Arsenal Circular 178 - Stand by the manager, the team and the club

Arsène is far from down and out

Arsenal Circular 178 - Stand by the manager, the team and the club

"It was shocking... our performance was absolutely disastrous”

(Ed’s note – The Gooner exists to present supporter views on Arsenal across the spectrum of opinion. The line taken in editorials (and there will be one tomorrow morning reflecting on the events of Sunday and today) is the view of one individual, but we are open to expression of others which are not in sympathy. It must be accepted that there are a significant number of Arsenal supporters that agree with the words of Ivan Gazidis in late May that Arsène Wenger is the best man for the job of manager at the club. It’s a view I can’t fathom, but it’s interesting to hear their arguments, so here is the latest Arsenal Circular, reflecting on the Liverpool game, but written before news that the sale of the Ox to Chelsea had been agreed…)

Dear Fellow Gunners

Wenger did not try to gloss over the failings in yesterday’s performance at Anfield. He is quoted in today’s Times as saying;-

“From the first minute to the last minute we were not at the level required for such a game...not physically, not technically, not mentally and we were punished. The result is a consequence of our performance. It was shocking... our performance was absolutely disastrous”

If that is the case why not sack the manager?
“Have done with him. His time is up” - a growing number will say.
Wenger is the architect, the conductor with the baton.
He signs the players. He dictates the playing style. He selects the teams.
It is down to him and if he fails he has to pay the price.
Change the manager.

That is the thinking of some fans – some of them have held a long harboured resentment towards Wenger and are the first into print with every reverse but not so visible when things go well.
Others growing in number are more balanced. They admire Wenger, like Wenger and wish him success but now question his ability to lead a top team in a title chase.
So after yesterday’s drubbing the Wagon Train is rolling, the Cavalcade is moving and the focus is on Wenger Out Now.

Some believe it but recoil from saying so out of respect for the man.
Gary Neville is in that category – he says that he has too much respect for Wenger and instead blames the players for letting him down.
And there is something in that – Chamberlain, in particular, caught my attention. He was going through the paces. Drifting rather than committed and not tracking back. He has “left” Arsenal.
Bought as a boy and turned into a regular England pick he showed his “thanks” to the Club and the crowd for which he should be castigated for ever and a day.
Blaming individual players is alive because we enter the countdown to the end of the transfer window.
Chamberlain and Sanchez have their minds on moves this week.
Holding has lost confidence in the same way that Chambers did after poor games against Anderlecht and Swansea at right back two years back.
Why do we sign muppets?
Bellerin appears out of position and time and again we are caught out with crosses with Cech to thank for keeping the score down to 4.
Xhaka has fallen short of expectation and Ramsey had to make way for the sharp tackling Coquelin.
There is talk of a Mustafi exit as well.
Maybe there was a plan not to select Lacazette and Kolasinac and include Welbeck – wholehearted though he is, he so often fails to connect in front of goal or is let down by a poor first touch.
But the plan was not apparent and I wonder what both Lacazette and Kolasinac were thinking about being benched.
Koscielny always performs well but is too quiet for too long - failing to lead as a Captain should.
So there are problems of personnel and style – why with Bould as coach are we caught out time and again?

But back to the key question – Sack The Manager Now?

There are reasons why that is not the solution.
Replace him with whom? – who of top quality is available who meets the needs of Arsenal Football Club?
Three games and how many managers of quality are free to put in charge?
As an alternative do you go for a combination of Mertesacker and Lehmann or bring back Henry or Eurotrain Dennis over from Holland.
Change when you have options and not when you are just frustrated.

There is another reason not to panic – the transfer market is busy.
No one can predict what will happen but names have been mentioned and especially after yesterday’s performance it is likely there will be activity this week.
I expect Chamberlain and Sanchez to go and for replacements to come in.
Wenger is also keen to give Nelson an airing and don’t be surprised if the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of Wilshere makes a re-appearance.
Yesterday was a watershed – so poor so early in the season.
But allow your feelings to run away and you can find AFC in greater trouble.
Wenger is not finished – perplexed and self-questioning though he might be but far from down and out.
It is only a few months since we won 9 out of 10 league games, won the FA Cup against everyone’s expectation and only a few weeks ago we won the Community Shield against a strong Chelsea.

So, no panic. It is always easy to slag off this one or that one or pander to the clamour for Wenger to the Gallows.
Execution is cut and dried – makes us feel good – action is taken but little is achieved.

We face a difficult 12 days before we play Bournemouth – themselves with three defeats so expect them to be determined opponents.
We can go in for the nastiness of social media – and fan the flames of protest.
Get the planes flying. Start the pre-match marches.
Or we remain calm in the storm and stand by the manager, the team and the club.
24 hours is a long time in politics - said Harold Wilson

Follow me on Twitter@arsenalcircular.

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  1. Almunia is a clown

    Aug 29, 2017, 23:15 #103582

    It's all about the Wonga with Wenger, making himself & Kroenke rich on fleecing & lying to Arsenal supporters. I will not finance Arsene Stanley PLC. AKB's are no different to opposition supporters who want Wenger to destroy Arsenal FC. When Wenger goes the AKB's must go with him. WENGER, KROENKE, GAZIDIS, AKB's OUT!

  2. mbg

    Aug 29, 2017, 19:04 #103574

    GSPM, exactly, the good thing about this wenger claustaf**k (clint eastwood heartbreak ridge)is it's gone so far now and got so bad no matter what the perrys of this club try, say, write, or do to try and brush over it and spin it to try and deflect blame from their messiah it won't, doesn't and never will work, no matter what they try and do they're wasting their time now,their convincing no one, it's way, way, way, to far gone now and I bet he and the rest of the wenger moonies from outer space even know it. We want wenger out now.

  3. Ham

    Aug 29, 2017, 11:57 #103549

    This article is an embarrassment. If you're not part of the solution then you're actually part of the problem, and people like Perry are part of the problem, they just don't have the guts to finally admit they've been wrong all these years

  4. Exeter Ex

    Aug 29, 2017, 11:12 #103543

    Mixed in with the contempt for the outright stupidity of this article, I feel a little sorry for Graham - this article highlights the desperation Arsene supporters are now feeling. Blame the players, blame Bould, point the finger anywhere but at the hub, the source of it all. Only a few days ago an article was published where you were talking up 3 at the back - that's been demolished as a panacea already. Now you've just got the end of last season and the return of Wilshire as grounds for optimism. I don't think a retort is even required to that. You don't want him sacked now... how long do you want him to cling on for then? Like Theresa May, he's clinging on for the sake of it. A dead man walking. It's over, give it up, Graham, and move on in your thinking towards AFC.

  5. GoonGer

    Aug 29, 2017, 10:56 #103539

    I wouldn't give him a penny, he has wasted millions and we are no where further forward. He has to go, Brian Clough was mentioned a few years ago and we are now at that point. The timing of the sacking is Kronkes fault, as he didn't get rid in the Summer. New manager brought in, The Ox and Sanchez sign new deals because they are up lifted and positive about the new signings!! Ooh if only. Now it's just a house of cards, bring on the Chelsea.

  6. CBee

    Aug 29, 2017, 10:19 #103536


  7. Paulward

    Aug 29, 2017, 9:40 #103532

    So no need to panic then as we've still got Wilshere and Nelson to come in.With the greatest respect what planet does Mr. Perry inhabit ?

  8. Up For Grabs Now

    Aug 29, 2017, 9:40 #103531

    Wow Graham, you are clearly still a leading member of the flat earth society! Even if your views were the majority view, which they are not, then don’t you think that for the good of the club Wenger should leave anyway, to unite the fan base? Or do you support Wenger more than you support Arsenal?

  9. GSPM

    Aug 29, 2017, 8:30 #103528

    You can write all you like about "your" views, don't let the truth get in the way. The Truth being, Wenger is a washed-up clueless manager who had his day over 12yrs ago, everything else is just BS & spin.

  10. Gaz

    Aug 29, 2017, 8:21 #103527

    You're bonkers mate...

  11. RobG

    Aug 29, 2017, 3:28 #103526

    Harold Wilson did not say '24 hours is long time in politics' he said 'a week is a long time in politics' ! Why do we sign muppets? 'We' don't. Wenger does. The reasoning here is past a joke.

  12. mbg

    Aug 29, 2017, 0:59 #103525

    Just look at the caption of the three stooges, not an idea between them, (as one of wengers chief bidet polishers i'd have used a different caption than that, and if you didn't i'd have wanted one lol) f*****g sitting there clueless, and the underline arsene is far from down and out, lol, you couldn't make it up, don't give up the day job, wenger out now.

  13. Time for change

    Aug 28, 2017, 23:06 #103523

    Roberto Mancini is available and has actually won the PL in the last 13 years. Wenger presided over 9 out of 10 wins and won the FA Cup and Community Shield unexpectedly. Well Whoopdie do. Bet Conte and Mourinho are shaking in their boots. Oh that's right they're not because winning 9 out of 10 matches in April/May means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IF YOU FINISH FIFTH (they've led teams to first in the last seven years).

  14. jwe1981

    Aug 28, 2017, 22:57 #103522

    GP you are either a wind up merchant or a spurs fan. Either way please refrain from writing these 'articles'. Too pathetic for words.

  15. KC38

    Aug 28, 2017, 22:47 #103520

    Graham, worse? We have lost 4 0, 1 0 and conceded 8 goals in three games. Any manager with an ounce of ability would manage better. The decisions taken by Wenger are beyond belief, from set up to selection to purchase. Read the article in the daily telegraph, it's been sh1t for years with the same weaknesses, open your eyes, man up and admit your wrong, we are a laughing stock and it's painful, what's worse it's all so predictable.

  16. GoonerMuzz

    Aug 28, 2017, 21:16 #103516

    Much as i can agree with certain of your sentiments in your article i wholeheartedly have to disagree. If this were a one off occurance then you article would be worhty of merit however this is an ongoing saga which we experience year after year. Surely when a team lacks the motivation we saw on Sun, we have players who are refusing to sign new contracts and others who outright want to leave then the Manager has to be answerable. How many games do we wait, 5, 10 or are we expected to yet again judge him in May after another poor season but a late run to secure 4/5/6 place