How To Run A Football Club in 2017? Let The Manager Tell The Board How It’s Going To Be

Online Ed: Confirmed – Two more years of purgatory, minimum

How To Run A Football Club in 2017? Let The Manager Tell The Board How It’s Going To Be

30th May 2014. Arsenal announce that Arsène Wenger has signed on for a further three seasons. Stan Kroenke: "Sustained excellence is the hardest thing to achieve in sport. The fact Arsenal has competed at the top of the game in England and Europe throughout the time Arsène has been manager is the ultimate testimony to his consistency of performance, talent and ambition.”

Arsène Wenger: “"We are entering an exciting period. We have a strong squad, financial stability and huge support. We have gone through fantastic periods and also periods where we have had to stick together. Every time when that togetherness was tested I got the right response. Hopefully we can make some more history. I am sure we can."

Arsenal had won their first trophy in nine seasons, Mesut Ozil had completed his first campaign at the club and the following weeks would see him joined by Alexis Sanchez. Optimism was high. The next three years saw one summer in which no outfield player was bought in the transfer market, consistent last 16 exits in the Champions League and the failure to mount a title challenge that lasted into the final two months of the season.

So here we are again. Yesterday I received notification that the end of season Arsenal supporter’s event will take place on Thursday June 29th. The timings are as follows:

6.30pm - Reception with light refreshments
7.30pm - Welcome from Ivan Gazidis
Q&A with an ex-Arsenal player
8.30pm - Close

I won’t be there, and if the man has an ounce of principle, neither will Ivan Gazidis. I am aware he has offers of work back in the States, earning bigger money than he is on now for being Arsène’s poodle, firmly put back in his place by Wenger’s wooing of the majority owner.

The BBC’s David Ornstein reported yesterday that “Wenger and club owner Stan Kroenke met on Monday to determine the Frenchman's future, with the decision relayed to directors at a Tuesday board meeting.” What kind of way is that to make the major decisions at a football club? And more to the point, what exactly is the point in having a board of directors? Much as I am not one to join in the chant of “Ivan Gazidis, what the f*** do you do?” I can understand the reason for the query after reading that.

In terms of a coach that can win things for the club, Ivan Gazidis stated in an interview to the club’s media channel, “You won’t find any better candidates than Arsène Wenger”. Quite how that conclusion has been reached I would like to know, but those that have claimed the people in theory running the club don’t have a clue about football have a strong argument after hearing that, because it seems to ignore the evidence of the previous decade.

I also watched the Arsène Wenger one, in which he emphasized unity between the players, the supporters and the club. Good luck with that one when Alexis Sanchez makes his decision on the next four years of his football career.

The official announcement came out today, with the club PR team coming up with the following words to put in Stan Kroenke’s mouth: “Our ambition is to win the Premier League and other major trophies in Europe. It’s what the fans, players, staff, manager and board expect and we won’t rest until that is achieved. Arsène is the best person to help us make that happen. He has a fantastic track record and has our full backing.” The statement also claimed that “Arsène and Chief Executive Ivan Gazidis have conducted a full review of our on and off the pitch activities to identify areas for improvement to build a sustained title challenge.” When did this happen? Reputedly they also met on Monday, so that full review must have been something along the lines “Ivan – Just shut up and get back in your box, I am the top bitch around here, and if you don’t believe me, ask Stan.”

Wenger’s words on the statement included, “We’re committed to mounting a sustained league challenge and that will be our focus this summer and next season. I am grateful to have the support of the board and Stan in doing everything we can to win more trophies.”

No wait, there’s more. Ivan Gazidis said, “There is no complacency anywhere at this club. Our goal is to compete for and win trophies here and in Europe. Everything we do is designed to make that happen and we will be working hard on and off the pitch this summer to improve and make a strong challenge next season. The club has grown beyond recognition in every aspect in recent years and we have the platform to be successful and meet the ambitions we and our fans share.”

I do so hope they are right, and the club are in the title race past Easter next season. But you know what, I have heard all of this before. It’s basically PR guff. Arsène genuinely wants to win, but hasn’t got what it takes anymore in the two biggest competitions – there is no evidence that supports any other argument. But he’s a sad old man with no life outside of his job and wouldn’t know what to do without Arsenal. Forget two years, unless the ownership of the club changes, Arsène will be running the show in his 80s. Arsenal won’t win the title in that time. My personal ambition now is to live long enough to see another manager at the club.

Ivan Gazidis genuinely wants to win, but can’t do anything about it. So much for using last season’s complete collapse as a catalyst for change. Are we going to see some of Arsène’s yes men shown the door? Don’t hold your breath. Wenger blamed his own technical team for the 10-2 exit from the Champions League this season. And yet they will still be in the job next season. Go figure.

Stan Kroenke isn’t so fussed about winning, his teams in the States prove that. Mediocrity with asset value is the name of the game. Arsenal actually do better than those teams, and Stan just loves sitting near Prince William in the Royal Box at Wembley in a suit that looks like it came out of the costume wardrobe for The Addams Family. He also loves being smooched by Arsène, who generally looks down on anyone that has not worked in football (and many who have, but don’t agree with everything he does), but Wenger is intelligent enough to put on an act when he knows where his bread is buttered.

So there you have it. Arsène runs the club single-handedly in an age where every other leading European outfit has a team of experienced football people working together, in which the first team coach concentrates on coaching the first team. One thing this week has proved is that the only way there will be a change of manager is the death of the current incumbent (he’ll never retire) or a change of owner.

Asda is a wholly owned subsidiary of Walmart. If you want to persuade Stan Kroenke to sell up, you have choices when you do your weekly shop. Just a thought.

The ‘Wenger Out’ protests are dead. As long as Stan controls the ownership of the club, only relegation to the Championship is going to see a new face in the dugout. And Arsène will always get enough points with the club’s resources to ensure that fate is avoided.

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  1. GoonerRon

    Jun 03, 2017, 7:38 #102025

    @ mbg - forget your version of 12 years of failure - he's employed by the club (the majority owner) to deliver success on the pitch and thereby contribute to success off it. There's no point going over old ground about whether the last 12 years on the pitch have been successful, an embarrassment or somewhere in between (we both know broadly where we stand on that). I loved GG as much as the next Arsenal fan but you can't possibly compete the two scenarios - what GG did was against the rules and was essentially corruption - hardly comparable to being offered a contract by your employer and signing it.

  2. mbg

    Jun 02, 2017, 22:52 #102023

    Gooner Ron, that may be true from a business sense mate but hardly done us much good on the pitch over the last twelve seasons, or in the Cl itself Bayern humiliation springs to mind among others, but what i'm referring to here is £65 million wages (and that's being conservative) over the last twelve seasons for what a few Fa Cups ? that he was never really interested in anyway until they suddenly became important and he was lucky enough in, you'd feed a third world country for that, I know you don't think a few FA Cups over twelve years is failure but worth £65 plus million in wages ? not a chance, and i'll safely bet now it'll be up to £85 million after the next two years of failure (if he lasts that long) and even if he did manage to land the prem would it be worth it ? bearing in mind all the embarrassments and humiliations over the years, and George only took a bung of 500k, certainly not for me. and I suspect not for a lot of others. Wenger out.

  3. GoonerRon

    Jun 02, 2017, 19:56 #102022

    @ mbg - Wenger is many things, but in a financial sense he has been unbelievable value. £40m+ in CL money per year for 20 years on a net transfer spend of £100m. Add in his salary, 10 trophies into the mix and do the math.

  4. mbg

    Jun 02, 2017, 17:53 #102020

    jj, yes mate and we were fortunate enough to not have seen TOF play, (at least George walked the walk) ever seen a photo of him in action ? a skinny weasel then too, apparently his short glorious career (cough)was cut short through injury, someone else's fault there too no doubt. We want wenger out.

  5. jjetplane

    Jun 02, 2017, 15:30 #102016

    Yes its Ron still remember the fairs cup day when I had to go with Mum in order to get a new knitted cardigan and sta pres for the big night. When I got home still had the mud and green from the Highbury pitch all over me. Heaven!

  6. mbg

    Jun 02, 2017, 14:46 #102015

    equaliser, spot on, I said something similar months ago, the weasel has been robbing the club blind for twelve years, taking money under false pretences, etc, it's at £8,000,000 a season now sure to have risen with his new contract up to £9,000,000 or more plus bonuses i'd safely say, (I wonder when his spin machine is going to tell us how much ?) work that out over twelve years of failure humiliations, embarrassments and false pretences, around £65,000,000 give or take, yes £65 f*****g million probably more, and George Graham only took a bung, a measley 500k and was it really detriment to the team or club ? and still the biggest thief in the club hangs around like a bad smell stinking the place out and is still robbing us blind taking money under false pretences. We want wenger out.

  7. mbg

    Jun 02, 2017, 14:05 #102011

    Hi berry, TOF's luvvies and Andrex attendants seem to think this we want to challenge for the prem spin is a new concept and some kind of statement (god love them) they very conveniently forget we've been told this repeatedly by the weasel and his spin department for years, but still they believe. You couldn't make it up, they're more to be pitied than laughed at. We want wenger out.

  8. Yes its Ron

    Jun 02, 2017, 13:33 #102008

    JJ - remember listening to the 7 ICFC Final on the radio and then the black and white highlights later. Looked awesome as Highbury rocked perhaps like never before or since?. Its the one game i always say id liked to have been at.

  9. jjetplane

    Jun 02, 2017, 13:20 #102007

    Was there for the 70 big one and the only time i ran on to the Highbury pitch. Still feels like yesterday and the walk home from WHL the next year was blinding too. Then we had Kennedy and George doing it week in and out and now we have Ramsay and Ozil who have one game a season and are rewarded lavishly. The Crime that is modern AFC.

  10. jjetplane

    Jun 02, 2017, 11:16 #102004

    And the thing with GG that gives him so much gravitas was being fortunate enough to have seen him play. He was such a class player who could head, chip, volley a ball with his eyes closed. He took all that experience and winning mentality into his coaching and it all paid off. The disinterested, money ****ing mad Wenger was given a defence by GG which gave us more trophies. The more the greedy, egotistic Wenger got his scrawny claws into the club the more the fight on the pitch waned. Now the streak of non-footballing piss has all but destroyed Arsenal as a club by helping to move into a food sports outlet with middling football to match. The very worst 'manager' in modern football. A ****ing disgrace unless you are a supporter of another big team. To them he is ****ing priceless and so the AKBs and the Tott, Chav, Manc types are ****ing loving the old cock and who can blame them. He just keeps on giving. The prick is Billy Smart incarnate.

  11. Yes its Ron

    Jun 02, 2017, 11:07 #102003

    Certainly agree that 89 was our greatest title win ever lads. Alsace - in fairness, it was the Inter Cities Fairs Cup in 70. The precursor to the UEFA which if im not mistaken started in about 71 or 72 time? So many have told me that that night in 70 was the greatest night ever at Highbury. Would loved to have been there!

  12. equalizer

    Jun 02, 2017, 10:56 #102002

    Excellent post Alsace. George Grahams tenure, where he built a team that came from nothing bringing through genuine Arsenal youth team players to claim our greatest championship triumph of all time (89) was by far the greatest achievement by an Arsenal manager in our lifetime. Six trophies in 8 years, including European glory, far exceeds Wengers efforts of 7 trophies in 21 years and 21 consecutive years of European failure, including frequent humiliation on the European stage. Further, George actually thieved far less from the club than Wenger, who has been robbing the fans for the past 10 years, the absentee landlords handsomely rewarded gamekeeper.

  13. Alsace

    Jun 02, 2017, 10:42 #102001

    Ah statistics. 1886-1929 No trophies. 1930-1939 5 Championships 2 Cups (Chapman-Allison)1948-52 2 championships and 1 cup (Allison - Whittaker)1970-71 1Championship 1 FA Cup 1 UEFA Cup (Mee Howe) 1979 1 FA Cup (Neil-Howe) 1987-1993 2 League Championships 1 FA Cup 1 League Cup 1 ECWC (Graham) 1997-2017 3 League Championships 7 FA Cups (Wenger). We win trophies when we have decent coaches. Mr Wenger hasn't won a championship for 13 years ( one tenth of our existence) and he won't win another one ever. Not if Messi Neymar and the biter came to play for us. The reason is that he's not very good at his job any more. I'm glad everybody had a nice day out at Wembley, but we have a lousy coach and are going backwards. The stats don't lie. We aren't at the races.

  14. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 02, 2017, 9:34 #102000

    Suker - Spot on. Here's an idea to liven up your sojourn down under. Try and infiltrate wengo's hotel room and leave one of those really fooking poisonous local spiders in his undercrackers. Alternatively, put a sprinkling of kangaroo turds in his muesli - the master nutritionist will not know/taste the difference. If all else fails, organise a protest at the games. It's all fair dinkum mate!

  15. Hi Berry

    Jun 02, 2017, 6:47 #101999

    Just a few quick points...TOOAW just has to be Tony Attwood - the '10% return' is a classic giveaway of statistics over sense. Still on Untold...while exchanging views with one of their posters a week or so ago 'Menace' stated 'if Wenger isn't manager next year I will cancel or donate(?) my season ticket. Hmmmm..that is the kind of mindset we are struggling against. Regarding the newly announced ambition to challenge for the PL title: when his previous contract was announced three years ago wasn't it Wenger who stated he believed he had the players/squad to win the PL in the next three years? I wonder what went wrong there...not even close in any of those three seasons as far as I can recall(and I don't count second but ten points behind as being close)-spin, spin amore PR spin. @mbg...What about Rotherham - as far as I remember they even play in red shirts with white sleeves. Alternatively Fleetwood Town's home ground is called Highbury Stadium!

  16. mbg

    Jun 02, 2017, 0:14 #101998

    Exiled, Cornish, excellent idea lets pick a team from the lower leagues jw, and jj, could help us out there who play in red and white of course, or even a team higher up championship or 1st division who might have a chance of promotion, maybe call them, The Real Arsenal or Arsenal 95, imagine the fun if they got promoted to the prem, we could debate their games referring to them as their names, it would surely get back to TOF how that would piss him off, think of the fans we'd build up when the weasel fooks it all up. Or even closer to home what about Huddersfield Arsenal ? in memory and a tribute of our greatest ever manager ? already in the prem ? (i'm sure he's turning in his grave at what wengers done and would welcome it)think of the crack we'll have when we meet ? when their manager has the weasel in his pocket, and when we beat them ? laughing at TOF and his AKB's we could really get into it and genuinely wanting them to do well and win things and stay up think of the real excitement and real buzz of a cup run or a relegation battle it could really bring back our passion, yes exiled CORNISH, etc, etc, etc, lets go for it as I said it could give us our passion back and something to look forward again, but at the same time not giving up on Arsenal completely that's just what wenger and his wengerites would want. We want wenger out.

  17. mbg

    Jun 01, 2017, 23:26 #101997

    jj, and just watch TOF reward his stooges for their loyalty now too, for all the shyte and spin they spoke after games where we were embarrassed and humiliated in, and all this we owe him so much, we want him to stay crap, wally, the welsh Jesus, the carthorse, BFG (now another Keown for his medal he'll be forever in his debt) expect the weasel to show his gratitude with new contracts or improved ones when any manager worth his salt even Tony Adams would know to kick their arses out. We want wenger out.

  18. Suker

    Jun 01, 2017, 23:25 #101996

    To break the groundhog day cycle there can be only one solution. I call it quits for the 1st time in 40 seasons until Mugabe does finally go! Not a pence in tickets, shirts, memberships et al. All summarily shut off. Unfortunately airfares and match tickets already purchased for Sydney pre season but I may just enjoy seeing the opera house instead. Au revoir dictateur!

  19. Exiled gooner in Pt

    Jun 01, 2017, 22:42 #101995

    Ignorance let me point out about my ignorance, I was at the humiliation at OT when they hit us for 8, i was at Anfield when they done us 5-1 ,at the Bridge when we were done by 6, at City for the 6-3,need I go on !!!!No manager at any other club in the world would of kept his job, yet your proud to see he has another 2 years to embarrass us all a bit more!! Wenger out and thank god for ignorance

  20. Exiled gooner in Pt

    Jun 01, 2017, 22:21 #101994

    Ignorance to what a lack lustre team that lost 9 games in the league !!!! A team that was humiliated against Munich in Europe again!!knocked out of the league cup by a non premier team. Oh yeah the F.A Cup 3 premier league teams 1 championship side and 2 non league teams hardly outstanding but yes we did win those games and you can only beat the team in front of you. Ive spent a small fortune following this team that was in my families blood all born and raised in Drayton park and they would as I do despise everything this club has become under Wenger and this current board and as mentioned earlier the previous board members who became even richer selling out to the wa#k syrup wearing yank!!! Ignorance dont talk like a cu#t , it is so called supporters like you that have helped the current regime believe they created our club !!!It was founded in 1886 not 1996!!!!

  21. TOOAW

    Jun 01, 2017, 21:53 #101993

    Ignorance is bliss @exiled and yours just prove that.

  22. Exiled gooner in Pt

    Jun 01, 2017, 21:34 #101992

    We achieved in the final few games as there was no pressure on the team to win a title!!!! As proven every year since ive lost count !! Yes we did play reasonably well against Chelski but if they had not been on the lash for two weeks celebrating winning the league, I dont think the result would of been the same!! As it was quite clear they were not bothered about doing the double!!

  23. John F

    Jun 01, 2017, 21:31 #101991

    Wouldn't that be great Cornish,I used to live around the corner from AFc Wimbledon ground in Kingston and their fans are made up of ex Wimbledon fans and a lot of supporters of other prem clubs who have adopted them.When Arsene FC start to fade in the prem I think the total disinterest in the club by fans showing itself in empty seats will put pay to him.He cannot hide behind empty seats.Tourist now have a good choice of grounds to watch football in London and if the promised new Arsenal title challenge does not happen then the only way to fill them is for Stan to offer a package with a visit to Madame Tussauds included where they can compare dummies.Wenger is already in summer transfer mode by saying that he will only buy top top quality.So far we have got a freebie left back and a bid of six million for a Nigerian left winger,yippee!

  24. TOOAW

    Jun 01, 2017, 21:21 #101990

    @alsace. Point taken and I appreciate that the managers job was on the line but given the fact that we switched to a back three, it didn't do us any harm in the final games of the season. We got to Wembley because we beat what was put in front of us, irrelevant of non league or premier league. Your assumption that the manager does not do enough to win games is an insult to the fans who attended Wembley and were given another trophy. I can appreciate that you wish for Arsenal to be the best but the facts are that we have been the best 13 years in 131 years. That is a 10% return. Under the current manager we have a slightly better return. It's so easy to criticize but the numbers do not lie. It appears that the 2 trophy's (spurs) in 20 years is better than 16. "You don't get rid of world class" Gazidas. Finally, would you employ a Tottenham manager over Arsene Wenger?? Nope neither would I.

  25. Exiled gooner in Pt

    Jun 01, 2017, 21:20 #101989

    I take it everyones watching Corrie or some other sh#t soap!! If any E.S.A.S.C lads are looking in I miss you all , good times home and away...

  26. Exiled gooner in Pt

    Jun 01, 2017, 21:10 #101988

    Ok sorry its been a fooking lovely day here in the Algarve and a sh#t day at work and I have probably had one to many super bocks!!! But in theory it sounded a great idea!! Oh well wenger out the board out . Same old same old.

  27. Exiled gooner in Pt

    Jun 01, 2017, 20:50 #101987

    Cornish gooner your spot on lets call ourselves The Arsenal we can return the cannon to the correct direction and see if Usmanov will back the real deal. Starting by buying back highbury and turning it back into what it should be a famous football ground.Then us real fans can go back to supporting what we all knew and believed in! I would support that from grassroots back to the big time than follow the ****e at Ashburton grove pretending to be a once proud club. Lets get this movement started come on MBG and the Equalizer and all other real gooners, this would be far better than the zip fiddler and his followers who believe he built our club!!!!

  28. jjetplane

    Jun 01, 2017, 20:45 #101986

    Come now CORNiSh we really must give this chap Wenger another bash at it (boardspeak). Young Eddie is presently a young 40 so that should give Arsene the opportunity for at least another 30 two year contracts which will have brought Eddie up/down to speed though of course he will have to consult with Lord Totterridge Arsene Asda-Wenger for the duration of his stay in the royal borough of er Holloway. This takes care of the next half century or more and by then Stan's soccer mad family will have moved the club to Denver where Theo's boy will be a quarterback for a middling friday night's lights outfit (all dogs one dollar you like no) and AKBs will be wandering around the stands with pizzas saying ferrchristsakes when will this team ever win just a game? Put some moe Covfefe on that slice will ya! .... God bless Arsene Wenger/though we knew you well .... steady on now. That comes much much later.


    Jun 01, 2017, 20:27 #101985

    Do you know what, the situation is so bad that I really wish that some young, energetic, true fans would get together & form a NEW ARSENAL fc. - a bit like the Wimbledon & ManU fracas of years back. Now that would be worth supporting - mind you it would give Greedy Gazidis & his corporate legal team a new purpose in life. Yet another minnow business to bully.


    Jun 01, 2017, 20:17 #101984

    Just when you think things couldn't possibly get worse (mucho spin, no changes & no principled resignations) a rumour emerges that Webster is to be tasked with selecting his replacement - the one most favoured is Eddie Howe. I reckon the reason being that Howe is still in his thirties & will therefore have worked many, many days in football & be MUCH more mature when The Supreme Leader finally snuffs it - probably passing away in his sleep & found by the cleaning lady the next morning. Can someone remind me, please, what it was that drew me to this once great Club all those years ago?

  31. jjetplane

    Jun 01, 2017, 20:16 #101983

    Ooh Arsene Wenger/You are awful/But I like you. Cue much AKB chortling for such daring retro cabaret. Seriously though - Mista Wenger has been rightly rewarded for all his hard work (built a stadia with own hands) and we the undeserving public should kneel down and thank our lucky soccer ? stars we have a man, who though more in demand than any manager in modern football has decided to give his LIFE (literally) to make the Wal Mart outlet of Holloway (twinned with Asda) a great place to see sporting exhibits while enjoying traditional fish and chips with the family for 500 pounds a game. Let's ask Theo for a few words. 'Well - Arsene took me in when I was a little child/ ....'. Song in there somewhere. But no fans, fans fans puleeeese Love your Uncle Love Arsene. Few people know ......

  32. NickF

    Jun 01, 2017, 19:24 #101982

    Bard, face facts - Wenger isn't going anywhere until he wants to. There is no will from him, kroenke or the Emirates crowd to get rid of him.

  33. markymark

    Jun 01, 2017, 19:06 #101981

    I suspect that Wengers new found desire to win the title has come out of the talks as he has always been very very reluctant to talk up titles in the last 10 years instead adopting metaphysical blah such as Mental Speeerit. The board have probably realised that the mediocre projection of success that Wengo has perpetuated will not wash with the support base and is being increasingly questioned by mainstream media . "The next level is the next level" etc. etc (Wengo at his most idiotic) So the bar is now raised and therefore we must presume that is his target until 2019. I still remain slightly more upbeat ( though also had this feeling 2 seasons ago) I suspect if he balls up and my betting is he does. Then the frustration will boil over amongst the aways. At home Kronke will also get it as a sort of Wenger ' Patsy ' and then finito bye bye Wengo. I'm going to entirely separate Wengo from Arsenal and enjoy the interesting ride as everyone from Gooner Ron, Kev and others suspect we will be in.

  34. KC38

    Jun 01, 2017, 19:04 #101980

    The AFC manager situation should be judged on performance not on the mans personality, no one really knows him so to use pathetic names to slag him off is somewhat childish and says more about the poster than about Wenger. We should judge the man on the 5 goals Bayern score repeatedly, the 8 by Utd, the 6 by the chavs 4 at Newcastle, 3 at Bournemouth so so and so on. It's these results that show Wenger is out of touch, football deluded and lost the ability to judge players. It's strange how we see things so differently, David James biggest joker on the box, Wenger taking on an assistant yeah that will work! As for bergkamp, Adams etc great players but managers not proven at all anywhere.This club requires an Allegri a Simmone someone proven, that has walked the walk, would have immediate respect. Sadly this won't happen under Kronke. The choice is to switch off or decide to support with Wenger in charge. Just leave the name calling in the playground.

  35. mbg

    Jun 01, 2017, 17:43 #101979

    jj, indeed mate, what position would we all like to be today ? wenger gone, Adams announced as his replacement with Bergkamp his no 2 (or indeed any good honest decent manager would it not be better than TOF ?)all of us looking forward optimistically to the new season like never ever before in the last 12 years ? all of us ready to give our all in support of them and the team (apart from the AKB's they'd probably be in mourning)I know which one i'd rather have and what position i'd rather be in. we want wenger out.

  36. Exeter Ex

    Jun 01, 2017, 17:28 #101978

    Bard, I want to believe what you believe but... who's going to get rid of him? Wenger will never quit, no matter how bad it gets. Kroenke will never sack him. That much is clear now. And how 'seething' is the Emirates ever going to get? You've got tourists, then you've got people like the one making the comment just above mine. The old school Gooners who think for themselves and actually care for the club must be in quite a small minority by now.

  37. Alsace

    Jun 01, 2017, 17:21 #101977

    TOOAW. Let me be the first to jump down your throat. Because his phoney baloney job is on the line, Wenger decided to go to a three at the back formation. It works - sort of in that it gave us some stability in two games at Wembley. We got to Wembley because of being up against non league opposition. He could have gone to that formation from day 1 of the season when he was completely unprepared for the opening game. Wenger WILL NOT do what needs to be done to win, even if it is clear to him that that is an option. We don't hate him because he is French, or Old, or because we can't stand his accent. We loathe and detest the man because Arsenal is about being the best, and he doesn't want to do what is necessary. He will only do so if he is absolutely forced. You wouldn't employ a bloke like that and you wouldn't want to work with one. Why do you see it as acceptable that the team should have to do so?

  38. TOOAW

    Jun 01, 2017, 17:05 #101976

    Strong words Kevin. Your purgatory wording, I feel is quite derogatory to all involved with AFC. This coming on the back of a successful FA Cup campaign. For me, while the season overall was quite frustrating, it did end on a high. The manager has expressed his desire to win the league next season and my support for him and the club will be ever present.

  39. Yes its Ron

    Jun 01, 2017, 16:50 #101975

    I think they should try to win the Europa Cup. I dont share the negativity about it that exists here in UK, probably due to my time in France and Italy.Will AFC try? I doubt it Jeff. Likely weaker teams and younger players will get outings which is a shame as its a Cup we ve not won and as you say its AFC s euro level. Winning it gives a Club a bit of cred as well, despite what people here say. Its an eggs in one basket next Season i think, the PL. AW knows that hes got to challenge properly in that. Too much to lose now in not not doing so. The other tournies will be gently and quietly jettisoned i think so theres no Euro demands, though we ll have spin about that at each exit. I cant see us now getting the players to bolster the squad to go for more than the PL anyway. The Europa Cup is a big slog and we dont do slogs. Oddly enough. i think with no europe, early domestic exits, AFC have the players to challenge for the title anyway. Win it? Perhaps not.

  40. Bard

    Jun 01, 2017, 16:35 #101974

    Alsace great post mate. The recent announcement changes absolutely nothing. On the contrary what it has done is promise the fans something that they cannot deliver. The team is a mess and they wont invest the money require to attract the best players. As far as I can see Stan has handed Wenger a poisoned chalice. The first sign of the familiar failings and the Emirates will be seething again. This time with added extra of having been conned yet again. There isnt a cat in hells chance of Wenger lasting 2 years.

  41. jeff wright

    Jun 01, 2017, 16:27 #101973

    Hi Ron, there is a lot of luck involved in cup comps,the draw , refs decisions , Wenger has had more than his fair share of those calls that's for sure so I don't really rate these FA Cup wins as being top draw stuff.The cup is not what it used to be and Wenger himself has played a part in devaluing it in the past. I agree that we don't have the players to win the European Cup or the manager either come to However, the record busting defeats that Wenger and the players keep on receiving are not just down to those factors. Leicester did better in Europe than we did and they never got any spankings. Deja vu in the Prem the previous season when Wenger and our players failed to put in a title challenge when everything was in place to do so. So I'm looking at them as being bottlers led by a bottler and who only start putting in performances when the season is over and who use the FA Cup to try and cover up for their failures in the competitions that they should be challenging a lot better than they do for. So nothing there to be proud about really even the cup final win required some good fortune with two helping hands from the ref ,despite us obviously being the better side on the day. Wellbeck did his usual headless chicken routine that United supporters were so used to seeing and Ozil embarrassingly missed a sitter to top off another below par season for him. Playing in the Ropey Cup next season is really the true level at this point in time for us because in reality all of Wenger's sides have been no more than that level for donkeys years . Whether or not Wenger will try to win the Ropey is a matter for conjecture .Teams who stay in it for long periods in the season fail to finish in the top 4 and that top 4 will be Wengo's first trophy to be won target. Can he do a Jose and win the Ropey to secure it is the question. It's a risky scenario and Wengo is hardly any tactical maestro in Europe in fact he is just a dumbass there with a rap sheet to prove it . So he could be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. My guess is that he will go for both the Ropey and the Prem top 4 spot and whinge about tiredness and a lack of sharpness as he always does - due to his paranoid fear of those things - before and after games played at the weekend following on a Thursday night Ropey tete a tete. Wenger will be hoping for a couple of easy fixtures to kick-off the new season with because I can't see him being cut any slack if he gets off to a bad start . He has not done himself any favors with his comments about supporters being to blame for his own failings and I can see that coming back to haunt him next season either at the start or at some other time . If he gets off to a bad start it is going to be rather difficult for him to blame the supporters - but hey if any one can do that then Wenger can! You couldn't make it up.

  42. mbg

    Jun 01, 2017, 16:03 #101972

    Alsace, great post, your dead right the protests got to TOF alright they pissed him off big time (regardless what the AKB's and his luvvies tried to tell us) they were a big big blow to his precious ego there's no doubt about that, what with insulting the fans and blaming them at every opportunity and now has hardly talked about anything else proves it, they got to him alright, and sad to think if they'd been kept up and louder with more vigor and at the proper places like Wembley and at home might have worked and things would have been different now and he'd be gone, but your right they should and will be kept up, even louder now, they should never stop and give the old weasel (and his luvvies) no peace whatsoever and when they got to him before they'll surely get to him again especially now, until he's driven out. We want wenger out.

  43. mbg

    Jun 01, 2017, 15:31 #101971

    Petergooner, that make sense indeed (or for when ever he fooks it all up)for us all, and rumour has it Bould is on his way too, but remember who we're dealing with here, an egoistic, arrogant old fraud of a manager who thinks only me me AND with all his power reinstated and intact, so the chances of that are nil, Sad times ahead for this once great club. we want wenger out.

  44. jjetplane

    Jun 01, 2017, 15:17 #101970

    Only conclusion from this week is to pour on the criticism and protest like thick treacle. Wenger clearly hates it! I clearly hate Wenger! Ostrich/Ostrich/Ostrich ... It's the official Untold line. Let's all unite behind the Ostrich for his 'final' contract. I see contracts like confetti for the old fart so forget that spin. In the future Arsene FC will be the first club to remain eternally coachless in repect of St Arsene of Asda. When the club needs any advice they just have to visit the Arsene Chapel on the Holloway Rd where Father Keown will be there to greet the sheep (sic) and ask of their Lord guidance on how to 1 get back into the top four and 2 get to the last eight in the CL. There will also be a Santi shrine in a modest wing to the side of the main er hologram of the mystic Lorde Wengo ..... ps some spark on Untold reckons JW could come back as captain and fill in til St Santi has been exhumed? I mean back in training.

  45. Yes its Ron

    Jun 01, 2017, 15:12 #101969

    Hi Jeff. Hear you mate. Its all about where we all are on the expectation levels now though isnt it. I thought well of that performance in the FAC Final as i cant expect anything else from the Club. Yr right, it doesn't change the CL or the PL flops but Arsenal dont have the players to win them, they do have the players to win domestic Cups though. We re all frustrated but my way these days is to compartmentalise, otherwise it prevents even an enjoyment of an FAC win. That cant be right can it? Forced displeasure? It might be many yrs before it happens again for all we know. We have the luxury of accusing the Club of hiding behind the FAC and theres certainly truth in it, but we only have that luxury because we ve done so well in it.

  46. jeff wright

    Jun 01, 2017, 14:59 #101968

    The protests have obviously annoyed and frightened Wenger he hid like the coward that he is after the last home game afraid to face his detractors but was full of it all after the cup final win .As though that compensated for the usual failure to make a title challenge ,the pasting off Fat Sam at Palace, or the regular out of Europe at the first KO round ,anymore than the recent other two FA Cup wins did. I can't agree either with Ron's views that he was proud of our players after the Cup win ,these same players bottled it big time again in the major competitions 10-2 against Bayern in Eyurope and that humiliating defeat at Fat Sam's Palace can't be expunged by a 2-1 win over 10 man Chelsea whose players looked like they were on Mogadon. Wenger and the players keep using the FA Cup to hide behind ,they are tossers of the highest order . End of.

  47. peter wain

    Jun 01, 2017, 14:57 #101967

    I do not see how you can say Adams would do a better job than Wenger. He may have been a great player but he has not track record as either a coach or manager. We need some one more experienced and street wise than Adams and because we have left it so long they are all at clubs. Should have made the decision in April and then we could have got the Juve manager.

  48. jjetplane

    Jun 01, 2017, 14:49 #101966

    Hi Berry magnificent posting and funny how Keown who now cuts the ribbons on shop openings in Holloway (****!) claims it was nothing to do with Wenger but simply Sanchez and Ozil ****ing it up for everyone. As you say Adams is more measured and compassionate and love his 4th tier classification for Wenger buys. Still maintain Adams would do a better job than Wenger even now and let's be honest - Wenger admits he does not do coaching but prefers to players to express themselves. Looks like Theo for one has stopped all expressions and if Perez leaves as reported what kind of buy was that. Wenger is not to be trusted has proven with money recently spent. Paying big prices for dull players. If Griezmann goes to OT that is top five locked in without Wenger. Six at best next season with a Europa final that Wenger will lose. He always does in Europe.

  49. mbg

    Jun 01, 2017, 14:44 #101965

    I see TOF wants to unite the divided fanbase (not a word of who divided it in the first place you f*****g weasel) he also wants an end to the protests (of course you would you arrogant old fraud you'd just love that wouldn't you)so you can carry on destroying this club without a murmur, well like I've already said, not a f*****g chance. We want wenger out, we want wenger out.

  50. Alsace

    Jun 01, 2017, 13:38 #101964

    Kevin, I share your anger but not your conclusion. It would be difficult to view the events of the last 72 hours as anything other than complete and total victory for Wenger. Yeah even unto the 30% shareholder giving him his backing. The protests have made Mr Kroenke back his judgment and land us for at least two more years with a losing coach. One could call it consistency and one could call it what it is - a fit of pique. But the protests are not over. They must not be over because they quite clearly annoy and upset Arsene Wenger. We must annoy and upset him a whole lot more. We must do it night and day, month in month out year in year out until he just can't face it any more. We have the facts and the right and the truth on our side. The other side are engaged in a living breathing lie in exchange for the money which they get in return. Dictators who don't or won't let go always end in a messy way. Keep up the pressure of legitimate criticism and keep up the fight. He is in office but not in power. When the fall comes, we can enjoy it all the more. One thing to work on is the respect that he is given in interviews. The Press needs to take the gloves off and treat him like the dictator he is. "Mr Wenger you have screwed it up again. Isn't it time to recognise that, however lucky you are, and however bulletproof your employers insist upon making you, you really are a hopeless manager wholly unfit for the job?"

  51. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jun 01, 2017, 13:33 #101963

    Very good but very gloomy summing up of the current Arsenal set up. There is not much you can do when your fan base is split like ours is, not speaking with one voice makes it very easy for Kronke to continue unchallenged. I feel more sorry for the fans who still go but want change. I am past that point and I shall hope Colchester United can go one place better next season and get into the play offs, I am enjoying following 4th tier football especially the away games. I noticed AW appeared a video discussing his new contract, in 2 years time I think he will have morphed into an even more "higher plain" being and Arsenal will be the first club to be run by a hologram!

  52. peter wain

    Jun 01, 2017, 12:45 #101962

    I agree with Keown I think Sanchez and Ozil should be sold. Ozil has been little better than average. It is doubtful if we could find a buyer for him at a realistic price.

  53. NickF

    Jun 01, 2017, 12:42 #101961

    Why Dennis Bergkamp? Great player but would be a bit of a hinderance for European games. To be honest a Bergkamp/Adams management team sounds like a complete disaster, but wouldn't be adversed to having them as coaches.

  54. Yes its Ron

    Jun 01, 2017, 12:39 #101960

    Hi Berry - Nothing wrong with that mate. I do as well. 2 Old Uni mates are Leics nuts and another bloke who lives by me is an Albion fanatic. Ive lived permanently in the South West Midlands since 2001 and enjoy a match sometimes with them. No expecting wins and a laugh over a bevy win lose or draw. Always respect for the opposition as well. They think Arsenal fans are a bit spoilt and borderline mad moaning about AW etc etc ha ha and to be honest its hard to explain the nuts and bolts of the respective arguments to them as theyve no affinity or inner knowledge of AFC. Its interesting to gauge how other Clubs fans perceive AFC looking in at it all. In the main, they respect Arsenal a lot.

  55. Petergooner

    Jun 01, 2017, 12:25 #101959

    DAVID JAMES SPEAKS SO MUCH SENCE. Hopefully all Gooners have listened to David James interview with Robbie? He said "you have got Wenger for two years what he needs to do is bring in a younger, enthusiastic, hungry coach as a number two now, to replace him in 2 years". The ideal canditate is DENIS BERGKAMP. PLEASE STAN,IVAN, THE BOARD READ THIS AND ACT ON IT. Then 2 years time Denis makes his No:-2 Tony Adams and we get our club back.

  56. Hi Berry

    Jun 01, 2017, 12:24 #101958

    Ron, as usual you are more than likely right. I have found over the past few years I have started taking more of an interest in the progress of Watford, a team my father used to take me to watch in the sixties before the Arsenal bug bit. They'll not ever win the league and in honesty will probably find themselves back in the Championship before too long, but they always appear to me to be an honest, grafting team that are still connected to their local support. Live near Norwich now, but apart from my daughter's involvement with their Girls' Academy, don't have the emotional connection to fully support them, although, again, a team fully connected with their fanbase.

  57. Yes its Ron

    Jun 01, 2017, 11:55 #101957

    Exeter - they are the ultimate perfect duo, SK and AW. As it stands theyre unbreakable arent they. However much stick AW gets wont ever break him. Its more a less a condition of his employment that he rides it out and shields SK. Hes paid so highly to take SKs flak and relishes it. Wenger is the perfect foil to SK as you say.Hes the model key employee and a great marketeer. Hes clever is AW and keeps up the fans hopes via his quotes. Not until the hope starts to recede amongst many will todays quite passive fans withdraw and not subscribe to AFC. Of all the Clubs in the PL i personally think only Utd fans expect and demand titles and CLs. The rest dont. Abramovitch does as an owner, but even Chelsea s fans dont subscribe to his drive for the same levels. They just love being privileged to be living in the RA years. Lets be honest and say that we as AFC fans never have demanded repeated success. I dont think its in the culture of Southern based fans really and it props up the regime at AFC. Its teak tough.

  58. jb1109

    Jun 01, 2017, 11:47 #101956

    That's it for me I'm sorry to say. I kept clinging on in the hope that this was his last contract. I've supported Arsenal since 1977 but as I live in Ireland, I don't attend many matches so they wont miss the few quid that I contribute. It's sad as it has always been a big part of my life.

  59. Yes its Ron

    Jun 01, 2017, 11:32 #101955

    Hi Berry - i reckon Keown keeps his options open and still thinks theres a back door entry to a job under Wenger at some stage hence he never says much to cause offence. Hes a diplomat. One of the many pundits whos re invented himself in my view, re written his own history and thinks the viewers have memories like goldfish. Loves to create this impression that he was a perma fundamental part of the famed defence. He wasnt. Loves to glow in the image that he was as hard as they come. He wasnt. He was an honest tryer, a decent player at best who himself left for a bigger pot of gold elsewhere and then as his career stalled, got a break to go back to Highbury. Hes always been indebted to Wenger for giving him his cameo in 02 to bag him a title medal. Wenger owns him really.

  60. Moscowgooner

    Jun 01, 2017, 11:31 #101954

    Excellent summary of the malaise affecting the club. There is not a shred of comfort to be gained from the announcement this week - I am not sure about Wenger continuing into his '80s; at this rate it could be into the next century. He attributed the team's failures this season to the 'toxic atmosphere' created by the 1%. So how is he going to manage that problem in the coming years? Or does this give him his cast iron excuse for failure, year after year?

  61. MAF

    Jun 01, 2017, 11:03 #101953

    i thnk unfortunately Alexis is gone. i dont think he trusts wenger or Arsenal anymore. he was sold a Story to get him here but now hes lost the faith. cannot blame him for that. Only Arsenal have the ability to consistantly pizz off and lose top Players and all down to what Kind of Show wenger runs

  62. Exeter Ex

    Jun 01, 2017, 10:55 #101952

    I agree with others that next season will be bad, however I think any hopes that Wenger would be gone by January or whatever are futile. Kroenke believes in a low risk / moderate reward model (much more than 'moderate' for certain individuals within it) and the club ruthlessly exploits the sentimental capital built up by Wenger, most prominently by the man himself. So we hear lots about Wenger's 'love', 'loyalty', 'commitment', 'desire to be successful' (his actual 'ability' doesn't seem to matter so much). Gazidis is just a lawyer who, like most lawyers, just says whatever words bring the big bucks towards himself. Wenger wants his power, and Kroenke wants Wenger as a deflection from his modus operandi. So I think Kevin is right that short of relegation and the loss of that TV money, Wenger will never leave. Supporters do have the power to change that by not renewing, by making life much more difficult for Wenger, but the combination of the aforementioned sentimental capital and demographic changes mean that's just not going to happen. It's an ugly situation, I don't know what you do beyond individually removing yourself emotionally from what was once the 'club'.

  63. Hi Berry

    Jun 01, 2017, 10:36 #101951

    Is Martin Keown for real? The more I hear from him the more I think: 'pr*ck'. This is his latest offering on Sanchez and Ozil: "They have been overindulged at times this season and they let Arsenal down in the period when they lost twice to Bayern Munich, conceding 10 goals. That is the level of the problem," said Keown, who played more than 300 games for Arsenal." So Sanchez and Ozil were the reason we shipped ten goals was it? I would suggest the level of the problem lies elsewhere. He then goes on to say..."The manager needs to make some really tough decisions now. Sanchez's contract needs to get 100% secured. Is that going to happen? Will Ozil leave?" So from criticizing both of them in one breath he is advocating the absolute necessity to get them back on board the merry-go-round for next year...Uuuuhhh!???... ...and then follows it up with this gem of stating the bleeding obvious.."I am sure both players want to go elsewhere because they want to win the Champions League, win the Premier League and maybe they do not feel it can be done at Arsenal. The club is bigger than two individuals." Never a truer word unwittingly spoken, Martin...thank you Sherlock...any ideas why Henry, Cesc, RVP, Clichy, Sagna left, Martin? The club should be bigger than individuals but obviously this doesn't apply to one individual in particular. He reinforces this gobbledegook by saying... "Whether the fans want this decision (Wenger's new contract) or not, they have to get behind the manger. You cannot have a situation like last season, where there was a really difficult environment for the players to go in to. "Coming off the bus there were people hurling abuse, all the 'Wenger Out' placards. It is time now they got behind the manager for the next two years and if that is going to be the send-off, then that is what he deserves." On the other hand Big Tone says: "Maybe he (Wenger) thinks they can win the league in the next two years or get back into the Champions League. Looking at this squad, I don't think they can," Adams told BBC Wiltshire. "But I can understand the frustration of the fans that want a league title and want to be competitive. "We need to start being competitive and seen as number one by number one players instead of number four players on the pecking list." Personally, and I said this on here many years ago, I think Wenger is sufficiently deluded in his own capabilities to aim to surpass Ferguson's 26 years. Shame it won't include the glittering array of domestic and European trophies that Ferguson amassed.

  64. Wibblefish

    Jun 01, 2017, 9:36 #101950

    This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil! They are all in it up to their necks; the Hillwoods, the Carrs, The Bracewell Smiths, The late Danny Fitzman, the Keswicks and David Dein. They sold out for pure financial gain and mainly to a man with no previous experience in football and no interest until the billions from TV started rolling in. Arsenal is a financial investment to Kroenke, nothing more and nothing less. That will never change. Ask yourself how much does he invest from his personal wealth to transfer activity? All recents transfers are funded by the clubs revenue, so where is the argument we needed a billionaire owner to compete? There are plenty of individuals from our recent history that sold us out and sadly we now have to live with the consequences of their greed.

  65. markymark

    Jun 01, 2017, 8:56 #101949

    During these dark days of Arsene Mugabe I'd recommend looking up the David Squires cartoon in the Guardian his Diego Costa is superb.

  66. peter wain

    Jun 01, 2017, 8:31 #101948

    the owner got his way then. Gazidis has been made to look stupid and the fans who dare oppose Wenger no doubt will be shot for high treason. some things never change we will not buy quality who we buy will be cheap and at the end of the transfer window the last day is preferred so you save on wages and judge me in May will be the mantra chanted. Except that if you do judge him and find him wanting you will be charged with treason. One thing however will remain constant we will not challenge for the premier league or the worthless cup with the FA cup being the only realistic trophy we can win. Well done SK another two years wasted. Why don't you just go for god sake and go now.

  67. Mathews

    Jun 01, 2017, 8:16 #101947

    We keep saying no players are above the club, how about "no manager is above the club". I wonder what's the basis of a statement “You won’t find any better candidates than Arsène Wenger” as he hasnt achieved anything credible for a decade. If winning FA cups were an achievement then even LVG should've stayed in his job. Everyone would agree that except for the latest, we had an easy run on the previous two. If building a stadium is considered as an achievement, then Wenger should be promoted to a role involving business and economics. I dont understand the theory Ivan, and most of us dont. The club will pay the price and mid-table crisis is coming. If Wenger is the answer for what we are now, then why only two year contract, might as well keep him until he wants to be. I wonder if its a rocket science to understand that he is the problem, not the solution.

  68. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 23:40 #101944

    Yes Kev, you wont find better candidates than wenger, that tells us what slap head and syrup of figs know about football, and going by GMS Sanchez has made up his mind and it's Bayern, like I said earlier this two season (or one)love in will not last long, and it can't come soon enough. wenger out.

  69. CT Gooner

    May 31, 2017, 23:24 #101943

    Sorry gents, what's left is Kronke's Arsenal, & I want nothing to do with it. Maybe I'll come back once they realize fans mater, I have my doubts either will happen though...

  70. N-4

    May 31, 2017, 22:17 #101942

    Yes it's Ron: Nice one mate. I gave mine back 2009 as since 2004 I had my doubts where in the water final of the champion league if I'm right, we played Chelsea and was winning and Wenger subbed Henry and Viera...thought at the time that was a bit weird and we ended losing the game and out of it... by 2006 I started to think that we needed a change of manager and by 2009/10 it didn't take me long to know that nothing will change and haven't. So 8 years later I'm still proven right and 2 more years just been added lol...what a joke?! I'll always be an Arsenal but someone to wake me up once they've gone lol. Wenger knew what he was doing and holding the paying fans in ransom over whether he'll want to renew or not still amazes me. The power and control is one of a kind...and let's not forget that whatever he does he's paid very handsomely!

  71. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 21:54 #101941

    N4 - I know mate. That was my form of protest when i gave it up back 2010/11. Yr right in all you say and yr analogy is stunningly accurate. I (boringly probably )always look at history as a guide to the future. AFC and AW display an arrogance that will in time trip them up in a devastating way, same as happens to all despots. I thimk Arsenes 'victory' is a hollow one for him and a temporary defeat for such as us. Its the regular match going fans who suffer the most isnt it as they continue to wrestle with the implications of bailing out of that dreadful membership system that traps so many in as getting back on the carousel once stepping off it is nigh impossible. Easy enough to do for us elder fans who have our memories but harder when yr mid to late 30s and 40s with youngsters who ideally they want to encourage to go and remain as staunch Gunners fans. The Club disregards fans of all ilks though i think.

  72. N-4

    May 31, 2017, 21:33 #101940

    Yes it's Ron - I hear you mate! I can honestly tell you that I don't have that energy like yourself or a lot of others have to continue backing this farce of a club and I take my hat off to your your love for the club is like a wife or girlfriend relationship...that I can't keep denying that if they are not cheating on me when I know too well that they bloody are and try once again to turn a blind eye to it. In the whole of English Football History, let alone have never seen but I've never heard a club run like Arsenal do...there was a time we used to be proud of it but I've nothing left in the tank anymore...Wenger or Kronke can't be a out and I can't control that so the one thing I can control I'll take myself out instead!

  73. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 21:25 #101939

    They certainly think the protests should stop over on Untold with Atwood kindly explaining it is bad for the image of the club and the potential to get in an eventual successor. This will apparently occur in 2040 though this maybe extended with the amount of cash Wenger has accrued through foul means he may be able to buy more biological time. So perhaps 2050 when he is 105 or thereabouts and Theo has a great big grey beard and nine kids and has been made director of football spin for life. Much to be excited about if you are in the newly formed branch of 'careful what you wish for' movement. Perez has had enough and unlike Olly who wishes to stay til his beard is grey too is off. No game time, no ambition - reckon he would do well at Bournemouth or perhaps Huddersfield. That is forward thinking. Wenger is last century. Ask Tony Adams to explain it. Only just found out other coaches at Arsene FC get 30 thou a year compared to Wenger's unlimited slosh pile which is all because he loves Arsenal. As Adams pints out those coaches could be paid more as most of the staff at Wal Mart Holloway and Wenger would not even notice. No, he would as a major league scrooge like his mate Stan. What a truly horrible club.

  74. David1

    May 31, 2017, 21:05 #101938

    No way- the Wenger out feeling is dependent on results. If no significant signings are made over the summer, and/or Sanchez and Ozil leave or fail to sign contacts, and/or the form of the side dips (inevitably), then all the anti Wenger sentiments will be back with a vengeance. He can't afford a single slip up. He has to win the PL. Of course, if he does, then most people will get behind him again. But the odds are stacked against that happening. He's become that dangerous driving pensioner who needs to have his licence taken away. With mbg cheerleading, the feeling will remain.

  75. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 21:00 #101937

    N4 - Im one of them who thinks we should put the AW out crusade to one side now and back the Club. its certainly a defeat for all of us who have opposed AWs continuance. The thing is not to confuse a defeat with a final defeat. Its a case of knowing when to back away and for all of the protesters, knowing when to go again. The moment will present itself again as a result of our Club carrying on doing the same things over, though hampered now by having no top 4 status. Theres a dignity in taking the defeat and waiting for the right time to protest again. To carry on shouting in the teeth of defeat smacks of pique and desperation. A loss can be the Father of opportunity, simply by doing nothing. In many ways, SK might be gently looping the noose around AWs neck himself, though disguising the fact by his backing of him.He maybe wants a situ to arise thats so overwhelmingly persuasive in support of change, that when the time comes the decision is made for him. Hes an absent owner and doesn't want to be making big calls until hes forced to. If he doesnt when the time comes, he ll lose face and he wont want that. At the moment, he can justify his actions but hes also buying himself time.

  76. PerryG

    May 31, 2017, 20:47 #101936

    That's it I'm finished with Arsenal until Wenger and kroenke are gone. I urge my fellow gooners to stop giving them money and boycott the club en masse. I stopped going in 2010 and have maintained a passing interest but I find it too frustrating and annoying watching us in recent times. It's not a club but a soulless business now, sickened by it all

  77. Ian M

    May 31, 2017, 20:45 #101935

    So protests are pointless. Wenger will never forget his humiliation at the hands of fans, and Kroenke is delighted with the balance sheet. Not a recipe for an optimistic future. More long term fans will drift away, the atmosphere will be one of resigned apathy with a few ups and downs to break the monotony, and Arsene will field a second string team in the Europa in order to 'concentrate' on the league. He will stick with his favourite underachievers like Walcott, buy some journeymen who he will tell us are top, top quality and complete the squad. It's all too predictable. Arsene has taken the old chant of 'boring, boring Arsenal' to new heights. Arsenal are only a name on a franchise now, with next to nothing in common with the club they formerly were.

  78. Bard

    May 31, 2017, 20:27 #101934

    Kev a very good post but I dont agree with the sentiment. I dont think for one minute that Wenger signing makes a bit of difference. Im with Markymark. All the PR spin just ups the anti and expectation. I believe that there are many more fans that dont make their Wenger out feelings known in a public way because they respect him too much. However a bad run of games and more of the usual keystone cops defending will reignite the animosity. I dont for one minute believe Wenger will make it through the two years. As you rightly say he has lost it.

  79. Paulward

    May 31, 2017, 20:22 #101932

    So there we have it then , no change whatsoever, nothing. Groundhog season number whatever will be proceeded by a load of pussyfooting around whether Sanchez or Ozil are staying ( Yawn), and whether we are going to spend any money ( Yawn), while Arsenals indecision is final, our rivals will do the business . I suspect the big two will depart in late August , and the whole sorry spectacle will start all over again, just after we make a couple of late panic buys. Give it till the Autumn before the protests start again.

  80. N-4

    May 31, 2017, 20:12 #101931

    First of all what a disgrace of a club do we have...?! Utter shambles and now feeling ashamed to say that I used to support a team like Arsenal...! Tony Adam is right about the things he said about Wenger...he lost respect for him and so have I, including...Henry, Vierra, Bergkham etc...(which we all wonder why aren't they at the club). Even Llungberg has left coaching elsewhere...Is Wenger really and trully a dictator?!! Because to me that's exactly what it looks like. Anyway I would like to say to those people who have been on Wenger Out protest whether via keyboard or not that they too have got no balls by not sticking to thir guns and bottled it by giving on the Wenger Out Protest by saying they no other solution but backing the team, the club, the board...including wenger and kronke...?!!! Seriously???! Like kevin said nothing will change and that's exactly what will happen. Anyway, I don't post much on here as most of you reflect my views so no point repeating myself...I am no more STH and carries on to be so I feel sorry for those who are still going to support this farce of a club! I have also decided that I will not watch or worry about Arsenal anymore until the dictator is completley out if this club and it would be a bonus if he takes Kronke with him too...the new contract is the last thread of what I can take for me so please someone wake me up when he's not at our club at least goodbye for the next 2 years at least!

  81. ArsenalMagna

    May 31, 2017, 20:03 #101930

    I decided last season to suspend my support for Arsenal until Wenger leaves, a position many on here seem to have only now reached. It’s funny because we went on a good run with Alexis as a false 9 and I suddenly felt ‘Oh no, the year I stop watching we might turn it around’. Once the predictable collapse started I was more or less back to where I had been. It’s sad that the right dialogue re: Arsenal has been practically only on this website – when you look at the BBC and Arseblog you see that they’re light years away from the right assessments which people like Ron, Jeff Wright, Exeter etc. have repeatedly forwarded. For me personally it’s been a huge relief to have seen like-minded writers so I appreciate all the effort and thought most of those critical of Wenger have put in. I have to say I partly feel my support for Arsenal has to be suspended because, although it’s the institution I love, I feel like I’m having to associate with a large number of meek, unquestioning fans who don’t have the clubs best interests at heart, and that’s not right. AKBs argued that it was all down to money that Arsenal failed for years, but they have barely been seen on here since Leicester won the league! Wenger fanboys never responded to the point occasionally made to them that their opinions being totally pro-Wenger on all Arsenal debates, whether new or old, meant they were either heavily biased or it was just an incredible coincidence! The truth is that, as you can see from the appalling recent record of the English teams in the Champions League, the EPL is a very weak league, and even winning next year wouldn’t make me ecstatic because I think we should be doing that comfortably anyway. Money has for several years been a secondary issue and it’s Wenger’s poor management which has always been the main problem. That leads me to my other point – no matter how much self-deceptive optimism some fans have regarding the future, the fact is that even if we did turn it around, it wouldn’t excuse the several preceding years of chronic underachievement. The Wenger in/out debate is over – the AMGs have won a resounding victory in intellectual terms, but the fact is that Wenger will continue to decay our club because he’d rather fail repeatedly with his idiotic/wishful thinking ‘philosophy’ than have flexibility, intelligence and humility in his approach.

  82. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2017, 19:59 #101929

    Kev - perhaps the antidote to the anti climax is to think it might have been Henry being rolled out and regaled as the next big thing? Didnt SK junior sort of intimate he d like that some mths back? Yr right though SK , certainly wields the power of his position to swat away his board. Matching the Fergie length of longevity may yet be the next challenge for AW?

  83. KC38

    May 31, 2017, 19:56 #101928

    Kevin, another superb editorial. American owners are the worse thing for any club that wants success, the franchise is about profit and profit only. The real sickner here is Wengers willingness to get into bed with individuals that are such polar opposites to the man that wenger once was. He supports Europe while Kronke supports Trump, he used to love football while Kronke loves money, the protests have not been a waste of time because they have hit home to wengers ego. If we continue to play kids football and drop away from the best Kronke will find that his puppet will eventually drive his precious share price down and then just might be encouraged to sell, which is the reason protests should continue.

  84. markymark

    May 31, 2017, 19:37 #101926

    When you appear you're at your most powerful you're actually at the high point with only a downward trajectory. I would disagree with Ron in that overall a very large proportion of Arsenal supporters want change and probably want him to quietly go. The fear and this is a real fear is that Kronke does something really stupid and bequeaths Wenger a big share stake. However until that point Wenger has now made himself the absolute figure of power at the club and therefore every barb will be directed at him and Kronke. A 3 game losing streak could cause a massive rumpus with Wengo throwing angry comments and effectively going to war with his own fan base. But make no mistake you can only be called an old cur a few times before the volume will turn on Wenger. There's only one Wenger but potentially 20k fans singing you don't know what you're doing. All this could create a massive health strain on him. Then it might be a lead lined box that takes him out.

  85. Highbury Boy

    May 31, 2017, 19:32 #101925

    Sad but all true Kevin. Next year minus Alexis 7th will look good. Poor PL form will be blamed on lots of Ropey matches.

  86. RobG

    May 31, 2017, 18:48 #101924

    Excellent Editorial Kev. Like you, my ambition for Arsenal is now to live long enough to see someone else Managing the team. I have also not given up hope of seeing off Kronke because I have nothing but contempt for this Yankee shyster. And anyone who doubts his motivation or method need only follow the saga of how he lied to St Louis about the Rams and the litigation he faces there. I disagree on one point. The protests were a success. They might not have achieved their aim but everyone now knows that a sizeable segment of the fan base is not in thrall to Wenger. Sanchez will almost certainly not sign a new contract. They will have to sell him. There is no credible replacement that they could get, or afford. When things go belly up in August and September, the wild Fire of protests will start up again. Wenger might think he is in the clear. But he isn't, because reality will catch up very fast. We won't be bringing in anyone of note because no one with any ambition will come here. I think Chamberlain will go to Liverpool, as a further blow. This is as good as it gets for Kronke and Wenger and if they thought last season was bad, it was nothing compared to what is coming.

  87. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 18:43 #101923

    Tony Adams is a football god and Wenger would never have sniffed a double without Adams driving the team. Love Tony Adams and the glasses really suit him. He likes the piano and loves theatre whereas Wenger likes sitting in a shed watching 'football related material.' Go figure where the culture came from for Wenger's so-called early exploits. Load of cock which brings me onto the Totts. Can they turn a corner at Wembley? Can Wenger win the PL assuming he loses quickly in the Europa say to Ludogrets? Will STAN(K) attend his sports franchise in Holloway next season? What will become of Theo Walcott? Why do AKBs whine so much about the WOB?

  88. CBee

    May 31, 2017, 18:39 #101922

    Depressing stuff. Being only a few years younger than the creepy frenchman I'm starting to worry that I will die before I see a different manager at the club. I wonder if there are any skeletons in his closet that could force him to resign in shame?

  89. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 18:36 #101921

    Yes Kev, 30/5/17 that date will go down in history not as significant as where we were when Princess Di died or anything like that, but where we were when we Vomited. Wenger out.

  90. mbg

    May 31, 2017, 18:23 #101920

    Talk about getting your excuse in early ? can you f*****g believe this ? Some halfwit of an AKB in all his gear has just been on, standing out side the Emirates telling us he's delighted his messiah has stayed, he then says but we have to be careful, and wait for it, what he's worried about is if wenger makes mistakes early on and gets off to a bad start and loses the first two or three games, he is given a chance (how many fooking chances has he had over the last ten years you idiot ?) and fans persevere and continue to back him and don't turn on him like they did, what a prat, that goes to show the faith the AKB's have in their messiah LOL, that has just brightened up my day it really has. You couldn't make it up. wenger out

  91. jwe1981

    May 31, 2017, 17:22 #101919

    Why do you bother renewing your season ticket year after year then???

  92. Guy in Jersey

    May 31, 2017, 17:20 #101918

    I agree with everything you say Kevin. Our club used to have class. Now we're just the UK franchise of a washed-up, but profitable US sporting operation whose main focus is to screw as much money as possible out of gullible punters. I quite like Gazidis and, if he has any integrity, I expect to see him jump ship as soon as possible. Wenger's won (for now), and the rest of us have lost.

  93. jjetplane

    May 31, 2017, 17:18 #101917

    Fantastic read as always Kevin but careful the born again Wengerites on here don't suggest 'you need to get out more.' It really is disturbing how much Wenger winning 2 more years but as you say a lifetime if he can be bothered is like the Trump win. Get over it moaners and with Stan Trump in charge of Asda Fc Holloway outlet business wins and football dies a little more. Being a football type I mention Totts because presently as a brand they are getting much more right on a smaller budget. And of course throw in the hand celebrations and you have a proper football club. It is hard giving up on a club you were born into (for best part of 50 years I was within walking distance of Highbury) but there is no alleigance anymore so it is a case of flavour of the week for me. Arsenal have not been on my brand list over 10 years. One decent FA Cup win against a very off Chelsea does not look like any success. Most people hhave just been battered into submission and think any protest is fruitless. Well **** that! Any protest is good and you have my full respect Kev. Wonder what Deli and Harry are doing over the summer? What are Everton going to do? Can Klopp up his game? Will Pep sweep the board? As for Arsene Asda UK **** em!