Thoughts on the #NoNewContract march before the Bayern game

It should never have come to this…

Thoughts on the #NoNewContract march before the Bayern game

2009: I Love AW march… Be careful what you wish for?

At 6pm this evening, supporters frustrated at the club’s lack of progress since the stadium move back in 2006 will hold a No New Contact march from the exterior of the East Stand of the old Highbury Stadium in Avenell Road to the area by the Two Cannons or ‘Bear’ Roundabout in Hornsey Road, outside the Armoury. The focus of their protest is the desire that Arsene Wenger should not extend his tenure as manager of the club past this summer.

I can understand the frustration of those that will be on the march, and I am sure none of those taking part ever wanted things to reach a level where they felt forced to protest against a man that gave the club ten glorious seasons before the departure from Highbury.

Ivan Gazidis told supporters in 2011, when asked who the manager was accountable to at an end of season Q&A event, that “Arsene is accountable to the fans – they ultimately make judgement. If you are seeing the relationship between the fans and the manager break down over time that is unsustainable”. Since then, the CEO has witnessed more punches thrown at home and away matches over the issue of whether or not the club should persist with Arsene as manager than he would care to remember.

Arsene has has three seasons with both Ozil and Sanchez in the team, and the money to build a strong group of players around these two world class performers. In the first season, he won the FA Cup and finished third. Last season, the improvement in the Premier League finishing position (due to a complete collapse by Spurs) was tempered by the fact that it was Leicester City that finished ten points above them. Significantly, all three of the clubs that had won the title since Arsenal’s last triumph in 2004 dispensed with their managers as a consequence of their allowing Leicester to win the league. Arsenal, with less evident ambition, stuck with their man. This season has seen the traditional last 16 exit in the Champions League and another failed title challenge from a promising position, in spite of spending over £90 million in last summer’s transfer window.

In fairness, it is the board that is to blame for this situation, as they should have put Arsene Wenger out of his misery long before it got to the stage that fans who love what he achieved in his better days now feel they are forced to take part in a march demanding change. However, taking Gazidis’ cue, such is their feeling of hopelessness at the situation, that they are compelled to do something they have no wish to do, the recent defeats to Chelsea, Bayern Munich and Liverpool being the catalyst as another season collapses in traditional fashion. Sure, the FA Cup is still a possibility, but instead of beating two from Wigan, Hull, Reading and Aston Villa, Arsenal will have to triumph twice at Wembley against – in all likelihood – two from Chelsea, Manchester United, Manchester City and Spurs. Optimism does not abound.

The intention of the march is to be respectful, but make the point. A flyer will be handed out to those taking part with a list of do’s and don'ts, which includes points such as
* Not reacting to any provocation
* Refraining from foul or abusive language
* No alcohol

The intention is that the march should make its point without the necessity for personal abuse or conflict. Freedom of speech.

We received an email from one of the organisers which read as follows…

If fans who want Wenger to leave and can't make game/protest/are overseas etc they are requested to do their bit and tweet the below text at kick off and at half time. Even if you are in or at the ground you can still do this.

@Arsenal @PUMA @emirates @Betfair @GatoradeUK @CitroenUK @CooperTire @Europcar @IndesitUK @Vitality_UK #NoNewContract #WengerOut

Or post the hashtags on the AFC Facebook page if you don't use Twitter.

If you want Wenger to leave, it's no good just moaning into an echo chamber! Here's your chance to do something direct.

Not related to the march, but equally pertinent was this email we received yesterday from a long term supporter…

For me the worst thing about Wenger and the way he’s managed the team is that he’s killed off all the emotion I’ve felt towards the club. I wish I still got angry and upset rather than feel immune from all things Arsenal.

I expect more from my club than having a manager that spends enough to get us in the Champions League every year. I can’t get emotional about my club when all it’s set up to do is make sure the team qualifies for the following year’s CL.

I don’t even bother watching the matches anymore. I’ve been completely turned off by the whole thing.

That’s the worst thing about this entire situation. I don’t care anymore. I don’t care about winning or losing. I don’t care about losing 5-1 in the CL, I don’t care about finishing above Spurs. I don’t care about finishing in the top 4. I don’t even care enough to be angry or vindictive towards Arsene Wenger.

Every season for the last 10 years he’s promised us a competitive team with a strong mental attitude. Every season we have known that that we lack both and it has been obvious to us that his actions on non-actions in the transfer market have failed to rectify these problems.

Surely the feeling of detachment is the worst thing he could have ever created.

Eight years ago, in May 2009, before the final home match of the season against Stoke, with rumours that Real Madrid were trying to tempt Wenger to Spain, supporters held a march of support for the manager, starting from The Rocket and ending at the Bear Roundabout. In the preceding six weeks, Arsenal had lost an FA Cup semi-final to Chelsea in which the best player had been left on the bench (Arshavin), been beaten 3-1 at home in the second leg of a Champions League semi-final against Manchester United (going two goals down within 11 minutes), and lost 4-1 at home to Chelsea. In spite of this, many fans wanted him to stay. I wonder how many on that march now feel the same now. I know of one who was on it that is travelling to the game tonight to take part in the No New Contract march even though they do not have a match ticket.

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  1. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 08, 2017, 0:37 #99055

    OK leek, as you're so keen I'll meet up with you... but only if you promise to wear a biological suit. After everything you must've picked up in the caravan it would be unwise to come within 100 yards of you otherwise.

  2. markymark

    Mar 08, 2017, 0:33 #99054

    Squeak where on earth is 1044421??? Do you desperately copy and paste little Goonerette postings and stick on your,? err sticky wall. That's got to be about 3 months ago? You're like that weirdo Old Man Colesey who used to slate off everyone but then would send little pleading messages to meet him down the pub. Answer this, why would anyone want to meet you ? What possible benefit does it achieve? It gives you a day out but unfortunately we're not a charity. Oddballs like you should remain in their darkened rooms slurping some sort of potato juice.

  3. markymark

    Mar 08, 2017, 0:19 #99053

    Err Squeak Think you're missing the big picture. Ps: I don't think you've ever been near a quim so don't try and use terms that you know nowt about.

  4. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:44 #99048

    Leek, I most certainly will not 'get it on' with you, what a revolting suggestion you disgusting little man.

  5. Leek fc

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:38 #99046

    Top quality demo...... 300 max. Laughable. Time for change anyone???

  6. markymark

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:31 #99045

    Squeak - beware the ides of March, infamy, infamy they've all got it in for me!

  7. mbg

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:24 #99044

    Any resignation yet ?

  8. clarky

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:20 #99043

    Hey Leeky, I'll meet you for a chat and a beer, are you there Saturday?

  9. Leek fc

    Mar 07, 2017, 22:01 #99039

    Exeter... Your post 104421 clearly states that you wish to meet for a chat. I'm not implying anything as you brought it onto me. Post 104421. I'll say it again 104421. Let's get it on.

  10. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2017, 21:48 #99036

    Leek,what are you suggesting would happen if I met you in person? What are you trying to imply? Come on, state it explicitly, don't bottle it.

  11. mbg

    Mar 07, 2017, 21:35 #99034

    10-2 hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee ho ho ho ho lol lol lol lol, we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  12. mbg

    Mar 07, 2017, 21:23 #99033

    markymark, nice one, brilliant, and well done mate and everyone else that was there, that'll shake the c***s up, it certainly has done that with the lone AKB, he's spitting venom, LOL, 9-2 as I type, look at wenger on the bench, completely f*****g clueless like an old man that has had an accident in his Y fronts, all dignity gone, go now you useless waste of space. wenger out.

  13. markymark

    Mar 07, 2017, 21:22 #99032

    Squeak - has gone all Ronnie Kray again... alright son, no what I mean son, I'll sort yer aht , I'll ave yer ears! Mr Wengie, Mr Wengie it's gone 8-2 Mr Wengie.... Ps: Markymark is Mark from Aylesbury you numbskull I went to the protest. Ye Gods there's not much happening between yer ears Ps 9-2!!!!

  14. Leek fc

    Mar 07, 2017, 20:39 #99031

    Exeter.. post 104421. Bottled it I guess just like your pal mark/mark from Aylesbury/ mad monk/ bell end bonzo et all. I'll say it again. Post 104421. All mouth son.

  15. markymark

    Mar 07, 2017, 20:08 #99030

    Went to the anti Wengo protest lots of noise generated and it was certainly therapeutic having a good shout of down with Wengo. 'We want our club back', 'It's never your fault', '4th is not a trophy', 'no new contract', along with Wenger out songs all sung with gusto. A great idea was to gather under the corporate / club level dining areas. You could see the shock on the diners faces. All told a good rally and protest.

  16. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Mar 07, 2017, 19:42 #99029

    Good Piece Kev and good luck tonight. The e-mail from the long term supporter and the killing of all emotions relating to Arsenal, was me three to four years ago, now I am through that and loving my football again. Watched Cambridge v Colchester at the weekend and stood on the terraces one more - in the Cambridge end. Brilliant day, had a late Colchester equalizer which pleased me no end, a pitch invasion and saw some proper meaty tackles and got the feeling the game meant something to both sides. A coffee and a bag of chips £2.50 and finally the Cambridge mascot shook my hand! Just a fun day, like attending a football match years back. Whether Wenger goes or stays I shall not be back. I followed Arsenal from 1960 to 2009, I have seen them play brilliantly, appallingly, I seen them play when they could n't care less but I had never seen them frightened until Stoke away in 2009 and I have never been back since. I hope you can force out Wenger but I think he will need to be carried out of his office before he leaves. My future is with Colchester United, our next game is Portsmouth at home, yep Portsmouth now a fourth tier club, Harry certainly worked his magic on Pompey!

  17. mbg

    Mar 07, 2017, 19:13 #99027

    markymark, even they've all deserted him, I wonder why ? lol.

  18. Ritchie Growling

    Mar 07, 2017, 18:46 #99026

    Hello Peter, thanks for your reply. I must admit I hadn't read your November post, I've been reading articles on and off for the past little while. You're right about the chap sitting next to you being from South Korea, if my judgement's any good I'd say that our North Korean fan base are all working like an insect colony for a weird little freakshow called "Untold Arsenal". I'd seen a few contributors on here mention that site, so I took a peek, and....boy, oh boy...I won't be heading back in that direction any time soon.

  19. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2017, 18:01 #99025

    Good guess, mark. Aside from all that, Leeky's obvious sado-masochist tendencies - he clearly enjoys coming on here every day and getting ritually humiliated - would make me want to keep my distance. I wonder what he thinks would happen if we did meet, however? Would I be destroyed by the inescapable logic of his pro-Wenger arguments. Perhaps that's why he never puts them up here, he's saving them up to be unleashed in person. #NoNewContract #WengerOut

  20. markymark

    Mar 07, 2017, 17:38 #99024

    Squeak - I'd say Exeter at a guess is probably a local real ale man. He's not going to want a share a bubblegum flavoured slush puppy with a toothless git like you, on some random park bench. Think on Squeak your pal is Jamerson and his caravan awaits for you.

  21. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2017, 17:25 #99023

    Sorry Leeky, you're not my type. How about asking out the boy next to you in the photo?

  22. Radfordkennedy

    Mar 07, 2017, 17:12 #99022

    Good post Kev and i feel exactly the same as the guy that text you,its all become incredibly tedious and predictable,i cant be the only one who before the ko against the scousers was looking up the odds for a score ranging from 3-0 to 5-1,it was just a question of how many wasnt it really.I hope the march goes off well tonight i really do but it really needs to be a very loud and vocal demo inside the ground to work i feel,in ear shot of the money men wether they be shareholders or sponsers.And on that subject i guarantee the Hi-Viz Gestapo stadium security will have been briefed to eject any would be dissenter from the crowd,so much for free speech Kev

  23. Petergooner

    Mar 07, 2017, 17:07 #99021

    Ritchie Growling you may have seen my post many months ago about the person next to me against Tottenham came from Korea for the weekend just to see Arsenal. What does that tell you about brains of some people?? It was South Korea because I think even our board would not let North Koreans into the ground.

  24. Leek fc

    Mar 07, 2017, 16:59 #99020

    Exeter.... You'll be able to see what I look like when we meet for a drink eh.

  25. Ritchie Growling

    Mar 07, 2017, 16:29 #99019

    One would hope that a lack of bums on seats might get a point across, but if those empty seats are already paid for upfront with season ticket money blah blah you know the rest. What I can say with some sort of confidence is that, typing this from Australia as I do, there's a lot of cash - rich long distance "new Arsenal" fans in South - East Asia that wouldn't blink at shelling out a few grand sterling for the "Emirates fan trip experience of a lifetime" or whatever going to a home match is being marketed as these days. Just to be clear, I'm not having a crack at said Asia region fans, quite the opposite - it's a hell of a long way to go and a commitment to make to being fleeced for the privelege of watching a sub - standard product. As the observant among us are aware, the club have been sharpening the instruments needed to suck the juice of that revenue stream, a global financial strategy designed to plaster over the absence of the British based support that have either been priced out of, or already seen enough from, the Business Formerly Known As Arsenal FC.

  26. mbg

    Mar 07, 2017, 16:01 #99017

    Top email you received and it speaks for us all, but it hasn't stopped me being angry towards him, it just made/makes me worse, I hate the sight of him, the sound of him,(it/he makes my blood boil) the look of him, the vindictive c**t. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  27. mad max

    Mar 07, 2017, 15:50 #99016

    mbg I,m totally with ya mate, I built this club my arse, the sheer arrogance of the man makes my skin crawl, WENGER OUT NOW


    Mar 07, 2017, 15:46 #99015

    Excellent article Ed. Ron, I hope you are proven wrong as even my lovely wife has shown an interest in the recent, well overdue media shenanigans. The march is very, very important in my view & loads of empty seats would also be brilliant. I shall be tweeting for sure - as we have to give this our best shot in every way possible. If Webster survives this (ANR, the up himself Myles P, are again saying he has signed for sure) then that is the end of a football club & official confirmation that London has yet another tourist attraction. In that case maybe the National Trust could be encouraged buy from Stanley? Bet even they would do a better job in terms of entertainment & value for money than this regime.

  29. mbg

    Mar 07, 2017, 15:20 #99014

    I built the club, that statement alone should have all right thinking fans out in droves tonight, he'll never be forgiven for that alone, regardless of everything else he's said and done, The f*****g arrogant b*****d. We want wenger out.

  30. RobG

    Mar 07, 2017, 14:22 #99013

    Totally agree with your conclusion. But it won't happen. I am not trying to play Casandra but Wenger won't budge. The Board are craven cowards. What will be the response if - come May - Wenger signs this extension ? What do we do then - other than prepare for two more years of ineptitude and agony. Not to mention overt and not covert civil war in the fan base ? This isn't an attempt at Trolling. I am truly worried about what will happen if this insanity persists.

  31. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Mar 07, 2017, 13:35 #99011

    I agree completely with the emailer in kev's piece. I want Arsenal and their fortunes to MATTER to me once again. I'm fed up of feeling numb to our disastrous defeats and surrenders of the last decade. I want to feel excited when we win, pissed off when we lose. I want to watch a team and players wearing that shirt that I can relate to and get behind. It's many years since I've had those emotions now. All I feel is contempt and bitterness towards my own club and the ars*holes that have ruined it. I've done my bit, my own small token of protest by giving up my season ticket back in 2008. Until then I had followed Arsenal home, away and abroad for 20 odd years.I won't spend a penny at that club until a new regime is in place. I have two Arsenal mad boys that want nothing more to go and see their team, it's hard to explain to a 9 and 7 year old why I can't take them. It's gonna be hard to explain to them why their favourite player, the one they idolise, is going to be leaving at the end of the season. This is what Wenger, kroenke and gazidis have done to true Arsenal supporters and it stinks. I genuinely hate them and want them out. Good luck with the march tonight to those that are taking part. We deserve better as long standing fans of OUR club.

  32. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 07, 2017, 13:29 #99010

    Extremely unlikely, I know, but I'd take a humiliation Saturday teatime if it meant getting that fraud out early. Has it really come to this, wanting our own team to lose? It has for many of us.

  33. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 07, 2017, 13:28 #99009

    Kev, Thanks mate. Another really good piece and one that offers some optimism. I like the way the march has been organised - keeping the moral highground will be important, esp given the way the club and certain belligerent AKBs have reacted to legitimate protest in the past. If only Ivan the liar was prepared to act in the way you describe this afternoon (i.e. for the best interests of the club), you could almost imagine fans rallying round again. But we all know this is going to end badly - wengo won't compromise or show self-awareness at this late stage.

  34. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2017, 13:24 #99008

    The boy in the photo with arms aloft, eyes shut in religious ecstasy - Leeky is that you?

  35. TonyEvans

    Mar 07, 2017, 12:50 #99007

    My wife uses Facebook so I will do my bit, just wish I could on the march itself. Wenger is angling to stay, even today he is saying his Arsenal future will be decided by the 'bigger picture' and not the last few bad results. He quite obviously thinks the bigger picture gives him carte blanche to cling on for two more seasons at least. This must not be allowed under any circumstances, and I don't care what has to happen to prize Wenger from his awful grip on power at Arsenal: protests, losing every game between now and the end of the season - anything goes now as far as I am concerned. If we lose this chance we are well and truly stuffed - he is on the ropes so let's go for the KO.

  36. Yes its Ron

    Mar 07, 2017, 12:47 #99006

    Was it ever really a 'promising position' Kev? I recall that Chelsea game last Sept and there was a spell at 2-0 where Chelsea s game actually came together for about 20 mins or so and ASl were chasing shadows. Recall thinking then that the much awaited win over Chelsea was only happening because they had had such an off day rather than Asl being such a good side. Thats was Arse s peak of this Season too. Theyve never truly looked like Champs in waiting. If not for 3 or 4 fortuitous results earlier this Season we d be doing an Everton and this march thing might then have more clout. Good luck to them of course, but reality is that most match goers wont mind if he signs up for another 2 years. IG was right making that comment, but it hasn't reached any sort of pitch at Asl yet to rock the corridors of power there. Nor are the media sensing blood. All pretty innocuous and gentle isnt it.

  37. gooner.ed

    Mar 07, 2017, 12:21 #99004

    CBee - Any email to any of the senior figures get screened and won't get through to the intended recipient. Interacting with the club's social media channels is far more effective

  38. CBee

    Mar 07, 2017, 12:18 #99003

    An email address for the club would also be useful for those who dont have twitter or facebook ( yes there are some of us left!) Could just enter NO NEW CONTRACT in the subject line