The Surprise? That Anyone Is Surprised

Online Ed – Three games in, and Arsenal are already in crisis mode

The Surprise? That Anyone Is Surprised

The natives are restless...

Where to begin? There is so much to say, and yet, it’s all been said before and since the end of Sunday’s 4-0 defeat, it’s been said again by so many.

In terms of the decision to give Arsène Wenger a further two years as manager, the chickens have come home to roost big time. And the worst thing is, given Stan Kroenke probably isn’t even aware of the results so far this season, the manager is not going anywhere, unless he sees the light and makes the decision to hand in a letter of resignation.

Wenger has always claimed what he does is for the best interests of the club he loves so much, rather than his bank balance, and that when he does finally depart he will leave the club in good shape. Yet he lacks the self awareness to realize that best thing he could do is to have handed over the reigns after the FA Cup Final victory (although history tells us that 2008-09 was the last time the club credibly challenged for either of the title or the Champions League, but the calamitous performances over two seasons when glory was within reach means the board would have been better calling time on Arsène then).

However, financially, the club have been growing in value, posting profit habitually, so there has been progress there. When football history is written, show us your medals has greater currency than balance sheets, but the priorities of Arsenal today are more to do with financial rude health than silverware. The FA Cups are good for PR, but meaningless money-wise, which is why Premier League position and Champions League qualification are the main target. The team selections reflect this.

And yet, this prioritization makes the last 15 months a bit of a mystery in terms of the club’s transfer and contract negotiation activity. Mustafi, an expensive centre-back, was apparently the third choice on Wenger’s shopping list for a central defender in 2016. Lucas Perez was purchased, looked good when we saw him, and yet – like Mustafi seems to be – is surplus to requirements only 12 months on. This summer’s window is not over, but for all the world, we are looking at a repeat of the 2011 supermarket sweep after the 8-2 humiliation at Old Trafford.

Interestingly, that was the Ox’s debut. And Sunday looks set to be his final appearance for the club. We’ve gone full circle. As for the situation with the player contracts, it’s farcical. There are players the manager has invested time and generous wages in, who have gone backwards, and who the club cannot sell because of the fat salary they are currently enjoying, which no-one else is going to come close to matching. So you have Carl Jenkinson on a £45k a week contract until 2020, who will spend the next three seasons on loan at various other clubs with Arsenal paying something like 75% of his wages.

As for the players he does want, they can’t wait to go. The Ox looks set to depart, the only question being where. Sanchez wants out, and a deal will probably be done before the end of Thursday. Nobody will pay what the club want for Ozil, who will in all probability coast through the season and take a free move to one of the Turkish clubs next summer, with a signing on fee compensating for the difference between the wages Arsenal are offering him and what his new team can afford.

The players know Wenger is a busted flush. They know he cannot coach them as well as others. Wenger’s tactics have become a standing joke in football, akin to the Queen Mother and her liking for gin, and his players are all too well aware of this when they meet up with team-mates on international duty. He cannot organize them and he cannot motivate them. He will not address the defensive side of the game through either his buying policy or his preparation for matches. So you have a situation where he has one defensive midfielder of any note – Coquelin – who he had previously decided was surplus to requirements only for an injury crisis to see him return to the club from Championship Charlton and enjoy a purple patch alongside Santi Cazorla to earn a new deal. Time has told us that Charlton was about his level. Yet, the manager has not purchased at least one player to improve the situation, preferring more creative options. My guess is he will now think about Jack Wilshere in this position, although he lacks the discipline to do it, and will most likely be injured again before too long.

The players effectively downed tools midway though last season. They were good enough to get a few results against lesser sides after the away defeats at Everton and Manchester City, masking their lack of genuine commitment, but things imploded in late January. After the Palace defeat which saw the club chairman leave early in disgust (and which should have signaled the sack), Wenger had the following fixtures in which he imitated runaway leaders Chelsea and played three at the back -
Middlesbrough away – 2-1 win v relegation fodder
Man City at Wembley – 2-1 win in extra time in committed performance
Leicester home – 1-0 win v team on the beach
Spurs away – 2-0 defeat
Manchester United home – 2-0 win v mix and match team who had other priorities
Southampton away – 2-0 win v team on the beach
Stoke City away – 4-1 win v team on the beach
Sunderland home – 2-0 win v relegation fodder
Everton home – 3-1 win v team on the beach
Chelsea at Wembley – 2-1 win in committed performance, albeit against 10 man team in party mode

Interesting to note that the two committed performances from the team were in matches where they saw a chance of silverware as a consequence. As for the league, they only met one side who were neither in the relegation zone or going through the motions – and lost badly (Spurs away could easily have been 4-0 as well).

Conclusion: In the Premier League, the players were playing with the same kind of commitment as we have seen since the start of this season. No sense of defensive responsibility, just gung ho Gunners out to express themselves and have a bit of a kickaround. Why? Because the manager has lost the players. If the team he had last season were not good enough to finish in his cherished top four, why not start the two men brought in to improve the situation at Anfield two days ago?

The unfortunate thing is that Wenger has no intention of falling on his sword and he is the man who will decide when his time is up. So things are going to get worse. A dictator who stays on too long, who doesn’t realize it’s time to let go of power. He’s an arrogant, stubborn man with zero humility and an excess of hubris, which is why I love watching him squirming post match (completely refusing to acknowledge any personal responsibility) after each successive defeat. He lost any right to sympathy years ago when he continued taking £8 million a year (plus bonuses reputedly around the £3.5 million a season mark) and yet refused to compromise his principles by sorting out his team to do the ugly stuff that is required by even the great teams (including his own Invincibles). Refresh my memory, what exactly are these Arsenal values of which he constantly refers to as an excuse for underachievement?

Aside from the Ox, Koscielny and Ramsey started in both the 8-2 defeat at Old Trafford and the 4-0 win at Anfield. But the main link between the two matches is the man who prepared the team for the two games. That’s your common denominator right there. There have been a good number of humiliating defeats between those two fixtures, and you can bet your bottom dollar there will be more this season.

I could write more, but I’ve had enough, and I suspect that goes for most of those reading this. There are still people who think Wenger can turn this around, but they are living in cloud cuckoo land, afraid of change. God alone knows why.

I’ll finish with some comms received after the game on Sunday.

Mike Preston: Arsene's playing post-senile total football. You play anyone you've got anywhere you fancy and then say you're not convinced by your central defence. Bizarre.

Adrian Wagenaar: No match report please – we all get the picture and most of us said 3 or 4 nil anyway. How about a nice tasteful headstone reading something like:
“Here lies the remains of Arsenal Football Club destroyed by greed, one man’s vanity and hubris and the most incompetent board that ever sat in the name of Arsenal in its 131 year history”
A resignation tonight would be a release for all of us.

Geoffrey Silman: The only sell out at the Emirates in the next few weeks will be the AGM.

Mike Preston: If anyone had any doubt, this Emperor has no clothes. The whole situation stretches credulity beyond any intelligible point. There's only one transfer we need before Thursday and that's of the manager.

Charlie Ashmore: I see you are taking an extra day to post your editorial. Is that to give you time to calm down?? I think you have said you are past angry before but f*** me if any Arsenal fan wasn't angry after that then it is difficult to see what would prompt anger.
Basic rule - play your best players in their best positions. Ox wants to leave so why the f*** are we accommodating him in a position he doesn't even want to play in???? It means weakening both wing back positions. Why play Xhaka when he has cost us a goal in every game so far with his casual passing and inability to retrieve the ball? Why play Ramsey and Ozil in the same team? They are different versions of the same player. Why drop our record signing who looks like he knows how to score goals? (I appreciate in saying that the player to give way would have been the one player who almost looked liked he gave a f*** - that the player in question is a Manc through and through is embarrassing.)
Liverpool could have had eight and part of me wishes they had got them.

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  1. MarkJRyan

    Aug 30, 2017, 18:18 #103616

    It's gone way past funny now, it's quite sad. Wenger will probably leave us in a worse league position than when he found us and a board incapable of competing financially, not investing to accumulate. The club stinks the place out starting right at the top and Wenger now erodes underlying talent rather than nurturing it. We have got a long way to go down and I fear this will need a fan revolt which I understand no-one wants to see but the board will not change whilst the fans keep attending harmoniously.

  2. mbg

    Aug 30, 2017, 14:25 #103600

    Good to see the graffiti, now that's what you call bad publicity and will it TOF's ego and the old farts will hate to see it, real bad publicity and bad for business, you were lucky to get a photo of it before it was cleaned off and air brushed out of history, no bumbling or dithering there. wenger out.

  3. peter wain

    Aug 30, 2017, 11:21 #103593

    I go back to the late fifties and I have never seen a capitulation like Sunday. It started with the team selection and continued in both halves. Wenger is a complete joke if he thinks a free transfer well over weight and a French striker will cover the cracks.

  4. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Aug 30, 2017, 9:50 #103590

    Peter Wain : I think I have seen a worst performance - Stoke away 2008 (when I last watch a live PL game involving Arsenal) The Stoke game they were frightened of being hurt, they were cowards, on Sunday they just did n't give a f*ck! I stopped going 7 years ago, yet it has not made one iota of difference to the running of Arsenal. More and more I believe that AW is deliberately destroying our club so that when he is gone the "careful what you wish for brigade" can tell him how wonderful he was. I actually think he has a bit of a "bunny boiler" mentality and coupled with this knowing smirk he has turned us into a laughing stock. Martin Samuel wrote a few months back that "Wenger really thinks he is the smartest guy in the room" (sic) sad thing for those who want change is that our useless board also think the same.

  5. peter wain

    Aug 30, 2017, 8:30 #103589

    that was the worst performance of any premier side I have ever seen. The team selection was unfathomable the tactics a shambles and the attitude of the players beggars belief. What is clear is that come what may both Sanchez and Ox have to be sold this week as keeping them is not an option. The lack of commitment from the team was unforgivable and whilst it is impossible to sell them all now I would expect them all to be gone within two years. The whole club is being managed badly from the owner down to all of the coaches which judging on results are not doing their job. A new owner board manager and coaches is something which must happen in the next two years if we are to rebuild and wipe Sunday's performance from our memory.

  6. markymark

    Aug 30, 2017, 8:21 #103588

    ToOaW - were there enough contributors on this thread for you? I know you think the site is dying. Then again pop along to Untold and surprise surprise about 70% of the respondents want him gone as well. I note no one has come on this site to defend him. Therefore over to you.

  7. John F

    Aug 30, 2017, 8:04 #103587

    I agree Siddy I have witnessed some poor games but that really was the worst performance from an Arsenal side I have ever seen,even the mid seventies/eighties side would have played better then that.

  8. Cheltenham Gunner

    Aug 30, 2017, 6:10 #103586

    More defeats heap more pressure on Wenger and if we continue to play like that they will come very quickly. I used to love the man, but can't bear the sight of him now.

  9. Moscowgooner

    Aug 30, 2017, 6:02 #103585

    What's this all about? Dismantling our central defence three games into the season??

  10. Siddy

    Aug 30, 2017, 3:02 #103584

    Further point on Vieira...he was shown the door because he stood up to Wenger a few times. With the benefit of hindsight, an indication of what was to come...the despot.

  11. Siddy

    Aug 30, 2017, 1:37 #103583

    I have been watching loads of anti-Wenger rants online in the last few days. But one thing I dug up (but stupidly didn't bookmark) was him talking at some sort of event. He was sitting next to Les Ferdinand. The amazing thing was that, unless I am going mad, he admitted that he hadn't decided whether to stay on at the end of last season when he had said that he had made up his mind at the time but refused to say. I think it was Gary Lineker (or someone off camera who sounded like him) probing W***er further. The truly sad bit is that AW seemed quite proud of tickling everyone with this revelation. THAT smirk was in evidence, like he was among friends at a private dinner party. They must have been thinking that he is a prat. I actually think the guy is delusional. It is sad. Arsenal has always been such a classy club, this is not The Arsenal anymore. I wish I could just switch off from caring but I can't. I actually think the 4-0 is the worst performance I've ever seen by any Arsenal side, even including shockers against vastly inferior opposition. Just so spineless, players played out of position, tactical ineptitude, a total lack of professional pride. I actually can't blame the players. I don't think any one of them can be judged until they are being properly coached. Personally, I'd like Vieira. Pundits are always talking about the team being a reflection of the manager. Vieira is the antidote to W***er.

  12. John F

    Aug 29, 2017, 23:13 #103581

    Great article keV I thought I was over getting upset over Arsenal but the Liverpool game was so bad it all came back. Got to love these transfer rumours the latest is that Wengers offer to Southampton for Van Dyke in exchange for Wally was rejected.The saints want 50mil + Wally in exchange for a DVD of Mary Poppins,Arsenal are considering.Or a caller on the radio claimed that if sterling signs as part of the Sanchez deal Wenger is looking to add snow white as a coach as we will have seven aimless Dwarfs on the team needing direction.

  13. mbg

    Aug 29, 2017, 22:35 #103580

    Tony Evans, nice one, i'm glad you mentioned/included so called fans, they're as much to blame for all this, (they know who they are) and they'll not come out of all this smelling of roses and they/that won't be forgotten either, especially all the die hard wengerites like the perrys etc, even those who have just recently took their head out of the sand and realised, they've kept TOF at the helm and in a job for the last five, six years also, when others realised and were seeing, and speaking out, and sticking to their guns and wanted him out way back then. Maybe they'll all piss off with him. We want wenger out.

  14. 1971 Gooner

    Aug 29, 2017, 21:18 #103579

    Nice one re: Xhaka Cornish - however, I believe Philippe Senderos came a close second with Swiss Toni from The Fast Show just beaten into third ;-)

  15. mbg

    Aug 29, 2017, 20:05 #103578

    Good to see Wrighty telling it like it is, that hasn't gone down well at AKB central i bet, powerfull stuff, and it certainly won't have gone down well with the wenger luvvies or gone unnoticed by TOF himself, so that's him out of the frame for a job/position even if he does straddle the fence again after a few regulation wins. wenger out.

  16. TonyEvans

    Aug 29, 2017, 20:04 #103577

    Nothing left to say - just very very sad that Wenger has been allowed to drag our beloved club into a comedic, shambolic gutter. The board and some of our so called fans should be hanging their heads in shame.


    Aug 29, 2017, 19:44 #103576

    Hey, things aren't that bad are they? 2 reasons to be cheerful from today's news - Zakha is declared Swiss Footballer of the year. Secondly OGL's pay packet looks very reasonable measured against major PLCs where the CEOs can earn hundreds of times more than their staff. Arthur on £8 mill plus is very cleverly paying his tippy tappers so much that the disparity is in single figures only. What a guy! Excellent article Kev.

  18. Bob Bayliss

    Aug 29, 2017, 19:32 #103575

    When he steps down, under whatever circumstances, I don't want to hear a single word about what he did for the Club or how much we should respect his achievements. Whatever happens now, it is goodbye and good riddance to this arrogant, self-centred, greedy man with zero self-awareness.

  19. 1971 Gooner

    Aug 29, 2017, 18:57 #103573

    I think the problem is this: even if we can persuade decent players to join us in this window (money talks with footballers whatever the shambles on the pitch may be), once Wenger has coached them for a few weeks they are bound to go backwards. It really is bloody depressing. He may be in his mid-70s by now but I'm almost thinking dear old Terry Neill couldn't do any worse.

  20. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 29, 2017, 18:28 #103572

    The Writing was Already on the Wall when I gave up my season ticket five years ago. Four years ago I gave up buying merchandise. Three years ago I refused to renew my three silver memberships. I have given nothing to Arsene FC since. What have YOU done to help rid us of the Wenger curse? If you feed the beast money he will continue to grow. The only thing to do is to scream your contempt at it and then slowly starve it to death. Go to the Bournemouth game, abuse WENGER for 90 minutes and then just stop going until he leaves. It's the only way! KROENKE OUT! GAZIDIS OUT! WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  21. Petergooner

    Aug 29, 2017, 18:08 #103571

    I saw the game, if you can call it that and my major concern now is I hope there will be a football game against Bournemouth and not a "boxing match or matches" in the stands when the "Wenger stay fans" and the "Wenger out fans" "talk to each other" before, during and after "the game". My major worry about this is that fans will be taken to the cells and also to hospital on stretchers because of "actions carried out". I hope but I am sure they do not, the Board, Wenger and even Stan K read this or thousands of other fans "worries" about what could happen next home game and what they have done to our club and where they are taking this wonderful club. To end, it is something when Thiery Henry states that "during the match he turned away and could not look" Please Thiery, Denis B, Patrick V come back and help us get our club back

  22. KC38

    Aug 29, 2017, 17:58 #103570

    I hope Wenger does not spend one English pound, it will be a waste, does not matter what players start, they have no discipline, set up, idea or direction. The dressing room is gone, the players are not doing the basics because there is no one to answer to, the Xhaka back heel sums everything up about life under Wenger.

  23. KC38

    Aug 29, 2017, 17:22 #103569

    Great article Kev, your posts are a good read constructive without bile. It's beyond all logic this man keeps churning out the same game plan that has failed over and over again, hence no one can explain. As a ST holder I have been very selective about which games to attend over the last 18 months after Sunday that's it I'm not going to attend until Wenger has gone. I would chuck it in but I'm an Arsenal fan that does not want to lose my ST and lives in hope that there is a better future. It's sad that Wenger and the board have sucked the passion out of me, I have to admit that wanting to lose games may be required in the hope that the pressure becomes to much for our arrogant dictator. We have become a laughing stock and the only way not to get in a rage is to laugh as well. Wenger has turned us in into a predictable comedy club.

  24. Bard

    Aug 29, 2017, 16:44 #103568

    The transfer window is looking even more of a debacle than usual and thats saying something. I dont think there can be much debate about the fact that the club are in a terrible mess. Every day looks slightly more dysfunctional than the last. As fans we have to vote with our feet to make a difference. My view is that things are at tipping point. A half empty Emirates this early in the campaign will force a change.

  25. MAF

    Aug 29, 2017, 16:01 #103566

    to save the Club and turn it around we must all demand wenger out now. a new Manager would absolutely love this challenge i am convinced of that. the only worry i have is our owner.. i think we got the wrong one and i think Managers out there are now going to be weary of that seeing how this owner allowed Wenger to do what he iiked for so long

  26. mbg

    Aug 29, 2017, 15:02 #103565

    Gaz, good post, yeah just listen to them, we need this midfielder, this defender, that midfielder, etc, etc, three, four more players as if that's going to make any difference, no mention of wenger at all, what idiots, they haven't a f*****g clue, and you'll be offending no one with what you say only the halfwits who have the manager and his interests at heart ( and who gives a fook about them)and not the clubs. We want wenger out now.

  27. Roy

    Aug 29, 2017, 14:55 #103564

    This whole situation is utterly farcical, and thanks Kev for summing up exactly how it is rather than concentrating on the game itself which would have been pointless. If it were up to me, AW would have been sacked this morning, closely followed by Gazidis for what is surely one of the biggest untruths ever stated by someone in a position of responsibility in a sporting 'enterprise' ( see what I did,there ! ). How bad it will actually get before change comes is a sobering though indeed. I mean, when the players send out a message and you still don't pick up on it, what chance have you got ? I wonder when the Chairman left early at Palace, did he leave Kroenke in no doubt that AW's contract shouldn't be renewed ? Or did he just calm down after a couple of G&T's ? So, we've got an owner who doesn't care as long as the balance sheet stacks up. We've got a board who are sh*t scared of him and who don't seem to have a pair between them in case he terminates their cosy little number. We've got a dishonest CE who thinks nothing of mugging the fans over. And we've got an outdated Manager who......well, best not go there as it's been laid bare for all to see. Oh, and we're also a standing joke on social media ! Please walk away Arsene. You have lost the dressing room and you need saving from yourself. I won't be watching another kick live until you do.

  28. proudtosaythatname

    Aug 29, 2017, 14:21 #103563

    It is some considerable time since I last logged in and the driving force this time was to change my now wholly inappropriate user name. Sunday's debacle was particularly depressing for all the reasons Kev cites and it's even quite sad. Whilst many opposing fans may wallow in our problems I do get the feeling that a proportion feel quite sorry for us. There is little glory in beating this shambolic Arsenal 'team'. I have never left a game early but on Sunday I could understand how fans can walk out. At times watching this crowd of lost sheep was so depressing that I considered turning off, but I must be something of a masochist to have continued to the bitter end. As seemingly Wenger is immune to the sack, to salvage any honour he needs to resign immediately; but as Henry Winter put it today, there are 8 million reasons why he won't. It's really sad to watch.

  29. mbg

    Aug 29, 2017, 14:10 #103562

    The chickens have come home to roost alright, but we all knew they would (well not all maybe, there were/are those village half wits who think/thought it's going to be different, tee hee, it's not right laughing LOL,) but not even as soon, LOL, and it's going to get even worse, more chickens are arriving at the coup every day and the more the merrier, cluck cluck, wenger out now.

  30. aero192

    Aug 29, 2017, 13:53 #103560

    The only way forward is a boycott, I'm keeping my silver card for the future but until that lunatic leaves the club I won't be spending one more penny with the club, attending any more games and I get the impression many others share my feelings. Change needed now or heaven only knows what happens next.

  31. Moscowgooner

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:58 #103559

    I think Wenger needs to get down to Waterstone's and buy a couple of books by Taleb - randomness theory etc. The core argument being that the 'lucky fool' can, with a moderate degree of competence in his field, achieve a lot of success in the short term but falls over badly in the longer term as randomness (or luck) evens out. Think Wenger versus SAF.

  32. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:58 #103558

    A fine analytical piece Kev, if Wenger remains I can see with this level of player disinterest and his rejection of basic coaching standards, Arsenal shipping 10 goals in a PL game. I also believe that Wenger's "Mr Bean" approach to football in general, will, if he is not completely removed from the club and all traces of his coaching programme (that I'd like to read) taken with him, see Arsenal do an Aston Villa. I base this on what I perceive as AW priorities, the first being he has to recoup 100 million from transfers and loss of Champions League money. I think he has promised this to SK as part of his plea to give himself two more years. This is also a chance for him remove all current dissenters, Mustafi for a good example. Then I think Wenger will draft in academy players, who although not ready, will be given an easier time by the crowd, a sort of "project youth" MK2. There are some good coaches in the PL and more clubs can afford better players, relegation is possible, after all it nearly happened to the 71 double team, so anything is possible.

  33. SilverGooner

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:56 #103557

    Totally agree Kev. How can anyone - even those of us that have not worked half a day in football - be remotely surprised at the way the season has gone so far. Same manager, same tactics (or lack of thereof), same coaching staff, same defensive frailties and the same comfort zone for the staff and players. Absolutely nothing is going to change. As if it couldn't get any worse, now we have Inspector Clueless' ridiculous team selections!! So glad I didn't renew my club membership. The club are not having a penny of my money until the utterly inept Wenger is shown the door.

  34. markymark

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:42 #103556

    A genuine question . Does anybody on this site actually support the continuation of Arsene Wengers contract till it's natural termination?

  35. Time for change

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:40 #103555

    Comedy banter club. Wenger out now.

  36. MAF

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:23 #103554

    key Players no longer trust to wenger. hes been wrong so often. ox alexis ozil all fed up with him just wont say it. hes lost the Dressing room but no one will say it. ist all going to get worse before it gets better

  37. Ham

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:22 #103553

    "He’s an arrogant, stubborn man with zero humility and an excess of hubris, which is why I love watching him squirming post match (completely refusing to acknowledge any personal responsibility) after each successive defeat." You've summed it all up with this one line Kevin, spot on. We are in the end game but unfortunately it looks like it could drag on for some time. RobG you had me laughing with that!

  38. Gaz

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:14 #103552

    And yet I still see and hear loads of fans talking about new signings as if they'll make all the difference! They're as mad as Graham Perry if they really cant see that no amount of new signings will compensate for Wengers rank bad managing. I hope we continue losing until Wenger walks and I'm sorry if that offends some of you out there.

  39. Paulo75

    Aug 29, 2017, 12:12 #103551

    As usual, in the midst of crisis, absolutely zero comment or direction offered from the powers that be - however pathetic that would be.

  40. RobG

    Aug 29, 2017, 11:51 #103548

    That Gazedis quote at the end ! Wow !! I mean WOW 😳😳😳.