The Whitcher – Perry Emails: Part Two

Concluding the email debate between a pair of Arsenal writers with contrasting views on Arsène Wenger

The Whitcher – Perry Emails: Part Two

Arsène: Was he really so strapped for cash after the stadium move?

Over the summer, between June 10th and August 2nd, Graham Perry of Arsenal Circular and myself had an email exchange on the subject of whether Arsène Wenger was the best man to take Arsenal forward, after it was announced he would be managing the club for a further two seasons. The first part of the discussion was posted yesterday, along with the reasons I initiated it, and here’s the remainder…

Kevin Whitcher: Moving on, in China, on the pre-season tour, Arsène has said, 'For me this season will be a change because [speculation over my future] was a bit eternal, a repetition of the press conferences about that.' Maybe I made a mistake and allowed that to happen because I didn't commit early enough. I think at some stage I did not think it would be a handicap for my commitment and it was not. But it was a bit of a handicap because it created a climate of insecurity and a lack of clarity about my person that maybe did not help at some stage.'

During the period from February to April when Arsenal collapsed in the Premier League and in Europe, beating only non-league teams in the FA Cup, the manager consistently claimed that the uncertainty over his future was not having any effect on his players. So during season the message was it’s not affecting my players – it is not a reason for any poor performances, and then after the fact – suddenly it created a climate of insecurity. Surely, you would agree he is having his cake and eating it here, using the uncertainty as an excuse for a poor showing in the two main competitions. Can you understand why some supporters get angry when they hear these kind of contradictions emanating from the manager?

Graham Perry: You make a fair point about the media speculation about his future. The speculation was allowed to gather pace as results went against us. It did damage us on the pitch and in my view did affect the morale of the players. So why did it happen? My guess all along has been that there were differences within the Board about Wenger’s long term future. I am sure he wanted another two years or maybe even three. He did not get it and as the results went against us the Board remained divided. I sense Kroenke was steadfast behind Wenger – partly because he continued to believe in him and partly because he came under attack as well. At the same time I remember how Keswick engaged in a much publicised walk out before the end of the Palace defeat. Two matters changed the outlook – Wenger went for 3 at the Back and results picked up. Wenger’s position strengthened and there were no Board resignations.

You blame Wenger for saying the uncertainty about his future was not affecting performance and then later accepting that the uncertainty did affect performance. I understand your frustration but Wenger was not in control of events. He had to say performance was not affected while the season was ongoing – to do the opposite would have lit the blue touch paper and there would have been an explosion. As it happened performances improved culminating in an FA Cup win that was a joy to watch. So I agree with you that there were contradictions in Wenger’s comments during and after the season but for me it was events more than deception that were the cause.

KW: Given that you are not counting the seasons between the stadium move and 2013 as valid for criticism due to your belief that Arsenal could not financially compete, how do you account for Leicester's triumph of 2015-16? Surely Arsenal had more chance of delivering a title, given the relative disparities in income, between 2006 and 2013. And given that this Leicester's title happened in a period when Arsenal could compete, can you understand why some believe that Arsène no longer has what it takes to deliver a Premier League title? Either during or at the end of that season, Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United all changed their managers as a consequence of their being unable to take part in a title race with Leicester and Spurs. Arsenal persisted with their manager and dropped out of the top four the following year.

The argument for change seems, to me, incontrovertible.

GP: Leicester’s success surprised us all – amazed might be a better word. It was the exception not the norm. Arsenal were well placed to win the title and were at Christmas 2015 the widely tipped favourites. We fell apart – in part because Wenger limited himself to the purchase of Cech and believed – wrongly it turned out – that Areta/Flamini/Rosicky were capable of supporting a challenge. No question Wenger has to carry the can. I agree with you. So why do I not agree with you that changing the manager should have been the consequence? For you it was probably the final straw – make the change – now. For me it was time to stand by the manager. In modern football terms there is more support for you than for me. Football is results driven and if the results are not there then change the manager. For me there is more than that:

There is the Club, its traditions, its standards, its norms – it was right to part company with Bruce Rioch after one season. He was at odds with almost all the players. It was not right to part company with Wenger who – undeniably going through an uncertain period – was entitled to expect support from the Club. I, more than most I accept, stand by Wenger because he stood by us when during the stadium building days he could have taken any job in Europe but chose to stay at risk to his standing and reputation and pull us through a financially strapped period. There is another reason – believing in people when things are at a low ebb. Mindful of frustrations with Wenger I continued to believe that he can achieve – that he can do it. I felt that when Leicester won and I felt that after the Palace defeat. In that sense the end of season run – THFC defeat apart – and the confidence that flowed through the team at Wembley makes me optimistic about the coming season. We will see – maybe I will be proved right and we will be able to sustain a title challenge – maybe I will be proved wrong and have egg on my face.

KW: During the 'lean years' of 2006 to 2013 the club's cash balance rose every year, from £53m in 2006 to £153m in 2013. There was money to spend, but Arsène chose, often, to develop from within rather than to add (what this observer felt was) much-needed experience. Wisened heads who could help the team. So for example, in the summer of 2009, he decided against paying the extra £2 million that would have secured Xabi Alonso (who went on to win titles in Spain and Germany and at international level). He justified not making such a purchase because he felt it would hinder the development of players such as Abou Diaby, Alex Song and Denilson. My view is that Alonso at the club would have actually aided the development of these players - all should be at their peak now, but have fallen into obscurity. How do you reflect on the policy of what became known as 'project youth', knowing that the club had cash in the bank that could have funded at least three experienced heads in that period? To these eyes it was an unnecessary experiment, a self-indulgence for the manager, that failed. The cost counted in the lack of trophies from 2006 until 2014.

GP: You have a point – if your analysis is right. Did AW with funds to spend decide not to spend only because he preferred a youth policy?

So the questions are -
1. Did he have funds to spend?
2. Was he too tight with the purse strings?
3. Did he lose key players because he was inflexible?

You say he had the funds to spend and refer to a rising cash balance up to 2013? It sounds as if he was sitting on a pile – was he? – Wasn’t he still selling the crown jewels at this time? Was he too tight – maybe – I do not know the answer – maybe you do and you have inside information and for a small extra we could have acquired a great talent. If you are right I would be unhappy but as with most things in life I do want to hear his explanation before going public in criticism of him. He might say the present stable state of AFC finances is a reflection of the cautious policy he had to transfers – that said there are times when you do want your manager to gamble and to live dangerously but our talk is cheap – not our money.

KW: I would conclude that you are too forgiving of a manager who - in my view - should have performed better, both between 2006 and 2013 (when you consider he was too greatly handicapped financially, which I disagree with) and since 2013. This is based on his prior achievements. Yet even in his best years, there were weaknesses which exposed him as not the top manager some would have you believe - the title should have been won in 1999 and 2003 without question. And the players he had should have been more successful in Europe. For me, it would have been fair enough to give him until the end of the 2008-09 season, but by then it was clear he no longer had what it took to bring the club the success of the first decade of his tenure. He's been around too long and things have gone stale. So much so that the best players do not want to remain beyond their current contracts. They know. Van Persie did not leave because the club were not able to compete financially, it was because he knew that the manager was not good enough - I will always recall his reaction when Oxlade-Chamberlain was removed during a home match v Man Utd when he had been tearing the United defence apart. Now, Alexis Sanchez, an ambitious footballer who likes to win, has had enough and knows he will be more successful elsewhere. Oxlade-Chamberlain will become a much better player under Conte at Chelsea. I know you are very polite, but such tolerance of under-achievement will only bring more of the same. To an extent, I think you are in denial. Change is a part of life, and necessary for progress. Sure, there may be failures, but there will also be successes. At least there would be an element of excitement and unpredictability, something that cannot be said about Arsenal's title challenges since the stadium move.

Thanks for the exchange - it has been civil and reasoned - as all such football debates should be.

One final question - in which position do you predict the club will finish the 2017/18 Premier League season? For what it's worth, I believe it will be anywhere from fourth to sixth, but no higher.

GP: I am torn between agreeing that you have the final word on the one hand and me requesting the right of response. I think you have come to a conclusion about Arsène like you say I have and are fitting events to confirm. You refer to 1999 and 2003 and yet do not mention the unbeaten season – just as I have said that the three years without a trophy after the Giggs goal was a blot on Wenger’s titles so I think you should have been more willing to embrace things like 2004 and the Invincibles – it will never be done again. It was that big. Overlook it and you become one-sided.

You say RVP left because he had lost faith in AW – it’s like Mandy Rice-Davies – he would say that wouldn’t he? He could not admit he was going for the money after we have stuck with him though all his injuries. Also – and this gets me about RVP – how David Dein saved him from a rape charge in Amsterdam.

I am polite. I was always taught to be respectful and I am respectful of you enormously but I do think there are some holes along the way. Results matter – 5 o’clock on a Saturday will tell us all – metaphorically.

KW: Thanks Graham. You will have the final word. The question I left you with was as follows - In which position do you predict the club will finish the 2017/18 Premier League season?

And that will conclude our very civilised discussion. On a side note, I recognise the triumph of 2004, but the reality is that the club have come nowhere near the title since. Time, and the game, have moved on, apart from in the Arsenal dugout. Interesting to note that Ray Parlour said a couple of seasons ago that training had not changed under Arsène since he was a player. Time for fresh ideas perhaps?

GP: It’s a poisoned chalice. No one can say – what position? The test is this - we have to contest for the top spot all the way to the end of the season.

KW: It is good to end on something we can both agree on. Yes, we have to contest for the top spot all the way to the end of the season. That Arsenal have failed to do this ever since the stadium move is at the root of the current divide amongst the fanbase. Let us hope a successful challenge gives us something to get excited about and brings everyone together. I would love it if Arsène could prove my lack of faith in him wrong. Thanks you for your time and explanation of your views.

GP: Thanks Kevin. It has been a pleasure to engage with you. All the best.

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  1. markymark

    Aug 28, 2017, 8:49 #103484

    You let the first 4 in You suffer a rout You do the Arsene Wenger and you turn around In, out, in, out you shake him all about Ohhhhhhh do the Arsene Wenger Ohhhhhhh do the Arsene Wenger Ohhhhhhh do the Arsene Wenger What the f&£k was that all about?

  2. MAF

    Aug 28, 2017, 8:15 #103483

    i wish Ian Wright had a role at Arsenal. I can now see why Wenger did everything that he could to Keep Adams, Viera away from Arsenal. He knew full well that he would be found wanting as a Coach compared to what they had now seen in their career and what they knew was needed. New Season New Kit New Prices some New faces. Same Old Manager same lack of effort discipline TACTICS ! SAME RESULTS !

  3. markymark

    Aug 28, 2017, 7:08 #103482

    ToOaW - why don't you invite MBG out for a beer? I know your lonely and apparently for some strange reason we have the wrong idea about you. Yes your just a lovely misunderstood chap, not an oddball nutjob at all

  4. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 23:56 #103481

    Keown has just said on MOTD 2 when asked was it the wrong decision giving wenger a new contract ? Yes maybe it was, have I been wrong about him being a wenger luvvie ? Or have you finally opened your eyes, or maybe he has realised he's not going to get a job as long as TOF remains, anyway well done/said Keown.

  5. TOOAW

    Aug 27, 2017, 23:25 #103480

    Good to see that the paddy monster can contain his excitement. It beggars belief it does that one man can get so excited once his team loses.

  6. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 23:11 #103479

    RRM, great post, you should have saved it for an article, yes wenger out now, tonight, tomorrow no later any other manager would. Go now wenger your an embarrassment.

  7. Alsace

    Aug 27, 2017, 23:05 #103478

    My friend Paul says that the creature is most frustrating because he isn't a terrible manager. He does just enough to get by. However, this time he won the impossible election. He was handed a blank cheque to be as insane as he likes. We are not looking at authoritarianism like Louis XIV. We are looking at Stalinism. Those who rebel are facing a cull. Oxlade is off. Sanchez is off. If they are made to stay with all the financial stupidity that that would entail, then we can expect them to make trouble. Last years rebellion and downing tools went wrong, but it would appear that we are facing a renewed attempt to get rid. If so, so much the better. Hopefully the board are now on side as well. Kronke and the creature are the last people in the club who think the the statut quo is acceptable. However, the slow death of the club will go on and on until the team, the board, old players, journalists and supporters turn against the creature a hack him away from his stranglehold.

  8. markymark

    Aug 27, 2017, 22:35 #103477

    Guardian journalists did ask Wenger about being booed. So does appears that at least someone was giving him a response.

  9. Moscowgooner

    Aug 27, 2017, 22:26 #103476

    Wenger: do the decent thing - stand down tonight and let the rebuilding begin. Two years of this will destroy Arsenal Football Club.

  10. Roy

    Aug 27, 2017, 22:19 #103475

    That's it, enough is enough. I won't even be watching anymore unless there's change.

  11. John F

    Aug 27, 2017, 22:16 #103474

    Good post GR I cannot understand just why he is making these strange team selection s.He has history of course but not on this scale.The team looked bewildered by it and it must have an impact on the performance if the players cannot understand his decision s either.In a few years time when players start writing their books I think there will be revelations about the current sqaud being split like the mid eighties one and under a manager they no longer believe in.I am struggling to remember a worse performance,even worse then the Chelsea,Utd thrashings. Not even one shot on target.Dismal.There must of been some chanting for Wenger to go as he was asked about it post match.

  12. RRM

    Aug 27, 2017, 22:02 #103473

    I watched my first Arsenal game when I was too young to remember anything other than it was against Everton at Highbury. My Dad allowed me to stand on the seat when we scored. It was magical. I was hooked. That was 37 years ago. Now I feel I have been duped. Robbed even of something dear and beautiful to me. I can deal with losing. It can be humbling to give something your best shot and finish second best. But what happened today was incredible. I am a Manager in retail and when somebody who knows better does something unacceptable there are consequences. Changes even. For the Club to have no ambition is poor enough. But today we saw professional sportsmen with no ambition. I listened to Souness remark to Henry that he actually turned his seat away from the game today, whilst he was analysing, so disgusted was he at what he was watching. This is a new low. Post match Arsene said when probed by Jeff Shreeves, "there are reasons" [for this performance]. It's great that you know that Arsene. Where I come from if your "team" don't perform you, as the Manager / Leader have failed. You are performance managed out. Gone. You are replaced by another. I don't hate the man. Actually I'm not sure. But after 21 years of watching his teams I know there is a problem. A problem that has become bigger than a players desire to give their best. It is smelling all stale and whatever the reasons are the rinse and repeat tedium have become the norm for AFC now. I believe there is a battle of will going on between AW and the players. Who don't agree with his ideas. How can AFC dominate a Cup Final against the Champions and become a shadow of their former selves a handful of games later. Serious tactical analysis of today's game lays bear the appalling performances of several core "elite" players which plumb new depths of professional misconduct in any field of employment. Thierry always stops just short of saying the truth. He went close. I wouldn't want AOC or AS to sign inflated new deals on the basis of what I saw today. Ozil must be sold or benched immediately. My 11 year old son called him out against Leicester as "too lazy to be a footballer". He does not, on contribution justify his place in the team. In any team. I looked at his forlorn face, gazing around a jubilant Anfield, sat on his backside, at full time wondering what had happened. I despise you Mesut. You are not fit to wear the shirt. This is the lowest ebb I feared. Fans will be fighting each other again. Wenger has become a figure of division, an enemy for many. The club needs a fresh impetus, a new hope. But Arsene has to go tonight. If only for the crystal clear fact that HIS players do not play for him. The Board, if it has any care of Arsenal Football Club, must remove him of his duties tonight. He does not control the team. He brings shame on the Club. If the Board / the "American" accept this then that's it for me. I cannot follow a business. I want to follow a team. £8m a year should deliver one. Maybe the Board should find someone who wants to earn £100m rather than someone who has taken £100m to take us forward. The Emperor has no clothes on.

  13. Aylesbury Gooner

    Aug 27, 2017, 21:16 #103472

    mbg your right about Hartson and other former players keeping onside of TOF.Once in there are on the Arsenal gravy train with their noses in the trough.Our club is rotten to the core. Wenger out

  14. GoonerRon

    Aug 27, 2017, 21:12 #103471

    Well that was ****ing pathetic. Was the line up choice Wenger trying to prove we don't need new players to try and improve? Either way, it was ridiculous. Who buys a £52m striker and doesn't start him in a big game? Not just based on this performance, but if we can get £35m for Ox then get him sold. If we can get £60m for Alexis then get him sold. I'd rather give Reiss Nelson a chance. Get Ozil out of the team. Get a proper ****ing CM in to either allow Ramsey licence to play behind the striker or drop him too. A pretty encouraging start to pre-season is rapidly going down the toilet. Why oh why didn't you bow out Wenger, this divorce could get really messy if things continue.

  15. Hi Berry

    Aug 27, 2017, 21:08 #103470

    Seemed to me that when Ozil was talking to Emre Can at the end he was shaking his head in disbelief that he is lumbered with an excuse of a club called Arsenal.

  16. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 20:59 #103469

    Paulward, great post, post of the Month, yes not a f*****g peep from them, just shakes of the head, acceptance, hard core fans my arse, pathetic, they've let him off the hook yet again, keeping him in the job, they're as much to blame as him. wenger out.

  17. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 27, 2017, 20:50 #103468

    Baddie. Hope you don't mind me suggesting this. Why don't you ask Kevin to republish your old articles, but this time under your Badarse moniker.

  18. Aylesbury Gooner

    Aug 27, 2017, 20:35 #103467

    A penny for Ian Wright's thoughts on todays cowardly display.

  19. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 20:28 #103466

    Ham, he's an idiot, a wenger luvvie, a wengerites dream and keeping onside of TOF and his other luvvies by not speaking out in the hope of being brought into the fold and better things than where he's ended up, it's worked for others, but when TOF does piss off (and it's getting closer as everyday and embarrassment comes)it will be interesting to see and hear what all these luvvies really think and thought. Go now wenger.

  20. Cyril

    Aug 27, 2017, 20:11 #103465

    The anniversary of the the 2011 game where 10 goals were scored. Was gonna do a random 6 zip, but we did better. We let in only half this time. Always be positive, only four today. The keeper made a world class save. The back 3, actually 4 in the 1st half as Sanchez dropping in was admirable. Actually, Sanchez as sweeper works. Class from Ramsey and Ozil. They made it tough for us. They played great 1 twos and allowed the likes of forminio space. Sublime stuff. They dropped out of play at the right time in case, Arsenal countered. I'd buy the pair of them tomorrow. Klopp took Ramsey off and we had to change to a back 4 as Ramsey and Ozil where causing us problems. Defensively, I love a press. We were great, we pushed up ten yards into the scousers half. Brilliant. We ran back with gusto and Cech just missed out. It's looking good!

  21. Paulward

    Aug 27, 2017, 20:09 #103464

    What a huge steaming pile of utter ****! And the johnny come lately muppets in the away end can't even raise a Wenger out chant ! Don't recognise my club anymore on or off the pitch.Bout time a few people ripped a few seats out at one of the these games and make it clear .Enough is enough! Wenger out now!

  22. Petergooner

    Aug 27, 2017, 19:54 #103463

    Obviously the two substitutions mean that this week Alexis and Alex are going. If they go then Wenger must go? Because he is on £8mill and a two year contract. As Thierry Henry said the whole atmosphere at Arsenal is "comfortable". You could see that on the pitch no one has a heart for the club and the fans who pay so much money to see this crap. I am so worried about the next game at Emirates against Bournemouth. There will not be a game of football but more like a boxing match with the Wenger fans against the Out Wenger fans in the stands. The only result will be the police taking fans to the cells and ambulance men taken fans to hospital. THIS IS ALL THE BOARD, STAN KRONKE'S FAULT.

  23. Ham

    Aug 27, 2017, 19:52 #103462

    Just heard a bit of that bumbling, inarticulate idiot Hartson on 606, what an embarrassment, how do the likes of Hartson and Savage actually get this media jobs, awful players in their day with absolutely no tactical insight or analysis. He gleefully blamed today's shambles on ... Gazidis, yeah he bought these players, coached them, played Bellerin at left back, played Ramsey as a holding midfielder, played Welbeck instead of Lacazette, played Ozil, left Holding on the pitch etc etc

  24. TonyEvans

    Aug 27, 2017, 19:42 #103461

    Haven't posted for a while as I can't summon any enthusiasm for Arsenal, under Wenger, at all now. Guessed a 4-0 thumping at Anfield and Arsenal duly obliged. I will still post now and again but really what is the point until Wenger leaves?

  25. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 19:25 #103460

    At least the AKB wengerites can get celebrate and get moist about the spuds drawing, where are they anyway. Go now wenger you bumbling embarrassment.

  26. Bard

    Aug 27, 2017, 19:03 #103459

    Dear me another shocker when the players dont turn up. What the hell is going on playing Monreal at CB and Bellerin at left back, suicide.I can hear it now, 'judge me in May'. As I said gone by Christmas hopefully.

  27. Aylesbury Gooner

    Aug 27, 2017, 18:59 #103458

    Agree with all the comments on today's match.A performance like that gets most managers the sack but not our one hes untouchable.A total disgrace whats going on at our club.Herbert Chapman must be turning in his grave after a performance like that. Wenger OUT,OUT,OUT.

  28. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 18:48 #103457

    The p***k in a hat has been wheeled out to say that's unacceptable, no shyte Sherlock how many times have we been hearing that ? and will you and the rest of the third rate wasters (as well as that old waste of space masquerading as a manager) learn ? will you fook. wenger out tonight.

  29. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 18:08 #103456

    Wengerites your messiah took one hell of a beating, embarrassment, humiliation here today, where are you ? lets be havin you, how much more f*****g evidence do you need ? your as bad as him, f*****g embarrassing, we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  30. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Aug 27, 2017, 18:06 #103455

    The worst performance and Arsenal team I've ever seen. Pathetic, embarrassing, humiliating, all the hallmarks of Wenger and his bunch of cowards were there to see. An utter disgrace the lot of them. No doubt we will be treated by the old fraud to another sermon about 'values' when Sanchez is sold this week too. I'm sick of this s*** show, it has to end now. Wenger out

  31. markymark

    Aug 27, 2017, 18:06 #103454

    It will be interesting to see if this ends up being Liverpools biggest goal tally win of the season at Anfield. It would provide yet more evidence that are obstinate manager is yet again unable to prepare a side properly. On a side note I wonder how many defeats in a row would it take for the board to act?

  32. John F

    Aug 27, 2017, 17:59 #103453

    Past it manager with a past it goalkeeper ,players played out of position,our two main strikers on the bench rubbish midfield we are in a right mess.Another embarrassment.

  33. CBee

    Aug 27, 2017, 17:55 #103452

    Pathetic performance. Here comes the next level.

  34. markymark

    Aug 27, 2017, 17:46 #103451

    Badarse - a pointer to you as I think you had an endearing naïveté that got you exposed on an emotional level and may have led to some kick offs . You have to accept the internet is cold , tribal and opinionated. People like Gooner Ron have changed opinion to a degree over 18 months but I'm not going to claim for one moment I'm responsible. Opinionions bat back and forth occasionally a person will change opinion it's simple ebb and flo. I find you get people trying to convert on the net and they invariably get annoyed and angry as people don't accept their views. The forums are also very issue based at the time so events dictate what happens next. I also belong to a Watch enthusiasts site, how lovely men waffling on about their shared horological love. Errr wrong at times it's more like a pack of Leeds and Man Utd supporters fronting up to each other in some bar in Magaluf. You'd be amazed but generally people are calmer on here than on certain Watch forums and I say that knowing that I've also met some of the most generous people on those sites as well.

  35. KC38

    Aug 27, 2017, 17:35 #103450

    Ok so its now clear the players have given up playing for this manager. Obviously no respect, they can see the set up is wrong, Xhaka back healing in the six yard box probably sums Arsenal up. I'm mot supporting until Wenger goes its a waste of time and energy, Sad but its cringe worthy the club has a cancer running through it.

  36. markymark

    Aug 27, 2017, 15:58 #103449

    Badarse. - I think that I'd disagree with you regarding the point of being viewed though the prism of Badarse. An actual article from you allows you to direct the narrative whether people agree with you or not. You might find a new or at least resting member might contribute positively towards you. There is a positive energy in producing an article . The rest of your comments can be ruminated upon and I guess we have both put it out there so others can comment. On one subject I happen to like MBG so I would thank him for his feedback. I'd say this chap gets more crap flung at him than most and has been the subject of nasty anti Irish sentiment. His restraint is always on show and admirable.

  37. Badarse

    Aug 27, 2017, 15:34 #103448

    Hello Mark of Nark. That was a good reasoned response and respected, thanks for accepting my answer and well done for a mature observational explanation. Some personal jibes from individuals are only felt as jibes by the target, so please accept that my reactions to some people are borne from them-you were always outside of that small group. I would just ask you to temper your judgement and question a little your memory of events. It was never a custard tart throwing situation with all outraged people on one side and Jamerson and I on the other. There were isolated occasions when my guard slipped I grant you that, frustration against the odds can do that to you. I stand against all he ever represented, so far left wing I would run down the line in row three of the stands. You deserve an answer to the term rabble. I dislike tags and labels and would complain in true Prisoner-'I am not a number' style by refusing to adopt the AKB persona foisted upon me, it clouded any point I tried to make. Generally only Ron and to a certain extent the Dark Lord Bard, answered fairly and dispassionately. Anyway I began the parodies and little stories about AKBs and WOBs. On one occasion I commented that the group behaved more like a mob and a rabble than a brigade. Someone else picked up on it and the WOR were born. All daft and childish, but so is AKB and WOB, don't you think; unless used as a joke element? Sometimes when someone is 'having a go' and a second, then a third joins in it begins to feel a little like a cowardly kicking session is taking place, hence the allusion to jeff wright's sandals. I genuinely don't think too many would be so interested in any 'memories' that I may have, or any articles that I could write they would be judged on previously absorbed 'realities' of Badarse, hence the attempt at Brian. I miss westlower, the only reason I kept going for so long initially. He got me in 'one' telling me in the early days that I said the wrong things and he was correct. This email, computer thing was very novel and untried for me; I think I was guilty of much but my biggest crime was responding as I might across a table in a pub to committed Arsenal fans, expecting it to be friendly, if they weren't friendly I naively thought then I wouldn't be sat at their table. I never back down from a position of certainty, but am usually able to take criticism, sift, shift, adjust, and amend. So the previous wasn't our final communication but this might. There is little to say. Two friends with one wanting a change and the other unperturbed by current events remain friends, but the verbal tennis has to end or the friendship does. It's a nice sunny afternoon, mbg is out picking pansies and all is right with the world. May has shown her first signs of awareness of her own mortality and is conniving to ensure it comes about, and JC has shifted the Labour Party policy to a point that I desire; stay in the Customs agreement and trade deal, back out of the political arena. It will suffice. Power to the people, (all people, even those too young to vote, or without one), and naturally a rousing 'Good old Arsenal.' You are a Gooner young Gun-I can take the insults for saying that, hearts and sleeves, ha ha.

  38. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 15:20 #103447

    markymark, good post, proper retort and WORTH READING, Sudo Cream time again. wenger out.

  39. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Aug 27, 2017, 15:16 #103446

    ''Catalyst for change'' anyone? Our starting line up vs Liverpool today made up entirely of players who were all here last season. Not one single new face. And we are going to improve on 5th place are we? F****** laughable. Wenger out

  40. markymark

    Aug 27, 2017, 14:17 #103445

    Badarse - the problem I see here is the much used and abused saying "when good men say nothing" an example is being played out in front of our eyes with Trump. I actually feel sorry for Jared Kushner who bears the weight of Jewish anger at Trump's idiocy but must feel he's signed a pact with the devil and can't wriggle out. I feel and I believe others do also , that you should have pulled up Jamerson for his abuse. It would not have undermined your support for Arsene Wenger. Now you talk about scattering the opposition? With what exactly ? Do you mean his racist , homophobic , bigoted view points? I suspect a number on this site sat back took a deep breath and thought what do we do with this chap? These people would be sensible non bigoted contributors (normal people not deserving to be called a rabble). What I decided to do along with Arsenalknewbest was play him at his own game, after all, reasoned complaints to him were met with Being called Retards, poofs, deviants ( did you think this was somehow amusing or scattering people ?) So when Jameson went on about his super hard brother , I turned him into an obese lisping nappy wearer, when Jameson kept on crowing about huge houses in Southwold I turned it into a rusting caravan next to Sizewell B. Arseneknewbest had a supremely funny viginette of Jameson careering around the countryside in a Morris Minor. Again turned around from his comments. We of course had others and as they all seemed to go down the "you're poofs route and perverts (why exactly?) I thought it amusing to have this group part of a Wednesday Wank Club obsessing about Wengo and in complete denial of their group activities being somewhat disturbed. I should add that being called a poof, deviant , mug, retard is not particularly upsetting. What is upsetting is people still use these expressions . Now back to you , why did you start calling a group of decent contributors , quislings and rabble? It's not actually very funny and quite aggressive. It's pretty obvious that out contributors from the West Country , Bard, ARseneknewbest and others have towering intellects in comparison to Squeak, Jameson, Colesore and really also ToOaW . I think sometimes you mistake your verbosity with supreme intellectual vigour. You are intelligent certainly but I feel others often have your match and then you descend into pettiness. A question for you, why have never contributed a submission? Surely a back in the day article , memories of Highbury , great matches would be an ideal furrow to plough and would provide a balance of positive comments towards you. Everybody likes a pat on the back really and it might help positively with your somewhat up and down relationship with this site. Overall you've earned the time and respect of people on this site so use it well.

  41. Badarse

    Aug 27, 2017, 13:11 #103444

    Mark of Nark you were guilty of altering perceptions, presenting a false reality as a newly born truth, which was all too readily accepted. If you oppose an individual you want to believe that which supports the entrenched view, so they did. Far easier to log in and follow rather than practise independent thought, eh lads? You made a false statement and repeated it for it to become a new truth. Badarse has flounced off in a huff. After 14 months away I presented myself and high-lighted a specific farewell post, date, post number, article posted under, and covered in 14 months of dust. My final post, a one word comment, 'Touche!' So no flouncing or huffing, but why let the truth get in the way of a supporting jibe? OK I think you get influenced too easily by those who support your idea of change, it happens, we all slip. Suddenly I noted that you under a pseudonym became one of the Wink Brothers. The ugliness of the posts was astonishing, talk of all sorts of obscene material. The other Brother had displayed these signs constantly, which is why I suggest that you were led, and far too easily. In defence of the Jamerson episode you do have to walk a mile in jeff wright's sandals and grey woolly socks to comprehend I am afraid. The ranks were lined up, a whole raft of WORS against a small group. I elected to take you on, nothing more and nothing less. Just to challenge the unmitigated insults, the dodgy language, to stamp on any perceived homophobia, racism, misogyny, sexism or it's like. Yes in a way I policed the site as I do when in real life company. That is not a way to win a popularity vote but in some company the very reverse counts as a victory. I found often that I had made that veritable rod and occasionally Jamerson would steam in hurling insults and brick bats. Loaded with stupid sexist comments, ugly racist overtones, biblical bull****, and wild exclamations. I found it beyond offensive as he was an idiot. Yet I found it amusing because he scattered the opposition, and occasionally it was in my defence. I never once supported any of his statements, so think on my friend. We have recently had an article prompting accusations bounded by legitimacy in the eyes of the law on what was said. That should serve as a template. I was amongst those most pleased when he was banned. Name changing? Yes I shot myself in the foot it's true and a clear reminder that I am not in any stretch perfect, others notice easily, the individual can be blind-sided. I just got peeved by the whole nonsense as explained. I also stayed reading and had the urge to comment. I foolishly decided to reinvent myself as a quiet version of reason-some hope with that one. The Badarse name was toxic and a waste of time. I chose the name Brian as I explained when recognised it was a misspelling, as I'd intended to be named Brain. See the humour? Thought not. Anyway there were three posts, so hang me for that, and I'll supply the rope. Just as a pointer, there is nothing wrong in making a soft joke about any appendage or parts of the body, of either gender. Sanitised, strait-jacketed society flies in the face of my liberating days from the early 60s which thankfully have remained a constant. I abhor the Bernard Manning types, the ugliness of golf club and rugby club sexist enclaves, but female breasts I like, as I do men's knees. Work it out. This may be our last personal exchange-consult my P.A the Eggman for any confirmations-so I just say this, hold to your views, but never muddy the waters, and be carful of those you may count as friends, I believe you to be a better man than that which you have occasionally presented. The omelettes are on me, mushroom, cheese or ham? You shall remain the exulted Mark of Nark.

  42. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 13:00 #103443

    GoonerRon, i'll take that as a complement but it was purely to stop wengerites coming on and claiming it was all down to him, those that know no better anyway.

  43. mbg

    Aug 27, 2017, 12:47 #103442

    Of all the happenings in the Prem over the weekend incidents, celebrations what have we got to celebrate talk about look forward too ? An old past it manager who doesn't know what he's fooking doing. wenger out.

  44. Badarse

    Aug 27, 2017, 12:18 #103441

    OK it's the sunny side up today. This is specifically a post to the Mark of Nark but a slight digression first. Eggman I do not insult and become offended by retribution I count that as par for the course. However when the first missile is lobbed I react, so if you reverse your myopic polarisation-your false reality-you should see that mine are reactions and not actions. Any other slithering and slimy, cowardly comments shall be treated with the contempt they deserve, eh Corny? Now to you Mark of Nark I shall treat in separate post. It shall be truthful and observational, not vitriolic, as stated a few times before despite us crossing swords there is a great element that I personal like in you. Time for eggs on toast.

  45. Bard

    Aug 27, 2017, 12:13 #103440

    So the latest is we are getting rid of Mustafi after Perez. So a couple of duff buys. Ox on his way and 'the board may over ride' Wengers decision not to sell Sanchez and to cap it al. we will save the money for Jan or next season !!! So thats this season done and dusted then and we havent even got to the end of Aug. A shambles

  46. Exeter Ex

    Aug 27, 2017, 9:34 #103439

    Badarse, your characterisation of your exchanges on here is so far removed from reality. This idea that you're accepting of other views... you collectively call those whose views you don't like a 'rabble'. You call individuals names and then wonder why they're not nice to you. You have no counterargument to points raised and criticisms made, you cannot even answer direction questions such as: What do you think of Wenger's failure to criticise Kroenke's hunting channel? Why did you spend weeks flagging up your great Goodbye statement... only to then simply carry on posting? Oh no of course, it would be 'bending the knee' to answer. What a joke. And your characterisation of Wenger as an 'innocent' illustrates your sheer lack of perception and insight.

  47. GoonerRon

    Aug 27, 2017, 8:25 #103438

    @ mbg - only you could take Shearer saying Adams was the best defender he faced and turn it into an anti-Wenger comment. Not everything in this world revolves around him you know.

  48. markymark

    Aug 27, 2017, 7:49 #103437

    Badarse - I have a mental image of this computer of yours. It's got big red shiny buttons and it's branded Fisher Price. Am I by any chance correct? It may be why you've had all these troubles accessing google etc.

  49. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 26, 2017, 22:40 #103436

    Baldy. Or as your racist mate TOOAW might say: You thick Kentish Long-Tail.

  50. mbg

    Aug 26, 2017, 22:03 #103435

    fieldyj, good to hear from you again, nothing much has changed, you've summed TOF up perfectly, (not to hard to do)and I bet he loves watching reruns of the Sweeney. wenger out.

  51. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 26, 2017, 22:02 #103434

    Baldy. ‘A sickness’, ‘obsessed with the practise’ (sic) ‘sees it as a great characteristic’. What, the ability to use Google? You have mentioned ‘dunces’, ‘dullards’ and ‘stupid’ on this site in the last few days. If you think that anyone would consider the ability to use Google to be a great characteristic, any more than the writer of innumerable, excruciatingly awful ‘comedy’ sketches might, then I think it’s you who should be wearing a dunce’s hat. Or has technology just passed you by?

  52. Badarse

    Aug 26, 2017, 18:15 #103433

    Eggman, can you really be that stupid, or are you purposely obtuse? Scrawl back through the archives to some of our previous exchanges, better still let that besotted Corny old man do it for you, he is obsessed with the practise and clearly sees it as a great characteristic. Anyway either way you would find an exchange, you say something and I answer, you bat away, and I respond. It becomes verbal tennis. This is fine if after those passages we can walk away and accept a difference of opinion. You cannot. You clearly have a glitch and then lower yourself to being quite malicious. I have walked away, come back to respond, walked away again, and then again respond. All pointless, but worst still worthless. Why do you not accept my view? That is very weird. I do not go in for character assassination of an innocent as in a manager or player based on supposition, or an inability to do his job to the degree you expect. Yet am happy on occasions to fight fire with fire. Cheese or mushroom omelette for tea?

  53. mbg

    Aug 26, 2017, 17:33 #103432

    Well done Shearer on telling us Tony Adams was the best defender you ever played against, a giant of a man (what must he be thinking of these Arsenal pansies today) and wenger had f**k all to do with it/him. wenger out now.

  54. mbg

    Aug 26, 2017, 14:31 #103431

    SKG1, good post, but if you don't mind i'll replace Arsenal with wenger (one of the same as we all know anyway I suppose) yes another mistake one of the many (and still happening today) Alonso would have been a good buy, but remember, this is wenger we're talking about, he'd have probably went like the rest, ruined, played out of position ? tried here there and everywhere trying to make/convert him into something he's not, and remember Alonso was a leader and organiser barking instructions (something OGL wasn't/isn't that fond of) wasn't afraid to speak up/his mind another trait TOF wouldn't have about the place, you could just imagine what he'd say/have said to wenger as he was been played out of position all over the shop, during the beatings and embarrassments one reason, maybe the real reason he was never signed or never wanted to come in the first place, and if he had i'd imagine he'd have soon realised and done what a lot of others with brains did before him and are still doing now, getting the fook out well away from him before they're completely ruined. wenger out now.

  55. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 26, 2017, 14:09 #103430

    Hello Baldarse, my tripe enriched pedigree chum. Thanks for the mention. It’s good to know you’re still thinking about me. It took me about ten seconds to find your first affectionate response to me. I know it’s a sickness in your eyes, but nobody’s perfect – eh fella? BADARSE 11:45am 14th May 2014 A Cornish Gooner, I hope you don't consider it a failure, but I really liked your post. Post No. 54484, So, you’ve been telling us what a marvellous person you are for the last 3-4 years at least, but the majority of posters on this site have NOT become influenced in the brain washing technique, and a new truth has not been born. You are correct in saying that most of the stuff on here has been repeated again and again, but then go on to repeat what you have already said a hundred times before.

  56. markymark

    Aug 26, 2017, 14:09 #103429

    Badarse - I'm pretty sure I can flip flop but here's your best examples. Berating people for being cowards when they posted under different names, then being outed as Brian, going on about woman's rights then writing stupid poems involving groping woman's boobs. Proclaiming your fight for equal rights and opportunities but then sucking up to Jamee who constantly talked about slaves, used racist language , homophobia and religious bigotry, constant use of the term Quisling for anybody you disagreed with and worst of all bloody sermonising about everyone's perceived faults . I think my odd guilty purchase of an Arsenal programe (shock horror !) is rather less on the bi-polar index.

  57. Exeter Ex

    Aug 26, 2017, 10:00 #103428

    TOOAW - This is football site, not a dating site. Asking people out for a drink is not appropriate. Badarse - that reads like a long, self-pitying whine. The reason you don't respond to direct questions is you know it would turn out the way Graham's dialogue with Kevin has. You have no argument, as such. Markymark is right that you resort instead to attempting to push buttons - you've just confirmed his theory by doing it again. The lack of self-awareness is stunning. Graham at least attempts to engage on the subject at hand. You wouldn't dare. And have you ever wondered what the source is of people saying the same things for 5 years and being stuck in a rut? You really don't get it, do you?

  58. Badarse

    Aug 26, 2017, 9:58 #103427

    Very eloquently put fieldyj, but I believe you missed out three passes, two tips, and a tap. Not so important as long as you get your water from somewhere it doesn't really matter, or how can you cook a bald egg?

  59. fieldyj

    Aug 26, 2017, 9:53 #103426

    To sum up The Arsenal in the Premier League over the last 10 years - is simple - TIP TAP PASS PASS - TIP TAP PASS PASS GIVE THE BALL AWAY - TIP TAP PASS PASS - TIP TAP PASS PASS GIVE THE BALL AWAY REPEAT. This man has no clue anymore the world of football has left him behind it like he is still driving a Ford Cortina when all the others are in the top 4 are driving Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. WENGER / GAZIDAS AND THE KRONKE OUT NOW

  60. Badarse

    Aug 26, 2017, 9:31 #103425

    If you say something often enough it is quite likely that others may become influenced in the brain washing technique and it oft becomes repeated, hence a new truth is born. Yet it is only inside a bubble a view shared by a clique or even a rabble. To call me a racist counts as one of the worst slurs you can label a man with and would be asking for retribution of sorts, as it is offered and confirmed by others in a mob is just becomes rather foolish and inane. Just as a level of guidance for dunces who share this site there is little to talk about. I am not starved of conversation but was drawn to the site because I love my Arsenal. I am politically opposed to most here but that should never be a stumbling block because some that share my political views are people I do not even want to engage with, both on this site or in real life. I long ago gave up trying to explain my reasons for my outlook so now though constantly asked to give a reaction I just shake my head it is an inanity. Bard has a basic creed, one I do not share but respect. The fact that he has been saying the same things constantly for around 5 years makes it not worthy of comment, he says something I've responded, he says the same again I do not respond, conversation over, but I respect him, he has a simple take on matters and pursues it, that can be admirable. mbg is quite clearly a troubled man and says daft repetitive things over and over-he has been doing it for years. Check out his posts from 5 years ago, (I haven't incidentally as that can be a sickness-eh Corny?), but the lad is stuck in a rut. Worth ignoring. The Mark of Nark is the perfect example of a flip-flop, perfectly suited to the beach but for goodness sake on a football site? After desperately trying to engage I gave up years ago and decided I would parody the Ronline Gooner, and have done so since. I am still open to sensible exchanges but they will never happen. Ron is amongst the brightest of people but I do not share all of his views. Sometimes we do share but the route to them occurring is not agreed or how the future will unfold. I can talk to Ron of guitarists, foods, even lollipops. Isn't that what this site should be for? I am probably wrong, I seem to be wrong on everything else. I was taught from an early age not to dismiss out of hand and to accept others as different rather than wrong, but it was also explained to me that most would not concur, they are the blunt instruments of reason. Anyway who's having bald eggs for breakfast?

  61. markymark

    Aug 26, 2017, 6:50 #103424

    ToOaW- it's very well offering out invites for a nice beer, I'm wondering if you and Colesore are by anyway related? But then you go and berate MBG with casual racism again . You've already been picked up for this and sadly now wear it as a badge of honour. I spotted you've added Paddy a few times since and now you co-join the "thick". Calling people thick because they belong to a certain race? Where do you stop? Do a Trump and put out a Star of David and a dollar bill (yes he did do this a few years ago). Quite frankly I'm not too concerned if your neighbours love you etc. What is concerning is that you are sinking into the nothing to say, so what you'll do is craft posts designed to push tolerance boundaries. Colesore, Squeak, Jamerson and sadly Badarse have all indulged. All similarly ran out of genuine commentary and resorted to buffoonery and trolling.

  62. mbg

    Aug 26, 2017, 1:30 #103423

    A week ago ? 21st i always thought there were seven days in a week not four, you obviously have a touch of it yourself, a thick paddy that can count, what does that say for you ?. we want wenger out.

  63. TOOAW

    Aug 25, 2017, 21:44 #103422

    @markymark. Ignorance is bliss. Meet for a beer anytime and you will see the real me. When mbg is still talenting about a post a week ago, it says all you need to know on this site, I'm happy to say it one more time. A very thick paddy !!!!! it's hard to define a proper Gooner these days but the OG suffers from what 14 year old boys suffer. Lastly, I've never raised an eyebrow on politics as it's all for fools like you. Meet up for a drink pal. As I said ignorance is bliss.

  64. Cyril

    Aug 25, 2017, 21:09 #103421

    When you pick up park lane and mayfair after a few rounds, you can go for a pis* and know you have been dinked a few pink ones. It don't mattter , you can give it a shake and come back knowing your still gonna win, cos vine street is your only hope. The game goes on for hours, doesn't it Wenger!

  65. mbg

    Aug 25, 2017, 19:43 #103420

    Big debate about the Dementia article the other day, and don't want to get into it again, but as some suggested he has to be having some kind of mental breakdown or deterioration, maybe it's caused him to lose the last twelve years and he imagines he's invincible again. wengerout.

  66. markymark

    Aug 25, 2017, 19:32 #103419

    ToOaW - such a tough guy obviously channeling your inner Trump. Definitely a group 2 AKB, deciding who can and cannot be an Arsenal supporter a bedfellow of Graham. Have you ever considered that you may actually be an embarrassment? No thought not, lack of self awareness again.

  67. KC38

    Aug 25, 2017, 18:24 #103418

    Whether you rate the Ox or not (personally it's no great loss in my opinion) is irrelevant,this saga proves what an absolute shambles this club has become both on and off the pitch. 1. How do the club not know he wants to go? 2 Why make statements 24 hrs before talks 3 Why not talk a year ago? 4 Why not talk 2 months ago to allow a sale and replacement.? It's such a farce. This club is stale poorly managed and incompetent from top to bottom. We could be so much stronger, slowly the fog is moving in on Wenger, he will feel the wrath and the ultimate power he has enjoyed will move in to destroy him, the farce will continue to grow on the pitch, once the majority of home fans turn he will crumble and find the board will hide away allowing him to cry alone and eventually resign. Out of touch and in time out time, sadly it's totally deserved, a once great Arsenal manager morphing into an arrogant, greedy, power deluded dictator

  68. Bard

    Aug 25, 2017, 18:21 #103417

    Seven Kings youre dead right mate. I'm amazed he is getting a free ride from the press about this one. Negligence doesnt describe it. If the Ox leaves it will be a significant nail in Wenger's coffin. If he wanted to build a side round him as he is suggesting why wait till he is in the last year of his contract to offer him a new mega deal ? The current state of affairs is extraordinary given the season is two games old. I have suggested he will be out before the end of the season but that might be a tad conservative what about Christmas? There must be huge amount of discontent around the players with unsigned contracts, uncertainty about who is going or staying and the OX and Sanchez wanting out. Not a happy camp.

  69. TOOAW

    Aug 25, 2017, 18:04 #103416

    @ markymark. Unfortunately you're not going to win any friends by spouting drivel. Post 108949 aggressive ?? You ain't lived. You're an embarrassment to call yourself an Arsenal fan. But if it's votes you are after. Carry on.

  70. 1971 Gooner

    Aug 25, 2017, 16:57 #103415

    The reason we allow good players to play into the last year if their contract has to be that AW can't abide the thought of paying them more to do the same job, which would be the consequence of extending that contract. Also, re: the Alonso cock-up, we were £1M away from replacing the useless Almunia with the highly competent Mark Schwartzer who was waiting in a nice hotel waiting to sign. He could have been our Van der Sat.

  71. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Aug 25, 2017, 16:34 #103414

    The more I read about the situation of the Arsenal players coming to the end of their contracts the more I start thinking this has to be some form of corporate misconduct. It is a huge failure of business ethics that company assets can be devalued in this laissez-faire manner, in any normal business heads would roll. Alternatively did Arsene, thinking before Christmas that his contract would not be renewed, decide to lay as difficult a set of circumstances as possible for any new manager taking over? The cynic in me thinks there may be a grain of truth in this somewhere.

  72. mbg

    Aug 25, 2017, 16:08 #103413

    Bard, and at a face to face with TOF too, and also telling him it's not about the money but Ambition, Ouch, I bet that went down well, I'm surprised he'd want him to stay at all after speaking out and back to him like that, just wait and see TOF getting his own back if the Ox does stay or sign by not playing him and keeping him on the bench. wenger out.

  73. mbg

    Aug 25, 2017, 15:41 #103412

    CORNISH, yes embarrassing isn't it, but the AKB wengerites should be used to it/that by now, no doubt another emergency meeting called at AKB central command with them all agreeing on action to have the emails deep sixed, only to be seen in fifty years time under some wenger/government freedom of information act. wenger out.

  74. Alsace

    Aug 25, 2017, 15:14 #103411

    Bard, I don't believe that Wengerites feel any apprehension. Like all good believers bathing in the warm glow of their faith in Arsene Wenger they believe that this time it will all come good. We know better. We know that when the defence is tight, when our destroyers tackle hard, when our wingers deliver the ball properly, when there are strikers in the box to meet those crosses, and when we do the nasty things well and often, THEN we are in with a chance. You don't wishfully hope for a championship winning side. You know it when you see it - when you can smell it.. When I see Sanchez and Oxlade Chamberlain doing their level best to leave, and Ozil and Walcott staying, I know that we have absolutely no hope whatever. Wenger is not consistent with hope or enjoyment of the team. That's why I want him gone. If he did Sanchez and the Ox would stay. As it is I am an enthusiastic member of their escape committee. Do you know what I really hate about the Wengerites? The fact that they will boo the OX and Sanchez when they come back to play for other teams. Like they do Cesc Fabregas, who I hope will one day return as our manager and clear away Wenger's nonsense.

  75. markymark

    Aug 25, 2017, 15:03 #103410

    Last comment I meant Arsenal have not been Top in April/May since 2005. Bard - just a point where you say even the most Wenger supporting..... I think that generally they don't actually care too much. I recently broke them down into two sub groups. Group 1 the urbane , older, doing rather well for themselves see it as a little past time. It's just sport like Golf or a round of Squash and like Wenger as he feels like a corporate CEO. These guys tend to be corporate. Group 2 often polar opposite, quite rabid , willing to believe delusional group think. They will direct anger at the player so keeping the sanctity of Wenger. Amusingly though I did not name anyone when I recently posted this ToOaW got in a right huff and started aggressively posting (so proving he's group 2). The self satisfied block may peel away, I think the BranchWengerites will continue to light incense candles in his honour well after he's gone

  76. markymark

    Aug 25, 2017, 14:45 #103409

    Gooner Ron - this isn't really a challenge just an observation. When we have played Spurs over the last few seasons I'd say when we have drawn we have been fortunate and when beaten, well beaten. Spurs were a bit unlucky having two away derbies on consequetive title run ins. Yes they have to win them but Chelsea and Westham away in never easy The most damning stat is that have not been top of league in either April or May since 2005 I believe ( perhaps someone can confirm ).

  77. Exeter Ex

    Aug 25, 2017, 13:38 #103408

    J. Wilson in today's Guardian: : “...regular upswing in April and May. Nobody has monetised mediocrity quite so well: they are masters at stimulating optimism at just the right moment to maximise season ticket sales.” Reading Perry above, you can see that once again, this is exactly what he's fallen for.

  78. Cyril

    Aug 25, 2017, 13:21 #103407

    It really makes me feel sad all this. I used to work at Ashburton Grove and we all moved for the stadium. They were great times. To see him masterfully turn 500 grand into 23 mill with Anelka and to watch his great teams was up there with the finest time ever for me as a fan. But now, nearly 20 years on, he can't get rid of his players all on ten times the amounts of the likes that Bergkamp were on. It's just lucky we are awash with money, or as sad as it makes me say this after the intro, this man could put us in a financial pickle. What a shame!

  79. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Aug 25, 2017, 9:34 #103406

    Not signing Alonso was one of the biggest mistakes the club have made in the last 10 odd years. It was also the season I gave up going to watch Arsenal after 48 years of regular attendance. Alonso would have given the midfield some proper experience, although the side needed and still does need a backbone. I find it quite compelling watching Mourinho build Man U into his indefatigable image, it's about power and pace and a couple of players for every key position. It will probably end in tears a few years down the line as his demands on the players and club will test everyone concerned but not until JM wins another PL title for the Mancs. Hopefully Arsenal will have all their defenders available for the Old Trafford game, if not it will be a long 90 minutes.

  80. GoonerRon

    Aug 25, 2017, 9:29 #103405

    @ jwe - Spuds are undoubtedly improving, I really like Poch as a manager too and clearly we haven't moved forward in terms of PL/CL challenges. They have closed the gap and managed to outrank us once and counting. But we were told for 9 years that trophies are the only currency and we've won as many in the last 4 years than they have in the last 30.

  81. Bard

    Aug 25, 2017, 8:42 #103404

    Even the most loyal of Wengerites must be feeling apprehensive. If true it appears as though the Ox is on the move or at the very least not signing another contract. Turning down an alleged £180000 a week is a damning indictment of what he thinks of the club. Sanchez doesnt look like he wants to stay either. It also doesnt look like Wenger is having much luck removing the deadwood. Add in potential defeats to Liverpool and Chelsea and it doesnt look too bright for the great one. My take is that he will resign before the season ends.

  82. mbg

    Aug 25, 2017, 1:36 #103403

    Sorry I forgot to mention the second most saddest thing of all,(although some might argue) the bronze f*****g bust what a f*****g joke, remember the grins of him as it was unveiled ? The child catcher in chitty chitty bang bang, what a fooking joke. wenger out now.

  83. mbg

    Aug 25, 2017, 1:25 #103402

    Ron, yes mate looking around with a grin like it's his palace, like he's f*****g God, and he believed it, the c**t was untouchable, Sad, remember the hype, the lies, the spin, where we were going, what we were going to become, oh how we were all fooled, the skinny weasel knew full well what was coming, his much failed pet project youth for one, and trying to turn f*****g donkeys into thorough breds (on top wages and long term contracts) money wasn't scarce for that, and all his other failed philosophies, and the saddest thing of all after all this time ? The c**t is still at it and doing it and f*****g getting away with it, and still being believed. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  84. KC38

    Aug 24, 2017, 23:35 #103401

    For all the debate money spent poor signings etc etc it actually comes down to what you watch acknowledging weaknesses and fixing them. This is where he fails. To watch your team knowing your easy to score against is galling, to appreciate if your easy to score against you have no way of title challenging creates frustration. To try and understand how any manager can sit and watch the same weaknesses game after game season after season is beyond defending. I am all in favour of offensive grass football but it has to be balanced, the games over the last 10 years involving us and the goals conceded even when we win are prof enough that a culture change is required, how can any genuine Arsenal fan not see that? Bayern have scored 5 goals against us in 3 of the last 4 games how can anyone not see we are set up for failure at the highest level??

  85. jwe1981

    Aug 24, 2017, 22:52 #103400

    Gooner Ron - Ask yourself this question, who out of Arsenal and Spurs have looked more like winning the title over the last two seasons? Who is on the up and who is on the way down? In my opinion the FA Cup wins have papered over some gaping cracks that are just getting bigger and bigger. If I was a Spurs fan I would be delighted not only with the current plight of my own club and the direction they are headed in but also of the fact that Arsene seems to be at AFC for life and that people like GP make his stay easy for him. SUPPORT AFC - WENGER OUT!

  86. markymark

    Aug 24, 2017, 21:56 #103399

    When you look back at the dreadful pictures of Thatcher in a suspiciously clean builders safety hat , trowel in hand or even worse Commander style propped up in a Chieftain Tank. Only the most imbecilic Daily Mail reader would actually have believed she was somehow working on building site or leading the Army on manoeuvres. So why is it Graham Perry, TOoAw and Badarse similarly believe Wengo had anything to do with building the Emirates. Deluded fools the whole lot of them.


    Aug 24, 2017, 20:42 #103398

    Final score: KW 16 - GP 0 - a Premier League record. Apart from his wilful determination to ignore FACTS, does GP seriously believe that AFC could ever have gone into Administration during the "financially strapped" period? As for these wondrous "Traditions" he still has faith in, would this include Wiggy's continued evasiveness over his new outdoor "sports" TV channel? "We dtvtdon't want his sort over here".

  88. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 24, 2017, 20:41 #103397

    Caption competition. Wengo - it's fun to stay at the YMAC! Oh merde I suppose I've failed the audition for the village people tribute band so I'll have to stay at Asano forever....

  89. Time for change

    Aug 24, 2017, 20:24 #103396

    AKBs have an answer for everything: Haven't won the league since 2004 'under financial constraints', Leicester won the league 'that was a one off', shouldn't Wenger have been sacked for 13 years off failure? 'need to back the manager' it's pathetic. Wenger out

  90. mbg

    Aug 24, 2017, 16:59 #103395

    Those boots never got to dirty, (or his hard hat either) i'd say if you seen them today they'd still be spotless and never used (unless they were given to a real worker) standing there with a grin like it was all his doing, built the stadium my f*****g arse. We want wenger out.

  91. Bard

    Aug 24, 2017, 15:55 #103394

    Bob B really good post. The issue is clear, football management is about accountability its not about sentiment or whether he is or isnt a good man. Its about competing and trying to win trophies. We have done very little of either over the last ten years. I read that he is suggesting that the Ox owes some kind of debt to Arsenal and should therefore sign. What planet is he on ?

  92. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Aug 24, 2017, 15:48 #103393

    Graham and anyone else who still believes that Wenger is the right man for the job and that our club is in good hands- I feel very sorry for you and hope you get well soon

  93. Yes its Ron

    Aug 24, 2017, 15:45 #103392

    Ole Arsene looks like the cat that got the cream there doesn't he. Wheres his trowel, mortar board and spirit level? Accepted wisdom says he built the place? Recall all of the good feeling and optimism when that place was going up. Seems like a lifetime ago. What a sham its proved.

  94. GoonerRon

    Aug 24, 2017, 15:30 #103391

    @ jwe1981 - whilst Spurs are on an upward trajectory in the last 5 years we've finished ahead of them in 4 and won 3 trophies to their zero. The Ed undoubtedly puts a more compelling argument across in this exchange but let's not go overboard.

  95. Trevor Ross

    Aug 24, 2017, 13:19 #103389

    "We have £69m in cash, so we have money available. Arsene has got sufficient funds for any signing he wishes to make"- Keith Edelman, March 2008. "If he (Wenger) said 'I want this guy and he's £30m, can I buy him?', the answer is yes. Absolutely yes"- Danny Fizsman, August 2008.

  96. peter wain

    Aug 24, 2017, 12:35 #103388

    one thing is quite clear from our transfer dealings we have no chance of contesting the title. we have more chance of 4 from bottom rather than fourth from top. Out in the first round of the league cup not contesting the Europa league all we have left is the fa cup. And then to cap it all 11 players leaving on free transfers next summer. The total management of the club is an absolute disgrace and the clear out we need is at the very top.

  97. Bob Bayliss

    Aug 24, 2017, 12:17 #103387

    It basically boils down to this: to what extent should a manager's past achievements, however remarkable, be taken as evidence that they remain the best man for the job? I would argue that in the short-term it's crazy to overlook what has been achieved: so the likes of Chelsea (Mourinho) and especially Leicester (Ranieri) were unjustified in moving so swiftly to remove their managers when results took a downward dip. But Arsenal are at the other extreme. All available evidence is that the qualities that made Wenger a great manager 10-15 years ago are ones that he no longer possesses or (more likely) are no longer relevant to success today. Most of the teams in the top half of the table - including Spurs, Liverpool and Everton as well as the wealthy clubs - have managers far better equipped to achieve success in the game as it now is.

  98. Yes its Ron

    Aug 24, 2017, 12:01 #103386

    Cameron - i agree. The way football is heading here, it ll happen sooner rather than later as the cash power rests with 1 or 2 clubs in a far more substantial way than when it was AFC and MU. Its an easier league to do it in now too in my view. Its hype that says the title chase is 'more open than ever' etc etc. It isnt, no where near. Its more closed than ever. Lets face it, after Tottenhams double in 61, it was thought it would be years before it happened again. It only took 10. Doubles have become quite frequent this last 15 years.

  99. cameron326

    Aug 24, 2017, 11:35 #103385

    The invincibles was a massively impressive achievement but at the end of the day it was still just one league title. And I don't buy the hyperbole that it will "never@ be repeated - eventually if will be, though whether that's five, ten , twenty, fifty or hundred years from now none can say. Anyway, back to the present, and our team is inferior to Tottenham, despite outspending them over the past decade.Were no longer the best team in N London

  100. Bard

    Aug 24, 2017, 11:15 #103384

    Fascinating exchange. Dear old Graham bless him offers not one single argument as to why Wenger should stay or why he is capable of taking us to the next level other than 'we need to get behind managers in the bad times'. Feeble doesnt come anywhere near describing his justifications for the current regime. When I read this stuff, rather like on Untold you really wonder whether they understand anything about competitive football. There is an almost childlike naivety about it all.

  101. jwe1981

    Aug 24, 2017, 10:24 #103383

    In this modern day online world we all live in so many people have hidden agendas. Personally I would not be at all surprised if GP was actually a Spurs fan. It is his kind of opinions/tolerance levels that have allowed AFC to drop below THFC over the last 5 years or so. Keep the faith GP your messiah at the lane will be overjoyed with your splendid work.

  102. Exeter Ex

    Aug 24, 2017, 9:48 #103382

    More of the same from Graham in the face of the force Kevin's argument - more questions when facts are given, more about his 'belief' in the manager. He doesn't seem very well informed either - he wants to hear the manager's explanation when it's well known Wenger said at the time he didn't buy Alonso because it would 'kill' Denilson, Diaby and Song. Graham says it is right Rioch left as players were against him, yet a manager with a divided fanbase, divided board, unable to keep the players he wants to whilst unable to sell the players he wants to should be kept on ad infinitum. His belief in being even more supportive when failing perfectly illustrates his sentiment first, Arsene first approach to AFC.