Will this contract be Wenger’s last?

Arsène needs to deliver in next two seasons

Will this contract be Wenger’s last?

As the end of the 2016/2017 football season loomed there was still much debate as to whether beleaguered Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger would live to see another; despite serving as the Gunners’ manager for a record-breaking 21 years, his welcome appeared to be wearing out – and fast. Indeed, notwithstanding Arsenal’s thirteenth FA Cup win or Wenger’s achievement as most successful manager in history, many pundits and fans were expecting his contract to come to an end with the close of the season. Despite fans’ disquiet, though, a new, two-year deal was brokered. Wenger now has until 2019 to prove he still has what it takes to lead his team to glory.

Striking a new deal

It would appear that Arsene Wenger’s latest contract hinged upon his team’s performance during the latter stages of the FA Cup; Wenger was in the midst of crisis, with fans and players losing confidence and patience. As late as April there was confusion in Arsenal’s camp as to whether Arsene would be leading his team any longer, while former striker Ian Wright had sown the seeds of doubt during a BBC Five Live interview in February, when he said, “I get the impression that that’s it. He looks tired. I feel that he will go at the end of the season.”

However, club bosses seemed reluctant to let their manager go, while the man himself described retiring as, “for the young.” So, would disgruntled fans force him out instead? As luck would have it, Arsenal stormed to victory in the FA Cup, and on the 31st May, the official word came. Wenger would indeed remain Arsenal’s manager until 2019, although with a new structure in place. According to sources, Arsene Wenger’s position is subject to talks with a so-called director of football, who will lead discussions regarding transfers and strategies. The manager has been philosophical about the move, perhaps aware of the struggles he’s faced, and will continue to experience. This move should appease angry fans – at least for the time being.

Reactions to Wenger’s appointment

In a poll conducted by BBC Sport, 58% of its readers agreed that Wenger’s reappointment was a wise move by club bosses. This is in spite of the results of a poll carried out at the tail end of the football season, which showed 78% of fans wanted Arsene Wenger to leave; talk about conflicting opinions! The Arsenal boss has faced unprecedented levels of anger during this season, as the team finished the Premier League in its lowest finishing position since 1996. The Gunners’ failure to qualify for the Champions League can’t have helped either. Indeed, there has been talk that the shake-up behind Wenger’s reappointment is solely to appease fans. Reactions on social media have been extreme, to say the least; described as ‘inflammatory’, reports of the manager’s renewed contract have divided fans and lit up Twitter and Facebook. Good, bad, and ugly, all fans appears to be in agreement that now is the time to make the best of the situation and get behind their team.

Arsene Wenger may have secured his place in football’s Hall of Fame with his seventh FA Cup win, but the 67-year-old Frenchman has a long way to go before he can convince fans, pundits, and even players that he’s the best person for this sought-after position. What happens at the end of his next contract is anyone’s guess; his continued appointment as manager will no doubt hinge on the Gunners’ success in the 2017/18 season and beyond. When it comes to football everyone’s a critic, and Wenger must be prepared to face his with a steely determination – heaven knows he should be used to it by now.

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  1. mbg

    Jun 26, 2017, 17:39 #102407

    Herd, it's still winter in Narnia, LOL love it, Quip of the day, these poor wee busy beavers popping up thinking the thaws on, you have to laugh. wenger out.

  2. Herd

    Jun 26, 2017, 8:49 #102399

    Nothing has changed it is still winter in Narnia . Gazidis made a push to bring Wenger to heel and failed in pretty spectacular fashion. Stan Kroenke has told them to kiss and make up,Wenger will do this for a few weeks and then Gazidis will be back in cold storage. Aslan like Mbappe isn't coming to save us anytime soon chaps !

  3. Cloggs

    Jun 26, 2017, 8:30 #102398

    Arsène needs to deliver in the next two seasons??? So why didn't he need to deliver in the last 10 seasons then? A new version of "judge me in May" but now extended to another two seasons! Don't let me laugh, he won't deliver anything while landing another 18 MILLION POUNDS to his bank account in these two years and fans paying thru their noses to watch more of the same old bullsh*t. And Kroenke will give him another one as long as he can cash his dividend. If he truly cared about the club, he would have stepped aside after having lifted the FA cup in May but instead the arrogant fraud raised the middlefinger. Kroenke and Wenger must have been pissing themselves with laughter when they signed the contract, to hell with the board, the fans and 4th's a trophy my arse! we rule the sandpit!. "..all fans appears to be in agreement that now is the time to make the best of the situation and get behind their team..." nothing but another AKB version of "Shut up and get behind the team". The majority of fans are fed up with the situation and want Wenger OUT now!

  4. mbg

    Jun 25, 2017, 17:13 #102389

    And anyway who says this contract will last two seasons, when the inevitable happens,(and it will) with the big bang of realisation (yet again)of arses landing with a bump when TOF starts to fook up (and he will)with more embarrassments and humiliations, it can be brought to a halt, if certain fans eventually stand up and show some balls, (not the ones who did just that last season, but the ones that let them and the club down by being cowards and sitting on their hands to nice to say anything in case it disrespected TOF even though that's what they wanted, Sad, but it didn't stop him disrespecting them) and stand up and say and do what's needed (and should have been said and done years ago) to get rid of the old waster, and it can be done with the proper backing instead of just sitting on arses being nice and putting up with it, and the first embarrassment would be a good time to start. We want wenger out.

  5. Bard

    Jun 25, 2017, 13:40 #102387

    Its great that women post articles on here. Congratulations Louise. It appears to me that you have probably only known Arsenal under Arsene. The fact of the matter is that he is yesterdays news however long he stays and to believe he is capable of leading a charge for the title is misguided in the extreme. Sadly we have to watch him mumble and bumble his way to the exit door and end up destroying his legacy. The reason he is staying is because he cant let go, it has nothing whatsoever to do him being able to take the club to the next level. As equalizer has posted things are going to get nasty at the first hint of the usual chaos.

  6. NickF

    Jun 24, 2017, 22:59 #102386

    When will people finally get what we have? Wenger decides when he goes,no one else. He decided on his contract and the board were informed of his decision. The club is dead, it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference where we finish. It might as well just be renamed Arsene FC.

  7. mbg

    Jun 24, 2017, 17:50 #102385

    The manager has been philosophical about the move ? what move ? where did you get this load of bollocks out off ? pure fooking spin (and little sheep like you still believe it)this old fraud is and won't be and never will be philosophical about anything, nothing has changed and nothing going to change while this old weasel is at the club but you and others carry on believing if you wish just look where it has got you over the last twelve years does that tell you and others all you need to know. You couldn't make it up.

  8. mbg

    Jun 24, 2017, 17:25 #102384

    Appeared to be wearing out ? It has worn out and a long time ago too, only there to many nice fans who haven't or hadn't the balls to stand up and admit it and say it, it doesn't matter what the old shyster proves, or he and his wengerite luvvies thinks/think he's proved between now and when he pisses off it'll not make a blind bit of difference just like his place in the hall of fame for his Fa Cup wins don't (two among others which were very fortunate indeed in which him and his wengerites treated with disdain at times) he'll always be remembered for the last twelve years of failure, embarrassments and humiliations and everything else that went with them, and then just like now it'll still be wenger out, nothing will ever change that. wenger out.

  9. Exeter Ex

    Jun 24, 2017, 12:54 #102383

    This advert for betting masquerading as an article is ill-informed nonsense. Of course his 'continued appointment' doesn't hinge on success over this contract. It hinges on whether the club remains in profit. In which case, Kroenke will offer him another one, and he will of course take it unless he's actually so desiccated by then he crumbles to dust on the touchline.

  10. equalizer

    Jun 24, 2017, 9:05 #102382

    "According to sources"!!!! Was this written by the charlatans PR agent or by the spin master himself? There is absolutely no reason for the match going fans to believe anything will change at this club under Wengers management. But more importantly there is no reason to accept it as inevitable that he will be with the club until 2019. This 'get behind the team (until I escape down the tunnel) line you subtly spout, that Wenger has spun so often through the years is worn out. The supporters have been behind the team, it's the dithering narcissistic manager who repeats the same mistakes and spins out the same old excuses for the same old failures over and over again that we have ZERO confidence in. This contract is the final straw and all I expect is the toxicity levels to rise inside and outside the stadium. If you think that the fans will stand by for the next two years while this autocrat drags us further down then you are as deluded as he is. Wenger Out.

  11. Ebor Gooner

    Jun 23, 2017, 23:16 #102381

    So, what has changed? The Manager is the same. The back room staff are the same. The players are the same. The board is the same. Oh, ok, we are in the Europa League, that's different. Hands up all those who think Mr Wenger will change? Or that this season will be different to the last half dozen? No? Me neither.