Day Of Reckoning

Online Ed: Board meet today to decide on Wexit

Day Of Reckoning

There are some that feel Arsene Wenger’s words of late indicate he will not be in charge at Arsenal next season. Some are convinced he is staying. A board meeting held today will decide and the question people have been asking for months will finally be resolved.

In terms of league position, there is no question that, since finishing second in 2004-05, Wenger has maintained consistency. With the net spend and wage bill the club have paid out, Arsenal have had the third or fourth biggest outlay of the Premier League clubs – third until Manchester City arrived, fourth subsequently. And the manager has generally delivered a third or fourth place finish, with the exception on 2015-16 when, due to Spurs’ collapse, he enjoyed his best finish since before the stadium move by coming second. That Leicester were the one better team took the gloss off of this achievement. Anyway…

2013-14 - 4th
2014-15 - 3rd
2015-16 - 2nd

It looked like an upward trajectory, but this season we have seen a 5th place finish, although Arsène has claimed it as an improvement because the team garnered four more points than the previous season, conveniently ignoring the reality that four teams accumulated more, meaning the club will miss out on Champions League involvement for the first time since 1998.

The FA Cup Final against Chelsea was a source of joy and frustration. The latter because to see the team play at such a level raised questions as to why they had not been able to produce this kind of performance before. They had it in them, but Wenger was not able to get it out of them. My personal feeling on this issue is that the players know that the manager has not got what it takes to win a league title anymore (2015-16 proved that beyond doubt) and so they do not play with the consistent intensity and focus that is required to win titles, and a series of knockout ties against top opposition in Europe for that matter. So there are small errors which lead to the expensive concession of goals. At Wembley, in the semi-final against Manchester City and in the final v Chelsea, the players smelt a trophy and played to their maximum in terms of effort, intelligence and ability.

The team won nine out of ten matches since Wenger decided to try three at the back after the humiliation at Selhurst Park. However, take out the two FA Cup matches and we are left with eight Premier League games. The opposition were either hopeless or on the metaphorical beach with nothing to play for. The one exception was Spurs, and that was the defeat. Although the system does seem to suit the players, we can’t really be sure that it is the solution to all our problems. Given the performance at White Hart Lane, in which Tottenham enjoyed a hatful of chances and but for Petr Cech should have won by more, an element of doubt is justified. It has always been the matches against the big sides away from home where Arsenal have been exposed the most in recent seasons. In the campaign just finished, they gained zero points out of 12 against the four sides that finished above them. The new formation did not buck that trend.

Some will see the FA Cup Final as evidence of a new beginning, a team capable of a title challenge next season. And I would agree with that, but I am far from convinced that will happen if Arsène remains. I recall back in summer of 2014, after the FA Cup win meant a first trophy for nine years, Ozil had a year under his belt and the club purchased Alexis Sanchez. Optimism was high. We were ready to go to “the next level” as Arsène called it. He signed a three year deal and delivered two further FA Cups. We are now at the same point again. Another trophy win, another possible contract extension. That’s fine if Arsenal have no ambitions to win the Premier League. It really depends what you believe the club are capable of achieving. With five teams in the Champions League next season, Arsenal have a chance to get back into the top four, but can you really see them winning the title?

We ran a Twitter poll asking: After Saturday's cup win, how do you stand on the question of another two seasons of Arsène at Arsenal?. The response was that 32% wanted the manager to stay for another two seasons, and 68% wanted a new face in the dugout.

Significantly, the club have extended the renewal deadline for season tickets to June 8th. This would allow time for them to make an announcement that Arsène was stepping down, and reveal his successor, or lay out the plans for change with Wenger remaining, or perhaps just announce a major signing (or agreement that one of Sanchez or Ozil will extend their stays). One suspects the club are a little worried by the drop off in renewals for the club level and hospitality box seats, the deadline for which was before the end of the season, and feel the need to announce something that will protect against a similar reaction from those in the cheaper seats.

The announcement about the board meeting’s decision will be made tomorrow, allowing enough time for Arsène to escape on holiday to the Med if he wishes to avoid whatever fallout occurs from the directors’ vote. I suspect the board have already made up their mind. Wenger will be present at the meeting and they are hardly going to hold a vote in front of him.

There are a lot of sub-standard employees on the books in Wenger’s various backroom departments – coaching, scouting, medical. Certainly, they haven’t secured the best players, kept them fit enough nor got the best out of them consistently on the pitch. Yet Wenger hired them and critically has not fired them. The manager himself has blamed his technical staff – he stated after failing to make the top four just over a week ago that, “It is the technical department’s responsibility that we didn’t reach the Champions League.” So who is accountable? The individuals in question or the guy who thought they were good enough to do the job? And how exactly were they culpable?

The manager has been trotting out a variety of excuses for a series of failings for many seasons now, but there is one consistency in all of them. It is never his fault.

Judge me in May, he often says, conveniently when he is on a boat enjoying his holidays rather than facing anyone with the temerity to challenge him. He declined to join the end of season lap of appreciation after the Everton match, for fear of hearing the fans’ verdict. Well, today, there is no escape. The jury will deliver their decision. Let’s hope it's the right one for the future of Arsenal Football Club.

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  1. mbg

    Jun 01, 2017, 0:58 #101946

    TonyEvans, heat what your saying mate and respect that, I couldn't agree more on wenger too, and if he does manage to fluke the Prem next season it will make no fooking difference whatsoever, i'll still hate him and want him out, and it would have been the exactly the same this season if a miracle would have occurred, and I have been saying that since the very start of last season. We want wenger out.

  2. mbg

    Jun 01, 2017, 0:35 #101945

    jw, I spotted that too, he's aged ten years in the last two or three, we'll he's going to age another ten in the next two, when we're middle of the table with his investment losing money hands over foot thanks to a no good weasel of a manager. wenger out.

  3. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 20:24 #101933

    Awwww ****ing diddums. Tony Adams knows.

  4. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 19:38 #101927

    You must find that post where i insulted Conte JJ and quote it back to us all? 'Upset' about Spurs? I think you ll find ive said many good things about them, Chelsea and Mr Conte this Season. You really do post like a like a peeked little 10 yr old at times. Yr right though, i did manage to predict the semi final score v City and the Final v Chelsea. Offsets all of the predictions i got wrong in the Season in the the other games doesn't it. If you could ever detach yr hatred and bile away from the subject matter of the lengthy AW debate, even you might have done.

  5. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 16:51 #101916

    If it's only a game of football Yes it's WengerRon why are you getting so upset about the mighty Totts and there you were a few posts back saying what a wanker Conte is (like Klopp) and last week you said he was the best thing to happen this season until that is your fave uncle delivered the cup because of course only you knew he would. Perhaps you need to lighten up sonny.

  6. TOOAW

    May 31, 2017, 16:49 #101915

    Congratulations Arsene Wenger on the 2 year contract. Clearly a handful of people are upset with the decision but these people had several months to back or sack the manager, but declined getting involved. On a separate note @ jj has been quoted saying he's off to support the mighty Spurs. Good luck my friend, since Arsene took over we have 16 trophy's to their 2. Be careful what you wish for jj.

  7. Bard

    May 31, 2017, 16:40 #101914

    The doom and gloom is a bit much. surely no one seriously expected Wenger to go. His contract renewal is less about his success more a lack of alternatives. He has been handed a poisoned chalice if ever there was one. Half the team needs revamping and Sanchez is offski. Add in the fact that most of the other contenders will be stronger and its hard to see him surviving the season in one piece. A couple of West Broms and the Emirates will once again be in protest mode. I dont buy that only a few want him out. I think many more are fed up but respect him too much to vocally protest.

  8. Exeter Ex

    May 31, 2017, 16:39 #101913

    So that's it then, Wenger signs on with seemingly no changes or conditions attached whatsoever nor even an acknowledgment that anything needs to change. No "it's my last contract", Gazidis just carrying on despite his "catalyst for change' comments, the same players, the same way of playing, no major structural changes. Just a bunch of reality-defying comments from the lot of them. They must take the supporters for absolute morons. And in a lot of cases, they're clearly right. From where we were at the height of the pressure and protests on Wenger earlier in the spring, this was the absolute worst case scenario. And it has come to pass.

  9. Arseneknewbest

    May 31, 2017, 16:22 #101912

    This feels like a turning point for me. No melodrama, no sob-story and of no relevance really other than to some others of you on here who clearly are also pained by what is happening. A club I've been in love with since a 7 year old kid (I'm 53 in a few weeks time), I was always proud to proselytise about Arsenal and I sincerely believed they stood apart from other clubs in England. But then came the move, the untrammelled commercialisation, the wengo hegemony and the Kroenke era. Like peeling the skins of an onion, there's nothing left. I'm even getting beyond the hatred now and could not give a flying chingada. I'm going to try as hard as I possibly can to blot this out of my mind and purge all the recent bad memories. As YIR suggests, it's time to rediscover other interests; my love of literature and music and maybe enrol on an OU course in Italian to get ready for my retirement there (if they'll take me after Brexit). I'm also going to give coaching my kid's U13 team the full beans this season. See if we can go one better and win 5 games instead of four. I might even sign another contract after that, ho ho. And there'll be winter Saturday afternoons out watching random teams in the west hoping one might appeal enough to be considered as a part-surrogate for that team I lived 3 minutes away from in Highbury, and who made or broke my week, every week, for decades. You're a good bunch of people on here, and I respect a great deal of what many of you say. JJet, mbg, YIR, Alsace, SKG, Redshirts Gaz and many others. And thanks in particular to Kev W for giving us the truth about events in the Wok. And even JW sometimes makes sense (but only when talking about football - Theresa May had a say in wengo's new contract Jeff and that's a fact!). I'm signing off for the summer privately hoping that by the time the shoddy circus rolls round again in mid-August that I'll barely notice its return. Sad, but no-one's died, although that club we all used to love is in its death throes. F*ck Wengo and Stan's merkin.

  10. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 16:10 #101911

    Kroenke wants to win the prem and other big trophies in Europe, LOL, You couldn't make it up, he really knows f**k all about Football alright. wenger out.

  11. TonyEvans

    May 31, 2017, 16:04 #101910

    mbg - I've said it before and I'll say it again I admire your Wenger Out tenacity! I loathe the man with a passion and there is no way back now to mend all the broken fences between Wenger and fans like you and me that hate the sight of him. I don't see that changing even if by some miracle Arsenal do really well next season. The hatred of him as a person will not go away, but the reality is we have to accept that a vast number of fans will continue to support him, and the only thing that will bring him down is match day fans turning on him in huge numbers. Us keyboard warriors can do nothing to influence things, and now we are lumbered with Wenger for at least two more years I for one am just going to see what pans out next season from a distance. Laugh if it all goes tits up, and maybe get interested again if things go well.

  12. jeff wright

    May 31, 2017, 15:55 #101909

    Rumors of the Glums ,Glum and Glummer, being offed 270K a week wages to stay are doing the rounds along with Wenger yet again having that mythical 100m war chest to spend.Is this the same Wenger that Diamond Danny said he once asked if I gave you 100m to spend on players what would you do. And Wenger replied,I would give it back to you I don't need to spend money to be successful . Surely not. That sort of talk though is music to Syrupy's ears.The old carpet-bagger did not look that well actually from what I saw of the c*nt on TV sitting in the Royal Box wearing his flashy suit he looked like one of those old dodgy Spivs from years ago at least he had trimmed his 70s porn star style tash. Ozil and Sanchez have history with previous clubs for not showing up in Champions League games and they were sold by proper clubs with more ambition than just winning domestic cups and making up the numbers in Europe.Let's face it the intrepid duo of gloom have not proved those clubs wrong either while with Wenger. I can't think of one game in the Champions League when either have grabbed it by the scruff of the neck and looked world class. Rambo Ramsey went all season in the Prem producing sh*t performances and only scored one goal. So excuse me for not getting excited about his winner against 10 man Chelsea . Wenger copying Conte 's back three CB's is being put up to claim that the recent dead rubber league wins and the 2-1 Cup Final win over Conte's league champions offers hope for next season in the league.With Wenger's rap sheet against top sides being so poor though it looks unlikely that this will be so. Wenger only played one side with anything to play for in the end of season run that he keeps knocking on about,the spuds away,and he was well beaten . So the three at the back made no difference at all in that game it was just deja vu Fat Sam giving a pasting at Palace to Wenger and that can't be just put down to not playing three at the back .I can see this three at the back with everyone at it, bar Liverpool and City, producing a lot of tedious draws for Wenger because he got lucky on Saturday with Sanchez's goal being wrongly allowed to stand and we only managed one more goal after that.The final could easily have ended in a draw on another day at 90 minutes and in the league that equates to just one point won or 2 lost. Also only playing against 10 men after Moses was rightly sent off also helped. Football is about results you don't get points for artistic performances as is the case with ice skating. So I remain unconvinced that Wenger has suddenly discovered the missing link and is about to at 70 going on 89 about to take football by storm .Wenger picking the hapless Ospina in front of Cech also showed that he is as clueless as he always was and in reality has learned nothing from his past mistakes. I' m confident that next season the clown will carry on making the same mistakes again - because he always does.

  13. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 15:48 #101908

    Tony Evans, Gaz, and others thinking the same, don't walk away, don't take a back seat, I know it's hard to think anything else at the moment, but don't, that's just what TOF and his regime would love (not to mention the AKB's) that's just what their hoping for i'd say, this club (and this site i'll dare say)need fans like yourselves to remain vocal and tell it as it is,(and keep the AKB's in check)and remember this, as others have pointed out, this is going to go tits up he might not even last two seasons, maybe not even one, (a leopard doesn't change his spots especially this one and especially with his power reinstated his ego and arrogance will see to that)and when it does he'll have nowhere to hide, so hang in there don't give up now regardless, it will/could be a short two seasons like I said his old arrogance will see to that. We want wenger out.

  14. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 15:22 #101907

    Not at all JJ. I dont think i 'know it all' at all. Certainly never profess too as i damned sure dont. I do try and be at least consistent with my opinions though. Bit happier with my own relaxed perspective on it than you though i think. Yr seemingly full of hate and contradictions. Very sad. Its football, nothing more. You need to get out and about more perhaps? Seek a few new horizons? While im at it, if i ever did become a re invigorated Arsene backer (i did back him for quite some years too), i d suggest that it would be a bit more acceptable to most Gunners followers than becoming a freaking Spud as per yr newly stated devotion to the lily whites. Gooner Rons totally correct to lambast you with his last suggestive post. A bit pathetic wasn't it.Grow up a bit please. AFC will be there when we ve long since gone.

  15. Danluvsafc

    May 31, 2017, 15:11 #101906

    RIP Arsenal football club 31/05/2017

  16. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 15:07 #101905

    Santi for more surgery but with his match winner Ramsay will be like a new signing next season. Meanwhile 'down the ****ing Lane' is a bit like 'go back to where you come from' which tells me all AKBs are like Trump and do not like reality. AFC forever a conservative club from Eton to Trump. Ashamed to have ever supported the ****s!

  17. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 14:57 #101904

    Roy, they will don't worry about that, don't worry they will, and fans like us will still be here to see it. We want wenger out.

  18. Gaz

    May 31, 2017, 14:56 #101903

    There really was a golden opportunity here to at least try and mend the the infighting amongst fans but as expected they just pretended there isn't really a problem at all. I mean 20000 fans missing from a home game and it never even resonated with them. How utterly stupid.

  19. Rippy

    May 31, 2017, 14:54 #101902

    Wenger ... we are very heavy on squad numbers and need to lose some players.. this is code for stans told me to fill the hole CL left. Expect a few kiddy signings touted as world class . We are only looking for fourth place tops make no mistake. Stan really has his right hand man in place with Wenger. This is going to get ugly . Please let me be wrong but I really can't see no change at all . Sanchez and Ozil will be the statement of intent. Have a great summer everyone. That's me done. Lovely seeing the fa cup silver lining but this season under Wenger was absolutely ****e.

  20. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 14:49 #101901

    Hilarious the Ron's have morphed into one big Wenger hugging monster! lol! Well said GAZ and AlSACE. One thing about the ex WOB Ron - he thinks he knows it all. Least he has come around to realising he loves 'his uncle' after all. All we need is Baddie and Westie back and they can all table dance together. ps fella lol!

  21. jwe1981

    May 31, 2017, 14:44 #101900

    It is the fans fault that continue to pay in to the regime. They make little noises about wanting change including the editor of this very site but never ever do anything about it. No chants of Wenger Out have ever been heard inside the stadium on match days. Until that starts to happen nothing will change. Why would it? You have a business man as an owner and an accountant as a manager. Keep paying out your £1200+ for your season tickets boys and were all see you in another two years to hear you moaning when he signs on yet again!

  22. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 14:42 #101899

    Wow did/has anyone in the history of the club witnessed so much b*******e spin coming from the club at this time Kroenke, slap head, the weasel himself ? jesus h it's unbelievable, and we can just see the lap dogs tongues hanging out lapping it up and believing it, they fooking deserve him. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  23. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 14:35 #101898

    Gaz - yes, usual time worn spin. JJ - you were waxing lyrical about Conte a while back. Whats he done to you? You ought perhaps to speak to a few of those fans of City and Everton and Liverpool i suggest as i have the chance to do from time to time. Believe me, theyre not universally happy bunnies! In partic, a good few Everton fans would drive Koeman to Liverpool Lime Street with a one way ticket out today. Wengs has penned a contract fella. Nobody's died.

  24. Gaz

    May 31, 2017, 14:28 #101897

    And I'm 50 tomorrow. What a great ****ing birthday present this is.

  25. GoonerRon

    May 31, 2017, 14:11 #101896

    @ jj - I've never uttered this before but after your last post it is surely legitimate to say good, **** off down the lane.

  26. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 13:59 #101895

    Just glad so many can now move on and forget how Arsenal became such a **** club under **** management. Probably all May mad leavers or Ukip freaks. Got bored initially with the PL and Arsene FC when I kept being asked to go to Highbury on Sundays to sleep the roast off. It's when the PL started to get really boring but most suitable for the broad AKB church (suddenly erupted on here like a born again boil!) who like football as a quite distraction with no swearing and lots to consume. So happy I am now fully into County football and looking forward to next season. Even hearing about Huddersfield picking up 120m for being in the PL is plain ****ing awful! Gone off Conte now and so now as a very distant PL supporter (radio on in background) will be supporting Bournemouth, Citeh, Everton, Liverpool and the wonderful Spuds (love those hand celebrations) and not naturally supporting Arsene FC because my standards will not slip and from first rolling up to Arsenal in 63 unto Pires on the hobble times were fine and Arsenal were Arsenal. Now it is the shallowest of football brands with the most corrupt coach the PL has and here's the thing. They are good for a laugh now and then so looking forward to that little circus on the side. Bit like Zeppelin who started to get a bit **** after Zofo. Arsenal used to be good even great but that is in the past and whereas I am still digging out Led Zep 1 2 & 3 I can't even be ****ed to watch any retro Arsenal. Maybe GG in the mud but that's a secret story which AKBs just love to piss on. How happy the potential top ten PL clubs are now that the scrawny dictator is staying forever! **** Arsenal forever too! Never thought I would say this but the Totts really are the pride of north London now. Good luck to them. Simple really. Like their players and coach. Hate Wenger and his extended family of sycophants.

  27. Gaz

    May 31, 2017, 13:58 #101894

    So the deed is done and we're stuck with him for another two years at least. For old times sake I thought I'd read the whole content of his interview in a forlorn hope that he says something that makes me think he really has changed. Sadly-although very much unsurprisingly-there was nothing at all. I knew he'd use the last 11 games as vindication and I knew he'd suggest we don't need much to go to that next level. I was also hoping that he might address those real long time hard core fans who wanted him out but once again there was nothing. What I found particularly amusing though were the references to us doing well in Europe. How with no sense of irony or even a smirk can they suggest a man with such an appalling record in Europe is ever going to 'crack it' is just unbelievable. So there you go. Nothing has really changed at all apart from the fact Wenger's getting more money for doing the same crap job. Thankfully I'm walking away from it all now so I'll leave Wenger and the Club in the capable hands of some of the wankiest, stupidist, unambitous supporters in world football. You really do deserve each other. RIP Arsenal FC and say hello to Arsene FC.

  28. Alsace

    May 31, 2017, 13:43 #101893

    BBC today report that Wenger discussed his future direct with Kroenke on Monday and that the Board of Directors were "informed" of the owners decision. Whilst we must all gird what is left of our loins for the guerrilla warfare which must now take place in print and in voice against Arsene Wenger, we have identified a new enemy that I for one had not perceived as an enemy before. The Board are clearly not a part of this equation. Mr Kroenke has bypassed his board of directors because he knows best. Two people who know best, how very reassuring. We must now direct our efforts not only to expose Mr Wenger to public criticism, but also to bring our irritation to Mr Kroenke's door. Let us see if we can persuade our American cousins to be vocal about Mr Wenger. This is a debate about lack of judgment. Mr Kroenke is a businessman. We are merely temporary customers. We have no shareholding and the club does not own us money. We are literally "mugs" beneath contempt and are to be treated as such. We have to make the job not worth holding for Mr Wenger, and we have to make holding Mr Wenger not worth holding for Mr Kroenke. It's going to be a hard fight, and a long one but we will get the creature out of our club. The suggestion here that we meekly accept the result and get on with supporting the team is beneath contempt. There is a cancer at the heart of the club and the team and it needs to be excised. We are up against people who have identified themselves very clearly as our enemies and as the enemies of Arsenal Football Club itself.

  29. TonyEvans

    May 31, 2017, 13:27 #101892

    I completely agree with Ron - the Wenger out debate has to be put to bed now. What's done is done and although I can't stand the bloke he is still going to be the manager next season whether we like it or not, and we just have to get used to it. We will all have different ways of dealing with it - walk away completely like Gaz, or become an occasional TV armchair follower like me, or continue attending matches in the hope that things will be somehow different next season. The debate is done now and let's move on.

  30. GoonerRon

    May 31, 2017, 13:21 #101891

    @ jj - there you go again thinking about me, you need to stop it or others on here will get jealous. As for containing my excitement - I'm just glad we've got some element of closure so the club can try and move on. I would have preferred a fresh start but as I said before, I see a lot of merit in the new formation and hope it can provide the defensive stability from which we can build a proper title challenge. Here's hoping you are thoroughly frustrated over the next two seasons...

  31. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 12:58 #101890

    Its up for grabs - Yes mate. See yr point and comment. Agree with you in that as a soon as theres a run of bad results it ll all flare up again. In many ways, its perhaps needed AW to agree to stay on and then if things do go awry again next Season it ll likely bring those who have been non committed to change off their seats. Have to admire his balls really by staying in the hotseat and the fray, though the Board are so passive arent they. Behind the scenes i do think that both AW and the Board have accepted implicitly that change is needed and that both they and he will work towards effecting it. Theyre not daft and hes 67 for heavens sake. People read his renewal as if its going to be no change at all for the next lord knows how long. Its not going to happen like that i feel. I think the underlying agreement by he and the Board will represent a sea change from whats gone before but AFC just wont speak of the understanding openly. We ve no choice now to live with it anyway. Im like most on here and wanted to see a change, but im not going to mention it again until its stark staring us in the face that this renewal was a grave misjudgement by the Board. Its ok for me i appreciate as im more or less only a TV fan now as ive said. If i was you though and still attending though, id take the same view and try and enjoy the matches free of the pressures we ve put on ourselves as supporters to effect immediate change. It does the stadium to rise up as you say, but the reality is that things just arent comparatively bad enough to make that happen. Most Clubs below Chelsea would cut an arm and leg off to be in AFC position. The Usmanov thing wont go away. His offer was him putting his toe in the water. He knows what makes SK tick, theyre 2 of a kind and eventually SK will listen. AFC will remain a very, very interesting Club to observe this coming 18 months.I wont complain if AW proves us all wrong either!

  32. Gunner Rob

    May 31, 2017, 12:52 #101889

    DON'T GO DON'T RENEW ANY SEASON TICKETS DON'T BUY ANY MERCHANDISE If you do then you are contributing to the problem

  33. Its up for grabs 89

    May 31, 2017, 12:32 #101888

    Yes it's Ron- I hear you and agree with you, but my son is 17 Wenger & Stan are 68, Arsenal since 1886, things will change sooner or later. Football has changed I agree it's all about money, but non of us would have complained is Usmanov get the club and sp nods 1bl on new singing to dwarf what Man c, Man U, Chelsea, even Liverpool I suspect now spendings and direction. We are truly unlucky to get a non wining billionaire owner, and it's actually David Dein's doing. What I actually meant is what can I do from my seat next season, as we should not give up even though he signed 2 years. I still think if the who,e stadium sang Wenger out for the first 5 games of the season he would have to go, don't you? So any suggestions anyone we have the summer to think.

  34. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 12:27 #101887

    The PL is summed up for me with that news that David Luis spent over a million on supercar keys for the team (30 in all) for winning the league or just because a million is loose change to a top PL player. I guess the grounds are now generally 'filled' with well, heeled supercar types who have football on their social to do lists in the same manner as a restaurant trip, theatre la-di-da. I am so far from AFC now that my only joy is in them losing and here's hoping for a Chelsea type implosion as suffered by JM. If the 'philosophy' is still to build a team around Ozil types that should not be too hard. Much as i enjoyed Per's performance last week I think it will be filed along with Ozil v Ludogrets and Santi v Citeh. Once they have one game under their belts they an build their career around it. Still laughing about GoonerRon who contained himself quite well yesterday while in private the horsehair shirt was on, the whip was out and cries of My Lord! echoed through the surrounding streets. Wondering how Untold are going to celebrate and can they get the club finally to rename AFC Arsene FC. Makes good business sense to me. Reward the dutiful and all that ****ing ****!

  35. jeff wright

    May 31, 2017, 12:01 #101886

    So after all that it's just carry on regardless AFC is now officially without the smoke screen of the Wenger fabled 4th place trophy a Cup side .The spuds have taken our place of second best in London from Wenger and we are now a very distant 3rd best one. According to Wenger that is down to the supporters who he will never forgive for doing it! You could't make it up. Old deluded Wenger himself apparently wants to stay on as manager for another 5 yawn inducing years . Syrupy back now on the ranch in the good ol' U.S of A is happy to let Wengo carry on regardless and as I suggested awhile back all of Syrupy's clubs meander along in mediocrity so rather than risk the mediocrity becoming anymore mediocre than it now is under Wenger at AFC Syrupy will take take that and just hope that Wenger can win his 4th place in the Prem back. FA Cup wins are just a diversion from reality to help keep the punters happy. Is Rambo Ramsey now an AFC legend with him having scored the winner in two finals. Somehow though I don't see those goals being on a par With Charlie's winner against Liverpool in the first double winning season after the league win at the lane of shame or Ray Parlours against Chelsea in that Wenger double winning season when we won the league at Old Trafford. We are a very long way away from those halcyon days . Only the most optimistic AKB's will see that changing under Wenger and the Kroenke regime.The protests failed and the only protest that matters to Kroenke is not giving him any money .We will have to see how it al pans out next season because Wenger being allowed too carry on is down purely to the fac that Stan and his stooges have no idea of what else to do.This is hardly a house built on firm foundations but just a house made of straw one. I can see it all backfiring big-time on the whole odious gang of greedy money grabbing cretins.

  36. Bard

    May 31, 2017, 11:52 #101885

    What a decision. Predictable but baffling. Its an act of madness for Wenger to have signed it. It has no up side. If he were capable of taking us to the next level he would have done it by now. With the increased competition next season plus Europa cup matches I predict a nasty exit. Clearly the board had no other plan so who else would have replaced him but my guess is that they will quietly sound out available candidates in case it all goes Pete Tong as it will. Onwards and downwards.

  37. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 11:05 #101884

    Its up for .... Gave mine up in 2010 and not one regret. I wdt go back now if we appointed the next best top bloke and bought Barcas front 3! I go 2 to 3 games per Season, but only away games. Cant be arsed to drive into N7 now and be asked to pay up to 30 quid to park just to see football. Put aside AFC though, footballs not worth the costs and the commitment. Too many far better things in life to expend the time on now. Agree re the fans. Home fams at Arsenal are by and large robotised, indifferent and uncommitted one way or the other. The away support has changed a lot though as well. No longer the same unity and fervour amongst them these days. A good many of the old travellers have stopped going though i suspect. Life moves on. People habits change. I m happy with my own memories of match days from the late 60s up to the early 2000s . It changed markedly after that in my view. Arsenals foreignisation while bringing many, many memorable rewards on the pitch, cut the umbilical cord between pitch and the supporters for ever.


    May 31, 2017, 11:03 #101883


  39. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 10:45 #101882

    Hi Kev - AWs staying. I was really proud of the team and the Club on Saturday and haven't felt like that for a good few yrs. Will the win and the stick hes had this yr herald change? No idea. I dropped out of the Wenger should leave debate months ago really. Now hes staying i think the debates done for good (for now) and that we ought all now just back the Club in its judgement and see how it goes and let him get on with it. Lifes much too short to carry on grinding the same axe for somebody for too long. Reality is that's its only a very small minority who want him out anyway. He knows this and so do the Club. Well done the Gunners. The tide had to turn v them eventually. Result was never in doubt for me.

  40. Its up for grabs 89

    May 31, 2017, 10:40 #101881

    mbc-- That is some dedication and totally understand why you stopped. I still have my season tickets which I've had since mid 80's. I hate Wenger and have done for at least 5 years now, this season I didn't attend 1/2 of the home games because I just can't do it, for two reasons. 1st is the obvious one, but second is the most shocking one which is the fans. I always talk to the fans on trains pubs etc. I ask them do you want him to stay and 70% if not more say yes for the most dumbest reasons. Furthermore around my and my sons seat (I'm 46 my son is 17 and I pay for two season tickets), I say come on let's just start singing Wenger out just a handful of us just to see what happens, and some really feel the same as I do, but there are 0 takers, not 1. So I sit back down like a clown and take the crap. So in short we deserve Wenger. mbg or anyone here that have given up their tickets, what shall I do next season??W

  41. MAF

    May 31, 2017, 10:23 #101880

    wexit was never on the Cards. silent stan. selfish wenger. back eachother up. are Arsenal where wenger thinks they are or alot further behind with squad additions and tactics/Coaching improvements urgently drastically needed? i would go with the latter that there is alot of work to be done to be succesful in the EPL week in week out. Razamatazz Cup finals seems to suit our marquee Players. nip and tuck weekly grind of the EPL they dont see to like as much. away to stoke, WBA, Everton on a rainy night in december, are we likely to see enough grit Focus and Determination ? STEEL as well as Style. there is only one way to win the EPL and you cannot do it by turning up only for 75% of the matches

  42. newbee

    May 31, 2017, 10:14 #101879


  43. Exeter Ex

    May 31, 2017, 9:53 #101878

    Have changed the username a bit as there's nothing about this incarnation of AFC I really like, so am just an observer now, not a supporter. Just curious to see what becomes of the business formerly known as Arsenal Football Club. That season long debacle was just about the T&C’s, wasn’t it? He was never considering leaving, Wenger was just making sure his power was shored up. The most selfish, shameless individual in football. I shall watch on next season’s latest edition of the tragicomic pantomime with detached amusement: Wenger fiddling with his sleeping bag zipper as the team falls apart in a half empty E******s on a Thursday night. Goldfish memory fans shocked by the annual collapse before the little run at the end of the season when all the big stuff is safely in the distance gives them 'optimism' for the following season. I hope Kroenke, Wenger and all those still supporting him get everything they deserve and the team falls further and further down the league over the next two years.

  44. Herd

    May 31, 2017, 9:03 #101877

    There is no Wexit ,the Gazidis coup has failed ,as we speak it is he not Wenger that is running a warm bath and preparing a vein !

  45. TonyEvans

    May 31, 2017, 8:40 #101876

    Gaz - yes just one ounce of humility from Wenger would go a long way to at least finding something from the wreckage of the new contract. It's almost as if the 10-2, and the falling away in the League never happened in Wenger's arrogant, delusional world. Apologising for anything is obviously not on his radar at all. I am going to be the worst kind of AFC follower now and dip in and out according to how things are going. Hope you can find a way to do something similar, rather then letting Wenger and what our club has morphed into drive you away completely.

  46. Gaz

    May 31, 2017, 7:33 #101875

    My problem is I can't separate Wenger and the Club any more which is why I can't support the Club only. Wish I could convince myself to get behind the Club and **** Wenger but it's just not possible. Quite frankly I really do not like the man any more and it's obvious as one of the guys who marched on the protest he doesn't like me! This is why I have no other option other than to walk away until he's gone. I guess if he apologised at some point and said he understands why we protested and that he'll try and make amends I might just reconsider but we all know that's not going to happen as it's all about him and what he wants.

  47. Petergooner

    May 31, 2017, 7:21 #101874

    mbg you say it all. As you and everybody who reads these pages knows that exactly what I have said so many times but as said so many times, non true gooners will buy tickets just to see a football game. One example was our friend next to us sold his ticket for one game to a guy from Korea. I asked him did he work here or was he on holiday, he said no came for the weekend. It was that game when we lost to Watford 2-1. He had no idea who was playing for us. He said he had spent around £4,000:00p on the weekend (most of that time he would have been in the air). I said if you have that sort of money perhaps you should tell Kroenke you want to take over the club, perhaps he would listen to far eastern person rahter than one fro Russia.

  48. Cheltenham Gunner

    May 31, 2017, 6:29 #101873

    Can't see me renewing my silver membership now. Kroenke has clearly stuck two fingers up to the fans. What a nightmare.

  49. Roy

    May 31, 2017, 6:21 #101872

    The hierarchy at this club are despicable. If there is such a thing as karma, I just hope I'm still around to see them and every AKB get what's coming to them. Morally and utterly reprehensible. This ain't gonna end well.....

  50. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 1:15 #101871

    KC38, I certainly don't want to go into my creds as an Arsenal fan it's something I don't feel comfortable doing, and won't but I gave my long held season ticket up in disgust shortly after watching us lead spurs at the emirates 3-1 to see them come back to 4-4 pennant lobbing the waiter etc etc, and booed with the best of them that night with an ex player/legend in our company too (but that's another story and I certainly won't be naming him)and at TOF singing you don't know what your doing as he stood just like he still does today fooking clueless, the wifes, sons, daughters, (which I paid for) red level along with my own has been long given up in disgust/protest also, no doubt if kept on would have made at least two silver memberships by now, my son god love him (when he's in the mood) wears one of my old shirts which I think is the 10/11 season with Adams on the back (I always got a legends name didn't believe in these premadonnas)when all his mates are up to date no doubt like you and ty, I stopped buying them in protest too, and that goes for other memorabilia also, hats scarfs etc, etc. As for attending games none of us have been back for years either the last photo I have off him there is one when he was a young lad hugging gunnersaraus, like I said none of us have been back since in protest. And let me add when we were being taken in like every body else and used to attend quite regularly (bearing in mind where i'm from) it's 1 and a half hours drive TO the airport one way(no trains buses)fuel costs, just over an hour flight one way, an hour by coach to London shorter by train one way, take all that into account along with match tickets (if I don't attend on my own) cabs, fares, accommodation, food beer, I never had much change out of £350 back then and like I said a lot more with a couple of kids not counting the memberships which I paid for, and my attendances were frequent indeed, now i'd love to be there every game and at every protest to chant wenger out (and believe me if I was I wouldn't be afraid to do so) and I certainly wouldn't be sitting keeping my hands warm with my arse, maybe you'd like to pay for me to come over for these protests it would be much appreciated, anyway like a lot of others I think I've done and doing my fair share where the protests are concerned, are you ? we want wenger out.

  51. Its up for grabs 89

    May 31, 2017, 0:28 #101870

    I honestly don't get it, only person to gain is Wenger not even Stan or the board. Can anyone explain how Stan benefits? How can a business owner benefit from unsatisfied customers. Less sales less sponsorship etc. ?? Unless he so clueless and Wenger has him wrapped around too.

  52. Exiled gooner in Pt

    May 31, 2017, 0:19 #101869

    MBG your right looking back now it makes you question every player that left but I have to say Cashley still rankles as his was more about the money he wanted and although he was worth more than the offer made, if you listen to Arsenal legends like Rocky or Tony Adams or Ray Parlour they were not looking at the figures they just wanted to play for the Arsenal. Cashley was a North bank boy like myself and probably you too so his one still hurts!! Wenger out

  53. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 0:07 #101868

    equalizer, exiled, i'm glad to say I was one of those who backed RVP and at the time saying he was right, he actually still takes crap from the AKB's, there was even a derogatory remark about him on here last week, remember all those AKB's and no doubt non ones talking about/planning a back turning on him when he returned with his prem medal ? idiots, what about the others also who knew, even going back as far as Ashley Cole. we want wenger out.

  54. Exiled gooner in Pt

    May 30, 2017, 23:48 #101867

    I make you right mate , I can only see DB10 returningcwhen the fraud has gone what worries me is this man has another 6 years and a month to beat , the time Ferguson was in charge at Man Ure. Ive lost count how many years back we were saying his time was up and now we got another 2 years!!

  55. equalizer

    May 30, 2017, 23:38 #101866

    @Exiled gooner in Pt, I wonder who is spreading the rumour of DB10 returning- think about it, who gains from this spin. I cannot see it, Wenger doesn't employ people who will stand up to him. Steve Bould has turned into a eunuch, look at PV4, Jonker didn't last 3 years and Freddie went offski with him. Even Henry has been cast aside. I feel sorry for Sanchez, I hope he goes to a club that match his ambitions. And if Bellerin, Holding, Ox, Ramsay and Xhaka have any cop on they'll go too while they still have a chance of a successful career head of them under a football coach

  56. Exiled gooner in Pt

    May 30, 2017, 23:08 #101865

    The Equalizer, I make you 100% right , I think we do owe R.V.P an apology, I for one was giving him grief that first season we went to old Trafford and saw him in that shirt. I just seen somewhere that there is talk of bringing D.B10 back to the youth set up , my understanding is he and the fraud did not get on that well, so why would he comeback to help out at the youth level!!! It would be great if he does but I would rather see him sitting in the frauds seat!! Wenger out

  57. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 23:02 #101864

    I'm just waiting for the first gobshyte to come on and say or try and tell us by post or Article (no doubt a paid up AKB wengerite) it's happened now, he's been given two more years, get over it, there's nothing you can do about it now, accept it and get behind him and support him, LOL, I wonder who'll be the first ? I can make a good guess, I can't wait, well not on your f*****g life. We want wenger out.

  58. equalizer

    May 30, 2017, 22:49 #101863

    I think there are a few thousand of us who owe Robin Van Persie a massive apology for failing to understand what he was trying to tell us years ago

  59. KC38

    May 30, 2017, 22:40 #101862

    MBG - I want Wenger out as much as the next man, but you slag off fans who you accuse of sitting on their hands. Please explain what the fook you have done? How many fooking games have you attended and lead the Wenger out chanting?

  60. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 22:30 #101861

    RobG, and you can bet TOF will be demanding to know his answer immediately, fooking hypocrite or what. we want wenger out.


    May 30, 2017, 22:22 #101860


  62. Bard

    May 30, 2017, 21:50 #101859

    TOOAW very funny post mate. When I was 5 I used to think Tommy Cooper was a real magician but then I grew up. Seems like you have a severe case of arrested development. The decision was a no brainer but it will be a disaster. We have gone backwards this season and there is no chance of bridging the gap to the top teams either with money or tactics.

  63. Exiled gooner in Pt

    May 30, 2017, 21:47 #101858

    I would like to say I am shocked but lets be honest 90% of us knew this was coming. Unless the wig wearing c#nt goes and he will not leave until he has sucked every last penny out of our once special club. The rest of the wan#ers on the board will keep getting there share and after all they and a few very richer ones no longer on the scene sold us and our great club down the river a few years back. I am glad my grandad and his father who helped on the original construction of the laundry end are not alive to witness this. I am also glad I no longer go to games now I am exiled abroad but if they draw a team in Portugal during the Europa cup I will gladly go to throw as much abuse as possible to that overpaid sneering cu#t Wenker. The Arsenal has officially died today as they have now gone to far he thought we the real fans had caused the bad results because he and his team of posing preening pussies and the one player who did try Sanchez should not be criticized!! Fock him and fock them , Wally must be loving it another couple of seasons on big money doing fock all!! Bet Wankger hasnt taken a pay cut for the next two seasons . Wenger out Kronke out Gazidas and all the other wealthy money grabbing cu#ts out .

  64. CT Gooner

    May 30, 2017, 21:42 #101857

    I guess I have no right to have an opinion on this any more, given like Gaz and 1981 on out of here, but what does success look like for Arsenal next year?? What is the teams targets?? My sense is they'd set the bar at a return to CL qualification. To me that will require significant investment, sums Kronke will have little appetite for. Firstly, they'll need to protect what they have, meaning locking down Sanchez an Ozil, but my sense is doing so will cost 25mil annually for 3-4 years. Not doing so would bring a significant short term increase in capital, so I know where my money is. Then they'd need to free up dead weight, something Wenger is terrible at, so don't bet the mortgage on that either. So all in all what should Gooners expect next season, or is it be thankful you got the chance to go to our shiny bowl to be entertained???

  65. TOOAW

    May 30, 2017, 21:31 #101856

    Well. If the inevitable happens then statistically, it will be great news for the club. Arsene Wenger is the greatest thing to happen to the Arsenal. (Facts that can be backed up). 2 more years will entail that a solid, forward looking football club is still called ARSENAL.

  66. RobG

    May 30, 2017, 21:13 #101855

    OK - Alexi Sanchez - it's over to you. Are you going to stay ? If the answer is - Yes ! You have more faith in Wenger than I do. But if it is 'no new contract' - apologies for the bad taste joke - then we will, all know. It should become clear pretty soon.

  67. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 21:01 #101854

    paulward, good post, yes we've all been s**t on from a great height yet again, and yet again allowed it to happen, this time there were even those looking up when it happened, and continued to look up throughout. we want wenger out.

  68. David1

    May 30, 2017, 20:54 #101853

    Another side to it is that one bloke in his late 60s can't sack another bloke in his late 60s for being past-it, because of how it reflects on him. Was never going to happen. Pensioners' mafia.

  69. jjetplane

    May 30, 2017, 20:53 #101852

    Wenger's plan of devoluted evolution is going to plan. Drop out of top four (20 years milking it was good return) and slip into the Europa stream so any trophy or perhaps a run at returning to the top four will be looked on as somewhat heroic. Players like the lazy Ozil could still turn up for a bumper wage packet knowing the CL and PL are strictly for the petro clubs or so we are told. He is probably onto his mates on the euro club scene telling them about his exploits in London with no pressure to perform other than in a threesome or whatever is in the offing. As long as the Wal Mart sports branch of Holloway registers 60 thou a game who will give a ****. That type of stadia caters for a mildly interested consumerist type who have bought into the yankee effect. Fine in the USA but pathetic in poor old Holloway that used to be a legendary area in the last century but now like Arsenal sterile. Watch the new security to protect the brand at all costs next season so maybe people who are not happy with the arrangement will be noted and made to feel unwelcome. **** of a Club. ps No reckoning here Kev as this roll on deal was no doubt sorted the day Stan turned up at his favourite north London sportz store. Thank **** I have never had Sky or gave up even on MOTD years ago. Like my football local and in front of me on a field. Of course will be searching out Wenger when it hits the big wall. Horrible, disgraceful.

  70. Time for change

    May 30, 2017, 20:47 #101851

    Kev. He's staying

  71. Paulo75

    May 30, 2017, 20:35 #101849

    Utterly deflating but entirely predictable news I'm afraid. We haven't put in a credible League or CL challenge in 10 years but continue along the same old lines when there was a chance for a new beginning. Efforts of those who wanted change is admirable but at the end of the day Stan Kroenke makes the decisions. And, in fairness to him, he has never really pretended to be anything less than a distant investor with no real interest in English football and Arsenal's place at the forefront of it. How depressing. Wenger's attack on the fans in the last week has confirmed to me he is all about self interest. Finally Mr Gazidis, what of your catalyst for change? Cos I don't see any from where I'm standing.

  72. John F

    May 30, 2017, 20:31 #101848

    I heard Paolo Nutini song iron sky and there is a passage in it that is taken from the great dictator ,Charlie Chaplin that could of been written for the current situation at Arsenal.With slight editing it goes like this. 'To those that can hear me I say do not despair.The misery that is now upoun us is but the passing of greed.The bitterness of the Akb's who fear the way of progress and the time of the board will pass and dictators fade.The power they took from the fans will return to the fans.And as long as men die Arsenal as a football club will never perish.Don't give yourselves to these unnatural Akb's,machine Akb's with machine minds and machine hearts.True fans are not machines,you are not cattle you are fans.You the fans have the power to make Arsenal free from greed and self interest,to make the club a wonderful adventure.

  73. Gunner Rob

    May 30, 2017, 20:18 #101847

    It really is quite simple now Do not go Do not renew any season tickets Do not buy any merchandise This is now a war

  74. Paulward

    May 30, 2017, 20:14 #101846

    No great surprise and tomorrow we will have it confirmed that talk of major upheaval behind the scenes was just that, talk. As for an overhaul of the playing squad and major investment on the pitch, forget that aswell.In short nothing wlll change, except for playing on Thursday nights of course. My prediction for next year, 6th and Europa cup runners up, aswell as thousands of empty seats of course.


    May 30, 2017, 19:56 #101845

    Where the bloody hell did I put my Sky contract & telephone number? That's it for me - aaaarrrrgggghhhh!! Anyone fancy a protest march from Liskeard to Wenger Towers?

  76. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 19:44 #101844

    Alsace, it's war alright, he's had his chance and didn't take it so let the hostilities begin and as someone has said the gloves are now off now the weasel deserves everything he's gonna get bigger and louder than before with even more venom and he's going to give us plenty of chances for it, i f*****g can't wait, we want wenger out.

  77. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 19:03 #101843

    CORNISH, there's going to be a hell of a lot more reality kicking in for a lot of fans/bottlers over the next season (but not for a lot of others) but it will be to late, and i and i'm quite sure a lot of others will just love it, they fooking deserve him, we want wenger out.

  78. Wibblefish

    May 30, 2017, 18:57 #101842

    Oh dear.......just seen the news! In a way I'm looking forward to the inevitable car crash that is about to follow. We all know there is no happy ending here. I'm just thinking will it only be 2 years? He doesn't want to leave and Kroenke doesn't want to sack him.Why not just put him in charge until he dies! At least this way our expectations will be zero and we can start have a laugh on match days. Inspector Clouseau strikes again.

  79. LeoGooner

    May 30, 2017, 18:47 #101841

    This is nothing to do with the Board. Kroenke and Wenger met yesterday and the BBC says their decision was "relayed" to the Board.

  80. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 18:25 #101840

    Your not far wrong lads, just got in and heard, shock, disappointment, fooking furious, Sad, they're all there, going on the drink to calm down, so it starts again, we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  81. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 18:13 #101839

    The most saddest and disappointing day of my life, all you AKB wengerites should be happy now, and all you other so called fans who sat with your arses keeping your hands warm to nice to shout wenger out, even though that's what you wanted, shame on you, lets see if your as happy when the same old same old begins again, embarrassments, humiliations, lies spin, but with out the cup to save his skinny arse when it does and it will (don't think for one minute it won't nothings going change it will actually get worse now, and any one who thinks any different are idiots) don't even f*****g dare complain, don't even f*****g dare to boo, it's as much your fault as the boards/wengers you all f*****g deserve him, so it starts again with even more vigor, We want wenger out we want wenger out we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  82. Alsace

    May 30, 2017, 18:03 #101838

    TE. When one is up against something really evil one must expect it to bite back and fight back. MBG probably is in a state of shock, but this particular new piece of lunacy on the part of the owner and the manager marks an escalation in what is now a war. We must have him out.

  83. TonyEvans

    May 30, 2017, 17:48 #101837

    No comment on the new Wenger contract from mgb yet! Has it pushed him over the edge, quite literally!

  84. Wardy

    May 30, 2017, 17:35 #101836

    A clueless chairman and board of directors focused only on their share prices, I fully expected this new contract announcement hence I cancelled my membership a month ago ,,,,,, good luck filling the stadium with tourists next season ,,,,, a sad for all Gooners as we will get the same old problems and excuses next season, but without my money !

  85. TonyEvans

    May 30, 2017, 17:01 #101835

    Anyone else think Chelsea lost on purpose, or am I just being paranoid now!

  86. jwe1981

    May 30, 2017, 16:48 #101834

    It must be said that the lack of any open revolt inside the stadium of match days was the final nail in the coffin. I feel confident that if the 'fans' that still attend the stadium had the want and the balls to openly ask for his reign to come to and end that this two year contract would have not happened. The 'fans' have themselves to blame and will no doubt still be showing Arsene the respect' he deserves in another two years time eg. not saying boo to a goose!

  87. jjetplane

    May 30, 2017, 16:07 #101833

    Spuds will be laughing today along with the other top six and in a way I am happy because I hope the tits up next season is so major league as to be never before seen. I stopped watching this **** corporate unit before they moved to Wal Mart Holloway and sold my ST's and still remember first going in 63 in the Highbury schoolboys. Wenger thinks people who want him out are a disgrace. My take is that old ****ing ostrich is no Arsenal man but just a money man like Kronkie the Dictator. Now it is a Dictator duo brazenly out in the open in a way so similar to the Tories and Trump. Would punch the air whenever anyone scored against Wenger. Next year I will pray they lose every game but more importantly people stop going just like I did. If you have a team more local go and watch them. I do and with a prog it puts me back a fiver at most! **** Wenger, Untold, the PL in any order you want. Must be a laugh being a Spud today!

  88. Alsace

    May 30, 2017, 16:02 #101832

    I'm afraid that the cup final was significant in convincing Kroenke that everything in the garden was rosy. Needless to say a total disaster for our club and no hope of liberation this side of Wenger's retirement through old age. He will now be utterly untouchable internally in terms of others having the influence to depose him. However, nil desperandum. We can now embark on a campaign against him where the gloves really come off. He was offered the opportunity of peace with honour. He has chosen dishonour and he will have war. Wenger is a bad manager and he will be shown to be one.

  89. GoonerRon

    May 30, 2017, 15:57 #101831

    Blimey this is big. Either Wenger thinks he can go unbeaten again or he is a masochist. There needs to be some serious changes to how the club is run including new contracts for key players, quick sales of unneeded players, key signings done early and a good start to the season just to keep the wolves from the door. Could be a long two years.

  90. jwe1981

    May 30, 2017, 15:55 #101830

    My own story has come full circle. Season ticket holder Member Non-member Cancellation of TV Sports Package AFC can go to hell as far as I am concerned.

  91. Bard

    May 30, 2017, 15:54 #101829

    Surely no one is surprised that he has been offered a new deal. The cycle begins again but it wont stop the protests or the aggro. I have written before that too many have woken up to the state we are in. I see no upside in him being appointed. It is also a win win for Stan. If he succeeds great if he fails the proverbial will land on Wenger not on Stan. Whats not to like about that as a deal. Thursday nights here we come !!

  92. TonyEvans

    May 30, 2017, 15:46 #101828

    Even though I expected Wenger would be signing on again it is still hugely disappointing to have it confirmed. That's it for me then - I am now a definite fair-weather follower of AFC, not a true supporter any longer. I could just walk away the way I am feeling but I refuse to let Wenger completely take away something that used to mean so much to me.

  93. Seven Kings Gooner1

    May 30, 2017, 15:26 #101827

    We don't know the details yet but surely IG will have to resign, how can you be a CEO under these laughable circumstances. You cannot run any business the way Arsenal is being run and be successful, I think the decline is further down the road than people realize and today was the last chance to reverse the process and boy has Kronke blown it.

  94. Gaz

    May 30, 2017, 15:26 #101826

    Well that's it, I'm done. Can't be bothered to continue protesting so I'm just walking away. When I'm asked if I support the Club now my answer back will be no, but I used to. Hate feeling this way but there you go.

  95. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 30, 2017, 15:12 #101825

    Enjoyed the cup final immensely and thought the whole team was superb. Have now just been bought crashing back down to earth with the news that we are lumbered for 2 more years, though I expected it all along. My guess now is we are stuck with Wenger until he dies. He had the perfect opportunity to walk away on a high but no, the man who branded us supporters a 'disgrace' only 3 days ago has showed his narcissistic true colours once again. So much for a 'catalyst of change'. We are doomed and will fall further and further backwards because we have become the plaything of an egotistical megalomaniac who decides himself when- if ever -he will leave. Bye-bye Sanchez, bye-bye hope. Instead we are stuck with wally,Gibbs and all the other serial f*** ups for what seems eternity


    May 30, 2017, 14:45 #101824

    Jwe, you little rascal, for a moment you raised my hopes in your first post re Tuchel & then reality kicked in - after all this is Arsenal( USA) plc. 2017 we are talking about! Hope I don't break down in tears when the extension is announced. Fortunately, & for the first time, my long suffering wife is totally supportive now & is beginning to hate "our most successful manager ever" as much as I do. Oh, the irony of Herbert Chapman's Huddersfield!!

  97. jwe1981

    May 30, 2017, 14:30 #101823


  98. The Man From UNCLE

    May 30, 2017, 14:26 #101822

    And so the cycle repeats.

  99. David1

    May 30, 2017, 14:18 #101821

    If things were hostile for the old man this year, it is going to be properly naughty next season. What a foolish decision. Just checked my verification code: yyyyoy. Can't make it up

  100. jeff wright

    May 30, 2017, 14:14 #101820

    1971 I don't why people keep on claiming that there is a board at AFC .There are no such things as board meetings the so called board are just Stan stooges he decides what he want's done and the stooges have to accept that or resign, there is no bored at AFC just the bored. Does anyone seriously believe that Stan's decisions are voted on to see if everyone agrees with them at these so called board meetings. Nothing will change while Wenger (yawn) is in charge running the club as he wants it run on behalf of Stan . I don't believe that winning the FA Cup ( again) made any difference what so ever to Wenger staying or leaving.

  101. jjetplane

    May 30, 2017, 14:03 #101819

    Wenger has his two years contract which may as well means for life. **** him and Arsenal! Untold will be feinting at the news of their everlasting idol. Hate hate hate them all! I'd rather be a Spud (casual) than a Wengerite.

  102. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 13:58 #101818

    peter wain, we've been saying that for years now, and we've also been saying for the same length of time it wouldn't matter how many we bought or who they were it would still make no difference with wenger in charge. #no new contract, we want wenger out.

  103. mbg

    May 30, 2017, 13:43 #101817

    Lets all hope and pray the right and proper decision is taken and TOF is shown the door he has the perfect chance now, presented to him again, and one, after all the humiliations and embarrassments spin, lies, insults, over the years certainly doesn't deserve, out on a high ? not at all, his legacy is ruined regardless of one final and x number of cups which remember HE and his AKB wengerite luvvies treated with disdain for years now their fookng crowing about it, no wenger just do the right thing for once in your miserable life and go and as quietly as possible, just sleak or skulk off like you do down the tunnel after every defeat which is always someone elses fault and we'll say no more, don't and stay and stink the place out for another year or two and you'll never hear the end of it you'll never have a f****g minutes peace you'll be trampled on and treated like the egoistic, arrogant, old fraud of a dictator that you are at every opportunity until you eventually do. @no new contract, we want the dictator out.

  104. 1971 Gooner

    May 30, 2017, 13:40 #101816

    It is not uncommon for someone to be asked to step out of a board meeting temporarily, especially if they are present by invitation as opposed to right. For me the key question is how to dissenting board members react if, as reported by the BBC today, AW and Kroenke met and agreed a deal in advance of the meeting?

  105. peter wain

    May 30, 2017, 13:27 #101815

    if wenger only buys two players we will be in the bottom half of the table at Christmas. It is a false premise that we can win the premiership without significant investment in top top quality players something Wenger does not do.

  106. TonyEvans

    May 30, 2017, 12:58 #101814

    Probably clutching at straws here but I wonder if Tuchel stepping down has any significance? Even if it does it would probably mean Wenger staying on as The Director of Football, a position that he claims not to understand or see the need of!

  107. MAF

    May 30, 2017, 12:56 #101813

    all power to the Team and Manager for saturday's match. of course u then hv got to ask yourself how could this lot fall so so so low low in 8-9 other games this season ???? really to abysmal low Standards. now how can that happen and also see saturday all with the same Manager ? what is the reality ? i dont know. i suspect wenger throws his toes out of the cot when he is questioned by board and i think they started to do that this year. he went into a sulk and the Team suffered. for that reason lone should he carry on? should he have so much power ? i cant accept the bit about power

  108. Seven Kings Gooner1

    May 30, 2017, 12:24 #101812

    Good summing up as usual Kev, Saturday was like seeing an old flame at a party and falling in love again only to realize in the morning that the things you disliked about the relationship are still there and will not go away. I really don't care if he stays or goes, I loved Saturday for many reasons but mainly because we did not have to endure a tacky John Terry farewell lap of appreciation. Wenger will stay and we will then begin our long Aston Villaesque slid into mid table and if nothing else is done possibly bottom six awaits Arsenal. I really hope Holding finds a new club who can hone his excellent attitude and coach him into a top defender - that will not happen if he stays under the current farcical set up.

  109. jwe1981

    May 30, 2017, 12:24 #101811


  110. PerryG

    May 30, 2017, 11:32 #101810

    If he signs another two year extension then it is truly a farce. Anyone who renews their season tickets in the wake of such an event need their heads tested and have absolutely no right to whinge when things go inevitably t*ts up next season and beyond


    May 30, 2017, 11:04 #101809

    What is the point of having a Board at all when all the newspapers report that Webster has already held a private meeting with the Bewigged One? May be acceptable for a large PLC but we used to be called a football club. Absolutely hopeless situation.

  112. equalizer

    May 30, 2017, 10:43 #101808

    Indeed, today the jury will deliver their decision, but look at who the jury is. They're all on the gravy train, reaping the rewards of a successful business. You wonder if sport means anything to them. I wouldn't compare the situation to trial by jury, it's more like a leadership vote of confidence within a political party or multinational corporation.

  113. Bard

    May 30, 2017, 10:25 #101807

    Sadly Kev I think all the worry about the board meeting is a storm in a tea cup. Nothing will change and from the board's point of view why should it. 5th plus FA cup isnt much different to 4th plus FA cup, so whats the big deal. What it will signal is a massive PR campaign. Any changes will be cosmetic at best, maybe new cones at the training ground. There will be a lot of hot air from Ivan and Co. What will not be addressed is the really big question and that is he has lost a lot of the fans support and has had the temerity to attack them as partly responsible for the poor performances. There will only ever be one winner in that contest and thats the fans, history proves it. My take is he will stay and be hung out to dry next season. The incompetence is mind boogling

  114. elseg25

    May 30, 2017, 10:06 #101806

    He's going to stay but I've never known a managerial contract situation be handled with any more incompetence by any club