Alexis Sanchez will have to hand in a transfer request to get a move

Arsene Wenger will only sanction sale of ‘injured’ Chilean if he can save face

Alexis Sanchez will have to hand in a transfer request to get a move

Earn more than I do? You’re having a laugh!

It’s a game of high stakes poker at Arsenal until the transfer window shuts, and you can be certain Alexis Sanchez won’t be making a first team appearance until his situation is resolved.

The club’s challenge for the Premier League, in a season with no Champions League distraction, is dependent on at the very least having as strong a squad as last season. For those who fancy a wager on a tilt at the title, you can see the best betting sites at, and the manager's press conference utterings indicate he certainly fancies his chances. Then again, his proclamations about the chances of his side have been stated regularly in the past and turned out to be hot air once the run-in appears on the horizon.

But his eternal optimism is dependent on Sanchez making a contribution, for which reason, he is willing to let the player go on a free next summer. It might be bad for the balance books, but for once, Wenger seems less concerned with that area, perhaps a clue that he himself believes the time will come for him to hang up his zip-coat in 2019. It is also confirmation that Wenger has total power when it comes to decisions on the playing staff, regardless of what Ivan Gazidis may say about it being a collaborative process.

Having made so many proclamations about Sanchez going nowhere, the manager can only justify his departure if the player publicly expresses his desire to depart. Naturally, the fee for the Chilean would be healthy enough to buy a high profile replacement, such as Thomas Lemar, Julian Draxler or Riyad Mahrez, although all would need time to settle in to the Arsenal team and for the first two, a new league. Arsenal may be in good shape for 2018-19 without Sanchez if they can secure his replacement now, but for the immediate season his loss would be a definite handicap.

Conversations between the player and the manager have made the situation clear for both sides, and the ball is now in Sanchez’s court. For the player himself, remaining a further year in North London wouldn’t be the worst decision. He would miss out on a wage rise that would benefit him an extra £7 or £8 million, but he’d get a lot more than that as a signing on fee as a free agent in 2018. Mesut Ozil is probably of the same mind, with an eye on a move to one of the big Turkish clubs. The only reason he would remain at Arsenal is the comfortable life he enjoys in London and the bigger wages. Certainly, there are no suitors currently who will pay anywhere near what the club would ask for him. And Wenger will see him as part of the jigsaw that could bring the team a first title in 13 seasons.

So, assuming Sanchez does not hand in a transfer request, there is every chance that Lacazette and Kolasinac will be the extent of Arsenal’s summer transfer window buying.

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  1. mbg

    Aug 22, 2017, 11:34 #103321

    Don't you just love these photos staged for the cameras, I bet it was an Arsenal photographer from TOF's spin department who took it, who are these people trying to kid ? no need to answer. wenger out.

  2. Yes its Ron

    Aug 21, 2017, 10:31 #103261

    However its done, Arsenal are selling AS. Hes a high priced asset whos value will diminish over the next yr to 18 mths so the right time from a business decision perspective is now so that Arsenal can maximise their returns on such sales. The immediate effect on the pitch isnt important. Thats curable over time. Fans opinions arent relevant. Arsenal don t really care too much about that but the charade of ' we re keeping him' will be maintained so to massage the impression and perception that football is priority. Wake up lads.

  3. mbg

    Aug 21, 2017, 0:45 #103247

    markymark, if by some miracle we'd have scored in that time the waster would have been out of his hole, skinny wrists pumping in celebration with his usual pathetic grin like it was all part of his team talk or strategy. wenger out now.

  4. markymark

    Aug 20, 2017, 13:03 #103233

    The line of workers formed in rows. Dresses in identical blue boiler suits wooden clogs, red neckerchief and blue caps they waited for the announcement. Then over the Tannoy. "Oh mighty workers of Wengonia, we have achieved a mighty victory within a strategic defeat at our mortal enemy's stronghold in Stoke. Rejoice in our defeat for victory will soon be ours! One of the workers, Brian thought back to the days before Wengonia. The Vicarage the pretty parishioner's wife and the missing roof fund. But now he was a better man. Purified by 13 years of quarter rations and empty cupboards. He was now indoctrinated. As he pondered this a hand suddenly grabbed his fellow worker who had a tattoo of TAOW on his forehead. Brian gulped as he wondered what political crime had this newbie committed? Had his devotion to the great leader been called into question?

  5. markymark

    Aug 20, 2017, 9:15 #103225

    A number of papers running with the story of Wengers 15 minute disappearing act. If he can't set the right example to the troops it's obvious what the result will be. Led by an arrogant coward what can we expect.

  6. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 20, 2017, 8:10 #103224

    With apologies to the late Robin Williams and other devotees of that mediocre 70s programme "Mork and Mindy"...Orc calling Arsene, Orc calling Arsene...swing low sweet chariot, you old has been! We beat you when we were wrestlers with Charlie Adam, Whelan and Huth and now proved we can beat you with a second rate bunch of technical d-listers. Can we play you every week old man given that we are also relegation fodder? We want you to stay at that miserable cock-er-nee club forever because it means we can laugh relentlessly at you and all the poor b*stards/tourists that support the club, esp people like badarse and TOOAW...Phew, I feel better now.

  7. Alsace

    Aug 20, 2017, 7:45 #103223

    The first of the six losses we need to make sure of losing the league. My partner, who only came to watch in the last decade, spent the entire time listening to the radio commentary, sarcastically highlighting the habitual errors of an Arsenal team. It would have made me laugh, but the commentators were doing the same thing. Wenger is a joke. Just not a very funny one.

  8. mbg

    Aug 20, 2017, 0:34 #103222

    Cyril, where have you been for the last eight years plus that you even have to ask that ? well don't bother answering that as we have a a very good idea my friend. You couldn't f*****g make it up. wenger out now.

  9. mbg

    Aug 20, 2017, 0:24 #103221

    I refer you to my post 109028 on gooner survey Pt 1 that two of wengers bidet polishers loved,it's starting to set in already, tee hee. Go now wenger you useless f*****g waste of space. wenger out.

  10. John F

    Aug 19, 2017, 23:45 #103219

    Sad to see once great teams decline as far as they have the West Indies and Arsenal.As today proved with the current team and bizarre manager we are what we are an upper mid table team fighting it out for 6th place with an emerging Everton side.Ozil was so invisible today that you wonder if he is coached by the ghost of H G Wells.Can anyone explain why he chose to play three defenders out of position in front of a past it goalkeeper who has never been the same since he started wearing a hat.Bad defending says Wenger a week after he said the bad defending of last week was fixable.I am glad he is not a plumber it would be like inviting Frank Spencer into your house.

  11. Paulward

    Aug 19, 2017, 22:58 #103218

    Tilt at the title? Hilarious. If Sanchez goes they won't finish in the top six

  12. Bard

    Aug 19, 2017, 22:51 #103217

    Defensive error, now thats unusual !! Where have I seen that before. Still every cloud has a sliver lining, shopping trolley dash on its way, expect a signing or two before the window closes. If he doesnt he might easily be out of a job by Christmas. As others have said what kind of back line was that. Liverpool up next, not looking good for the great one.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 19, 2017, 22:39 #103216

    Taking the two games together, I estimate Leics and Stoke had a combined 5 chances and scored a total of 4 goals. But that's not wengo's fault/responsibility is it? After all, he's only been there 21 years, picked all the players and the backroom team and established his own so-called structure and set of values. A shower of sh*t.

  14. KC38

    Aug 19, 2017, 22:15 #103215

    Cyril - Wenger does not have it at all! Its going to get worse and turn nasty. He has to go, sadly I want him to experience the anger and abuse, he is not a nice human being arrogant, greedy in bed with an arsehole of an owner, no principles and no respect for the fans, a man that cannot handle criticism, worse of all a total dictator. This club requires a total makeover but we have fans that seem to enjoy mediocrity.

  15. Cyril

    Aug 19, 2017, 20:43 #103214

    The point of playing 3 is that you have a better defensive make up. What did he allow the team to do, the same as he has done for ten years and that is allow his players to go roaming about aimlessly. The wing backs have defensive duties as well. I don't know what to say to this. YOU MUST BE GOOD BALL PLAYERS IN THIS FORMATION. They couldn't trap a sandbag today. I must stop before I blow. Wenger, do you really have it in you anymore my friend. Do you ?

  16. KC38

    Aug 19, 2017, 20:31 #103213

    The starting line up: Two full backs at central defence, a right back at left back, no holding midfielder, a no 10 that does not score enough goals, in Welbeck and Walcott players that have poor ball control and miss chances on a regular basis. Hence we done exactly that. One player in the starting line up you would call a genuine goal threat and we sub him when we are 1 down. You end up getting what you pay for and sadly our manager has become very poor in the transfer market even when spending big. He whines about missed chances but its all been seen for seasons, he whines about a poor goal and yet it happens week after week, no one taken to task at the holiday camp called Arsenal.

  17. Hi Berry

    Aug 19, 2017, 20:03 #103212

    Well, you could argue that we created enough chances to win that game (nothing new there) and you could argue that Lacazette's goal should have stood (where did giving benefit of the doubt to the attacking side go?), but most of all you could argue that Theo Walcott's impact on the game was slightly less impressive than the skin of a rice pudding had it been substituted in his place. Anyway, my new stance on supporting Arsenal is that I expect no more of them than I did throughout the majority of the seventies and eighties - a cup win here and there maybe and an occasional stab at the title should the wind be blowing in the right direction. Deep breath, two, three, four and exhale.

  18. KC38

    Aug 19, 2017, 19:58 #103211

    This club deserves all it gets. We have spent around 30mill net its getting worse year on year. Another transfer mess, a club that allows such power to one individual will end sinking lower and lower history proves that. The men at the top cannot see the club have started a dangerous slide, the footballing decisions are almost impossible to believe, the same failures on the pitch churned out again and again, the same defence weaknesses, the same ordinary midfield. Liverpool away next week! Wenger calls for fans to unite, well Wenger provide a proper team, you fool its your repetitive decisions that cause the anger and dismay. The premiership has money, to beat the average teams especially away you require a well disciplined team set up sprinkled with class offensive players, we are lacking in both areas. All the best sides contain a destructive holding midfielder but we buy Xhaka because he pick a pass! we don't need a pass we need a ball winner who loves defending, rant over just so fuc**** frustrated, and two more years unless the fans really do revolt!

  19. markymark

    Aug 19, 2017, 17:57 #103210

    Why has it taken the coward 15 minutes to emerge onto the dugout? Typical weakness from Wengo when up against vocal opposition

  20. Ham

    Aug 19, 2017, 15:14 #103207

    We all know that Wenger trying to play hardball is simply him waiting for City to up their offer from 60 million to a much more attractive and deal-cliching 60 million and one pound.

  21. Bard

    Aug 19, 2017, 14:46 #103206

    Frank its a bit of a mess for a change. My view is that this 'we wont sell' position is more bluff on Wenger's part. Im damn sure he will get rid of Sanchez if the right offer comes in. If he does Im not so sure he will spend it. It takes months for us to sort out even the most straightforward of deals and there is very little time left. It might all change of course if we get spanked by Stoke. One's mind goes back to the Ozil transfer after a poor start to the season. Either way it wont make much difference. I dont see us as top 4 left alone title challengers.

  22. mbg

    Aug 19, 2017, 14:27 #103205

    I'ts high stakes poker alright with the player/Sanchez again holding all the aces, thanks to, and because of, the old incompetent past it manager being bluffed all over the place, why should Sanchez hand in a transfer request, as I said he has all the aces, the wrinkly weasel has got/allowed himself to get into this position yet again and will hold on just long enough spouting just what his AKB luvvies want to hear how he tried his best (my arse) but will blink first when it comes to it and Sanchez will be gone just like all the rest (so much for not being a selling club anymore) and good luck to him, and the AKB's will have bought their messiah's bullshyte yet again and will be hailing him for doing all he could. wenger out now.