Of China and Potential Incomings

Random notes on a pre-season Monday morning

Of China and Potential Incomings

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I began a piece entitled ‘BFG For Sale’ about three weeks ago… “Ah yes, summer. Warm days, wet days, and… not much football to write about. So what the hell, throughout July, I am going to go into Arseblog mode and just write stream of consciousness stuff with the occasional nod to Arsenal, and assorted pot pourri.”

Well, here’s a bit more of the same, so move along if you want something more substantial, this website requires content and there isn’t a hell of a lot incoming from the outside world just now.

So let’s start with…

Arsenal in China

I have zero comment to make about the particulars of these matches, for the simple reason I have not seen as much as highlight snippet of either the match against Bayern, nor Chelsea. I did not catch anything of the Bayern match because I was having a very enjoyable lunch with award winning photographer and solid Gooner @Len_Scap at the legendary Arthur’s Cafe in Dalston. As for the Chelsea game, I was about to depart for a week’s hols in the sun, and packing took precedence.

However, I have been in contact with people that were over there, and seems it was a stop too far for the squad. In the modern age, I think we all accept that, to keep up with the times, and other competing clubs, some pre-season promotional stuff abroad is a necessity, but it does appear that this particular summer was not too well thought out. The players travelled from what was a relatively chilly Australia to the baking heat of China. Whether or not the heat of China had anything to do with the stomach bug that swept through the squad, we can't be certain, but one thing that does seem clear is that the players did not really enjoy this part of the tour at all, and will be glad to get back to England. It’s interesting that in spite of Arsène’s power hold on the club, this is one area where he has had to cede an element of his influence, presumably because it is directly tied in with increasing income for the club.

A friend who saw the players before the Bayern match told me, “Players were all tetchy already by the time they got to China, fed up and wanting to go home. Saw team bus pre-game – not a smiling face in there. Ox’s body language on the pitch second half was unreal.” Given this, the result against Chelsea can’t be seen as any kind of great surprise – their pre-season seems to have been better organised. Yet it also makes the win on penalties against Bayern a more remarkable achievement – especially given the relative strength of the German side. However, it is all pre-season, what matters is getting a team settled and ready to go before the Leicester game on Friday 11th August. The Community Shield will give us a better idea of how the team will shape up. Who will play at left-wing back? Neither of Monreal not Kolasinac have played there so far, although one imagines it will be the latter. It’s interesting that, in theory, the three at the back does give Arsene the option of playing an extra attacking player, and with regard to that, it’s a wonder he didn’t try it earlier.

With regard to the Australian leg of the trip, one thing I was not really aware of was that the two teams faced finished their domestic seasons some time ago and their next one doesn’t start for a while. Still, a good way to start the pre-season with matches that were unlikely to prove challenging. The club used to raise the curtain by playing Barnet at Underhill, a fixture missed by many due to the chance it gave to see some of the stars close-up.

Transfer Stuff

You have to wonder about Arsene’s strategy in press conferences, which often ends up biting him on the arse. His players were fully prepared for the start of last season, before he revealed they were not ready after the first competitive game. Then of course the uncertainty over his future having no effect on the players when they were losing game after game, although apparently it did have an influence when he was interviewed by the club’s own media channel recently. And of course, with players departing the club, there’s history. Fabregas and Nasri were going nowhere in the summer of 2011. Definitely staying at the club… until they were sold to Barcelona and Manchester City respectively days later. And so it is with Sanchez. The idea that the club will not sell him is a joke. Why not simply state that the situation is not resolved? What difference does that make to anything that is being discussed behind the scenes?

The worst case scenario is that Sanchez is sold (he will be) and Thomas Lemar is not secured from Monaco. If this happens, the club’s pretence about seriously challenging with the major clubs for the Premier League is going to look pretty ridiculous. Arsenal simply have to land Lemar to save face. And to convince anyone they will have a better chance than last season, they need to sign Schalke’s Goretzka, who has just a year on his deal to make the midfield positions more competitive. That Arsenal offered Elneny to Leicester at a knockdown price demonstrates that the manager has not been convinced by his contribution and a midfield of the temperamental Xhaka and the injury-prone Ramsey are not going to see the club through a complete campaign.

Back to Sanchez, and I saw today that the manager believes a player plus cash deal with PSG would be something he’d consider, with either of winger Lucas Moura (a direct replacement for Sanchez) or Blaise Matuidi (which addresses the lack of depth in midfield) as the two names mentioned. That Moura would be a makeweight means the squad is weakened in that regard, so my preference, if Goretzka is not pursued, is to trade Sanchez for Matuidi and a pile of cash that will go some way towards persuading Monaco to part with Lemar.

The deal with Monaco is complicated, mainly because the club are reluctant to sell too many of their players in the same summer. Apparently when Manchester City faced them in the Champions League last season, City negotiated first pick of the Monaco players this summer. Of course, City have a footballing strategy, as do Chelsea, specialist men who oversee player recruitment. The first team coach at both clubs has some input in terms of suggesting names, but his main job is to focus on the playing squad that is at the club. Arsene, the control freak, takes all the decisions at Arsenal and will not trust anyone enough to delegate the key decisions too. Everyone works under him, including, it is obvious after recent events, Ivan Gazidis. So Arsenal are behind the curve and transfer targets can be more difficult to land. This is not helped by the key decision maker being on holiday at the start of the transfer window. They would have known Sanchez was going long before the transfer window opened, and the ducks should have been lined up in a row. However, Kolasinac apart, there were no early window signings, although at least Lacazette was secured before the first game of pre-season. If Arsenal end up only getting one further player in, with the PSG deal, then the manager will tell us that Lacazette is the replacement for Sanchez and that the squad has been strengthened with the addition of either Matuidi or Moura. Make your own mind up. People that know French football better than I do tell me that Matuidi is two years past his prime, but that Moura has real potential to improve, as he is only 24. They also reckon the Lemar deal is possible for Arsenal if they will make Monaco an offer they can’t refuse. And in the current climate, I hazard to think what that might be, except to say I am not confident Arsene would sanction it. However, there is definitely a central midfielder required – as for who it will be we wait and watch, but apparently the club are actively pursuing Goretzka.

One other piece of information I have been told is that Chelsea have offered Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain £200k a week, compared with Arsenal offering him £120k a week. It’s interesting. Arsene wants more money for himself every year, but thinks that player loyalty will mean they will accept 60% of their market value. The Ox is gone. Most likely to Chelsea, but Manchester City can match their offer if they wish to, and Guardiola might even consider the Ox as a potential right back, assuming he sticks with a four man defence. Money aside, I wouldn’t blame him for leaving. Any player with genuine footballing ambition will want to improve their chances of winning the major prizes, and moving from Arsenal to a stronger, better run Premier League club is a no-brainer. Another factor is that the Ox will feel that the manager has not previously shown great faith in him, and in a sense, the £120k offer reflects his value to the club. As it stands he’d be battling for a place with Hector Bellerin, whereas at Conte, one imagines his form in the right wing back position would make him a first choice over Victor Moses. Additionally, one suspects working under Conte would improve the Ox as a footballer, allowing him to fulfil his potential. Cesc Fabregas had to play elsewhere in the Premier League to win a title, as did Nasri and Van Persie. I wouldn’t be hugely surprised if the Ox was the next in line.

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  1. mbg

    Jul 28, 2017, 1:08 #102782

    Bard, I had to check the calendar to see was it April at that one myself lol, a prime example (one of many)of what comes out of wengers gob and the club is believed. You couldn't make it up.

  2. Alsace

    Jul 27, 2017, 17:25 #102777

    This is quite an interesting piece and for a number of reasons. (1) Kevin wasn't bothered to watch the games. No I wouldn't have been either. Further, I'm not interested in next seasons games. Not one of them. (2) So the players had a crappy time in China. Good. The pampered little darlings can learn what it is to be dragged off somewhere else at ridiculous o clock in the morning for a wild goose chase. Much like the fans are, all the time. (3) So the OX is worth £200k a week is he? What nonsense. Romelu Lukaku worth £75 million. Give me strength (4) It is impossible to have a sensible argument about our club being in competition for other players with other clubs when the telephone numbers involved in the transactions are international mobile telephone numbers. Wenger's lack of transfer activity looks and is sensible in an environment where £190 million will be changing hands for Neymar. (5) We are entering into hyper inflation territory and this time there really will be a crash, not because the numbers can't get bigger (they can as there is still a huge TV market) but because the game is actually getting boring. I literally no longer care what befalls any member of the Arsenal team. If they all lost a leg and had to retire there would be 22 more mercenaries ( and the agents who live up their bottoms) around to scoop up the gravy.(6) Sooner or later someone is going to realise that the UK is leaving the EU and that collective wage control may well be legal again. Whilst we will not be able to control the transfer prices of "foreign" players, our league as a whole will be able to get together and will be able to put a cap on wages. This will hugely strengthen the club's bargaining power and ability to retain TV cash and invest it.(7) Whilst the TV deals will remain lucrative whilst English football remains popular and entertaining (which it can do without the foreigners), cutting the agents out and taking back control of the budgets is devoutly to be wished. (8) The real goal is the destruction of both the TV deal and the premiership. It is an obscenity and the sooner it blows itself up the better. Literally the only thing that I would regret about that happening is the loss to the treasury which is probably 2 billion over the course of the current TV deal. That's enough dosh to put F35's on our new carriers. Agents back promoting boxers and comics, players with full time other jobs. Football at 3pm on a Saturday. Two games (max) on Match of the Day. Yes please.

  3. Bard

    Jul 26, 2017, 19:01 #102762

    Petergooner; a very funny post mate. Jack is back is he and will drive us to the title. Have you been in a coma this last 5 years ?The poor bloke is Diabyesque. The best thing we can do is get rid, sadly he is finished. Its good to see we are taking our time sorting out our squad. With the season 2 weeks away we have a ton of dead wood. Presumably we are waiting for Wenger to return to sort out the transfers in and out. Looks like a mess waiting to happen as per.

  4. mbg

    Jul 26, 2017, 18:41 #102761

    Lehman is saying something, akers is doing what he does best, and following his job description religiously and to the letter listening and shutting up, TOF ? he's looking at something else and not even listening. wenger out now.

  5. Petergooner

    Jul 26, 2017, 17:45 #102760

    Just seen the photos of training and Jack Wilshere is training so hopefully he is staying and helping us to win the league etc. If he stays fit he could be (as we all thought a few years ago) the Gooner's Captain for sometime. Please stay.

  6. Yes its Ron

    Jul 26, 2017, 13:48 #102759

    Marky - matey, theres very much a lot wrong. PL football and all the grasping overpaid overrated no marks in it and dependent on it agents etc at playing and coaching level effectively dodged the recession didnt they. I occasionally see the atrocious Man U and Liverpool televised supporters Club, more commonly called 'Sky Sports News' and hear the bull shine these pampered players spew out after theyve just been bought and moved and i find it pathetic to be honest. Many clearly do think theyre a cut above the norm and as SKG says, they think theyre doing the fans a favour. I only go to 3 or 4 games a Season now, all away from home. I go for the day out though and a catch up with friends still living in the SE. The fact its Arsenal i see is more or less incidental. Cant recall the last game i saw where it was obvious that the players gave it totally everything to be honest. The matches are nearly always grossly underwhelming, so much so that often i ll spend some time in the bar areas of the stadiums with a mate for part of each game. Rarely miss anything. Good luck to players getting a giant salary where they can of course, but for what they do theyre not worthy of it in my view. I cant think of one player in the PL who id make a special effort to go and watch. in the main i find the TV coverage of football nauseating. Yet, here we are on the cusp of another TV fest of the Mourinho and Klopp freak show. PS Mourinho sounds like hes heavily sedated these days or as if hes on something more sinister thats making him depressed? Cant see me watching too much of it to be honest. Better things to do. I m told Arsenal play Leics on a Friday night? Chronic that is but its to suit the Far East and all of the betting i suppose. Thats one game i wont see.


    Jul 26, 2017, 11:20 #102758

    So,the Thomas Lemar transfer is now "on" again? What larks!! Monaco are well on the way to completely dismantling the core of a young, exciting Championship winning side - and yet they too are owned by a billionaire. Could it be that the reason for their success is their 42 year old manager? Is it not also likely that he will rebuild and continue Monaco's success? Just wondering if there might be a slight problem in our continuing to bumble along with "young" Arthur at the helm?

  8. mbg

    Jul 26, 2017, 1:07 #102757

    Guernsey gunner, good post, yes it shows the arrogance of the coward freezing him out when he had the power to do so (I bet he wouldn't have got, or get into a ring for a friendly bit of sparring with boxing gloves on such is his cowardice, with him or any other player over the years) but one has to wonder (well maybe we don't)why he and indeed others like him have been froze out by TOF in the first place, maybe he could see what we all could/can and had the balls to stand up him and say so, so like those before him is now suffering the consequences of a cowardly arrogant bully with power. We want wenger out.

  9. Exiled gooner in Pt

    Jul 25, 2017, 22:46 #102756

    Is Vic Ackers saying " I did a better job with the Arsenal ladies" . Or is he saying "I dont care how many contracts there are to sign Jens I am not wearing a pair off those shoes like that bell end" Same old same old by the way cant help feeling Chelski have got the best striker we will see this season but hey lets hope I am wrong!! Wenger and the board out !!

  10. Guernsey gunner

    Jul 25, 2017, 20:18 #102755

    The treatment of Lucas Perez sums up the utter madness of WEnger these days. This isn't some kid like sanogo it's a proven top level Spanish league player who bagged 20 odd goals in a good division before we signed him. Now our club treat a 17m asset like an Ebola corpse freeze him out and we'll probably offload for less than we paid. What a farce a decent club with a dof would have said to wenger if you don't want him then fair enough but there's a commercial way to move him on. Just shows the power and arrogance that the utter tnuc of a manager enjoys. It's staggering to comprehend how the owner lets this guy trash value everywhere.

  11. mbg

    Jul 25, 2017, 19:03 #102754

    Petergooner, wenger be a man ? he's never been a man, right throughout his tenure, and he never will, he doesn't know the meaning of it, he hasn't it in him, he's a wimp, a bully acting big, and when it comes to it a fooking coward, just look at the skulks of him around the tunnel on the last day of the season afraid to come round on the lap of shame in case he'd get stick and booed, preferring to skulk about where he was for a quick getaway out of sight rather than face it. The coward out.

  12. mbg

    Jul 25, 2017, 18:08 #102753

    I don't know what Lehman is doing holding papers for(they look to be blank that would be right)it can't be for notes or coaching material, but it looks good though, a nice piece of spin no doubt getting some moist, as for akers ? lol, what he is in the photo for god only knows ( akers is probably wondering himself lol) where's bould ? has TOF made him take the photo ? or is he off looking for a piece of paper to hold. wenger out.

  13. markymark

    Jul 25, 2017, 18:08 #102752

    Yes it's Ron - when I watch Arsenal I have to choose to ignore Wenger and when I look at players I have to choose to ignore the salaries. Something wrong isn't there? I think it's only the immersion in old Arsenal I.e 70's Northbank culture from going with my Dad and recent joining of AISA (to try and reconnect ) keeps me remotely interested. I wonder if my son will have any interest at all.

  14. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jul 25, 2017, 17:55 #102751

    Most regulars on this site have said for years we need a quality central midfield player. We also need a quality centre back and a couple real class forwards, because since 2004 that is exactly what we have lost. When you listen to some of prices being quoted for very average "star" players, I am with Ron, after the dust settles when the PL does finally explode football might just be the enjoyable exciting escape that it used to be some 50 years ago. Football will need to implode first to remove the agents, overseas investors and the hundreds of so called top players who think they are doing the fans a real favour.

  15. Petergooner

    Jul 25, 2017, 17:45 #102750

    Just listened to Robbie on arsenalfantv about Lucas Perez. he is quite righh that Perez is angry. I would be. When he played he scored goals and set up goals what more do you want from a forward. I love this club but those at the top including Wenger should deal with players in a professional but friendly way. As Robbie said if the player thinks he is not wanted even though he has tried his heart out then why should he be loyal. Wenger says Alexis is going no where. I do not believ him look at the past with Fabregas, Robin etc. WENGER BE A MAN DO NOT LET OUR BEST PLAYERS GO AND DO NOT LET THEIR CONTRACTS GO DOWN TO 1 YEAR.

  16. Yes its Ron

    Jul 25, 2017, 14:19 #102749

    Marky - Man U have always paid massive salaries going back decades. They were the only Club with the big stadium to help them do it. City remain an enigma, i agree with you. My own view is that Guardiola wont succeed there if success is measured in titles and CL s. The very top marque players dont come to play here, be it Utd or whoever, they go abroad for the lifestyle and weather and why shdt they. Could you ever see Barca or Madrid buying Lukaku, esp at that daft price? I couldnt and hes not near worth it anyway. I dont think that idea of southern based training facilities will take off too much. Clubs thought of it because foreign players want easy access home from London and to live there. Its shows how shallow and ill informed and ignorant many of them are really and how Clubs will pamper them. To be honest, i think the supporters of Clubs in the North would react badly to some guy who never goes to the ground unless its to play on a Saturday etc. The Clubs will be mindful of that. Footballs all a bit sick making glittery superstars out of most of these players who arent that good in truth. Siggurdson ffs, talk of 50 Mill value? if hes what 50 Mill gets you these days, the 150 Mill to 200 Mill fees arent far off for game changing players. Where will Arsenal be in that environment? Madness. Glad i dont subscribe to football these days. The day the PL s rotten stinking bubble bursts will be a cause celeb in itself in my view.

  17. markymark

    Jul 25, 2017, 13:24 #102748

    Having attended the recent AISA get together it is my sincere belief that Gazidis wants to win the title. I suspect somewhere down the line Kronke does to. There was no line about how difficult it was or indeed how we could not financially cope. Where I part ways is that a majority of the board and Kronke think one more heave will do it. Sadly I highly suspect they will be denied again. The question is what happens then? Apparently they are deeply analysing the failure or fall away of last season. What will the analysis come up with next season? If that answer is Wenger needs to announce his retirement from Arsenal then I'm actually reasonably happy with the board. Anything else will I suspect cause real resentment and a boiling rage that won't be easily capped off. At that point something is likely to occur anyway. If anything the power is shifting South. Top northern clubs are looking at holding coaching facilities in the South of England. If you look at Man U have a tough job bringing in players without paying enormous salaries. At the moment I'm not over impressed by City's purchases either .

  18. Yes its Ron

    Jul 25, 2017, 11:30 #102747

    Hi Bard - absolutely true mate. On the button there you are. The powers that be are either delusional in that they seriously and honestly think they are a truly big player in the game, or they are so gripped in the web of spin theyve spun for so long that theyre now simply just utter liars. I suspect its some where in between. Its almost as if theyre fully aware of the clubs historic standing and status in the game but are embarrassed to accept that our station is no long what it was. Theyre a bit like an aristocratic owner of a sprawling mansion who cant afford to keep up the imagery and have to concede to letting the National Trust manage things and let the great unwashed in to make some money to maintain the imagery of power and wealth. They are dishonest as you say. Arsenal are in truth a medium to large ish Club now and as such should behave as one and address their fans honestly, welcome such things as the Europa Cup etc and encourage the fans to think similarly. They built that stadium and the game changed at the same time which made building it a white elephant in many respects. Theyre irked and bitter about it. Arsenal need to grow up and stop behaving like a petulant teenage girl so that we can all move on, them included.

  19. Bard

    Jul 25, 2017, 9:59 #102746

    Ron/Cyril; I wouldnt take issue with too much of what you have written but the problem is that this is not the image the club like to spin. Remember Ivan's famous quote of 'being off the shoulder of the bigger clubs'. They have peddled this lie to enable them to fleece the fans by charging the highest prices and promising that the leans years were coming to an end. This is at the heart of the dissatisfaction among fans. If the club were just honest and transparent then it would all be much easier to swallow.

  20. Yes its Ron

    Jul 25, 2017, 9:39 #102745

    Hi Cyril- I hear all that you say my friend and youre right AFC remains a very relevant Club and our honours list is excellent and proud as you quite rightly say. Yr right too that the present developments happening particularly on football ownership this last 10 years is the feature thats driving Arsenal towards a slightly lesser prominence than they would like. The fact is that we cant contend with the Citys Chelseas and Utds now and whatever we say about the Manager, he has to work with that. I would ask you though if you think, our last 6 years or so would have been allowed to have happened unchecked by the Boards at City, Chelsea, Utd ? I dont think it would for one minute and its this that makes us a Club with lesser horizons, lesser intent and a more diluted football culture than the big North West giants in particular. We remains the grandest London Club of course we do, but we have to be honest here Cyril, London football Clubs have never had a recognisable place at the games top table of Clubs. The Euro record of London Clubs is on the whole pretty mediocre given the number of Clubs and the size of the place plus money historically in the City, improved of course now by Chelsea's CL win a few yrs back. Its these kind of factors that makes a 'big' now, tho 'big' is a fairly nebulous definition of a football Club. Those 2 NW powerhouses in football have a very driven and demanding following too. Arsenal and all of the London Clubs in my experience do not and its this that shapes things for them to a great extent. I say all of this fully in the knowledge that Liverpool have never won a PL title of course but in the greater scheme of things i dont think it lessens their status as bigger in football than AFC are. Respect to you Cyril, as ever.

  21. TonyEvans

    Jul 25, 2017, 8:31 #102744

    Instead of this pathetic, heard it all before, posturing over Sanchez we would all have far more respect for the club if they just got on with recruiting a quality replacement and then selling him to the highest bidder, which we all know they are going to do anyway - but not until it is too late to replace him properly! Other than that we are still waiting for the deadwood, fire sale clear out, and for one or two more quality purchases to add some much needed steel to the side. Could be a long wait!

  22. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Jul 25, 2017, 8:25 #102743

    I'm bracing myself for the following all too familiar scenario- 1. No more signings. 2. Sanchez to be sold very late in August. 3. After losing 1-0 at home to Leicester Wenger will reveal the squad aren't ready due to the long distances travelled in pre-season. 4. The starting line up against Leicester to include Gibbs, Walcott, Giroud etc. 5. Wenger to reveal how close he was to signing x,y and z etc etc we all know the score. Everyone bar Wenger knows the squad needs culling of its dead wood and cowards and replace them with 4-5 proven quality signings....and that's just to stand still. Sadly for us the cosy, comfy, snug, smug culture at Arsenal doesn't allow room for the ruthlessness needed to turn us into a genuine, title-contending football team and never will under this regime

  23. mbg

    Jul 24, 2017, 20:58 #102742

    TOF is talking big and brave again (something he is good at)with the latest Sanchez is not for sale, keeping himself right and absolving himself of all blame (something he's an absolute expert at) when he is sold, no doubt with TOF's grubby fingerprints all over it. wenger out.

  24. John F

    Jul 24, 2017, 20:18 #102741

    I read today that Wenger blocked Lyon from signing Giroud which makes me think that his make do plan if Sanchez is sold and Lemar does not come is to push Lacazette wide and play Giroud up front.He would also have the added bonus of balancing the books for Wiggy.

  25. Cyril

    Jul 24, 2017, 19:43 #102740

    Ron, flip the page and have a look at my response.

  26. Yes its Ron

    Jul 24, 2017, 16:41 #102738

    Agree with GR. Chamberlain is half decent but i wouldn't waste time getting in drawn out bargaining over him on those figures as he simply isnt worth it. Hes gone as is Sanchez. Lets face it, Ox is borderline 'deadwood' in an Arsenal context, not quite Willy and Wally grade deadwood, but hes nearly there the way hes going. His body language has been poor for a while. As you say Kev, Conte is likely to get more mileage out of him assuming they keep him on the pitch long enough. We have to accept that Arsenal arent at the same race as Chelsea and MC. Those Clubs in truth could have any Arsenal player they set upon to buy.

  27. Bard

    Jul 24, 2017, 16:25 #102737

    Good post Kev. I havent seen the games either and frankly wouldnt have bothered even if they were on Sky. Our transfer dealings have been chaotic for a long while and as there is no change in structure why should it be different. The key element as far as I can see is posturing. The club need to cover their arses and avoid too much of a backlash from disgruntled fans hence all the blather about Sanchez , the Ox and others. The other problems are Wenger not being willing to pay market rates and dithering over buying. Both of these problems have dogged our transfer policy for years. If he sells Sanchez early for say £50m he will have to pay over the odds for the next purchase.Much of what we do in the transfer market will depend on what kind of performance we put in against Chelsea in the Community Shield. Expect a trolley dash if we get tonked and the opposite if we dont. Frankly it really doesnt matter too much who we buy, neither of the two purchases so far are game changers to my mind just solid players. The way the big clubs are shaping up we are looking at a battle for 5th or 6th place at best. At least we have our values er er....

  28. mbg

    Jul 24, 2017, 15:57 #102736

    I see TOF is back slabbering about players being tapped up and how we've fought against it for twenty years (how jolly brave and up standing of him) he then raves on about how you can't stop agents having lunch, dinner with directors etc, it's still happening, then in his next breath he says after he was asked if he's ever met with Mbappe and his family, he insisted he's done nothing wrong, of course you haven't you weasel, I suppose you were talking about the price of carrots you f*****g hypocrite. We want wenger out.

  29. GoonerRon

    Jul 24, 2017, 15:04 #102735

    I completely agree we need a central midfielder (we have been linked with William Carvalho again today). If Ox wants £200k per week then sell him. He hasn't consistently showed enough top quality form to justify it in my opinion.