Gabriel – The Stats Don’t Lie?

After two and half seasons, the Brazilian returns to La Liga

Gabriel – The Stats Don’t Lie?

So StatDNA, eh? Told Arsene Wenger to buy Gonzalo Higuain (he didn’t), would have told him not to buy Park and Chamakh (he did), not to buy Antonie Griezmann when he was at Real Sociedad (rather than trust his instincts) and told him to buy Gabriel Paulista from Villarreal.

I read on Le Grove that Arsene Wenger has not sold a player for more than £15 million since Robin van Persie back in 2012, the conclusion being that the manager doesn’t improve the value of players he buys anymore, in spite of the amounts spent in the transfer market going into hyperdrive. Gabriel was sold back to Spain, at the age of 27, so in theory about to enter his peak years, for less than the club paid for him back in January 2015.

There is an article on the purchase of Gabriel (and the use of StatDNA, the company that Arsenal purchased so they could have exclusive use of its results) on the website for the French Le Temps newspaper – if your browser automatically translates into English you can make sense of it well enough to realize that StatDNA’s analysis, although undoubtedly detailed, has its limitations.

And the main one with Gabriel is that StatDNA didn’t take account of three factors -
1 – The importance of communication between team-mates, especially in defensive situations.
2 - Gabriel didn’t speak a word of English.
3 – He wouldn’t be motivated to learn enough to give an interview in English after living in London for two and a half years. So for example, in May 2017, when he gave an interview for the official website … it was conducted in Portuguese.

I know Arsene Wenger doesn’t like his players shouting at each other, but it would be helpful if they at least spoke the same language. Perhaps it is one of the reasons the manager is famed for saying very little at half-time in the dressing room. His words would be lost on some of the players. I suspect the sheer number of colleagues in the squad that could speak Spanish allowed Gabriel to get by from day to day without feeling the need to learn English, but I wonder if he ever had a conversation about defensive strategy with Per Mertesacker, Laurent Koscielny or Petr Cech.

The initial signs when the Brazilian arrived were promising. He looked tough and uncompromising, up for a battle. However, he was positionally questionable and naïve when it came to dealing with fellow countryman Diego Costa. Basically, not quite good enough.

Stats would suggest Arsenal commanded the game at Stoke last Saturday evening, with their 77% possession. But the only stat that matters is that the number of goals scored exceeds the number conceded. You don’t need a computer to work that one out.

Clever recruitment seems to be an issue at Arsenal since the stadium move. Yes, there have been some successes, although many of those would be qualified. But more critically, I suspect what matters is what happens after a player is with the club. Contrast Marco Alonso’s career at Sunderland and Chelsea for an example. The comfort bubble Wenger allows his charges, often overpaying them (Carl Jenkinson, on £2.3 million a year isn’t going anywhere until his contract expires in 2020, unless it's on loan with Arsenal covering at least 50% of his wages), does not develop a team ethos like that we have seen where other ‘smaller’ clubs have gained success – Atletico Madrid, Borussia Dortmund and Leicester City come to mind. Huddersfield Town are demonstrating how a team with by far inferior resources can achieve great things (by which I mean promotion to the Premier League, although I’d say with their manager they have a decent chance of remaining in it).

Stats don’t tell you anything about team spirit or what a player can contribute under different coaches. Gabriel may have turned out to be a better buy if he was forced to learn the language and if the approach to winning football matches incorporated more psychology than technique. Who knows? But under the current regime, stats or not, there is something missing. The use of stats in the transfer market to improve the team’s chances on the field have proved a failure (and it is interesting to note that Wenger rejected the stats telling him to buy Juventus’ midfielder Mario Lemina, who joined Southampton instead during the close-season).

Ultimately, whatever criteria are used to purchase players, what really matters is what happens after the signing has been made. And that comes from Arsene Wenger. In the next three Premier League matches, Le Boss will face two managers with a very contrasting style to his own – Klopp and Conte, and one who seems to be cut from the same cloth – Eddie Howe. One thing that does seem certain, with the amount Premier League clubs can afford to pay, more and more talented managers will be coaching in England, and a good one can achieve results with a group of players that have been bought by others before him, regardless of the reason they were bought.

As to when we might see that at Arsenal… well, my guess is about ten years’ time!

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  1. Yes its Ron

    Aug 23, 2017, 11:40 #103355

    RK - Jonny Evans is a good player isnt he. For some reason, he s sort of passed off as nothing much. Hes very well regarded at Albion. Was schooled well at Utd and again, he s better than what we ve had or have now. You ll never see Jonny Evans walking off, slumped shouldered, with a pained look when he s getting the run around and the going gets tough aka Mr Koseilny

  2. Radfordkennedy

    Aug 23, 2017, 11:15 #103353

    Ron...good shout mate he's a real good old fashioned bully of a CB,mind you I've always liked a CB who knows he's not Bobby Moore doesn't let the ball bounce in the area and would rather put the ball in the Finsbury Park signal box than trying to play with it and give the ball away...I wouldn't of been downcast had we gone after Jonny Evans either mate


    Aug 23, 2017, 11:09 #103352

    A Cornish Gooner: 1-0 to you matey, Sunset Boulevard far better. I'll try & come up with something better "dreckly"!

  4. Radfordkennedy

    Aug 23, 2017, 11:01 #103351 kings....good posts fellas,can't help noticing a clearing of the decks of the lesser lights at Arsenal just now,in anticipation of the trolley dash that will follow the inevitable thumping on Sunday, a shame really as the likes of young Nelson will fall further down the pecking order,and that kid can actually go past people at will and cross a ball something that the 150 grand a week pretty boy ballerinas can't do.instead of getting a decent keeper and centre back and a defensive midfielder who knows how to tackle without fouling,you know we're going to end up with a couple of stiffs from the lower leagues of France and Germany and of course the obligatory single named Brazilian who must be good because he has one name. I love my club I always will,but I've gone past getting angry and just calmed myself with the thought that this regime won't last forever and hopefully before I cash my chips in ill see an Arsenal team champions again,or at least have the ambition to do so.

  5. Yes its Ron

    Aug 23, 2017, 10:42 #103350

    On the matter of Centre halfs, the lad Harry Maguire looks a very exciting buy for Leics. 15 Million wasnt he? Its early days but he already looks more composed, tougher and a more fearless all round defender than anything that Arsenal have had on their books defensively in this last 10 years. Hes good on the ball, reads the match well and makes sure his full backs follow his instructions. Ive only seen him on TV but i know the Foxes fans are pleased with what they've seen. Any of you lads noticed him?

  6. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Aug 23, 2017, 9:13 #103349

    AW needs 100 million in the bank by next Thursday to balance the books. The signing of Lacazette and missing out on the CL must be paid for somehow and I think there may be a few players leaving who are currently not in our field of view. After the books are balance another "project youth" era will be announced, this will see very talented young players introduced into the first team who are simply not ready but will hide more managerial failings until of course this new "Project Youth" ends up like the last one - on the treatment table!. The club has a neutered board of management and this is being reflected in every sphere of Arsenal PLC. However I can report that sales of Arsenal fridge magnets and fidget spinners are up over 100%.

  7. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Aug 23, 2017, 8:57 #103348

    Wenger 'happy with his summers transfer dealings'. I despise this lying fraud more and more each day. This season is going to be a disaster and he deserves every bit of flack coming his way. Its disgusting what him and kroenke are doing to our club, slowly suffocating the life and hopes of us fans a little more each year in the process. The whole regime is rotten, they are utter vermin and I hope this is the season it all finally blows up in their arrogant, smug faces

  8. mbg

    Aug 23, 2017, 1:19 #103346

    There's actually a fourth factor that wasn't factored in and taken into account, TOF wenger himself who's DNA and philosophies are so out of touch their nearly extinct, Stats don't lie. wenger out.

  9. mbg

    Aug 22, 2017, 23:39 #103345

    Apparently the Ox has now told the wrinkly Jessie in face to face talks he has no intention of signing a new deal, and said it's not down to money but ambition (Ouch) that will go down well, but the skinny weasel is still hopeful, what a tosser. Go now you bumbling old fool and put us all out of our misery.

  10. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 22, 2017, 23:16 #103343

    @Geoff Boycott. No problem fella!

  11. TOOAW

    Aug 22, 2017, 22:40 #103341

    Just call me Geoff Boycott.

  12. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 22, 2017, 22:31 #103340

    Cornish. How about: An ageing football manager refuses to accept that his stardom has ended. He hires a young coach to help set up his comeback. The coach believes he can manipulate him, but he soon finds out he is wrong. The manager's ambivalence about their relationship and his unwillingness to let go leads to a situation of violence, madness, and death. Sunset Bouldevard.

  13. mbg

    Aug 22, 2017, 21:36 #103339

    Kevin and markymark, indeed it just shows how lacksey dazy wenger and his whole fooking stinking philosophies and training/coaching (cough) regime are when a player isn't even encouraged or made to learn the language. wenger out.

  14. Paulward

    Aug 22, 2017, 21:32 #103338

    Why doesn't Wenger change the bloody record! If he doesn't like spending money he's in the wrong industry and should sod off pronto. The man is a hypocrite and an utter bore.

  15. mbg

    Aug 22, 2017, 21:16 #103337

    So TOF has blinked first (but of course we knew he would, well most of us anyway)it's being reported that his valuation of Sanchez is £70m, how different things are when he's selling instead of buying the f*****g old hypocrite. Go now wenger.


    Aug 22, 2017, 20:50 #103335

    Selling is a no-go because of our inflated wage structure for mediocrity. Buying options not even worth fantasising over because of the incompetence of you know who. How very, very sad that the euphoria of 2004 has descended to this shambles. He could have left with dignity & head held high - instead it reminds me of a footie version of "whatever happened to Baby Jane?". Other cinematic comparisons would be interesting.

  17. Paulward

    Aug 22, 2017, 19:59 #103334

    Another in the long line of hopeless centre halves bought by Wenger in the last 10 years, and not many of us will lament his leaving. Watched the City/Everton game last night and two things struck me. Firstly we should have got Koeman when he left Saints,secondly we've got a fight on our hands to even finish sixth this season.

  18. Radfordkennedy

    Aug 22, 2017, 19:24 #103333

    Ron.....just enjoying a beer at the end of a days collar and most of it shot out of my nose while reading ur post....that was funny mate

  19. markymark

    Aug 22, 2017, 19:12 #103332

    The thing is Peter and actually everyone who's bothered to post. If we remember Mourinho raging about Joe Cole a very talented player but sent packing due to its tendency to give the ball away. Of the many issues I have with Wengo it's the persistent tolerance of mediocre performances. Xhaka time after time gives the ball away. Gabriel allowed to get away without speaking English. Wengo is the laziest greediest toad in football. I'm constantly getting my arse kicked for my colleagues sins and so have to give them a bigger kick in return. We therefore are able to keep some assemblance of service. With Wengo it's sleep at the wheel. With sympathy to the American sailors, it wouldn't surprise me if he'd taken control of the 7th fleet judging by the number of ships suddenly crashing into each other.

  20. Roy

    Aug 22, 2017, 18:33 #103331

    Hi Peter Wain, absolutely spot on mate. I'd term as a top class centre midfielder and a dominant centre half, but it amounts to the same thing. All the stats in the world are pretty much meaningless if you don't address glaring weaknesses in the first instance, and I too am fed up ( that's putting it mildly ! ) of Wenger insulting our intelligence. The catalyst for change statement was an outright lie, and the contract situation are quite frankly, a mess. How much damage will be done before this stubborn old goat finally calls it a day ? Whenever that may be it would be great if Kroenke followed him out the door, then the new incumbent can set about doing a proper job with modern man management skills. As it stands right now, kiss goodbye to any sort of sustained title challenge for at least the next 5 years.

  21. mbg

    Aug 22, 2017, 17:32 #103329

    Stats, how the wengerites used to love them and throw them up way back in the day, all gone, extinct now of course, unless record thumping's and embarrassments in Europe, no premiership (or likely to be)for years, the list of negative stats against this old past it manager is endless, wenger out.

  22. Yes its Ron

    Aug 22, 2017, 16:03 #103327

    Hes up there with Ian Ure and Jeff Blockley in the annals of rubbish centre halfs we ve had. He could be Oxbridge educated and a fellow in English literature and he d still be a rubbish CB.

  23. peter wain

    Aug 22, 2017, 16:03 #103326

    wenger has been a poor judge of a player and a worse judge of his value for many years. we will not buy again this window even though we desparately need a quality centre half and holding midfield player. instead the paucity that is granit the woefulness of coquelin will continue to insult our intelligence top top quality as usual Wenger is having a laugh on us. But then he has been insulting our intelligence for years. Tell me one top club that has 11 players out of contract next year. This is his norm because he cannot do the job - some catalyst some change Ivan more like same old same old. Fourth in the league more like closer to fourth from bottom.