Arsenal Event Safety and Security Manager – Take A Bow

Online Ed – Off field shambles versus Cologne reminiscent of latter day Wenger defence

Arsenal Event Safety and Security Manager – Take A Bow

We know that on the playing side at Arsenal, there is zero accountability for underperformance. So on that basis, and assuming this comfort zone complacency exists throughout the club, I fully expect Arsenal’s “event safety and security manager” Sharon Cicco (according to this page) to be hauled up in front of the CEO this morning and promptly given a pay rise.

It wasn’t exactly a big secret that Cologne would be travelling with 20,000 supporters to last night’s game. And yet, in conversation with one of the police officers working on the concourse, the club only paid for six policemen to work on Arsenal’s territory (where the public highway becomes Arsenal property) last night. The plan was that the stewards would be able to handle 20,000 German visitors, the majority of whom had been drinking all day.

Now, the positive about the Cologne fans is that, as far as I could see, they were not blatantly aggressive towards Arsenal supporters. Certainly they colonized the Clock End upper and lower tiers and club level. There may have been some arguments over seats from those who found a Cologne fan in their allocated one, but hell, there were thousands of others elsewhere in the stadium to choose from. I estimate the actual attendance last night was around the 40,000 mark at best, with at least 10,000 Cologne fans.

However, the stewards at the away supporters turnstiles had a far less positive experience, as, once a decent number of fans had been admitted, apparently they forced an emergency exit open, and it was rushed by ticketless fans. Stewards were physically assaulted as chaos reigned. I fully expect that both Arsenal and Cologne will be sanctioned by UEFA after last night. Arsenal for their inadequate preparations – there should have been heavily manned and barriered ticket checkpoints on both bridges on the east side, and the two sets of steps and ramps on the west side. This is what happens at major international tournaments and UEFA club finals and it prevents the kind of scenes witnessed last night.

There were so many Cologne fans gathered who could not get access that the police, when it was decided that the officers patrolling the streets near the ground would be required at the stadium itself, had to stop people entering the area near the turnstiles from the two bridges. Some fans, seeing the chaos and hearing about the hour delay, turned round and went home. Many decided to leave at half-time due to a combination of not wanting to be stranded in London, intimidation felt by the sheers number of German fans in the home sections and for a few, the sheer poverty of Arsenal’s first half display. A steward that received a complaint by one half time departee - unhappy at being surrounded by away supporters in a home stand - advised that the disgruntled member should write to the club in the morning and that a refund would be issued for the price of their ticket.

Here’s a bit of a tip for the club. Cologne fans are like kittens compared to those that follow Red Star Belgrade. Just a heads up for Ms Cicco there.

So let’s get onto the game itself. A tale of two halves. A 3-4-3 with Maitland Niles at left wing back (eh?) converted to a 4-2-1-3 at the interval with Holding making way for Kolasinac, who made a huge impact. Maitland-Niles was played in a more familiar position for the second half and the team performed far better.

It seemed, with the starting line-up, a case of the manager deciding he wanted to field certain players and it didn’t much matter if they were out of position. Iwobi as an in the hole Ozil style attacking midfielder I can see, but is he really a player that has the discipline for one of the deeper spots? It seemed to me that the manager was underestimating the opposition. Sanchez became very frustrated with Maitland-Niles, but I am glad the kid was not hauled off, as he can’t be blamed for being unable to play the position. Mind you, what does it say about Jack Wilshere’s prospects that both Elneny and Iwobi were selected ahead of him? At least he got some game time later on.

Arsenal conceded a poor goal in the first half when Ospina failed to clear the ball sufficiently to avoid being caught off his line when it was returned with interest from the midfield. Worse still, the players seemed uncommitted, partially I suspect because of the unfamiliarity of the line-up and the lack of ability to put together any meaningful moves. The midfield was awful, and then you throw in a self-imposed handicap like Theo Walcott and you are asking for trouble. Youngster Reiss Nelson will create more danger than Theo, but the man with the espresso machine is like the unwanted guest you just can’t seem to get rid of.

I remember Ivan Gazidis telling supporters that he would be looking at the players and salaries with lazer sharp focus soon after he arrived in 2009. Then again, Ivan’s spouted a lot of bollocks since. One thing’s certain. No mug is going to pay Theo anything like the wages he is getting unless some Chinese club decides they want him. His current contract runs out in 2019. I wonder what kind of crowd he’d get for his testimonial.

I digress. The second half saw the kind of response those that did remain were looking for, with two cracking finishes from Kolasinac and Sanchez, and a third from Bellerin after Theo had failed to beat the keeper. In all honesty, even if Arsenal had conspired to lose this game, the paucity of the other opposition in the group means they would probably have qualified anyway, but going into Sunday’s game, the win will do no harm, contrasted with the predictable outcry that greets any Arsenal defeat these days.

We wait to see what will happen on Sunday before the game. Will Wenger go with three at the back or change to the formation we saw in the second half last night? Will Sanchez start? If he does go to a four, who will make way, Monreal or Kolasinac? As for what happens after the kick off, the team will be playing with a midfield of Xhaka and Ramsey (and Chelsea will not be in party mode, unlike last May). I am going to think about doing an accumulator on Sunday, and I’m afraid a home Chelsea win will probably be on it…

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  1. Alsace

    Sep 18, 2017, 20:12 #104055

    You make excellent points. There are always excellent reasons why nothing can be done until blood is spilled. As soon as a big enough disaster ensues, suddenly passports can be checked, people can be put back on planes, and tickets can be restricted. It's all a matter of time and pressure. The smart thing is to do this before the injuries are inflicted. I don't care if AFC did commit a massive boob by not allowing Cologne more tickets. 2500 were issued and that's how many should have come. £5000 fines and a Monday morning trip to Highbury Magistrates Court would soon amend behaviour. This freedom of movement to steal and cheat and lie and intimidate b&llo(£& has a finite life, thank goodness.

  2. The Man From UNCLE

    Sep 18, 2017, 8:23 #104026

    I hope AFC have arrangements for Wednesday. Otherwise they'll be overrun by the hordes of Doncaster fans coming down.

  3. mbg

    Sep 18, 2017, 1:30 #104025

    paulward, a corner turned or another false dawn ? (what do you think) I can't believe your even asking that, or anyone would, where have you been living and who have you been watching for the last thirteen false dawns under wenger. wenger out.

  4. Paulward

    Sep 17, 2017, 19:30 #104024

    That was much better, and didn't seem to miss Sanchez or Ozil very much. A corner turned or another false dawn? Time will tell I suppose, but today showed that we are capable of keeping things tight at the back when the set up and attitude is right.

  5. TerryNeil´s RW Army

    Sep 17, 2017, 19:21 #104023

    Only saw it on the TV, but let's just celebrate the fact that for once there was a decent atmosphere at the stadium. Can we have 20,000 Cologne fans at every match please?

  6. mbg

    Sep 17, 2017, 18:17 #104022

    A leetle beet tired and jaded because of the disruption on Thursday night, if it wasn't because of that we'd have won 4-0. wenger out.

  7. markymark

    Sep 17, 2017, 16:48 #104021

    Alsace - I may be wrong but if Arsenal try and ban away supporters we will probably be thrown out of the competition as there is a requirement for away seating and it's UEFA who would be in control of banning orders. The planes heading into Luton are full each flight of people travelling from the countries we are playing.You'd have an international incident on your hands. The Government are also not going to run additional checks on our behalf nor are the Met going to break 60 years or so of right of passage by checking a passport ( the right to check ID cards was lost at a court case in 1950 I believe )Next issue is London is home to multiple 1000's of foreign residents perfectly entitled to live here. A fair few may follow Arsenal in London and say Red Star Belgrade or other . They are actually here to pick up the tickets . Due to these unique circumstances not shared really by any other city in Europe ? (Possibly Turks in Germany similar) Arsenal need a rethink . 10,000 tickets to Cologne might have chilled out a lot of the issues. I also was at the last England v Pojland match and they had way over their allocation as well.

  8. mbg

    Sep 17, 2017, 15:45 #104020

    Alsace, typical isn't it, wenger is certainly running the show, blame everybody else, it's always somebody else's fault, typical wenger speak. We want wenger out.

  9. Alsace

    Sep 17, 2017, 14:28 #104019

    Well its actually the fault of 17500 lovely citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany who arrived without a ticket and uninvited. They acquired tickets through possibly the club but certainly through third parties. Some of them forced their way in. Of course Arsenal didn't protect us but they could arguably have been surprised. There will however be no second chances. I have always wanted to see Red Star Belgrade but im not confident of AFC's ability to crack this very obvious and very dangerous problem. However, Gazidis isn't a moron. We know that because in the end he tried to get rid of the clown. He has operational control and he has the phone number of the cops. He should be gently reminded of the fate of the great and the bad of Sheffield who are now awaiting trial. This time, WE ARE NOT IN A CONSEQUENCE FREE ENVIRONMENT. I would ban the away fans from abroad completely and have passport checks well away from the ground and preferably at the airport until this is sorted out.

  10. markymark

    Sep 17, 2017, 13:32 #104018

    Alsace - Thanks for that additional info. So basically it's don't blame us , blame a yet to be identified Arsenal fan/fans. I suspect if it had really been horrific and a corporate manslaughter charge was being considered that very weak defence would have been shredded. Obviously blaming the fans seems to be a constant from CEO, Marketing Director, Manager . It's never their fault.

  11. Radfordkennedy

    Sep 17, 2017, 13:28 #104017

    Well here goes, just hoping were not torn to shreads and embarrassed again, but just in case I've taken 11/1 on a Chelsea 3-1

  12. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 17, 2017, 10:40 #104016

    Alsace - Interesting. Gazidis plus Gonnella multiplied by wenger equals a pack of the worst kind of corporate liars. A shower of sh*te. I'm hoping that their self satisfied smugness will disappear this lunchtime.

  13. Alsace

    Sep 17, 2017, 8:31 #104015

    There is a statement on the club website to the effect that they didn't let anyone buy tickets from Cologne after the draw was made. They blame touts and say that they have done their best to control touts. Have they really? We know that they have attacked perfectly innocent season ticket holders sharing tickets with friends. Have they however really gone after a tout, found his house and bank accounts, sued him for whatever they can drum up, get a freezing order over his assets, prosecute the case and wipe him out pour encourager les autres? I doubt it. Market traders in Gillespie Road are more their sort of target. If they are right then touting has taken on a security aspect and there is now a public order reason to stop their activities. Whilst there is every reason to stop touting I suspect, as others do, that the ticketing system is now so driven by the need to fill a stadium emptied of normal fans by Wengers boring and inevitably defeated team, that the unintended consequences cannot now easily be prevented. Two other things. We have yet to see what effect Thursday's fiasco will have on gates. Lastly, let's get shot of the creature and fill the stadium with Arsenal fans. That is part of the solution. Something's rotten and we know what.

  14. mbg

    Sep 17, 2017, 0:57 #104014

    markymark, club caught flat footed and didn't adapt to the situation, who does that remind you off ? and messed up ? It has his finger prints all over it. wenger out now.

  15. Scruff

    Sep 16, 2017, 19:37 #104013

    Harry the twitch? Perhaps,in English, you could kindly explain the relevance to the topic. I very much doubt a fool such as you can. Go back up the road silly man.

  16. markymark

    Sep 16, 2017, 19:13 #104012

    Alsace - I get what your saying , it's an interesting problem caused by having 40k season tickets holders but probably a demand of 35k home supporters for the actual match. Much like when you invite 100 people for a wedding knowing 85 will turn up. Suggests that they need to accept the comments coming from the away teams. If they think 15k are coming over then severely limit red and silver sales anf then extend out to 10/15k away tickets . The atmospheres will be great and it can be policed properly . I agree with you that Ken Friar back in the day could organise this via telephone. These days you feel they couldn't organise a whelk stall.

  17. TOOAW

    Sep 16, 2017, 19:11 #104011

    Poor old Harry the twitch. Loves to lose. Very similar to the mouthy one on here over the last few days.

  18. Alsace

    Sep 16, 2017, 17:34 #104010

    Markymark. You make excellent points about how it could have been handled, but the fact is that the club only wanted to sell 2500 tickets to the away end. So what if the herrenvolk had sent 30,000 supporters. Should AFC turf season ticket holders out so that they can all be accommodated? It's about control of our own borders and facilities. Arsenal the club are a disgrace especially if it is true that they were allowing large numbers of cologne ticket purchases on red membership. The club will not learn from this and there will be trouble. Hopefully no one will get killed or seriously injured. This would never have been allowed to happen at Highbury under K.J. Friar. Kroenke's humiliation of the Board over Wenger reveals a very weak corporate governance. This will blow up in their faces and the F.A., god help us, will have to intervene. In the meantime we have to ask the question, is it safe to go to Arsenal?

  19. markymark

    Sep 16, 2017, 16:13 #104009

    ToOaW - if Newcastle could come back from 4 nil down against the mighty Wengo then surely Watford will manage the relatively simple 3 nil deficit against City? I know you don't like winning much so I guess you still keep your 2011 Classic handy for you and your AKB pals.

  20. markymark

    Sep 16, 2017, 15:21 #104008

    On the obvious basis that A club can only advise its supporters not travel, it can't stop them travelling. 1:) Cologne have said they informed Arsenal that a large number were likely to travel. 2:) Arsenal would have quickly gathered that demand was very low amongst home support. 3:) Arsenal could have simply offered additional blocks to Cologne. 4:) Arsenal were flat footed and did not adapt to the situation. 5:) Metropolitan Police should have spotted early on that a situation was gathering from noon onwards on that day. Based on all of the above have Cologne actually stated anything that was unfair or wrong? As mentioned previously if in the 70's we were able to organise complete handover of half our ground when the only communication method was phone . How comes with all the methods available now was it so messed up. Answer very poorly run club!

  21. mbg

    Sep 16, 2017, 15:00 #104007

    Alsace, it was only a matter of time wasn't it, after all we've lost the pitch on so many occasions. wenger out now.

  22. mbg

    Sep 16, 2017, 14:46 #104006

    There's no doubt this was another embarrassment for Arsenal wenger so It just goes to show what some of us have been saying for a long time, about the power of the media under the right circumstances, proper pressure, protests and noise from fans inside and outside the ground, especially inside sustained towards the weasel and wanting him out will work very embarrassing. wenger out.

  23. markymark

    Sep 16, 2017, 11:19 #104005

    Look let's be practical about this the draw of a night in London visiting a well known stadium is bigger for a European away team than a disgruntled Gooner. If 10/15 k supporters want to travel over than let them. The caveat will be with a ticket. So segregate it so 10-15k supporters can have a end. This was managed easily with Panathinkos at Wembley and also managed easily at the pre seating Highbury when the clockend would be reduced entrance to home supporters. Anybody remember Villa in 1980 when they were given the whole clockend? Passed off ok from memory. Just to add you can't go round pulling foreign visitors off planes on the off chance they're visiting the Emirates - that is crazy!

  24. Alsace

    Sep 16, 2017, 11:09 #104004

    What happened on Thursday is very serious from a number of angles.1) arsenal lost control of the stadium. You shouldn't be able to get in without a ticket. 2) we do not live in the 80's. We pay heavy prices to be safe. 3) as Kevin points out the Serbs will be licking the unopposed Thumbs at the prospect of doing this again. It is a Very dangerous situation. Koln should be immediately banned from European games for 10 years. See how funny they think it is then. Secondly any Serb getting off the plane at a UK airport on the home match day without a ticket should be put straight back on the plane. Again not funny for genuine business people and tourists but essential. The alternative to imposing strict ticket control is to invite carnage. Carnage will lead to numerous personal injury actions against the club, a fact that I will be pointing out to them when I write to them. Since they only care about money I would expect that to be effective. I am not amused and for those who are, you must have a screw loose.

  25. Moscowgooner

    Sep 16, 2017, 7:13 #104003

    Agree with others that the 'crowd trouble' was overstated by 70s or 80s standards, but it's still a humiliation to see our ground taken over by German supporters. And also that we are reliant on others to create atmosphere. The issue of atmosphere - or lack of it - has been a factor ever since we moved into the Emirates (in fact ever since Highbury went all seater) and the Club have done nothing whatsoever to address it. Why will people bother to shell out for overpriced tickets if this continues to be the case? I was attracted to football in the first place by the atmosphere in the North Bank - not by the pretty football of Peter Storey or Frank McLintock. Can't help thinking that our Club is dying on its feet and the Koln game was a significant watershed in that process.

  26. mbg

    Sep 16, 2017, 0:31 #104002

    RadfordKennedy, obviously wenger and Arsenal don't like it up im, but we knew that already from way way back. wenger out.

  27. mbg

    Sep 15, 2017, 22:27 #104001

    TOF has the perfect excuse now for an embarrassment on Sunday, the disruption, the delay, blah blah played a part, you can just see it now. wenger out.

  28. Cyril

    Sep 15, 2017, 22:05 #104000

    Chatting to an Everton ST holder last night. He pointed out that when Liverpool were winning everything they were really scouse cool with their soft accents, pointing out how great they are in a polite way. But since they haven't won the league in 1990, they don't treat their counterparts that well anymore. Interesting, we can all be really coooool when it's going our way. There are bitter towards each other now. 'Interestin tha' .. So if we had any fans in the stadium last night with a BACKBONE, how friendly would our German cousins really be. Arsenal, you sold us out again last night!!!!

  29. Radfordkennedy

    Sep 15, 2017, 21:46 #103999

    David 1....quite correct sir,even their banners were dirty off white slovenly efforts not like the clean crisp white ones like ours...seriously mate couldn't help read your post without the voice of Cpt Mainwaring in my head,did give me a chuckle

  30. David1

    Sep 15, 2017, 21:11 #103998

    RadfordKennedy - never underestimate those filthy Hun weasels fighting their dirty underhand war.

  31. mbg

    Sep 15, 2017, 21:00 #103997

    Going back to the coppers and dogs, at the end of the day it's what their trained to do I suppose, who gave them permission ordered them to be brought in ? deployed in the stadium ? like I said earlier the photos and footage I seen with them snarling seemed to be at gooners fans too, young gooners,(isn't the family enclosure young gooner section located in and around the bottom tier beside the clock end?) some even sitting reading programmes minding their own business before the game kicked off, imagine if one or more of those dogs had slipped their lead ? and jumped into the crowd ? it doesn't bear thinking about, yes as Arseneknewbest said Arsenal wenger and his regime got away with this by the skin of their teeth. wenger out.


    Sep 15, 2017, 19:52 #103996

    Ron ffs!!! You've been watching those Fawlty Towers re-runs haven't you? Clearly AFC must share responsibility for the farce. As to OGL, clearly a psychiatrist would have a field day analysing him. He seems unable to come to terms that AFC are now a second tier club in both Europe & the PL. So people care less about his "thoughts" & yet the constant stream of bollocks seems, if anything, to have increased. He just wants to be loved & admired. In his place @ £8 miil+ pa I'd rather be a grumpy old bastard & bugger off into the sunset. Nice to know that money doesn't save you from becoming a bit of a head case.

  33. Paulward

    Sep 15, 2017, 19:26 #103995

    Yesterday's line up confirmed my suspicion that we should have kept hold of Gibbs, we don't have much in reserve at wing back. As for the crowd "trouble" , those of us around Highbury in the early eighties would have wondered what all the fuss was about to be honest .Having said that it shows we can't organise off the pitch aswell as on.We look there for the taking on Sunday, especially if Hazard is back but of course we all live in hope and if we can stay in the game a bench of Giroud and Sanchez may nick us a result.Not getting my hopes up though.

  34. Radfordkennedy

    Sep 15, 2017, 19:14 #103994

    Assuming they didn't jump out of dorniers and drop onto Highbury fields,how in God's name can a body of men at divisional strength cross at least 2 national borders without someone being switched on enough to make a call.What happened to the football intelligence unit?,how can the communication between all parties concerned have been so poor,fair play to the stewards for standing their ground as well..I can only assume the club saw an opportunity to earn a few quid,and you can only imagine what those supporters from the land which makes the best beer in Europe thought of that lovely flat warm carlsberg

  35. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 15, 2017, 18:54 #103993

    In my view, the club got away with being held responsible for a major incident by the skin of its money-grubbing teeth. The warning signs were spelt out loud and clear. That the Cologne fans - masquerading as German gooners - were coming in numbers was apparently known to everyone but the club officials who probably thought that Stan-K would reward their enterprising spirit (i.e. naked greed) as they seld tickets to them. If they'd been less lazy and actually drawn up a plan to accommodate the evident and foreseen extra demand from our teutonic friends (and I mean that with no irony - there's no need for anti-German sentiment on here not least because it makes us sound like dad's army farage devotees), then honour would have been saved and we'd have looked progressive and like a club interested in serving demand (with the extra revenue to boot). I've been abroad with the Arsenal many times and it was no worse than some of the stuff we and other English clubs have engaged in when faced with an inability - real or imagined - to get into a ground. There's a good piece in the Grauniad today by a Cologne fan giving plausible reasons why they travelled in such numbers. 25 years out of Europe and 100,000 (yes 100,000!) members all keen to celebrate their recent improvement in fortune by having a party in London. Attention at the Ems will be turned to the next money spinning exercise, but the club really should be examining what went wrong last night and how they can mitigate it next time. No crisis planning, and no attempt to learn lessons, will cost the club dear if they sit on their cash stuffed hands again. Imagine too if Cologne had owned Arsenal in the second half as well as the first...I susoect there'd have been some serious incidents e.g. efffing and jeffing in the wine bars on upper street and tourists demanding thei money back. It's all a complete bag of sh*te, commensurate with a club that has lost its soul and its leadership - no wonder tooaw loves the emirates.

  36. mbg

    Sep 15, 2017, 18:05 #103992

    It showed photos and film of coppers with snarling Alsatians (German Shepherds lol) standing on their hind legs bouncing mad to get away inside and outside the ground, while Arsenal were telling us and reporting everything was under control, you couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  37. GoonerRon

    Sep 15, 2017, 17:02 #103991

    **** first half, very good second half. Interesting to see what formation we go with on Sunday, but we shouldn't go there with our pants full having beaten Conte's Chelsea 3 of the last 4 times. As for the off field stuff let's hope the club and police have learnt some lessons, although how we're supposed to be responsible for controlling 20,000 ticketless fans I don't know.

  38. John F

    Sep 15, 2017, 15:55 #103990

    My understanding of the German fans was that they were mostly good natured The only complaint I heard was a season ticket holder who found a towel on his seat.6FD

  39. Yes its Ron

    Sep 15, 2017, 15:37 #103988

    I think its unfair the Club are getting all of the stick for this. Its not AFCs fault that 20000 (allegedly), many drunken, yobbos turn up ticketless. Theres a good case for banning German clubs though maybe or even better a good case for paying for just one copper with a machine gun next time to mow the f--kers down and then abolish european football after that. Few would miss it and while theyre at it abolish internationals as well. AFC are maybe inept at many things but its not their job to cure society of brainless nutters who use football as a vehicle to vent their spleens. Lets kick Arsenal where its needed, but not on this issue.

  40. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Sep 15, 2017, 15:28 #103987

    Kev : Good piece but far too many sensible suggestions from you to ever get a job in the crowd control dept at the Emir*tes. Kev with your contacts can you try to get the Hancock's Half Hour episode called "The football pools" put up on the Online Gooner. Hancock needs a game to finish as a draw and he would get the 24 points needed for a jackpot (24 pts, showing my age here) So at half time he goes into the dressing room of the team who are 2 - 0 up making out the manager has sent him because he is a tactical genius, and is going to make a few changes. (I think Sid James way lays the real manager) Tony Hancock needs this team to concede 2 goals so he puts the nippy left winger (smallest player on the pitch) in goal, then puts the slowest player on the wing and all left footed players he plays on the right side and vica versa. Does this scenario remind you of anyone - those who still go to watch Arsenal witness this comedy every week. By the way, in the second half the team leading by 2-0 let in 9 goals.

  41. mbg

    Sep 15, 2017, 15:12 #103986

    Well here we are again as always talking about the Claustruf**k of wenger and his regime instead of the score (and quite rightly so) if it's not the Claustraf**k on the pitch it's the one off it, no doubt an AKB luvvie will say you can't blame wenger for this, really ? if it wasn't for his claustraf**ks, lack of know how, incompetence, humiliations and embarrasments on the pitch in the first place we wouldn't be here now, but we are, and well deserved it is, and long may it last as long as this old useless past it excuse for a manager is in charge. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  42. Mark Mywurdz

    Sep 15, 2017, 14:43 #103985

    Quite right Kev. Ainsley Maitland Niles on the left wing? You couldn't make it up. I felt sorry for the kid. A tidy little player, with some obvious talent, BUT not quick, no obvious left foot and can't cross the ball. When Wenger picks the team, what exactly goes through his mind? The turning point was bringing on the Serbian. Scored within 5 minutes and more importantly, got Sanchez playing. Why not start with him? He's hardly being overplayed, and by Wenger's own admission is as strong as an ox. We had the same thing at Liverpool. That's the most annoying thing about Wenger. He NEVER learns from his mistakes.

  43. John F

    Sep 15, 2017, 14:41 #103984

    If you think Red Star will be bad just wait until Bate Borisov hit town.The whole club is made up of Boris Johnson lookalikes.I wouldn't want to be around when a huge mob of blonde haired,overweight men come shuffling around the Emirates.The simple solution before the Cologne tie was to offer 15000 tickets instead of the 2900 tickets they got.According to a Cologne fan on radio 5 this morning 35000 applied for the tickets.Not sure how true that was but it was obvious there was a huge interest in the game from the Germans.As for Bate Boris Arsenal are laying on battle buses with 750,000 for the NHs written on the side.

  44. The Man From UNCLE

    Sep 15, 2017, 12:20 #103983

    A really enjoyable second half. Actually a good open flowing game with very few stoppages. A little early to say, but perhaps we've finally found our true level in Europe

  45. Ham

    Sep 15, 2017, 12:14 #103982

    Good piece Kevin, you have highlighted that the culture of incompetence permeates right through the Club, we had all known for some time that this was going to happen but absolutely nothing was done about it. As you say, it will be interesting when Red Star come calling. Wonder if any of the very vocal and aggressive AKBs who previously frequented this site will be there to greet them, or will they do their disappearing act like when Tottenham visit us.