Cup Final Presents A Unique Opportunity For Change At Arsenal

Stan Kroenke and the world’s media will be in attendance

Cup Final Presents A Unique Opportunity For Change At Arsenal

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Stan Kroenke has indicated he has no intention of selling his stakeholding in Arsenal. This is bad news. His style of ownership – where the winning of trophies is not a priority – is in stark contrast the ethos of more successful clubs, who try and use every last resource and are constantly examining their methods.

This is not simply related to his lack of feeling for the sport, his various teams in the States have a reputation for mediocrity.

I don’t know how things are going to pan out at the cup final tomorrow. I asked my son if he would be interested in a spare ticket if one came up on the morning of the game, as sometimes happens. He said no, because he is convinced Arsenal will lose. This lack of faith in the team is a reflection of what a let down this season has been, in spite of reaching the cup final. This, under Kroenke’s direction (or abdication of any real requirement to improve things) is the direction the club is heading in. More Wenger next season, but minus Alexis Sanchez in spite of the manager’s proclamations that the Chilean is under contract. The club badly needs to rebuild and the longer Kroenke is around, the more likely that isn’t going to happen.

So here’s a suggestion. The ‘Stan Kroenke, Get out of our club!’ chants at the Everton game last weekend were sung loud and with gusto. I think everyone that joined in (and there were a few tourists bemused by it, but the vast majority of those that did attend sang up) enjoyed the release and the opportunity to make their feelings known. Only Kroenke wasn’t there.

He will be in the Royal Box tomorrow, and fans should be aware that a similar show of unhappiness with his ownership style will have a huge impact. I can imagine it could start in response to Chelsea fans chanting ‘Arsene Wenger We Want You To Stay’ or if the game goes badly and recovery seems beyond Arsenal’s reach. Perhaps, sung long and loud enough, it may persuade him to sell up and get out of the club with a profit, which means a lot more to him than sporting success. Then he can go and do whatever he wants to spend his money. I am sure there is no end of goods he can find to keep him satiated on Coupons Monk for example, assuming he is not in the market for a fresh sports team he can turn into underachievers. Such a vocal protest should certainly make waves in the media back in the States, where Kroenke will be more unhappy about such poor PR.

Security will be understandably tight at Wembley tomorrow, but you should have no trouble getting an A4 piece of paper in. Here’s one you may care to print out. In fact, why not do a few and hand them to your neighbours. They’d look just the job on TV. There won’t be too many opportunities to let the owner know the strength of fan feeling about his modus operandi. I suggest this may be too good a chance to miss…

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  1. Arseneknewbest

    May 28, 2017, 19:33 #101751

    C'mon then gruppenfuhrer Jeff. You're a ridiculous blowhard, happy to try and dish it out but you shat yourslf when I suggested we meet. Let's have it out, mano a mano. Just tell me where. I suspect this'll be another tumbleweed moment, you thick, cowardly ball-bag. You're scum "sunbeam".

  2. jeff wright

    May 28, 2017, 10:51 #101728

    AKB just because you are a sad loser in life there is no reason to be bitter about others. 'Called me out' what does that mean >? You are a very odd person and not that bright either. As for 'others having sussed me out' only in your deranged mind sunbeam. As for' folding easily' well I'm still here and as I recall it's you that went missing for awhile and only popped up after the Manchester atrocity happenend to rant on about it while not once offering a word of sympathy to the victims or their families. So I suggest saddo that to save yourself from further punishment that you get back to posting football related posts and leave the weird sexual innuendo type comments and violent threats toward others out. Also it might help if you take your medication . You surely must be on some.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    May 27, 2017, 23:59 #101721

    Jihadi Jeff - I don't give flying f*ck about your life and your sub-educational views about May. You're a stain on this site and an all round coward. And thick as pig-sh*t to boot. You give gooners and British people more generally a bad name. Others have sussed you out now - I called you out and you crapped yourself. You're a classic bully but boy do you fold easily.

  4. jeff wright

    May 27, 2017, 16:00 #101703

    AKB ( yawn) odd then that for an alleged pacifist that old Corbo befriended an awful lot of of terrorists and I don't buy his I dids it to help make peace cobblers either . His inane comments that we should withdraw from the world stage meaning that we would take no action militarily to try and stop terrorists from butchering people while he himself supports every terrorist group that exits is just plain barmy. The again he along with other lefties are not the sharpest knives in the draw. As for us being involved in the Iraq war think Blair sunbeam and he was a Labour Prime-minster. Actually AKB I'm no big fan of May whose record on delivering doesn't match her rhetoric but I see her as being the far lesser of two evils so to speak . Anyway I'm off out to do some shopping I will stop off after and watch Wengo win the cup or probably not win it. Whatever the result I'm expecting him to still be stinking the place out next season with Syrupy's backing .Old Corbo of course supports Wengo but as some one else pointed out he has supported every other tyrant in the past so hey why should he go changing the habits of a life-time ! You couldn't make it up.

  5. Arseneknewbest

    May 27, 2017, 13:47 #101700

    Jihadi Jeff. No news of that invitation to a meeting then? You big girl's blouse. Yeah, that Corbyn just exudes aggression and war-mongering doesn't he? Oooh he's so hard and belligerent - it must be the DMs, scars, tatts, deadly stare, and fists like shovels that do it. Always going round threatening to bomb countries, sacking people left, right and centre and standing shoulder to shoulder with that loon Trump. Oh, hang on that's Theresa and Nigel isn't it? You talk absolute b*llocks - you're a fool and a coward Jeff. Here's a backhanded compliment though - even a monumental bottler and stay at home agitator like you Jeff would give Corbyn a square go in a pub car-park swedge.

  6. Arseneknewbest

    May 27, 2017, 13:35 #101699

    Bonne chance Marky - Jamee'll be the one sitting alone in the corner of the pub with a tinfoil hat on sipping nervously on a snowball and wearing a Chelsea shirt. Avoid at all costs. I decided to take a short self-imposed exile when I realised how much I hated modern asano. Nothing's changed in that regard but I miss the chance to mull it over with you lot. Then JW reverts to his egregious worst...Really conflicted over today - my ideal would be to see us win and for a group of players to say they did it despite - rather than because of - the manager. About as likely as a wright-corbyn love-in but you never know.

  7. jeff wright

    May 27, 2017, 10:21 #101694

    I note that the troll TOOAW bottled my challenge to him to predict the result of the cup final today.He just comes on here to post abuse at others - other than at the loony'the lights are on but no one is at home' AKB... even though AKB doesn't share any of the trolls views on Wenger . But TOOAW,watch out he's behind you ! being a bit dense like, thinks that AKB is an AKB ! You couldn't make it up.

  8. jeff wright

    May 27, 2017, 9:58 #101692

    Shush equalizer you will upset that wondderful bringer together of people AKB he thinks that Corbyn is a pacifist ! You couldn't make it up.

  9. markymark

    May 27, 2017, 9:33 #101691

    Arsenalknewbest - always good to hear from you, the tale of Leekey and Jamee in the Morris Minor still burns in the memory. I'll also be going to Jameetown this weekend so will be looking out for a puffed up religious loon as we take the littlun to the beach. I think the Efitor creating a Myles Palmjob style forum would be dreadful so a little bit of knockabout does not cause too much harm as long as it's not a continuous attack on a religion or racial group. I've got a horrible feeling that TOOAW has become the new Leekey replacement. Don't hear enough from you on the forum these days. Keep the posts coming !

  10. Arseneknewbest

    May 27, 2017, 8:19 #101690

    Hi Marky - You're wholly accurate (as ever) to identify the political chasm that exists between Jeff and me. But whereas he is happy to spread division, poison and hatred, my credo is much more about bringing people together, making things more equal and seeking justice. In essence, the difference the difference between right and left wing ideologies (Jeff's chronic ignorances fails to enable him to see figures like Stalin for what they really were: i.e. agents of state capitalism and nothing to do with the values I set out earlier). One version of life sounds much more benign and acceptable than the other I would contend. My ire is restricted to people like Jeff and the equally execrable Katie Hopkins, Linton Crosby, Kelvin McKenzie et al who are right wing attack dogs that start whimpering like sodden poodles when they're questioned. When Jeff gets off of Wengo related dialectic and onto almost anything else that his stream of consciousness permits, he turns into a key board monster and a sh*tter. Nice to be reminded of the other former pariah from suffolk in such a pleasantly nostalgic way. Together we did a much-needed number on him as I recall. When it comes to their world views, Jeff and Jamee are muggers that need to be mugged...

  11. markymark

    May 27, 2017, 6:41 #101689

    Cyril - you don't have to further explain yourself I've not got you marked down as a violent disturber of the peace! Here's hoping out of something we claw a victory.

  12. mbg

    May 27, 2017, 2:16 #101688

    Cyril, fair enough, apologies, we all want Arsenal to win tomorrow/today, unfortunately for me it will make wenger out in good light, but all us fans deserve it.

  13. mbg

    May 27, 2017, 1:56 #101687

    So Dr Robert, (I can just guess what your a doctrine in) or who ever you are, providing it's true, is it Kroenkes decision to drop Cech ? if true you might want to revise your post and A4 sheets, or maybe not, wenger get out of our club.

  14. Arseneknewbest

    May 26, 2017, 23:32 #101686

    Shu - You're talking cobblers. Give your air sole a rest, open your eye(let)s and stop flip-flopping. Boom boom!

  15. Cyril

    May 26, 2017, 23:30 #101685

    On a positive note as I love the stats. We are on average No 1 in finishing order in all time in the football league and premiership. Liverpool rival us. We are going into our 20th final tomorrow. How bad! Enjoy tomorrow everyone!

  16. markymark

    May 26, 2017, 23:23 #101684

    TOOAW - tonnny atttttwooood.... what's all this with your continuing blah about Xissential your always on about him like your obsessed. You mentioned previously that you had been on here years when I suggested you recently popped up. This means you chose not to make any comment when some thoroughly unpleasant and unappealing Nasty Neo's were on here. Troll or not a troll? My money is on Troll along with the perceptive comment from Equaliser. Now come on tell us what protests did you go on, what letters did you write , how much money did you contribute to the fund. In fact do you even support the protest as you do seem rather AKB

  17. Arseneknewbest

    May 26, 2017, 22:52 #101683

    Jeff - Is your missus in Palestine again? Perhaps that explains your pent-up unhappiness and misanthropy. You evidently need a break from the horror of your own company. Come to Wales boyo in your panzer and I'll sort you out with an ovine girlfriend (one with a nice small vagina of course). I'm behind enemy lines here, so to speak, but unlike you, I welcome and appreciate people who are different from me so I tend to get on all right. I live near a village where you were a tory councillor for many years called fwcking cwnt - your statue has had a h*tler-type moustache drawn on it but the likeness remains uncanny. That kristallnacht fundraiser at the local library was obviously a winner...Alternatively, I'd be only too happy to come to your home counties pile or local bernie inn so that we can get properly acquainted. But no, you don't do confrontation do you? You like to get your spite in early and then cry like a baby when you're called out. Just like every other daily mail addict. Keep on keeping on Jihadi Jeff.

  18. TOOAW

    May 26, 2017, 22:22 #101682

    Clearly, it's now a free for all. @markymark. Who mentioned 6 years?. xissential on the forum has spent his hard earned time and money for you all to benefit but you all chose to decline the boycott and the protests. Let's count on the "kroenke out" a4 prints tomorrow but I won't be holding my breath with you lot.

  19. shu

    May 26, 2017, 22:21 #101681

    Arseneknewbest , just like the real one ,deluded ,head in the sand and hugely out of touch . Your name says it all , yesterday's man .

  20. John F

    May 26, 2017, 22:21 #101680

    First cup final for me was Ipswich 78 and what a gut wrenching experience that was.Could not lose so I thought against what turned out to be a very good Ipswich team.We were well beaten that day and I will always remember when they scored as there seemed to be a delayed wall of sound coming from the Ipswich fans.I am not sure if the old Wembley accoustics explained the delay or they just couldn't believe they scored.I sulked for ages over that one just couldn't get over it.

  21. equalizer

    May 26, 2017, 22:04 #101679

    @ jeff wright. Corbyn would support Wenger. He seems to be a supporter of many tyrants, Hezzbolah, Hamas, the IRA, funding anti- semites, it's all common knowledge.Link here by the way, Gary Glitter was also an Arsenal fan

  22. Cyril

    May 26, 2017, 21:43 #101678

    MM, from the last thread - not advocating bad things. If you hacked written to the club then I have utmost respect for you. My letter was hand delivered through KW and his contact. It's the personal touch with respect that can resonate. Banging on the proverbial door with spades and shovels don't do it for me. You know, why don't you go in to the office and ask for a meeting with the Manager as a fan. Why not? I know our strategy for the letter was a good idea. Who knows, he may have made a paper aeroplane from it, but it was done on their level with respect. Don't mean to upset anyone with mŷ comments honestly. MBG lay off mate, I'm never pulling you up for your constant monotony. We all love the club, come on you gunners tomorrow!

  23. Rippy

    May 26, 2017, 21:29 #101677

    Politics aside ... Enjoy the cup final as much as possible . Because it will be the last for a good few years if kroenke and Wenger stay. By all means protest to the rafters for change . It might have an effect . Arguing about who to aim at and why is pointless I think. We just want a chance for our club and with the parasites in charge now that's impossible!!! We have an owner who thinks your all mug punters . Keep smiling keep paying keep making him richer. Arsenal fc will not get another penny from my family whilst his there. If you really want change do the same. Good luck tomorrow to anyone who's going . Be safe

  24. jeff wright

    May 26, 2017, 21:07 #101676

    Cornish, point taken, but Corbo also came out recently when asked about the demo's against Wenger getting a new contract and supported Wenger staying . Saying that he believed that Wenger was the best man to take the club forward ! Then again he thinks that the dullard Diane Abbott who can't do simple maths should be home secretary. You couldn't make it up.


    May 26, 2017, 20:15 #101675

    To GoonerEd: It would be a great pity in my view if the site were to lose it's "debating" style & only posts selective views. There is an Election on and a great swathe of the country are far from happy with both economic & security issues which tends to raise tempers & reduces tolerance. The only political comments I would make are that I hope Jeff W realises that his mate Corbo is also a Gooner & that Markymark makes a very serious point about Wahabism & the Saudi regime - as Corbo says ISIS are getting their funds from somewhere. Bill Shankley would surely deplore divisions within our ranks & tell us, in no uncertain manner, that there are bigger issues for us to sort out - namely the removal of an Old Ostrich & Wigmeister from OUR Club!

  26. jeff wright

    May 26, 2017, 20:13 #101674

    TOOAW,you are obviously a troll and to tbh I couldnt care less who you are'fully behind'I'm just glad that it's not me.You let the proverbial cat out of the bag though regarding your real intentions when referring to my alleged 'anti-Arsenal' comments.What you really mean is 'anti-Arsene' ones because you are obviously a hard-on AKB who has been proven wrong ,yet again, about Arsene and are very bitter about it. Now the sunbeam I will wager that you believe in conspiracy theories and believe that it's all the fault of bent refs and the media ,etc,why it is that Arsene keeps coming up short every season .So motor mouth why don't you come back and give us your prediction on what the result will be tomorrow instead of waffling on about something that is nothing to do with you .Now come on TOO AW let's have your prediction don't be a scaredy cat now !

  27. Deighty

    May 26, 2017, 19:05 #101673

    Early in this piece you said your son would decline a final ticket if you could get him one as he thinks we'll be well beaten. What happened to the days when whoever we played we thought we had a chance ? I don't care about 4th place holy grail, I want those days back with passion on and off the pitch.

  28. equalizer

    May 26, 2017, 18:52 #101672

    markymark  I would suspect that 'TOOAW' is none other than Arsenal internet shill Tony Attwood under one f his dozens of fake account. It's exactly his style, down to his language and writing. Calling out the ed. to comment, he's stirring the pot.

  29. markymark

    May 26, 2017, 18:35 #101671

    Anyone care for a prediction???? I'm thinking Arsenal 1 Chelsea 3 ( we score first and then concede 3rd trying to chase equaliser) Despite the despair of Wengo I do hope we win. A Chelsea supporting colleague picked up a ticket for himself for £100 thought that was quite cheap. I bet half the Chavs have booked a weekend infront of their curved 50" tv's and 10 cans of Kestrel. Chelsea lose I bet Croydon gets smashed up.

  30. markymark

    May 26, 2017, 18:19 #101670

    TOOAW - think you should jump of Jeffs case and go find another battle. I like ArseneKnewBest a lot and his amusing digs at Jamerson are legendary ( you were very very quiet during this period considering you've supposedly been on here 6 years ) anyway you let an anti Semite neo fascist, preordainer vent his spleen for 2 years (yes good old Jamee). Yet have a freak about Jeff who is a classic Daily Mail right winger. Obs that Arseneknewbest is very left wing so they will clash. For the record I don't think he is massively out of order. Jeff just effectively is saying one group hold a bigger threat to peace than another. Going back to the 1970's do you not think that MI5 would not have been sniffing around Irish social clubs in Kilburn / Camden / Brum / Liverpool? Anyway glad to see your social injustice is raging , just a shame we didn't see any against Jamee or Colesey , but what do I know I'm just a hypocrite.

  31. Seven Kings Gooner1

    May 26, 2017, 18:05 #101669

    Hi Ron, as you know I tend to agree with most of what you post about Arsenal, however mate I am a wee bit concerned. You have been consistently suggesting that Arsenal will lift the cup tomorrow - you know they are playing Chelsea and not Hull City again? The only way I can see any chance is if Chelsea have been celebrating a bit too much or the players shut Wenger out of the dressing room, Bould tears up his contract and gets in the faces of every single one of them and tells them to play as if their lives depended on not losing. On a personal level I would like to see Holding do really well tomorrow - he seems to think about the game and has that youthful "no fear" about his game and it would be great for him to keep a clean sheet. That's the dream, the reality is somewhat different and Conte is far too smart to let this slip...unless.

  32. gooner.ed

    May 26, 2017, 17:57 #101668

    (i.e. website editor) Noted the complaints about jeff wright's postings. For what it's worth, I see the situation with Islamic State and other interpretations of the Koran as not dissimilar to the arguments between different strands of Christianity. So you had Protestants and Catholics warring with one another for decades in Northern Ireland. Both worshipped the same God and people were killed presumably in his name. But did everyone concur? No. Let's be clear - do your research online and you will find that Islamic State interpret the Koran in their particular way, one not shared by the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the UK, or else we'd be having running battles on the streets. A complaint about jeff wright's post was submitted as follows:
    ‘All Western countries with Muslim populations are now going to have to face the reality of these type of suicide attacks becoming common place.’ The clear implication here is we’d be better off if there were no Muslims. To hold an entire ethnic or religious group to blame for the actions of a few psychotic individuals or groups of individuals who happen to badge themselves with a particular religion is repulsive and incendiary, and has very dangerous historical precedents, as we all know.
    For me, people can conclude the implication of the statement in quotes. jeff wright states it as his belief. i'd argue that it is too general. More to the point was it necessary to raise it, relevant to the posting, which dealt with the security procedures currently in place and to be expected. Was it incendiary? Maybe, but I consider myself intelligent enough to not base my beliefs on a comments post on a football website. To tell the truth, I am getting hacked off with people winding others up, which seems to be the modus operandi of too many individuals online, so I'm going to have a think, but might consider going down the Myles Palmer route of not having comments, because frankly I am too busy to police this website. So rather than get its reputation dragged down, it may just be easier to send you all over to the cursed earth that is the onlinegooner forum. Over and out

  33. TOOAW

    May 26, 2017, 17:17 #101667

    @arseneknewbest. I'm fully with you on your post this morning (9.25). This site is first and foremost an Arsenal site. Having looked into some of Jeff's previous comments, he is quick to get political, offensive, and ridicule anybody that doesn't bow down to his right wing anti Arsenal views. Far less offending people have been removed from this site for far less. A reply from Admin would be kindly received.

  34. Yes its Ron

    May 26, 2017, 17:05 #101666

    equaliser - i hear you of course and respect yr take on it, but its a myriad of groups, not one. We re fed one name of one group. The perps are often just mules too with little real understanding of the so called ideology that they purport to promote. Transients who are co opted into the crusade by manipulators with far more intelligence than them. I dont 'hate' anyone in life matey. Lifes too short. Arsenal to win tomrw. Gteed!!! Cmon you Gunners.

  35. equalizer

    May 26, 2017, 16:35 #101665

    @ Yes its Ron, it's nothing like calling a footie hooligan a football fan or Arsenal or Grimsby football fan, that is complete rubbish. It may be if only one clubs fans were hooligans. The terrorists who carried out the mass murders in Paris, Nice, Berlin, Manchester Brussels, London, Los Angeles over the past few years have one thing in common that they killed in the name of. Lets not hate but lets not sweep the facts under the carpet or ignore the fact that one particular group who practice the same political and religious ideology are carrying out ALL of the atrocities

  36. equalizer

    May 26, 2017, 16:25 #101664

    To change the target of the protest at this late stage would be nothing short of idiotic.

  37. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 26, 2017, 15:58 #101663

    Enjoyed the comments about the old finals of the 70's and 80's. The first one I remember watching was 1979 and running out into the garden straight after pretending to be Liam Brady! I don't fancy our chances tomorrow unless we can call on some of the spirit of GG's side that 28 years ago this very night gave me the best footballing orgasm of my life! It's up for grabs now!!!

  38. Yes its Ron

    May 26, 2017, 14:38 #101662

    PS a bit like calling a footie hooligan a football fan or Arsenal or Grimsby football fan. There not, their just violent mindless c--ts. Football give them a vehicle, not a belief or a cause. Similarly, so it applies to terror merchants. Its politicians and the controlling institutions in any Country that have the vested interest in linking these people to various groups. The passive, people less able to use their own minds to deduce the reality of it all listen to those powerful people and are then carried half cocked, with only a smattering (if any) of understanding of it all and adopt different bastardized versions of the truth as their 'view' and go spout off and bore anyone who wants to listen senseless with their inane rantings, vouching for some equally feckless party politician.

  39. Yes its Ron

    May 26, 2017, 14:12 #101661

    Well written Alsace - There is a word for them matey - Killers. Theyre not 'extremists' which is the word that links them to all things Islam and thus paints many others with the same brush. Calling them extremists implies that they subscribe to a form of faith in the first place. They clearly dont and never will. We ll learn from this latest catastrophe eventually as we have from the others, that the perpetrator and his cohorts are very dim, barely educated, mentally weak and malleable morons, moulded often by others but primarily lacking the grey matter to reason things through and think logically about what they do and the carnage they create. Theyre feckless wasters, warts on the skin of society which if not for their deeds, would likely be living under a bridge somewhere along a disused canal. They seek identity and 15 mins of fame, whatever the cost. None of this will stop scurrilous politicians from using it though to score party points and political capital.

  40. The Man From UNCLE

    May 26, 2017, 14:11 #101660

    They don't call it Twatter for nothing. From time to time out of curiosity I'll look at it but it just seems to be some nuthouse where everyone is either in love with each other or ripping each other to shreds. No thanks.

  41. markymark

    May 26, 2017, 14:02 #101659

    Corbyn blames the war on terror and Paul Nuttal blames May, meanwhile wait a week or so and the press will then blame MI5. It's a sorry circle but generally political point scoring immediately after an atrocity is not helpful. Wahabism does take a major share of the true blame due to its aggressive invective and this has spread from Saudi. If you want someone entirely new to the public blame game try Cyrus Vance Secretary of State for the fairly peace loving Jimmy Carter. Cyrus was obsessed about defeating the USSR and so pushed massive recourse behind the Muhajadeen in Afghanistan who basically became the Taliban. One issue regarding Islam is that every 100 years or so you get a great leader arise often out of nowhere who leads a religious expansionist war. Prior to Bin Laden the 19th Centuary (1881 )produced the Mhadi. In that instance the movement was massacred by machine gun bullets. The equivalent in21st century was Iraq where they simply collapsed leading to massive gains for Isis. Anyway this isn't at all football related so shall end the post here.

  42. mbg

    May 26, 2017, 13:57 #101658

    jw, well said, the wenger luvvies heard the chant of Kroenke out and are now jumping on the band wagon trying desperately to divert attention from their messiah but it won't work it never does, it's wenger out, out out out.

  43. Alsace

    May 26, 2017, 13:33 #101655

    The BBC say that a famously opinionated person has gone from their job at a news outlet this morning. One must be very careful what one says in this life and certainly in print. One of the Brexit things was that people did not feel they could talk about immigration issues because the body politic didn't want to hear it. Yet the issues needed to be discussed sensibly. It really is incredibly hard to know where to tread and Arseneknewbests contretemps with Jeff illustrates this. The point which I made is that everytime one of these things goes off, decent normal muslims must feel very scared about what might happen to them in the street or at work, because somebody ( brainless)takes it into their heads to blame one innocent person for the crime of another guilty person. I want to find a word which it is agreed that ALL British people can and do use to denigrate people who let off shrapnel bombs at a children's concert. That word has to be neutral. The solution to the "bomb" problem is well tried and trusted. You run a counter insurgency by (1) winning the hearts and minds of the people amongst whom the bombers live (2) You use police and the criminal law and (3) you gather and use intelligence. Part of this process is up to us, and that is to reach out to decent ordinary people who happen to belong to the same religious group as the bombers and say to them " We know you aren't doing this. There is a way to beat these people. We know the way to beat them and we know that you will help us to do it. We are going to start by not writing angry nonsense about you." If we don't take this attitude, then none of our children are safe. I have tried to think carefully when writing this. I may have got it wrong, but it's very important to try. I don't think that Jeff is a bigot and I don't think that AKB is a million miles off beam. I was disturbed about what Jeff wrote. Nuance is everything. Like getting rid of Wenger, its about building alliances and not taking our eye off the ball. Getting where we need to go.

  44. Trevor Ross

    May 26, 2017, 13:32 #101654

    How many other managers would have won or at least seriously challenged for the trophies that matter given the huge amount of time, freedom and money that Kroenke has given Wenger? I'm sure all but the most rabid of Wenger Fundamentalists could come up with a few names but of course we'll never know for sure as the most apathetic fanbase in football made sure he stayed and nothing changed for the better.

  45. jeff wright

    May 26, 2017, 13:26 #101653

    Personally for me the changes in the formatt of the FA Cup have devalued it.Along of course with the 4th place ias the first trophy to be won Wenger malarkey that others such as the mighty spuds have now bought into as well. The semi-finals being played at Wembley has ruined the old magic that was there when they were played at Villa or Hillsborough supporters can hardly sing we are going to Wembley now at semis when they are already there! Then we have the TV timed 5-30 kick-off instead of the 3 o'clock traditional one. It's a long yawn inducing day now with the old build up to the game having to be spread out like someone with a shortage of butter does to cover a slice of toast with.I expect Chelsea to win because I can't think of any reason other than optimism and I don't do that, to see why they won't win it. Anyway may the best side win on the day as they say,even though sometimes they do not. Whatever the result is it will not change my views on Wenger and I agree with others that getting shut of that rat-faced cretin is the first priority before starting on Syrupy. Some hard-on AKB's are jumping on the Kroenke Out bandwagon purely to divert attention and blame away from you know who. You couldn't make it up.

  46. The Man From UNCLE

    May 26, 2017, 13:12 #101652

    Come on people let's look forward to tomorrow. The 5.30 start is ideal; get, er, "prepared" beforehand then a game of football whilst the heat of the day starts to subside. Re the writer's son, we've all been to losing cup finals; it just makes the ones we win all the sweeter. Chelsea should win tomorrow, but then we should have won against West Ham and Liverpool. Who knows.

  47. mbg

    May 26, 2017, 12:50 #101651

    Is your Sons lack of faith and interest in a spare ticket because he thinks we're going to lose because of Kroenke or wenger ? wenger get out of our club.

  48. TonyEvans

    May 26, 2017, 12:42 #101650

    Hi Ron - exactly what I am thinking, who knows when we will get to another final. Like you, even though I missed the poor sides we had in the early / mid 60s, I remember desperately wanting Arsenal to get to the Cup Final in the bad years of the 70s and 80s. Generally we have fared quite well at Wembley since I started supporting in 1970 I think, with probably 72 and 80 as my worst finals involving Arsenal. 2001 would be up there too but, as I said, I was persuaded by my wife that it would be good for my health if I went to a family wedding rather than watch the football!

  49. NickF

    May 26, 2017, 12:33 #101649

    Sorry guys, the protest this year has been about getting rid of Wenger now you are diluting it by changing the target, just like "Time for Change" last year. The board meeting to decide his fate is next week yet he is being let off the hook (again).

  50. mbg

    May 26, 2017, 12:30 #101648

    First of all you have the wrong A4 print so it's not to hard to know where your allegiance lies, it should read, WENGER Get Out Of Our Club, (the real problem) what they've been reading and saying all along and up to now, it's to late to start changing it now, concentrate on him first get him out and we're well on our way, then Keoenke, nice try in turning the heat off or away from your messiah but no cigar. wenger get out of this club.

  51. Yes its Ron

    May 26, 2017, 12:18 #101647

    Still love the Cup Tony. Far more than the dire ECL in fact! Still think we ll cause an upset tomrw. Ive mixed feelings about besmirching an FAC Final with demos. Can see and recognise its a great stage to do so, but as a kid when we were truly poor and had a sieve for a defence we d have given our right arms to be in the FA Cup Final. I appreciate its gravitas has reduced of course, but its still a great occasion. i hope we win for the players, fans who go and Wenger in fact. Its a bit cheap i feel to vent spleens at Wembley in May is my over arching take on it. Just my view. Im probably wrong in the circs but a day at the Cup should be cherished. It mightn't happen again for many yrs after all. I used to hanker for a day there growing up and when it happened its was the LCF v Leeds in 68 and that big gawky tramp Jack Charlton who ruined the day with his foul on Furnell that led to the defeat and wrecked my day. LC wasnt the FAC though!!

  52. TonyEvans

    May 26, 2017, 11:50 #101646

    I don't know how others view the FA Cup now, but to me it brings back some great memories, with 71 and 79 the obvious standouts. The reason I have been undecided about whether to watch tomorrow says more about where many of us are with Arsenal right now than it does about the Cup Final itself. My 70s and 80s self would be astounded that I was even contemplating missing it - in fact I have only missed one Arsenal final, in 2001 when I had no choice but to go to a family wedding! As it turned out it was a good one to miss, as we were robbed by Liverpool. Made up for it though by robbing United in 2005.

  53. Bob Bayliss

    May 26, 2017, 11:43 #101645

    At the very least we should sing "Kronke and Wenger Get Out of our Club" and the posters should also cover both of these clowns. Kronke's biggest crime has been his failure to deal with Wenger. Might as well kill two birds with one stone if we are going to use Wembley as an opportunity to get our views across.

  54. jeff wright

    May 26, 2017, 11:28 #101644

    AKB , ( yawn)I can't be bothered with your childish brain-dead nonsense only idiots would believe that you can comment on these suicide bombings and not mention Muslims ,but hey ho if the cap fits and what ever ... but suffice to say that Corbyn's comments on the Manchester atrocity and other lefties such as one of his supporters the non-funny 'comedian' Hound (WOOF! WOOF !)who said on his radio show that May staged the atrocity to help her win the election ( as though she needs any help) shows who has hi-jacked the Manchester atrocity to make capital from. Just as you have on this article .You really do come over as being a rather disturbed individual. Stick to the football sunbeam you will feel better for it and so will everyone else by not having to read your political views on a football forum. There is an article where comments were appropriate to the Manchester atrocity but you couldnt resist dragging your ones like a cat does with a dead rat onto a doormat onto this page. This is my last comments on the Manchester atrocity on here so I will leave it to you (yawn) Mr.Angry from some safe haven in Wales to carry on the self righteous lecturing .

  55. Yes its Ron

    May 26, 2017, 9:57 #101643

    Im al for thinking SK is to blame as much as AW and have often said it on here.Most disagree. On the point of yr Son though, thats pretty poor. If those of us who cut our teeth as Gunners fans in the mid 60s are concerned, had we have said 'no, im not going cos we might lose' etc etc , we d probably have ended up as Spurs fans and missed the privilege all these yrs of being Gunners. The lad needs educating i would suggest. Following a Club means defeats and hammerings every so often be it SKs or AWs being at the helm or not.

  56. TonyEvans

    May 26, 2017, 9:53 #101642

    Agreed, I would love to hear some loud and prolonged anti Kroenke chanting tomorrow. Wenger is still by far and away the most culpable for our lamentable showing in the PL and CL this season (and ditto for all the humiliations before) but Kroenke needs to be left in no doubt that we don't want, to quote Hill-Wood, 'his sort' at Arsenal. I don't imagine Hill-Wood would have wanted Usmanov's sort either but at least he seems more of an Abramovich type who actually has a footballing interest in the club. I hope the potential anti Kroenke chants don't depend on Arsenal losing, because they would have even more of an effect if sung when Arsenal were actually winning. Looking ahead to the game I don't see Koscielny's absence as a serious problem - he may be the best of a bad bunch of defenders, but he is still an accident waiting to happen in my book and liable to give a penalty away at any time. It's Chelsea's final to lose but in a one off game you never know. Changed my mind for the umpteenth time and have decided to watch the final now!

  57. Arseneknewbest

    May 26, 2017, 9:25 #101641

    For the website administrator (and with apologies to Dr Robert for hijacking his article in this way). I want to draw your attention to the discussion that took place on here a few days ago following Kev W's thought-provoking piece about security following the Manchester bomb. "JeffWright"'s offerings about what happened, the repulsive islamophobic tone that is clear throughout, and his ridiculous suggestion that the head of the Labour Party was somehow responsible for what happened is, in my view, seriously below the standards that this site ought to be associated with. Firstly, his views had nothing to do with the gist of KW's piece; second they were as far from discussing Arsenal-related topics as one could possibly imagine, and third, he chooses to libel and slur a serious mainstream politician in the most cruel and cowardly of ways. Take your pick of any of these trangressions/potentially illegal activities, but I RESPECTFULLY ask that you consider giving "JeffWright" a proverbial yellow or red card at least until the Manchester tragedy has been fully taken account of and/or until the election is out of the way. Like Theo, he needs to remain on the bench in my view. "JeffWright" is a self-acknowledged right-wing extremist: let's kick his evident racism off this site please. I'd be grateful for your views.