

    Mar 08, 2017, 8:15 #99060

    Leeky - The number of players deserting the cause will tip Clouseau over the edge. One more embarrassment in the cup and you'll be sobbing in the caravan for very different reasons

  20. Leek fc

    Mar 08, 2017, 8:08 #99059

    So, the WOB's failed the time for change demo vs Norwich. Then a paltry 200 turn out last night with a few banners. Given that there were 40,000 Gooners present. That is a very, very, very tiny percentage. Give it a couple more years fellas and you might get there.

  21. RegW

    Mar 08, 2017, 7:37 #99058

    Agree Mark it was very therapeutic. Don't know what happened post game as I won't go back in the place until he's gone, so any updates? Just been chatting with my 14 year old daughter over breakfast explaining the march and Clouseau's new European record. She asked "do you think the players want him out?" Seems that way after the capitulation so we are very near the end but we all know dictators hang on until the last plane leaves (loot firmly stashed) or the throats is cut. They'd be a resignation or sacking this morning at any other club. What a shambles.

  22. markymark

    Mar 08, 2017, 6:52 #99057

    John Cross Daily Mirror has come out against Wenger. Apparently it's not our fault anymore.

  23. markymark

    Mar 08, 2017, 0:52 #99056

    Paul Ward - I gave a little summary in the previous post. Thought the March went very well. When the group gathered under the corporate restaurant level it was hilarious the diners looked like they were about to crap themselves and the waitresses all ran to the windows. I bet they had a right giggle at the slanging off of the Management. Plenty of social media and traditional media coverage . Purely for the therapuetic screaming Wenger resign it was well worth it.

  24. Gooner1972

    Mar 08, 2017, 0:04 #99052

    A king reigns, then he dies!!!!!

  25. Paulward

    Mar 07, 2017, 23:18 #99051

    Press quoting between 150 and 400 attended which is decent enough for an evening fixture, and a first attempt. Fair play to everbody who turned up, the genie is out of the bottle now, which is important.

  26. Paulward

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:56 #99050

    Cheers John, I'm there next time 100%

  27. John F

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:51 #99049

    Paul if you go to the forum page above/on the terrace/Wenger out protest got loads on it plus a distributor video of two aggressive AKBs as if to emphasise my above post.

  28. Paulward

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:44 #99047

    Does anybody know how the March went? And when's the next one?

  29. Cyril

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:15 #99042

    "The referee killed the game". UM!

  30. John F

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:07 #99041

    Really good call by a 100% Wenger fan on radio 5 who said that the atmosphere in the stand is awful with fans having a go at each other.He said he would sacrifice Wenger leaving if it meant the fans could unite again.Couldn't agree more.

  31. RegW

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:07 #99040

    Another record for Clouseau

  32. fowkes01

    Mar 07, 2017, 21:59 #99038

    Rest of Europe laughing at us again... has he resigned yet ?

  33. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 07, 2017, 21:51 #99037

    Wengo's favourite time of the day? Ten to (two) seven (years of going out in the last 16 of this miserable tournament). The pet euro ground-hog has shot it's bolt all over wengo's anorak surely for the last time. Thank-you Bayern for making this happen in such stark fashion. A narrow result (either way) or a draw would have been spun as a victory of sorts. "Mr Wenger" must stay eh Leekie?

  34. Cyril

    Mar 07, 2017, 21:43 #99035

    Of course you can bet your bottom petro dollar that Wenger who only gets up when he can moan about a negative [sending off], uses that in his post match to explain the defeat and collect this week's wages. We are in trouble. Please Mr Wenger out of respect for this club .....

  35. Ritchie Growling

    Mar 07, 2017, 19:13 #99028

    Having seen tonight's team selection, I'd like a penny for the thoughts of Lucas Perez. He must be scratching his head wondering how he's behind Walcott and a most likely not fully fit Ramsey, whose first match back in action may well see him run ragged by Vidal. What a confidence booster. I would have played the Ox next to Xhaka, Perez instead of Walcott, and if Ramsey must play, put him in the role where he's proven he plays best for Wales and Arsenal, as the attacking midfielder supporting the striker...but hey, what do I know about picking a balanced team?

  36. mbg

    Mar 07, 2017, 16:14 #99018

    Sanhez yet another one of our best players wenger has driven out with his long failed out of date philosophies, luckily for Sanchez he's getting before he's been ruined too. wenger out.

  37. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2017, 13:44 #99012

    I make you right Ron on the Chelsea game it was as they say a game of two halves. Some horrendous defending by Chelsea,Cahill gifting us an early goal, contributed to our first half dominance .Second half Conte made changes and it looked like a damage limitation exercise for the blues who looked the better side as you said for a period of time .It was no surprise really when they tanked us at the bridge based on the second half of the game at the Emirates. Regarding protests in the end only Wenger missing out on the top 4 in my view is going to have any real impact on him not signing up for his reputed 10m a season new 2 year pension fund.He is not going to give up 20m easily without good reason.So unfortunately those of us who really want him gone are in the bizarre situation where we need bad results to see this happening.Wengo has brought this situation on himself so he is obviously going to try and ensure that results improve so he can ride out the protests demanding that he leaves in May. I can't see him being any certainty to win his top 4 trophy but it is not impossible that he could do so with a bit of good fortune and we know only too well from past experience that Wengo often has the luck of old Satan when it comes to the top 4 league places. The only fly in the ointment could be Wengo's old nemesis Mourinho whom Wenger constantly fails to beat at anything.It looks likely to be between Wengo and Mourinho for that 4th place trophy this term.

  38. Time for change

    Mar 07, 2017, 11:17 #99002

    "Get out while you can Alexis...."