Doncaster Game Is A Warning To Arsenal’s Board

Upper Tier will look very sparse this evening

Doncaster Game Is A Warning To Arsenal’s Board

Block 110 at 7am today (green dots = unsold seats)

League Cup matches at the Emirates have provided an opportunity for the non-membership holding general public to buy tickets for a first team Arsenal game, at very reasonable prices - £5 and £10 for kids (lower and upper tier respectively) and £10 and £20 for adults (lower and upper). The match is not on the season tickets of those in the upper and lower tiers (although it is for those in club level), so season ticket holders have to either buy their own seat or can choose another available one for variety.

And this is why, over time, the club have gradually seen a fall in attendances for the League Cup. Many who buy a season ticket these days treat is as an annual investment which gives them the option of attending Arsenal home matches as and when they feel like it. And many either give their seats to friends or leave them empty for a good number of matches – as can be seen at all but the highest profile fixtures from the many gaps in the stadium. So with this culture of pick and choose for games they have actually paid for, they are not about to go out of the way to buy a ticket for a 3rd Round League Cup game, however cheap it might be.

So instead of 12,000 seats to sell (assuming the away allocation is 3,000), suddenly the club have 48,000 seats to sell (57,000 minus the approx. 9,000 seats in club level and the hospitality boxes). With the take up by season ticket holders, silver and red members not making too much of a dent in that figure, the club get active on two fronts – marketing the game to non members – i.e. Joe Public – and giving away blocks of seats to schools.

They have done a fair job on tonight’s game for the lower tier. It will look fairly full except for the blocks where all the giveaway tickets are not used. The upper tier though is going to look very strange. The blocks on the halfway line have sold fairly well – people choosing the best possible seat from the website options and paying their £20. And at the front of some blocks, you can see that the club have given away tickets to schools. But many of the blocks will only have bodies in the first row or two. If you have a lower tier ticket, you can just stroll upstairs and pick your seat in most blocks. It will feel very eerie up there.

Significantly, it sends the message to the club that, slowly but surely, the appetite for watching Arsenal is in decline. The biting point will be when Premier League games do not sell out habtually (West Brom next Monday night is not as yet a sell out) and when the season ticket waiting list expires, and people can simply apply for a season ticket in the summer and get one. We are some way off that one at present, but if Arsenal have less and less meaningful matches – in terms of competing for big trophies and facing big European teams – the day will come. League Cup games, in the greater scheme of things, do not matter, but they are an indicator of the depth of interest / enthusiasm for the club.

This time next season, they will have lost a pair of marquee players, and a crowdpleaser (Jack Wilshere). Theo Walcott does not put bums on seats (as tonight will confirm). Alexandre Lacazette might do if he can propel his new club back into contention, but let’s face it, he was no superstar – unlike Ozil and Sanchez, when he arrived. He needs to become a modern day Thierry Henry, alongside the equivalents of Bergkamp, Vieira and Pires to lift the club again.

Take a look at the upper tiers this evening. This might just be the shape of things to come.

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  1. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 22, 2017, 17:42 #104142

    mbg. It really wouldn't surprise me. TOOAWful seems more of a Jamerson/Badarse hybrid though.

  2. mbg

    Sep 22, 2017, 17:28 #104141

    Cornish, or maybe he is pa pa Walton ,it wouldn't be the first time the idiot tried that. wenger out.

  3. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 22, 2017, 14:05 #104137

    Markymark. Yes I did accuse TOOAW of racism. I think AKB may have done too. But it doesn't make any difference if it's 2, 4-5 or 200 who accuse. It's still racism. Unless of course you are Badarse. TOOAW did post that his grandfather and father are both Irish. Strange, because he's always given me the impression, judging from the content of his posts, that he probably never had a father.

  4. markymark

    Sep 22, 2017, 11:33 #104134

    ToOoAW - err you keep on asking a circular question over and over and seem obsessed with where I go on Saturdays This Saturday - working I’m not sure what the rest you are on about. Anyway to repeat to you again as I did repeatedly some months back. Like many on here I hold Silver membership tickets x 2 and will be attending far more regularly when Wengo has been sacked, retired or dead. I have tended not to attend over the past 3 seasons. How difficult is that to understand ? To repeat again my role means I am not allowed to be involved in media profile activities that could be contentious . Therefore I cannot be seen on political marches / disputes etc. Because of the appalling management of Mr Wengo I decided to make an exception. Now please tell why are you racist towards the Irish?

  5. TOOAW

    Sep 22, 2017, 7:22 #104132

    @ mark of nark. Boycott... Attend... Invest... Protest ??? Not to hard or is it. Ducking out and giving it the swerve are you? The nerve has been hit and you are all 4 when it pleases you. Such a simple question.

  6. markymark

    Sep 22, 2017, 6:44 #104131

    ToOoAW - me , Arseneknewbest , I think Cornish or Exeter , MBG raised your Saturday night hic hic ! Tweets , there was another chap as well. It’s definitely 4-5 people (apologies Cornish if it wasn’t you ) Attaching thick to Paddy is offensive and goes down the rasict stereotyping along with the chalkie white style pisspoor humour prior to new wave comedy. You seem rather angry? Was it the mention of your desperate plea to discover the real Gin sodden you in some grot hole somewhere? Ps. Before you go shouting about others, you’re coming across a bit thick yourself.

  7. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 21, 2017, 22:39 #104130

    TOOAW. Do you enjoy sitting on Baddie's shoulder.

  8. TOOAW

    Sep 21, 2017, 22:11 #104129

    @ Mark of nark. So that's 2 persons not 4-5. I'll try to educate you as I am quite allowed an opinion. MBG is from Ireland and in my view he is as dull as dish water and extremely repetitive. IQ levels are lower than most. Thus my assumption of him is this. So what are you going to be this weekend?????? I'm happy to stand and fall by my own action. Are you?? Clearly not. Gooner??? My arse.

  9. markymark

    Sep 21, 2017, 22:00 #104128

    ToOaW - interesting that you are choosing to avoid mentioning your continual use of “thick Paddy” —> racist as noted by a number of observers. Myself and MBG spotted that you tended to use this on Saturday evenings no doubt when you were pissed up. If you’ve got a drink issue that could be the answer I suppose .

  10. TOOAW

    Sep 21, 2017, 21:56 #104127

    @ Mark of nark. Interesting that you feel the need to deflect my questions. Paddy, Irish, racism !!! Cyril actually apologised after my explanation. 4-5 people were ?????? Boycott?? Attend?? Invest?? Protest?? Which one this weekend?????? Yyaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn.

  11. markymark

    Sep 21, 2017, 20:51 #104125

    ToOaW - it’s actually 4-5 people have commented that you have been racist. So why were you racist against the Irish?

  12. TOOAW

    Sep 21, 2017, 20:33 #104124

    @ mark of nark. 1... Didn't. 2... Didn't need to and 3... Nope. How about Boycott? Attend? Invest? Protest?. Which one are you?. Not difficult is it.

  13. markymark

    Sep 21, 2017, 20:25 #104123

    Whenever I think of the Rev Brian Badarse I can’t help thinking about the similarity of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  14. mbg

    Sep 21, 2017, 17:53 #104120

    markymark, we must have won. LOL. wenger out.

  15. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 21, 2017, 14:39 #104119

    Baldarse. If you stand and fall by your own actions are you putting your head above the parapet or keeping your head below the parapet? 'A bunch of twits' = those who disagree with me.

  16. markymark

    Sep 21, 2017, 14:07 #104117

    Badarse is back!

  17. Badarse

    Sep 21, 2017, 12:45 #104116

    Oh Mark of Nark, methinks thou dost protest too much. 'Tis you and yon dastardly fellows like Ron who interpret incorrectly. 'Poking his head up above the parapet and getting shot at...', '...getting a trouncing...', by your good self you are undone, nay you betray yourself and act like a surly knave. Remember just saying something doesn't make it so. A bunch of twits shouting abuse and/or criticising an individual does not denote either bullets whizzing overhead meaning that target of abuse has to cower, nor that when he throws his arms up in the air in hopeless resignation of recognising the opposition are caught in a loop of their own making, (before catching them as they fall back to earth), has had a trouncing. I stand and fall by my own actions, as did westlower and seemingly TOOAW. I suggest you and your mobsters try it sometime, you may enjoy the liberation. Remember that one swallow doesn't make a gulp so insisting that I went off in a strop, or was trounced just means that you are now a candidate for 'The Online Gooner Virtual False-News Reporter of the Year'. Don't despair as there are quite a few contenders in this years short list, but I hesitate to say that you are in good company. Now sing along with me, 'How do you like your eggs in the morning? I like mine with a smile.'

  18. markymark

    Sep 21, 2017, 7:29 #104109

    ToOaW - no you’re right they are not trick questions just the same questions you constantly shout into cyber space every other day. Hence my suggestion it’s how you spend your life, right sock, left sock, pants , vest .etc etc. Among the very many reasons I wouldn’t go drink dating with a cyber loon is the real fear you ask the same questions in an endless loop till their was just you left with your half pint of lager. I’m not sure they even really need answering as I’ve answered so many times. Here are 3 for you. 1. Why are you racist against the Irish? 2. Why did you lie low when your “mate” Badarse got a trouncing? 3. Are you either the cyber reincarnation of Leek or Colesore?

  19. TOOAW

    Sep 21, 2017, 7:14 #104108

    @mark of nark. They're not trick questions but unfortunately for yourself, you're all 4 and there you are suggesting that the board are confused. You claim to boycott yet attend matches. You stand at the back of the protests for fear of losing your job yet you pump money into the club with merchandise and slippers. You really are a good advert for the Wobble, wobbly, Wobbers. What are you going to be for the next home match???

  20. markymark

    Sep 21, 2017, 0:40 #104107

    ToOaW - these rhetorical questions you keep asking yourself are fascinating. I can imagine first thing in the morning it’s left sock ? Right sock ? Put pants on first ? Toast with marmalade ? Or toast with marmite ? My God if that’s what your doing all day it must be an exhausting life !

  21. GoonerRon

    Sep 21, 2017, 0:07 #104106

    44,000 against a League One side in midweek feels like a really decent crowd to be honest - nearly double what the Spuds got at Wembley yesterday (who said there has been shift in the balance of power?!)

  22. Cyril

    Sep 20, 2017, 23:21 #104105

    In my old days, when we were Catholics, it was simple. We wanted to win everything. So the answer is, put it back to what we want you know. I might just come onside if you do!!!!

  23. TOOAW

    Sep 20, 2017, 22:58 #104104

    Is the world that mbg lives in, really a world or is it a prison cell. Repetitive or what. Still, each to their own. Yawn. Bald eggs in the morning fellas cos we won and it's Norwich up next (at home). Now how did that happen ???? Hot balls and cold balls.... that reminds me, where's that Mark of nark?

  24. mbg

    Sep 20, 2017, 22:10 #104103

    So another handy home draw to get TOF out of the shyte when he needs it, no complaints of conspiracies from the wengerites now i'll bet. wenger out.

  25. TOOAW

    Sep 20, 2017, 22:04 #104102

    @mark of nark. BOYCOTT ?? ATTEND ?? INVEST ?? PROTEST ?? Not too hard is it.... or is it ????? You've carried out all 4. What does that make you ?? As light meets day you'll bypass the questions as it doesn't sit within your cynical, fantasy views. Not to worry. A win is a win and that was without the superstar Ox.

  26. markymark

    Sep 20, 2017, 20:54 #104100

    We are half way to a very important victory against Sunny Donny’. The most intellectual contributor on the site TaoOw clearly states that Wenger is a genius . The small matter of £150m write off next season is simple a pyramid of piffle !

  27. mbg

    Sep 20, 2017, 18:33 #104099

    It's by no means a forgone collusion of course, but isn't it funny how these games come along at just the right time for TOF ? nice handy opposition in a comp that he detests but loves and takes it seriously when it takes the heat and pressure off him and gets him out of the shyte, (no conspiracy theories from the wengerites at the minute then) just like a single point has done at the weekend, as has/had some ejaculating they were that excited about it. There'll be no complaining from TOF and his conspiracy theorists when his little bully boys steam roll mighty Doncaster tonight. we want wenger out

  28. Paulward

    Sep 20, 2017, 18:10 #104098

    See your point Kevin, but suspect they'll be rather more in attendance than the 23,000 that turned up at Wembley last night!

  29. Cyril

    Sep 20, 2017, 18:00 #104097

    Bard: from previous post about the spine. Mustafi, Kalashnikov and Lacazette are not a bad start. I doubt he he will play the Serbian there Nd there is always the issue of the keeper. Cech can still do a job. There is a lot to be positive about. It's nowhere near perfect but if you get the defensive area as a collective then we can improve gradually. It has to start from the back. Wenger perhaps does it the wrong way around. I would rather lose 1 nil after being run ragged then lose 5 2. You can only learn from defensive discipline. You don't learn that much from bending it in the top corner. That's the icing. Wenger likes the icing. Mind you he has a problem keeping the cake on the plate if you listen to one of Parlour's stories about him. Funny!!!

  30. Cyril

    Sep 20, 2017, 16:07 #104096

    Clarky: I get that. I can't go a lot of times due to work. Rarely have I sold my tickets as much as I should. I never get around to it. Ron and all on here, you are welcome to my ticket on a freebie if I can't make it. As long as I get it back in time in the post. I think I am allowed to say this as I am not selling anything. Enjoy tonight night whoever goes. 5 1 . Think I will have a pint.

  31. clarky

    Sep 20, 2017, 15:03 #104095

    The only reason I still buy a season ticket is because I can sell the games I don't want to go to on the ticket exchange. However, you can't do that if the game doesn't sell out. So for the West Brom game on Monday that I dont want to go to I might not be able to sell my ticket. Once we get to that point I - and many other season ticket holders I am sure - will probably call it a day.