BFG For Sale…

…as The Gooner is cleaning out the closet with the first of a number of t-shirt special offers

BFG For Sale…

BFG t-shirt - Yours for £3.99 post free

Ah yes, summer. Warm days, wet days, and… not much football to write about. So what the hell, throughout July, I am going to go into Arseblog mode and just write stream of consciousness stuff with the occasional nod to Arsenal, and assorted pot pourri.

Contributions welcomed

First though, a point of order. The Gooner is an open church and welcomes contributions on the subject of all matters Arsenal and football related. So, sure, I could write some kind of blog style offering every day along the lines of other websites, but our raison d’etre is to provide a voice for the spectrum of Arsenal opinion, not just mine. So if you want to submit anything for use here, email me at [email protected] - articles should be minimum 400 words.

The Arsenal Online Box Office Crashes Yet Again

So some other thoughts. Yesterday, I was caught out by not realising the Community Shield tickets were going on sale. I received a message about 15 minutes after the on sale asking which block I was buying in, and got online. The Arsenal online box office – administered by Ticketmaster – had a bad morning. Effectively, the thing had crashed. 90 minutes later, I was finally able to buy tickets, in spite of my first getting past the circle of death after half an hour of waiting. However, what I struggle with is that the Arsenal online box office frequently crashes when there is any hint of demand. It’s been a regular occurrence for at least a couple of seasons. What's the story? Who at Arsenal deals with Ticketmaster over this, and why is the obvious problem not being addressed? Ticketmaster can seem to handle mass demand for pop concerts whereby a million people are trying to buy say 60,000 tickets at the same time. So why do they struggle with a few thousand Arsenal fans trying to buy match tickets? I will write to the club on this to get some kind of explanation. It's the kind of thing I expect to see AISA report back on as they have specific ticketing issue meetings with the club, and I would be amazed if they didn’t have members who ask them to find out what is going on, but in communications in the past couple of years, I’ve seen nothing from them. I’ll drop the CEO a line and report back if I hear anything.

Woe, Santi Cazorla

Santi Cazorla is out for the bulk of next season. I always thought the club should throw sentiment aside and not take up the option of extending his deal for another year, although granted the decision was taken in December last season. But it was a bad call by the fitness / medical department. I am sure his wages are modest in comparison to the demands of Mesut Ozil, but if he were on, say £80,000 a week, that’s a cool £4 million down the drain for what’s likely to be a five minute farewell substitute appearance in the final Premier League fixture of the season. Mind you, the club have form for this kind of thing. Tomas Rosicky, anyone? Could the money spent on Santi’s wages have been better deployed elsewhere? Or maybe the club are insured for this kind of loss, although I’d love to see the kind of premium they pay given their record over the years (Wilshere, Diaby, Welbeck etc. etc.)


So Alexandre Lacazette has been confirmed as Arsenal’s second signing of the summer, although he won’t join up with the squad in time to fly out for the pre-season tour to Australia. Albin Mouton, a French based Gooner, believes Lacazette is a good buy who will deliver based on three good seasons with Lyon, and to these eyes, given Alexis’ playing a more central role and weighing in with more goals last season, it would seem to be a case of getting a striker in before cashing in on the Chilean. I’d welcome the club allowing Sanchez to run down his contract, because they do not need the money for him. They paid £35 million to buy him and his wages will cost somewhere around the £20-£25 million mark over four seasons. So good business which means the club have got value without needing to obsess over cashing in and making £50 million. It will be interesting to see if they relent. If I were a gambling man, I’d be surprised if he isn’t in a Manchester City shirt by the beginning of September, but I do hope I am wrong.

BFG T-shirt sale

So, down to some real business and an attempt at cleaning out my closet here at Gooner Towers. Which means that when we have the time, we’re going to be offering stuff for sale at knockdown prices just to create a bit of space. To get the ball rolling, some BFG t-shirts. We have small, medium, large and XL and when they’re gone they are gone. To clear these, we are charging £3.99 with no postage (UK only). If you are interested, then drop us an email at [email protected] with your requested size, name and address and we’ll give you details of how to pay – which will be via PayPal or online bank transfer. We’ll be plugging this on the Gooner Twitter account too. Who needs eBay?

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  1. mbg

    Jul 06, 2017, 16:53 #102518

    Exeter, spot on, a luvvie being rewarded for his support (has Lehman hit hard times ?)who's next ? Keown ? I would doubt that, nowhere near the first team anyway, and we all know why. wenger out.

  2. markymark

    Jul 06, 2017, 14:35 #102517

    Exeter Ex - I was thinking more a step up from Peyton.

  3. Exeter Ex

    Jul 06, 2017, 13:08 #102516

    Jens was very critical of the protests against Wenger last season. Anyone thinking he's going to be changing the mentality is deluded - no way Wenger would allow that. It's window dressing.

  4. markymark

    Jul 06, 2017, 9:42 #102515

    Maybe the most influential signing of the season so far is Jen's . It will help break up the nothing wrong don't fix it mentality. Good to see.

  5. RRM

    Jul 05, 2017, 23:51 #102514

    Get used to it now. Sanchez out and Lacazette in. No progress in this window. Our Elite player, the only one we have, will be sold for £42m in the last 2 days of the window to Man City. It's inevitable.

  6. GoonerRon

    Jul 05, 2017, 20:34 #102513

    So Lacazette confirmed, hopefully that's another piece of the jigsaw. As always it's difficult to quantify the impact of new players, let alone new invincible coaches, contract lawyers and Performance Directors. I must admit though, there's been more activity thus far than I thought there would be. As we approach tours in all corners of the world, compared to teams around us (Citeh have only got one full back, Man U not replaced Zlatan and Maureen is pissed off, Chelsea ditching Costa by text but haven't sold or replaced him yet, Spuds feeling the stadium pinch), I think we've done quite well in the close season so far - but still lots of work to do.

  7. Paulward

    Jul 05, 2017, 18:35 #102512

    Lacazzette looks a decent signing, one or two more would be nice

  8. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jul 05, 2017, 16:05 #102511

    Will be buying my BFG T shirt - player of the season was PM and it only took one game to achieve it!

  9. mbg

    Jul 05, 2017, 15:24 #102510

    So yet another lost cause sick note charity case adopted by wenger, (how many love children has he anyway) no doubt the diaby lovers will be happy, collection tins will be out again at the next AKB meeting in central command.

  10. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Jul 05, 2017, 14:23 #102508

    Go on Jens, get stuck into those pampered, yellow bellied, beard grooming prima donnas. Would love to be in that dressing room whilst Jens pins a quivering, frightened wally against the wall for bottling out of yet another tackle