Blog - Is Wenger dementing?

Is Arsenal’s 67-year-old manager losing his marbles?

Blog - Is Wenger dementing?

Dementia is defined as a syndrome affecting the higher functions of the brain. There are a number of different causes. Memory loss alone, is not sufficient to diagnose dementia. There is an impact on daily functioning related to a decline in the ability to judge, think, plan and organise. There is often a change in behaviour such as emotional volatility, irritability, and apathy.

I pose this tongue in cheek question as a long time Gooner. Over the many seasons I have witnessed a deteriorating ability of Arsène Wenger to make reasonable judgments. There have also been a trend for paranoid statements which border on the unprofessional or irrational.

Take for instance these statements by Wenger -

“I am sorry I am still here! I can understand that you want to kill me but at the moment, I survive.”

“I watch many games on TV — but I take the comments with a distance and a perspective. I know how to separate the emotional from the objective and can understand what makes sense and what does not.”

"The first trophy is to finish in the top four”

Reasonable and balanced at first reading and even allowing either for a sense of humour or sarcasm, it is the contradiction in some other statements that allow us to be able to question his apparent declining ability to reason rationally.

These contradictions go to the heart of my suggestion. As stated above, in diagnosing a trend towards dementia I am hoping that you can agree with the medical assertion that,

“There is an impact on daily functioning related to a decline in the ability to judge, think, plan and organise. There is often a change in behaviour such as emotional lability, irritability, and apathy.”

The possible evidence comes from the lips of Arsène Wenger, as delivered in his press conferences and post match interviews. Over the seasons Arsène Wenger has made odd judgments, bizarre substitutions and frankly ridiculous contradictions. Some accuse Wenger of being a liar as well. The main thing that should worry Stan Kroenke our owner, is the current stance over the futures of Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil.

In my recent blog Is Wenger’s player contract handling incompetent? I said the following:

“It is rumoured that Arsène Wenger has been told by Stan Kroenke that in order to have his continued support, he needs to win the Premier League or Champions League in the next two seasons. I can see no prospect of this happening if we allow our best players to leave on a Bosman, or be sold to our direct rivals.”

Now having lost against Stoke City and about to face a resurgent Liverpool, the club’s prospects for league success even this early in the season is damaged by being already several points behind current leaders Manchester United. This assessment is based upon the lethargic performance of Ozil against Stoke City. Undoubted quality yes, but he is already pulling out of 50:50 challenges and appears to be conserving his energy for international matches.

Last season Arsène Wenger was asked if the uncertainty over his contract was affecting Ozil’s performances. He replied:

“I honestly don’t know but I hope not… When I speak about mental test it is to perform, no matter what the circumstances are around you. Is that an influence? I’d say I hope not.”

Yet after failing to make the top four he stated:

"Psychologically the atmosphere was absolutely horrendous. It has been difficult, yes, and certainly my personal situation has contributed to that but you can never question my professionalism or commitment."

Arsène Wenger’s performance as our manager against Stoke City was lamentable bordering upon the ridiculous. The prospect of another two years of this frustration is already too long. Now it seems that before the transfer window ends Gooners will be victims of more failing plans, poor organisation and the kind of panic buying or selling that followed the 8-2 defeat by Manchester United at Old Trafford in 2011. Wenger has now signalled his intention to sell players…

“I expect to sell players first. We have too many players. It is not manageable. Many clubs are in this situation - that is why the transfer market is quiet… we have 33 players at the moment. We have too many players.”

However he also appears to want to inflict over a hundred million pounds of losses on Arsenal Football club by holding onto Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil. Could this see the Ox and Hector Bellerin leaving? We have sold Gabriel but kept hold of Per Mertesacker. The transfer dealings will probably see Alexis Sanchez leaving for Chelsea after PSG’s offers were turned away. We currently have an overpaid squad with clear Wenger favourites. Yet a playing performance that is flat, unimaginative and wholly predictable.

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  1. TOOAW

    Aug 23, 2017, 22:14 #103376

    Ex. It's a struggle to find a footballing comment that you have posted over time. Argumentative persons on here have been cruelly denied but your agenda is the right side of the fence so long may you continue to post your drivel and cynical bs. Ta da.

  2. Exeter Ex

    Aug 23, 2017, 8:48 #103347

    TOOAW - like being called a lying hypocrite by Badarse, it's richly ironic to be told I don't make factual comments by a person that can barely string a sentence together. But then what do reasoning and logic matter when you have faith, right? You and jonny are doing Good Works in the name of St Arsene by fighting against the unbelievers on here. What does it matter that it's babbling incoherence.

  3. Wrinkly Voyeur

    Aug 22, 2017, 23:22 #103344

    well....errrrrr....overall you still leetle beet belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve? pffffmwwwaaaaahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!

  4. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 22, 2017, 22:53 #103342

    TOOAW. Are you seriously suggesting that jonny3110's post is better than all 'The Great Badarse's' posts over the last few years? Surely not. And aren't YOU Irish?

  5. TOOAW

    Aug 22, 2017, 20:58 #103336

    jonny3110. For me the best post on here for several years but it will fall into an agenda in which most on here thrive on. Your post sums up the way you feel and for which you are entitled to a voice and an opinion. Unfortunately, the thick paddy has other views. He can belittle you but vice versa is not an existence. Ignorance is bliss and then maguire turns up. Stick to your guns fella. Take Exeter Gooner (please do) is always defensive on his comments and never really puts any factual comments together and then blames others for his exchanges which deliver eff all. Great post again jonny3110

  6. mbg

    Aug 22, 2017, 18:01 #103330

    jonny3110, as we're all able to read it wrong again from an AKB luvvie, 3110 ? I thought one size Condom fitted all. wenger out.

  7. Yes its Ron

    Aug 22, 2017, 17:09 #103328

    'hatred' is an oft routinely used word but used far too much, by far too many in life jonny. Lots of realistic criticism on here granted (and some garbage too) but i dont see much 'hatred' really. I don't think you do in truth either, just many at the other end of the spectrum to you.

  8. jonny3110

    Aug 22, 2017, 14:58 #103325

    Disgusting article by a rag that has turned into an all out Wenger Out manifesto. I used to buy this always in the 90s on match day and complimented by views of being a fan - expecting us to compete and always wanting the best for the club, but also being realistic. I even wrote some articles on here back in the day. Since the launch of the forum and the aggressive posters and contributors all seeing Wenger as the only issue (he is in no way above criticism btw and has MANY faults, but articles like this are a joke) this place is now just a breeding ground of hatred for him and the players alike. Shame on you Kevin and the rest. Doubt this even makes the posts as doesn't fit the agenda!

  9. Cyril

    Aug 22, 2017, 12:35 #103324

    Hi Ron, great stuff again. You should put up an article on here. It seems to me after analysis thus: He has a contract to keep the financial balance. He has a contract to entertain the masses. The PL is awash with money and from a fan perspective, his gravitas pull is now nullified as anyone can now attract top players. So he has tactical nous. Well he doesn't seem to be ahead in that dept anymore. If he can't organise a team to play two systems competently, what does he have left?. I can only believe that it is that we are the PL circus act. 'That's entertainment' .

  10. Gunner Rob

    Aug 22, 2017, 12:11 #103323

    Peter Wain - you are looking at things from the point of view of the supporter aiming to win the league. Wenger and the club are not. They are looking to maximise profits whilst still trying to be competitive enough to try and sneak a top 4 place. If you think otherwise then you are deluded.

  11. peter wain

    Aug 22, 2017, 11:41 #103322

    ignoring the debate about our manager's mental state we desperately need some quality players. We need a quality centre half and a quality holding midfield player. Nothing else matters but improving the squad. The reason we have 33 professionals in our first team squad is because the manager bought a lot of sub standard players and over paid them. It is not a reason not to buy but it might be a reason not to give any more money to a manager whose judgement has been shown to be flawed.

  12. Robert Exley

    Aug 22, 2017, 10:17 #103319

    I've been a long term critic of some of Wenger's way of doing things for years now, but I think criticism has to be a bit more constructive than musing whether someone is demented or not. On the defamation issue, I know a bit about it having studied Law. I'd highly doubt whether Wenger would bother contacting his lawyers. But aside from that, though you've said it's your honest opinion based upon the statements made in public, I doubt that your medically qualified enough to assess whether someone is demented or not (unless of course you are actually a medical health professional).

  13. Yes its Ron

    Aug 22, 2017, 9:56 #103318

    i hear you Big Andy and dont disagree, to a point. A better Coach at AFC would get greater mileage from even this squad i think and we ve seen AW overlook good and fair priced players for yrs. I do think the Leics thing though is a bit of a red herring when used as an eg that success can be got cheaply. I enjoyed it as i lived nr Leics for yrs and have many friends there, but in truth everything sat up perfectly for them. The season, the poor other Clubs etc and im pretty sure there must have been many moons and planets aligning benignly to aid the Foxes in their quest, fantastic as it was. I do take yr point though i also think Arsenal do need 3 or 4 stellar players purchasing to really lift their bar and they dont come at moderate prices now. Again, i use the eg of Everton. Astute buys there have occurred under a determined and very able Coach but they still wont break top 4 in my view.

  14. Yes its Ron

    Aug 22, 2017, 9:43 #103317

    GET WENGER OUT - AGREED. Im not defending SK or AW staying there. youre a bit late arriving on the shift the owner argument. During all of the demos and chat on here about them last season i advocated the view that shifting SK was more important than hounding AW. I was shouted down loudly on here saying the target should always be AW and SK later. I didnt agree then and dont now. What im saying ow is that we have SKs model and the fans are stuck with it. Hes no reason to sell and wont while hes coining it. The fans have the antidote to that. Stop going! They ll carry on going because as ive said the large majority are happy with AFC and the way it is. End of.

  15. Mathews

    Aug 22, 2017, 9:24 #103316

    Not sure about dementia, but Wenger has had a major role in this stagnation. The club has accepted the mediocrity crept in and mid-table lows are going to be our future. To make matters worse, Spurs are on a rise with a new and young manager. We lost Lloris and Wanyama while regularly featuring in CL spots, still couldnt attract them. As someone rightly said, Wenger is an old dog and he isnt going to learn any new tricks. Good luck to the team against Liverpool, thats all we can wish for now.

  16. mbg

    Aug 22, 2017, 2:09 #103315

    Paulward, yes indeed, maybe these players should take him (wenger) to court and sue him, he'd have cases hanging over him and be fighting them for the rest of his miserable life. we want wenger out.

  17. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 22, 2017, 1:34 #103314

    Perry. Agree with you. The same could be said of Arsene Wenger too.

  18. Cyril

    Aug 21, 2017, 22:46 #103313

    I want to know why he has waited to tell us now about trimming his squad. And how will he offload 5 or so players this week. Jack got sent off tonight in petulance. I'd probably keep him however. It's a mess folks!

  19. Perryashburtongroves

    Aug 21, 2017, 22:29 #103312

    Dementia or not, he's got a clear case of narcissistic personality disorder. He is the centre of everything in his own mind. He is completely unable to see something which is not completely in line with what he thinks or sees. Everything has to be about him.

  20. TOOAW

    Aug 21, 2017, 21:37 #103311

    A little bit low Rocky. Your intelligence is better than this post. Personally, I can see what you are trying to say but it could have been said in a much better manner. But for another two pennece worth. I have read many times on here and the forum that the manager is the cancer of the club which genuinely insults others and you know who you are. Hatred one thing. Millwall fans intelligence another to our great club which some want back!!!!

  21. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 21, 2017, 21:25 #103310

    In economic news today the governor of the bank of England explained that due to inflationary pressure two pennyworth - and especially any tupennies belonging to a certain tortoise-human hybrid called rev badarse - are absolutely worthless.

  22. markymark

    Aug 21, 2017, 21:06 #103309

    One of the things that came out of the AISA meeting was that a full post Mortem was taking place . No one including me thought to ask whether this would be published, however I presume it took place. Therefore will they accept a second bout of the same failure? Logic would say there's no point in carrying out the research otherwise .

  23. Big Andy

    Aug 21, 2017, 20:34 #103308

    @Ron: Recent results in the PL, La Liga and Bundesliga have proved that you DON'T have to spend a fortune to win major trophies. Athletico Madrid, Dortmund and even Leicester have all won their leagues despite being massively overspent by their competitors. And Athletico have also reached two Champions' League finals. But they all had managers who were extremely efficient at spending their resources. They also had managers who were tactically astute and were able to motivate their players to a high level. Wenger can do none of these things. A new manager coming in would not have to spend crazy money - but he would have to spend wisely. WE are in the "Moneyball" world now: you don't have to spend 200 million on a striker; you can get good quality if you look around and are prepared to develop. And remember, an Arsenal which are champions are far more marketable than perennial 4th placers. And Kroenke should bear in mind that his "business model" is not sustainable over the long run: another decade of this mediocrity and the stadium will be half-full every other Saturday.

  24. markymark

    Aug 21, 2017, 20:16 #103307

    What's very noticeable about this whole thread is that no one has come on the site to say Wengo's any good . It appears universal acceptance that he is crap. It's the why he is so crap that seems to be the question.

  25. Rocky the King

    Aug 21, 2017, 20:09 #103306

    @ Bard and BadArse, I have noted your comments which give food for thought. The juxtaposition of observations with analysis leads to hypothesis. I thought that given my own family tragedy that I would be able to present a reasoned tongue in cheek blog, I stress for entertainment. There was no malice or desire to distress people. I will reflect, but will it prevent me writing provocative blogs? Probably not as I feel that Arsenal Football Club insults us daily by their contempt for ordinary fans. The attitudes of Stan Kroenke with his Hunting Channel and the total absence of criticism from the club or Arsène Wenger was far worse in my opinion and proves that good people like you still give respect to those individuals who don't deserve it. However as a blogger, I respect those who take the time to read my blogs, I consider it a pleasure to have the attention of fellow Gooners for a few minutes of their day. this why I take the time to comment and reply on the comments I receive. I am looking forward to blogging more this season as 2016/7 was my annus horribilis, but thankfully I am still here to tell the tale. Arsenal til I die!


    Aug 21, 2017, 20:03 #103305

    GETWENGEROUT - I totally agree this is not a clever model for a club to follow either financially or "on the sporting side". Ron is correct inasmuch the Arsenal model only works in the unique world that is London. However, there must be a limit to the attractiveness of a stale product that contrasts poorly with the fare produced by Spurs & Chelsea yesterday. Tourists could eventually realise they are being conned. As to the "madness" of King Wenger, OGLis undoubtedly well past his sell-by, deluded & won't get better - unlike George 3rd. ****storm approaching?

  27. mbg

    Aug 21, 2017, 19:11 #103304

    Well he did forget where the dressing room door was on Saturday, and obviously somebody has bowed his new tie for him as it's a hell of a lot bigger than usual, and he has a lot of carers, bathroom attendants, and bidet polishers. wenger out.


    Aug 21, 2017, 18:49 #103302

    @YES ITS RON, The club reflects the ownership. It is really as simple that!! If arsenal had an owner like say Usmanov wenger would have ling been sacked. This is not Brain surgery. Or even a Arab owner. Americans who buy English clubs only see it as a long term investment. They are not willing to put in the money need to compete and win the big trophies as Kronke has exhibited or if you look at liverpool. Kroenke is an awful owner. He has no ambition to win the premier league if he did wenger would not have been offered a new contract. Wenger is never going to win the league again. Its not hard to work out so why offer him a new contract??? Until we get rid of Kroenke and wenger nothing is going to change. This stuff about modern model is nonsense. That is Kroenkes method. Arsenal will not move forward until that fol kronke sells up! His model does not work!!! How he turned down 1.2 billion no one will know!! Clearly using arsenal as leverage for his Inglewood stadium in LA for the LA rams. SMH

  29. Exeter Ex

    Aug 21, 2017, 18:46 #103301

    Badbum - shall we go through some examples of both of us manifesting one, some or all of those traits? I'll start: Just recently you stated you were no longer going to comment on OG... and then promptly carried on commenting. I put it that you lack the self-awareness to see how silly this makes you look. Your turn to cite an example by myself.

  30. Bob Bayliss

    Aug 21, 2017, 18:44 #103300

    The problem I have with suggesting that Wenger's relentless decline may be attributable to dementia is not so much that it is tasteless but more that it is probably not the case and so this risks making people feel sorry for him when he does not deserve them to. His decline is simply because the game has passed him by and he has been allowed to rely on long-past glories to justify his continued tenure. He is not demented and does not deserve a scrap of sympathy for his vanity and refusal to go with dignity.

  31. Bard

    Aug 21, 2017, 18:30 #103299

    Rocky; Im a fan of your posts mate but you got this one wrong. You cant be talking about people dementing, its too sensitive an issue. I get where youre coming from regarding Wenger not knowing what he's doing but your description of that state was a mistake.

  32. Badarse

    Aug 21, 2017, 18:24 #103297

    Eggman, how can I take your word for it when you are a lying hypocrite? You need to be aware of your pompous response and come down off that high horse-only westlower looked good up there-and stop acting like a pseudo-intellectual...who are United playing next?

  33. Exeter Ex

    Aug 21, 2017, 18:15 #103296

    Badarse - to answer your question, it is cleary worse to be accused of being demented, as if true there's nothing yo can do about that. You can dd something about lying, hypocrisy, pomposity and pseudo-intellectualism, if you have the self-awareness to recognise you're demonstrating these traits. On Wenger, I don't think he's demented, I just think he's become increasingly lost in arrogance and self-regard in his self-created Colney bubble as he ages. It's been a long time now since he's had to properly deal with reality outside of it. He does however display some awareness of his own inability to compete in his constant excuse making, promoting of 'values' over winning and being surrounded by yes men. He's does all this in full awareness of the need to shore up his power by means other than competing at the top, which he's incapable of.

  34. Bob Bayliss

    Aug 21, 2017, 18:11 #103295

    The problems might not be all of Wenger's making, but he epitomises the stagnation which eminates from the very top of the club. At any club with ambition he would have been gone at least 7 years ago.

  35. Alsace

    Aug 21, 2017, 17:42 #103294

    Its very easy to suggest that someone might have lost their marbles. I believe that our great and glorious leader is well aware of what he is doing. His behaviour is not redolent of dementia. There is another condition which is characterised by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a differing outcome. This is called Wenger's syndrome. He is now not only a cult, but a condition. The members of the cult experience the same condition.

  36. Badarse

    Aug 21, 2017, 17:33 #103292

    My two pennyworth. I think we exist in a strange world where every thought can be tossed over and turned inside out. I believe that in the urge to make amends for much in terms of insensitivity, we have swung violently to and fro. I sympathise with any who have had a loss in the family, whether from dementia or otherwise. I do not know Rocky but would back him as a 'good guy' in my limited knowledge. I think some things written are ill-judged, I do that interminably, but they are simple words written with no real malice. I too have lost a family member through this tragic illness-I don't even share Rocky's view of Arsene Wenger, but I believe him to be a sincere man and would defend him. I really liked Petrocelli, (add him to the list SKG), but he had a big nose. Sorry people with a large Schnozzle, (Ahh SKG, dear old Jimmy, another one missed, ha ha). By the way, what's worse? To suggest of perhaps showing symptoms of having dementia, or being accused of being a hypocrite, a liar, pompous, a pseudo-intellectual, or worst of all a Moan U fan.

  37. Moscowgooner

    Aug 21, 2017, 16:06 #103290

    Pretty tasteless article - and I am very much in the Wenger Out camp. Not dementia: he has simply lost his touch - too many years stuck in the same job. But the real culprit is Kroenke here anyway: he could have nudged (or bundled) Wenger into leaving on a high after the Cup Final. It showed a total lack of imagination to give him a two year extension, and without any changes in structure and set up being imposed as a condition.

  38. Paulward

    Aug 21, 2017, 15:55 #103289

    Ron Saw a quote from Xhaka describing himself as a " number 6" or a defensive playmaker whereas Wenger saw him as a box to box midfielder last season apparently.Why can't he tell him to just sit in front of the defence and do what Gilberto used to do ? Can't be that difficult surely.

  39. Rocky the King

    Aug 21, 2017, 14:59 #103288

    @ GoonerRon See my last comment, I have experienced the horror that is dementia close hand, many carers could tell you of how without a loving family, the NHS plays lip service to this dreadful disorder. What it must be like for single carers without an extended family GOK... As for Petrocelli, an American legal drama if wiki is to be believed, with the lawyer pulling out a dramatic late piece of evidence or exposing a contradiction in order to win his case. You are entitled to your opinion, but my honest opinion is an expression of free speech, despite your hope that I should be sued by Arsène Wenger. The blog is neither libellous nor disrespectful to the illness unless your experience has been very painful due to the lack of community care in the NHS. I have apologised sincerely to Reality Cech for any distress nonetheless as it is never my inclination to cause my readership distress.

  40. markymark

    Aug 21, 2017, 14:40 #103287

    Well it's an interesting conundrum whether to speculate on health. It's generally considered to be Ill mannered yet from the Middle Ages through to present day royalty whole panels of individuals spend at least some point in every year planning over succession and reviewing the health. The Kings Stool servant!?! Declaring dementia is a strong line likely to cause upset and a reflection of our own fears as it really is becoming a blight of the modern age. Perhaps the dropping of this contentious comment might have helped anyway I'm a bit of a hypocrite as I'd happily devour an article on Trumps mental well being. The thing is you basically can't treat an old dog new tricks. If we want a title challenge he has to go. Whether he's declining mentally I'm not so sure.

  41. Rocky the King

    Aug 21, 2017, 14:23 #103286

    @ Reality Cech, Big Andy, I have taken on board the points that you have responded with. Talking about any illness is controversial and I can only apologise to Reality Cech for his distress. I can empathise to a degree. However in your desire to berate me as cocky, ill informed and uncaring I wish to share with you that I too lost a close relative (my Gran) in July of this year to dementia, and believe me when you see how a person cannot turn into a shadow of their former existence and literally become a stranger to you from their perspective, it is very painful. Ok not the same as a father, I can see that, but very emotional and distressing nonetheless. The additional aspects of the illness in it's terminal stages cannot be written down here for reasons of decency. It is an illness that quite rightly is getting increased publicity, but I do not believe that my blog is disrespectful in that regard apart perhaps from the headline referring to Marbles, for which I apologise for the flippancy. I have found however that resorting to humour even black humour, helps me deal with my loss. I do not believe that this article was disrespectful to sufferers of dementia, and I stand by my blog which was difficult to write given my tragedy in my family. I have no wish to trade comments back and forth as to which readers on here may have also lost loved ones. You can accuse me, but Reality, I feel no shame, only grief...

  42. Yes its Ron

    Aug 21, 2017, 14:18 #103285

    Big A - possible to have glory plus a fabulous cash revenue as you say but to have both it requires a very large investment in players a Coach to suit. A business man will ask why spend many millions to reach the top of the table when the rewards are only marginally better than the Club finishes 4th? Its no different to a Club like Newcastle wondering whether to spend multi millions to finish 8th rather than 15th? Is it ever worth it they ll ask. The Everton thing is a prime eg. Spending oodles of cash on 2nd/3rd grade players in the main but for what? To end up 5th instead of 7th? SK is no fool and moreover hes cdt give a hoot about pacifying the fans. He has his own highly paid lightening conductor of the flak in AW to do that. He gets a safe return yes, but 'safe' is highly rewarding for him flowing from a small outpost of his business empire. A new Coach will HAVE to buy into the business thinking of the owner or he ll not be the new Coach. Easy. Wenger is a rare bird in having done it so willingly and SK knows it, hence AW will be kept and guarded by SK unless and until SKs reputation becomes deeply scarred by doing so.

  43. GoonerRon

    Aug 21, 2017, 14:02 #103283

    @ AKB - no idea who this Petrocelli is so unlikely to be a fantasy of mine. I stand by my point that no journalist would publish this story for fear of legal action. As for the rest, even if it's not libellous it is as worst in incredibly bad taste, as per the comment from Reality Cech.

  44. Big Andy

    Aug 21, 2017, 14:01 #103282

    Really interesting page here today. He's a couple of my thoughts: 1. Bang out of order to call Wenger 'demented'; I don't like the man but there's noting to suggested he has a brain problem. 2. The club doesn't have to be either well run or successful on the pitch - we can be both. The real tragedy of the current situation is that the owner is too incompetent to see that a better manager could get so much more out of the resources available at Arsenal. Kronke could placate the fans by winning major titles AND improve his profits. But the Yank is only interested in a safe return.

  45. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 21, 2017, 13:42 #103281

    Ron - An oxsey-moron perhaps, in both senses. Rocky - this echoes a piece in today's guardian so a number of people are rightly questioning his judgement and by extension his mental faculties. Still,at the very least,goonerron has had a chance to indulge his petrocelli fantasy. Gooner Ron as you so perspicaciously admit you're not a legal expert. The rest is best left unsaid.

  46. MAF

    Aug 21, 2017, 13:31 #103280

    acc to wenger the Guru, Players out of contract and want to leave the Club are more highly motivated than on a contract and in love wth the Club. cant wait,,,,,,,,,,cookoo cookoo

  47. Reality Cech

    Aug 21, 2017, 13:08 #103277

    Rocky, you can spout your clever clogs knowledge of the BBC code of conduct and prattle on about your experience in the medical profession, but as King Jeremy (post 109099)on the previous article quite rightly stated, until you have lived with this horrific condition affecting a loved one, you cannot understand the hurt this article causes. I lost my dad in February, a beautiful, powerful, clever man, destroyed in his final 15 years by dementia. Im getting upset just typing this. As a lifelong Gooner, I too am frustrated and bemused by the goings on out our once great club. I particularly loathe what Wenger has become and the seemingly irrational decisions he constantly makes regarding contract, tactics, team selection, transfers etc etc. In my opinion he is longer a very good football manager, he's a crap one and I cant wait for him to leave. But to start throwing questions about dementia around, you plumb a new depth. Quite simply, you are bang out of order. I genuinely and sincerely hope that you, and any other gooner reading this article never, ever have to lose a loved one to this unforgiving and brutal condition. Shame on you son.

  48. Yes its Ron

    Aug 21, 2017, 12:59 #103275

    paul - theres truth spoken there, tho Song had become a loose cannon off the pitch apparently and pleasing himself in training and when he trained etc etc . Most coaches would have bombed him out i guess. Xhaka seems an enigma doesn't he. Im not sure what he is really? Hes Ramseyesque. Its hard to to tell. A cross between Ox and Ramsey. An Oxsey? So many players this last 10 yrs have been hard to identify. I think AW has a vision of total football - Dutch type, tho instead of Cryff Neeskens Rep and Krol read Song, Oxsey, Hleb and Rosicky. If ever a concept was doomed to dismal failure in London its that one! Arsenal s team has long been an Arsene plaything, a figment of his philosophy and imagination. Im not sure total football could ever work in the PL even with latter day Dutch masters. At its root, its still a kick, rush, hammer, lunge and hack league. Im always surprised that Wenger never went and tried his hand at a good level Spanish or Dutch Club given the chance. He may have done well. I suppose the rewards here have kept him here. We ll never know.

  49. Paulward

    Aug 21, 2017, 12:39 #103274

    Problem is Wenger has ruined many of the good defensive players we have had, Alex Song was decent before he started believing he was Pele for example. Now he's paid 35 million for both Mustafi and Xhaka and is well on the way to ruining their careers aswell. Just don't think he's interested in defensive coaching, and he wouldn't have won what he won back in the day if it wasn't for the remnants of George's defence.n

  50. Rocky the King

    Aug 21, 2017, 12:26 #103273

    @GoonerRon, The Editor and I had some reflection before the blog went out, and as for the defamation case, it probably is broken by everyone who comments negatively about Wenger, No honest opinion equals no free speech. I understand your concerns, but the BBC guide is pretty belt and braces, opinions are not 'facts' also I am genuine in my belief, but I can assure you that I can reflect about people perhaps presenting with traits of personality that could imply having a certain medical condition, without being ill advised. If I had made statements using my medical expertise in an expert manner saying x+y=z then your assertion would be correct. I didn't so it isn't.

  51. GoonerRon

    Aug 21, 2017, 12:16 #103272

    @ Rocky - of course the happenings, comments, quotes you use are factual and Wenger's use of them to contradict himself is a legitimate cause for discussion. However, a title (I recognise you may not have written it) asking if Wenger is dementing, a sub-heading asking is he's 'losing his marbles', 'diagnosing a trend towards dementia' and a closing statement asking if he is suffering early dementia is more than 'musing'. In fact, using the word 'diagnosis' as a still practising medical practioner without being privy to Wenger's personal medical is surely ill-advised? This whole story is undoubtedly defamatory as it could cause serious harm to his reputation. You reference the BBC guide to journalists - I'd be interested to see if any BBC journalist would be prepared to run your story as it stands. I'm no legal expert so will leave it there, but I think the Online Gooner could be on stony ground running this story, you have a duty of care to exercise some editorial screening - even in an 'open church'.

  52. Yes its Ron

    Aug 21, 2017, 12:05 #103270

    paulward - agree to an extent but the coaching needed isnt just defensive coaching amongst the defenders, its the whole team, front to back. Im not sure there are many players there now who can change like chameleons to become team oriented, disciplined operators. Its possible i suppose, but such is the culture of the playing staff there, imbued with what they've known for so long, ive many doubts. Moreover, defensive discipline and durability is not in vogue anymore in modern football. Its has a passing nod here and there, but not more than that. 'Customers' arent interested. Think of it like 20/20 Cricket and why thats taken over cricket and why Test Cricket is dying. Panache, risk and invention are the watchwords in modern football

  53. Paulward

    Aug 21, 2017, 11:54 #103269

    Think we're in danger of over complicating matters here, the fact is this current squad can perform better than it's doing with more rigourous, defensive coaching.Arsenal are hardly the only club in Europe who prioritise money making, and we can't even think of moving forward until Wenger leaves.The bigger picture will have to wait

  54. Yes its Ron

    Aug 21, 2017, 11:16 #103266

    Exeter - Wenger is very much a key employee. Yr right in saying that a pure Coach would want some thing different. AFC want a man or a woman to buy into the Kroenke model as AW has done totally. It ll be hard, but the Club will move away from the traditional model of a team football manager to do it if needs be. I really think that Arsenal could well break ground by being the first to employ a woman to take over from Wenger, supported by Coaches. Her primary role will be to make team decisions with only a financial remit to consider. This will remove the conflict that Wenger has to deal with. Such Coaches will be totally subservient to the manager and have no input in decisions. The way that Wenger sits astride two stools is why hes paid so handsomely. A new concept team manager wont be so conflicted. The new incumbent may well be from the USA and perhaps work from there.

  55. Gunner Rob

    Aug 21, 2017, 11:04 #103265

    I hate what the club has become but as has been said they cater for the modern match going supporter. And unfortunately they now comfortably outnumber the traditional football supporter. For that particular "football experience" I now go to my local non league club. Arsenal have successfully mananged to convince the majority of the match going fanbase that 4th place is what the club should aim for. 4th is the new 1st (anything higher is a bonus, and certainly dont entertain any ideas of ever finishing 1st!) So as long as we are in and around 4th-8th then most people will continue to go, to continue to buy the shirts etc. Wenger will stay as long as he likes - remember he will decide when he will leave, no one else

  56. Exeter Ex

    Aug 21, 2017, 11:03 #103263

    I don't know about demented but he's clearly free to pursue whims and contradict himself freely without accountability ("My contract has no impact... my contract had an impact", FBs at CB, leaving contracts to run down etc etc). So it looks like the only parameter Kroenke sets is for AFC to remain in the black. As a global brand AFC would hit that target with any manager - all they have to do is stay in the PL. So Wenger really can do and say what he wants, and thus that can look irrational. So though he's losing the club millions upon millions, and someone else could hit Kroenke's low and broad KPIs on a fraction of his salary, I would imagine the main reason Wenger stays in his job is a new manager would also require a modern coaching set up and restructure, and why bother with all that when Wenger can run it all for you and all you have to do is look at the bottom line and see the club is still in the black. It's easier for Kroenke to stick with mediocrity.

  57. Yes its Ron

    Aug 21, 2017, 10:44 #103262

    Yes Rocky, but the Club's support needs to look at what Arsenal now are and look at it long and firmly in the face, then look at themselves to decide what they want. What you see today is what you're going to get until such time as the economic landscape for football organisations starts to change. Once AWs gone, rest assured not a lot will alter much at Arsenal. They've no need to alter much while they ride this particular wave. They are a 'concept Club in so many ways'. It could in my view only ever have succeeded in London. AFC is synonymous with its core customers there. Its has done its homework and knows its market inside out and importantly provides what they want. Whether football purists like us agree with it is neither here nor there. Im not sure if you still go or not but you pays yr money and you takes yr choice my friend.

  58. Rocky the King

    Aug 21, 2017, 10:26 #103260

    @ Yes it's Ron, whilst empathising with the sentiment of your comment, I find it rather sad also. In the late nineties and early 2000's we were locked in mammoth rivalries with Alec Ferguson of Manchester United, we did then finish either 1st or 2nd. The invincibles of 2003/4 has set a record that can be equalled but never beaten. We have therefore precedent on our side, so we can demand a return to the high levels of success previously experienced. We have yet to win the Champions League, I was at the final in Paris in 2006, but for a sending off, Barcelona diving and Titi Henry missing a one on one chance that at least dissuaded him to leave for the Catalans that season as had been widely rumoured, we would have been the first team in London to lift that trophy. We need more ambition not less...

  59. Yes its Ron

    Aug 21, 2017, 10:17 #103259

    As much i d like to see many changes at Arsenal inc a new Coach, the Clubs problems arent ALL Wenger. The whole ethos and culture of the Club is now about being a customers delight in the modern World of marketing and selling for the max returns. Football is to a great extent, an aside, a by product of what the Club is and what it aims to do. Its not a nice organisation but its unique and intrigues many other Clubs as to its success. Believe me, Arsenal is a massive success, just not in the way that football fans view it. Wenger is very much modern in his acceptance of the new World of 'football'. Hes far from as you describe him. Hes very much a man who knows where his bread is buttered. Ive said many times that fans who want to see a challenging Club where the emphasis is 1st 2nd and 3rd directed towards the on pitch product, need to forget Arsenal. The Club is far more than just football and most of those who subscribe to whatever it has become are happy with it. It ll be very interesting to see how long this phenomena lasts. Its certainly groundbreaking but Arsenal have historically always been a groundbreaking Club domestically. The difference is the concepts it has introduced ahead of other Clubs up to 2006 were all football orientated.

  60. Rocky the King

    Aug 21, 2017, 10:14 #103258

    The law of defamation allows individuals, companies or firms (‘claimants’) to sue for damage to their reputation caused by material that is published and which makes defamatory comments about them. Something is defamatory if it: Lowers them in the estimation of right-thinking members of the public; and/or Causes them to be shunned or avoided; and/or Disparages them in their office, trade or profession; and/or Exposes them to hatred ridicule or contempt. Some changes have been made by the Defamation Act 2013 which came into effect in England and Wales on 1 January 2014. Under the new law claimants have to show that the publication has caused, or is likely to cause, ‘serious harm’ to their reputation. Some of the defences have been also amended by the latest legislation. The main ones are: Truth - the publisher must prove the comments are true Honest opinion - the opinion must be genuinely held and based on fact Privilege - the scope of this defence has been extended Publication in the public interest - a new defence. This info comes from the BBC guide to journalists. So GoonerRon, stress not, my defence is an honest opinion based upon the statements made in public, plus I have not stated that Arsène Wenger is dementing, rather mused over the possibility when judged against the medical definition. Finally as a retired registered general medical practitioner, still practising from time to time, my honest opinion is genuinely held through my medical experiences and also based upon the factual statements that I have quoted from the public record. Rocky the King.

  61. MAF

    Aug 21, 2017, 10:04 #103257

    well at least weve hit reality at the start of the seaoson and now expectations can get back to where they were in march April. once again Arsenal found wanting on all of the Basics unlike chelsea. Grit, dig in, be efficient, be clinical, run back with their runners, mark tigtly. no it was another lets Show everyone we can pass all over the place and make some nice moves now and then. up against a Team where everyone knows how you have to be to win and especially when stoke were under pressure/critiscism. for me ist simply the Manager not preparing the Team to know what to expect and what characteristics will be important for this particular day. i.e. different tactics for different matches. Overall pathetic really and if i was alexis id want to move on so that i saw more rewards for my running all over the place, creating openings regulary. well finish 5th/6th for the same reasons as last season. groundhog

  62. GoonerRon

    Aug 21, 2017, 9:54 #103255

    Treading on dangerous ground here. Tongue in cheek or not, open church or not, if Wenger's lawyer read this the The Gooner might be gone sooner than anticipated to fight off a libel case.