Time to turn up the heat on Kroenke – Part 2

Arsene Wenger's fate is largely irrelevant to the final narrative for Arsenal Football club

Time to turn up the heat on Kroenke – Part 2

Arsenal Football Club is in crisis. It can't decide if it is purely a vehicle for making money for its owner or whether it should give the supporters of the club some hope of lifting a major trophy sometime soon. In the first part of this blog, I identified money as the root of all problems in football. Yet clearly unless we want to commit the club to abject failure, we need to join the bandwagon of throwing some reasonable amounts of money at a solution.

I am not asking for a revolution, neither do I subscribe to the current trendy political ideology that fuel populist movements that cause electoral upsets. Wenger's fate is largely irrelevant to the final narrative for Arsenal Football club as I described yesterday. The next target must be the owner and the Board.

Remember that when Stan Kroenke arrived at Arsenal he was honest enough to admit that it was for mainly to further his business interests. He was not a fan. Nothing has changed, he has zero affinity towards Arsenal fans. His attitude stinks and he does not deserve any respect as a consequence. It will only matter to him if Arsenal loses its profitability, a viewpoint that he knows we as fans cannot entertain.

Regular full stadiums, broadcasting revenues and Champions League participation ensure a steady flow of cash into the club. But how much did Kroenke really invest? Is it true that Kroenke did not actually use any of his own personal cash to buy all of the shares that he now owns? I believe that the answers to these questions will never be known.

His greedy influence at the heart of Arsenal football club is measured by his failure to invest heavily to the cause. Like a parasite, it seems that his raison d'être seems only to be mainly about collecting upon his fortunate opportunity to get onto the Arsenal board. Thankfully the scandalous £3 million a year payment to KSE has come to an end as a direct result of pressure on the Board.

Stan Kroenke is involved in many sports franchises and experience shows that he is not afraid of ignoring the wishes of fans. He has upset interests in Ice hockey, and the NFL among others in the pursuit of bigger and better financial rewards. The recent events have seen his fans across the USA and here at home turn upon him with chants of derision and even accusing him of lying. We now need to make Stan Kroenke realise that soon the world will know of his role in destroying our great club as we turn up the heat on him.

Stan Kroenke likes owning things and you need only check his franchises on Wikipedia to see that. A Republican who is listed as the ninth largest land owner in the US and married to a Walmart Heiress. In Billionaire terms he is a relatively modest though with Forbes listing his net worth as close to £7 billion and a lot of this wealth is in his businesses and property than actual cash.

His entry into Arsenal was as a result of a Boardroom dispute. It has to be said that it was a very great mistake for the late Danny Fiszman to have been taken in by Silent Stan. One will never know if Danny Fiszman's judgement was clouded by his boardroom feud with David Dein, but Kroenke would never have gained a foothold at Arsenal without the decision of Fiszman to sell his shares to Kroenke. This massive mistake resulted in the domino effect which ensured that Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith, and Peter Hill-Wood would follow that lead and be taken in by the softly spoken business man. For once I wish the then Chairman had stuck to his guns in stating that "we don't want his kind here".

Josh Kroenke apparently wants Thierry Henry to become the next manager, which only shows how massive the gap between reality and fantasy really is in the rarified atmosphere of the boardroom. We must now turn up the heat on Silent Stan. The more adverse headlines that are focused upon his role at the club rather than the manager's fate, the more uncomfortable he will be. People around the world need to see the Kroenke brand as tainted and unreliable. Let's get him to speak out about his failure to invest in a meaningful way in Arsenal Football Club.

Change the banners to "Kroenke out" and let's make his rare appearances at THOF as unpleasant as possible. Hopefully the media will pick up the trail, and let's try to identify sponsors of KSE and Kroenke so that we can use social media to organise boycotts. Try to talk to news channels and celebrities and make them realise that the whole mess at Arsenal is down to one man, and that is Stan Kroenke. One word of advice to the fans who will lead the calls for Kroenke to leave our club. You are more likely to get the majority of the stadium singing along with you if the chant is free of obscenities. Just a thought.


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  1. pedster8

    Mar 11, 2017, 14:22 #99294

    Exeter Gunner what you and others fail to grasp is Gazidis/board/Kroenke are happy with how things are and AW is meeting job criteria. I dont disagree we need a new manger as need a fresh new approach & these soft players need toughened up and some shown the door. Gazidis and other s should be and should have been last summer working with Wenger to make the team stronger but also pressure him to win but thats not what their about. If next year we had a new a manger went on a bad run and even finished 5th or 6th for example will you go crazy, abuse and protest? A protest again planned today which is so counter productive and embarrassing for the club in a situation now where can get to semi, need support to get points and would look confusing to Lincoln fans looking for a good day out. Also funny when people throw about the phrases AKB and WOB, you do realise over half that go are neither and are intelligent fans who understand the whole picture.

  2. jjetplane

    Mar 11, 2017, 11:26 #99282

    Wenger to be disposed of first leaving S... open for attack. Simple.

  3. mbg

    Mar 10, 2017, 20:03 #99260

    Is wenger wearing one of Stan's Syrups in that photo ? it certainly looks like it, TOF's always pure grey, it would explain why he's standing up so straight afraid to move and staring at Stan's, no such problem for egg head in the back ground. We want wenger out.

  4. the playing mantis

    Mar 10, 2017, 17:50 #99251

    hmm, author not doing himself favors if he doesn't want to be labelled akb. kroenke is an issue mostly through his lack of action and disinterest, yes his time will come, but kroenke doesn't train the players, he doesn't overpay average players, he doesn't identify targets, he doesn't motivate the players, he doesn't do the tactics (or lack of). that's all down to the manager. Likewise its not as if Kroenke has actually withheld cash, AW all along said he would give 100m back if given it as transfer funds. We have spent good amounts of money on transfers in recent seasons without recouping much, and also have spent masses on wages, hovering between 3rd and 4th in the country on wages spent with only 10 m or so separating the top 4 wage payers, with a huge gap to spurs in 5th. you could say that 4th is all we should expect on this basis, but then we should be miles ahead of spurs. also the fact that the actual wage spends of the top 4 has for the most part been only about 10m pa different from 1st to 4th, that's only the equivalent of 1 or 2 decent players. so realistically we should have been much closer to 1st than we have been, let alone champions league glory given we pay a lot more than most of Europe, even the 'super clubs' until recently. Only when wenger goes will we know for sure if stan is as big an issue as made out regards withholding money. There is plenty of money but Wenger wastes it on poor players (Xhaka for 35m?) or on over the top wages for unproven (Bendtner on 52k!)

  5. equalizer

    Mar 10, 2017, 17:44 #99250

    I agree, the problems do lay much deeper than Wenger. However I do believe that a younger manager, one who's spent the last 10 years studying football as opposed to retaining control of a business, could get much more out of this squad. On one hand getting Winger out is top priority, on the other, look at who will be responsible for appointing his successor.

  6. Yes its Ron

    Mar 10, 2017, 16:53 #99247

    Rocky - the lads are right in saying keep it one dimensional re seeking AWs resignation but i am with you too. This owner seriously needs ousting by whatever pressures the match going fans might feel is needed. A dual attacks ok by me. Kroenke and Wenger are part of the same problem and removal of one doesnt give a full and enduring solution. It gives SK a scapegoat though for public consumption, whatever he says to AW privately on his departure. I think SK has been exposed already. Hes happy to give any Coach carte blanche to please themselves and it ll happen again. I also think SK has been more influential on Wengers decisions than many think. AW is i feel owed the courtesy of fan recognition that SK is as accountable as he is. Wengers took all of the ****e that SK should have shared for years, whether hes been paid handsomely for doing so or not. Even if its later proven to be the case that SK has not interfered one bit with Wenger all these years, he still needs hounding out for being such a docile owner. Love to see both going together. Accept it wont happen of course. F-----g Americans have been a curse on Club ownership wherever they popped up. Should still to their own fake s-ite sports.

  7. mbg

    Mar 10, 2017, 16:31 #99245

    Rocky, fair enough, you were beginning to worry me (and others) there. But seriously, one thing first and that has to be wenger out out out, nothing else matters at this moment and time, and we're nearly there, closer than we've ever been, now is definitely NOT the time for distractions (Kroenke) it will only give TOF and his luvvie wengerites a reprieve take the pressure of him (and they would just fooking love that) a get out of jail card (and that's exactly what they want and are looking for, and you'll certainly not get any help or thanks if you or anyone else give them one)and he's had enough of those to last a bloody life time. No, Kroenke is on the back burner for now the two must be kept separate the pressure has to be kept on wenger and wenger alone, there must be no reprieve on him whatsoever no distractions of any kind to let him wriggle of the hook, we musn't play into the wengerites or TOF's spin departments hands, it's wenger out out out.

  8. Rocky the King

    Mar 10, 2017, 15:37 #99241

    mbg, trust me, If you have ever read my blogs, and admittedly I have not posted for a while through utter anger and exasperation with Wenger, I want him out of the club, like yesterday. Exeter, we must agree to differ here. The Board will take pity on AW I do not think for one moment that my call will be heeded by every Gooner lol! The Board must be in the same boat and realise that their failure to act normally towards Wenger is just as bad. A bloody plague on all of them. I want Wenger out, and once you have pundits, ex players and the mainstream media saying that he is finished, do you really think that he will stay if he fails to make the top 4, miss the FA Cup and allow the Scum to finish above us without rioting in the stands??? You will get your wish, and I want the guns turned on Kroenke now as well. A twin track approach still seems logical to me. It's actually happening now anyway, so we are both going to benefit. So just for the record, I am a WOB cheerleader, just check my tweet history if you don't believe me.

  9. mbg

    Mar 10, 2017, 14:08 #99238

    No Rockey, wrong again, there will, and can be, no Kroenke out protests, banners until the main illness, and disease is treated and dealt with, and that's wenger, everything/one else is irrelevant until this happens, and then we have to wait and see if Kroenke is, or even was the problem, I agree with the other posters who think this is just another article (just like the circulars and audits they are always in 2 parts also)that is trying to take the heat and pressure of wenger, dare I say it your messiah, well sorry it won't. wenger out first, first, first.

  10. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 10, 2017, 14:03 #99237

    Vocal for Wenger, banners for board / Kroenke? That would just be an ugly confusing mess for the club to exploit in their desire to maintain the status quo. Rocky, I'd like to think you mean well but are just totally wrongheaded here. Once Wenger is gone there will be no buffer for Kroenke. If things continue in the same fashion under a new manager then Kroenke will be exposed as the constant and will be targeted. You have to get rid of Wenger first to get at Kroenke.

  11. Rocky the King

    Mar 10, 2017, 13:44 #99235

    Exeter, I understand your points, however how coordinated have we been at Arsenal over the decades? I think there were protests over Don Howe if memory serves me right. Removing the manager is in motion, and trust me, I do get it. So perhaps what is needed is a twin track approach, with vocal protests against Wenger and banners against the Board. I do think that to fail to turn the heat up on Kroenke will create a safe buffer for him to hide behind the next manager, and this cannot be allowed to happen.

  12. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 10, 2017, 13:04 #99230

    I'm fully aware that Kroenke is a disinterested owner and of what Gazidis said. This is not a battle for today. Couple of simple equations for you, pedster. Wenger + Any Owner = We don't compete. Kroenke + Another Manager = Maybe we compete. Point is Kroenke would be exposed THEN, once Wenger is gone. Rocky is advocating changing the banners to Kroenke Out. This is what the AKBs want to take the heat off Wenger. I can't put it any more simply than that. People either see it or they can't.

  13. CT Gooner

    Mar 10, 2017, 12:47 #99229

    I don't know what's motivating you Rocky, I do hope it's a genuine desire for revolution at the club, but honestly, there should be no deviation from the Wenger out calls. Save the ownership for another day. He may be terrible, but it's not lack of funds stopping us competing, it's poor choices with the money available

  14. pedster8

    Mar 10, 2017, 12:19 #99227

    Exeter Gunner this is a good article and bit of perspective for those obsessed with solely blaming AW. Have a look at how Kroenke runs his other sports teams and look back at Gazidis's quotes from 2013 saying we will compete.

  15. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 10, 2017, 11:50 #99225

    "Change the banners to Kroenke Out"... which won't happen and which totally takes the heat off Wenger. This agenda is starting to read like a disingenuous AKB strategy.